HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-01-01, Page 13January 8th, 1914
Hullett Township
Misses Mary and Vera Carbert re-
turned i to Stratford on Wednesday
artier spending the Xmas holidays at
their home hi- this township
Mr. Michael Morrison had the mis-
fortune to lose a horse last week
Blood poisoning was the cause.
tde Mr., Frank Write of Kennteat spent
Cunday;at Mr. John Careert's,
The polling on Monday brouglit
three new }nen to the front and re -
tiro! two, Messrs, Leiper and Barr,
who .have served for several years
The vote polled was as follows :
REEVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 total
Fiugfaixl 4;6 37 13 28 10 45 84-20.3
Leiper 24 60 21 38 15 8 4-170
Snell 40 20 39 54 35 36 20-253
Armstrong 67 77 27 50 28 45 43-343
Barr 15 34 29 56 37 47 44-203
Clarke - 77 50 14 39 27 31 23--201
Miller 40 39 58 49 40 30 131-.326
McMichael 58 27 21 20 25 23 39-213
Netlans 18 75 31 64 27 43 43-301..
Watt. ' 38 92 20 02 16 50 58-336
L onditn Road
miss M, McCartney has returned
Trona a _visit in, the 'vest and is the,
guest of her sister, Mrs. G. B. Han-
Me. and Mrs, Geo. Falconer, arrl°
family of Goderieh took New Year's
dinner et the hone of the former's
brother; Mr. Will Falconer,
Mr. Harold Turner is nursing a
sprained ankle but it is hoped he will
not be laid up for long.
Miss Jennie Grant, teacher of No.
•4, resumed her teaching duties -Mon-
day ••atter spending the vacation with
friends in Clinton,'
Mrlie.and Nlrs: Cleo, McCartney ney of
34+oodtoelr spent a few days at the
homeMr. and Mrs. G. 13. Hanley
during } apast week.
The Leag'i[e met at the home or Mr.
B. Rowelitfeon Tuesday evening, the
president in the chair. Next meeting
will be as Mr. Frank Grant's.
Thomas Townsend, an old and res-
pected resident of-Tuckersmith, pass-
ed into the other woild on Sunday
atter a prolonged illness at theage
of sixty-one years. The deceased
• had been a resident of the township
all his life, his home being on the
2nd con. He was an official member
of Turner's church and was held in
high esteem. Two daughters, Mrs.
S. Whitmore and Mrs. Frank Cole-
man, and one son, Fletcher, survive.
Mrs, Townsend diednearlytwo
, years ago. The funeral took place on
Tuesday afternoon,'.
Miss Grace Stephenson visited her
aunt, Mrs. Sparring . of Cranbrook,
Fast week,
Mr. John Stanbury at Bayfield
Partook of Christmas cheer with Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Hunter,
Mt. Horace Townsend is back from
Sask. on a visit among relatives and
he has sold his fifty -acre farm on the
and con. to Mr, Samuel 'Wititinore.
Mrs. A. 5, Stepheneon will visit
her daughter, Mrs. Douglas Wheeler,
,,,,,London, New Year's.
Miss 'Fanny Waldron of Clinton
spent Christmas with Mr.. and Mrs,
Fred, Waldeon,
Mr. and Mrs. Mattison and Albert
and Misses Rosie and Maple Liver-
more came up from Toronto for the
The Tuckersmith elections passed
off without much excitepnent, the
'principal interest centering in the,
reeveship which was won by Herbert
Crich by a vote of 270, J,- F. Mac-
kay 162 and W. Berry 8D. The vote
given • is not by any Means :.indica-
tive of the esteem in which Mr.
. Berry is held fo'r while he accepted a
nomination he didn't solicit "your
vote and influence," a necessity thes
days. Bell and Cameron of last
year's council were re-el?cted, with'
Coleman" and Doig as the new mem-
Miss • Tomlinson of Weston spent
over the New Year with her brother,
Mr. Fred Tomlinson,
An entertainiment will be given by,
the Presbyterian Sunday school on
Monday evening next. The program,
the greater part of which will b
tarnished by the children, will in-
clude as address by Rev, D. C, Moe
Grebes of .Toronto
Miss Gladys R. daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, James Graves, was married
on Clyristmas Day to Mr. Orval Wes-
ton of Detroit.
' Miss Mary Anderson of Royal Oak
Mich., has been the guest of her con
e--- 8i'f; Miss Nellie McDougall
Mr. W. McKay of - , Toronto was
home visiting his mother during the.
holiday season.
