HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-02-05, Page 8SPECIALS
1 only Volmeewashing machine Reg. $7.50 for $6.00
1 only Motor High Speed washing machine
Reg, 13.50 for 10.75
1 only Vacuum;washing machine reg. 2,50 for 2.00
1 only high grade wringer " 4,50 for 3,95
1 only Royal coal range, reservoir
and high closet " 45.00 tor 39.00
1'only welcome National, reservoir
and high shelf 43.00 for 39.00
1 only Dorris range, reservoir and
high shelf " 28.00 for 23.50
Watch this space next week for;our special
Clinton •News-itecor•4
$18,9$20Adland $22.50
Ladies' Mantles
Everyone this season's new stock.
WOO and $10.00 Mantles $4.9.
a $5.00 to $7.50 " $2.95.
A few Furs left at manufacturing prices.
Men'sFine Shirts
We have a few dozen Men's fine shirts (some with
separate collars) which are slightly soiled.
Regular $1.00 and $1.25 choice,,for 65e.
Men's Hats at hall price.
Regular $2.50 for $1.25.
Also some wonderfullbargains in, clearing, lines
of:clothing and boots:and shoes.
F you want to wear
better shoes than
you ever did before,
without spending as
much motley as for-
merly, see the re-
markable values of-
fered at
Viola 7286—Skirt 7287
This Smart Surplice
Double Flare Tunic
Good Shoes for Everybody.
Don't failjo7call on
when looking for any-
thing in Furniture as we carry a complete and
up-to-date stock of all kinds, comprising many
beautiful and useful articles for the Xmas
trade which we are offering at most reason-
able prices.
h only one of the lovely advance styles
illustrated in the February Standard
Fashion Sheet.
Call at our Standard Pattern Depart.
great and get your copy , 4
W. 13. FAIR CO.
Often Cheapest — Always the Best
Mr, John Guest will spend the re-
mainder of the winter in Toronto.
Miss Jean Chidley went down to Tor-
onto Friday last to spend a ietv.
days with friends.
Miss Hattie Bartlett of Toronto is a
guest at the ho:ne of heir uncle,
Mr. W. H. Hellyar.
Mr. J. D. Atkinson has been suffering
from a very severe cold clueing the
past week, and has been confined to
the house for a part of the time.
Mr, Arthur Cook was in Marlette,
during the past week, hav-
ing been called there owing to the
death of his brother -in -10.w, the Tate
W. E, Graham
Messrs. N. W. Trowartha ,and Wesley
Marquis are addressing the Far-
mer's Club at Goderich on the sub -
of "Poilltry" "-at their fort,
nightly meeting this evening.
Mr. and Mrs, Joel McLeod, Guelph,
made a flying visit to Cl'aton
friends on Friday last while on
their way from Goderich -where
they attended the funeral of Miss
Vera M. Murray.
Mrs, J. C+. Chowen returned a week
ago from Hamilton, where she
spent a fortnight with frieeids. Slic
has quite recovered from the ef-
fects of an accident caused by, a
runaway while out driving while in
the city.
Mr. and Mrs, Von Rohl, parents of
Manager Von Rohl of the Piano
Company, returned Thursday last
from Philadelphia, Pa., whero they
were for several weeks and where
Mr. Von, Rohl underwent a serious
eye operation from which he has
• received much benefit.
Mr. Wilfrid Dickenson, formerly of
Clinton, succeeded in capturing the
"Mysterious Mr. Dollar" a man sent
out by the Brantford Daily Exposi-
tor one day last week., and secured
the prize of $10 offered for his cap-
ture, Wilfrid, by keeping his eyes
open, thus earned ten dollars easy
Miss Carrie Walter, trained' nursfi,
for some time a member oi the
hospital staff, leaves next week for
Redlands, Californ:a, where she
purposes remaining for S01110 time
with her sister who is a residnt
of that city. Miss Walter has lived
at Redlands but perstonally prefers
this northern zone. •
Mr. Ray Ford, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Ford, after a visit at the
parental home, and also in Toronto,
left yesterday to return to Fort
William where he has been engaged
at his trade of tailoring for the
past year or so. He noticed quite
a few changes about the old town
since he first went away.
Reeve Elliott of Stephen township,
while- on his way from attending
county council was the guest of
his cousin, Mr. Geo.. David on Fri-
day last. Stephen's reeve is a
membet of several of the import-
ant committees of the c. c., and on
business therewith will be in Clin-
ton a number of times in the cur-
rent twelve months.
Mr. W. H. Newcombe of Vancouver,
B. C., and Mr, J. W. Newcombe of
Fort William, Ont., sons of Rev.
Mr. Newcombe, arrived on Tuesday
after a bits'ness trip to Montreal
and Toronto an,d will spouta few
days, in the old town. The Messrs.
Newcombe ate energetic and pro-
gressive and their live -wire influence
is felt in the' busratess life of what-
ever community they locate. Their
many: friends in Clinton are' niuch
pleased to meet with them again.
Reeve Routley of 'Osborne, township
was in town Friday last, having
stopped over while on his way
home from county council to visit
his son, operator at the G.T. R,
frieght department. Mr. Routley
is a great tooter for Ushorne.
