HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-01-01, Page 9Tinton News - No. 1815 --34th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8th, W14. The News -Record gives a complete record of town and township .news.Are you a subscriber ? u. fackson for i in til: td h' les, geniza- the old )etitiort the tie- th dig bt. is the td, is J. A. who has Paul's ay, nt the aughter, Ham', returned t witle rwax of of his b, spent Irs, S. Toron- ays vis - td Mrs. ii called Year's Hensen day for where on the lay af- gin take Bich sho re from during s, Mr, pend' ng ft Sat - he is )1, d last sk:, aro'. r, Mrs. ding the eaforth, veep for ties as reds to k after n with nil Mrs. lei for tad a of staff. Blyth for been sur- d con - past, place e retort cal last ristinas- al home; f Hane- y after at the Mr. is Day rola at before again former of the o1` Mr. rogrees-, nous at- ton -s 1Y ot 1 I days alid enema - ns, who guests 'r was a V - Year':,;, forth a: o return- y only a ad the Windsor with his al glome, Shilling- Saturday wiitli lies 1rs, Rut- is His Worship. L / L y For Hrgh Glass W e�fc eS CIO a'il(Lgyou ,/, �.% etweler to ✓ 9 o Dell, ar S. WILL RECEIVE: Mrs: G. M. Elliott will be 'at home to her:Jriends on Friday; Jan, i6tb, and aftewards on the third:Friday. A COMING EVENT., The United Society of St. Joseph intend putting' a play in the tows THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 80c to'83c: Oats 30c to dao Barley 50c to 53c.' Butter 21c to 22c. Eggs held fresh 25e, new laid '350, Live Hogs $8.40.' f,ITTLL LOCALS: Good Nlornn t Are a News-, Record Subscriber ? Rev. Prof. Wright, London, :conduct- ed tiie services in St. Paul's church Sunday and will continue in charge until the new rector arrives. Mr. W. J. Huddart Goderich has BOT HOUSE AND LOT,, Mr. James Carter has purchased the house and lot on Albert street owned h'y Mr. Harry East of Slullctt and will occupy it as Soon as he has made some necessary repairs to the cottage. ` The price paid was a good one. ((/ �i \• The as addition council, genial, had tion• town and liberations nity � � A\\��� . \\ G,�\\ Mayor election mayor behind That well that and , \Ce / j , t 1)0 (, \� l;f; , -,'; 9 lr1 � ' ' 1`ANbing r . ti f :.. 4. �� \ y""' ` ,,• h\ �¢ /� \\\% ' `e J) Fred. Jackso of Mr. Fred. , was not unexpected' to his past services his business atllity a: likeable personal qualii biro a perfect 01 he will serve will go without re; he will preside over of the council wi tact no ore will dos - Watches, Clocks and felbelery well repeated. All work left ' beth me is guafanteed to be satisfactorily done. on hall on Jan. 21st, Prof J. F. Roach as conductor, and Rev, Father Hogan,, manager.: •-While driving flown from the north on Tuesday Mr. Chas. Bembridge of 'Morris saw a blacicbrid concerningfront•t}me which he remarked to The News -Re- cord : "I have been fort ears in Y Y this part and this is the first time 1 have even seen a blackbird at ear- ly a 'date." PASTIME'S CHRISTMAS DANCE, AA The pastime Club held a dance in the town hall on Friday evening which was voted by. many the `:'nicest good deal; 'of course, as a number of very 'enjoyable ones have taken place to time in the course of the past couple of months.. But, any- way,Friday's danceproved be the Y' toWillis gathering together of the youth and beauty of the town for a very pleas- ent evening's enjoyment. The town of rented front Mr. Middleton his rooms over the Mayor Jackson's store where he will carry a full stook of electric- al supplies. • WILLIS GIIURCII. Rev. ,J G. Shearer, D. D., head of the Presbyterian Board of Social Re- 'form anel Evangelism, will speak in church next Monday evesng on the subject of "Applied Christian- ity " The address will be' illustrated by lantern: views. Dr. Shearer has a BROTHER DIED. rane retrned Settle- day last, wh� Mr. Joy;°; the funeral of his half brother; Mr. Phomas Long, who', shed suddenly of heart failure the Tuesday enly f ante funeral took place on New Year's day. Mr.