HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-02-05, Page 3er Great Love;
Or, A Struggle For a Heart
would not bring you a more delicioua cup of tea
than you may have at your own table by using
c3.•8„:" 111 10111.,suePI: Is: °Stc:Id'i i's' v, 8i ilint ab,ee":•rd,e4raYnt a:noodroh3tY1;1311:::°:11'
•,:lilbmyes-suelna.inraetiii;et 4, dani.•Wishini)(:rl,`t,-iattltapb.la,tieSe- .‘
ed eiVzatiOn•ston17 is ili' 41141Y neees-
in •the'ltst ,, of the,, dlOs'. ,,. Menus,
.NeV'erthelese,, Soup ' 'doles' become
more important on the cold day i of
winter. It can Well be the main
dish fat ltincheon; and although the
soup at dinner must necessarily be
somewhat sitiiplethat i,s to say,
nob to,o,areavy•—it, can be varied ac -
'cording to the iiitagination and
ability ,of the housewife and the
cook. Here are some recipes DiOT
some appetizing and seasonable
soups, some of them snitable for
luneheon and some for dinner.
,Almon•cl soup can be served at
dinner.- To make it 'cut four pounds
of knuckle of veal into small pieces
and •simmer it for about'four hours
in three quarts of water, - Then add
a„little chopped parsley, two stalks
of ce•lery chopped coarsely and some
'salt and pepper. Cook gently for
another hour. Strain, eool and take
off ,the fab. Heat, add a tablespoon-
ful ,of butter rulabed smooth with
two tablespoonfuls of Cornstarch
and then with some of the hot acinp
and cook rapidly for ten minutes.
Than add a cupful of blanched al-
mseornvtleats,poci)innedeed to a smooth paste.
S,almen soup is 'especially suit-
able for luncheon. To make it boil
slowly a can of •salmon with a quart
of water for thirty minutes. Then
add two cupfuls of milk, a cupful
of fine breadcrumbs, a tablesPoon-
ful of butter, pepper and salt to
rotbsgtee,r,and cook about five minutes
Rice soup is .another •substantial
soup. TO make it, boil a sliced
onion and a bunch of celery tops in
two quarts of water DOT an hour.
Strain this and add a cupful of well
washed rice and boil until the Ace
is very soft—which will probably
take forty or fifty minutes, Then
season with salt, pepper ,and a dash
of grated nutmeg. Break two eggs
into the tureen and add a cupful of
eream and beat thoroughly with an
egg beater, Pour the boiling soup
over this, beating all the time.
Serve at once with croutons.
Herb soup has long been a staricl-
by in convents and monasteries.
Here is a modernized recipe for it:
Wash and shred enough tender
spinaCh to measure half a cupful, a
quarter of a pint of sorrel and the
white heart leaves of a head of /et-
tuce. Wash a leek and blanch it
and cut a quarter ,spoonfuls of but-
ter in a saucepan and spoonful of
batter in a 'saucepan and add the
greens. Cook for fifteen minutes
without browning. Then add two
quarbs of boiling water and four
medium-sized potatoes, and some
-ealT:=•-aihant three level teaspoon-
fuls. Boil gankly for an hour. Thep
crush the pot:ace-a -"liTtft-- st.' "iiivEr
fork, add a tablespoonful of chervil,
simmer for five minutes, and serve
with croutons.
Cocka Leckie is another old soup.
In fact the recipe here given is
copied from the oldest known re-
cipe for soup, which was written
some time in the fourteenth cen-
tury. Cocks, Leekie has been a
favorite everywhere, especially in
winter, ia
Take it, cut twelve leeks,
which have been washed, in pieces
half an inch long and cut tw,o stalks
of celery and a scraped c.arrob into
pieces Of the same size. Put two
tablespoonfuls of butter into a
saucepan and put in the vegetables.
When they are brown, add six cup-
fuls of chicken broth and a cupful
of cooked chicken, cub in dine.
Cover the saucepan and simmer the
mixture for two hours. Then add
salt and pepper. Beat the yolk of
an egg and add a little of •the hob
broth to it gradually, beating it all
the time. Add this to the soap and
• soup is made from a
head of fresh eauliflower, whiehbas
been .soaked for an hour in salted
water. Then it should be boiled
until tender and the the •small top
flowerets ..should be cut off. The
"No," she sold, simply, "T Nell 3 not r a lot to a baby, But really—1, 1 retre.at for.a.scetic,s, ,,,r,d that it af,. rest should be mashed and rubbed
oriaPT,BR XXXVII.E. Wanted to refuse, until—until 'I: thought Jie a • ,y, , PlCi .1: eier, i u
lcnnW that—that it wool() nein you. T 0 rio 1 1 J1 ,., • 1 1-, 0. rob •as torward fell into the hands of Rue- through a sieve and added to a
rienlina came in0 and tilnY etned lonk- wrong to ho so. TE would have been ns ,, .
