HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-01-01, Page 14]th]uG'C:911f.; 000111h0.
115 Development 1a Proceeding by
I t alts and Bounds.
The deficiency in true siipply of
dotnestic servants constitutes an
et eryclay problem in the household
but inventive eff'or't is endeavoring
tofind a remedy, Gays a writer. in
Chambers''s- Journal, The perfec
tion of the electrically driven, light,
and expensive vacuum cleaner may
oulst the unhygenic broom in the.
collection of dust,; while the perfec-
tion of the electric cooker is over-
coming difficulty in the-kitchen.At
plied, "I've had ono chase me, half
vay round 'lite
s coming straight enough fw
as now I"
The swi rbing eoluiun of water
rew thick with laud torn from .t1
bottom, and 1 w, of thought 3
saw, an area of marked depression
outside of the base of the water-
spout. The top became more un-
steady and 'the bottom more turbu-
lent, as our boat began to widen'
the distance between us and 'the
in -c ratter, -
`'Thero she goes!" similes the
captain, pointing out a ,Palmetto
tinen resent moment electric cook- log as it elic1 down the inclined
ing is in its infancy', but its develop-
ment isproceeding by leaps and
bounds; and with it cooking opera-
ti'ons are rendered easier, simpler,
cleaner; and more economical than
•with gas or coal fires: The manipe-
lation of the stove is mastered with-
in a short time, joints and poultry
lose little during the process, and
are better cooked, as .well as more
tasty and nutritious. •Moreover,
the operation' is much cleaner,
healthier and cooler to conduct. In
London and in ;the provincial con
tree the electric restaurant is in
evidence ; while many large estab-
lishments, such as schools and other.
institittions, have adopted the elec-
tric cooker. At present the great
handicap is the relatively high cost
of electric current, combined with
the fact that the hiring of electric
stoves upon the same principle as
gas stoves, has not .been arranged.
Notwithstanding these disadvant-
ages, however, ithas been found
from experience that in London the
average cost of cooking by this.
means in a household of five per
sons does not exceed fivepence per
day. Although current for cooking
purposes is supplied at a lower rate
than for lighting, the cost per unit
must be reduced considerably be-
fore electricity can be considered a
real rival to gas forcooking, inas-
much as the averagehousewife re-
gards the matter puiely from the
financial standpoint, and ignores.
the . other advantages which really
counterbalance the difference in' the
cost of the source of hetet. Electri-
city has already appeared upon the
table, where the water may be boil-
ed for the tea, coffee, or coma;
while the table -toaster is another
inexpensive item which is meeting
with great success. There is no
denying the fact that electricity in
its domestic applications will ,help
to solve the servant problem, be -
'cause nothing simpler can be con-
ceived than the movement of a,
switch to do this or that, while the
degree of heat can be controlled to
&nicety, Moreover, by means of
electricity cooking becomes a pleas-
eking of water and plunged rote Lloe
base. At. first the log was lost in
the column of water, but as it
reached the narrow" part, of the
hour -glass formation, it was thrown
crosswise, and tine waterspoub
broke in two.
Great masses of water crashed
downward, tole the surface of the
Gulf, aud.tossed the Irene about
like a cork. The first human sound
that followed the roar of the falling
water -vas the wail of the camera
"Why didn't I save one plater
.Baby's OwnTabletsare just the
medicine for little ones. _ They
sweeten the stomach. and regulate
ho hovels, thus breaking up colds,
using colic, expelling worms and
Waking teething easy. Concerning
hem Nits. E. S. Ayer, Westmore
and Point, N.13., writes: "I have
sen using Baby's Own 'Tablets
one time and find them just the
edicine baby needs," The Tab-
ts are •sold by medicine dealers or
S•. mail at 25 emits a box from The
)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ille, Ont.
be Terrible Experience of lir. A.
W. Diminock.
Ilow a Sick Woman
itegail health
Read This Very Craefuliy.,
"For years I was thin and delicate.