- Long has visited Clinton on various occas- ` ions and will be remembered by many in town. Mrs., John I lmner- ton, who is a sister of deceased, al- 1/). Yi0 YiellI a/ Jeweler and Optician - - - Clinton PRESENTATION TO MISS ALLIN. The choir of Ontario street church met at the home of Mr: and Mrs. B. J. Gtbbings on Monday evening for a social hour together, the occasion being a little farewell to Miss May- frill Algin, who, since her coming to hall was prettily decorated, many handsome new gowns were worn by the ladies, the happy holiday spirit prevailed and everything combined to make the affair an exceptiona'.iY Pleasant one. ONT. ST. CHURCH. great story 'to tell of our owncoum try's need and how that need is T e- ing inet today by the gospil of Christ, and the ,publip are cordially invited to attend. Dr. Shearer comes to Clinton specially in the in- terests of the Laymen's Forward Movement in all churches. so attended ihsiunelal. HOW TIIE VOTE STOOD A cartoon in a Toronto daily of Tuesday represents a cit tar a as clime- ing into his four, postor, saying : Now the city council is elected, I'll go back to bed." Tha meaning • of town, has rendered valuable assist- ante in the service of song and who The pastor, Rev. M: Algin, on. Sun- clay morning last preached on "The , =t'GRICUI,TUR'E IN SGIIOOLS: . the picture was clear for it is only too true that the interest of many leaves shortly to spend eotnc time Record of the Old tear." Refererre Schools intending to take up the citizens in municipal platters is only Ij .The i e l Ro a Y OF CANADA. Bank with her sister in Regina. Tho evening was pleasantly spent in social chat, music and games and during the course of it Miss Algin was presented with a handsomely mounted umbrella as a small token of remembrance of her associations with the choir members. ' Miss in was made to those who had passed away frons earth during the year. At the close' of the sermon, Mrs. Turner and Miss the Lor Algin sang For- ever with the Lord". Seel thoughts for the New Year" was the subject of discourse in the evening and Mrs. „ Turner, by request, sang 0 Happy Day." study of Agriculture ani School Gardening should send notice of their intention to the Department of Ed- oration not later than January 15th, if the full grant is to be earned. In no case can notice he accepted later P thanApril 15th. The form to be used for this is to be found at the back of the 1914 register, About 150 shown during the week between noon- mination and election. The i'ocal contest was, a lively one in many respects and on one side at least there was a pretty thor- ough organization, The bylaw to operate Hydro and 14'atenvorks under Dae Commission canted by a majority 42. Personals Miss Tucker of Saskatoon guest of Mrs. Whitehead. Miss_ Lister of Loon, .Engle: London, the guest o[ nd and l Irwin, Rev. Mr, Potts, Brantford, been appoirtited rector of St. was in town Tuesd Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Cooks e P holiday time with their d Mrs. (Dr.), Garrett of Hami Miss Dorothy Cante}an Saturday from a short visi her sister, Mrs. A. Weathe Orfila, Mr. A. ,T. Coo Per and two little daughters, Goderic: New Year's with 14Ir. and 13 S• Cooper, Miss Dcllc TaS`lor •returncrl to to last week after a few d it :with her