HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-01-01, Page 4Clinton Flews -Record January Ist, 1914 Goderich Township Tho. Yea boys of the Cut Llne set, ton of their .lar Steers' on the -scabs 3Vlofday and they tipped them at an.' Alfe •age of 1357 pounds, One. of the s&ers weighed 1910: 1 nlulds: The bunch' has 'been •sold to Mr. Chas, „Reid of Brueelield. The followln ''s the report for S, g S,' 1o, 11 for December dth 'Colo Elliott,: ` Lillian Hutch- ings, 'Flossie: utch.],ngs,'Flossie' Whitmore and Fred•Han- ley.;- ,Sr. 3d; -Brown Stewart, .Eddie Hutchings, John Ellwood; Raymond Whitmore.• .Sr. 2nd, -Viola, l-Iutch- Ings, Fred Hutchings,: Fred ,Elwood and Ruby, +FIannent. Jr, 2nd, -Ste- ' Wart nd,Ste- wart Middleton, Russell' Hannent. Primer -Mary Stewart Gordon I3an• • neat. -24, J.'Keys, 'Teacher. Hullett ' Tovvnsh'Ip As the. result :of the nominations en Monday, the ,lot:owing• are the,ean dictates :,, .for reeveYJanr6's '" Leiper, John F'ingiand and "James;Snell, and, for councillors . Wm. Miller; John Barr, Thos. McMichael, Royt. Clark,,,. M. Arrnetrong, ,John Watt and Thos. Neilans, John Tatnblyn, whollas oc- cupied a` scat at the council board for several, years, declined to stand:', Mr. John; Purcell of Stratford spent Christmas :tvith relatives in this vic- inity. Mr. Joseph, Shanahan of St. Mary's spent Christmas at` tits home here. .Mr. and .Mrs, ,James Flynn spent'. Christmas Day at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Janice' Reynolds, Mr. Ed. Blake and Mr Foye of De-. troit spent a few days last week at the hotme of Mr. and Mrs, Richard 'els. Miss Lo"et,to Elena returned to Torcnto on Friday last after spend tile, a couple or days at her, home, Mr. add Mrs. D. Etym. MI.'. htrn'e Reynolds roturn'd' to Peterbo'sough 011 Saturday last after spending a week at his home, Mr. and Mrs. D. ,Reynollds. Mrs. Thos. Purcell of Scalorth is secreting a few days this week at the }ionic of Mr. and Mrs, D. Flynn, Mrs. .,Freeman 'of Seaforth spent Christmas. withfriends in this vic- inity. ' Mr. John McCaughey of Clinton and Mr. Coates of 13eainpton Sun'layed at the home er Mr. and Mrs. D. Flynn. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Boyle o' St. Augustine spent a. Co tole of Clays last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jelin Shanahan. Report of S. S. No. 10 for Dec- ember : Sr. lith, Irene Ward 78 percent. Edgar Morris_ 69. Sr. 3rd, -Stella Morris 70, Chester Morris 62. Jr, 2nd to Ste 2nd, -Agnes Ward 76, Gordon. Ball 67, Mary Mair 66. Primer (a) -Evelyn Johnson 72, Bertha Eno 60. Best spellers. Sr. 'illi d„tr Morris Sr. 3rd, -Stella Morris, Jr, 2nr,1,- Mary Mair. -H. Stella Copp, 1 eaehcr. Goderich Township Mr, Arthur Powell geld his (laughter, Miss Annie, of Niagara Falls were C hristnias guests at the hcr:o of former's brother, Mr. F. If. Powell. Mrs. Cryo Connell 13 r tei ting her daughter, Mrs, Wm Carter iJ i'ull- ett township. 3 Kippen Henry Kiebet is again around. FIe was confined to the house some weeks from. blood poisoning. Mrs. Ilackwcll, who had a severe stroke of paralysis which rendered Her speechless and nearly powerless, is coming back to health aga'nr . PHONE No. 78 DRY Goons .. L-louen, FURNISHINGS Coucl, & Co. Wishing Wshing our Many Customers and Friends 1 A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year Together with our thanks for this the greatest store. year in the history of our .tore. 1Viay194be a banner yera for you, for forCanada. , fr u s, Goderich Township A Prettyte wedding took place at the home of Mr, John Cox on the after - neon Of , December 24th, when his youngest daughter, Miss : Margaret . U. became ' the " bride Of Mr, Williams Mase of. Spr'n e -an'+, The bridal parr were unattended ane ' the, cede• neatly ,was witnessed by 'the keened- iate fatuities only. Rev. 