It all over' then T mow thal it vvouid ho Relni-detached.'' 1 sian ancl Chinese convicts and pro- tct.sLalableshnoctnnnifu'iii,isc 01:1111/bokteirt,.°,c,inl\,vblel'all
ing nt ono) other in silence. Gaunt And yolly ode was ezilled Hil- sPered amasinglY•
rould net, hove spoken or moved If Ids yon."
he looked at her, he SSW wtth a pang
life depended upon his doing eo. And £10 3.T,, ,,,,,,fehea nui las heath, derton 'Villa,"
"Yott'ra all very fumvv," Saiti 'ft/11Y gon'rcted
1 The llussian commission,
by ;the 500 Cossacks
care: smooth in two of butter. It should
be seasoned with celery, salt and
or renhirle the cliange that had taken ,,, broke, yoke,
-no I bless you,„5,.DoeuctiarIe" fliaeunsoaltlotilet Celia.
place In her ti, to easo my heart of Its load!" "I've a good mind to take' set itself to examine the.lgave,sTteiyd PaPrika. and th ei u sttinbyef ollro:eitrf:
-rho fae.o, the, form, were girlish still; eT, know." she Said. an simply As he. you there this morning, and show economic 'state of the repunti should be added
but on the Patio WaS aim expressionserved.
which (nor comas to those who have Mini. Pt'iullne.-. ' Tint 7 shall11 1 rii'it 'let 'jolvi it l'.° vnul' i had.opportunittes to •see the law at
passed thrtnigh the broOk Which divides think me ung000,terni find churlish." "Do' 1" said Peter am.d 1, c,a,gerly.1 work. .1I hen they entered the vil- Okra generally suggests chicken
girlhood from Womanheed, and la the tre Oeuld not speak. for a:moment; ihe "Of course they may have sold lage a man was being hung up by gnmh°' with il's InanY and s'aMs-
lovely oyes was a look which told him exquisite sweetness of her reasoniniz'
fered. - , have done.
all too plainly haw much she bad stlf- overearno him as nothing else emmi soine of Ph e 1 Nncl,' hut I kmow when the heels for stealing.' a horse, and iwshaalsienxililleellssi.o7t jorif,criekciriae'slsi'lp,111;loeN31./e-
• But to tlie roan whose "bes,,,t aohed "There ls no olie like you!" he said nt 1 rimed to staY there it was a—a not far off a naked Chinese,
was! now- her presence Seemed to bring No one. Ah. how could 0 belp loving igh's no gr,,xl now, Coll../ iii4Ctfliti i the snow. .A round his body danced
s. ray of sunlight, a glow of Warmth. you?forgive mel" for she' had wine- , Iliad been beaten to ,..deatli, laywl° A-er, made from canned okra„ that
. ought to be a usual winter soup on
wtth lore for her; how beantifiti- site 1001, with a kind of reverential despair. great big pla.ce."
our tables,
into the cell) And yet he would ha v e ed and shrunk bank. slightly on eu gh. de,nly. i `Yon sbotatill' b have Imansk women, singing menacing
done much to prevent her corning. 11 'but be had perceked it. "Irorgive ele!" bwisted." , 1 songs. The punished Chinese, it This 'soup is de in -the following
?teemed to hlin that she had suffered There wes A world ,,i, grief And re.
deseoration by breathing the prieon all', raorSe in Ks volee,'1 11 his face Way : Heat, two tablespoonfals of
For be Hilderton was four miles off. Pntl appeal's, haci broken the loc.al fish-
es if her .purlty 'Were polluted by her felt at that moment that th011aii thr we bpgan to approach it—Celia ing law.
al/ rroundingti. butter in a saucepan and fry brOWn
r0)01 barrier hod been reinorea. Ills Pee- , „'„
He would have liked to take her in duct bed rnIned a. new ono. He loved pa Ina WY nervous—a b about tiv el VO . ba'0 mediunrsized onions, chopped
his AVMS And ciarry her . outside, far her still. nod 'shr ml wilt love him still. o'clock. fine. Add 'three quarts of -water,
away from the hateful, degrading place. but the gulf' yawned between them; aml
"no v011 recognize any of this?" Elticid!tr.nig.u.,b. new and fuis of washed rice and eyed. pep-
She Molted at Mtn • StendilY. with a he 'himself 1,00 ,10,, 11, a ean of tcnuatoes, three tablsgion-
Llove I'llidge'll8evel;iti'2;n1htthetloPeeilTI., ,1`,1', ,„',.iP,1,4', TZ04thireticl"a'n fllia1011••01t,elat00011..1 TI1d-' 4 '1'.,,,.ed '1) e 1 e -,r,' i. "I Mel; y.our wife
au adaea reMeree• He had found her dresoed tHalma. ",,,-n.o. .,. on see ., was only ?11.1)•e)beill'cLil ernheeekshseuflb",[ 3"t.' 11",glit a iPiFeelcePss0a1:,y,scarcalcrile(ja, firtet.'81e0nlioS'le'OP'Ci'laN;ateirf
an innocent. light-hearted gi 1.1; it was A A re 0-00, ready, fleet offl ? mu c ...lime ,01 121,1 1,_, ,
he and li tale ve which had robbed her ling 'expired" ,
Youth of its brIglItness and Its faith— "Yea aunt." said Decline, in n low "Yon 110/18b recognize the 1 , ''Well, 1. was the pinhead and
. and Ita innocence. _ . , ',',lee and with A sigh, , church," 1 said. ''N'ow what about the cheek Was tbcre, all right."
hts eyes fell« She sighed. She had not, VIven she rould not help pitying 'the tills mace r I . 1:1 19 IL .
