HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-12-30, Page 5T11ur1?dbee.'30th
- `Mr
; wee
E ,gEtr°1
"•""'' "-' ' " '"'
:Set I"VV
weep eiee, ses
Late?d. "fc:
fehildWOLV igiChOO.1
--husband• late fisit, 'Work
-everything twisted: AN '
hecauSV the, cla 'It ..,,Went.
, ,
' Wrong, _ PonV,tinker with.. 4rYnei" PP clOtAm,i
hospital, We will diagnose
,IitS.caserin s,1,1qr.t Ordetv,Ad,-..
jus t it a littleliere
clenn it up snick and 'away
goes agni.i endowed
with new life and vigor.
The cost? Oh not very
much. Not near so much
as a new clock. Nothing
compared tO the -confusion
'caused by an uncertain
• •
'Patriotic Notes
The President of the ,Women's
Patriotic Society 'requests all
• ,rnembers of the executive to ineet
ebi thd Council Chamberitilonday
afternoon„ January 3id, at 3.30,
Pc all who are interested in the
Work of tine SoMeey. the Execa-
, tree beg to submit a brief linen-
'ddal statement with a rdport of the
work accomplished;Sept., 28th, 1914
to Dec e7t1i, lete
Einancial Statements..
Total •Receipte n$3573.5e
Total ambunt- moped&
npent in Clinton for Work
supplies etc - , , , $2069.54
From the balaree $1502.96 many
,donations.hane „Neon ..gieen to
41.1e Red Creek and ether patriotic
work our gift to the Shorncliefe
Hospital' beingiltee60,60.and.the Hut'
on County tund roe a field kitchen
as a gift to Slid 33rd 000.0,0. The
• -. collections from theboxes, placed
..--'71-ziO4Et shops for the tConvenience
.ot many e ho giee•regularly tor our
work are very gratifying -
Total. Colleellione for Ord. 6130.45
Total, Colleceions forNov. $116.58
ecem er 27th 19I5 -The bank ac
.count of the' Worhens 'Patriotic So-
ciety shows a cash betance of
.$260,60 '
1VIebnieg, Treas,
Hepor6 of Work :
, Knitted work in charge of Mrs.
Mune° )
1318 marks •
273 pairs of wristleter
196 ecarfe.
99Bataelarat caps.
49 cholera. belt% c
Total/ nupaber of articles' sent
•ON ealseaa by this department 2064
Donations received 255,
Hospital Supplies -In charge of
Mrs., Chant Red Mrs. Holloway
e37 sheets
1214 toWees
376 waselothe
1047 pillow slips .
70* beta socks
Shirt department is charge of
Mrs, dlayar
lea pyjama suits]
eell Red Cross night' shirts
--Id( flannel day Shirts
127' Hospital starts,
109 night shires
The( first meetings of the Society
In the .New Year will be ie Conned
Chamber Prides, aiternoon Jan, 7th
tho execeittve wilt serve tea.
• it
Over The . Teacups. p
Mr. Thos. Watts end Merter Albert
elitiiit''Olitritatate;a6 Bolton,' 444s, gyest
, .
Or -
' nvt-ire-, Isloutich,'` -6f:!: St.461V0
ChriStrIlila Witlill'& Sietee Mee 0
I Illie and Mrs. WV
nt, 1;3,t1,41.„ .
• .!OltiiiegliitiW'itttgdefedelt ' ''''"d''' `
, 'Mr, and MM. EdWill Miller of Li
'Wel spent Chrielmas with the form
kparents Mr. and Mrs. jos. Miller
'rade Street 4. 'T
. ., •
i 1 el heirderp,09dreeves e
i peen ttehriebtel:, With ide"Orept%,d
; I n lailatritt)/1 rgWelligIlliefttrwii"tar )
i eandlYeti toven." '
I I IVIrs. Geo. Otooks and Miss Ma
I pf the Base Line eperd the.pbbliday
j her homeeedDelloSS.dSi:,e't't '' e't
i Mr. andeefew?,We,4'iliotedef To
onto splint Abe CM' inns ;Wee
With thtehittlitis paridefeAtied M
J. B. Lindsay, Hurrah Street:
, Mrs. Ir. Sutheeland of Toronto, w
i here visiting her sisteeMrs. Brandied
sfet& th,e, holichiy. , . .
MdiddidlotIbt'Fllaget"'ilitd ' ilpgaiiii
. the New Yeae belideysayith relativ,
' and friends et Tbrouttie . .
