HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-01-15, Page 2G. D: MCTAGGART M.. D. McTAGGART Mclaggart . Bros. BANKERS 'A GENERAL BANKING BUST:- NESS UST:NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED,DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS. SALE NOTES PUR- CHASED. -- 11. T. RANCE - -- NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. . s DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, , NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. .Office- Sloan Block CLINTON CHARLES B. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer ` of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, - CLINTON DRS. GUNN & GANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. 0.5., Min, Dr, J. C. Gaudier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Ratteubury St., or at Hospital. DII. J. W. SILI.W -OFFICE - RATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHSYIOIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention given to dia. eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and snit - able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St, DR. F. A. AXON - DENTIST Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. 'Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and 'R.O,D.S., To- ronto. Bayfield on l.°ondays from May to December. a.,R » �� ate, - TIME TABLE -- Trains Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV: Going 'East, 7.36 a, m. 3.07 p. m. 5.15 p. m. 11.07 a, m. 1.25 p. m. 6.40 p. m. 11.28 p. m, LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV Going South, et 11 If 1/ Going West, ,r 11 11 1/ 41 11 Going North, u ,Jt 7.50 a. M. 4.23 p. m. 11.00 a. m. 6.35 p. m. OVER OS YEARS' EXPERt;ENCE TRADE MARKS • DEelana CoPrRitinva ke. nroneondln(aeketebanddoiorivatlonma y gokel aaoertin one opinion free Ahothor an ra aedaabduNMuDBqQcnoP t�lmillion Wren. C tgoridoorwgtente. wtalalswllee, Maio ea -int ti atC,:flili,an 1 A omory niueui*ea 'weekly. trod air. n �ntt, •117 -.aureola anal, a'wm for .Pawsgceleera sew' "um" 91""L . • pi e7 MUNICO setafaae ar. New jerk Mao tl4aba....res. Waobteeton.Ii, C. , P1'NCOTT' MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIYRARY The Best .19 Currentliterature-, 12 COMPLZTE NOVELI YEARLY; MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS"ON •TIMELY TOPICS $2.tid PeR. YEAR; 26 CTB, A COPY,,.. -NO CONTINUED STORIES - %VERY NUM 'ER COMPLETE IN rivets The Provincial geologist confirms ' the reportsrich gold finds in the • ,frkland Lake district., Bran, Shorts and Flour From he Best Mills at the Iowes possible price. WE .PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE • for , OATS, PEAS and ,BAR LEY, also HAY for Baling. Ford & McLeod GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for -the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can he made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction. guaranteed. ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD, TILE BRICK TO ' ORDER. All kinds of Coal on hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 2% in., 3 in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. ARTHUR FO ES Opposite the G. T. 11. Station. Phone 52. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Property only Insured .- OFFICERS - 3. B. McLean, Presid'ent, Seaforth P.O.; Jas, Connolly, Vice-Presi• dent, Godorich P.O. ; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. - Directors - ' D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rinn, Constance; John Watt, Hariock; John Bennowies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. McEven, Clinton P.O. - Agents - Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Hinch ley, Seaforth ; William Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Holmes. ville. Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Olin. ton, or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderieb Parties desirous to effect i0sur• once or transact other business will be promptly attended to on ap. plication to any of the -above officers addressed to their' respective post - offices, Tosses inspected by the director who livos'nearest the scene Clinton News -Record CLINTON, . ,ONTARIO. Terms of subscription -31 per year, in advance; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper diecon. tinued until all arrears aro paid, unless at the option of the pub. usher. Tho date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising Rates - Transient ad, vertisem4nts, 10 cents per non pareil line for first insertion and 4 cents per lino for each subse. quent insertion, Small advertise mentis not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 35 cents, and each subsequent in. sertion 10 cents. Communioations intended for pub, licatton must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor, 'GRAND .I Ut11 sys ENI ILOMESEEK ERS' EXCURSIONS To Mai,itoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Each Tuesday until October 28, inclusive WINNIPEG AND. RETURN -....