We met her gaze for an Instant, then Lady 'Pauline regarded Mont gravel,. ' . ,. ,, .e,s ,,.1. .. ,,, 0 ' I
offered 'him het' 'hand --he had noticed miner). ,Whiel, hisr,,,f00,7, 7,•0;,..iled. L ro.iria. Tle,Pii'elti tip itill•eeredrlivvie, 1, , Sospecied of Cri1110.
. filet a Ilt) A tie stood apart from him as ITini,1 low, ,I ri 0,,,, s , ,, ,,,. -,•,..N,_),,,i. . .01,,m , . , hi,,,r I ..,,aiee,n , ttriattlia3..,i.ref.,1 about, , 1.30.03., Air.
she said. '
5htl• 8140')rtit; at. once, directly I 1 itrd " 1110 1000. T,P11 1. .1.":• el I ne ' he Pa (0, A, y,,,) 1 nu I., tre,e In hon I, Of the house, '''
Her vole,/ )111.11150 threllgli 11 ir'ie; and.1011;r0F1 .0101e 111!;111711,..)1101.101:1 mhos' ry—ni77:17:1; iiTs illal all yon remember 1'.', 1 j'''.11 :1-4'cin't', hear ellen b it,
vet. hpw low and grave It Was • ,• in elmrt that 001501 earnestly "Well, 1 \vas only .about six—" r/Dian! b you? /vies. Gaddy told
durerebt to that lie remembered! I111Pit'Alv eTTIV0entue her not '50 de 50.•• ,
'It Heeiron, Whe alle speaking, or an an -I Intely 'Pauline Inclined her head again, . Peter flild 1 b0th ' Iliad a slight me jneb 11015 tha't hie '1°n ha0'641'ned
get who had area her Way to hen,yen I "My niece has onl,v done her duty In oone, ,o, tlie-flanie time. w,e found ()tit to be a criminal lawye,r,/,
thrritIgh the ordeal of sorrow and sur -I coining to you Lord Ortiz' t," gi i• Id -''' ,0-011
tell ng? ' . j in eve. I on' g ; ' "a ,(11.3,ty,i'vlaileh . I 'e co'lld two more big hou•ses,' bub•Calia, a
"T am serry,".he said hearseTv "You not -refune te' r
little doubtfully, rejected them PrecastionS. .
both. . . ' Mistress (who has just drunk a•
"My grandfather -in-law was very glass Of 'Water in the hall)—That
hard to please," 1 ayiologized to water had a queer taste, 31111e,
Peter. "He passed over place after There ain't a live germ in it,
place before he finally fixed On Hil- mu,M. .,[ ran it through the meat-
dertall Hall." chopper laefore 1 •hrotight it to you.
There was a sudden cry from CO- . ---- '
lia. "1 wish I had never learned to
"Tins is it, 515 sawi. / p ay, cards I ',exclaimed 11 man who
,She stood at the entrance. to a had been unfortunate at the game,
long drive, A few chimneys could "you mean You wish you had leara-
be seen in the distance. On either ed, don't you?" was his wife's 're-
side of the gates was a high wall. 1 joinder," r
GNAPTIIIR.XXXVIL:--(Cont'cl.) ' ' It—it hurts me to see you here—in thie
1, haie Wired tc, Mr.'Bright and to I, '
. alr, .1%-ebert Deane" said ,B,Ir Belford; ' .,1, snow," she said, simply, a.s if she,
'Oand t Nave seen Sir Jarnee this inorn- anocrataoa hiTtl .1111 1Y,
Mg. Everything la being done that can,
he done "
"I an quite sure of that;"' said' Gaunt,
plearlantly.,- .
11 wan a long drive to Holloway, but
- they reached Het last, and the 5010011'
0' • of -the prison received . his famous
. charge courteously. As Gaunt Wan only
a "ellePect," and" had. not yet even been
examined, the governor. was able to
allot hint fairly comfortable quarters,
and Gaunt found himself in a large and
decently furnished remit,
' "ThIS Is quite luxurious," he said,
The, governor 'smiled apologetically,
and, 114-r. Belford looked rou»cl with a
, sigh, Presently he was left alone with
Gaunt; •
"Is there anything you can tell me—
anything that will help us, Lord
Gaunt?" he. said. •
Gaunt seated himself on the bed, alld
Shrugged his shouldera,
"Bul, afraid not,. Mr. Belford," he
said. '''.11 I were to go over it now, 1
ahould. only re0eat the evidence agaiiist
me, I can not deny that I was at
Prime's Mansions the night of the—
the murder, that the poor. woman, my
Wife, came in vvhile I was there; that
I had. a scene With her, a scone which
le engraved on my memory, and I fear
will never leave me, and that I left her
a torrning against me, Tt Wen my coat
that wan found covering her; It was
thy dagger with which she was Stabbed.