- "There is nothing better in the
province than our township. And
speaking of roads, every foot of
outs is' well gravelled. We haven't
an untravelled sideroad or blind line
within our boundaries, What we
need is better 'railway facilities."
Night and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 110 J. D. ATKINSON Phone 186,
The News -Record is
a news
el)ruilry 5th, I9I4,
attirday is the Last Da
Taking Sale.
of the Stock-
Saturday:night winda up the greatest stock -taking sale in our history, if you have not already taken advan-
tageof thermally savings in every department, don't fail to come at the wind up.
I1ISSES COATS at about half their value.
LADIES' COATS at slaughter prices.
LADIES' SUITS at cost and less.
LADIES' FURS at huge reductions.
Children's Bear
Skin Coats.
20 only children's cream.
red and tan bear skin coats,
all sizes, regular $2,506 $8.50.
Sale price t.50
Wool Astrachan °aunties
Three dozen black wool astrachan gauntlets close
curl, all sizes. regular 75e, 51.00 and 1 25.
Sale price .50 and .75
Children's:Sweater Coats,
In plain navy blue and plain red, sizes fitting ages
5, 0, 7, 80 and 10 years, all wool, regular 01.50.
Sale price .98
Separate Skirts.
Ladies' separate top skirts in black and navy
blue Panama, several up.to.date styles to choose from
all sizes, regular price 55.00. Sale price 3.75
'.7k dimwit/4 7-Crut
We have had great success at the
men's store during our stock -taking sale
with Men's Overcoats, we only have 10
coats left and these we want to clean out
Saturday if prices will do it, If you
need a new overcoat, come to thio .store
Saturday, it will pay you even if you
buy for next year. Space will not per-
mit a desdiption and alliwe can say/is
$1.'50 Stiff Fronted Shirts 79c.
Men's stiff fronted shirts in light and dark colors,
stripes. dots and checks, all sizes, regular 1.50.
Sale, price .79
Men's and Boys' Rubber Collars.
Saturday we put on sale men's and boys' rubber
collars, all sizes,.in high and low shapes, regular 25e
value for .05 each.
Personals. Blake
The Blake Women's Ingtitute held a
Genial John Ward of Brantford was successful meeting on January 27th,
fni town this -week.
Mrs. J. E. Cook was in Goderich Inc
a few days last week visiting
Mr. Harry Twitchell is agate able to
be out after' being somewhat indis-
posed Inc a week or so.
Mrs. A. W. Wilts° and Misses lla and
Zetta DaWden attended the funeral
of Mr. D. Kennedy in Goderich last
John Foster and her guest, Miss
Edith Tennant of Braccbridge,
visited Wingham friends for a few
clays the past week.
Will Johnson goes, to Mitchsll this
evening to referee a Northern Lea-
gue hockey match between that
town and Seaforth.
Messrs. J. Schoenhals and P. Can,
telon were in Exeter on Tuesday
attending the annual meeting nof the
South Huron L. 0. L.
Mr. Robt, Mason has been out this
week for the first time since the
beginning of the year, be having
been ill Inc several weeks,
Mrs. E. Hall, who went West a few
years ago, is now living with her
gon, Mt. Morley Hall, station a-
gent at East Prince Albert, Sask,
Mr. Fred. Foubister the energetic
leader Of the Kilty 13and, spent the
week -end at St. Thomas with his
family who he expects to move to
town shortly.
Mr. Harvey Reid, who has been teach-
ing at Baden, is now in a Berlin
hoNital, having undergone an oper-
ation for appendicitis. Hat vey's
Clinton friends, and they number
quite a few, he having attended Col-
legiate and Model school here, will
be pleased to learn that he is pro-
gressing favorably.
Prof. W. Glen Campbell of Aylmer,
formeily of Clinton, still keeps to
the front in passing his pupils at
the musical exams. The Express
in dealing with a recent exam,
said ; "This reflects great credit
upon Prof. Campbell whose work es
teacher and orgaAnst reaches a high
standard of proficiency,"
Mt. Geo. Washington has, returned
Nein Toronto, where he was obliged
to go on aecount Of ibltioSs.
Maraliall, who departed this life
Feb. 61h, 1015.
at the home of Mrs. A, T. Douglas.
The Government Delegate, Miss Jean
C. Smith, (who has had nursing ex-
perience in New York and has had
charge of a hospital in Japan) gave
a splendid address on medical and
Surgical Emergencies and on tuber-
culosis, its prevention and home
treatment, Instead of the usual
musical program Mrs. A, '1'. Douglas
gave some phonograph selections. Tea
was served by the members. The Ip-
stitute have recently donated $5 to
the Children's Hospital, Toronto, also
live dollars to the Gravenhurst San-
itarium. The next meeting will be
held at the hornet of Mrs. Sohn Keys
on Feb. 10th at 2 o'clock. Tho In.
