HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-12-30, Page 3Thersday,, Dec SOth, 1915 TSE CLiNTON NEW ERA PAGE THREE A. NEW ISSUE of the. Telephone Directory, ie now being prepared, and additions and ohanges tori t should be reported to our Local MannYer' Have you a telephone 7 Those ,.who have will tell you that it iiethe mot precious 0f modern convonienooa:: Why not and have your name in the new directory. the, ell Telephone Co. of Canada The Red Duster On all the, seas of al' the world" there, paeses ,to and fro Where the(ghostly ,iceberg( travels or the spicy trade windsMow A gaudy piece of bunting, a royal ruddy tag - The blossr,m of the °na to lanes, Great B1 'tale's metehant flag The cargo tank loom Bristol, the iti(awler out.of Hull, And a th tusand (rail( of )411 de- grees, rees, from Sydney Heads to !ull, They bear the old Red puptier, pr'oud►Elung across the main And, whether- (war or twheifher F , they wear it, hoose again. The cannon's roar the Channe?e o'er' is heard in Do eel. town, And now and' then with English amen a British • craft goes diown, Safe hid "at Kieh are ships of steel , land und,jrneath their nose, With the Bed Duster at their sterns, a fleet oft England goes, A fleet buti not on /battle ships; though manned by men; as brave As thefy who guard their native; sthorce upon the blood-dtain eil wave; A flrtet that keeps its eountrrr'e; trade secure from Warfare's twrong, And brings great go'den cargoes home from Cape Town Ito Hong Kong. They dare the North Sea's perils the dead'y, drifting mine; They risk the sneaking submarines the shrapnel's fatefllint whine. They, round ,the grim headland, to.l ope(u sea they . go With the old Red Duster flaunting in the face' of England's foe. The Holland ships go' sling by, the vessels of Japan, And flying the Tricolor plunges many a merchantman; There's only one, flag missing, which Was flown so, Wide, before - You may search' the seas in vain for it £roam' Jaluit to - the Nore, Its crimson field is coloured with 'the blood of Britain's` sons Spilled in a thousand fight twhore'er the tide its courses Juin s, That Britain still may rule the 'waves and free as sheeting l;ui$ The sea -stained tramp inay plough, her way through storm, or doltrum's lull. And so their country 'tattle -lock••, ed,, the English ships go by, Where the Arctic icepack dosses or the coral islands' lie, With the old Red Dulster flying dpwn the 'heaving (mean ways, While to guard it men are dying as they, did in Nelson's. days Herbert M. Ayres. -In the "Honolulu _Advertiser." CASTORIA For Infants and Children he Use Fear Over 30 Years � Always bears 4� the Signature of and sent home to be sewn on to new ones. A gun, say, has been smashed at the front,. but its wheels are: atilt serviceable and they come in handy for another gun. Old petrol cane are punched with'h'oles and serve as braziers in the trenches. Old cart ridge cases, are melted down land. used again. Wireless Wonders. Economy in English Army. One of the most remarkable things about the English army at the front is the way it economizes. Old uniforms are put through the disinfeetor, cleaned, and mended and served out again to the troops. If a uniform is so hopelessly torn as to be. past; mending, then it is cleansed and sent home and sold for shoddy. Truckloads of old boots go from the firing line to the 'base depots. These boots are sorted into pairs, re- soled and heeled, cleaned and black- ened, and sent back again. Most sol- diers, indeed, prefer these mended boots to new ones. Buttons are cut elf old mamma The 7,000 wireless ship stations the world require over 15,000 li- censed mea to operate them, while over 1,000 land stations with a working force of 3,200 men are rem quired to handle the 'business which originates on board, or for, these vessels. Bravo, Manchester! Fourteen thousand pounds • was collected in Manchester tramway - cars for war funds, which is more than half the sum collected on the tramways throughout the kingdom. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I,A 'SchoolOSection R.C.S.S. S.S. No. 1 S.S. No. 2' S.S. No. 3 S.S.. No. 4 S.S. No. 5 S.S. No. G S.S. No. 8 S.S. No, 9 S.S. No. 10 S.S. No. 11 Union No, 2 atnion No. 10 Union No. 12 Financial Statement of Goderich Township for the Year 1915. essteina nesseenteneess enant.°i, east :School. Tax Rate Assessment 4700.00 258310.00 175909.00 174987.00', 90500.00 20S341.38 142x36.00 117601.00 186470.00 169300.00 101017.00 18203.00 14200.00 47550.00 1695424,38 General Taxes Amount 5,93 300.97 300,04 524.96 299.15 416.68 284.67 199.94 335.64 304.74 27154 41.86 55,38 152.16 3496.48 .Forward=School Tax Rate 8 3496 48 General School Tax 8381 43. Township Tac 4068 97 County 'Pax 4747 •' 09 War Tax 2204 08 Statute Labor 62 25 264 00 Telephone Debenture 1593 40 Telephone account 766 37 Teta' taxes on roll $ 20584 07 Dog Tax RECEIPTS San 11 Taxes from Collector 81 120 42 Bill payable at 5 per cent 400 00 May 26 Taxes' from collector 11 04 lif payable at 54 per cent 600 00 Aug 2 Bill payable at 6 per cent 600 00 17 13511 payable at 6 per cent 500 00 'Sept 2 Legislative grant to schools 452 00 'Oct 4 Bill payable at•6 per cent 500 00 Nov 1 'Taxes from Collector 100 00 Cash from John Halstead for drain 1 00 Thos Cole for drain 1 50 Geo. A. Cooper for drain 1 25 Reuben Grigg for drain 3 25 ' • George Miller for drain 2 25 William Finlay for drain 5 50 " Hanley Cantelon for drain . 7 50 22 25 Henry Miller; for British Red Cross fund 2 00 Miss McEwan " collected S.S. No. 9 7 00 22 Taxes from Collector 1275 00 .Dec .6 Taxes from Collector 1160 00 Legislative grant from Co. Treas, to schools 227 40 15 Cash from C. Lee, for Jardine damage claim 10 00 Cash from National Patriotic Fund for Mrs Laws 7 45 Tales from Collector 5100 00 Taxes paid into Sterling Bank, Gbderich 4809 95 Taxes paid into Royal Bank, Clinton 6935 93 Taxes paid into Sterling Bank, Bayfield546 48 Tp of Hullett, boundary line expenses 3 55 17 Taxes from Collector 497 64 Bill payable for 1'2 months at .5 per cent .. , , , , 1000 00 $ 24894 11 EXPENDITURES ROADS AND BRIDGES Div. No. I D. A. Lindsay, Commissioner. .Jan j,I,1-`Celias Brimicomb, rep culv on S, L. 1st con $2 00 .April 5 13. H. Lindsay, moving Grader , .: e,• 2 00 10 13. H. Lindsay, rep culv and moving Grader 300 ` 30 Geo. E. Male/ale, team on Grader 4 00 ',e, 13. Porter operating of team on Grader 7 50 ,ane 1 Geo. Lindsay, rep cult' cut line 1 50 harry. Salkeld, tile drain across s 1 2 00 Lester Church, rep culv on s ( 1 50' Herb Lamprey clearing stones off road 2 00 George Laithwaite, teants on grader h r 12 00 18 Robt. Johnson shov gravel as p m 6 00 Wm. Johnson shov gravel as p 01 3 75. Wm. Jenetags, shov gravel lst con 1 50 29 B. I1. Lindsay, shov gravelas p ni 4 50 R. Porter, shov gravel as p in 8 25 July 24' Geo. Johnston,.2 culverts 1st con 10 50 Robt.. McAllister, 3 culverts 1st con 8 25 Robt. McAllister, teaming culverts 4 00 Lester Church, hauling 2 culvs and putting them in 5 00 Aug 2 Wnt. Jennings, gravel on culvert 1 00 , R. Burk, team on grader 4 00 Hugh Mcllwain, grav':Bells, HIil1 and culv 1st con 34 30 13 Geo. Johnston, overseeing gravelling let ;con 9 75 Robt. McAllister, gravelling lst con 102 35, Lawrence Bell, overseeing gravelling 4th con, 6 75 1 aterence 13e11, gravelling on s 1 0 00 R. Johnston, rep culvert s 1 50 5 'Oct 4 R. Burk, towing teams on lake hill, statute labor., 4 00 -Nov. 4 Robt. McAllister, gravelling and rep cult' 2 15 Dec. 6 Robt. Johnston, rep road 4th con 2 00 15 Reg. Johnston, rep. culvert 1 00 se Alfred Beavers, rep culvert 1st con . 