HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-02-05, Page 6" MC/ ONRI,INK " IS ILEAL.
AT WIEAl. TIN1E South seleittist cfirins
, a.; ", „ . 'It is arteldtraditeon tlre/t to sleep,
otte )roceeding, '•howed certain
es ouch
lige Or Ir. Williams' Tint Pitla
a thing &A "moonblink," a tempor-
e'elf'your digeetioei weak you ca ary blenetheepeeaid ,'bo, 'he due eto
net. derive' Proper ' nouelehment ifeeleing inethe Moonlight of tropi-'
Ironer yethe food. The' ejseiCaed die= climeebese obseiverS,
,e'eftres Y.Ons 'ellf.ferals 'ea Protest from 'have rePosbed elevitaiizing .setion
• yeeter atemach 'time., it , unable'• to of' CIO 1030.071'6. raclealeione, One vege,
ite' -Werke' Ib thenethat; yo y table li
lee's. apPetitiet: 'hawk 'dal]: he i& Thera leeeyen quoted' a 'death ,the
„abch.eie,eaceite'phine and caned ,of.:eybechewas stated domne,. leeartleurn eanel.other des- to be exposere to moonlight. AP-
Areseing sYlelPionle, • , peeeemely elle food most 'aereously, ae-
'• YOn eannol% onre indigestion• 'by feeeed by the hewn's, radia.tions is
the use 0f laxat,iVesiand'aireecligeet- fish, and Seemingly trustworelly
ed foods only,• make the ,stomach statements have been made as to
' More sleiggieb. 'Indigestion can the'ill effects produced in persons
only be cured gieiog tone to whb had partaken Of fish which had
and Strengthening, the nerves that been freely exposed to moonlight.
control. the stomach: Dr. Williams' E. G. Bryant, wilting in a' eecent
Pink Pills lutve 'cuied indigestion number of the Chemical News frOITI
tinies without number, ' because Port Eliza ebb, 'South Africa, sug-
t ey purify and ,enrich the gesbs,that a proseilele explanation ,of
• ' In this way they improve the ' ap,- these phenomena,, assuming them
petite, diepel the tornients of in- to be true, might lie in the well-
' digeetion —and enable yoti to derive known fact that 'the . light of the
benefit feom' the food you take. The moon, being reflected light, is more
following, is proof ce these state- or polseizede and poesi ly
theet.e. , ears. George Brien,- ecee.eee larieed light may exert a peculiar
e • Shamogue, N.B., says:1Dw Chetili.0641 Eetion,
• was
Years ago I was taken dSuosequently, polarized light
.own with a
fever which left me .suffering from frmn P°werful metallia
file:Mont lamp, thli
e ght beieig po-
nervous stomaeh trouble. I ap- laaized by means of a pileof sheets
parettly got over it, but the trou-- of plate glass backed with silver
ble .eould„, not have, .been wholly and placed ,at the correct angle.
The -S
eraeicatect, as during the summer experimen,te
Oaa' Be Oared Br and tho in the moon'e rayii wthereee a daeiger-
of 3912 I was taken down with it marked eeewee when fish was sub-
• - again. 1 took' many medicines, mitred to the polarized light ob-
• - and was attended by twodifferent rained in this way, although it is
doctors, but instead of getting well probable Chat stronger effects would
seemed to be ' growing woree. 1 be obtained with a more powerful
, could not eat without .suffering the source of lights When two slices
most -Intense pains; even se drink cut from the !same fish were hong,
• of milk seemed to upset me. I slept one in the direct light and the other
poorly and at laeb dreaded to see in the polarized beam, the latter
• night 'come. In this condition • 1 invariably began to .decompose be -
saw in a newspaper the story of a fore the former, though the temper-
• woman who had similarly suffered 'attire of the polarized beam was
and was cured, through, the use of several degrees lower than the dir-
e-, Dr.eWilliams' Pink Pills. I decid- eat light
eel to try tbe Pills and found her the There were indicatithis also in
tithe I had taken three boxes that ile case of other perishable food
substances of s tendency to detain -
they were helping me. I continued
using the Pills until I had taken pose when they were bombarded
by polarized light. The question
eight boxei, when the trouble had
• ie worth further investigation and
there should be little difficulty in
disa.ppearecl, and I have to thank
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for raster- pursuing such a line of research.