'FtJ. Mc- Cormick; or Holnesville was, the et- ficnatin +' clorgying, Mr,, and Mips. Mair I'eft the same afternoon .on'' a short honeymoon trip and have al- ready settled in their home at Springbanl;, The bride will be miss- ed in the ceeimunity where she was deservedly popular, but she and her huS'b nd,have the best wishes of all for a happy married fife. Mr. David Churchill's new house though still in the hands of the car- pen`ers"is rapidly approaching corn- pletion. Those who have seen .the interior say it is a beautiful hoarse, Cne of :the 1'argest and most com- plete in the country. The cost will be $3000, and more. 1Vtiss Whittle Thompson, who has been teaching in. Blyth for the past year or two, has agcepted a position err, the Sarnla',Public school staff at a much increased salary. , Mr. and Mrs. Cameron of Guelph were guestsi at the. home of the lat- ter's father, Mr. Thos. Jenkins of the Huron Road, 'over Christmas. Stanley Township There was a big crowd at the nominations on. . Monday,' and through- out the proceedings , great .interest was. shown. 'Our • ratepayers want ro know,lhow the=bus'nsee Was transact- ed and their money spent and they seemed on ;the whole well satisfied with the council. of 1913 as having conducted, ateetre as economically' • as possible, • Reeve, Glen is opposed by Mr. Mustard. Councillors Dewar, Keys and McKinley askfor a,'renew- al of; "thee confidence :of the electogs. 'James `McQueen, Willialn, Hart' and Joseph Hood are also candidates. The following is the :monthly school report of S. S. No. 14, Stanley for Deeember, " the names in order, of merit ; 5th, -J. Nelson Hood, Sr. 4th, - L. G. bleCLyirhont, W. C. 13. Johnston, L. 'Wasmann. Jr. 'Lth,-A. L. Fish• er, W. R. Cooper, M: Nigh. Sr, 3rd -M,-Cooper, I. Collins, W. Collins, Jr. 3rd, -A. R. Parsons, H. Rathwell, W. 'Ib. Parsons, . Sc.' 2nd, -N. J. Hood, E, Fisher, G. Fairbairn. Jr. 2nd, -W. J. Ross, W. FIarvey. • 2n1 Part -M. Nigh, F. Parsons, S. Nigh. The best spellers in the monthly spelling matches were : 5th, -Nelson Hood, Sr. eth,-Cecil Johnston, Jr. 4th, -Anna Fisher, Se. 3rd, -Bella Collinp. Jr. 2nd, -W. Sutton. Jr.. 2n1, -W. J. Ross. 2nd Part, -Agnes Nigh. -W. IL Jchnston, Teacher. 'rhe death Occurred at the home of Mr. George Vendcrburg on Monday of Eli'ah Wes. ey' Vanderburg at the age of fifty -.eight years; The deceaased re- sided for - many years 'n ICin'oss, Bruce county, where he carried, on Palming: About a year ago Ire had the misfortune, to have his leg brok- en and ever -since he has been in fail- ing health. For several months past be has been with his brother George. Mrs Vanderburg was unmarried. Thr funeral took place from the residence of his bp'other at Porter's Hill on Wednesday aftennson, Rev, H. J Cor- dell of Payfield donductng the, ser- vices, '1'h3 following is the report of S. S. No: 11, for December : Sr, l.lh-Vera 'Prick, Percy Currie, Myrtle Powell, Mabel Castle, Wilfrid Penfound, Sr. 3rd, Huby Churchill, Verna Elliott, Pearl Churchill. Sr. 2n1, -Richard Welch, Francis Powell. Jr. 2nd; Fran'k Welch, Howard Cur- rie. Sr. • Pt 2nd,-Ciifford Castle, Elmer M. l,ci3eau, Arthur LCBeau. Primer -Teddy Welch, Alfred LcBeau. -E. Diehl Teacher. The following resume of the pub- lic career of Dr. H. W. Hill, Director of the Institute of Public I-Icalth, London, who will address the A. 1', P. A. of St. Jame.1' church, Middle- ton, 011 •Ian. 6th, was published in, the Western • University Gazette and will prose interesting : "Dr. drill is another Canadian who has returned tohis native land after wande-in e fn a foreign strand for some years, He was born at St. John's, N. 13., on Sept. 16111, 1871. FIe received his early