25 R. McAllister, gravelling 1st con 41 24 R. McAllister, rep culvert s 1 1 50 B, 11. Lindsay, rep culvert cut line 50 1I, Burk, gavelling and rep culvert 1st con 8 50 J. K. 13rinley, gravelling s 1 70 80 S. Emmerson, operating and team on grader 5 75 Div. No. 2, Geo, Holland, Commissioner. Jan James Yuill, rep culvert s 1 James Yuill, supplying plank and rep cu 6 con April 13 Junes Johnston repairing 4 culverts 7th con ,May 3 Leslie Cox, repairing culvert 7th con .., 20 Ben McCullough. delivering road scraper James ,Johnston, moving grader, rep bridge 6111 con James Johnston, team on grader James Johnston, operating grader Wm. Tebbutt, team on scraper Roy Chambers, team on grader �:i 2 1 :-iaA�^lr +A.ev d •..hnAF3^ 1 003 25 4 00 1 00 1 00 2 50 16 00 8 00 4 00 16 00 June 14 Wm. Johnston, covering cult' and rep road 6th con 16 W. Johnston, cleaning ditch 7th; rep bridge 6th con 26 Wm. Wilson, gravelling s 1 and fence on 6th con... 30 R. Y. Cox, shov gravel as p m July 3 Wm. Stanley, furnishing supplies and building fence Geo. Sheppard, putting iii posts and teaming tile.. J. Johnston, drawing plank and covering 2 bridges 28 Robt. Rodgers, gravelling s 1 6th con 30 Wm. Johnston, rep culv on s 16th con Aug 2 George Shepherd, drawing tile James Johnston, culvert and gravelling 7th con...: 12 Charles Edward, gravelling sl 6th con Wes. Vanderburg, culvert & cleaning ditch Oth con 30 Janies Johnston, team on grader ... Robt. Johnston, team on grader John Swartz. team on grader James Johnston operating & moving grader Oct 4 J. Johnston, gravelling 7th con and rep culv i3 R • • John Swartz, rep, culv. H R Adam McCartney, gravelling hill at Porter Hill Nov. 1 Adam McCartney, gravelling H 11 and 7th con.. Melville Sturdy, gravelling and rep road 7th con - Dec Dec 10 Jas. Johnston, gravelling H road.' • , • • . • , Jas. Johnstonegravelling 7tli con 6 00 3 00 1835 3 00 3 00 520 10 25 4 50 3 25 600 50 7 75 10 00 12 00 4 00 10 50 4 00 1 50 23 25 64 OD 2 00 18 00 12 80 Div. 3. Geo. Hudie Commissioner Jan 13 L. Aldsworth, rep culvert let con 1 50 May 26 A. Harrison rep. culvert 4th con ........ 50 J. Hudie, rep. 2 culverts 7th con 1 00 June 28 Russell Currie, team on grader 0 00 John Cox, shovelling gravel 3 00 c Ben Pearson, teani 00 grader and shov gray 7 50 July 2 Peter Young, gravelling s. 1. 4th con 30 75 Henry Steep, shovelling gravel 3 00 9 George Hanley, team on grader 4 00 Alex, Sterling, shovelling gravel 3 00 15 Milton Woods, 2 culverts on 4th con 4 50 George Hastings, .shovelling gravel on 4th con. .. . 4 00 20 Harvie Alexander, gravelling on Telephone road25 50 Aug. 2 M. Sterling, shovelling gravel 7th con • 3 00 John Hudie, operating grader and shovelling. 4-50 Chas. Cook, culvert and shovelling gravel 5 00 Peter Young, team on grader 1st con 8 00 John McClure, team on grader 1st con 8 00 9 George Enunerson,grading and gravelling 31 50 23 Alex. Sterling, dram on 1st con 7 00 Oct 4 L. Aidsworth,rep, culvert 1st con Dec 6 George Lindsay, gravelling Bayfield road • 30 50 George' Hastings.3 culverts 4th con 2 00 E. Hanley, cutting scrub 1st con 7 00 j. Young, rep culvert 4th con "' • • "' 50 2 00 I5 11. Currie, rep culvert cut line Win. Johnston, rep culvert cut line 3 5000 John McGuire, culvert 6th con W. Wallis, rep culvert Iet con 1 60 W. Webster, gravellin 0th con 4 00 Thos. Betties, rep. road 0th con , . •. ,. , . 