$35.00 EDMONTON AND IIF3TIYRN Proportionate low rates to other points, Return limit two months, Through. Puitman Tourist'. Bleeping. cars are operated to Winnipeg with• out change via Chloago and 8t. Paul, leaving Toronto 11.80• p.m..on above dates. Tiekete are goo on axle VIa Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company, Null particulars and reee.rvationa Priam' grand Trunk Agents, or write 0.. 1J, Horning,. D.P.A,, - Union Station, To.: ionto, oat. The United Statex embargo on potatoes has diverted the Maritime product to Ontarioand lowered the price, Mrs, Clrietina Easterman, living on the 'Poelre Road,,, Wainfleet, -died on Friday ,at the age of one hun- dred years and nearly nine months, 3. S. Dench of the Electtrc Po rv.er 00mpany, Trenton,, a prominent resident of Trenton, died at noon on Friday. He wasat the loffiee al- tending to business in tl o morn.' ing, K€edineys Wrong? If they are yon are in danger. When through weakness or disease the kidneys fail to filter the impurities front the blood, trouble comes at once. Backache, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes, Gall Stones and the deadly Briglit,s Disease are some of the results of neglected -kidneys. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills Contain a ,most effective diuretic which strengthens- and stimulates" the kidneys so that they do their work thoroughly and well. ` Try D " Indian Root Pills Forty years In use, 20 years the standard, prescribed and recom- mended by physicians. For Woman's Ailments, Dr. Martel's Female Pills, at your druggist. L6 RexaU Cold Tablets" WILL 13REAi( A COLD iN ONE NICHT 25 CENTS Your money bank if they don't, at THE REXALL STORE W. S. R. HOLMES, Phm.B. ORDERS for Coal may be left at R. Rowland's Hardware Store, or at .10y office in II. Wiltse's Grocery Store. HOUSE PHONE 12 OFFICE PHONE 140 A. J. HOLLOWAY BUSINESS ANDD." SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the / Y. M. C. A. BLDG,. LONDON. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College In session, from Sept 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr, Principal charteredAccountant 17 Vice -Principal WINTER '1'E12II FROM JAi UAItY 5. CENTRAL ✓ /�, /. STRATPORD. ONT. T II1: FINANCES.. OF CANADA Federal Revenue Shows. Increase, Despite Off In Customs In Deceit ber A despatch from Ottawa says T1ie 'national debt of" Canada..now shiners at $303,502,104, an increase of -about half a million during De comber, .according to the' financial statement issued on Friday- The funded debt payable in Canada i $803,460, and, in : London, 8267;541; Falling The $15;000,000 Cnbsiciy-to the Can adian Northern accounts for most Of this. ' In customs revenue'theee was a net decrease, of :$321,215,., the figures'. being $82,738,294, as against $8'4'-. s 747,008, but front the latter must The revenue during December amounted to 812,931,456, of which seven and one-half anihlions was de- rived from customs. The expendi- tare ewas a little over nine and one- quarter millions. December's net revenue shows a decrease of a, mil- lion and a quarter, compared with December, 1912. For die nine months of the present fiscal year the revenue was $127,571,762. This is an increase, of three mlilion% over the same period last year. Capital expenditure on public works, including railways and can- als, amounted to $3,407,611 during December. Railway subsidies were half a million. For the nine months of the present year the amount was 340,828,951, an increase of $18,000,- 000 over the same period last year, be deducted 31,817,430 poi Chineee revenue, which is.tliis yearincluded in "miscellaneous" revenue, so that the actual customs receipts for the nine months :of 1912 were 882,- 920,509. In excise revenue -there was an increase of half a million in post - office receipts, an increase of. 3775,- 000, and in receipts from public works, railways and canals an in- crease of one and three-quarter millions, • Expenditure on ordinary account for the nine months totalled 375,-, 087,925,•an increase of 88,988,350, Capital expenditure shows an in- crease of 818,158,848 due, as stated, to largo outlay on public works and payments of railway subsidies. The total capital expenditure for the nine months was $40,828,951, as, against $22,070,103. TUE SUNDAY SCIO01 STUDY IN'1'ERN-i'1'IONAL LESSON, JANUARY 18. Lesson III. The Good Sanutrit•an. Luke 10. 