education in Woodstock, Cnt.; at tle,.Public school and Collegiate Institute, matriculating into McGill University at the age of sixteen. In 1893 he graduated from Toronto Un- iversity Medical Faculty, winning the George •Brown post -graduate spholar- ship, and selected bacteriology, then a very new subject; for his post- graduate work. Dur'n; the session o, 1895 he attended the Johns Flop - kin, University, leaving there to ac- cept a position as demonstrator fn bacteriology and pathology in Toron- to University, The next year he vas first assistant bacteriologist Burin; Clic famous Louisville water filteraton experinecnts conducts by George IV. .Fuller, a subject then in iter infancy,. Lo 1896 Dr. Hill was shad. Biolog- ist and later drector of thll'Brooklyn Nater Laboratories and in 1897 Chief of the Bureau of Sanitary Supercis ion. 11,, .1808 the became Director of the •Bacteriological Laboratory ,of'thc Boston Board of .1-lealth and later also extra /lineal instructor in Bac- teriology at Harvard University. In 1905 he was appointed assistant pro• lessor of Bacteriology in Minnesota University, also director of the Min- nesota State Board of Health Labor- atory, his chief work being- epid- emiological. In 1909 he became State Epidemiologist of Minnesota and_ lat-' er Chief of the Division of Epidem- iology. In 1912 Dr. Hill was chos- en v ur by the board of Governors onors of the Western Lniversity to fill the posi- tion of Drecto.r of the Institute of Public IIealtli, London,, Ont., and he became chief of the Faculty of 'Pub• lie Health of the Western. Univer- sity, the only faculty of its kind le Americas. IIe leas' done much origin- al research work, including diptheria, typhoid lever, disinfection, puY';liohy- giene of water, milk and ice. He is also an expert field epidemiologist, and has published ogcr one hundred scientific articles, as well as popular newspaper articles galore. During ]lis Varied•public career Dr. Ilill was first assistant of the Philadelphia Board of ,Health Laboratories, In- spector of New York State Board of Fealmanaging and 'tater associate editor, of the 'American Journal of Public hygiene;' secretary of , the Toroni,o.. Path'ologieal, Society, chair- 'elan of the laboratory' section of the American Public Health Association, etc,, and is now chairman of the ptlb'- 1•ic health section of 1110 Canadian Medical Association He was;. the first, professional bacteriologist • in Canada, the first otltciai epideuiolog let in the United States, the first D. P. H. of Toronto University r and the first director of puhl'ic health in Canada, As - clhier -, of the Public Ilealtle Faculty of the Western Uni- versity, Dr, Hill has a great 'aetount of work to do but lie is stili fur- thering the 'usefulness of his depart - 'meat by arraiigjng fon:? a series el public lectures on public health sub jests throughout the western pontinr seta of Ontario. He has been desig- nated by the' Education Department to' lecture on public health for the Mocl el Schools of tihe proviboe. He has the bappy,faculty of getting at the 'be Men i of conditions and his results are always given) in the: ost • inter- esting'and entertaining., tortnt'i • Hohnesville nomination meeting on Monday had a repr'eSen ative ,attendance, all :. parts Or lire township being repro- rented, Mtich interest was taken in the proceedings and, several questions fully d:scussed. Pour candidates were nominated for the reeveship, ; Thomas Churchill, John McClure, Jamees Cox and W. H. Lobb,. . Mr; Churchill has borne his share of the burden and having finally retired frons' municipal ' life could not be coaxed back aga'n. MI;. McClure has had two years in the reeve's chair 'and believing that the ,donor sliould, be passed around be declined' to a- gaip be a candidate Mr. Cox and Mr. Lobb have both' render- ed faithful service in the council and whichever' wins the township is as - eared of a capable reeve. Mr, George Re'le'nt lakes, Mr: Lohb's place as councillor the other members being the sane as for 1913, that is George Iludie, D. A. Lindsay, and J, W. Yeo, Mi. 1). Crliddon was nominated liut deci''ned fo run. Blake Presentation to Principal Howard. 'On Wcdnesdat evening last an. en tcrtaininent was field in thh church in honour of Mt. G. S. Floward, who as previously reported leaves 52 S. No. -97 to assume the pr'ncipaeship of Zurich. A large crowd was pre- sent, representing the Seetion, church en'l Sabbath school and a good pro• gram.consisting of tptal and instru- mental music, recitations ant drills was given. Mr. Wni. L'ouglas occupied they chair and filled it in a very •able nlanaer. At the conclusion Mr. J. A. Man- son was called to the platform and read the following address ; Dear Mr. Howard, -On, behalf of Un - 1005C11001 section No. 9, and of the Presbyterian church and Sabbath school we have assembled here ,yhis. evening to show our appreciation rod the many valued and faithful ser- vices you have so generously usly reiuler- ed during the past fifteen years alike to school, church and .Sabbath school,' The unselfish scanner in which you have at all tinges assisted in every- tlhin; pertaining to, the spiritual and tempera, welfare of the community Etas been vastly more appreciated than you suspect and it was with a sense of the deepest regret that we learned of your decision to sever your con- nections with our public school. Bayfield Mr. James Cameron of '1'o-oeto is spending his Xmas hot' days tnder the parental tour• • Miss Charlotte .S Udine o , Vert Elgin, is home. for- her Xmas ltoli- da Reys,v, Mr. Graham of Banks occup- pied the pulpit of St. Andrew's church on Sunday morning last. Mr. John Eagles= lescn of Langdon, North Da''o'ti is visiting his par- ents, Mr.. and Mrs. William Eagle- son. Mr. W. H. 'C'etthra of Sudbury is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Fred. Stanley. • Mr. and Mrs. Percy Biggart are spending the holidays with his liar ents, Mr. and, Mrs. John Biggar(. Miss Moegic Campbell is spending Xmas holidays with friends at In- gersoll. The none'nations on Monday result- ed in the' election of George Lindsay as reeve by acclamation with the following in the field as candidates for the other 'positions': Councillors-Ldaarct Merner, Geo,' Weston, Samuel Moore, Charles Par- ker, Richard Elliott. Trustees -George 'E, Greenslade, George King, Fred Geminhardt, Em- manuel Ward, Murdock Ross. We feel assured however, that your services to the church and Sabbaih school will not be affected by your re- moval to Zurich but we believe and trust that our spiritual relations. will renia'n and grow in strength as the years go by. We desire to show. one appreciation of yo',ir valued services by present- ing yo'.1 with this gift (fur lined coat) and we trust it will many times se- nt nd you of the good wishes which accompany it.. We could not close this without al- so extrnd:ng to your: estimable wife, our sincerest thanks for the part she. has always taxon fn assist,» g when assistance was required ani, in doing ,that she could lo help every wor- thy cause. May you both prosper abundantly and continue to share the prosperity together Inc many a year is our earnest wish. Signed 111 behalf of the settee], church and Sabbeth school, -14n. Douglas, Sant McBride, Jr. Mr. _ Howarcl, in his reply thanked the people of the entire community for the Many kindnesses shown to him .during his fifteen years labours a- mong them s and l'or the token of their affection ,just received, Rev, Mr.' Johnston, the pastor t lenSpOkC at some length, of the services rendered to the section and church by hien, who wan made the recipient to -night of their gilt. The singing of the National' Aathein brought the pro- ceedings to a close. The home of Mr. and Mr's. Chas.. Meyers was the scene of -ahappy ev- ent, on Wednesday evening last when their second daughter Mary was un- ited in marriage to Mr. Sanluelllcy the blacksmith of our village. The relatives of the contracting parties were the only 'guests. Rev. Mr. Johnston of Varna, officiated while Mr. Geo.. E. Troyer: of Hillsgreen and Miss Myrtle, sister of the b'rid'e, ally supported the nuptial ,parties. After the ,knot •was securely tied and congratulations extended all sat down to a sumptuous repast to which all did ample justice. The young couple will reside in the village which joins 1.0 wish olein nuchappiness h and Prosperity, MI 11705: Meyers .of Tavistock was home for Christmas and the Week -ling of" his sister Mary, ' Mr, John Brenneman an apprentice in the ' blacksmith " trade at Dash wood, is having ra week's vacation 'which, he rip' spending with his par- ents here. Mr. Gilbert r li'reckloton who has been confined to the Mouse for, , some weeks is now able to he round a- gain, Mr M. R. Boy55 principal of Mil - vette]) Public School spent • a few days zisitimg his brothers here. A nunnhec: of poltical enthusiasts attended the nominations in Varna 'Ltd Zurich on Monday. Cli8stnua5 was an ideal clay for" visiting and many fancily re -unions were held.' Mrs Jas. A. Carnle spent ',a few days visiting at the old, honkie last week. The annual meeting of the Presby- terian congregation was held in the chli1ch on Tuesday last. The reports showed the eongregabion to be in a good prosperous condition. Stanley. Townshlp Mr. Joseph 1VIakins, who ,has been living in Detroit for the past thir- teen years, rapped Friday last and is visiting his brother, Mr. Wm. Makins, and old friends about the Mr. James R. Makins left on Mon - clay for Burgessville in Oxford county where he pllreoses rema'n'ng three weeks or so. Has Served Stanley Well. Kippen The fowl supper at the Presbyter- ian church, Winthrop, was a complete success. Nearly $200 was realized. Mfrs,' Munn is again back in the store after two months' illness from typhoid fever. M151 Donnelly has resigned her Position as teacher at No 3, school. The junior teacher, Miss Spatting, will Terrain another year. There is very little stir. regarding municipal counc'1 affairs, the' people becoming resigned to high taxa- tion.. ' John Macpherson and John Robert- son, are back' from the west. - Blake (Intended tor last issue.) On friday evening last our school was ":he scene of a social event, a Cltrisbnhas Tree entertainment to which such numbers turned out that the room was crowded to the door. A lengthy program consisting of songs, ru'.Isic, recitations, addresses and 'drills was rendered and won hearty applause from all present. The children certainly. hl1 t '. acted their a pant well andwere descrvfbg of all praise given them, Mt W. H, John- ston of Kippen occupied the chair and together with Messrs. Shore and Guinan of Dashwood delivered an address, Messrs, Boyse and McBride accompanied by Miss Durand supplied the musical part interspersed by sel- ections on, the phonograph by Mrs. R, N. 'Douglas. - After the program was rendered Santa Claus made his appearance and un;oaded his basketful of candies, nets and oranges as well as the exceed of nice gifts to the children and teach- er. Mr. G. S. Howard the retiring teacher then spoke a few parting words after which the National An - thorn brought the entertainment to a close. is t' Saskatoon 9as o Mr. ,R, .P. Do n�a home again for, the winter. and the and his mother: have opened up their house in the village.o. Bob's pleas- ant Sallie has not faded away. Messrs. Nathaniel and ,Jas. Ester oh. Bigger Sasle arc home to spend a few weeks with their parents. Mc. and Mrs.