Ing my health after I had practi- There are so many influences as-
cally given up hope of ever being cribed tomoonlighb that it would
well again." be of obvious interest to have some
Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills are sold scientific evidence tracing a definite
by all medicine dealers or will be section to the rays. It would be
sent by mail at 50 cents a box or curious to find that such terms of
six boxes for $2.50 by writing The obloquy as "moonstruck," "moon -
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- shine". and "moony"- were, after
villa, Ont. ' all, not entirely empirical.
_____ 4.
Ble.A.CICS' FEAR or MOTOR CAR. Liquid Cough Mixtures
The OId Faintly Doctor Seems to Be
Seecialization," which is a sign of
the times,' .threatens. 'some, ola
totes. Among the most signilicani
ehanges of today le the leselentug field
of the 'family doctor, To 111th, aa 1.111-
mortalized by ,,,Balzac were confided
the secrets, hopes and woos of mallee
Eclipse of the Moon Added to Ter -
Modern Medicine with, 'its mealy
branches, its .spec a. $ a , • -
speciaitiee, has PeecePtibly , redne'ed
the scope eat 'operation of this' old
standby; Each ai1i0en riot suge
geebsi its • own 'specialist. One ileigele'
alinost divide life bete the "seven
ages of medical treatment," from the
obstetrician at birth; the' pediatrist of
early infancy, the orthopedic euegeen
to correct , the 'natural deformities of
childhood, the ()millet to prescribe the
glasses of adolescence, the surgeon
for the traumattsms of manhood, the
metabolist for the digestive trouble
of middle life, the aurist for the deaf-
liS..ee of old age. ' .•
And though the change brings with
it a higher degree of efficiency,"there
is much to regret in the loss Of con-
tinuity of the friendship and counsel
of the family doctor. • His interest in'
the patient was personale. He know
the physical weakneeses as well as
the disposition of each member of the
family. He had followed them. from
birth. • 1 -le was more than a physician.
He was a guide, philosopher and
friend. .
Can't Cure Bronchitis
ror of White Man's Advent.
How the primitive 'savages of the —
northern parts of Western Austra- Butozone,
e Which.arFeulg:
a Breathed
C at ot a rtrhhe-
lia were doubly frightened, first Furthest Recesses of the Bronchial
by 'the appearance in their midst Tubes, Bring Quick Relief and Sure
for the first t..inm of a motor car, Cure.
and then by an eclipse of the moon, Every sufferer from coughs, colds,
is related in an interesting account bronchitis and all throat and chest
just received in London by the ailments needs a soothing, healing
Agent -General forWeetern Austra- medicine which goes direct to the
Ilea. breathing organs In the chest and
A party of mining men recently lungs, attacks the trouble at tho
left Wyndham on a trip of explor- source, dtspersee the germs of ells-
abioo into bbo interior of East Haiti_ ease, aud cures the ailment thorough -
,,And this medicine is "Catarrh-
berley district/ where the bori- le%
Tho germ- tilling balsamic vapor
their savage state. Theiie and,
mixes evith the breath, descends
seldom see a white man, but theY through the throat, down the broil -
are somewhat. familiar with the chial tubes, and finally reaches the
appearance of horses or even ettin- deepest air cells In the lungs. All
ele either ridden by whites or at- parts are soothed with rich, Imre,
medicinal essences, whereas With a
taeLed to vehicles, This parbicular
eme syrup the affected parts could not be
exploring party, however, eet
reached, and harm Would result
• in a powerful motor -car to traverse through benumbing the stomach with
the great expanse of country. dregs, -
' When they, came amoog the wild "I have been a chronic ' sufferer.
