HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-01-01, Page 2G;D. eleTAGG.1RT' M. D. 11tpTAGGAIRT c aggart Bros. BANKERS A GENERAL BANKING BUST - NESS TTjAN,SACTED, NOTES -DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST 1LLOWED ON AE-. POSITS• SALE NOTES FT.JIt- CHASED. 1T. 1'. RANCE - NOTARY PUl3LTC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL. REAL ESTATE AND FTRI? TNS1TR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT- ING 141 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES, DIVISION CO CRT OFFICE, CLINTON. W. 111111)0'.SI7, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, , NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office— Sloan Block—CLINTON CHARLES 11. HALE. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE. and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, — , CLINTON DRS. GIUNN & GANDIER • Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P,, L.R. C.S., Edit'. Dr. J. C. Dandier, B.A., M.B. Office—Ontario St.. Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. DR. J. 1V, SIHAW —OFFICE--. RATTENBUfY ST. EAST, CLINTON DE. C. W. TTTOMPSON PHSYTCIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention given to dia. eases of tho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suite able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St. DR. F. A. ANON -- DENTIST — Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.C.D.S., Chicago, laud R.C..D.S., To- ronto. Bayfield on Mondays from May to December. 0.11 — TiME TARI.E -- �.. Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: I3UFTArLO AND GODERICH DIV: Gro ng, Eaei;, 7.35 a. M. ,t w 3.07 p. m, "3r.-.a-vr-sbt,. L 111.07 a. m • ' se d t(v 1.25 p. m, se • re 8.40 p m. •I1,28 p. m, LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV r Going South,. Going North, 7.50 a. m. 4.23 p. m. 11.00 ,a. m. 8.35 p. m. OVER OS YEARS' ItX:PERtENC% ITI oT IVIARHte ®ratan 9 O0PI/7=re�4a.' ' pKaneIe rt' ill`s ehofati"anG'eerf 'Ilan clap rok9f moons Qm qac /Inion- qe 01gatlrei+ os .,,,,Tenn itt ti tr oa, unlet'. Im Ina .00 �r t na t i e ,�W P. tel.'. as i ,� NA��6 rKnn • Ittey nf,I take ,tgrot fegiaaar R i..4:,. E bon . ellen , to: SYMfTI.. 0 t F➢ tM rFe IG1 t .... w� boat. Rhea e imt 4 a,, e. enftt%C' : lmetican Ili 1endabrmlr,ttltot l ed.weekty, >yfeet. r ' of ear somas. ,Mu oar. ac,n. tor' ' vorwrtcaast444 Doom. "dew gM 0.efole wltpr,. f� kss N5WYYi ' i... wambwswy, 7t, , ILPP;1kCOTrS. MONTHLY IUl1i ZlHB, Y 1.11M11A ' RY ' The Pest In Current Literature f2 COMPLRtt Ptovtei,s Ys)i.qtx ,. MANY IbHORT IWO:1111EO'AN4tD PAPERS OIC TIMELY 'TOPICS, 02.150 rceivc*n; 2Q east. A sore:. `N0 CONTINUED IiTOR1ES : eisenv,Hopeestoonnidert iN dT$ELr, "l;,ilbderatt,nd,you;aaad >Fttut'ivffe • )?rye agreed .:teet're arwt(>?'r •(ries, 9antf' fill t'd .Isle .,, v, ,:hi t Il -Wt' e e.. �A41,0000 I e Sl Y t (lily } ran, and Flour Shorts From the Bast hilus at the Latinist possible price. o WE PAY TT -TE liTall'EST PRICE for OATS.` PEAS and BAR- LEY, also HAY for Baling. Ford & McLeod (TTOR(E FLT,TetTT Licensed A8('tie e,,r' frill' the Comity of 'Huron. • Correspondence promptli• anewered' Immediate arrangements can he mnde for Saler Tate at The News -Reread. Clinton: or by calling Phone 19 on 157, Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed, ALL KINDS OF GOAL, WOOD, TILE BRION TO ORDER. A11 kinds of Coal on hand: CHESTNUT SOFT C'O.1 L STOVE GANNET, COAL. FURNACE: COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 2% in., 3 in. and 4 in., Tile of the Best Quality. • ARTHUR F RRF.3 Opposite the G, T. IL Station. Phone 52. The 1P'oTillop Erielal Fire rnsaralloe Comeally Farm and Isolated Town Property only Insured — OFFICERS -- J. I3. McLean. President, Scnforth P O.; Jas, Connolly, Vice-Presi dent, Goderieh P.O. •• T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. -- Directors -- D. F, McGregor, SenfrrFh; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Kinn, Constance; John Watt, !Turlock; To}tn Bennewies, Brodhagen ; James Evans, Beechwood; M. McEven, Clinton P.O. Aaeete — Robert Smith, Hnrleek; E. F.tineh Senfnrth ; William Chesney, Femondville; J. W. Yen, Holmes ville. Any money to be paid in may be paid to Mnrrieh Clothing Co., Clin ton. or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich Parties desirous to effect insnr• anee or transact other business still he promptly attended to on are elioation to Dna of the above otiieera, nddl•essed to their respective post. offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest, the scene Clinton News -Record CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Terms of subscription—$1 per year, in advance; 01.