.Against these facts my 'bare assertion
that V. did not kill her will weigh but
-very little, I am afraid."
hir.'lielford wet4 to the window heav-
ily barred, and stared out hitt, the PrIS-
on ootirt-yard. *
The rase looked very black,
1r0 ,,,,,,,,,i.a with Gaunt for half
tin hour talking over the thing, anti/
tlituirk Wit$ weary and 81011 at heart;
then he went, end Gaunt WAS left alone.
11e wan almost glad of the quietude.
Ho was tree to think of Deolma, it—it was not hard. If—if you had
C'ertain privileges, which to a free not cared for 1111P—he uttered a broken
Mae •3041.11 5 seem of 'very little worth, I exclamation, hut she went on calmly,
but whit*, to a prisoner are valued ex- nadiy, her eynn tneaing his bravely,
ceedingly, were permitted him. Nis with a kind or sad reeignation— you—
meals were sent In by the nearest hotel; you would not have asked me, have
there was a goodly ,supply of news- wished me, to go with you."
I1al1t'79 end luaga.in". But Gaunt "That—that dOeS riot palliate," lie
•eati/c) not da justice to the dishes which ,..),/ ,,,„„,,,,„„,,,
the hotel cook had so consIdero.tely sup- --an`,'''';;;;;;;'nne. said, and an ii„ „,,..
plied, man Spoke in her tone. "Yes, I remain -
The short winter day was drawing to ber that when—when I remember . Butt
a close, When there came a knock at. the night." A. faint color -passed quickly
door, end the governor entered, over her pale face.
"Vlore are some visitors for you, Be hung his head. •
Lord Gaunt," he Said. "That is like you!" he paid, humbly,
Gaunt rOae froin the bed on which gratoill111,,. "It was lilce you to come
lio was Tying, here to tell ine this. Anil God knows
"Oh, very Well," Ito .,:aa. how great a comfort to me it is. IL will
Frti thought it might bo Mr. Belford lighten the burden of my remorse. And
or 111r. Lang but tho *go vernor ushered —and you will go now; You 'W11 I not
(to air, lirighl and liobbY, appear, take any part in this business?"
li'or the first' time, Cle..unt's self-pos- "T moot,' she said in a low voice, but
iseesilm forsook idin, and be could not with n touch of firmness which was a
epettit r,s Bobby rushed forward tum full tribute to Lady Pauline's teaching,
took Ma' band: bat Ile reaa.VM'ad Ho US" "1 know that you.would rather run fine
Util sang-trold in a momeat or two, risk to apart) me; and It is because or
"This is good of you, notityl"
said. he that that 0 have come to tell you that
you must not it any thought of MY
"'Wo got a wire this morning," gaSP- confrort stand In the way or my helping
cil 12,1111y, "and 'Bright and I came up."
"I'm fated to be a• trouble to you, helo to prove your Innocent:0."
Gaunt shook hands with Bright. yOu. I Was—there that night; I may
be able to tell them something' that may •-•,« «—
lite Hon. Donald Howard'
neirrnta! Ile said,
Bright could not find his voice for a indicative of repticliation.
Ire raised his bead with a movement
SO/1 and heir of Dr, Y. W. Bliss
moment: Then ho Panted;
"Titanic God you are alivel Oh, what not bear to see you In court, before the
"You must nod': he said. "1--T ce'uld Howard and his wife, who was Lord
le to be, done, my lord?" Pablie, with every el'e upon you. I StradiCOna'S only child. On the
Gaunt shruggeol his shoulders.
"Not very nmoh, l'in afraid, Bright," Site shoolc her head.
would rather—" death of his mother, who is now
he mild. Then he turned to BobbY "Tell 010 110w I ,ean help you," shr Baroness Strathcona, Hon. Donald
quieltly. "TS your sister—Miss 'Deane, said., breaking in upon his speech golitlY
quite well?" - but ftrallY, '50 '1 tell them all—all T Howard will be Lord Strathcona.
"Yes—yes," rePlied Hobby; l'sties all know, all that happened, n. may be of
right. She's here—with Lady Patiline." use.' -•
Gaunt winced, and the color left his He groaned, and turned aside that she ....,—.«.-.....
nothing wolild 7trip her.'
said 13obby, ,`She would coMe; most brusquely; for it was difficult for
"ITerei Not here—in the prison?"
him to speak, "It would not help me
might not see the agony OP his face,
"It would not help me," lie said, al- ' TH.R.• L'SPli,-E1ADIENEG‘• ..