The Premier Critically I11.
Sir James Whitney.
Sir James Whitney has been very ser-
iously' ill for the past ten days. His
ife hangs in the balance..
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Steele of eleaferth
were holiday guest of their uncle
and aunt, Mr. ,John C, and Miss
Mt. and Mrs. Wm. McKay of Hali-
fax are visiting at the lady's ' home,
that of Mr. and Mrs John Dolls,
Messrs, George and Wm. Beth-
une are home from Pon ltI„]feliol for
the winter. -
Messrs. Glen and Chas. Holmes of
Toronto spent the vacation time with
their ,parents, Mr.' and Mrs, S. ' T.
Mrs. Timothy Ryan of McKillop was
taken with a slight stroke on her . way
to church on Sunday week and is still
in' quite a critical state. ' •
Mr. John Haliday of Fileniore,
Sask., is visiting his sister, Mrs.
Monk.,of Fgmondville. -
Mr. .Josh -Dennison, has purchased
Mr. Thos, Daly's'fine driver.
, Dr. Gordon Gunn of Guelph spent
-, he holidays in town.
Reeve Govcnlock df McKillop was
elected, by acclamation on Monday
Mr. Wm. Pendergast of Toronto
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs: J. C.
Greig last week.
Mr. -and Mrs, Harold Dorranee of
Orangeville were holiday guests` at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Dor-
ranee of McKillop.
Mr. Alex. McKenzie of .Orillia vis-
ited his mother here during the holi-
Mr, Ed. Whittaker of Ottawa. spent
a few days with his mother around
Acting Mayor Ament was elected
by acclamation at the nominatioi
and the new, nominees withdrawing
since, the entire old council were re-
turned to office.
At the installation , the fo'lowing
officers were duly installed in Britah-
nia Lodge of A. F. and A. M. W. M.,
A. A. McLennan ; I. P. M., Keith Mc-
Lean ii S. W., S. T., Holmes ; J. W.,
Dr. H. H. Ross ; I. Cr,, L. T. DeLacey
Tyler FI. Jeffrey. After the work of
the lodge room tiie newly installed
master entertained the members to
an `oyster supper.
Miss Carruthers of London visited
Miss Ethel Grieve last week,
Misses.Agnrs Goveniock of London
and -Jean Govenlock of Windsor visited
their sister, Mrs. Arch. Scott, during
the holiday time.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack 'Roberts of
Port Dover were guests of the lady's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Weir.
Miss May Beattie of London is vis
icing her uncle, Mr. Jack Beattie.
Mr. Paul Freeman was home from
Port Colborne with his family for
the Christmas feast.
Mr. and Mrs, Will Barton of Niaga-
ra Falls, N. Y., were guests of the
former's mother he.re over the 'holi
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. MoGavin and
little son of Detroit, Dr. E, Male,
vin of Windsor and Mr. Alf. McGav-
in of .Stratford spent Christmas as
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Me -
Gavin of 'ruckersnitli-
Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Counter of
Clinton were Christmas guests or Mr.
and Mrs, G IS. Henderson,
Mr. and Mrs John Carmichael of
Detroit visited ,the former's mother
on Christmas.
Mr. and, Mrs. A. L. Clolson were in
Guelph during the holiday time.
Mr, and, Mrs, Bert Vanl3gmond of
Regina, who have been visiting fri-
ends here for some tin t N
Year's in New York,
Mr, L. L. McFaul was in Toronto
last week visiting his son, Dr, *-
Falai.Miss Williams and Miss Kennedy of
Toronto have been visiting Miss Nor-
ma Dickson:
Miss Jessie Habkirk, who has' been
in Jarvis,' is having a vacation at
her home in town.
)c, SPen ell/
Port Albert
(Intended for last issue.)
Otway Hayden is spending his holi-
days with. friends in St, Thomas.
Miss Tina Hawkins of St. Thomas
is visiting her sister and brother-in-
law,•Mr. and Mrs. Wm, 'Frey.
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Ruddock spent
Christmas with their son, Mr. Alfred
Osman of Goderich.
