HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-01-01, Page 6Rubbers and Over-Sioe1dii s'hi One.. grow to ,toilsilt ko oft rlt wee... Wok WI+II-R ant woe. All alio* for WOd elfin n, - ROY 0tj1..tp. an 1 i roe,ot 'oeroYlf aa' family,h Owe wto tits Ceeadlen agate O. CdbhofCO .0:4,. limit's, btnn'roI „ .. moaned and sank.Bats squeeked and blundered against my nets, creeping thinga'.left the river and scuttled over the sand. it was too dark to see any- thing; the sound of all this unknown aetivlty bad a eurioue effect on the neryes7and, vivid storlef; of greet snakes,, of jaguars and crocodiles came to the ''mind. . Tho ttolSee of sighing and gasping that came from the river were the most awe inspiring. I found out later that these were made by largered and white fresh water porpoises, the former dangeroue to man., How Giad. Was it When Dawn Came.. YOM.IIN IN THE NMIi)DLE AGES tlrlrharged Duties That Do Not I`all, to Their Let Nowadays.. Women in England have always Sharedin the inda.etrial Lie of .the. nation. Curiously enough, writes `'i r, A. Abram in "English Life e -e Manners in the Later . Middle 'fres," a statute of 1.363 duet :or- dered men to keep to ono trade. left woman free to practice as many as she chose. In A, few instan•coe, 'at least, wo- men in in the later middle ages dis- chatged duties and held itgriCes that do not fall to their lot nowadays. There are allusions to women' bur- geesesdn the records of London and other toWns, and if women married aliens, they could naturalize thein. They sometimes acted as churoh- wardene, a poet that often entailed such duties as farming and trading, as well as keeping the parish ac- counts, managing parish entertain- nnente, and 'representing the parish at the archdeacon's' court.. They were occasionally entrusted with the charge of state prisoners, On the sand around my mattress were and once or twice they helped to the-' markt] of turtles and also of a collect loans for the Icing. Cicely, small crocodile and at the edge of the Duchess of Warwick, was heredi.. ' brushwood the footprints of sll ome tory sheriff of Worcestershire, and a We started` off early and in two days i the widow of Thomas Mowbray, came' out onto the Rio Negro above Duke of Norfolk, was Countess' Manaos. The 'river was be're some Marshal, and as such wore the. d when a rain-rter on St. -George's eleven miles erases and, robes of the•(Ia n very afternoon, storm came in theday1806. t rough. Early in the afternoon a white omen did, not shrink from en - water prole `and we aoutnd above the blandk in foreign commerce.' They and we lauded. The trees and l gaging palms were different from those which , exported goods to France, Spain, we had seen before. A little way from and other countries. A widow, the water was a Bertholletia eace1sa, Mareary Russell of Ooventry, is, a Brazil nut tree, but Its Targe, round mentioned in no less than throe def nuts were not yet ready to fall ferent existing documents. Her A short distance inland a chain of lakes was now left by the falling river businese must have been on a fairly and in them crocodiles, turtles and fish large scale, for she was robbed of abounded. The Portuguese made some merchandise worth eight hundred casts with a circular weighted net, the pounds by some men of Santander, apex of which he held in Ms mouth, in S sin. In order to recoup her and,soon, besides the catfish with their Self for her losses she obtained quaint mustaches, he had caught two + tuncnare, the most delicious of the letters of marque that empowered Amazon fishes. her to seize the goods belonging to Wo followed the track of a large countrymen of the offenders. She turtle for a very long .way andworeapparently took more than was due which rewarded by finding its eggs, irrercltants had been deposited in a hole that it her, for two Spansh lodged complaints against her. She had snooped out in the sand. This was not the usual time for these eggs and was ordered to restore both ships, they made a very pleasant addition but one of the Spaniards declared to our daily fare. Game of all sorts that she had refused to do so, al - was exceedingly scarce; occasionally though he had a commission direct - 'warthogs scuffled through the under - ed to the exchequer. If Dame Afar - growth and even peaces and males a Russell was a type, women were seldom seen. Muscovy ducks g ry yp , were the only things we shot. Macaws,traders of the middle ages wolte always in pairs, flew overhgad In the well able to look after themselves. early morning and in trees where fruit was ripe, flocks of green parrots were sure to be found. 1-1ti+fro g Se�►1 ia. t" we o'•' m'el't t to All �g'o481e1 Hallfatc Sends Out anMeraage of'l-Iehi Halifax, Nt9. neo: 15. When inter viewed at her home at 194 Argyle St, Mrs. Haversteclt was quite trilling if talk of her peculiarly unfortunate ; case was always blue', and depreseed felt weak, languid and utterly unfit tar. any work. My stomach was se' disordered that I hand no appetite What -I did est disagreed, I suffered greatly from' diizinese and sick • bead- acite and feared a nervous brealcdowe, Upon my druggist's `.recommendation I•. used Dr. blalnilton's Pills. ' "I felt, better at once. Every' day I improved. • In six weeks I was a well woman, cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. It 1s for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or dtges tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills." , Dr. Hamilton's Pills • strengthen the stolnach,'improve digestion, strength- en the nerves and restore debilitated systems to health. fly cleansing the blood' of long-standing impurities, by bringing the systerih to a high point of vigor, they effectually chase away wearinesg, .depression and 'disease. Good for young or old, for men, for women, for children, All dealers sell Dr..Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. 1 Collected Many Orchids and remarked that their distribution Sore Joints, `Rihennlatisni appeared to be very local; ono day' Cattolyas abounded on the trees; — another day, a few miles farther on, A Professional Dancer Proved It. only Soltomburgkiae could be found. __ In one place quantities of Catasetume Pew men in hie profession aro bet - were growing on the ground, beneath ter known than Mr. Thomas Hogan, little bushes, and in the denser forest of 27 Fortification Lane, Montreal, nearby another variety of Catasetum who writes: -"To limber up a stiff was growing on tree trunks not far Joint, to remove every sono of sore - from the ground. Of course this was nese from tired muscles I can tell you above high water level. This last nothing compares with Nerviline. It variety was both male and female is really a wonderful liniment, and I flowers. use it continually, simply because I The female flower was borne on a find it keeps the muscles and joints short, thick stalk and were greenish supple and entirely free from pain and yellow bells, while the male flowers stiffness. I earnestly recommend Net, were borne on graceful stems and viline to every person that requires to were black with green and white use a strong, penetrating, pain-aubdu- fringes. When touched, a tiny portion ing liniment detached itself and jumped out, One For Rheumatism Nerviline is a wan- Cattloya wo were lucky enough to flud der; for Sciatica it cures where others had great slashes of gold on its rosy fail; for Lumbago, stiffness and cold, mauve petals and an edging of pure nothing surpasses it. Keep Norviline white; evidently a natural hybrid, the handy -it's good to take inwardly, de - strange product of the wanderings and etroys internal pains quickly, and is. feastings of some great night moth. just as good for outward application. Another day, farther up the river, Large family size bottle, 60c,; small on terra firma, s.muryllte 11111ee were size, 25e., at all store keepers and drug - growing in profusion, and we spent gists or The Catarrhozono Co., But - a long and happy morning in digging talo,.N.Y. •up basketfuls of their bulbs; but the white Eucharis we did not find. What a strange history has this !illy, so well A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING. known from its constant use in funeral wreaths in Europe. Many years ago Province of Ontario Is the Owner a single shipment of this bulb left of Prioeless'.Aesets. Para, included in a parcel of orchids to one of the big London growers, and The Province of Ontario Canada, it bas never been rediscovered. Cattle- ya euperba shared this tate for many' years, but was rediscovered on the Rio Negro. You Can't Peat it for LAZIEST BIRD IN THE WORLD: Moved Only An Eyelid In Half an }1R Ali FEft .�T lllO! Ot llEEi Also on Neck. Big Bare Spot on Crown, of Head. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured, 108 Chapleau St,,... !, gntroal, Que.-- "When my brother and I went, to school wo got ringworms frons the otherchild/ma mid our hair all foil out. We liedthem on our heads arid on our necks. loot' noltths I had a big bare spot on the crown of tiny head the size of a fifty -cent piece, Mother tried , everything, all kinds of ointments, to cure us but everything seemed no gooduntil one. day she•sawan advertisement for'Outicura Soap and Ointment.- It Was Culdeura Soap and Ointment .that cured us." (Signed) Mrs. M. Blake. May 31. 1913. Hour. Some nten have fame thrust upon. them. So have some birds. It has been stated that the boatbill was the laziest bird in the world, and those who have examined the species at the Zoo agreed with the declaration, though the other day they were -for boathills-in an unaccustomed state of energy, says the London Chronicle. There was one in the diving bird house, for instance. He was squat- ting on a perch in the recesses of the root looking wonderfully solemn and sedate, and resembling an odd gentle- man with a black skull sap, a gray swallow-tailed coat, and an expanse of white slfirtfront-an early Victorian edition of an old gentleman, in fact. His movements were timed over half an hour, and they consisted of this: Opening twice and shutting once the big bright eye exposed. Further, with- out a motion of Ma beak, he emitted a quint, hollow note -which was sur- st at he lvulgarly lke a grunt of curiosity suddenlysevinced in him. Then an enthusiastic youthful keep- er said there was another boatbill In the waders' cage, and we went pros- intmated that he knew him. for youngherto keeper tiand him, and he peered into the roots of the bushes, where the bird retires in search of solitude and sleep and im- mobility generally. I had just re- covered my right foot from the pond -.- the bank was very slippery -when there was a clucking and, spreading a pair of ragged wings, the bean:111-ex- cited by our intrusion -hopped into a holly tree. IIe was too lazy to go far, and possibly his exertion, too, exhaust- ed him. Ile stood on,the bough, his dark eye wide open, extending Lis skinny neck as if he were swallowing his anger with difficulty, It is prob- able that in his residence at the Zoo he had never been more hustled. He was quite a long tine -five minutes - settling himself comfortably. I crept around to the back of the cage afterwards and inspected him, He was normal. His shoulders were hump- ed, hin head sunk upon his chest, hie eyes closed. And the raludrops ran down his bealt. ?ARABLE OF THE' RICA MIN. Wanted to Go lnto the Carden, But Was Not Altiwed. The Rich Man d cd, and found 4.mself in a htxurioas'smoking-' :'sena', He touched the be:l, and a a-rfeclly-trained ftugke"'y' brought him a wondo ftal clear an•d the most delicious wh to wine he lead ever. tasted. He lazily noticed that the r'oo'm had no windows, and he thought he would aloe a little fresh air. He passed into the next and eelnally magnificent room, and there, too, he found no windowe.' But now ho had a distinct desire for the open. In the third room also there were no windows. He began to walk. faster. He wanted to sec a cloud, although never in his life had"he experienced each a desire. He ,started to run through rooms and rooms; there wean() e d to them, He grew' frantic, and rushed headlong, ns it seemed to him, for miles and miles. At last he sank exhaustecl into a sett' in a room papered, in pale green, and hung with,• oil.paintings by Royal', Academicians, framed in oostly gold.. He rang an eleetrio bell, fever- ishly. Another perfect waiter ap- peered. "I want to go into the garden. Show'mu the wary, chick." "Sony, sir, but it's against or det's," was the respectful.. answer. "Against orders!! 