I lost cblor and was easily tired; a
yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on
my face were 'not onlymortifying to
my feelings, but because I thought my
skin would never look nice again I
grew despondent. Then my appetite
failed. I grow very weak. Various
remedies,. pills;' tonics and tablets I
tried without permanent benefit, A,
visit to my sister put into my hands
a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Site
placed reliance upon them and now
that they have made me a well woman
I would not be without thein whatever
they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills by their mild yet searching
action very' suitable to the delicate
character of a woman's nature. They
never once griped me Yet`they estab-
lished regularity, My' appetite grew
keen—my blood red and pure—heavy
rings under my eyes disappeared and
to -day nay sldn as as clear and un-
wrinkled as when I was a girl.. Dr.
Hamilton's Pills did It all."
The above straightforward 'letter
from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wire of a well-
known miller in Rogersville, is proof
sulbeient.that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are
a wonderful woman's medicine. .'Use
no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25e.
per box. AU dealers or The Catarrh-
ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario.
inhabited by Thirty -live lioe
sten and ('hiltlreie.
There aro few mare impressive
idences of tho forces that exist
nature than the towering mess of
waterspout, nor is there a more
az-inspiring sight if your little
ailboat happens to be in the path
£ the whirling monster. Mr: A.
'. Dimmock describes suchan ex-
erieneo in his "Book of the Tax-
The Irene was gliding up the
loride, coast under a bright sun
rid a blue sky, and nothing in -na-
re but thesl:ow heave of the Gulf
minded us. of the squall that had
st swept. over.-
"See them clouds on the pont
owl"' said the captain. "'They're
dein' up trouble. Looks like wee
rttpoltts.'' •
"They won't trouble lis," I said,
This wind will carry diem away,"
"Wind nothin' !` They make their
Wn 'wind. See that one now, pump -
g, water from the Gulf a barrel a
condi Looks to lno as if itlt-as.
min' this way, fast, too !"
The waterspout grew with amaz-.
g rapidity. The massed black
buds formed a huge inverted •cone
ith its apex resting on another
ne of water that rose swirling
om the Gulf. The gigantic hour-
ass came tottatds itis,' It grew
outer in the middle, black above,
lel more en r bit lent Below. More
1pressive that the picture itself
s the thought of tine tremendous
visible power that before oily eyed
to hoisting water to the clouds by
e hundred tents.
;fisc south wind' erased; and e
et from the north caughtthe
one's pails and se'n't the 'boom
raging over our heads. Puff after.
ff etruck us from one ditrotion
ter another until we seemed to be
o battle -ground for the foil'
ads of heaven.
"Start up the engine, please I"
id the captain to the eamera'men,
d "Let go .the halyards i" 'lie
buted to Joe, while lie trimmed
the mainsheet till the boom
ung amidships,
"Heed for the shovel" he culled
When the captain got hack to the.
eel, the waterspout was danger
sly, near; its umbrella -Eke top
nest overshadowed us,
"Wouldn't it have b:eeu, bettor to,
n out into the Gulf ?" 1 asked
"She'd have followed up," he rt
illy Sniffle ad Sneeze
Gi1alThal ro'hI `o
Breathing the Flealing Vapor of
Catarrhozonc You Get Relief
in Ten Minutes.
That'Catarrhozone is a swift, cep
tain means o1' `iestroying colds and
catarrh is proved: by the followitto:
statement 01' .Aar, Pubis, one of :crock
vilie's best known 'merchants: '
' "in the fall, of 1903," writes Mi•. Pc
Ick} under date of June 10th, 1910, "I'
contracted.'a very. severe cold which
developed into Catarrh. At that time
1 was living' In New York.'. State and
treated with four different physicians,
who afforded me no relief. On coming
to Brockville I was advised by a friend
to try Catarrhezone.1'bought the dol-
lar, outfit, and was gratified by the re.
sults. I was completely cured by Ca-
tarrohozone, and have used it since to
check a cold with Unfailing results. It-
is the grandest medicine In existence,
and I hope my testimony will be of
some use to other fellow -sufferers."
-(Signed). George Pules,
Get Catarrhozone today. Large
size costs $1.00, and lasts two months.