7 75 Jas. Sterling, rep. culvert 6th con ... 2 50 L. Thompson. gravelling 1st and 4th con ..... 13 00 J. McGee, gravelling 4th con 7 00 S. Emmerson, gravelling and operating grader 20 00 F. Hudie, rep. bridge ' I 50 Wm. McDonald, culvert 7th con 3 00 Div. Nos. 4 and 0, J. W. Yeo, Commissioner. April 5 Albert Izzard, culvert Huron road it 3 00 June 29 W. J. Yeo, grading and gravelling Oth con..... .. , 35 50 Geo. Mair, operating grader and drag Huron road 6 25 M. McDougall, grad on Varna road and gray 9th con 17 25 July 0 Wm Finlay, culvert and outlet 1 50 J. Huller, shovelling gravel as p. m. , .. , , 4 50 II. Osl,aldeston, team on grader • . 4 00 Geo. Cooper, gravelling on telephone road - 21 46 Wesley Miller, gravelling on 9th con and teas road 10 80 8 Robert Cole, hauling and putting in culvert 5 00 Robt, Cole, hauling and placing culvert , 2 25 Aug 30 M. Holland;repairing 2 culverts 1.1tt con 1 00 Lewis Proctor, gravelling on Oth con , 24 75 Wni: Finlay, plank, spikes and rep culvert 9th con 2 00 Oct 4 Geo Elliott, hauling culvert and gavelling Bay road 45 25 David Deeves,,gravelling Bayfield con 43 50 Albert Izzard, gravelling 13ayfield con 8 00 (leo Cooper, deepening ditch and overseeing , .. , . • k8 00 Dec 15 H. Steep, repairing culvert Bayfield line 50 Adam McCartney, gravelling Bay line and tele road 83 20 Adani McCartney, gravelling 8' S2 E. Trewartha, gravelling and repair culvert cut line 2 55 Wm Finlay, hauling plank and rep culvert Oth con 2 00 G. . Sheppard, hauling plank and rep culvert h r1 05 Deeves and Elliott, gravelling 10th con 40 50 Geo, Cooper, overseeing gravelling on 16th con 7 00 E. H. Wise, putting in iron culvert on side road 3 00 A. E. Izzard, gravelling on telephone road ' .12 75 Fred Middleton, repairing culvert Clinton road1 00 Div. No, 5, W. H. Lobb, Commissioner, April 5 D. Deeves, culv for winter road, 1-I road • , E. Levis, removing ice from road near Colborne bd. May 4 H. Tebbutt, placing steel cut and rep road 14th con 26 Geo. Tebbutt, rep culv Maitland con Bert Murphy, culv and removing stump 16th con.. June 28 harry Tebbutt, rep' rule and gray 14th con C. Williams jr., team of grader John Tebbutt, team on grader T. McCartney, rep culvert 16th con Bert Mw pity, team on grader and grav 16th con David Lindsay, gravelling Huron road George Mair, operating grader and drag Aug 2 Herb Osbaldeston, work on grader Bert Lobb, work ons 1 16th con Herb Oakes, gravelling 16th .eon John Colbourn, removing stump on s 1 21 H. Williams, culv gray and hauling pipe 14th coir • Oct 4 Fred Ford, hauling culverts and placing in;Oth 000 Nov 1 H. Tebbutt, rep toad • Dec 6 C. Williams, hauling 1 culvs and placing 2 of then; 11. J. Thompson. rep culvert • R. G. Thompson, cleaning ditch 1.6thh con 13 Ed. Levis, gravelling Colhoi to hill ancl ditch Win, Tebbutt, gravelling Maitland con Henry Sweet filling washout and rep culv s 1 Ira Merrill, rep road Maitland con Ed. Trewartha, gravelling cut line Clarence Sturdy, gravelling. h r . ur eett?1;n'+argent{eta .teethe Hi.. L,, Reeve. 