, si
"T tun sorry,' Bahl Gaunt, gravelY« at all, And te it would, 1 501.11a not let
"Will you not take her back, Bobby?" you do it, There—there is enough evi- I
110b11,Y RhOOR MR head. ' donee without yours." 110 stopped, roc
time asking her. You don't know Decl- grown 000n paler.
''No.' he said; "It wouldn't be any she had simosereo and ner face had We were hawing breakfast in th0
"Do 'I noir thought Gaunt, . could not!
"Do you mean-- Alt, no, no! 'They ruin•clecin Ibvistenrytens,e,
God would not let them iind
ma." glTetIrIV1ritl'elT111-
. , ,,
."1`11e• moment we got the telogranl.. you guilty! Be could not—could not!' , ,,,,. 1 o
said Bobby, "she instated -upon coining
, She began to tremble. With an effort lai„ing on Lite °Equities of the conn -
sue, silo said She'd been there, at Lhe she mastered her emotion nod wns calm try Dewitt bis new
Mew:lona. that night, and...he might week -end cot -
again. Something will be discovered ,.
1 1 , " «
she said, struggling to steady her volee. cage.
"1 lirieWa said Gaunt, quietly. "That "It niu4t he! The nnyna„ ath0_,..1,0 in ,
witli .this affair, that her name alioula
iii,)ourlite,,i.01e4;,,,..75,,,,!?5,701uni, ,7,,,,z. 010 (0,1 gu.t3,,,,.„,,,,,e, se he 50.5,1,
.wi ti, 1,,,, as,...mv_ saiXte,nthatthserae'isoveTiciirbrutoenl,,".aghee
Bon of comfirle»ee. "No doubt be p15),rin fold.,, 11'
be mentioned in connection with It, be, The—the police are meaer, and—
causes Me greater grief than anything A year ago a Russian ti preller,
"Are YOU oilly fiaVilig,' I 1 10 glee me
graterni 0 her for coining, but that X-- anxiously."
7—" Hs veion broke.
else. Will You tell her that I am deenlY courage? she asked, scanning Ills lace
"Toll her yourself." said Bobby. "She's Ile forced a smile
"We will hope for the best," he said. Swill :e.: -.21,e,
Celi Ilk lelvvIdaods.keleal;ot,ct Inphiolrsuddenly, b:iei3ini ry.,,,,s,rgt0:,t,,jen, (ill le atrh:he:::e: . Kasimir Veliki by name, during a
T •
ally atumbled on the Village of
jou•rnsy through Siberia, accident -
outside in the corridor waiting.
Gaunt, *milk on the hod and relliailled behalf, You have been --very ill?" lin ,•
"My lawyers will do their 11011051 in ntY Iman.sk, containing about 1,000
, brolce orr abruptly, ,ma -ant, ,n1 infinite nved ,ab Hilderton Hall." s houses and many farms. The town
see her; but Heaven sone knew how ,,
Heaven alone knew bow he longed 10 remorigt, ,,,,,5 KAN/. in hin vaie
Yes. 7 have been ill." she said. "But There was an impressive silence, li,es,..abo,_ut ,300 iniles from Vladivo-
, keenly be desired that she alionla hot 1 am Quito wen and strong 110SV. If— t , you see the sort of peopie,you,re SWCa, Ulla Is not marked on any
be in any way associated with Ills
Lixtahlei if ';E:Deoliiiiiit TIVIit'itheorstill,:,'"huc 'kl'ae1/ 18ittlic.-' entertaining," 1 said, niniy, to invap,'Iiki was tei.,,ad and made Init.
sister 050,5 7 Tun norry elle has ionic dragged Into the business It 'enicl on53'
"T phty this hand alone," he said to I 3,, flout if you muet, remember that Peter,
nanny, with 0 sad smile. "Tell your you ran not help Intl that 10 You wore ed at
H'ityrbowinfe'Hs agiiia,n,dflitlri,elfshlievd oner. By a itroke of luck, however,
that T itin grnt eful to bolo bilt that I ',roast, my unhappiness."