Smaller sizes 25c. and 50c. All deal-
ers, or The tlatarrhozone Company,
Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont.,
Br'fghtestitt 40 to 60.
• Recent medical statistics as to the
age when a Pian hits the most intel-
lectual vigor give interesting re-
eults. It is £rein forty to, fifty six
years that the most brilliant things
have been accomplished by the ma-
jority of human beings. Chemists
and physicians have made brilliant
discoveries at forty. Poets have
accomplished masterpieces _at forty-
four, and novelists two years later,
'Famous warriors average forty-
seven, musicians are most. brilliant
at forty-eight, and actors ' at the
same age, Moralists are greatest
at fifty-one, politicians at fifty-
three, humorists its. fifty-six, thus
demonstrating the last -thing one
learns is how to amoee ane'e con-
temporaries. -
Fact and Fancy.
In the ancient Temple of Jerusa-
lem . the choir numbered' 24,000
If appearances . are deceitful,
what about disappearances
Sharkskin leather is called shag-
The richer you are, the easier it
is to economize.
Australia has more churches in
proportion to population than any
other. country.
Comparisons are odious, save.
those in out own favor.
Marriage is the giving away of
one half of vote' food in order to
get the other half cooked.
Best Liniment of All
There is an English parish, only
forty-eight miles from London,
where roads, shops, lamps, tele-
phones, mot'or-cars and -post-offices
are unknown. It is 7ilntley, and it
is an island. The island has an
area of two thousand acres, and is
the property of Oxford University.
Some time ago the island was the
home of thirty-five- men, women and
children, The inhabitants are
mostly "lookers" or shepherds of
large flocks of sheep. The oldest
man of the 'village is in his 0eve11-
tieth year. He has never seen a
motor -ear.
The school and .church are the
two chief landmarks on the island.
The reason they were built-in such
a sparsely ,populated'spot is that in
winter it is almost impossible ;to
leave the island. The inud is liber-
ally knee-deep, and the ferry that
runs to and from the island is dan-
gerous, A novel method of obtain-
ing the services of the ferrymen,
who live opposite the island, is by.
opening the. white door o1 a hut fac-
ing the shore. tho'ferrymen on the
lookout know thet the open door is
a signal for the ferry. At night a
lighted candle held aloft serves the
purpose of 'the open door.
With Kidney Trouble, Cured by 0111. P1111.
lir, Daniel - P. Fraser of Bridgeville,
11.5., says about GIN PILLS: "For twenty
years I have been troubled with Kidney
and. Bladder Disease, and have been treat
ed by many-doctors,hut found litt'e re
lief, I had - given up on hope: of getting
cured when I tried GIN PILT,y. Now, 1
can 157 with -s. happy heart, that I am
cored after using only four boles of 01N
PILLS.' sec.. a Box, 6 for $2,60; Sample
free if you write National Drug .& Otteini-
dal Cu,' of Canada, Limited, Toronto,
.According to the mast expert
statisticians, theAtlantic Ocean has
an area of 29,5.96,000 square miles.
Use LIQUID" SULPHUR In your bath.
To travelthe entire length of
the Atlantic cable .a'. message takes
approximately tliree. seconds.
Minard's Liniment Cures target in Cows,
Mrs. Hoyle --Do you go through
your husband's pockets? Mrs.
Doyle --"Sure; it's the best thing for
hint. Mrs. Frayte—•How is that?
lJ:i's Doyle -41e loam' says that
lie must avoid excitement, anal I
thirds my method is better than ex-
citing him by asking him for 'Money.
Destroys Every Pam
But Never Burns.
"How thankful we are to get hold
of such a wonderful household rem-
edy as Norvaline," writes Mrs. R. P.
Lamontagne from her Home near We-
taekawin, Alberta. "In this far -away
section, fur away from a doctor or
druggist, every family needs a good
supply of liniment. Nerviline is the
beat of all. It destroys every pain,
but never burns, We .use Nerviline
in a score of ways. If it's rheuma-
tismaching back, pain in the side,.
sciatica or stiff neck,—you can laugh
at .them if you have lots of Nerviline
handy. For earache, toothache or
cramps I don't think anything could
net more quickly. For a general all-
round pain remedy I can think of no-
thing more valuable and speedy to
cure than Nerviline."