stitute intend having an oyster sup-
per on Feb. 13th at the residence of
Mr. Harry Zapfe, Blake. There will
gb jeanalingeoosd literary and musical pro -
Hullett Township
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 5, Hallett, for month of Jan-
uary :
Sr. 11,11,—Flotenee Vodden, Mary
JaMiesont Jr. 10,—Matey 0100001
Fred, McCool. Sr. 3r6,—Frossie
Gibbings, Grace Vodden, Annie Wey-
mouth, Alice Voddca. Jr. Std,— Al-
bert Garbutt, Toni Appleby. Sr. Inc]
— Rose Gotha bit, Percy Gibbings, Hel-
mer Snell. Arthur Weymouth Jr. Inc]
(a)—Wellington MeCool, (b) Dora
Voddent Rosalie Crawford (absent),
Pt. 22-01, (a) ---Margaret Brown, Jenny
Gorbutt. (b) Harold Snell. Primer
—Edith Gorbutt. The, best spellers
during month are—Sr. 4th,—F. Vod-
den, Jr. 41,11,—M. McCool. Sr. 3rd,
- Gibbings, Jr, Gor-
butt, Sr. 2nd,—R, Gorbutt. Pt. Ind—
.J, Gorbutt.
B. hlacEwan, 'reacher.
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 7, Hallett, Inc the month of
January, the names in order of met-
, it: -
Sr. dth —Jessie McVittie George
Pollard. Jr. dth,-0 live McVittie,
Louie Herrington. Sr. 3rd—Mary San-
derson, Annie Pollard, Joseph Hog-
gart, -Qharles Effingham, Lillian Tam-
blyn. Sr. Incl,--Litura Beacom, Ro-
berta. Sanderson, "Jane McVittie, lst
—Harold Beacom. Pritner—Beryl Pol-
lard, Lavina Knox and Bert Beacom
(equal). No, on roll 10, ; Average
attendance b2.3.
—8. J. Mathers, Teacher:
More and more each day we miss
Friends may think the wound is
135,t they little know the sorrow
Which lies within our hearts con-
Peaceful be thY rest dear Father,
°Pis sweet to breathe thy name,
In life wo loved you dearly
In death we do the same-
-Mks. James Livermore, Clinton
The News From Londesboro
Mr. J. Reid, who recently returned Mr, R. Gibb's returned from Ayton
from the west, visited at Mr. James on Tuesday.
Campbell's vn Monday. On Sunday morning sacrament was.,
The Women's Institute hold administered to over one hundred
members of the Methodist church.
Nine new members were received in,
to full connection.
Miss B. Brogden of London is vis-
iting at her home here,
their annual pie social on Friday of
next week when the usual good pro-
gram and excellent suppqr will be
futnished, as is always the case when;
the W. I. undertake anything of the
Mr, J. 0. Lounsbery received a ear
of sugar this week.
Mrs. N. Murphey received word
Thursday of the death of her mother
Mrs. W. L. Oulinette, of Coleman, Al-
ta. Mrs. . Ouimette has not been
strong for some years and her health
bas lateely been the cause of much so-
licitude to the family, but her call
came very suddenly at the end. Mrs.
Otaimette was Inc years a resident of
Red Deer, where her husband was one
of the most esteemed of Red Deer's
general merchants. In his work at
Coleman, and in his public duties
as mayor there, Mrs. Ouimette was a
worthy helper, She was deservedly
and highly respected by' all who knew
her. She came from. Londesboro, Hu-
ron Co., Ontario, where she was born
and where she lived prior to corrins
to Red Deer, The children are Mrs,
OTsypliey and Mr, Chas, Ouimette, of
Coleman. Mr. and Mrs,- Murphey went
down Thursday evening to Coleman.—
Red Deer, (Alberta,) Advocate.
Miss Lily Yungblut has returned to
Goderich after a visit with her sister,
Mrs. J. Bonthron.
Mr. and Mrs. Milson have returned
from a visit with friends at Whalen
and Dotroit.
Mr. Beaver of near St. Joseph has
purchased R, Cudinote's residence now
.ocCupied by Mr. T. Farquhar.
Mrs. G. Brown has returned to Inc
home at Brantford after Spending—.
week with her mother, Mrs. Dr.
Mrs, James Hill received word on,
Monday of the death of her sister,
Mrs. Oliver Brown of Milestone,
Sask., formerly Miss Olive. Turner of
Goderich township.
Frank Trickett of London spent.
Sunday with friends here.
Messrs_ Matthew Armstrong and E.
Watson each shipped a carload of
cattle Saturday last,
Mrs. Sampson and family visited:
at the hoine of Mrs. Elias Ball of
Clinton on Saturday last.
Mrs, D. 13. McLean has been visiting
Toronto relatives.
hIr. W. Harburn was in Stratfor '
for a couple of weeks asAsting itt
blinding a sawmil,.
Foot Troubles
TOR tired, aching, painful feet,
breaking down arch or flat foot
use our Foot-ezer —Arch -Prop. They
will give you comfort and ease,
"TE carry a full stock of "Special
VY Asborbo Pads' which will take
the pressure ancl give immediate re-
lief to the corns, bunions and callous-
A BSORBO PADS" cures perma-
nently by absorbtion.
will be a 'pleasure to show you
these special aids to comfort,
Successor to J. Twitchell & Son PRONE 70