20 3 2 00O 3 00 5 00 3 00 8 00 800, 4 00 13 00 450 13.25 10 00 2 00 3 00 75 13 00 S 00 200 TO 00 1 25 2 50 2S 00 3 00 11 01) 1 00 1 80 10 00 we 74t: '.,01W4'ddlitd1YOW;114,0dV,MdWPWadde r'2, agrgrE Dec 13 Thos. K,. Mair, gravelling and rep culvert W.Hick, rep 2 culverts 16th con . II. Hibbswork on 10th con Boundary Line Expenditure July 3 Albert Colcough, gravelling 13 line Adapt McCartney, rep culvert B line Dec 15 Jas. Cornish, steel culv base line Geo. Johnston, rep culv John Mair, gravelling " 4York and Material -Ordered by Council Feb 8 D. J. Burns,' lumber John A. Cox, work on 7th con Mar 1 George Lindsay, plank Apr 5 John A. Cdx, work on 7th con May 26 Pedlar People, three culverts It. U. Thompson, sewer pipe for culverts June 28 William Bolton, haulln culverts 1Villiant Johnston, cedar Pedlar People, four culverts Thomas McCartney, timber for bridge John G. Steep, drain across road John Torrance, drain across road 20 20 3 50 1 50 13 50 6 40 2 50 2 50 14 70 4 70 2 40 2 35 3 13 59 S0 12 54 5 00 23 05 50 00 2 00 2 00 W. B. Forster, plank 29 87 Aug 2 William Stanley, wire fence at dangerous culverts 10 50 Pedlar People, four culverts 134 8O 30 Tames Harrison, tile and plank 2 20 77. J. Burns, plank 1 26 Sep 4 J. L. Cox, removing and building fence 7th con , • , 25 00 Dec 0 it, Roland, spikes . • . 50 A. J. Courtice, spikes . , .. , 58 H. Thompson, plank 1 75 D. J.' Burns, plank 1 25 The Pedlar People, four steel culverts 137 00 15 W. J, Yeo, township share of Cantelon drain 10 00 S. 7. Andrews, tile 2 45 Alex Cox, drain acrossroad2 00 William Johnston posts 1 00 T. K. Mair, plank 7 20 Geo. Elliott, cement work and hauling culverts • . , , 31 75 .Tames Graham, overseeing and deepening ditch .. , • 2 00 Robert Trick, planking bridge 1 50 John McClure, plank 10 00 Albert Izzard, planlc and repairing bridge .. 10 50 Salaries and Allowances Jan 11 George Sheppard, posting treasurer's statement , ,.,$ 2 25 Feb S George W. Acheson, auditing township books.. , , • . 5 00 'George P. Gould, auditing township books 5 00 N. W. Trewartha, register births, marriages, deaths 11 00 N. W. Trewartha census to P. S.1. 2 50 Apr 5 C. W. Williams, sheep valuator 2 00 May 20 Herbert Murphy, assessing township 60 00 Geo Holland, overseeing 2 00 July 3 Councillors, services as road commissioners 125 00 4V. H. Lobb, services on base line 4 00 C. W. Williams, sheep valuator 4 00 Sep 2 Herb Murphy, services at judge's court of revision 2 00 Wm, Crooks, ,, 2 00 N. W. Trewartha ' 44 O8 Nov. 1 Reeve, Clerk and assessor, selecting jurors 10 00 J. W. Yeo, overseeing placing culverts 5 00 Dec 6 Councillors Services at Board 130 00 N, W. Trewartha services as clerk • 105 00 Fence Viewers, arbitrating on L. Coxes fence 18 00 Alex, Welsh, sheep valuator 2 00 J. W. Yeo, overseeing planking bridge 1 50 J, E. Whitely services as treasurer 85 00 15 it G. Thompson services as collector 80 00 George i•Iolland, overseeing planking bridges 2 00 Rills Payable Pill Payable for 11 months at 5 per cent Interest on the same Bill Payable for 6 months at 54 per cent ' Interest on the same Bill Payable on demand at 6 per cent Interest Bill Payable on demand at 6 per cent Interest 13111 Payable on demand at 6 per cent Interest Jan 11 Feb 8 Star, printing Apr 5 New Era printing bylaws May26 1•Ierbert Murphy postage and stationery Municipal World supplies Aug 2 New Era, printing Dec. 6 N W Trewartha, postage and stationery l3oderich Star printing 15 Municipal World supplies New Era printing H G Thompson postage and stationery. Law Costs Feb 8 Win Proudfoot re Duff horse claim ..,, 30 00 May26 A Gardner witness in L Cox fence arbitration 75 June2S Chas (narrow damages claim of Mrs G Jardine ..., 10 00 Municipal Telephone Account Jan 3 Blyth Telephone System. . Dec 15 Paid Coupon Na 5 Debenture No 2 • 4 " 3 4 .4 „ 2 u 5 Paid Adam Cantelon Sec-Treas of System Myth telephone G K holland Sec-treas McKillop Miscellaneous Expenditure Jan 11 93, Fuller, rent for winter road $ t 00 Jos Driver, refund of Statute labor 3 00 Nelson Steep refund of Statute labor 3 00 April 5 W h Lobb expenses May 26 Samuel Sturdy refund of clog tax Junel8 :la Rouen: spikes and axle grease 400 00 18 52 .,• 600 00 18 26 600 00 13'30 500 00 9 85 50000 5 10 Stationery, Printing and Postage T E Whitely postage, stationery and repbtts.... 