The above letter is convincing -it
tells how reliable and trusty this old-
time remedy is. Nerviline for forty
years has been a household ivord in
Canada. Scarcely a home in Canada
you can 'find without Nerviline. Every
community has its .lining examples of
the wonderful curative properties of
Nervlline which will cure, pains and
aches anywhere an the joints or mus-
cles. It's penetrating, soothing,
warming and safe for young and old
to use. Get the large .50c. family size
bottle; it's the most economical.
Small trial size 25e. at any dealer's
Questions liaised by :fueling An-
cient Skull in England.
' Among anthropologists and oth-
ers who are more interested
where man came from than where
he is going to a, Spirited contro-
versy has arisen over the question
whether' the fossil skull discovered
some time ago in England belonged
to a rnamlike. ape or to :an ape -like
man. Gorilla teeth fit into the
skull fairly well.; ther'efor'e its pos-
sessor was a monkey. But humae
teeth - also fit; therefore the origi-
nal owner of the 'skull was a man,
Some ;experts insist that he was
a very intelligent ape, others that
he was ;0 mall of low intelligence,
and speechless. Bat all agree that
he must have lived -at least 500,000
years ago. etTnfortunately iL]1 On
teeth ate missing except two, and
these have no marks mf dentistry..
T'hi', adds' to the.difficulty of the
Bet the elate, 5Q0,000 13,C,, i1 in-
teresting. It is reckoned on the
basis of'tibe ,tinge acquired ter cave
lino deposits to form if—and the-
"if" ''Dolts like a big one—"if they
accumulated at the present tate of
growth nk stalagmites,"
The date is hardly more, plausible
or convincing than the one given by
an expert of en entirely ,different
school, who fixed the time of the.
creation of man at 4004 B.O., Sep-
tember 23, at half -past nine in the
morning, Eastotti'tima.
Fortunately for the human race
greater efforts are being made to
solve the question of. 1013 A,D.
than 500,000 B.O.
Could Not Sleep Day or Night,
itched and "Burned Terribly, Gu-
ticul'a Soap and Ointment Cured
in a Month, Also Cued Mother
of Salt Rheum,
Quarryville, N. H.- "For m. mouth after
eny baby was bora ho could not sleep day
or night with eczema. lie was all covered
with small watery
pimples which would
brook in a day or two
and leave a humoury
scab and would itch
and burn terribly. lie
Beratnhod' so Much
that he made soros.
kris skha burned all
the tlnie and whoa
tbo scab Came off it loft little manes like
chicken -pox. At last I saw outwore, Soap
and Ointment advertised. After the first ap-
plication he rested easier. T applied the
Cutioura Ointment lightly and after - ori
hour I would wash him with Cutioura.Soap.
After a mouth's treatment he was cured.
"I was greatly troubled with salt rheum
on my hands. Thoy broke out in little
watery pimples and would be so itchy 5
could tear thour to pieces. Then they would
dry up and crack and bleedand when I put
thorn 10 water the disease would eat in to the
bones. ¶'hey were so painful I' had to keep
them tied up with cotton rags. I: could not net telt drowsy. in a room well fill -
do any work. Ono box of Cuticura OJn1- ed with flowers/ •Yes. •Well;"'that
moat with the CuticuraSoap cured thunn.'1 - was a slight case of narcotic poiton-
(Signed) Mrs. Grattan, July 51,1015. ing,
CuticuraSoapandOuticuraOintmontaro. - tl:great singer will not eller. a'
sold by. druggists and dealers everywhere. bourjuet of. flowers to approach too
170r a liberal free sample or each, with 524p. .
book.eeadp-cai'dtoPotterDrug&Chem, near his 01' her nostrils—that }night'
Corp.. 7Dep0.1)ost. Boston. 00.5. d,. bo. a ease ofcourting. disaster,; - if:
violets in abundance were in the
The Violet, Also, Is By No Means
Safe For Very Many.