25.37. Golden Text, Mark 12:31. Chronological Sequence. As al- ready pointed' out in the Text Studies for January 11, the crono- logicaI' order of the events grouped by Luke in the period of the so- called Peraean ministry is a matter of secondary importance. In the Gospel record the events of to -day's lesson follow 'immediately upon those of last Sunday. It is quite possible, however; that other events not here recorded may have intervened. The abrupt manner in which the story of Christ's conver- sation with the lawyer is introduc- ed suggests that the whole passage is a record of a separate incident introduced into the narrative at this point for the sake of conveni- ence. The same apparent; inde- pendence of successive incidents of Luke's narrative will be still morn evident as we proceed in our stud- ies of future lessons. Verse 25. Jesus and his followers were on their way to Jerusalem by a circuitous route, stopping in many places to teach and to preach, In one of these places where a company had doubtless gathered to hear Jesus, a lawyer, that is, a neribe who interpreted the law, made trial of him, or ques- tioned him, in order to test his ability as a teacher, What shall I do to inherit -The tense implies that the Ia,tyer had in mind the performance of sonie one great deed or perhaps the mak- ing of some noble sacrifice. (Com- pare Mark 10. 17.) • IEternal life -Literally, the life of the ages. The expression "eter nal life" was familiar to the Jews before, Christ came, as is shown in the apocryphal book of Enoch (lis., 4-6). But the lawyer, like the rich young man who asked Jesus the NTARIO'S: beet Business training school. We have thorough courses in Com- mercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy departments and nine competent ineirtteter•s, We offer you advantages not offered elsewhere. You do not know what an up-toedate school can do for you unless you have received our free catalogue, Write for it at once. D. A. McLAOJT:LAN, Principal. No More eadaches For Me This can be your. experience if you use ,Chamber- lain's Tablets -- they cure head- aches by remov- ing the cause - not by smothering tire symp. toms -woman's surest mire for woman's most. common ailments. Try them, 25c. a bottle. Druggists and Dealers, or by mail. Chamberlain Medicine Co. Toronto 2 There are fifteen thousand unem- ployed men in Toronto, but no evi- dente as yet of destitution. THIS 15 A STORE OF DEPENDABLE L �,ND ' .� A BLS VALt1p�^^1���-7y A store that keeps in, touch with the constantly changing jewelry styles. A store that sells the saxne goods g as those sold in the .better 'stores alt over the country -- And sells them, too, at as low prices as ANS ; STORE CAN. Everything we show you can be depended' upon to BE' exactly what we tell you it is. This is so from Tie Holders at a quarter to Diamonds. And it matters not what you u may: require nor when, if it; belongs to a Jewelry stock, it's here. Prove these things any time occasion axises. Counter JEWELER and ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES.: 1 same question, had an errone view of eternal life and its .re tion to this life. Jesus and his lowers referred to it as a spirit condition, the divine life in soul. (See Acts 16. 30; 1 John 11, 12.) 26. What is written in the law Note the skill with which Jesus frequently calls upon a questio to give answer to his own qu tions. How readest 'thou 7 -The wor shalt love the, Lord thy Go with all thy heart, and with thy soul, and with all trey streng were taken from Dent: 0. 5 a were written on the phylacteri that is, the vellum Blips worn Jews on their foreheads and eyrie Dent, 6. 7, 8 commanded that th should be repeated mornings a evenings. The heart, so strength, and mind with which Go is to be loved cover man's physic intellectual, and moral powers, 27. Thy neighbor as thyself -Fro Lev. 19. 