5 50 Auditors, postage and stationery 25 14 00 ,.,, 32 58 3 00 .. 6 85 .... 40 00 11 47 2 75 2 36 12 75 ,.., 4 80 .... 22 64 • 477 45 ..,. 355 70 I77 85 .. 329 36 .... 553 72 ..,. 22 04 .... 14300 1 01) 1 00 David Garvie refund of sratute labor .., 1 50 Dec. 15 ,George Tebbutt, error in dog assessment .... 1 00 T K Mair refund clog tax .. 1. 00 Roble Colclough refund dog tax 1 00 Board or ltieal'tli Dec 5 Board of Ilealtt services 44 10 etnalti ,ti 1) Charity June 2 Sheriff Reynolds, donation towards field kitchen.... 50 00 Nov. 1 W Vanderburg supplies for Mrs Laws 7 45' 22 Hon T W McGarry Prov Treasurer 1009 00 County Treasurer's Account Dec. 6 County rate to Co, Treasurer 227 40 15 County rate to Co Treasurer 4470 90 Wer tax to County Treasurer 2240 86 $6939 16 Drainage Account Nov. 1 F 1V Farncomb services on drain 26 25 Gravel Feb, S Philip Rundle, gravel 9 12 53 Walter Wallis 5 46 Dec. 0 John Potter 3 10 William Johnston 11 51 George Lindsay 427 Bea ttathwell 10 50 Robert Johnston 32 15 Ed Twrtha 4 1303 OswaldreGainn13 Tillie Colclough 17 15 James Connel 20 00 09 Daniel Glidden James Connel 31 64 2 10 Henry Sweet 50 Wilbert Huck , , 4 27 Robt Colwell S10 47 Ben Pearson 1S 62 Thos K Mair 3.43 Thos. Betties 13 02 Wm, Merrill 10 27 Mrs• Walter Weston •, 13 24 41 Hibbs Jasper Brindley 10 05 11 John Smith , . 10 9 Piths Colclough 3 22 6 Wm Hay •••••••' George Hudie Daniel Gliddon h H Wise W41Lobb 'Phos Elliott Walter Wallis Thos Gundry Philip Rundle SCiIOOLS Sept. James Johnson Legislative School Grant Robt A. Thompson, Fred G Ford Harry J Thompson Robt T Cox Claris W Johnston Alfred E Naftel John Halstead Chas 13 Middleton „ 4, At David T Churchill ,.. Dec. James Johnston, Legislative and County Grant... • Robt A Thompson .. , . Fred G Ford Harry J Thompson Robe T Cox Chris W Johnston Alfred E Naltel John Halstead Chas B Middleton David T Churchill James Johnston, school taxes S S No, 1 Robert A Thompson " 2 Fred G Ferd " 8 Harty J Thompson 4 Robert T Cox 5 Chris W Johnston " 6 Alfred E Naftel::8 John Halstead 19 Chas B Middleton David T Churchill " 11 Lorne Tyndall Union 2 Hugh FI 1301" 10 Oliver Jervis " " 12 Victor Dean " RCS S ,t it 20 79 19 77 1 05 30 38 10 05 19 54 5 74 14 04 10 38 $29 00 40 00 60 00 55 00 63 00 25 00 26 UO 40 00 00 00 55 00 21 85 23 25 25 45 31 40 18 80 22 50 18 30 22 75 19 65 23 25 600 70 600 04 824 96 599 15 '716 08' 584 67 499 04 635 64 604 74 57'1 54 7786 115 38 284 16 8 93 $7403 88 Summary Dec. Receipts for the year 1915 $2489413 Payments Dec. Royal Bank, amount overdrawn per last statement$ 177 06. Roads and• bridges, Division No. 1 384 59 24 26360 00 415,38 21025 39 00 646 50 709 83 136 61 44 10 40 75 419 22 1066 45 2665 03 50 00 03 32 13 50 7403 88 0939 16 • 26 25 2382 36 2 „ „ 4. 4 and 6 44 44 „ 5 Boundary Line expenditure Work and Material ordered by Council Salaries and allowances Printing, postage and stationery Board of Health Law costs Gravel Charity Corporation notes and Interest Rent Sheep killed by dogs Miscellaneous expenditure Schools County Treasurers Account Drainage Municipal Telephone System ASSETS Cash on hand Taxes uncollected Non -Res Taxes in County Treasurers Books Total assets LIABILITINS Bills payable ,l 024361 542 61, 150 07 , $ 6 63' 3708 37 .$1.000 00 Jo E. WdITELY, ° ire sqrro: