HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-01-15, Page 625 Percent. off the Following : Tapestry rugs, Brussels ruga, Tapestry carpr te, Brussels carpets, all cls saes lure, ladies' top skirts, ladies underskirts. IF you want to wear better shoes than you ever did before, without spending as much money as form merly, see the re- markable values of- fered at FRED. JACKSON'S insianolossmilmossiasima Good Shoes for Everybody. 3 Starts on Saturday, Jaliuivary lOth And Will Continue Right Through this Month Special low Prices on .Several lines Given Each Week. --- A Small List of Specials for Next Week- Reg for Reg for Long handle shovels .7o .50 Horse clippers 1.25 1:00 Lanterns • ,65 .40 1.75 3.110 Coal hods .20 " „ 2,50 2.10 Men's caps; Men's calf skin coats, Men's blue serge suits, Boys clothing, and all odd pants. With Sincere Expressions of Appreciation for favors during the past year the W. D. ,FAIR CO. extend their cordial wish- es for your continued progress and prosperity during the year to come. Now in Stock -Starters for 1914. Hicks' Almanac Canadian Pocket Diaries Office ca Peloebets Notes CommeritalyS,S. Lessons Gist of the Lessens. Often Cheapest - Always the Best pt"pf-Alte Mg Aumil Sloci Tailu (� ih' ..._ ..- U ,all i� +�=ueael lei• Braces 1 double barreled gun 12 1 Stevens rifle 7 1 Stevens rifle 5 5 boxeshand cleaners for b0 .38 00 0 50 2.00 1.05 00 6.00 ,50 .90 00 4,25 " " ,60 .50 ,25 1 only 50th anvil 4.50 50 Mrs. Potts N. Y. Irons 1,10 .88' Alluntinum: water pails 1,10 .75 " double boilers 1.10 .,75 Whips .86 ,25 Screw drivers .25 .18 Table amps 3.00 2.10 l,comhination anvil, vise 3.50 2.50 COLONIAL -GLASS WARE Water pitchers .. ;45 .35 Berry bowls .35 .25 4 piece sets .85 .06 arland llros. STOVES, HARDWARE _AND OV ELT! ES. 3. kiss irlaays Cantelon has taken t position in the office of Couch& Co.'s establishment. Mr. Claire Belden of Toronto,, ton of Dr. and Mrs, Belden, visited' his uncles and grandfather, the M, esrs. dolmen, duringthe past week, Rty, W. W. Wylie was in Walkerton over the week -end. A studebeb oc- cupied the pulpit of the Baptist church on Sunday ih his absence. Little Master Hector Smith accom- panied ]tis uncle, Dr. J. N. Gunn, to Clinton last week and is now visiting at the 'home of Dr. , and Mrs. G',inn, Dr. Axon went down to Caledonia Saturday and on his return in the evening he was accompanied by his mother, who ,will spend some time visiting in town. Mrs. Axon, Sr., has been very til but is now ' al- most fully recovered. Mr. Percy Hotlines, of St: Catharines brother of Mrs. H. B. Chant, made his first ran for public honors on the 5th inst when he ran for the posi- tion of Councillor for Thorold township, heading the poll, and beating his opponent by a majority of 288• Not bad for a beginner., About People You Know Inspector 'Torrance -t vas in Toronto last wee Mrs. Axon was in London the latter part of the week attending the fun- eral of an uncle, who had died sud- denly there, Mr. Roy East arrived home. Wedrrs day evening to attend his mother's- auneral, leaving again for Winnipeg on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, W. Hamblyn of Bow- manwille arrived last week to spend the remainder of the winter with. their sou, Mr, Will Hamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Graham have returned from visiting friends in, Chatham and Hamilton and expect to leave next week for their home in P-osthern, Sask. Miss Sadie Mal aify, who has hem visiting her cousin, Mrd, W. Sparks of Stanley township, is now again the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahafty. Miss Iielen! Fisher, who has been vis- iting her sister, Mrs. R. E. Man- ning, for the past six weeks or so, left for tier home in Denver Col., on Monday. Mrs. Manning accom- panied hnr sister as rat as London. Dr, J. Nisbit Genn of Calgary, for- merly 6f Clinton, was a week -end guest at the home. of Dr. and Mrs. Gunn, town. Dr, J. N.. and Mrs) Gunn; are just stetting on a tom. of Europe which will last several, months. Mr. Richard Jackson of Iiartney, Man., is visiting his brothers in town, Messrs, John, Thos. Sr., aria Isaac Jackson; Mr, Jackson was. formerly a farmer on the 8th con. of klullett township, going west many years egg, Mr. All. TsCIt'son of Wimrpegl son ,t Mr. Isaac Jackson of town, is visit- ing his father and other relatives. Mr. Jackson is a con'ttactor and also does some farming and WHO has made good in the Post Stamp Province. It is over thirty years since he went west, Mr. S. Kethp was in. Goderich on Sat- urday attending the funeral of his nephew, Tommy Kemp, who depart- ed this lite on Wednesday in Ham- ilton where lie was in charge of one of the sub -stations of the Cat- , bract Company. This was the first I'iemp funeral that, our citizen ever attended. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Roberton, who live just south of town, were de- prived of the pleasure on Monday, owing to the terrific storm, of spend- ing the day at Wingham with the latter's father, Mr, Henry Dens- more, who then observed the -85th anniversary of his birthday.. Mr. Densmore 15 a native of the Old Land, and a pioneer of East 'Waw- anosh where he lived fdr a great many years and until halt a.decade ago when he mored io wingh zm. lie enjoys good health for his ' ah- vaned years, Miss Allisotl Of Morrisburg is tho guest of Inc.iand Mrs. )I. G. Paull, Miss Floren:e Cnninghame went to Toronto Saturday, returning Mon- day evening Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wasmann spent the week -end at Mr. Chas. Pot- ter 1, Morris township. Mr. Alfred Owen of New York, vice president of the .Clinton Knitting Company, was in town this week, Mrs. R.J. Cluff, 'who has been suffering from, inflammatory rheumatismfor some weeks, is, now recovering nice- ly. Mrs. F. C. McDonell and two bons of HenOall have returned home a"tor spending some time with h,r sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. Bawden. Mrs. J. Lester Davis` and family, who had been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. Kemp for several weekd, left for 'Toronto Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Graham and family and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Couch drove down to the Babylon! Line yesterday to attend the funer- al of the late Mrs. Henry Dowson. Mr. Edward Kemp, London, who was accompanied by itis soas, Messrs. Thos. Albert and George Kemp, passed through town on Saturday for Godeich to attend the funeral of his grandson, Tenuity Kemp. Mr, John Crooks left Monday after- noon for Toronto and yesterday he started out on another of his bust- ' Hess trips through the west. Mr. Crooks has gone over the prairie provinces so often that he 'knows it like a book and when there is busi- ness in Ins line to be had, he gets a good share of it. 116.1.! W i J, , J4svat, who had been on Pew week's visit at the 11'.ti holne in Bayfield, was in town Tuesday on his return to Warroad, Mian., where he has been engaged in busi- ness for several years. •010 friends here, and there are. a number in Clinton who bear him in remem bran -4, were pleased to hear that he is doing well, I�oImesville A temperance rally in the inter- ests of the Canada Temperance Act is being held in the Methodist church this afternoon at which a numberof speakers will he heard. 'The League on Monday Evening, next are having an illustrated lec- ture, "To and Fro in England," giv- en by Rev, Mr. rimer c' \iwood, a former pastor hare. GOOD MORNING! Good Morning l Have you renewed your subscription to The News -Rec- ord ? The label tells the tale. The News From Lonesboro • lilts Ethel i)ivine of Goderich was the guest last week of Mr.' and Mrs, Robt. Crawford. Mr. Edmund Crawford, district de- puty of the Sons of England, was in Goderich on Wedrosday evening in- stalling the new officers in the lodge of that town. Mr. Wm. Moon and Miss Flossie lett Monday to visit friends at Perth, Toronto and Waterloo. Mr. James Shobbrook and Miss Nel- lie and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Manning of the loth con. are visiting among friends at Exeter, Mr. D. Geddes of Belgrave has purchased Mr. •R. Adams' store and will take possession about March first. F. Brown, R. Townsend, F. Craw- ford and Miss E. Lyon are all at present students at the Clinton Bus- iness College, Mr. Wm. Weymouth, who has been engaged with '1'. McKen':ie. & Son, Clinton, for some time, is now at home. Mr. and Mrs. N.. Carter of Sea - forth spent Sunday with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hiles. Mt': (:Teo. lirude is visiting hersi's- ter, Mrs. Murphy of :rxeter. Mr. W. Govier and family have moved to town and are occupying, Mr. Thos. Shaddick'.s house. ;, At the first meeting of the year or -4111 the township council the following officials were appointed Clerk and Treasurer, James Camp- bell.. 1. „ Collector, John Moon, 190,.. Assessor, John Smith, 890. Auditors, M. Braithwaite and' W Beacom, 88 each. Medical .Health -John Carhert, who with the Reeve, Clerk and the M. H. G. constitute the board. Goderich. Mr. anTMrs, Wm. Labs visited their son, Dr. Chas. Lane of Detroit, for a few days during the recent holi- day season. Mr. Wm. Green of Detroit spent sev- eral days visiting friends in town re- cently, Mr. Oswald Lamhiertus is home from the western provinces on a3'is- it Jaililary Clearing Sale. `L+'acheseason it is our purpose to clean up our stock"while; the goods are new and seasonable, so that our stock will be al ways new and up-to-date. CiTo this we will give you an opportunity to secure some Extraordinary Savings in felt and leather footwear. 2nd Semi -Annual Clearing Sale.. Oommencineon Saturday 10th and continuing until Saturday, January 31st. A few prices among the ninny lines we have placed on sale. 75 prsmen's patent and calf blue Regular 92,75 to $4.Q0 Qt I Q Q Sale price �P v �+ 50,Pri rs Boys Calf Mae Regular 91.50 to 91.75 $ U I X20 Sale price 100 prs:wo's patent and kid blue Regular $3.00 to $4.00 Q+ I QQ Sale price �D v 50 pans Misses kid Binc Regular 91.50 to 91,75 �i r18p Hale price �p I fr 20 percent. off all felt slippers during sale. H. S. CHAPMAN Successor to J. Twitchell & Spin PHONE 70