-Rob,t, Scotchmere spent Sunday with Mr. C. Moyers in our village. Misses Wcliia Stevens of Last IISr- on, Ethel of ;Goshen Line and Violet of Wheatley all teachers are spentling their vacation with their parents, Mr, alid`Mi's. W. J. Stevens .Miss Mamie :Lamont of the Nor- mal School, ITamilton, is home for the holidays. The vote and influence of the ratepayers of Clinton is re- quested for �,�]7 �O . O. SM 1 TH as Councillor for 1914. Reeve Wm.. Glen. Mr, Wnh. G:en- is again a candidate for the'reeveship of Stanley wN;h ev- ery prospect of winning. Fie has served the people well, economically and efficiently,. At the county council no member had greater influence than has ,Mr, Glen- and for 191.4 he will in all probability .be warden, and Men - or that has seldom corns to Stanley and which the people there will ap- preciate. MAY GOOD FORTUNE ATTEND YOU. Our aim -during the.year now drawing to a close has been to give good goods at fair prices and this will be our policy during 1914. Our heartiest tit a n k s are hereby extended to our many customers. We also wish to expressa desire for the continuance of the patronage you 'have given US. A Happy New Year to All, A. J. GRIGG Jeweler and•Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. We wish our Patrons each and all A Happy and Prosperous 1914 Phone and S Free Auto Delivery, . . J. H. CHELLEW Estate Furniture Blyth Undertaking , We Nish to Return Thanks For the generous patronage accord- ed us during 1913 we herewith return our heartiest thanks and. to express a wish for its continuance during 1914. For you we hope the year we are now entering may be t h e happiest ever. The Store of Quality. Phone 28 W. Waiker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140 1 atereerassamorammoge AMERICA'S GREATEST HAIR -GOODS ARTIST Prof. Dorenwend of Toronto ' "IS COMING" to the Rattenbury House, Clinton 011 Thursday, Jan. to replace hair on the beads of LADIES and GENTLEMEN, who have lost thrid hair. By his BEAUTIFUL, natural HMR CON. STEUCTIONS, which are known all over the WORLD. EVERY WOMAN AND MAN can be made to look YOUNGER and have Lhe natural protection to the head, which means HEALTH, COM - ]?ORT AND GOOD APPEARANCE. "Ladies" 60 not miss this OPPORTUNITY. See his TRANSFORMATIONS, SWITCHES, WAVELETS, POMPADOURS, ''FULL WIGS, CURLS, ETC. •'The Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee" Olstir. �:,,e see the large sample steel. of ' IiAIR TOUPEES and .L'U'LL WIGS" which Prof, Doren wend will be showing. ; These wonderful coverings are 50 natural in appearance that detection is tmpossitnle, They are adjusted so securely to the head, that they cannot'come our, except at They will'give11 -1' face, the a cc's wish. u. o n wind softening expression r essrau to the t ewerY g [, 1, A FREE DDAIONSTRATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL -come and bring your friends to- The Rattenbur'y House, Clinton, Thursday, Jan. Sth. GENTLEMEN (who are bald) protect 'and- adorn your bald head With hum- an hair. In order to have a, conception of the e won- der achievement in the art of hair constructing, every bald men should call and 8 asztowselsoluer DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN ONTARIO --THE- 47th Annual Convention and Winter Dairy Exhibition g'I`aA O WILL F $$1C�D I ID Wecipeaday and T uraday, January i4 h and 15th, 19 d �� D �q� FT x bN $ SSI�,Pg, �i Li.Y I'tSR F E�aS ',.iigili7L&U & E�4,1, f 1Pllaigi Iylell,j�E.W bT. oltb Rka'Es OT ALL IL 8a E. FAC: Y, P e, lin 14 btS, Sec: Tads, 5J 3t MLLE LONDON m, a' •