Shell bet glad if she would go back home , ,You think or Illf.,--allVey8 Or me— my plate away. "I can't go on and after some exciting adventures,
exist odd
and forret that such a person as I ever not or vourseue ..,,,, ea,,,, ,,,,,,,ce,. 1,, ber• eating bacon after this. Where aro ihoeree'sedao•Fileidg isrocnrihatili'eeav.ii..lrilgiethbatr tbhee-
self', "Never ot 30)1(501 1')'
"nil to -n ho);-." sam nom)), ..Bat—" "130 T [tot?" he said, bi.tterly. "'When the p•eaches 'I"
against the other, Of course, them all' la -I leelres^'
They talked, 13righl: fool BobirY, 'ono have 1. not tITught of myself and my Peter looked up from one of the community claimed to be independ-
mired .ratunt of their belief lit 1115 inno-
COMO., nod 'their assurance that hie In. desness,
She looked at Itim with a. wistful ten- maps he always carries in his poc- eesinMbmoefn.tbc4ofhPethkeine."'Orvemits•Ida dtihretyginci-
noeence would be proved. They were "Shall T tell you? When you strove floated a flag which resembled the
Gaunt was quite cool and e(1!-possesa- balmier and more contented; when you ,
both very excited, very ligitated; but in make the poor people' at Learn -tore "I can't find Hilderbon Hall Rus.sian tri -color, but was embroid-
ed. Aa a matter of fact, he waa thins- —you went away lest—lost you should Imre," he saki. °red with a bad copy of the Chinese
lug, not of himself, but of Decline, that say to me what you said that night, .,,,
*he witu there near him in the corridor. when y.031 e.s„.„1 0 yen, 1,1e,,,,,, in the no crowded round, Hildertion aragon•
Bobby Rad 'Bright would have 'remain- boat to another roan. MI, Yes! 7 have WAS on the map, but no Hilderton At Vladivostock, Veliki's story
ell for 'any length of time, biz t at laSt hoard I 1 al I ; and—and in,v heart loss
swelled with pride, And that 10 tiOt. MIL Hall.
aeunt dismissed thent. I was at first not believed, After -
"Telco Nrotir sister home, Bobby," he 'you were not thinking of yourself when (9.31rh it's a great big. pin,e,e,,,, pro..' ward a commission of enquiry was
said; "and Watch over her. Tell her you sent the money to save father and
- that rot no accoont le she to appear I11 Bobby—and mei" tested Celia. 1 sent out, under an ,escort of 500
trim aerate. Dan t worry about me; 01 V flaunt reddened and 111 Ids lip.
law V pre will do their best, be assured." "You know! Who 1.510 -yaw?" I see, ' 1 said. "Celia, you were Cossacks with three mountain
When they had entered, left tho coil, um* I •cioUld not guossr ou young then."
Bright. sod Bobby, as agitated as "No one," she said. "But 00 5 guns. The commission occupied the
and flaunt paced up and down, "Ten." town by ant:blue and returned to
Ile loosed aside for a, moment, tiler
Presently he heard a knock; the he said, with A Sad bl t Ler M1AS : "Naturally it seenied bi t you, Vladiyostock with a complete re-
g .o
warclor rimmed the door. "And noW T suppose you will refuse
" Indy to seo you, Inv lor(0," he 011)05. it, tairUSe anything', jligt, as Yarrow seemed big to port: It discover.ed that the repu'i-
i,te stool ashic, anti Deeima entered, thing, from my bonds?"
Over so small a
'Wordsworth, and a shilling &gems lic had been started first as a holy
"Ali ,throuiir awful busk
noes 1 have had .but parainount de-
sire: that you, that your name should,
not be connected with it ,have
brought you'unhappiness eitough, surely.
You might have been spared thie crown-
ing 11115005,"
."I know that you would think as You_
do, hnd that IS why '1 catne," she s111
in the Same sweet, low voice,
He looked at, her in helpless pain.'
"I know that you would rather Stiffer
anYthing, run any risk, than that I
shoulcl«—should appear."
"Yes," he paid, "Cliol knoWs 15 Would.
It seems to me that nothing else mat,.
"Oh, do not say that," she broke in,
with ticatch in her.voice. "Do not say
that when—when po much le at stake;
your liberty, your safety,"
"You must not think of them," be
responded, quiekly. "I have brought 1
all on myself.',
"Ah, no, no!" she cried, "Not that.
You did not do 11; you aro innocent!"
011 tile crime with which 0 am charg-
ed --yes,' he said; "hut," bitterly, "I am
guilty of having wrecked 510010' lite, of
having caused you unhappiness."
She shook her head slightly, with a
faint 0111116 that was infinitely sad.
"No; It—it was my fault. If you bad
never aeon nle—"
"Dont!" he broke in hoarsely-, "You
know that no shadow. of blame can rest
on you. None—none whatever. No
punishment I might suffer for anything
I have done, could atone for the wrong
I have done you. It IF; that thought that
makes me say and feel that nothing that
can happen, to me can matter in the
very least, I have only one desire, and
that Is that you should come to forget
me and all that concerns me; I dare not
hope that you will ever forgive—"
Il'er head drooped, then she looked at
have forgiven'!" she said, simplV.
It is the world's choicest tea, at its .best—the
finest hill -grown Ceylon—in sealed lead packets.
Tnere ornate response would have been,
"Aullti" murmured Decima, appeal-
ingly. •
"We Will go," said Lady Pauline. "It
18 only fair and just that 1 should a0
80100 You of my conviction Of 'your in-
nocence of the awful crime laid to
your charge, Lord Gaunt," she added,
Gaunt inclioed Ma head.
"Thank You, Lady, Pauline; Yes, I
ant Innocent ---of that, he said, quietly,
Lady Pauline went outsideagain, and
Beelma, who had been standing with art
expression of pain in her lowered eyes,
raised them ,to Gauht's face,
"Good-byel" she said 111 a low voice,
She diet not' hold out her hand; and
that she did not do so, hurt
diil not lcnow that she dared not run the
risk of teuchtng Min, •
"GOod-bye( God bless mictIceep youl"
he said, almost In a whisper.