bush natives the horseless ear from Catarrh in the nose and throat
created a tremendous een.sation. for over eight years. I think I. have
Many of the blacks bolted from the spent four hundred dollare trying to relief. I have spent but six dot treinge apparition, and howled die-
lars on Catarrhozone, an,d have
many. evidently' regarding the, mo -
1,0r as a. new kind of Banyip, 01, evil bheaevne zompletelIr fcured, and, In fact,
thing, come to deseroy them, The tarrhozoeenne 7se theerone'lyme mtiendileCineCal
explorers had hardly reconciled. the
e -e- have been able to find that would not
_ natives to' the presence of the ear only give temporary relief, but will
• .when a, new evil arose .and spread always cure permanently. Yours sin -
consternation among the chilcli•eri of cerely (Signed), WILLIA.M RAGAN,
the bush. An eclipse of the memo BrockvillesOnt, '
For absolute, permanent cure use
occurred'. Catarrhozone. TWO months' outfit
At this time the party of motor- costs $1.00; smaller size, 50c., at all
ists were near a camp of 300 na- dealers or The Catarrhozone Com -
eaves, at a, place called Violet Val- pany, Buffalo, N.eC., and Kingston
ley, where a cattle etabion is main- canada. ' .
tallied by the West Australian Gov- .e.
ernmentsin order to supply the THE CHARM OF AGE.
native.s wielt beef, a plan which has
been some's\ ha b successful in pre- It Largely Depends On a Woman How
venting the. blacks from spearing . Her Age Is Taken.
calitle owned by the neighboking What rubbish It is, to try and ley
down any erules about the age at
pa s to ral ie t s. which .a woman is most charming.
When len MOO» WfOS suddenly '
the natives w„„, Woman—and, for that matter, limn
. "blacked out" • ''''" too—must combat with certaii >le se
much perturbed. They mainbained cal disabilities evhen one tl el IL I! 1
a roaring singsong for the three come to their fourth cleecadie,Y Tlaive.ve
Mitre during which the eclipse last- may be good-looking, active, children
ed, end about 500 dogs kept up. a at heart, and all the rest of it, bet
howling accompaniment to the noise old Nature win have her way, and
willy-nilly we have to give in to her.
made by the aborigines, in order,
.2,0 they said, to hea,htee away the It is true she can be held, at bay to
some extent, and it as no use giving
-. "debil-debil" that had seized anon
ei the moon. in too readily, but there are various
ways In which she will assert herself.
One neea not particularize her des-
• gines are still numerous and in °W'''
.Pains• Vanish!.
Chest Colds'.Cured
Don't suffer!.
Nerviline is *your relief.
Nerviline just rubbed on, lots of it,
will ease that drawn, tight feeling
over, your ribs, will destroy the pain,
will have you smiling and happy in
no time.
"I caught cold last week while mot-
oring," writes P. T. Mallery, from
Linden. "My chest was full of con-
gestion, my throat was mighty sore,
and I had the fiercest edict in my
side you could imagine. As a boy I
was accustomed to have my mother
use Nerviline for all our minor ail-
ments, and remembering what confi-
dence she had in Nerviline; I sent out
for a bottle at once. Between noon
and eight o'clock I had a whole bottle
rubbed on, and then got into a pers-
peration under the blankets. This
drove the Neryiline in good and deep,
and I awoke up next morning fresh as
a dollar and absolutely cured; Nervi -
line is now always part of my travel-
ling kit, and I will never be without
The large 50c. family size bottle lo
the Most economical, .or you can eas-
ily get the 25c. trial size from any
GUARANTEED wPFIVIRBY .4 agreeable methods. But to come back
to tbe point, ot vhat use is it to tee
FOR LITTLE ONES one to a particular decade wherein
it shall be said that so far and no
Bahy,s Own Tehiets axe, iee eelfurther seen Moo proceed', with the
'" '" es, art of fa :Mina ti o. n ? Obvlot sly sweet
medicine for little ones that are sevenhth
as e mere Oaten of.
i , ut that sort of thing
feebly• safe. These, Tablets are is wholly — t date. At five-and-
beeked by the, guarantee of a gov- twenty a WOTnEribbtegIns Lo find herselt.