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper disarm tinned until all arrears are paid, unless at the option,of the; pub. Heber. The date to which ever' snhscription is paid is denoted og the label. Advertising Rates — Tmennient ad vertisements, 10 .ente per non pared. line fee -first insertion and 4 conte `per lino for each eubse- rodent insertion. Small advertise meats not to exceed ono inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," -or "Stolen," ete., inserted' once for 85 cants, and each subsequent, in• sertion.10 ciente. Communications inteuded for pub lication must, as a guarantee of good faith. be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and 'Proprietor. ER,ANO RU;NKr ST'1 M HOMESEEKERS' EN.0 [7RSI ONS To 'Manitoba, Saskatchewan, -AI r bo t a tact). Taouday until Oetobor 28,inch:etre WINNIPEG AND RET4RN CO EDMONTON AND RETURN ,.,; :443.00 Proportionate lowratoutoabet. points Return limit two months, Through. Pullman Tourist Sleeping' ears are operated to Winnipeg with. out °Mange via mfoaao and at. Paul, . 'leaving Toronto 11.89 p,m.. en aoovs dates, Tickets pre also on satevia giants ' end Northern Navigation Company...' Pell' particular. and reaotvatlone from Grand Trunk 4 enta, or writ. 0,. E, Earning. A.P,A., Union Station,, To. .ront4 Out, k'abt and T`Miffs Of two evils it'hy chose eithoo? Apdrew Carnegie never omoked, gold key will open any, lock, Zanzibar Ivor' i$ the best, Extremes meet,, hut.the 1 > re eel. dent on. speaking teen}s, ,. ere • 'f:t'd' ilet;strl too late to mend -enter 't.oe early, either, ';Nanette has the vvoriti7e air�g est 7 aplyle ovel'iarit-en 47,000 sera lane, +z briaatlr of r1 aeilyndel it an ill 'wirjd that; love nobody way' good,, arnieee you het' watetr in ' ber. honeee" ?Mayo 11 My deerr' bee, '1` Mb Rector (milt of eon • !, ,t w5+1Cl$ leac1 Chea_.i 1 � UUNlJA'! tiUl793L .STUDY those who thus interfered withhis are not caused by anything wrong in work the head, but by constipation; bilious - mess end: indigestion, Headache powders or tablets may deaden, but cannot, cure them.` Dr,: Morse'. Indian Root Pills do cure sick head- ache in the sensible wayby removing the constipation or sick stomach which caused them; Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are purely'vege- • Lesson I. Jesus anal the Children.: arls' 0. 0041; safe and sure, When you feel the table, free from any harmful drug, Ms 10., 13.10. Golden'' headache coining take - � � s 49 Text, l Pet; -G.5. and ren of Jesus , was moved` with iridis- n?ttio3i- - stair inconeldel rtte, and perhw12 even rough, treatment of the offending parents 'aroused tha indignation ofJessieand "prompted him to speak, doubtless w'th s- me warmth, the words 'which sine then ,have been treasured thrmi'h the ceiitttries'its setting the Mas- ter's zeal upon "the sacrednessf y-,,orse S To such belonn th the ka'iedom 4 %PA1i8 PbOOt P111�9 Chapter 0. INT)T'ItICATIowAL LESSON, JANCAJtY 4. eeee child life, - o Verses 80-32. 1io11owing the trans- of CodThe ievr.edre Forty years in nvr. ;tn years till' etttnd5rd, pro r'`!?rdl 8031 henme- ?''"l'tled by n133'Slei.t!11e. Tor 1Yotnsn'FI /rime vno Pr. 1f'letells 1 Female Pills. at your drug:;i$t. 404V W•M•0,16.1056.PM.MI•all•MMOIMI•M. liav3 You Cot n3? TF, some one elmu?d ask you, What is the meet useful a ties e 11 the houee in a time of .si:k, nese? you would say a• Hoar wATurz BOTTLE if you one. the text makes le, Ilia i^} tin 1 s- ship of little children. to the ci,+,rt',.. figera tion and the subsequene heal- 11 Ing of the lunatic hoe (*'lark s. i. and the lainmd^ n. The d ester of 22), Jesus age n went' firth with his ' verse' 15 is additional anc? sun 1': eiseiples from then e, that is, from n3entnry rather than 'e'-n'ena'-ry the region of Citgalea Philippi of whet precedes. .Ad Sts :also at th. foot of Mount like snip„r 3 r sh th child- Hen Iiermon and about thirty mites 1 f they aro to ream in ar as pots.ble the clowcl°d high- i ” e Krii mays and public thoroughfares in 1" 0 sire e„. • s Defoe Hien order that he tnight be alone with " Ceienera] Villa, the' saeeesefel hie disciples, to whom at .thi er-ti- Teeder of the revolutionist forces in en) turning point of his ininist:y'Me iso, is rt mur&srer and thief, Iso hod marry thng;s to ay concern- acoorIiirig'Io a wenithy'•m'ne ow:aer ing, its 03011 serious:purpose anc} ',All 11as just r'eturned frons that final outcome troabious country, Son of rnan Refet3ing to himself' ` V slay" said he, "ia half devil in the fan -tiller M ssionic phrase oe- a11d hal £cur. Eta Is the -most un - tiering in Dan, 7., 13 tha':glt pre speakuhle wretch fha,t even ,trtd- ably 1vt!1 rhe deeper thou=ht :'''of f cl_ed n: horse, bilt`.Ir doe .n't erpa.�e 'his representative humanity ft3' himsc'.f to'drtngo" £ he eaa 1e Mark t3.-27 moot pesetas end elle i northeast of the :Sea: of 'Gelil-'e, t e kingcom of Cad, Passing .southward through the --!1.- protince .3f Gal lee, th scene ' - f DEVIL his recent public ministry and A • HUMAN great papula ri:,y, he avoided •s Ce•,.,*111 Vr1l', f)"71' r3 t t I"11 m et li have ever used o0 se incl Jes'uc i 8 en paints opt to h's dig- out of.it, I suppuea he hiskilled pies that the, pcpularity which he as many me 1 With his o.vn hands es thus far enjoyed will not long as any other men in Mexico. I ntinue• and that in its stead per. doubt if half a dozen were given he ct;tion and death awaited bine chane to. ,shoot back." Understood• not the saying—as no told of one occasion in the yet the undsretocd Iittle concern -1 early days of the present insttrrec- ing the true netu•re of his m1s'sion tion in Mexico when 'Villa oaptured and Kingdom that his proph-ay of twenty men of a band that had been thrparent failure and defeat vvas to batigeriag him- ho cal damned P Yet the then3 to• death in his usual way, ns- se ver bothe is with w d d h t g snort-3na.i•tiJ,ls w F 1 3 Y o+ other flub-dubbery. `Then he dosignated himself as elle execu- tioner of his osrn decree. Re had the, men hound, hands; behind banks, but with eyes unbanda;ed. "This 3vi11 seem impeescble to you," said the mine owner, "bee Villa walked down that 11ne of Ing:1, revolver in hence From time. to ::me he shot a. man thr'onn1) the 'seart, mics steed by hin wall the viet-tim teed kicked his leer kick. He taunted the bound 'men, Better have a look a -d see if You have o:'e in rood theme; and, if not,, it will pa.y you to PPI one from us. : :: We h'svo seine beauties, and guarantee them. PRICES • 31, $1,53, $2, $ 0.53, & $3. THE R XALL STORE W. S. R. HOLMES, Phm.B. ORDERS for Coal may he left at it, -Ttowland's Ifardn'are Store, or at my office In It, R'inse's Grocery Store. HOUSE PHONE 12 OFFICE PHONE 140 A. J. HOLLOWAY BUSINEES AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors afebkall at th6 Y, M, c. A. 13LD0.. LoIVDOPN, ONT, Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept, 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. IV. Westervelt,Ji'. Priaelpal Cuarrere rcesateat r Vlce-Pnncipal WINTER TERM 1^ROEAI JANUARY 5.'' CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. ONTARIO'S best Business training echo -el. We have thorough courses in Com- mented, Shorthand and Tele- graphy departments and ni;ne. oompetent in,tructors. We offer you advantages not offered elsewhere. You do notknorw white an up -to -ditto wheel can do for you union you harve received our free catalogue. Write foe it at once, D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal ern incant rehellsible, ri00sness of his mann-0 a: d ors overawed them and he ere afraid to ask him to explain ore fully Isis meaning. 23-37. Disputed one with another The hums side of the discuss•^s reflected, in the feet flirt the pions words of their Master wire on forgotten, and as they pro- eded with 11in3 along the way ei0 minds were aeaiu filled ti i h ions of the tern n, glory of th, medoen which their Master was estnbifsll, and with quesliens neerning their relative position d rank in that Kin wd en. Jeers tbtless notes} the earnest and chaps heated dismission whish y carried 0t' /MOWS therms -lyre ittle apart from him, but he s'r.'d king until they reached Caper - me on the northern shoes, of Mee, and a me tame stopeing nt in their lon':er jour t 1 thward. Isere, h_wever, in the lusion of soma Jed?ing piece, haps the .home of moon Petr, asks diem eonherniee their sorting on the way, Ienor•ng lr ilence and embarrasemeet, still intent on tea la°ng them true spirit and nature of his gdom, he gathers the twelee lit him in n closer circle and in short, epigrammatic sentence forth the .fundamental Brin- e of his Kingdom. Took a little elii?d , , in his arms -13y way of illustration and to make it very clear that their task as his disciples sand nmbeesn- dors is not to Reramb1e for re^ngnb- tion or rank-, bile to tench others, eaten little ehildreu encs in s0 do- ing they would he earring bath him and the he�xx''enly Father, when-, it was the 1, rpose of his life to reveal unto them. The remaining verses of chapter 9 continue the discussion of Jesus with his disciples concerning hn- inility (0. 38-50). Chapter 10. Verse 13-13. The incident r"coi'd- ed in these verses belongs' chr,'nn- logically not with the events rrren- tioned above (0, 30.37), but to the next period (compare Text Strdiks for January 11). They are included in the present lesson es further il- lnetrietine the attit'•de of Jesus to- ward children, which thought has i been °Bonen by the committee pre- . paring the outline of studies as the !central thought on which empha- sis should be placed in this lesson. Bringing unto him little children —Jessie is again on the public high- way with bus disciples, and of the multitude who gather about him some are bringing their little ehald- ren to him that he alight touch end give them be beeediotion blessing. His disciples, re ng this as an unwtrrantedin- m is €e 80 ee tit vie ICi to co nn clot pe the a1 net 11:1 Ga poi sou see per he re3 the and the Kin abo a sets cipl them and gardi 04 ale f n t. d i s oma a woman General Villa. When „ they were a.11 dents, said the witness, "Villa was so tired, he slept like al hate," "For years," said bhe than from Mexico, "Ville, has made a prac- tice of robbing isolated ranches ar little towns. First he killed every moan he 00312(1 heel, both because ho liked to kill, end bocieua he carries call tton�t .r Cn O 111 absurd 1 u t e._ce.,�,• Then. he took the women. Ids sect his ince in the "exdd34,ss that followed. Twenty Years it Bandit. "For twenty years Villa has been a bandit, In that; tilIle die hos •no- vor oxposed himself willingly to bullet or knife, I do not say that leo anon is a coward.. I merely de- clare that heir play, Ota Anglo- Saxolne unde.rst!tnd it, in folly to Mexicans, They }}ate and .; near Ville,,but 21 isas never oecurred to thong throe he 'wee 'anything but suiiea'lntieoly seise in Tying behind a rock when Tito shot down kik anon, or iu a;irproar,:}ung m, num with a smile, only to thrtost a knife through bin3 when his, back Mass eafely turned, They do -things dif- ?aret3tly '13 thewo Diet meed eou11- A man's b ter r llptron in his discourse and eon - who can keep him from making a versation with the grown-ups' who fool of himself., wore anxious to hear him, rebuked THIS 13 A STORE DEPENDABLEVALUES Prolonged Torture. "I want you to enjoy this, as I tie," he told thean, "Those who lave way to terror he put asile, to. be shot last if all, In •tha•t way thee 10.vored to the rant twinge the full Igony of their position. Some of t]icm he half cncoura»ed to believe that he might 4 pare diem. Then he silted them, fairly linking h'.s l:pc as he d'd lo." T 3eie w.as irenll r story, of ex's Garr t •3g half a d•,ze't rime one day. For seine reason he did 3,.t wine to shoot. -Ile aliened a 'alert ]iia_ over the head of each 011115, thrust a stick through it, and twisted.' As the victim gasped fol' breath he let up on the pressure, so that the death agonies might be as sweetly prolonged as passible, All eye -witness told the mind owner of this series. A store that keeps in touch with the constantly changing jewelry styles. A store that sells the same goods .,a11 tilos the better stores all over the country-_- And Fells them, too, at as low prices as . CAI, ANY STORE Everything we show you Can be depended; uponto )3E elcaetly ylrhat we tell yon it is; i This is so froth "pie Holders ata quarter to Diamonds, And it, matters not what you may require nor when, if it belongs to a feweiry stock, it's here; Provo these things 811 time occasion arises. }� es old in Ct' ARREAOI ;ICFNSi Or r'Vil11a 1s ria able role," gift 01. In speaker, 'nolo kepis atlbberey for twon'ey ye tr.s, 31131-1113 roast of whioh time a• prise was ON his head, He w knaa the deeneh etnd Tnounkaln country belles' the.. you -do Vac/tune in your, hand, and her lune a 001113.10 quality of. loyalty t10t 00in-. anon 33mang ]titexican 'le(ttlees, Hie nlen knew, that11 they ware peen „III II111UIIJ�Iphil)l, n The Ba:thro(b r -- mirrors lavato • rtes and all metal fixings, u Panshine. on the bathtub, wash_ basin, linoleum, woodwork, It isse ens loci perfectly wholesome,'has no disagreeable smell and leaves nothing but absolute clean- liness behind it. 1kYEt8Re1NtR5 � A pure, white, clean powder that doesn't scratch and positively will, not harm the hands. Large'Sifter At all Top Tin, • �Co At GREAT QUESTION OF GOD' Nei to Do - Wondered at That We Should Find It' Difficult to Understand the World of Nature "Capel thou by searching find out Gael?"—Job xi., 7. There are many paths of thoug and o_:p ricnce eh eh lead to at but none perhaps which more frequently travelled than th of the inability of the human so to interpret rationally acid mora the workings-ef the universe, Aga and again we find ourselves Stan ing dumb and helpless before t nexpl-cable mysteries of earl Rose to explain the stependo cataclysms of nature, the 1niver5 horror of the struggle far eerie - nee, the innumerable agonies anitnaI life, man's inhumanity' man, the ravages of disease, earbariems of war, tate sorrows death— how to reconcile the hal facts of evil with the conception an all wise, all just and all powe foil Creel—this is a question will^ we cannot seem to answer, .ten failing' to answer, we jump at enc to the, sweeping conclusion tha these things being true, there is e Coed. "I cannot understand th universe," is the line of argu*ilen "and therefore I cannot believe i Cod." ell and theta that the problem Iran Ina answera'i I certainly fail in rii-s.. ' �erable fashion to decipher the in- htiecription on this broken tablet no- ' /from the Egyptian desert, but this is does not prove that the letters have at no meaning. For countless ages ul men eaiv'nothing but conflict and liy disorder in the world of natural in forces, but this demonstrated not el- that the universe was chaotic but he that the human reason was not yet Ii. acute enough an observation s;zd us daring enough in imagination to he- al hold the Jaw and order which has t- since been unveiled. And so with. of the great question of God. It may to be true that I cannot. eee any evi- the derma of divine goodness and wis- of dem in the world. It may be 'lo'3ae -d that B cannot understand the place of of flood and pestilence and sud:.leo r- death in a world created and ruled h by c1, A. Beneficent Deity. 0 t A Thing To Be Wondered At. The further' we penetrate into th great ,world .f being the deeper be comes the mystery in which we fin ourselves involved. But that tv should immediately assume became of the inability of our little mind to fathom every depth and seal every height, that God is a 511ee figment Of the imaeinatioe is eer thinly a tilting to be wondered at t the very end of time. E'er when ilea failure to undereta::d ever before been taken to be bona fide evidence that thcro is noth ng to under stand? The schoolboy is 'undoubt- etley unable to work out the answer to his algebra problem, but what right [las he to throw down his pen - tt play be that I can work out no o answer to this tan,led problem 'of e existence, 13utwho am 7, pray, that I should expect to do tele n thing? And why should my fail, -re be ta1ce11 as in ally anise proof' - positive that it is not to be dons post ail? 1Vhere is the log's of such a o .conclusion from such a premise? Is - ( it not more logien] 34 argue that my d, failure to understand is perhaps a e; reflection upon my powers of mid -en e I standing, rather ,than a refleet'on s upon the understandable character e ; of the problem itself ? Is it not: at rIleast possible that the answer, is -there, even though I canna see it, o: and that some day a nlig}btier 13a - s , derstardiug than mine will make it Iain 7 So at least I. try to think. It is - my faith that God lives and that Ins, reign is at ono w156 and good., even though I fail to understand. "I believe; help thou mine imbe- 1ief,"—•Rev. John Haynes Holmes, tuned by the police or soldiers Vila would rescue them if be could. If lie could not he would slave re- venge forthom. Isis revenges were so bloody and cruel that towards the last ho was little -interfered with ,by the regular forces, One of illad ro's mistakes was in recogniz- ing this man, And yet be remeined true to Madero we hotter men did not, He is a fairly good general, and has not imposed too onerous restrictions upon his men, who are for tho most part mere land pirates. It- is not likely that Chi- huahua. or any other large town will be looted by hint, because of the effect upon his ata•nding with the United Stat:err. But latexyou will hear that he has carried fire and sword to the lonely country- side, Every man who had money before the war bega,u has been made; to give it up—if Villa found him." Pointed Para grnphs. Don't pass ,}'ally l ol'i'ies; 0111oro- form them. Mmloo•ver, the freckled criminal is hound Lo c bs,5 ratt :e d. l The ^tons mon sus i ., p always finds what he is looking for. Snecees seldant (Onte2, to a roan who is too lazy to go aflea• it, 171e more a ratio 11115st is irri- gabed, the faster it grows. Thi, easiest thing for a man to acquire is old age -if he livos long 0110.13-h, Wh5en a, watch is tilt 11 40:vn it steps working, but it's different with come men, , It is well enough rho Bova, thinker, but to often the V whti thi;aks dotes nothing also. It's rather difficult for en easy going man to keep : people from wing him fora deer utak. No, Cordell*, pra,otico doesn't al- ways make perfect. Even ,'good, physiolans ocoaeionally lose a pa Pitying 11eemi1me on. a five -Miele - loci polity is like throwing money the tis8s—nntil ono has 15 fire, 91' Me, Deleon --"You should .lover juelgtl is man by ,his elothes,'my deer," Mrs, Daco3i "I Bever do, I always lodge hien he his tyife e aiath43a,,, Newry Sunshine: The Teacher—Good morning, tit- tle folks. Pupils—Good morning, Miss Mof- fett, Willie—Miss Moffett? Teedier---What ars it, Willie? Willie — Miss Moffett, mamma says will you please tell me when it's ten minutes pas' ten. I gotten take a pill. Teacher—Yes, dear; I will, What is it, Grace? Grape --Miss Moffett, will you please tell me when it's nine min- utes to eleven? I got to take my cough medicine. Gwendolyn—Mith Moffett. I got to take a oapthule at, twenty min- neth path nine. Manama saith that you would toll me when to take ith. Terecher--Yes, children; yes. I'll remember. What is it, Jamie? Jamie—Biers Bobbette, I god a. bad gold id be dose, Baba said you would dell be when id was den bin- utes to den. I odder date a bill. Teacher -Well, well. Let's .see. Willie torte his medicine at ten min- utes 9 � aSt ten; Gracie takes hers at ten minutes to eleven; Gwendolyn's capsule comes at twenty minutes past nine, and Jamie's pill at ten minutes • to ten. Now, children, let us all sit in a circle and sing that pretty little opening song, Goode Morning, Merry Sunshine. No Friends Like The Old s tail �,.:, ,•� "u blends r. From girlhood tri r o ugh Middle 1110 and right clang to old age Chamberlain's 'I'ablets are woman's best friend, --ked the nerves, aid digestion„ Stop headaches, keep the blood rich and emote gond health Conorelly¢ Try them. Rye. a. bottle Dreneiet. Sed Dealers or ty man. a. : Clumbrbhi 2htlieie0C8., Ulatw