I Miss Ree Neilans and,Mrs. Seinen
i of Kiecsateltne epent the 'holidays a
Their homes in down a. t •
Mr. 'Sine Thartifield was. home fOr hi
- Cheistafas 'dinner at his mothee
e Miss Millie Potts spent Christina
with her.mother who now resides a
Woodetock ' ,
Mr. H. Richasels and three danglt
tem of Stratford speut Christmas a
the heme of Mr. W. Watts
i Km. W, Moulton, left Tueeclay d,
epend•New Years with relatives i
; London
1 Rev. and Mrs. Di. 0. Iiarper return
ed honie on Tuesday, after spendie
Christmas at Hillsdale end Barri
with reletiyes. '
Mr. Cherles Shane of Ulevelarichwa
a visitor with relatives au& friend
.this weed.
Mr. Fred Joyner and family of
Smithsville, Ont. spent 011eistma
With the foimiers parents Me an
Mrs. n, Joyner. I
Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Allin of Toront
are visiting at the Ontario Stre Par
sonage. ,
Mr. J. Leslie Ktwr spent Christmas
at Toronto. -
Pte. Fred Thompson had hie Christ -
Ines dinner at Sie Marys.
Mr. Jack Setter vent; Christnias
with his parents at Stratford.
Lieut and Mi•s. Allin and son, of
Halifax spent Christmastide with the
foyMer's parents. Rev. and Mrs. Arne
They left for Parkhill to spend New
Year's, Mr. Allin leaves in a month
ou a ereise with the witlete cif the
Canadian Naval College.
Serest- Pattison, of the 70th Bata
stationed at Gait, was home for
Miss L. }Seaton, who is teaching at
Grand Valley, is home- fur the Yam
Mr. Clarence Copp, Misses' Stella
and Daley Copp are home for tie
Christmas vacation. .
Mr. Clavence Monaghan, of Whirl.
sor, is spending a few days at 'the
Mr. "Tie" McConnell, of eliverton,
spent Christmas here.
Mr. Gordon Holtzhatier, of Detroit,
is visiting with his parents here.
Mt. Sam Agnew, of Stratford,
speub the - Orristunistide with 'his
mother here. . , ,te ,
Mies Dell D'Nell, of' the Sithool 'etittir
Toronto. 10 spending the holidays at
the Miasmal hoine.
Me. 'Wellington Cook, of Hamilton,
Was a holiday visitor at his home. .'
Mr. and Mrs. Byani spent Christ-
mas at the inenselee twine at Port:
Me. Anthony Yeshec, who has been
at Detroit, is home for it vacation, .
Miss Lydia Powell, of Toronto, is
visiting her sisters for the Christmas
Miss Kathleen Blacken, of Blvd', is
vieitine her molts. Mrs. Kentiedy awl
Mrs. Fisher. -
The Misses Powell of towo spent
Christmas with their brother in Guile-
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mason were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0, E. Surithe
Seaforth, over the holiday.
Mr. Will Baines aud Miss Emilia
ason, were guests at Mr. Thos.
Masan's, having come down to attend
the dance.
Mrs. Been spent the holiday with
riends at Blyth.
-Dr. Kay, of Limier, Mich., is expect
ed here today. He will spend the
lieliday with hie wife and daughter
at Mit john Gibbiugs. '
Mrs, A., T. Coopee entertained her
5, S. class Wedriesrlay evening and
during the eciuree of the evening Miss
Mande Cook was presented With some
White ivory, its she leaves shortly to
teach school in New Ontario.
Mrs, W. It, Comiter tind Master
Bill are emincling New Years at Brant
ford. . . .
Mies Beryl Cooper is holidaying in
Toronto. .
Mr. Dean Chertice, of TOrOntOf WaS
hoine for his Christmas armee
Chief of Police Wheatley, is Mt
nty owing to 11 severe cold,
Mr. John Jackson fell last week end
i falling dislocated:him right should-
. er. He Is still suffeeing front the
shock. His old friends will hope Om
0 serions trouble will ivise front the
all and dislocated shoulder..
Mr. Joseph Cook of Denlop spent,
Monday with his brother Mr. H. Cook
Huron Road,
Mrs. Geo: 'Nott' epent ChristinaS•
dvith het clatightelieMiree,Leseis Chichi
in Tuckersmites.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Odelite'and family
oferteratford ispeet Cheietenas with
-and Mrs. 0. le Bell, Mary Street •
Mr. Alex Macintyve, of the Military
'Training College for Officei•s at Lon-
, ..don spept ghristmes with hie iiisethee
;Mrs, jaS, Mitalntere.
MIs, Pennebakey, Miss
Ednite, &teeter Fined: aiiid Mrs. :Mr*.