parents, Mr, at Jacob Taylor. Mrs. Alam Foster of Goder•fc on Mrs, lint. Cools G eric Day while .oher wayNe tovisit Friends: Miss Edna ids - left Fri Heathcote, near 'fhornbttty; she has secured a position public school staff. Miss Edna Turner left Saturn ternoo r l'or Caledonia, to ag charge of the school Over w presided last term. h1•, J. Knox Mair cause lion 1Vallcerville for a brief visit the holidays with his parent and Mrs. J, I{, Mair. i14r, L. J. Wasmann, afte} s the holidays at his polite, le urday for Brodhagen w'hare A pal of the Public eel' Mr, and Mrs. Cale, olio tri; weok from their Route in Sa visiting ' the lady's moths 11'orthington. IVliss R. M. {;Dods, after seen bol days at her home at S left the latter art of last e Eau Claire to resume her du teacher. Mrs D W L Cantelon rerun Toronto the end of the wee spelitl'la; t}io holiday Beast her husband's parents, Mr, a P. Cantelon. Miss W. 7'hoatpsOlt left on h Sai?t'z tvhcre she has aecep Position he Ills Public scho Miss 'Pham)ron taught at several years. feting from a severe cold a fin:el t i the o house f of tee week, is,ablo to resume her }n the store again. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rutledge e.d to their home in Monte was attar 5 spending. the Ch tide :at the fornter's pacnnt Wesley parsonage, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Plteonix o ilton returned home Satuird spenh1tig' the', helirley time lady's parental house, that and Mrs. R., J, elute. Miss hazel Ker. left New Yea to pay a short visit to rag Alma ctrl Mount Forest proceeding 1 e ing to holstein to face tip her school chitties. J John Scholes of 'Toronto, ama tem champion boxes. , world, and brother -ii law W. z • Tozer or town, is p ing favorably after a dangr tack of pneumonia. Mrs. R. B. Gardner f IJamil ° visiting 111^ town for is 04 Ot -a few on her return she will' be Panted by her two little so have been here a week the 1 01 Mrs. W. Collyer, C. le. Gruppe of London. VIS1(0r� in 'town on Net l;ve, haling• come 'up to per. b marriage ceremony. As h eel to London the sable da few o his many frimuls h pleasure of seeing him, M>• Shillin gran carte front g 1, to spend New Year's Day wife at the 7 acr's parent i Wesley parsonage, eats. ton taunted to Windsor 1 after a fortnight's visit parents, Rev. Dc. and 13 ledge. g Capital Authorized $25,000,000 p Capital Paid-up 11,500,000thinketh Resen•e and Undivided Prefile 12,500,000 Total Assets 175,000,000 325 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Debosits. General Banking business transacted, R. E.MANNING,Manager - Clinton Branchchurch Algin will be much missed the choir as she. possessed a well- trained voice which she was ever willing to use in the services of the church. But while they regret her departure, her many friends wish her a pleasant sojourn in the Saskatehe- wan capital, IT WILL BE A KILTIE BAND. At this time of the year when municipal in the Nest Sundayeven'ng nlr. Algin will preach on 1The Charity that and speaketh no evil." The Junior League meets is the school roolm on Friday evening at seven o'clock. COURT MAPLE •LEAF OFFICERS. The following were installed as of- titers of Court Maple Leaf on Thurs- day evening last. schools in the province are expected to take up the study of Agriculture this year; the increase is not rapid but the growth has been healthy. It is expected that a number of schools in Huron will become interested in the course which the Education De- pertinent is doing so much to en• courage. DOHERTY CONCERT COURSE. The new council will consist of : Mayor, Frets: Jackson. Reeve, David