'What, isn't this Heaven7" "No, sir 1" ITCHY RASH ON HANDS Fergus. Ont.-" Outtcura Soap .and 01st• stent conrpletelY euredme of a rash on my hands. TJe rash was red like water blisters, every itohyand sore. Ocratohing made them sorer. The irritationwas kid at night. I triad many remedies which did not do any good. I used Cutleura Soap as a wash in warm water night and morning with Out1- cora Ointment and in Less than a week it was all gone." (Signed) Mrs. Isabella Gibson, May 22, 1913. The regular use of Outicura soap for toilet and bath notonly tends topreserve, purify • and beautify the akin, scalp, hair and hands, but assists in preventing inflammation, tation and clogging of the pores, the common cause of pimples, blackheads and other un- wholesome conditions of the :skin. Out!- curieSoapand Ointment are sold -bY druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal fres sample of each, with 32-p. book; Bond post -card to Potter Drug & Chert., Corp., Dept. D, Boston,13. S.A. , WHY LEAVES FALL. Botanist of Java and Ceylon Seeking Light oh Subject. From a study of the growth and fall of the loaf in perpetual summer, botanists in Java and Ceylon have been lately seeking new light on au old subject. At the Botanic Gardens at Buitenzorg, Prof. G. Volkens has found the climate not quite uniformas there is a periodicity in precipitation, relat- ive humidity and insolation; and from records of nioie than 100 tree species growing in the gardens, ho has obtain- ed illustrations of nearly every kind of foliage; behavior -some trees being regularly deciduous (accustomed to losing their leaves) once or twice a year, certain evergreens having mark- ed periodicity, and others having uni- form • foliage gradually renewed throughout the year. He concludes that the leaf -fall is not due to the checking of activity by an excess of stored food, some unknown internal action of the protoplasm seem- ing to him the primary cause. On the other stand, Prof. G: Klebs decides that periodicity of plant habit is gov- erned by periodicity of external con- ditions and that the supply of food materials may play a leading part. His conclusions are based partly on experimentaltoity, altering of the` period - Trees stripped several menthe be- fore the usual time have renewed their foliage and continued ,it during the season when they are usually bare; some deciduous .European trees In the tropics no longer wholly dropped their leaves at any season, and tropical trees of periodic habit have been made to change their period by varying the fertility of the soil. Pearls of Truth. A Strange Pig. Five-year-old George had spent the summer in the country, where he was much interested in a neigh- bor's pig and cow. On his return; to his city home he was asked what he liked in the country. "I liked Mr. Johnson's pigs best." "Ah I How many pigs has ' Mr. Johnson?" "Two." • "What color are Mr. Johnson's pigs?" "One pig is white." "What color is the other, pig?" "The other pig's a cow." Happy New Year! Are you acquainted with the sweet, toasty flavor of Post Toasties -crisp krinkles of choice Indian Corn—toasted to a delicate golden brown- ready to eat direct from package? Wholesome, convenient and immensely appetizing. Ask the grocer -man •--anywhere. Oana4 an Posture Cereal 0o., Lt.L WihdeoO, Ontario. FAMILY MAT HEIRLOOM. Eleahs Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength, l°Iavored with delicious sauces. They have no equnl. EDI10117'I ON, 1 r'il4V'r awuwEHFi connvpit,, Tet {I aorto.. Onnada'n Ponnlnr Oontmer. c'tnt Rnhnnl. Msenincent 0ntalnsne free. seisms vote nava. N. W. DAWSON. NInet,, Colborne. Street, Taranto, F von WANT To BUT reit 'fll^,L A . .N Frult, Pterk, Grain, or Dairy Farm. a•rtf,, It; W nnwe'n,- Braunttton. or 9e 0otbni,.,n Et., Tnrento, N W. DAWSON, Deibern, e' Tnro"ta NEWSPAPER yon SALE.. FwsTAPER ATD JOB OFFICE IIS OthProprietor being a rruntiotit to ...Iva . the Prh+lex oMHee the mention nenrssarv, and elvere If for sale et •a saorifnn. No onnnaitloa. One of the bast nowsne per entailing. in Ptwtlo,',, l.