cr,Theeee analyst to be strictly free At thirty she is asseeed. She c
, .an
think,- she is not carried away by
from opiates; narcotics and: other Illusions, she has more or less found
•harmful drags, The neother maY her balance elle Ithows what the
rese aseured that she can give them
to even -the riew-born babe with
. " • perfect safety. -Thousands of am-
' . thers elee no other medicine -for
• their .. littl e 0005, and frons actual
• ' ' el 11 a
experience ....ley a ay nothing
. can equal the 'Tablets in banishing
'''. Childhood ailments. , The Tabletts
•ate sold by. medicine dealere or by
mail at 25 cents a box froot, The
•. Dr: Williaina'.Medieine co., Brock-
aold under a guarantee to b:e per- childiehnees 13
'"Bub, pa,pa," , said the sweet
girl "don't be hard on Harry., 1 -Ie
Better a sweetheart than a
The girl who does not paint
necessarily artless.
Work is good for boys, but not all
boys are good for work.
Countship is the wine of life and
divorce is the morning after.
Some people are too busy talking
about themselves to talk about others.
A woman with a long-distance, com-
plexion doesn't sbow up well at short
No, Cordeilla, it isn't physical cul-
ture that makes a wonlan strong
What a satisfactory old world this
would be if 'we could sow thorns and
reap roses.
In addition to the love of money
there are the queer ways we have of
getting rid of it
A man always expects his wife to
be a lot bettor than lie expects her
to expect him to be.
A mother never disturbs the slum-
bers of her second baby to see if its
eyes have changed color.
The average wife thinks she Is her
husband's guiding star—but most
husbands refuse to be guided.
Many a girl manages to strangle
her actions because she has discov-
ered that weeping makes her nose red.
When a W�inau Su ers
• Thre Is Trouble Ahea
Constantly :their feet, attending.
to the wants of a large and exacting
family, wonien, often beeale down
with nervous exhauption,
Is ' the stores," faceeries, and on a
farm are weak ailing women, dragged
down with torturing backache, and
bearing devvw pains, •• e.
Su& serfilerinvien't natural but ltei
dangerous, because. due, to dieeaSed.
The, dizziness, insomnia, deranged
-menses and other symptoms of Kidney
complaint can't cure themselves, they
require the assistance Of Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pille which go direct to the seat
• To give vitality aud power to the
kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and
liver, to free the blood of poloons,
probably there is no remedy BO suc-
cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pille. For
all womanly irregularities their merit
is well known.
Because of their mild, soothing, and
healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are
safe, and are reaommended for girls
and women of alt ages. 25 cents per,
box at all dealers. Refuse any sub-
stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man-
drake and Butternut,
"Ani 1 the only woman you ever
loved'?" "Oh no " he answered
promptly, "you are elle eixele.''
'The sixth, she exclaimed, sud-
denly relieving -his shoulder of the
weight of her head. ``Yes,'' he
said coldly, "there were five be-
fore you—my mother, an aunt., and
theee 'sister 9,''
Try Murine Eye ReniedY
11 you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart
--Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
Marline Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c.
Murine Bye Salve ite 'Aseptic Tubes,
25c, 50c. • Bye Books Free by Mail.
An Eye Tonle coed for An Eyes 1155 Need Care
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Many a man's failure in this
world may be attributed to the blob
that he used blank cartridges when
firing at the terse& of sticces.s.
Only One "8)5050 QUININE"
Look for the signature of 31 W. GROVE.
Caret/ a Cold in One Day, Cures Grip in
Tie° Daye, 55,.
Only very young men understand
Millard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
' Well, madame 9" inquised the
shop -walker. I wes , , he sue( ,
''to get a present for my husband,"
``How long married e man A even gears,' Was tile re-
ply. He. painted h tree lift. "'liar -
Large Majority Are Received in the
• Head' and Hands.
Dr. G. Laueent, a surgeon who' served
as a volunteer during the Balkan War,
has .rendered recently to the French
Academy of Medicine a very interest-
ing and instructive report concerning
casualties in battle:
His statistics sbcw that, in modern
warfare, 82 to 84 per cent. of the
wounds inflicted are caused by bullets,
15 to 17 per cent, by' shrapnel; and
1 per cent. by cold steel. The pene-
trative force of shrapnel -bullets is, ho
declares, very much less than that of
rifle bullets never are, On the other
shrapnel bursts at some distance from
the soldier; for, whereas, shrapnel is
often found embedded In clothing,
rifle billets never are. On the other
hand, oomplicatIons arise very much
more frequently from shrapnel wounds
than from rifle bullet wounds.