18. . precept much le 'familiar to the Jews. It was, n on the phylacteries and we do n know what suggested the associ tion of this command with other, 28. This do -The form of tl verb denotes continued action, if one should say, "Habitually ths.' 29. But he, desiring to justi, himself -For having asked a clue tion which. ho could so easily an ewer himself. Who it my neighbor? -This wa an important question to the ex elusive Jew, 30. The parable which follows 1 given to answer the lawyer's las question. on. it does not imply the eternal life, about which the law yer asked first, could be obtained through good works. • Going down from Jerusalem to Jericho - The distance is about twenty miles. The road to Jericho leads down through a mountain pass, .on both sides of'which are caves. Even to -day these are the haunts of .robbers, :Robbers, who stripped him and beat him -Perhaps the traveler was so severely beaten because he re- sisted having his garments taken. 31, 32. In no other passage does Jesus speak against priests or Le- 'ites, The story is doubtless a true one, otherwise Jesus would not have attributed such behavior to a priest, a Levin, and a Samari- an, 33. The ortitodo\clergy had pro- bably felt no compassion for the ufferer, who was without doubt Jew, bub the Samaritan, despised y the Jews, was moved by pity to qui the unfortunate man. 34. Bound up his wounds, pour - ng on them oil and wine -Note the medical details given by Luke, the hyslcian. 85. Two shillings -Tho word translated shillings (A. V,, pence) s denarii, The Roman denarius as the 001001on wage of a soldier r a clay laborer. It was a- silver oin the aetnal value of which was bout seventeen cents, but in pur- lasing power it was equal 'to about fty cents, When I come bade again -When e passed the inn on returning 0010. '36 The lawyer had asked, "Who my neighbor 7' The. parable owed mini`• that he blight rather ncern himself with the question, To whom am I neighbor? Am 1 lowing mercy to those whom 1 eet who may need my help and inistrations 7" 37. Go, and do thou likewise -As verse 28, the verb denotes con ❑tied action, that. ire °`Continual - ciao.. lil.owise," 0218 la- fol- ual the 5. 7 so' Der es- rde, d all th, nd es, by sts. ey and ul, d al, m as of of a- che re as lo fy s_ s t t s a b p tv 0 e cl fn 1r. 11 is sh ce sl m m 1n Lit ly TRAFI1'JC NOT SO L IIG.11. Reveniue. Reduced oa the f;o,vvrn- MPni ita.ihhay. \' despatch From` Toronto says; A reduction of practically $200,000 in total net revenue is the result of the operations of the Timiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway for the fiscal, year ended October 31;, 1913, These figures are gleaned fremi the annual report'ef tate railway which 1100 just been received by Iron. I. 13. Lucas, Provincial Treasurer. Phis decrease .in earnings 10 pretty well understood to, •be the result of tine end of the conetrtection period on the National,Ti'anscolrl;inenttkl ;Li,atil- a5; ;awl the fact that the mining 131 Cobalt and Poreupino is '00 a normal hagis; Nlaobirtery .and equipment toe the mints has all s , 11 ~'OMIT Mal 1� 1A'SSEMA 111 ill® P'Vetei;',legefe, got Pots, Pans and Dishes! Parishine really has no equal in the kitchen. You should not trust to hot water and soap to remove grease and all traces of the last meal's cookery. It isn't safe, Use Panshine-it makes pots clean and sweet, tin like silver, paint like. new. - PANSHINE is a pure white powder with no disagreeable smell Sold in Largo O At all Sifter Top Tine, 1 C. At :■ ■ ISI it=?'rl FMF,'<! ■ *rp•: ■ • 11,t -■ . r b MI'. ;Mr6s �., THE YEAR THAT IS AHEAD Departure of the. Old Year and Coming of the New Is a Moment of Vast Significance "011, God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come." -Isaac Watts, Again, the New Year l Again, Alpha and Omega -the beginning and the end 1 Behind us the travel- ed road -before us the road that is still untrod; behind, the written re- cord ---before, the empty page; be- hind, the dead actualities of the past -before, the living possibili- ties of 'the future! It is true that, in the changeless process of the uni- versal order, this passing of time between the last day of December and the first day of January indi- cates nothing more than that the earth has turned again upon its axis, as it has turned innumerable times before, and has advanced one step upon that circling counts about the sun which has no end. It is true that, in, the sight of God, "a thousand years are but as yester- day when it is past, and as a watch in the night." Therefore, do the Pause, as a traveller halts when he comes to the Crest of a hill, To Survey Wlta.t is Passed,. to contemplate what is to come and to consecrate the interval of tran- sition by new and solemn dedica- tions of the spirit, A,nd as we thus gaze about us, on this summit of the days, what cones so readily to our minds as the words of the fatuous hymn which I have taken for my text? -"God, our help in ages past," and God, "our hope far years to