Ner eyes rested upon his with an in-
finite tenderness; then she drew them
away slowly, and, with a sigh, len the
Call. (To be continue(4)
s`j don't'see the walnut treO,"
said. .
'You can't see the front of the
hoUse. But I feel certain that this
is the plaets.."
"We want'Morse proof than that,"
said Peter. "We must go in and
find the walnut tree.", .
"We can't wander into another
man's grounds loolcing for walnut
trees," 1 said, "with no better ex-
cuse than thaassCielia's great -grand, -
mother was once asked down.for
the week -end and stayed a fort-
``My grandiathet," said' Celia,
coldly,- "lived here."
"Well," I said, "we must invent
a proper reason. Peter, you might
pretend you've come to inspect the
gas meter. Or perhaps Celia had
better disguise herself as a suffra-
gette, and try to borrow a box of
"It—it seems rather cheeky,"
said Celia. ,
"We'll toss up who goes." ,
Of course I lost. I went up the
drive nervously. At the first turn
I decided to be an insurance in-
spector, at the next a scout master,
but as I approached the front door
I thought of a very simple excuse.
I rang the bell, and looked about
eagerly for the waltint tree. There
was 1101111.
"Does Mr.—or—Erasmus er—
Percival live here 7" I asked the
footman, when he appeared.
"No, sir," he said—luckily.
"Ah ! Thank you," and I sped
clown the drive again.
"Well?" said Celia, eagerly.
"Friends, there is no walnut
bios,' 1 s,aid, solemnly.
"I'm not surprised," said Peter.
The walk home was a silent one.
I had great fun in London the
next week with this story, although
Celia ssays she is getting tired of It.
But I had a letter from Peter to-
day that ended like this:
"By the way, I was an ass last
week. I took you to )3anfield in-
atead of Efilderten. I went to Till-
cleiton yesterday, a,nd found Hil-
derton Hall—a large place with a
walnut tree. It's a little way out
of the village, and is marked large
.10,the next section of the map to
the olle ...we were looking at, You
might tell"
True, I migrit.
Perhaps in a week or tita-sl,
Accidentally Discovered in the
Czar's Dominion.
—you shount not hare Unite. This --
this is pot 0, 111 place for you,"
Commonpinee words enough, but sho
knew the, raeling, the emotion vvhich
they rrittsken. .
"011, VOA," she Said, With a faint
smite, i'erhey *aid at first 7 must not
'come; but when 1 explained—' $110 stop-
, lied. "1 knew you were net deacr—her
voice brolve--"I feLt that you were notl
Put—hol 7 wan 1511.15 When 1 llearril—'
Her eyes tilled with tears, but she chock-
ed then/. ''011110 P5111 Inc came With me,
10311 is In the corridor:"
0.1- will neit her to .corne in," he slad,
sr:art:0,1'y' knowitur What. lin said.
"No: do 1100. T told her that I wished
lo gne vou nlone."
1,0 wed his head,
''"Why? I am Sorry you bnye come,
T -Te hewed With 10,I,1 courieonsness.
"lc/lowing nil?" HA paused.
10010 01,' gbo 00tsticl. "1173 niece has 0)10
1'le 0)011 11150,
• "You will not need, any•assurance o'
my remorse, will not doubt my ASA er-,
tion that there is nothing I would not
de or suffer in spare her‘a moment's 115-
Laxly Pauline regarilecl Mal solemnly,
"T believe, in the sincerity ar Year de-
sire to snare hex,' Lord Gaunt,' she said;
'Init It Is port, of oar punishment that
we 0/0 helpless to alert the conserinen-
oes nf mir misdeeds from falflng upon
those Mir, A AA Innocent. 11,011 whom we
Iveold most destrn to shield.' '
, "151111:1 a so." Said Gaunt, 11111010)'; and
the commonplace n,ssent was rooro 510-
0(10en0 of his pain and misery than a
in the course of the sunnieriag,
advich should go on for three hours.
Stir the mixture often to prevent
sticking. About ten minutes before
serving this sour add a can oF New
Orleans elcra. Let the soup come to
a, boil atid serve. A dozen oysters
can be added after the okra boils up
and. the soup can he brought once
more to tho boiling point and then
Itints for the Homo.
The woman who means to escono-
Mize son labor in her home will have
aa little bright metal as possible.
If a via" curls, moisten it and
wrap 1± around a broom stick, in
the opposite way from its desires,
then bie and let ib dry,
10 eat patties or lunaheon dish es
are economical because they can be
made of almost every sert of cold
"Anybody who has a hunter in the
PriloED DAKINo POWIDE's mane' IN'
flti N-TANE
. ,
al-tiM &OlviE'T'icracIENsTRIEN'FsRNR9,g1:1ALTUOM As S.U1:-
family can make, -1-015:y. nice little
rug of rabbit skins sewn together
001 51 piece ohiarpet.'