Messrs. McGee and Windsor are
holidaying with their parents here:.,
Rev, J. B. Fotheringham, ,rector of
St. George's church, Goderich, oMeta-
ted in the Episcopal' church here on
Sunday. Judge Holt accompanied the
rector cit the drive out,
Mr. Hugh Stewart:' of Dungannoa
was inure village last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Millian, Goderich,
spent Christmas with their ; daughter,
Mrs. Alfred Quaid.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayden, spent
Christmas with their son, Dr. Hay-
den of Goderich.
Mr, and Mrs, H. Cunningham of
Walirerville spent the holidays with
the former's parents here.
Misses Mary, Winnie and Minnie
Cunningham, are spending the holidaps
with their father, Mr. Frank Cunning-
Mr. Harry Hawkins, who has been
confined to his home for the past two
weeks, is again able to be out.
Mra. Wm. Richardson has been con-
fined to her home for the past week.
Thos. Green has been in Blyth dur-
ing the past week.
Mrs. James Campbell, who has. been
very 111, is again on the mend.
Mr, Geo. G. Hawkins has been feast
ing with friends at Goderich for the.
past week.
John IIutchinson would like to know
who, has been feasting on leis turkeys
the past :week. A dainty bite for
them, Sohn, they would le : su..e to
en'oy therm -at the price.
The remains of the late Mrs. Wm,
Leigh, who -died at the home of her
daughter, ter
Mrs 5u
'ton Brantford,
were interredi in Port Albert ceme-
tery on Friday last:' The deceased
was a• life-long member of the Epis-
copal church here. Two sons Thos.
A., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; Itkilry,
Concord, N. and two daughters,
Mrs. Sutton of Brantford, Mrs, (Dr.)
Kerr of Los Angeles, Cal.; survive.
Her husband predeceased her by sev-
eral years. One brother, Mr. George
Draper of Port Alpert, also survives,
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Reed and little.
daughter of Brooklyn have been the
guests of -Mrs, A. Farrow.
Mr, and Mrs. Higginson, have gone
to Sarnia, where Mr. Higginson has
been transferred l;y the Public Works,
Mr and Mrs, Bert Hale of Strat-
ford were with Goderich relatives dur-
ing the holidays,
Miss Marjory Morrow of Detroit
was home for the vacation.
Mr. Chester Elliott of Calgary is
visiting his parents Mr, and Mrs. G.
M. Elliott.
Mr. Geo, E. Noble of New Bruns-
wick is spending a..'few weeks at his
hotne here,
Dr•. Geoffrey Holt of Toronto was
with his;Patents, Judge and Mrs
Boit last week, McDONALD=-•MeCREA In Toron-
Mr, and Mrs. Bert McCreath of . to, on Dec. 25th, ileatrice McCrae'
Toronto were at the former's paren- to D. McDonald, both formerly of
tal home for the holidays, Goderich.
Miss Dora Howie is spending. arm
weeks in Toronto.
Mr. Jack, Proudfoot of Saskatoon is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
,John M. Proudfoot.
Dr. Clarence Graham of Hamilton
was a guest at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Graham,
Mr, and Mrs. John Vanatter of
Stratford spent Christmas with God-
crick friends. It is seventy, years
since Mr: Vanatter first saw. Goder-
ich and 130 secs many changes in that
time. ,
Colborne elected their entire council
by acclamation on nomination day.
It is about a quarter of a century
since such a happen'ng occurred rnj
Colborne, LOBB-In Goderich township on Jan,
Mr, Harold E. Long of Lethridge,
Alta., son of Mr. and Mrs,; James
Long of Benmiller and well known i
Godorich, was married in Lethbbidg
a fortniglit ago to Miss Marie Hy-
den. -
Mrs• J• T. Goldthr'ope has been. vis-
iting Toronto and Hamilton friends,
Mr, Geo. Ai. . Grummett is homo
irom Saskatchewan on a visit to
Mende hereabouts,
Mr. W. ,,.I Hale has returned to
Toroato atter a visit with his mother
in town.
Mr. L. Dyke of Vernon, 13. C;, is
spending a few 'weeks at his home
Mrs. Boyd and Miss Beth Boy
Clinton News-Rarr+.rd
-borne' township, onr Dec.: 24th, - by
Rev. S, J. Alvin or Clinton, -Elia
L. Kursch'ettski to Willard F. Lee
of Htillett. '
PROWSE-BAINES-In Clinton, on
Dec. 3tst, by Rev, C,'R, Guns,,
London, Flora, eldest daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. 11. E. Baines, to
Charles W Prowse :of Goderich
ton, Mass., on December 17th,'
Jean Ferguson, daughter of the
late D. F. MacPherson and ' Mrs.