come." 15 not this the abiding message of the new rear? Behind us is the definite experience of the Divine Spirit working at the task of its creative handiwork. Here is God fashioning worlds out of the early fire -mist, clothing the earth in verdant garments, guiding the evolution of organic life from the amoeba and protozoa to ",Shakes peare'% brain and the good Christ's heart;' leading mankind onward and upward through long centuries of agony, struggle and defeat; dis- placing ignorance with knowledge, sickness with health, barbarism with civilization; - "Breathing in the thinker's creed, Pulsing in the hero's blood, Nerving simplest thought and deed, freshening time with truth and good; Consecrating art and song, Holy book ,and pilgrim track, Hurling floods of tyrant wrong From the sacred limits back!" This is what is behind us. And be- cause this divine "Help" has been constant in the past, so do we have "hope" that it will continue in the future. We may have doubts about the years that are ahead, It may appear as though the worst and not the "best (was) yet to be." Sorrow and failure may bo besetting' ns as individuals, and forces of reaction or: destruction may seem to be threatening to overwhelm the race. But surely, however dark the hori- zon, We Can Fear No Evil. God .is in His world to -day just as He was yesterday, and He will still be in His world to -morrow just as He is to -day, The sun will follow the course which He has traced and the stars shine on the posts which he has sat, Prophets and poets will reveal His inspiration in burn- ing words, heroes and martyrs at- test. His e'i11 in sacrificial blood, the multitudes climb to heights of joy and peace and righeousness as yet unknuivn, in witness of His perpetual guidance. "God is not dumb, that He should speak no more" -Cod is not dead, that • IIe sltouicl help no morel Thus, as we stand upon the sum- mit of the days, may we survey the past with thankfulness and the fu- ture with confidence. As God hag been "our help in ages past," so is He "our hope in years to come." Hail to the glad New Year !-,Rev. John Haynes Holmes, gone in •and from. 'this source th only revenue is derived from part required for repairs or enlarge mints. As soon as the Grand ,Trunl. Pacifte • is operating, the $300,000 rental will be available £0rerunning rights and such percentage of -oper- ating as the Grand trunk is liable for on a whealage basis. The road has been thoroughly overhauled and the equipment made ready 'for: transcontinental trade as soon as It is ready. MURDERS ANI) SUICIDES. 'two Terrible Cl'irne9 Couunitted In Germany. A '.Call One. s Laborer -And they have tall - buildings in America, Pat? Pat -Tall buildings ham' they - faith, Mike, the last one 1 worked On we had to lay0n out stomachs to let the spoon pass, A despatch from Berlin, Ger- many, says: Two crimes o.f vio- 14;nee involving the death of eleven people were committed on Friday in Solclan, Province of East Prussia, and Hamburg. Al; Soldau an entire family, consisting o1 •nr ,t y, ca, t ssi, gof. a star a 1:1 his wife with their five children, were found in their house on Friday morning with their threats cut and the gas honed on. A dog with, its head almost severed was lying be- side tlleni. Pecuniary difficulties are supposed to- have driven the parents to kill the children and then commit s1iicdc. At Hamburg on. Friday a city policeman out the' throats of his three daughters anti then his own after a family ;pear - rel. Sunda} tilrseVeence. The late Dl, :Macadam used to tell of 'a tipsy Seek:ha:hit making ilea way home on a bright Sunday morn - log, while the gobd folic were wend- ing their way to the kirk. A little 'dog pulled a ribbon from a woman' who was leading it, and as, it ran from her she appealed to the first passerby who happened to be the inebriate, ,asking him to whistle for her poodle. `'Woman,'' he retorted, with the atm as solemnity of visage, `w0 - man thi, is no clayfor,whustlin'. Tho Archbishop of •Paris has eels, demnnod '''the tango:," as an immoral dance, The' Czar has purchased for the Hermitage Museum the painting Madonna With the Flower,' which is attributed to Da Vinci. The price Was $75;000. Diplomatic - Tommy - "Say, Mamma, I'm playin' there's a little boy Catlin' on ate, an' I'd like' a piece of cake for hien," • "The Brew that Grew" Labatt's London Lager Balling past because. ma 1e right Tay; Mae FLAVCR-.-ANI, PURE, ' TRY IT LABATI"S INDIA PALE ALE XXX STOUT Made and matured in the old way THE MEAL 2CVDRAGEs JOHN LABATT LIMITED LONDON, CANADA 30' i