•tnll.ti1„� pnantlrsiromaTnro,to. WANTED. Samoans Have Great Pride In Their T IYE UNINJURED MINK; DIA.PTrrN Artistic Work. Oi4 and Fisher, W D. -Bates, Ridgetown, Among the curious customs of the T t-ve awes, lame' awn MARTION. Samoan people is that of making heir- It 4 Reid Bone.. Bothwell, Ont. looms of mats. These mats are as- sociated with the family as the hearth- stone is among other peoples. These mats aro really works of at t and are worthy of the boasts which the Samoans make concerning them. Some of them have names known all over the group and are very valu- able. The most valuable as well as the oldest is called Moe-e-Pui-Pus, or "The mat that slept among the creep- ers." It got this title from it having been hidden away for years among the creeping convolvulus that grows wild along the seacoast. It is known to be at least 200 years old, as the names of its owners during that time can bo traced. The possession of such a mat as this gives a pertain rank and power to its owner, and the poorest among them have been known to refuse $500 for such a family treasure. a Reasons for Excusing James. With an air of melancholy resig- nation, the truant stopped at the' teacher's desk, and handed her the following note from his mother : Dear Sir. Please excusenames for not being present yesterday. He played truant, but you need- n't whip him for, it, as the boy he played truant with and him fell out, and he licked James; and a man says the, Hon. W. H. Hearst, the they threw stones ab 'cautrht lam Minister of Lands, Forests, and and licked him; and the driver of a Mines, is blessed with' a little of cart they hung on to licked him; everything to be found elsewhere with the exception of coal, the look of which is made up by Ontario's hydro -electric power system, which in time will be utilized for heating purposes as well as lighting and power. Ono ounce in every seven. of silver produced from the world's crust comes from Ontario, and there is abundant evidence that in New Ontario gold is to bo found from Quebec on the east to Mani- toba on the west. Forty per oen't. of the mineral production of the Dominion comes from Ontario. Nearly -one-half of the timber out in the Dominion was from •the for- ests in this Province. In New On- tario the value of the timber could hardly .be estimated. . In the wa- ters of the north country' there were over 2,000,000 horse -power within a short distance .al the Transcontin— ental Railway, and it ie not a very great stretch• of;imagivation to see in the near future timber mills operated by means of hydro -electric power. The country was destined to become one of the greatest man- , on the continent ' l of America. The idea that land. in Northern Ontario was not suitable for•agr'icnittu'al purposes was not I correct.' It was equal to any soil in Canada for the production of grains of all - kinde. These were only a few of the priceless assets of Ontario. -• and the owner of a cat they chased licked him, Then I licked him when he game home, after which his fa- ther licked him, and I had to give him another for being impudent to me for telling his father. So you need nob lick him until the next time. He thinks he will attend regular in future. LIQUID SULPHUR cures RHEUMATISM by removing the cause. Impurities in the blood cause RHEUMATISM. LIQUID SULPHUR used according to direc- tions will purify the blood. Try it. Ono bottlo, Prise 50 Cents, willcon- vince you of its wonderful merits. On sale at all druggists, or send direct to .LIQUID ,STJT PHUR, 188 Bay Street, Toronto. A girl's ,idea of an affinity is the first man who proposes. Mtnars's -Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. Most Pleasant Cure Known For Cold In the Ilead �y3DAR FFTrttll POSTH, OTIO'rE Dil. '4 i Burred Bothwell. Reid boos-, .A11: well. Ont. Nigro, , rNp000 CR NCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, E.TD., iJ internal and external. cured w"h, nal pals by our tomo tars tment, Write no before ,.znn1 ,. Into.,., r,t AOat nn bfedlrnt r1 ALL STONES, iuunaY AND TL:AD• KX