Macpherson or Clinton, to Dr. 0,
W, Morse,
rich on Dec. 23rd, Pearl Hazel
14Iorris to William( Lawrence,
hillop township, on Dec. 22nd,
Mary Margaret McLaughlin, to
Arnold E. Barbey, of Snowflake,
AGNEW-WALTER--In Goderich on
Dec, 25th, Mona Waiter, to Dr.
W. Agnew, Wingham.
LOGAN-JACKSON- In Morris, on
Dec. 31st, Wm. Logan to Edith
GOULD--WILSON' - In West. Na
wanosh on Dec.- 23rd, ,Mabel
Wilson to Capt. E. Gould ,of Mid,'
6th, to Mr, and stirs. Bert Lobb,
a son.
GARDNER-In .St.. Cathaiines on
Jan, 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs, J. 13.
Gardner, formerly of Clinton, a
M0NEIL-In Stratford, South Da-
kota, on Deo. 22nd, to Mr. and
Mrs, Peter McNeil, formerly of
Clinton, a son. •
JACKSON -At Camrose.'Alta., on
Dec. 18th, to Mr. and 31'rs, L, R.
Jackson, (formerly Miss Maude
Dowzor of Clinton), a daughter.
CALDER. --In Sealorih, on Dec. 2411z,
to 33r. and Mrs. Douglas Calder,
a daughter. -
ELLIOTT--In Blyth, on Dee. 29th, :to
wenn with klamriton• 1r[ends. over the hIr• .and Mrs, J, H. R. Elliott, a
holidays. son.
Mr, Thos. Sailows and Miss Mattis! Deaths
Saliows of Medicine Had are visit
Ingf Tien s n town.
EAST-In Clinton, on Jan. 5t1, an- w s gton has gone to sic E. Moffatt, relict of the late
Chicago to train as a nurse, Thomas East, in her 54th year.
Mr. Frank' Foster has returned to MCCCJRDY-In Morris, on December,
Toronto after a visit' with his parents, 27th, Santee! McCurdy, in his
Mr. and Mrs, Adam Foster, r 80th year,
Capt; and Mrs. Baxter and .son ANGUS-1n Wingham, on Dec. 28th,
had returned to their home in lore Mary Egi'eson, 'wife of Mr. James.
onto, atter a visit with re1'ative(' Angus, aged 73 years.
and friends in {ewe.
Dr. W. J. Milne was elected by ac-
clamation, for his sixth terns, a,
reeve of Blyth
Mr. Fred Cunning of Vernon, B.C.
has been visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, N. Canting.
Mrs. Bryan Johnston of Winnipeg
was the guest of her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. N. Cawing, dulling the
holiday time.
Misses May and Annie Spafford of
London and Hattie of Allison, visit-
ed the parental home in town during
the vacation,
Mr. Coyne has gone to Wiartoiii to
take a position.
Mr. C. M. Chambers has moved his
stock to Ethel where he has gone in-
to b'asiness,
Mr. N. A. Taylor has taken over
the restaurant business from Mr. J.R.
AI. Barr and is again conducting bus-
iness at the old stand.
Mr. and Mrs. 7'. McCall visited
Friends at Chatham during the Vaca-
tion time,
Miss Myra Hood of Pontiac, Alieli.,
Is visiting her (mole, and aunt, Mr,
and Mrs. Wnn. Jackson,
Miss Jean 13ainton spent the vaca-
tion, with Berlin friends.
Miss L. Gilchrist was in Brussels
for the. holidays,
Miss Jean Matheson was at her
home for a few days during the holi-
BARBER -in Wingham, on Dec, 25th,
Jehn Edgar. Barber,- son of Mr,
Chas. Barber, aged 20 years, 5
Months and 39 days.
LEIGII-In Brantford, on Dos, 30th,
Abigal Draper, relict of the late
'Miriam Leigh or Port Albert,
rooms, cement cellar, town water.
Located in the centre of the town.
-Apply at The News -Record of-
fice, -15
ter Clinton Kitties Band, .Teacher or
Band insteunients. A limited num-
ber of pupils desired. Music and
talent furnished for all oecasioes,
for the Walkerton Creamery, Any
person having cream to dispose of
please write or phone me -Edgar
J. Trewartha, Hoinnesville, P. 0.
Phone 15 on 353. -�5,
To the Electors of Clinton :
I thank you very heartily for the
big vote you gave me on Monday
when you elected me a member of
our town council and I promise you
that I will do my very best to de-
serve your confidence. Wishing you
the compliments of the season, -
Yours respectfully,
To the Electors of Mullett :
Mr. Fred Morris is :spending a I wish to return my hearty thanks
month, at his home in Ottawa. for the generous support I received
Mr. Peter Uzeil or Minnedosa, Man.
is,ihe guest of his sister, Mrs, Po-
Mr. Alex, Keith of Listowel vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs Baird during the
holiday season.
Mr, and Mrs, M. Morton of Bran-
don, Man., are visiting the former's
parents, IbIr:, and Mrs. J. W. Morton.
Mrs. Jas. Angus died at her home
here -on Sunday week aged seventy-
three years,
John Edgar Barber, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Barter, passed into the
other world en. Christmas, Day. The
deceased was a little over twenty
years of age and his early tarring off
is much regretted.
Mr Basil Blaelrall was home from
Toronto for the holidays.
Miss Edener CronynInas been visit-
ing in 1 -Tamil -ton and Toronto,
Dr. Macdonald was at his home in
Londbn for the holiday.
This space belongs to
and will be used by the
in all parts of the township and to
say .that I will endeavor to merit the
confidence you 'have reposed in me
by doing my very best to serve you.
Yours truly,
To the Electors or Clinton .
Ladies and Gentlemen, -You have
again elected me to the position, of
reeve and i thane you one and ; all'
for the favor you have conferred,'
upon Inc. I will endeavor fn every
way possible to faithfully discharge
the duties entrusted to me at • both
our Town and 'County council,
Yours faithfully,
To the Electors of Clinton:
Ladies and 'Gentlemen, -Though not
cleated I appreciate the vote I ` re-
ceived and wish in. this way to
thank you for your -support,
'lours trolly,'
To the Electors of Clinton
Permit me to thank you for the
splendid' vote you gave me on Mon-
day as Mayor for 191:4,' In return
I promise to give you the best ser-
vice in my power, I ,would like al-
so to bespeak ' ror myself and the
councilmen elect your heartiest sup-
porl during the comfit year in mak-
ing Clinton the banner,,town of Wes-
tern Ontario.
Wishing you alt a prosperous and
Happy New ,Year.
I remain,
You Ts gratefully,
FRED JACKSON, Daughter.."
`I'o Reeve Herbert Crich oougratula-
tions. 'His vote exceeded' that of his
two 'opponents combiped.. That - he
will do credit to the position to
which he has been elevated his many
friends are confident.
nual !meeting of the members of the
McKillop 'Mutual Fire insurance
Company will be held in town hall,
Seaforth, on Friday, Jan. 160,
1914 at one o'clock p. m. The
business of the meeting will be to
receive the directors and auditors
report and financial statement, the
electing of the directors, also the
changing the date of the annual
meeting and other business for the
good of the Company. The retir-
ing directors are James Connolly,
John Watt and Wm. Rinn, who are
elegiblefor re-election -J, B. Mc-
Lean, President, Thos, E. Hays,
Secretary, .-14-2.
the improvement of stoclt, a thoro-
bred Pofled Angus bull, Terms,
$1.50, one dollar at time of ser-
vice and balance- wlien cow proves
to be in calf. -T. 13. Mair, lot, 56,
Maitland con., Goderich township.
- ter, Eggs, etc. Highest price. paid.
-Cantelon Bros. -03
Bartliff's and McLcnnan's restaur-
ants. -1800
Ltunber`at $29 per thousand feet. -
Apply to W. J. Paisley. -11.
(No. 463) on Albert street. A.
Scotchmere, proprietor. Seven
rooms, cellar, town waterworks, .4
acregarden with stable. For par-
ticulars apply to -A, E. Matheson,
Clinton, Ont. -10
rooms, 1* story frame dwelling on
Ontario street, in good repair,
good stone cellar. Lot and a half
with garden and fruit trees. Mrs,
M. J. Boles. -06.
started a night telegraph school, and
will start a day school as soon as I
can sell my flour and feed store or
exchange it for town or farm prop-
erty -A, E. Matheson, -05
clay land, 4 miles. Prom Goderich,
small house, good barn, old or-
chard, very suitable for market
garden, poultry, milk etc. Posses-
sion immediately, -Oliver Johnson,
Clinton, 02.
and girls to learn knitting and
looping. Will pay $5.00 per week
while l'earx,ng, Steady employ-
ment, pleasant position. Apply
now, -Clinton Knitting :Co. -93
From our stock of first-class cows
we are, prepared to supply you
twice daily with the best' of milk
and cream. We solicit a share of
your patronage, -E, B. Hill, Phone
Open. Every Evening.
Admission 5 cents. Saturdays and
holidays 10 cents. Children ac-
companied by their par-
ents 5 cents,
Clinton Knitting Co..
To Subscribers
On The Rurals.
The News -Record is able to quote
a special rate to its' subscribers on
the Rural Routes
whet o wish to talc
either the Daily Mail And Empire
or the Daily. Globe. The price for
One year's subscription is :
News -Record and Daily Globe for
twelve months, $3.30
News -Record and Daily Mall' and
Empire for one yehr, $3.30.
Subscribers to the Mail and Em-
pire will arse receiveons of three
premium pictures, 'Borden Picture" Sl/1 i1� P iTZ%�+ItL�
The Rosemaid" or The Farmer's 14111 lY !JITTER
1 li
Sanitary, Piumhere R
Me or the Goderich Township 7 cle-
phone System will be held in Hol-
mes' Hall, Holmesvill'e,, ort Friday,
Jan, eth, ;1919, • at b o'clock( shark,
to receive from the commissioners
a report of the past year's proceed-
ings and for the traasactiotu of any
other business that may be brought
before the meeting: -0, W. I'otter,
Secretary. -14.
a half frame house on Queen street,
10 • rooms, town and soft 'water.'
/. acre of land with a number of,
apple, plum and pear trees. A stab-
le and good sized chicken house,
For further particulars apply on
premises or address -Mrs. Albert
Turner, Clinton, Ont, -11
Sale :-Lot 21, Concession 5, Stan-
ley, containing 77 acres under cul-
tivation, 40 acres in pasture and
7 acres fn good both ; consisting or
cedar, hemlock, beech and maple.
There is a good frame barn and
cedar log house. Those wishing to
purchase a good pasture farm with
opportunity for light agricuitm'e:
will do well in interesting them- 1
selves in this property, as river
runs through this farm and: woods
afford excellent shelter, and grass
is alwayb the best. -Apply to J.
J. Richardson, Varna._
part of Lot 39, Con. 9, Goderich
township, consisting of 107 acres
all cleared and good tillable land
with the exception of five acres et
bush and ten acres- of orchard con-
taining apples, plums and cherries,
Farm in good condition being of
good clay • loam, well fenced and
having an abundance of excellent
waiter. On the premises are two
barns, one 581E30 with shed 25x40,,
all on stone foundation. The oth-
er barn is 50x30 with shed 47x30
and also a gravel house. Situated
one mile from school * mile from
English church, 1 mile from Moth-
odist church, 5 miles from Clinton,
6 mile's from Bayfield. Rural Tele-
phone connection. Also part of hot
36, Telephone Road, containing 50
acres adjoining school and 4 miles
from Clinton, on which there are
no buildings but containing a small
swamp making it an excellent pas-
ture farm. For further particulars
apply on the premises, or address
Geo, A. Cooper Clinton, Ont. Phone
7 on 155. -71.
FAR LH3313,0•
signedRMFOoffers forSAsale E-TirisE rine far1313m
of about 130 acres adjoining the
town of Clinton. The farm is in
a good state of cultivation and
has good buildings -brick housei,
bank barn, driving house, pig pen,
etc -all comparatively new. A first
class young orchard containing all
kinds of fruit, also small fruits.
The farm is well fenced and well
drained and is a very desirable
home. For further particulars
apply on premises or address John
Torrance, Clinton P. 0. -68
Live and Let Live
We sell Foodn ail the Break-
fast foods, all the dinner
and supper foods, also the be-
tween meal foods.
Fruits, IN uts, Confections
Fish, Fresh frozen herring,
halibut, fresh frozen paddies;
filietts and salt water herring.
Electric Bells, Telephones,
ete, done on short notice.
Call artl getprices of electric
supplies of every description
-Tungsten and Carbon Lamps-
-Flashlight Batteries-
-FIot point Heating Goods.-
oods--Shades and Fixtures--
ixtures-Work will be done at a very
reasonable price. Distance
not considered in contract.
Coates' Block, CLINTON)
Hollow Groud
Phone 7,