Cantelon. Councillors, H. «'iltse, J. A. Ford, II. Fitzsimons, W. J. Paisley, J. P. Sheppard, C. J. Wallis. The ward and total vote was as follows : y •^• e' • 5r, chanes are airhe when men areturningover a• new Vice -Chief, S. GlFddonIanaghan' lee inTthe townghall next ItTuesda appear _ ,; , . c',1,..a m z s o too co a o leaf (?) when church, business and Foe -Y Fln. Secretary, S. R, Iiohnes. ing being the thin] concert on the AlAXOR <A .,, th .i p., J•acicson 70 08 72 82 298 Te Massone Bank Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1879 Capital and Reserve $8,700,000 85 BRANCHES IN CANADA A - GENERAL - BANKING - BUSINESS - TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS 01' CREDIT - - 1 l TRAVELLERS CHEQUES ISSUED.to BANK MONEY .ORDERS J. iety are making plan, for great ad- Yams during the coming year, the local musicians are also taking a new lease of life, in Fact o'er new mayor- elect f l Fred. act o'er after cars Y of voice culture, has reached the stage where he is some artist and mel- odious strafes will .be heard around the towns hall the coming year. Y The Citizens batch with many dis- advantages and set backs has been a credit to the town and been a source of pride to the citizens, who have not failed to respond liberally to the many calls for assistance made from Rec:Secretary, J. P. Sheppard, Chaplain, I. Dodd, S. Woodward, C. Managitam. Jr. Beadle, Woodward, F Beacom. Sc. Beadle, II. Folland. Jr. Beadle, Fred. 1lutctr. Auditors, C, E, Dowding, H. T. Rance. Trustees, R, S. Byanl, Jolin Sut- ter, 1. Rodd. Conductor, Jas. Finch. Finance Committee, Jas. Finch, I3. Glazier, F, 1)lutch, WEDDED IN BOSTON. Doherty Course. This CTlee Club consists of a vocal male quer- tette, a trombone quartette and a. humorous entertainer anti impersona- nt ersona_ P tor• The male quartette is unser- tor. passed and the trombone c uartette is 1 the Duly one on the Lyceum plat- torn). Tlfe y have filled over 3600 concert engagements in the United States and Canada and' have appear- ed in all the large American cities They have been together without any change in their personnel for the last thirteen years. These facts speak for themselves, so the citl'zene may Couper 52 70 05 63 250 REEVE • , �- Cantelon fig 53 $;� 0. 7 Taylor 50 7th 55 73 _>5H Cou vert toren Rrtltse 99 91 80 86 300 �, Fitzsimons 70 01 OS 91 )9 Ford 7r, 72 77 85 809 paisley es 71 ee 54 302 Wallis (Il 72 59 52 214 Sheppard 07 70 75 79 201 Sntyt.lc 40 9•t 40 58 188 Miller 49 62 40 43 191 McLennan 37 40 88. 15 158 SAVINGS < BANK DEPARTMENT ' Lime to time, 'This the band been A (Diet wedding in witch many expect one of the best treats of the season. Judging from the the Personals At all branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch. S g year has re -or- gantzed and the services of Mr. Fred Fouhister of St. Thomas have been se- cured as bandmaster and manager. Mr. Foubister, although a young maul, has had twenty years band experience Clinton people will be interested took way place at the Church of the Advent, Alan is Filling up there will be a bei)) Boston, Mass., ori December 17th, per house. Plan is now on silo at 1 Y Fair's bookstore.. when 1VIiss Jean F. Macpherson, only dalrghter of the late D. F. elacpher- CLIN'fON WON. s0•t of Clinton, and Mrs. Macpherson < Mrs. D. C'anteloii visited ,iter •lough rex, Vita, Andrew Weather vex, Ox - illla, for a few clays during the bol- iday season. Mr. Albert Turner last -' �.. In the United States and Canada and of Goderich, became the bride of Dr, The local hockey lean wo:, its first will no doubt bring the band up to an Gro. W. Morse of Boston. ill the Northern League series returned week from