Watts' and twochiltiven spent, Cluipt-
duat at ecleriche
Clareoce, Either who: left Credie
ton Dohroit seme weeks ago to
take al Position with the Bur-
roughs Adding IVIachine Co. was
operated on for appendicitis last
week: in ope of the, city hospitals;
A. pretty but quiet wedding was
solemnized at the home of Ilfr.
and Mrs. Richard' 491111s Ethel
"w len their eldese claughlger 'co-
caine the bride of( ' .Mr. William
John Jacques, of Howick,
'Owing 4o tlee emu a way eel Spying
lank. Teb ick tewnship of R
Mere aeon gee() lineeei -en elect�x
,IVfondaNViast it was put out ot busi
,,ress for :time, having bdoken
She crank ideate and 'the base.
401110000900ieee0061100‘000001110 11041$11911111110613,00061e0commeite
TOP01110 CNN I
-••0 nestecoeeaseteen0O0Oce064,464"'g
'Hogs 925,
Butter, 30 to 31.
Eggs 15
Wheat 111.00
Oats 43
Catele 8.10.
Sheep 7.50
Lambs 10.15.
, Barleys 56c to 60,
'Hogs 0,80.
Buller '26 to e;'
Eggs 3/ to 38
Barter 95 to es,
Wheat fel to 93.
Oats, 35 to 37.
Buckwheat 60 to 65.
Peas 50 to $1.60. ,
Shorts 526 tot $27.
Bran $26 to $21
'Hay, for bailing $10 land $12.
oes Your
Watch Need
Repairing ?,i'd
14.0 A Watch thW does4 keep,
good thile es netle eetterlthain
at; no watch at all,
rt wie.W.
:ElttrusV, Your -Iiritteh
ER VS se
We wilespare no eireet in'
putting it eight,
In the shortest possible time
. at a most moderate price.
A J. Grigg *,
JeWeier and Optician
ISsIter of Marriage
New Year's day, is a bank hall-
dayi .
Council to be elected
Councillors, D. Welker, B.Selm
son, J. Hewitt, S. . Plum, O. Bur-
chill and G. N McLean
School. Trustdes (-D. C. Boss,
Jamea Pox and B. Leathosectaler,
by acclamation.
Reeve -Shortreed (acct.)
C))nneinnrs-Elson, Laidlaw, John
sten and Fraser (ace)).
Reeve -J. N. Campbell and Peter
Councillors -Currie, Irwin, Stone
house, Brichennan and R. G. McGow
an (four to he elected).
Reeve-Jav Stewart,
Deputy Reeve -Jas, Dalton,
Councillors -J. Alton, Jae, liaskett
and Thos. Richardson.
All by acclamation.
Reme--Donald Murray, acciatna
bi°Johuncillors-D. Taylor, J. A. Mal
lough, A. E, Johnson, Jas. Purdom
Reeve - S. ElIssete acclamation.
- Ju Heath ming to n, 11.
Hill. J, Snyder and Gordon Young,
,Eionve-Fred Elleringtom
Councillors -Thos. Brock, Artbur
Mitchell, John Duncan, Jr., Win.
Coates. All by anclamation.
Reeve -W. Elliott.
Deputy Reeve -J. Love.
0ouncilloirs-A, Nell, D. Webb and
Thole Mawhinuey.
All by acclamation.
Reeve/ 3. W. Taylor. Councillors
-rThos. Hatton „lobo Hind, .13. W.
Berl -ewers' and Dr. 0.119', Mouslin,
al by accailutation. Old trustees
eleeted by acclmation
The, following have qualifiie,d for
municipal honors, -for mayor, ,T.
W. McEibbon, R. B, Elliott, for
51)015, Alex. Young, S. Mitchell,
Council, W. G. Patterson, Amos Tip
liege, Geo. Spotton, W. 19. Gurney
J. F. Hanna, L. F. Hinkley, W. Is..,
bittr; for school ta:ustees Ward 1
W Oleid, W. Robertson ; ward 2
ucl ley Holmes, T. R, Benneptward
3505 4 by lir:demotion
Reeve -John MeKinley, and D
Councillors -J, T. Keyes, J. Hho
`J. B. Hanhiy,
Ono yet to be nominated.
. uqKg4smim
Kippen '
raday evsning, the 23rd the
the Idetlioaist held a tdrii'f',411CgeBS
fiDhriiitinas Tree entertainment:,
' On Tuesday evenings dot thie'''we
the Presbyteriane, herd their Ohre
rk. entertainmentandit 'Was a Li
, The usual large nuninek 'efeblikst
Mae visitors are alllback,"heide',again.
',We are giad to see •thern, 'tiler Make
995 feel five years younger .everytime
they come. We wade, them to keep
�n eomin,
, Sad Accident -The 'neigh -beta here
in Stanley were saeldeneds to here of
the sudden death of the two Leech
brothers and Mr. Holmes, of Seaforth
'Sear Fort Wilburn on the; ereolog of
the 18th of Decembeied through the '
collision of the toxic theyeewere ois
with a yard engine. .Tiee first two
formerly lived on the fourth minces
shin of Stanley where elMir father
owns the old bomesteed fisIli, though
he and his family live in Rayfield.