der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailment. positively rural with the new German remed9, Renal," price PILO). Another new remrdr for Dlabeten-Vellitue. and erre cure, le Fanolts Anti.Dlebetee." PrIo" 52.00 front drngglats or direct. - Tha Aa sol 3fnnnfnn. tnrinR Gormley of Canada, Limited. Winntres. Man. Gives Relief In Ten Minutes. lively second person that you meet seems to have a sneeze and stuffed feeling in the forehead and nostrils. To cure promptly, say, in half an hour, there is nothing worth using except Catarrhozono. You inhale its balsamic vapor, and feel as if you were among the Norway pines, This is because Catarrhozono contains a heading med- icine, light as pine air, which is breathed straight into the lungs and bronchial tubes.. Away goes the cold; sneey'ng and catarrhal cough cease, bron Pita irritation stops; in short you aro cured of catarrh by a pleas- ant, simple remedy, free from sode- tivos and irritants. An ideal protection for the chest, lungs, nose, and throat is the frequent use of, Catarrhozono. Two mouths' treatment (tbe large size) coats $1.00, medium sizes 600.; at all dealers or the Catarrhozono Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. John. Bull Abroad. The Paris Liberte has discovered the most "nervy" of, English tour- ists -always a self-confident race. Tho world has a million roosts for a man, but only one rest. -O. -W. Holmes. - One of the gadded things, of to- day is that wealthy people are not giving their sons to the Church.- Bishop of Southwell.- One whose daily life' is careless is always weak. But one who habit- ually walks in the paths of upright- ness and obedience grows strong in oharacter,--Miller. ey are virtu - This man entered a well-known re will disturb the nelghbore. Most people think th ous, merely because they are tae staurant, accompanied by two little) Hub' -Well, if it does, it's up to and, inoffensive, lameness is nota iris ordered a bottle of mineral them to Put on double windows. virtue, it is merely the absence of g iter and three platesr and began a vice. -J. S. Blackie: - to eat sandwiches, which he had Try Murine Eye B. medyy brought with him in his pockets. • If you have Redd,, Weak, Watery Eyes HOW THE SCRAP STARTED. The milnagor, overcome d )ri, and said, or Granulated r h sla edy Pains. D Doesn't S mart Jones stopped on Smith's favorite corn outrage, app Ditueiot Era ve t'ay, Liquid, 25e, Soll and of Bourse there was trouble. what -"I should like to inform' you that Murine v e ,Salve in Aseptic Tubes, Smith needed to Putnnm'a Ger l 7ilxtrnetor this is .not a-" 25c, 50e. Eye Books Free by Mail. •the' painless 'remedy for 001.7119 and "Who are you 7" illtel'rllpted 1110 an era venae anew rag•age Eyea'rat Nned cues Morino Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Englishman. Mori warts that cares in twenty-four hoot's. - Putnam'e 1s the only standby. Try it, "Isere the manager," was the re - 26a. at all aouiora' nlv. The other day a gentleman fret a Oh you are the manager, are little boy who was crying "What's STRANGE HOLLAND SECT. Welsh Minors' Superstitions. PRODUCERS -By shipping your NEW LAID EGGS to GUNN, LANGLOIS k 00., LIMITED, MONTREAL, you secure the BEST RESULTS. One trial shipment reeommemd"d. DO Y0111, fi'1'OOKI:NGB SHRINK from washing and Hurt you? Do tiro children complain? The IDEAL 9r0BKINa STRETCHERS make old etookinge • feel and foots, ease corvt, andlau e darn- ing, Two sizes, adult and child. ran's. 600, a hair by mail. 1. E. YORK & 00., Waterford, ant, A Brute. Wife (at dinner) -"You don't seem to like the rice." Husband -"No; 'it's associated with one of the greatest mistakes of my life." Merely Prudence. Hub. -.How could you go and order that expensive neckiaco1 Don't you know how I'm fixed? Wife --Yes, but I don't want other people to know how you're fixed. Minard'a Liniment Cures Carnet In BOWL. Not Worrying Rini. Wife (studying vocalism) --I wish, dear, you'd have double windows put on. I'm afraid my practising Women, like rabbits, aro of M- onsen to the miner. In many places,, partioularly in Wales, if a pitman meets' er seesa woman on hie way to work, he