his homestead in the south- AsitortaigeenemmisThe game advanced state of efficiency. The wedding was a very quiet one, at Mitchell Monday night. It was a west nliiles from the Alberter of a and READY-TO-WEAR CLOTUINn ORDERED CIA nmiNG boys have also decided to get or'y very intimate friends being pre- bard fought contest throughout. At new uniforms and have chosen the sent. Mrs. Macpherson, the bride's half time the scare stood 2-1 5nd the popular Scotch Military costume and mother, .went down to Boston for final 5-2 in favor of Clinton which in the future will be known as the the ceremony, and Mrs. Morse of had the following line up : a ,t et , F abountlry sea.slines,n his sere he en pins settlement duties, Air. Turner the land is taken in Clinton Kittle Clinton,Mas. motherof 'h' groom Goal, W. Johnston.inct tie Band.s o the g oon. It is to he hoped that the Clinton was also present. R. Defence, R. Heelball. says alt up his part of the province, either by • Blg 9 1VIen sl Hatsc���1%�y��1 d 1� 1�f Caps, —OF— Boy c! • Furs s Clothing •�J 1J, E�0 l music lovers will second the efforts The bride is well known_tn Clinton, L. Defence, M. O'Donnell. of the boys to make the bard one of her native town, and where her ear- Rover, N. Gull. the best in Western. Ontario and at fp girlhood days were spent, but for Centre, E. Kerr. credit to the old town. some years past she has resided iu R. li'ing, A ltitcheil, Boston having trained these as a L. Wing, K. Draper. THIF, PASSING OF MRS. EAS7\ lnurso and since become very success- Referee, Cr. Carr, Seaforth, I Ful in her profession. The many7'ho Northern League schedule is as Early Monday tnorrh`ng the spirit of g Mrs. Thos. Fast of town, who had Clinton friends extend congratulations follows : and good wishes. Jan. 5th,—Clin?on at Mitchell, been in a serious state for several g Jan, 12th, 4eaforth at Clinton, weeks; passed into the Great Be- I3C1R0\TIAN.S IN ELECTIONS. 2 S,ond Jan. 7th,-11Iitchel1 at Seaforth. The deceased, whose maiden name Outside of the general interest Feb. 2nd,-5eal'orth at; Mitchell. was Annie E. Moffatt, haat spent prat- which the public has in municipal el- Feb. 5th,—Clinton at Seaforth. tioally all bar life in Clin.:om and .vie- ections, the people of Huron hadFeb: 6th,—Mitchell ab Clinton. inity: She was- a daughter of the special interest in the municipal el- NEW YEAR'S E:V1s WbIDDINCx: late David Moffatt and of Mrs. Mali- ectioits in Toronto this year, owing r art of town. Her birthplace was a to the Tact that no less than fear of A Pretty wedd;nP took place at, the farm an the London. Road near Kip- those figuring in the election are na- home of Mr. and Mrs. II, 10 Baines, there her days tives Huron Ontario street, at high on Wed - settlers or 11n errors and that free land is. practically a thing of the past in Saskatchewan and in Alber- ta, too, with the exception of the Peace River country. Ih his dis- trier Clic ranchers Formerly Over- Tan everything but are now being rapidly driven o . by the man with the plow. Mr. Turner is of the opinion that the collapse of the real estate boom was a blessing in disguise for it will cause business filen, farmers and all classes in the day community to 0totle clown ltimate bel* eFit'of the whole country. When he returns west in , the spr'ng Mr. Turner will be accotnpenicd by his family, pen and girlhood were of county • noon • We 1!'iust Reduce Oar Stock Before the Masons and. Carpenters Start Alterations. ' You Can Make Money Fast By Bayle. spent. On her marriage; to the late Walter Harland Smith, who is one nesday last, the last day of the old year. 1 - Eastshe elected he h use was beautifully d Thos s e came to reside inof the alderman e e ted for.ward 6 0 1 h e Clintota where they lived several as born on alfat'nl near TinIeyville rotated with mons ferns,etc., the tits years, later spending a year in Parte- (now Brussels) in 1862. He has. beer, occasion being the marriage of their hill and still later seven or eight a resident of the city •since 1870, and eldest daughter, Flora, to Mr. Char- years at South Norfolk, Va., where was for a long time connected with les W. Prowse of Ctoderieh township, The Apple King is Once More a Winner. ly, Clothes Here Now. her husban4h died. About ;fourteen Grand's Morse re]wsitory, in which The bridal pair were atticnded by pears ago she returned with her business he has gained a comfortable Miss Violet, sister of the bride, and;:":r?? small family to Clinton and here competence. Mr, R Peewee, tate groom's brother, they have made their hone ever Richard II. Holmes, lawyer, a son Master Chas. t`,umt Baines, the r,. .,• ,t<, ' ,. • " , it Owing to the fact that our premises having chang- • ed handy„and receiving notice from our new landlord that our bigstore is to be sub -Cil .ided Weare com ell- p, ed to reduce our Uig SLi'Ocli and do it quickly. The: cat penter8 and masons will be at Wort{ in a few weeks king the alterations. Here are thousands of dollars maMr. ci worth of new and up-to-date clothing etc, of the hi h- p g' ' g est character ti'at must be sold at one re • ardless of g cost' or value at rices representing a savin] of 20:to A g - s 3 20 percent, With the cold weather just commencing, and the requirements k)O1V}! winter goods essential , i %ryoisb;ppin, '. �p @a. r is opportunity this 7a OU1. Gp�7ol tU nity..t(1 save f1.0111 W'�.,. � t0. yp J. l� • y," on a Suit, or overcoat.. SIMS. of the late 'Phomas Holmes of Wing- bride's brother, being ring bearer, Mrs, East was of a quiet disposi- haat; was also a candidate for alder- The ceremony was performed by the ! tion, home -loving and devoted to her plan in ' one of the wards, but Rev. C:, 11,. ,Game, rector of Christ g fawily. Hca health was never ro• was not as successful as Mr. Smith, church, London. bust and she found the care of her being defeated: The bride wore a pretty wedding family and 'her hone sufficient for w 0. McTaggart, who was raised gown of pale blue cashmere with sills strength. r •h[selhucst nd has been a and lace trtntmings and, a tulle veil her She was a good nes C a . mother and her family ,show; her care- member of the Board of Education 'fastened with a wreath of orange fug training. and will' sadly miss her Uwo, years, was re-elected by a ata- blossoms; and carried a l:oauc1 of gentle mfrrsterations. It was her jority of more'tan .1.300 over his op- 'bridal roses. often 'expressed &Mee that she might penult. Mr, elclaggart s total mote the ring bee:tee carted a, haslet of hes r1' i the ward was over 4,000 being the pretty white flowers and ferns. snared untilfly were able n a � P S a her fain to care,. for themselves and her wish largest vote given any candidate for After the ceremony the bridal party was granted. She ;was a consistent trustee -in any of the wards of the and punests, numbering really forty, i .,, ,.art . been acting sat clown t•o 1 sum )tuous wedd'n member. of the Methodist Church, city: Mr, McTaggart ]las be a gi i , •i.h , - chairman the • oartl for •few breakfast evil the afternoon and even- with the Wesley congrcg cilau.ula of b a • el ,. .the ._ •. � ,. •ei n• i, atLOn, herplacebeing SL}(10]71 F,t(antwee i5,. and. 1S Stile t0 be t11L pet, Mg was spent • tri seat ICSt vi ties chairman for the ensiling lasting un it the New Year was us- anent tairman e g b tvlrn family Sito a111eL,1•.ons tied ileac. S eakin • of a meeting of, the 1hexed in. b Y Y P g -week, � 1 , + ei f 0 fO f , i 1. t< az£ ,v .. e ti z 3 .xi ? } 3 a , � ss, 1 r,, 2 kt < kir,•;, k, lr* , n; ,l }� i :x �a , .. �;< t a� r it ,-, s 1,"s '1 ..tt ;, t , , t d3 ! Rr ..: "1.::) A' �. 3,i.k ' r a. 1 ;;.. i 1 '' : ` :'',3 E pct .rr�t L '; .<; � i ss A��ri ” See large bills for'prices. g. - g edger, board that was held last the r The ,young People Were Sic iecip- T. 1 says : "Chairman 'MeTag •art': lents of manybeautiful gifts, Mao, dao \Kers, survive and Mae,' Roy, Kathleen and' :Carl, all . of Clobe aY nB g , some Clinton with. the exception of : Roy, made a splendid un ),cession with his coming from the Old C'ountr P] j y,Aus- ReeveRev. David Cantelon. �tt� ail 1111 ,, OOI�fi A nares �ea� THING + �n Every for Libel Man. ' -', 1 who aids been`conneeteci with the business -like method of handling the teethe an,l the far west of Canada. ', R'o•a <Bank s 'in ' e ° '' eared." Tho •bride's going away costume Y 1 La(f at fit, n)pg tot ho stmt time' past, • The deputy -returning officer in was,a. suit of .navy blue Vienna v h t t h` she wore a black Iter aged mother, Mrs D. Moffatt charge of the,polhn,, booth. int t std clot wl 1 w tch � of I-Iigh 'street; also siuvives, besides 'a; where Mayor., iIgcken cast his hat- That lvltli phmne, two brothers end two sisters : Mrs lot was Mr. George Shepard, for- '� Bliss Violet:lIninete came home - •' h e farm ,u_l , 1i i•. S rah E, Baines John :Johnston of ,Varna, Mt:- ,John mealy or .Godalch, !horn on th from C c pl , l sF: a Moffatt of ,Ki ere Mr. S. Moffatt of South of Mr. John, Midtlletoiv's, God, from Goderich, and, Mr, 1 -Tilton Baines Kippere ,-. It' Me,Y be, easy en°ugh {o II tire out 'an adverse . vote for the jovial a le Tt[n pi:ioi to the pont sig' brit AA g soml(aow when i,lie ballots arc count- ed he always liana safe margin; On `Moeda evcn'hg it was ti "score and Y four. Reeve Cantelon has always been Progressive Ude is hislast '+ The, London, and Mrs. Cleo, P'tc,ett -' of erich ! p.)' 7 hc. Toronto Star publish= returned from the hospital in 7biron-a Clinton, ed a picture .of Mayor Hoo'cen cast- to, all being present at, their sis- a and.as term there is no manner of doubt A BIG RANGE a - •Re Box's B7i'AAT7. "' A Bra RANGE OE BO'S'S OAFS The lhtneral takesplace this after- ing his ballot in which was also an ter's wedding. ? ' noon -- excellent likeness of Mr. Sheppard: the News -Record .jdins With the To the bereaved ones, the sympathy Hurontans come: to the front ober- friends of. Mr. and 'Mrs. Prowse in of the community is .extended, ever they are: congratulations and wishes. but that he will strive with , night and main to have it the most frust- !fol of results 3r, his whole municipal ! lcat:eer. -^ u. fackson for i in til: td h' les, geniza- the old )etitiort the tie- th dig bt. is the td, is J. A. who has Paul's ay, nt the aughter, Ham', returned t witle rwax of of his b, spent Irs, S. Toron- ays vis - td Mrs. ii called Year's Hensen day for where on the lay af- gin take Bich sho re from during s, Mr, pend' ng ft Sat - he is )1, d last sk:, aro'. r, Mrs. ding the eaforth, veep for ties as reds to k after n with nil Mrs. lei for tad a of staff. Blyth for been sur- d con - past, place e retort cal last ristinas- al home; f Hane- y after at the Mr. is Day rola at before again former of the o1` Mr. rogrees-, nous at- ton -s 1Y ot 1 I days alid enema - ns, who guests 'r was a V - Year':,;, forth a: o return- y only a ad the Windsor with his al glome, Shilling- Saturday wiitli lies 1rs, Rut-