The two young men had • been living
in the west tor many years and were
coming home for -Christmas. The re
mains were hurled in Hayfield came
tery last Friday the 24th Mee. The
remains of tbe late Mr. HelineAk Weree
buried in Seaforth on ThailaVY• .„11
had gone out on the harvest excursion
and WAS returning honae. Ole leaves a
wife and two children. Sincere sym
pathy is felt for all the bereaved ones.
As this is one of the parts-, cif the
country where beans have been ex
tensively grown for some,y ears it met'
be of interest to some lis other parts
of the country to know how growers
got along the past Beason. July and
August were so wet thee manydes
retired of reaping any but many did
fairly well after ell. East Of tbe Lon
don Reed tWo or three mites they
were %linen a failure. Por two or
three ;miles on west of the' London
Road they yielded about six or seven
bushels to the acre. At three dollars
per bushel this wasn't too bad. On
the Parr Lihe the yield went up to
sixteen bushels with Leger prices and
the returns made the .farmers smile
but hack on the Goshen Line the yield
went as high as twenty two bushels
in Borne cases and the growers were
exultant. One man near Brucefield
got 83.50 per bushel. Some are look
ing for $4 00. •
An American firm came in and con
treated with many farmers to grow
colored beans for them $1.90a bushel.
They in some cases as mdch as 50 per
cent for waste or as no good. They
tvon't do business here again in e
time, so that. 'death was not unex-
Bpteemxtaeinde, Isfa:tiintMee: le; ko6itanktiyielarpoell',09
ful "He was buried -on Tuesday •in 'The'
pletein ;cenietereset
ek 'Het will be MUCh missed Po ojfj'
et eeighbotheiedelnit more espeetklif
'le in hid home. Re, -W as a codItjsOSht3
mened3e1'...so1 to iffisoNiyterian ehetvelt
The SYMpathy of the entire e0Dr-
tritiDity, -gOeS tO AID beteeWed
family, , espeeially teethe feerrentes,
ing father The reinaine wereone
twined in 'Baird's cemetery no
Tueeclay.. 'The fueeral evaselasketged
one, shewing the respect in deldeft
the/ 'deceased was held. w w •re:
The following is tite report for De
cember of S. S. No. 14 Stanley Names
in order of merit -
'V -L. Hyde' A. Fisher •
Sr. IV -M. Cooper, W. Collins H.
Jr. IV -E. Metier N, Hood, G. Coop
Jr. 111-W, Ross L. tilde W. Her
Sr. 11-0. Elarvey,'L lioster, T. Par
Jr. 11-1V. WorkmarioD, Foster' L.
Pt 11-L. NVorkman, 0. Anderson,,
G. Harvey
Pt 1-J. Melrensie, EMcsiter E:And
erson ••••, •
The hest spellers for the month
V-Lourier Hyde •
95 IV-Ztlpho Moore, • ot..
Jr. 1V -Norman Hood -
Jr. 111. -Wilfred
-Walter Workman
Pt 11 -Lloyd Workman "
.irhe marriage of Miss Kate, ditugh t.
er af Wm. said Mrs. Telfer, of Brussels
to Wm. G, Farquharson. of Provost,
Alta., took place ot the horne'of the
bride on Wedeesday. Th ri cere
mony was performed by Reit'. A.
J. Mann, in the presence of about 30
reletives of the contracting piiities,
TM. churches were opened for , serv-
ice on Sunday. the measles scare being
about ovev. The Sunday sob:ibis iand
young people) mooting, will he can
celled however.
Hector McQuarie, a wellicnown rest
dent of Grey County died last week at
Denver, Col., after a short twin
la grippe, Mr, and Mrs. Mcritairrie
left here a few week e ago and intend
ed spending the winter' in Deriver.
The remaius are being breteetit home
for interment.
The quarantine resultAigfeom a
mended epideruie has been, lifted
aa far as the churcheeetre consern
t. c , and Sunday the preaching ser-
vices were beldi as usual.., •
d Municipal, Mere ares !aquiet in
thie locality and, acelnimation eelc
tions would be no surprise. ,
jk is said the Brussels boys w.ho
wont( overseas a fey.- weeks ago
have, been drafted into ,another
regiment andmay somebein
&ranee- •
• t
Reeve -J, McKay 19.c. Crich
Cotincil-Cameron, Bell, Coleman
and McKsy, accle ti o
Reeve -W. fLLolyb, and George
Hedie Council -O, Ginn, H. Pale
cones', B. liindsay, antiiloliand
, •
Reeve -Mat Armst.rong, Jas Leip
en and John Barr, Ceuncil-Jamee
Watts, Wm. Miller, T. Neiliend, T
Mitchell,, C. HOwsom 'end' A. C.