Dr. Laurent has observed that now-
adays, shine the soldier usually fires
under cover, lying either prone or in
a trench, a large majority of wounds
are received In the skull and the
hands; especially the left hared.
To combat this, he suggests the use
of a light, resistant shield to protect
the head, and that another shield
should be fixed to the left hand or
the rifle itself. A third might be
plated In the region or the heart.
Indeed, many of our own soldiers who
fought in the Doer War owe their lives
to the chance presence of a cigarette
case or wad of papers in the left
breast pocket,
world, an repitSented by man, expecte' eeelree aieeen I h a i' e'iIi Ia ho seeid. '
of her. If she is wise she has suffered . .................—.-_
all .ngies to be rubbed (1.0W11, 81ie Dr. 'Morse's
has learned the use oe artifice, she'
has cultivated, if she is still wiser, Indian Root Pills
the art of charm, • So it comes about
that between her third and. fourth
decade 'she is a wiser, saner woman,
a more agreeable companion, than the
callow maiden. However, to fix forty
as a woman's most charming age is
nonsense. She is no more chartnipg
than she Is likely to be at sixty if she
does not go the right way about it,
and if she has found the means there-
to she 15 irresietable at thirty-five,
and a friend' of every man at any age
when she leas not to be packed up at
• 'ea -bound to come (net on ten aomq Mete o'clock and ted with a spoon, It
deey/' • "I•dareaak. lie's getting. 0, largely depends on a woman how her
bald: now, 'is/let' he 7" said -the age is taken, but directly elle begins
fierce pare4 „• , • to "act" young all is up with. her.
. ,
S"b1d use
Constantly for all toilet pur:
oses, especially shaving and
ha,mpooing, with occasional use
Cuticura Ointment, because so
effective in removing slight irri-
atichs, redness, roughness, pim-
rles, dandruff, etc., of the skin
and scalp and promoting and
maintaining skin and hair health.
cutscara Soap and Ointment ore 0010 throughout
he ivoild. A liberal sample of each, with 12-ouge
kin Book, sons pust-froo. Address Potter Drug.5
MOM. Corp„Dept. 51C,Bostue, U. B. A.
When Choosing A Husband.
Much has been written in the way
of advice to Women du the choice of
husbands, but the method of one lady
Is original. "Never decide," said she,
"until you have met the 'father of the
man who seeks you In marriage. If
the father is an old foggy, you may
be sure that the tendency to bore
people which you may have noticed in
the son, will develop later Into all the
features of unredeemed fogeyism. If
the father is indolent and 'irrespon-
sible, be careful to note if the son
sbows any signs of the same trait,
however slight, and, 1, so, be 'warned
in time! 'Like father like son! is a
true saying in the majority of
Evil of Substitution Exposed.
A dealer substltittes because he
makes more profit on an inferior
article, A local citizen auto induced to
take a SUbstith te for Putnam's Corn
Extractor, with the Teen'1 that the sub-
stitute burnt his toes and failed to
eure. Putnam's con lid no Tin acid and
ts guaranteed. Always get Putnam's
Extractor, 210 at all dealers,
. .
"She's the most insulting woman
ever met." "I never liked her
myself." "Just thiek. The lash
time she Visited sis slice didn'b wipe
her feet when she came in, but she
did wipe them when she went out."
ate made according to a formula in
use nearly a century ago among the
Indians, and learned from them by
Dr. Morse. Though repeated at-
tempts have been made, by physi-
cians and chemists, it has been found
impossible to improve the formula or
the pills. Dr. Morse's Indian Root
Pills area household remedy throtigh.
out the world for Constipation and
all Kidney and Liver troubles. They
act promptly and effectively, and
Criarase the egTztern
118. 4. ISSUE 6—'14.
The Nova Scotia "Lumber Tiling"
the BEST liniment In use.