The rose, that queen of flowers,'
is deadly. You do not :'believe it4
Yet itis so. Giddiness and vertigo
after :inhaling the perfume al roses.
is by no means uncommon, ...:and
somclilues a peculiar form of nititi
near is setup by an inclivi'dital be-
ing slrttt up for ,a period in a 10100
where a large number of vases h:olcl
771, roses 'are .'let o17t,
The violet, another grand flower,
is by no means safe forvery)Neely.
It has it- most distressing effect oh
the vocal chords of some, and ren- '
eters many people quite husky if
they inhale the perfume too long.
The lily is a really ;dangerous flow-
er, an'cl before. nowa person has
died -as: a result of sleeping :in a
room where many lily blooms were
sot out in glasses.
It is always risky to go to sleep
in a room where plants in bloom
abonud—your never know just. what
effect the perfumes may have on
your constitution. And it nuns', be
remembered that the odor of flow-
ers is much more pren011nOed dur-
ing the night than during the ,flay,
and any sleeper gets the benefit. pp-
Tho exact result of sleopipg fir a 19J sed Ptehodt7w D)• MINE„,
room, where many blooms are is Ont.
this: you sloop.. eonndly soder the NEWSPAPERS 'P05 SALE.
infiueuo0 of a narootie. Have y-ou ' e nave SEVERAL Goon N11WR-
P•anor. pronarties for solo In On.
n0s01. s0obecwa'ntlatn agn1 p&ikeism. oApsplyusqtuocpkelny
ing, Wilson Pubhehig Oompauy, 73
West Adelaide .Street., .Torons4o,
Quality,.flavour, and
perft, cooking,
The maximum
of nourishment
and palatability.
Just heat — then serve
minimum trouble
and cost. a.
nAWSON, 0lnoty Colberea stress,
Toronto, -
Fruit, Stook, Grain, or Dalry Farm.
trrito- Ii, W. Dawson, Brampton, or 99
Colborne Rt. Toronto. .
H W.-'DAWSON, 'Colborne St„ Toronto,
.. WANTED,..
®��a�, bouquet the voice might be impair
won't h horse and roe ed .for the rest of the evening.
r._ y
non's have to destroy
oss y The primula is a very favorite
Dont sou ar'desteoy any .clover but one variety is dangerous
— 'i u1 obcouica • it is :lead
I the pi lu a
Spend oue•dollar for "a y t0 some. '4me ca ri� Tall L. e
horse on account of
Spavin, Splhtt,. nfngbooe,
Curb Sprorn'torLnmeness 1 S 1 Il the
plant with safety; others, if they -
are scratched by i:he leaves, con-
tract blood -poisoning.
Pure white flowers aro usually
deadly, and yellow ones are littie
less dangerous. The beautiful lily
has saved a great many horses—has put
',bent hack to work, even after they have. of the valley is a very personal`
been elven up. - over 1, years et success 1 flo flower, se is the crocus, so., also 1'
have Proved its value.
Mr, J. X. erondin of St Ltg, ole„
I two been ming your Sparle
Caro tot ninny years, attrays with
excellent results.
Gat Rene:ern Sparta Cara at
n dOUtF'ttt;,, 1 Pc,, 51,01 roe
Treatise.ra l,ottiet fur r+.ie, A
duggtthe Iluno'•frcoot
s orfrom
Dr. B. J. Kendall Co„
Enosturg Falls,Yermont,U,S,A,
Pointed Paragraphs.
Sympathy is more often mis-
plaeed tisan Jost. •
The debt soonest paid is the one
that is never coutractod.
We cannot blame a man who
leads a dog's life if he growls,
The smaller an estate the fewer
legal questions Fare involved.
No Corelelia, you can't settle a
doetor'e bill by returning his Calls.
It is easier to induce a man to
accept a favor than to take a joke.
11 doesn't take a girl's ideal long
to develop into a eammOnplaee
You'll never 'get inside the gates
of pearl on tho strength of your
good intentions.
Marriage is .apt to be a failure if
the female of the species spends
more money at the ntilinel'y shop
than the butcher shop.
Upwards of 650 tons of, soot fall
annually on each square mile of the
,Clity of London; that is to say, dur-
ing one year 16,050 tens fall on the
ale square miles which form the
2—'14. 'administrative county.
Slinard'a Liniment Co., Limited,
.Gentlemen, --I have used 511NIlDICS
LINIMENT from time to time for the peat
twenty yearn. It isne recommended to 2110
by {t prominent physioaan of Montrnnl,
who called it the "groat Nova claatia Lini-
ment." It does the doctor's work; it Is
particularly good in eases of R.henunatiem
and -Sprains..
'Yours truly,
Chattered Accountant,
Halifax, 00 8 , Sept. 11., '1906, - -
There is 'as much kicking in base-
ball as there is in football, but at's
LIQUID SULPHUR sures °old sores.
Jilcssed is the peacemaker, in the
estimation of. the chap who as get-
ting the short end of it.
Minare's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.
iris: lihla nop'9 Cousin.
"Oh, dear 1" said Mrs. Blunder -
by ;
lunderby; "when 1 read of these dreadful
war rumors 1 get quite frustra',ed.
1 can't help feeling 'thattheooun-
.tl'y.itt on the verge of an abscess."
Try Murine Eye Remedy
I£ you have Iter, 'Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart
--Soothes Eye Pain, Druggists Sell
Murine rye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, ,50o.
Murillo Lye Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
25c, ,50e. Dye Books Free by Mail.
An. Eye Tonle Goody for An Lyon 50,1 Wood Coro
Murino' Stye Remedy. Co., Chicano
LIQUID SULPHUR cures cold sores,
Seine children are spoiled in their
raising because' that itt 'the easiest
way 'to raise them,
Mlnard's 'Liniment Cures Distemper.
Onto lfialtrlif.
Iis--•Wonder why. Poclgera doee-
t marry 4
Dix -I guess he 1 carnes he'd .be
't fool to marry .a woman who'd be
foot enough to marry him.
the buttercup -observe how grarm
animals avoid the latter. The aeon
its is deadly, so is the foxglove, an.
as for the la,burn.am—why, it is r
menace to youngn children.
Must Be Interpreted.
"Wijjit says that in his famil;
his word is law."
"Yes. But his wife is the Su
promo Court that tells what the
law neaps."
If so,. you want to try Putnam'tt' torr
Extractor; it is not a cheap meld salve
Mit a genuine _85c, cure that doer remove
corns in twenty-four ]tours. Be mire ttacl
get "Putuare'e Extractor," lea nt , all
11 l . Y4l1 w sa e'9
Iaodimaa Root Pill,..
exactly meet the need which so often
arises in every family for a medicine
to open up and regulate the bowels.
Not only are they effective in all
eases of Constipation, but they' help
greatly in breaking up a Cold or La
Grippe by cleaning out the system;
and purifying the blood. In the same
way they relieve or cure Biliousness,
Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheuni-
atistn and other common ailments.
In the fullest: sense of the words -Dr.
Morse's -Indian Root Pills are 47
A !ousehtolof Remedy
Good talkers are usually poor
Use LIQUID SULPHU11 in your piath.
Gosisip is a deadly gas that is fa-
tal to friendship, -
Mlnard's .ln'Itnont Cures Diphtheria,
Baking the ]best of a Pest..
A farmer in the parish of Maitland,
Noes Scotia, recently sante across tt
skunk's nest that liad throe tiny young
ones in it. The Tittle skunks were only
a day or two old, and instead of ruth-
lessly destroying them, the fernier
picked them up and Carriedthem
home. Tho faintly cat had been rais-
ilig• a litter of four :kittens, three of
Yc'honi the farmer had drowned, and
after tt. few suspicious sniffs, she dan-
sented to adopt the little skunl in
place of the 'lost kittens. The skunks
did not suckle in quite the same way
as the kitten, and it was interesting
to watch Tabby push and box them
into position. She soon got them in
excellentorder. and pussy and her
quaint family afford lots of atnnsentttnt
for the children of the neighborhood.