will turn back; for such an encounter is held to forebode evil not only to the man himself,', but all his associates. At Oswes try, 'some years ago, a womanwas employed as messenger by one of the collieries, and in the course of her duties met many of the collier's on their way to work. Tltu men im- mediately told the manager that they could not run the rade of ill luck entailed in meeting n woman on the way to the pit, and threaten- ed to atrike i4 she were not dis- i missed, -'London Chronlele. Altufi l "In some parts of Brazil there are birds with bills a yard long," said late ball man. "What cls they call them?," ask- ed the short man. "Plumber birds, • replied the tall man. you 7 That is geed. I was suet go- ing to send for you. Why isn't the band playing 7" The Fear of Poverty. Wo have grown literally afraid to be poor. Wo despise anyone who elects to be poor in order to simplify and Saye his inner life. We have lost the power of even huagining what the ancient idealization of poverty could havo meant; the liberation from material atlachments, the unbribos soul, the manlier indifference, the pay- ing our way by what wo are to do, and not by what we have, the right to fling away our lite at any moment irresponsibly --the more athletic trine, in short, the moral fighting shape. It is certain that the prevalent fear of poverty among the educated classes is the worst moral disease from which our civilization suffers. -Prof. 'William James. the matter i" asked the gentlernau, "My shoes hurt my feet," said the boy. "Why, you've got them on the wrong feet," "Wrong feet! Why, they're the only feet I've got, ain't they?" 'said the boy. Labadists Strictly Prohibit the Use of Mirrors - There is a sect in Holland known as the Labadists, among'whoso members the use of mirrors is striate- ,Pro- hibited. Their founder, Jean do Labadie, a seventeenth century Cal- vinist minister, attracted many fol- lowers. but after his death they dwindled down, and naw they are found only in a fewremote villages of Friesland. 'Graveling in Holland in 1800 Lecky lit on a colony of La.badists. "Inter- marrying mainly among themselves," re writes, "they have quite a distinc- tive type -a singularly beautiful.one, with their delicate lips and curious -air of refinement. :'Tiley aro fishermen -very prosPer- ous-and their houses, with their china and silver ornaments and prints of the House of Orange, and great Bibles with silver clasps and perfectly preternatural neatness, are very in- teresting to see," r . __ tdinard's Liniment Cures Distemper. . ISSUE i-'14. Making the Best Of It. ° The children lived in a little cab- in home and all three of them - Neill, Bobsand Lizzie -were taking a .gay make-believe ride on an old log. A gentleman who was passing down the road stopped and said t -- "Good morning, little folk. That is.;ratller slow ' riding, Wouldn't you like es horse and carriage?" "Yes, sir," said Robbie, "blit we haven't any, and yo we are getting the most fun we can out of what we: do have." 'bVae that not a wise an - ewer? 'How much- ploasalater this world would be if all the little peo- ple, and the big ones, too, would stop fretting about what they, can 'not getand make the best of what. they kava. .tainard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. • Bess -"Something that Jack said last night didn't sound just right." Tess -"What was that?" Bess - "I told him if he called me pet names I wouldn't speak, and ho re- plied that he would call ins dear at TAKE hNOTiCE. • We pnblirlt simple, straight t.estietont- :als, not press agents' m(otvrewa, front well-known 00210. From all aver America they teetifr to the merits of MINARD S L1NIS1EN0, the best of Household Remedies. MINARD'N LINIMENT 00„ LIMITED. An"Trishman once was travelling in a train with a friend, when two very stout ladies entered the ear- riago, They placed themselves one on each side of Pat. "Are you slue you aro oomfortahle, Pat 2" the friend asked. ''`Sure I haven't much room to grumble," was the any price.., reply. FOR BRIGHTNESS AND LIGHTNESS CYST KNIGHT A PASTEAro DNoWAsTE ;I,,ina EE DALLEY G LT 1L70N.P1�T. No hoes