Keep in the cellar a few onions
which you allow to send up shoots.
They axe delicious in winter salads,
or tO rub the salad bowl with.
If lime in the water forms a coat-
ing inside the teakettle ib may be
removed with vinegar or sulphuric
aeid, Be careful to wash the kettle
if mirrors are very dull and
speckled the following method is ex-
cellent :' Take a small portion 'of
whitening •and a.dd sufficient cold
tea to it 'to make 'a, paste; rub the
glass with warm, dry ten With a, soft
cloth, then rub a little of the paste
well on the mirror and polish dry
with tissue paper.
Cut squares of white oilcloth and
put under the children's plates and
saa-e the tablecloth.
To make jam or inarmalade kook
clear without skimming it, add a
piece of butter the size of an egg
bekre removing the fruit from the
Tarnished ,silver can be bright-
ened if placed for a 'short 'time in
boiling water in which a fair-sized
lump of washing sods, has been dis-
Acleaning brass or copper
with salt and vinegar, rub with
olive oil and the metal will not tar-
nish for a long time.
To keep the table salt clry and
'soft, ry it, then crush it under a
rolling pin till perfectly free from
lumps and sift into it a tablespoon-
ful of corn starch.
It is a convenience to make vege-
ta.ble bags of oheese cloth , in to
which you put celery, tomatoes, let-
tuce and other fresh vegetables be-
fore placing in the refrigerator,
,A good play dress for a and can
be made from a man'ss worn shirt.
Cut it, Dorothy sstyle, and thework
is Very little, not to mention the
saving in the youngster's clothes.
A recipe for saxlo grease is a
pound of talow, half a pound of cas-
tor oil, quarter of ,a pound of black
lead. Melt the tallow and rub the
whole well together.
If you would whip cream easily
IS/gip 1,1ib,pu
nV ertit
seat that-haa,s,--eareirtop on. If you
time a cupful of cream put its into
a pint jar. If you have a. pint of
cream use a quart jai% Screw the
top down firmly and then begin to
slake the jar, holding it firmly' in
both hands, first to the right, then
to the left, as the sodas -fountain
man shakes a milk shake, The
cream will whip befone very long,
much more easily and much more
quickly than if you use a, fork.
Trouble From Tins.
Many housewives are ,sumpicions
of 'tinned foods, useful though the
latter are. On opening a 'bin, at
once plunge into the contents a
bright steel knitting-needie, and let
it remain for a. minute. A steel
knife would do, but it must be quite
clean. If copper poison is present
it is immediately deposited an the
steel. This test never fails.
Other precautions are : Never ac-
cept a tin which is dented or bulg-
or which even looka azcienb.
Nor if the tradesman takes it front
his winclov. Tinned goods make a
brave display there, but it's the
wrong pia 00 to keep them. All bin-
ned goods, both in stores and in the
house, should be kept in a cool, dry
plaoe, away from 'the direct sun, or
the contents deteriorate. Do nob
buy tinned goods which bear no
maker's name,
And when you have opened a tin,
0105101' allow the fish, or whatever
it contains, to remain in it. Empty
at once into a dish. These precau-
tions observed, you can safely "help I
Out" a, meal with tinned food.
Gathered By the Hundreds
Thousands in France,
The edible snail, which is consid-
•sered a delicacy in France, is a very..
different Idnd of snail from that
whieli the average man clears out
of the back garden, though it is
rather similar in appearance, 15
is, however, about five times. as
large as the garden snail. The best
for tho table, according to Itarper's
Weekly, are found in Burgundy,
where they are gathered by , hun-
dreds of thousands in tho vino -
3'a rds.
These snails during the season
cost from twelve to fifteen cents a
dozen. A dozen snails form just
an appetizer, as it were, before a
meal, The season lasts from No-
vember to February, those months
when the snail buries itself. under-,
ground to pass the winter.
Edible snails are never eaten raw,
but are cooked an.d eaten in vari-
ous ways. In Paris a dozen snails
are served piping hob on a ,dish,
and they are ex-Craeted from tfidir--
shells with a special snail fork and
eaten whole.
In parts of France the cooked
dainty is chopped up with butter
and herbs before being eaten. In
Marseilles the snails are steeped
for one or two clays in milk, to
make their flesh tender.
Living fir -1-4171.,,0 isn't
sponsible for the high coat of living.
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Concrete w
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THEY are not only best at first but
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thing to become loose nor are they slip-
pery. They improve the general ap-
pearance of a house and are a source of
great satisfaction to every housewife be-
cause they keep children out of the
mud, i),'everit colds from wet feet and prevent dirt,
from being "tracked in" On floors and carpets.
Equally important is the fact that they never wear
out and never need repairs.
i This free book "What the Farmer 9= do vvith
Concrete" tells all about concrqte ,,valtta *slid how
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Farmer's information Bureau
-- Canada Cement Company Limited
511 Herald Building