Reeve -1,X, Govenlock and Con
Reekart. Coucil -George Cern,
John eveelock. Peeped -F. Me-
Quede, John Dodds, diV, Knucktel
and dle'orge Nesbitt.
Mayor -Harry Stewart serd Dr.
35119554 . .:I,' •
leireye-11, Siewaut rd
gouncillorst. deemGrieve,
George Canino, Charleel Aberhate
Rodel,E Smieb, John, Cluff, James
send . W. sfi •,Sreith, Henry
Celt), W. Gedening and B. 'T. Mc -
fetes h.
Water Co rem i i et. Daly
(aecta ma ti on),
Public. School Trustees -de. Jet
fey, W. Oriel!. _A. D. Sutherland
late I am
G v ey Township -Ree yes- ber(1
Livingston mid John. Grant,
Dc-puty, Reeves -John drown and
John 1V1eNabb
Councilloes--Wm. ;Fraser, P. A.
MeA ether, S. 5 Cole, ,Thank
Collins, Archie McLean and 3. K.
ltor Boeive--Alfred _Erwin, Cieo.
Lindsay, Janice Thomson,
'For Councillors -Geo Copeland,
Edward Merner, Wm. R. Jowitt, 0,
Pitrker, Lieelaruation. '
'For Trustees -Geo. 13, Greenelecle
Goo, King geed; Germinharcit, as-
elaination , 't
Brucefield' • t
The S. School Christmas Tree es
tertainment evasovery 'etleees'eful on
Thursday eimnitig of last,' eveek.
There were several, drills (which
were very good, also goou recitai-
tiOeS, einging, etc One good joke
on the long fact d Presbyterian
was received with applause. The
proceeds was 53a. '9 or expenses for
Sabbath School supplies.
Daeter and bride ;of Zurich
was last week the guest of Mr.
. Mrs. Wasmae spent Christmas in
'Poi onto ,
Wiliam; Swan, of Toronto Idedt-
rotInCelollege spent his. en
Y, catIo;at
11 li�Sctes-1
resent Cluistines at the Imam 9
1,5b, ii,o1‘91.111.0.ois8seivph.1)t9,211h4e: egutiecilyscitl:o:cinf °ei
3oecpli Addison. _ es, ,
est, ailed, Mee, McCully ofellen,
Mr. Watson, sr., near our village,
is conlieedi to his room by illnese.
Ho had, had a stroke of paralysis.
'Rib many friends hope fox eecov-
Mee. Smith' of Brandon,Man. \IS
nee at (194 homol of her brother -
le -law, Win. Berry, last week.
Sergeant Pattison of Galt re-
newed old fr;xsS iti Ounewillage
on Chrislinas.
Among those who spent the va-
cation, in our inidat are.-IVEss Ha-
zel( Bloom: of St, Tiler -nee; -.Mrs, 191.
1115, 09 lVfaestota ; Dr McElwee,
toit W
Dr. . A ikenheedi Toren
On Chrietinas Day Will on loot°
of Banmickburn, passed 'away tto
tlte GeeaU Beyoed to be With" his
o verisor To hies dead hact no
terror% he kne who :.he trust-,
ed, and was not afraid.f He was
, tee secoed son of ,Tohn l'oote. Re
10 16
een a peat. stiff er§t $or some
fi h
Seafortit ,
Death came suddenly at an early
our this morning to Rev. W, Venn*
well known IVIethodisc minister-at:this
home, 22 Elmwood avenue Lendon
Mr. Vollick had been In good health
Heart failure was the cause of edelath
Deceased was torn in Helton County
08 years ago and among the circuits he
charge of were Vienna, Seaforth Brig
den and Goldsmith. Pam to his sup-
erannuetion he had been a miseionaer
in India for about eeventeen years. •...1
The remains of the late ' Mrs "John
0 Morrison who died in Toronto on
Wednesday, were brought, here for'
interment today. The funeral took
place born the G. T, la station on the
arrival of the 1.20 train, interment
being in Maitland Bank Oeineter.
Word has been'reneived of The death
in Chicago of Mrs. Etyan mother of
Mrs. M. Broderick cif this town Mrs.
Ryan was e sister of the Messrs. Dv
ereauz of McKillop and Tuckersmith
The remains ere being brought to Sea
forth for interment tbe funeral took
place on Monday .