The farmer -iaiteuds to make Ole find
the nucleus of a skunk farm, and when
the success of the fox farms of the
maritime provinces is considered, it
appears possible at least that he will
find the venture profitable, Skunk
is at present, among the most valuable
of Sure;
(11 never saw anybody ,.o careful
of his health its Watson," ''Neither
slid I. Why, if he gets into Para-
dise, I'm•sure that he'll make a bar-
gain, with 'St. Peter for a 5etit far.
away from the door Se that he'll be
quite free from draughts.
MISCUE, eNPnll,l
internal and .external, cured wi't'
net pain by. our Immo treatment. Writs'
ne before ton Into. Dr, Reitman. Wedtoat
r•r f,i...n,.,•. r..ntnvwna-q,
eALJ, 91)000 5, ICID01101 AND 110An. -
Lu der Stone,, kidney tmublo; .Gravel,
Lumbago and kindred German
cured with the, new German remedy,
"Banal: • prune 81.60. Another new remetl
far Diabetes-M,albete. Hard euro aura, -le
"Boner's Anti-Diaabetes," Prta, 82.05. from
drn gists or direct. The Rnnol Stonnfee.
tnring Qomnany of Canada. Limited,
Winnipeg. Wan. -
PRODUCER'S—By shipping your
secure the BEST RESULTS.
One trial shipment reoornertend"d.
The i-learf.of a Pia n n is the
'Action. Insist on the
Plano Action
Ili Vital filt'ertisf to Syrup
Maple p 6 r
Wide-awake Maple Syrup makers will
consult their best Interests by order-
ing their supplies 2117 Instead of de-
laying until rob and March --our bus•
lost lima. Writ.- for free booklet tell-
ing about our Champion Evaporator,
mash in 21 sixes, suitableler large ul'
mnall Ivt'ot'e11,
751.1 G5trtnit 0.0500. CO., 003010TED
08 -maxims-ton ,7t., TSoutseal, Que.
Russian lata' forbids people to
marry more than five tines, or to
contract a marriage after the age of
Don't waste time on inferi-
or salves because they're a
few cents cheaper.
1 have proved Zara -Bak
best for Eceenla, Piles, 51•an
Diseases, and injuries.
As a mother, you owe it
to your family to use the
best, that's Z-arnol3uk i
50c Box. Alt 'Draggles cud Steraa
I, na
,. Gt4 -.
to T
Bs .a sgstena iso l6954 Produced'
The successful hog -laser is the Planwhobends every effort
to prevent disease and -KEEP ILIS HOGS I'IEALTIIY.
Ido provides .his bogs with waren clean quarters—aid adds
a little"INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD" to every feed.
This -wonderful tonic keeps the blood pure—regulates the
bowels—makes the animals. eat 'well—anti thus fortifies them
against those banesof the breeder—flogCholeraaetd Pneumonia.
3 Ff F.S.76 tees OPIE GENT
'You con easily raise "hail Pigs" and hove them fine
end fat for the market in May or June, if you feed
YoursoWs,vl;', raisc rtl'o n"oo LITTERS of strong healthy
Pigs melt wllka if, you : feed IN ER u!t iia IONAL ITIICI
1000. For fattcmrg p{r..
pounds extra a day, there 15 nothing in tlw world to compare
iyltl, R.
The big Boge. p tz000wiate•rs, weirbintt feel Soo to.bce
auitds-r o regularly td 'IN rrRh5A1'1ONt1 S'roOh:
e001), 117, ' droit. y u feed t and a 1te more money out of
year hogs? 3' Fascia fol one cu,it. For sale at all Dealers.
tisosA Semi S"ntl Co, Limited', Tercets
.� l'l'11lIUflp�
- ttOaall17ilY1�lld14„''
'"i'ly ter Bye' hRf tat LIS
i fy,r, i
d inner at the ItrAt ge5