I got ony Toot badly jammed lately.
bathed it well with itlINARD'S LINI-
MENT and it was as well as ever next
Yours very truly,
Timidity Prevents some Men From
A. great deal of talent le lost In the
world for the want of a littee,eourage
Ilivery .•day :eends to thole graves a
number of obsettre meu who have Only
remained in obecurity because theta.
timidity has prevnted them from mak-
ing a first effoet; and who, it they
could halve been. induced to begin,
would in all probability have gene
great lengths In.the,of fame.,
The, fact 1.± that, to anything in this
world„worth doing, we must not stand
back sliiverirtg a,nd thinking of the
cold and, danger, but' nime In and
scramble through as well as we can,
It—will not do to be perpetually cal-,
eulueing Lesko and adjusting nice
chances; it did very well before the
Flood, when a man could consult his
friends upon an intended publication
for 150 years, and then lire to see
his success afterwards; but at present
a man waits and doubts, and consults
his brother and his friends, till one
fine day he finds.that he is sixty years
of age; that he has lost so much time
in consulting his first -cousins and
particular friends that he has no more
time to follow their advice—Sidney
Has Been Practised Since the Re-
motest Antiquity. •
The art of transplanting or re-
placing- human tissue" has be,n
practised since the remotest an-
tiquiby, states a writer in Paris
L'lllustration. In India a caste ex-
isted that was renowned for its skill
in replacing out -off noses, and had
a great practice, because the re-
moval of the nose was a very com-
mon punishment infliebed on cer-
tain criminals.
From India this sort of surgery
found ite way to Italy, where, in
the fifteenth century, two itinerant
Sicilian surgeons, the Branoas, fa-
ther and son enjoyed quite general
fame anatomy.
as readjusters of the human
Similarly, in the sixteenth cen-
tury, a Bolognese surgeon, Caspar
Tagliacozza, who died in '1599, be-
came a celebrity through hie at-
bempbe at grafting and transplant-
ing animal organs or members from
one individual to another.
Gin. Pills for Women
Where the Passerby May Have His
W fah Fulfilled.
All over Europe there are to he found
springs and wells, the waters of whicli
are supposed to possea some healing
quality or sortie magical power,
Throughout the northern, part or ling -
land there are "wishime wells," lettere
the passerby may breathe his w1111
and °rest assured of its fifIfillmeat 11
he only drops a crooked pin into the
curious custom is still to be wit-
nessed in Cornwall. Two 'pieces of
straw, about mn inch long, are crossed
and the pin run theough them. This
cross is then, drool ed into the water
and the rising bubbles carefully colle-
ted, inasmuch its they are held to
manic the years o • 111011111S or days that
will pass before the happerving of the
evelit which is of concern to the
al the old days auguries were drawn
from these crosses in other ways,
They were made se' tie hardly to float.
Then, as tbe (Woes Swain, Me thrower
was to outlive the yesr; 11 11 sterile he
was to die within 111151 period. Other:
met' ere were to be learned. 'tram the
position the el'OSS took as it floated
Bead Whet Mrs. Navel' Says About
' Them.
Mrs T, Harris of Tyneside, Ont„
1C110,.1% all about 'CIIN PILLS, "I am
tithing MY third box of OIN PILLS,"
she writes, "The pains neresit nry
back and kidney/4 has almost gone. 1
WAB a great flUrngel. from Itheumatisin
but it has all left me. I strongly ad -
VISA all Wornen, who Huffer from Pain
in the back' and Weak lettineye, to
try (ISP PILLS."
10,'. a 13os, 6 for 52.50, Sample free
I f yow
u rite National Drug Ar, Chemical
Co of Canada, Limited, Toronto.
Facts and Fancy.
Mem, like watches, are judged by
Asparagus is good for rheumatism. slite4r, OT)tBalE-51.11encc4e05?3)D, j"L'ArC31)1..'' NALeuTO'
their work.
The only thing most people ever
Quelity, devour, itud
perfect cooking,
The maximum
of nourishartent
nod palatability.
14111110140° plot herd — tliert serve
'bud caqt.
minimum trouble'
0 595 ereereleillitee 0111015510
11, w, bawsoN, Ninety Colborne Street,
Fruit, Stock, (5rain, or Dairy Parm.
write H.' W. Dawson., Brampton. or 93
Colborne y Toronto,
it W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto.
achieve is old age.
A ship's life is 28 yeare.
Some girls celebrate the anniversary,
of their birth by taking a day off—the
more popular idea, however, is to take
a year off. '
Golf was forbidden by law 1.11 Scot -
,band 115 1841.
)3y the time a man's daughters get
old enough to help him, they decide to
help some other man.
Ettforeing the Rules.
Mr, Justwed—I'll be back in a
moment, cluckie• What is it, jani-
tor 7
Flossie—"You have a wonderful
memory, Mamma —
"Why so, my ehild1", "Because
you're always remembering to re-
mind toe of things I forget."
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Geraldine—"You haven't been to
see me since you asked my father
for my h and " Gerald—"No ; this
is the first time I've been, ableto
gee 'about."
Tour druggist will refund snoopy if P1050
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Si ngle Thought.
John, Nether baCkward lover,
tab ae one end of the sofa, and his
eweethen rt at the other, Both minds
were too full th0 Carry 015 conversa-
tion, but at last the lady poleo
',Tolin, what aro you thinking
,3awakened from his CI re WTI s,
answered with a drawl, s t
the eame as von ere," and was eve:-
peise,d bo got the rehoeb:
"If you do I'll box your ears,,"
The richer a man is the richer he
wants to be.
Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In COWS.
"When a roan belle hes wife he
wishes to speak to- bee it means he
is going bo bo apologetic," says an
observer; but when a woman in -
keine her husband limb slue has
something to say to him he 0640 be
sure of a severe ecolding.
itimard's Liniment Cures en:Lis, 510,
It's cheaper to raise colts than to
• buy horses. Blit it's costly if youTose
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bone, bony growths and lameness
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Varieties, Free Catalog. McConnell
Son, Grovesend, Ontario.
internal rend external, cured with.
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical
Co„ Limited, CollIngwood. Ont.
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Blatchforirs Calf Meat
As good as Now Milk at half the Cost
..;iete2,aFeiecCea. :01664. -Aar -e;
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bottle, bottles for 51„ Get tfrso ropy ei
Our bookl1A Treatise on the Norse" at your
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When buying your Piano
insist on havingrs
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GIve Your Rush a Chanoo
1,11 dk 9 .14
Money t' •
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)ease using old-fashloned meth-
ods. 13e up to date and Install tt
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and fuel. More revenue al reduced
caonst..:arlte at once for free booklet
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58 Wellington St., Montreal, Que.
100 pounds makes 100 gallon:4 of Perfect
Milk Substitute.
Send for pamphlet,"How to Raise Calves
Cheaply and Successfully Without Milk.".
At your Dealers or
Toronto, Ont., Canada,
Grandmother Says:
Ile that won't lisiee can't learn.: fools and
bub -o -links are poor listeners, mid hares
but one song.
L 111" le MA VAUNT 1.101.ne) .
brings within reach or every-
And Kindred Troubles.
'Die regular 1190 Of -worm siq,pinnt
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rio net suffer another day. Net wAT
bottle from your den 5i '54,
and prove it for yourself. Price,
66 cents.
'155 Day Street, Toronto,
For D Em pEn Pink El ye, Epizootic. Shipping
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Sure cure arid positive preventive. no matter how horses at any
050 are infeetril er "exposed." Liquid, gismo not the tongue,
acts on the Blood and Glands, expels the poisounns germo from
the body. Cures Distemper in Dogs and Sheep, and Cholera in
Poultry. Largest selling live stook remedy. Cures La Grippe
among 'human Beings and is a fine kidney remedy, Cm tide
out. Keep It. Shew it to Year drliggist, who will get it for
Yon. Pyre Booklet. "Distemper, Causes and ClireS."
Sohn Medical Co., Chemists and Bactsri Aegis s,G.shoo.1 d.U.S.A
Apply Zarn-I3tik to all
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will be surprised how quickly
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