Mr. Pierson Grieve son of Dr. Grieve
has resigned his position as principal
of one of the ward schoolin 'Toronto
and has enlisted with the ltilet liuron
Battalion at Clinton and takes his po
sition as lieutenant after the Christ
mas holidays
Mi. Frank Cluff who has been at
tending University of Toronto has sr
rived home and has joined the new
Huron Regiment in the capacity as a
titheTeuhtlleenufarnnollibr BvienAmheanyte at eSnelattercith
past week, Lieut. Frank Miff iund
Ptes learl Cluff. Arthor Fear, Chas.
Riley William Cliffe William McKin
, .
Mr. and Mrs. ,Earnest Adams Anil
daughter spent Christmaswith her
temente, Mr. and Mrs, IVIeDbruild of
Messrs, Charles Hall of Hensel! and
Will Hall of London spent Cheletmas
with their parente Mr. and Mrs. T.
Mr and Nies. S. B. 'Mindy & Son of
Toronto spent the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mi. D. Sutherland.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Stanley of Holmes -
vine spent Obristmas with their
daughter, Mrs D, Tudor.
Mrs, Adtur, Glazier andfamily of
Clinton spent Christmas ,her sister,
Mr.. T. Pollard. • ern, •
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moore and 'babe of
Toronto spent ChristmasWith her
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs., Jas. Mann
Mr. and Ws, Ed. Britton and Miss
Margaret Love spent Christmas with
their parents, Mr. and itIrs, Dive of
Mr A.ndrew Snell and Miss Annie
Ashby are spending Oluisttnas in
Mr, and Mrs. Will Ote of Seaforth
Spent Sunday the guest of her Sistete
Captain Clark.
The correspondent wishes the read-
ers of the New Ere a Happy: New
The ladies from here received the
following letter frona Pte. 197. Huller,
thanking them for the good things
they had sent him: -
Pte. E. tinned No. 1076. Dec. Oth, 1915
No. 1 Coy., No. 4 Plat
1st Battl Canadians
0. bl• F., Feance
Dear Friends -I now take time to
drop you a few lines as I have time
to clo a little writing. It keeps me
pretty near busy keeping up my siorre
spondence as I always try to write
home often, and there is some daft.; we
can't write very well. Well I must
thank you and 831 the people who
made up that parcel which I reedived
a few daye ago. I am sere it wee eery
kind of yen people to think 'of ' us in
that way as I was very glad to get it.
Ion know a parcel or a letter is sure
good out here, it helps to make us feel
a little more at home. The parcel was
in good condition when it reached us
in the trenches. Wen, we are nob eV
lowed to give much information, but -
things are going fine here on our front
so far. We have a lot of shelld'eg but
that ig all in the game, We boriebarc)
the German trench pretty near e'Velw
day, so I think they must be getting
enough of it. We have a lot otevet
weather which puts the treneliesen
bad shape, but we can stand it if the
Huns cen-their trench is dotal] a,
little lower than ours • so they get it
as bad or worse. Please retnembr
Lo all the people of Holmesville 'as f
cannot write to them all, I often thit*
of my old home, Good bye,
P. S. -I would be glad 1, hear adorn
you any time for a letter is always
welhoine, it teems to help tie ferget
that the Germane are only a few yards
away from as. Homer is well, false
myself, hopiug this finds you the game
Somewhere in Prance or Belgium.' '
Eoderich •
The steamer Mariske, seldob 'strand-
ed in the centre of' tee cbannclwhili
entering Replace. Beach in a noeth west
erly gale On her last trip down, cote
meteu teinpokary repairs here, atter
unloading her grain Cargo and left e
gain for Collingwood accompanied by
the Reid Wrecking Co's tug, Fischer,
,ano on arrival there will entei a dry
duck for a thorough examination and
After an illness of only a few
clays, Mr Thos Andrew died at
his (Jame on Wednesday morning',
the 15th, Mr. Andrew was a' red
dent of UOrrie loisa member Of
years lied was highly respected by
ale Ile will be greatly mi
issed n
the Methodist church of which
115 was a valued Member. His
musical talent was always avail: -
aIle in church service, Sabbath
Sehbol, etc. Mr. Andrew leaves to
mourn, hie loss his wife arid two
deughters, Mrs, Bert Steveeson, of
C'onatance, andeMise, Laura, and
fiVe, SOnS, tioebert of Exelpr Chas
: „,
Wishing our Prientls aed Patrons
A Happy and Prosperous
New Year.
Plumsteel Bros,
Small Profits Phone 25. More BiisineSS
of Bchnonton„ Lewellyn and Erifi
nest, Sask., and Elliott Gorri
The funeral took place on Tuesid
day to the Gorrie cemetery, Sere
yeee being hole at the Methodist
'Mammies conducted by the Rev:
Mr. Revers.
Reeve Dr. Milne presented the
councilors. town official, fireman
and the edltor of the Standard, each
with an English plum pudding. This
is the second time that he has treated
officials to it suitable present at this
season of the year.
The Blyth branch of the Upper Ca.n
Ada Bible Society at their annual
meeting in the Ptesbyterian church
showed that during Ole year the town
had cellected 564,113 and forwarded
the seine to headquarters. The follow
ing officers were elected: Peesident,
Henry Berney: vice-prerident, George
MeTeggart; secrete -1,w Alex. Elder;
directors. M. Chiming, Henry young
E. Bender Inixton Hill, F. Metcalfe.
:Blyth Lolge, 1. 0, 0 F., 'at the mg
ular meeting elected the following of.
ficers for the coming vear; N. G, Thos
Hallan, V. G., John Knox, R. S..5.. W
Robinson; F. S. MeVittie; treasur
er Dr. Allison.
Blyth Lodge, A. P. & A. M., elected
the following officers; W. !Car, 19.5.,
MoTeggart; ' S. W., Tbotnae Stewart,
3. W„ Thoinas Simpson; seceetery, J,
AL Hamilton; treiteurer, J. G. Etnigh,
teler Amos Sonhh
Mise Hood has returned to town aft
er tpendiug Christmas with her sister
Mts. selbert Cole
Mr, George Cole has returned to his
home after spendiug the summer with
bis sister, Mrs. W. L Beendon, out
west -Listen for wedding hells.
Mrs, E. Babb of Teeswater and
daughtsre will visit her !nether, Mre.
19. MeQuarie over the Few Year
Mr, Roht. Baird and and Miss Lena
Baird of Presque arrived at the peren
tal home on't hursday of last week.
Mr. Wm. -Baird and family of Tor
onto are vending the holidays at ,.the
home of Geo. Hurd.
Dr. Peter MeDwen of Detvoit paid
a short; visit to ens old home ou Bay
field Road this week.
At the nomination meeting of Stan
ley township Reeve John McKinley
retired and. David Dewar a councillov
teke his place, Messrs J. 'I'. Keyes,
B Hanley were elected by acclama
tion end another nomination meeting
will have to he held to appoint
fourth councillor.
The four -months old ebild of Mr.
and Mee John Weir of Tiarnberry
township was instahtly killed and -the
father and mother and three.yean.old
son mere or less seriously injured in a
runaway eccident late Friday night.
Their horsestook frigbt et a fallen tree
beside the road and bolted, the four
occopants heing thrown violently oot
of the cutter.
Porter's Hill
Mrs, AuDd9gall. of Loudon is visit
login the neighbozbeed:'
Mr. and Mrs, klair and babe of
Springbank are spending the' holidays,
at Mr. Jehn Cox's,
'The Misses, Aida and Ehwenhe Ma
Doriald of Detroitspent the °heist/tele,
holidaytis with theie mother, Mrs Me
Donald. •
NM. tiecnige.'Kenip of Mitchell visit
ed at 0. W. Potter', on Tuesday.
idr. and Mrs. Roy Tabor are spend
Ing,thdholidays at Woodstock.
Bea and Lorne Dawson of Spring
hank and Harold Weston were holiday
pleat John Coes this week.
Mrs. Love and children of Winghans
Are visiting at John Blair's,
May Lindsay spent Christmas at her
mother's Mrs. Lindsay's.
Ruby Potter is spending her bolt
days at home, abd is confined to the
Melee with Grippe.
IVIr. Matthew Bruce's anetion sale
of farm stock, implements, etc, on
Wednesday of last, week was well
attended, and the prices realized,
partieularly for the purebred short
hOrb taitae was good, eeriee of the
cowe bringing no lees than $105, it is
Mr Bruce's intention te go west ere
Mise IVlinnie otawtoa•d of Niagara
spent her vacation with her father
• Wesley, Crawford, SOD of Robert
Crawford cri.tlic West is spending
a feem months 'with his uncle, Mr.
Edward Crawford.
lamest Vieddeu of the West is
spending a tesv months ett the '
home of his parents, Mrs.mnd ws, ,
John Vedden, 1 I'd
Mr, William Sitticjelecock, of Tie
ronto spneireSundely with his aunt
Mrs. A, Waymow
IVr. and Mrs. W 1.. ,Tamieson and ne
two' children of C nstance Opent
Christmas with hdr parents, Mr,
Me. and Mrs. Rapsbn, of Clintot. cd
Mr. and Mrs. John Ctibbings and . of
family( spent Chris as., with her 5
brother John Ball of Tuckers 'eh
Mr. aed Mrs, wesley Vodden and
SOS are spending a few days with
hie sister Mrs. iFiank Trickett of
• Miss Ida Bailie the guest of
her aunt Mrs. johnGibbiegs tihis
sveek. • '
Raytiem •
Dr. Walker has again disappeared
in a short vacation.
Melcolm Pvaser of Fore William is
visiting his friends here. '
A .general sueoess el _expected at
Tierney Church 5. $e .entertainment
the programme is eoreposed of all lo
cal tallent.
The old council is likely to be sus
tained although a change of reeveship
Goderich Teernshly.
Miss Coleman or tialcers'rnith' has
finished out Miss Reyes term as trendier
of S. 9 No, 10. owing to the sickness
of Miss Keyes.
Mr. Chas, B. Middleton has been
laid up fur About thme months with
blood poisoning in his hand, but is
Afe. Robert Cluff and wife have been
on a visit to Winghani where Mrs.
Cluff's parents reeide.
Masters Peed and Evilest Thompson
and sister MAy arrived home from the
west hot week.
Mr. Meredith Clark is on the sick
The Orangemen tied p, beg oyster
supper in their hall "on the Bayfield
line last week.
Look ont neer fee there recruits.
Rev' W. cl°1e andrerafe OteMlohigan,
have gone lo California for the winter
months. Mr, Oole not being in veret
good health, thinks the change wilt do
bini good.
Mr. John Marshall over 94 years of
age, is still hale and hearty, being
about the eldest man Goderiatt
Township. One tif the old Pioneers.
Mr. Thomas Cole has installed a fnr
nace in his house. Mr. Cole will he
able to keep himself weern this' Witt
er. wedged.
Miss Della. Keyes daughter of Mr,
flar0e8 Keyes of Stanley intends going
to Toronto in the near future to try
her examinetions in music.
Mr. Ben Bothwell has purchased a
driver from M, Sterling,.
The municipal pot is Starting to boil
In Goderich Township --wonder who
will he rheittekY math
Wedding bells are ringing oti the
Beyfield line.
A very quiet but pretty wedding
took place at the brides parents, that
of Mr. end Mrs Rotvland .lenkins, 16th
con. Goderich Tp. when their young
est daughter Lily MIS united in num
riage to Mr. Nixon WAleb.ot Toronto,
son of Robert and Mrs. Welsh of town
The ceremony was paifenined leir the
Rev. W. le Rutledge D. D, The bride
who was given away by her father
wore a tailored suit of navy blue with
arge picture hat and mink furs the
gift of the groom. She caeried
bower baguet of white roges and Lily
of the Valley. The wedding music
as played hy Miss Ruby Wise. The
grooms gift to her being a pearl neck
ace after a dainty dieeddihreliiinat •
tr. and Mrs. Welsh left amidst a
bower of (=tette and' good ;wishes
or their home in Torcurtmw,tuite ;the
room is engaged in the'teachliag pro
There will be a run in Gedevich Tpe
Or the Reeyeship bereeeen W. H.
ot h. the preeent Reeve and George
udie. John W. ec. and Johti. •M-6
lure weie also nornineted but with
rf.A. 7 names were put op fer' OODD
illors but Geo. Hudie wanted to fight
or the Reeveship and withdrew hone ,
he Council as also did Geo, 0. Sturdy
nd John Yeo end the Coaricillore
or 1915 will be David Lindsay.
eo, Elolland, Oswald Ginn and Geo.
The death occurred at, her home
uron Road. Goderich Township of
les, Wm. Gauld on Christmas day,
fter an Witless extend over several
ears, Deceased was 78years of age
nd was horn at Kingston 51 Dulled
napire Loyalist ancestors. She leaves
er husband and three Sobs arid three'
aughtere, namely: Mrs (Dr) Anglin.
f Kingston whose IDISband, now Col
nel Anglin commander of Queens Ilia
ersity Base liosoltel Cairo. Egypt
re. B B Ward of .N.ew York, Wi liana
f Pottage La Preirie, Mae., Henry of
lintels and George and Flizabeth 011
. e funeral took place on
nesday to Maitland Cemetery. The
pa bearers were Geo. Holland, A. J.
0OurtiCe, Sam Sturdy, 1 S. Holmes, $
T Welter and John Sturdy and the
Revs. R. J. McCorrxiick and W, B.
Mointon of Hohnesville coeducted the
service. Theeleceased bed for many .
years been an honored member of the
Method/at church end bore her long
ness with :question .fortitucle,
There will be service 10 3(1. James
iddieton next Sunday.
Summerhil 1
There will be service in St. Peter
xi The Inaumboot will Preach.
mt. Win. Craig of 1Pordwicle !m-
iste4 the sari bOWs On Monday
the 'death at 1998 brotivert
eorge, at Branaon, Man,