HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-12-23, Page 5PAGE FOUR, }f ananneosiiis Millinery Iteudy to•Wenr Garments Coch&C•o. Phone 78 Dry Goods and ',,Douse Farr niskln 's wen-- 'mow ri_ t m _ �h st ass Gifts s Furs as Christmas i G fts The Christmas Gift to be appre . ciated should ' have some qualities which will not pass with the festive season. The enduring features of a Fur Garment must appeal to, the Christmas shopper. We are show- ing a very large range of high-class lours and Fur -lined Coati for Christmas gifts. Kimonas for Christmas Gifts There is nothing more appropriate as a Christmas gift than a nice Kimona. We have a beautiful range made ot eiderdown, crepe, • wrapperette and silk. We also have a beautiful range of Japanese Kimonas. Prices range from2 rill. tl► 1..511 Fancy Neckwear for Christmas Our showing of Fancy Neckwear is decidely at- tractive. Many new and attractiv, styles are featured. The assortment is Iarge enough to give . unlimited choice—each article at 50c or over is handsomely boxed if desired. Kid Glove Christmas Gifts S for C rstma S Kid Gloves make an ideal gift, We have every good kind in a full assortment of sizes and colors— every pair boxed for Christmas gifts. a hristmas serstomissessiore Is just around the corner ! And a lot of people are planning their Christmas purchases, We believe, more than ever this year, that the needed things. of tie house will be purchased in prefer- ence to notions, which do not represent value; in terms of utility and service, The Following is a. very Disirab'e List to Choose from, and many Articles at Reduced Prices Rayo Hanging Lamps Rayo Table Lamps Carvers in Cases Scissors in Cases Bread Knives Pocket Knives Pearl Handled` Knives Automobile Skates Smoothing Iron sets Carpet Sweepers . Hand Sleighs Mitts and Gloves Perfection Oil Heaters Allulninum Ware O -Cedar Mops 50c to 1.50 Clothes Wringers, IslI 'KEL PLATED WARE Tea Pots Coffee Pots Serving Trays Crumb Trays Knives and Forks Berry Spoons Cake _Works Meat. Forks Sugar Spoons Tea Spoons Desert Spoons Table Spoons Salt and Pepper sets Nut Cracker sets Tea Kettles Bath Room Fixtures Nice lot of English Enameled ware in 'Teapots and Jugs 3 Electric Isamps at reduced prices Cut Glass Berry Bowls at a big reduction a i A few Second -Hand Stoves at good value. STOVES, IiAR'DWARE AND NOVELTIES tib THJb CLINTON 'efil 'Thursday Deeew1)e 3rd, 1915 Headquarters. �uarterslitiron Co. News for Flour Now is the time to buy your Winter euppty of nom, We easel a fun stock ot'tlie Iol uwei eau s - s 1 r h d g , Purity Lxeter Tavistock Five Ruses Milverton London Listowel White Plume (,pastry) And also a brand of Breakfast Food, made from choice Manitoba wheat,at is pounds for 25c To Make Your Hens Lay This winter, we recommend otic. Levine Meal, Beef Severe Oyster Shell Bone Meal, Grit wed Charcoal, We always carry a Null line of Bran Low Grade, Ebur Shorts Molasses Mal Oil Cake Dairy Meal IIig lest Prises Paid for all kinds of Grain W. Jenkins & on Flour and (lived. phone I:)9 Pres Notes --on the proposed 161st Regiment., • for .a grant for recru'it'ing, purposes has filled the patriotic; citizens online roe with disgta3t. Still eeme al- lowance should be made as many of the members of that body are very ignorant and narrow and in- capable of jud il,g intedlltgentpy anything broader than the narrow routine which their position seems to call for. Twelve members of the Council including% Reeve Hud- son. voted for the grant and 12 against, the chairm'a'n giving the casting vole with the latter. These adman narrow creatures should be relegated to ;eibseui•ily and broader nlin;dad men elected to fill their places Seaforth Expcsitor;- We undel- staud the imitaLers of the Hur;otn County Council arti being made the suejtcis of considerable ad- verse criticism because they refus- ed to vole a grant of one thousand or fi+f,teen hundred dollars to as- sist in paying thct expenses of 1e-' uniting .he proposed new regio, ment whish is beting raised in tnis eentnty. 1f this is the case we think the cgtesu.re is entire y un- dieserved, as • the councillor] acting as , they did were simply showing that ths y are casein. el:e- wurds of the money. of the people - While every person appreciates the effort being made to raise a full regnneult in this county, and while wet are sure these is not a member of the County Council who would dseire to place ary obstacle in the way( of those who are thus engaged in this p alio-, tic work. there, `s a right and a wrong way of doing evelrytning. The attempt to foie', the expense, or any part el It for the recruit- ing et. his regiment upoln the ! 's 1 w.' - cut county, n h n n way of ro , i)I y g b ing snout the nusiuciss The ex- pense and the whole expense, should be assumed by the, Domin- ion r,ocernmrtnt, The expense of neeruiting all the' other regiments was bo, ne by the Government and there is no just 1 easOn we know of or can imagine, why an eeecep- Boal should be made rr. this in- stance. The Government having given their assent to the raising of the regiment Leaded This bs- Ling the ease, the Government should bear the whole expense, The (Jove element have been given 1'y Par'Iinmene and the people •al- most neli:nted powers for taxation and exeerditUre in respect to lnili- taW y matters, so thatt there is rue es;'tese for them trying ro(shove oe to the municipalities expeudi- to ;es which they themselves should asteras:,me No person 'camiu'pestlesace me :e the County Council 'pestles 'Huron rd .parsimony 05 niggardliness to- wards patriotic objects. Ort the contrary, they have generously re- spondted to every just, call and if rte mistakke not they stand first among the coutetieef ot Ontario in this respect, and we have not the least doubt but when the call again comes, as 1t very probably will do, they will still do their duty and keen) old Huron' in the very front lank. 'Those, therefore, who Heel 11 spoeed to adversily criticise t.t010 action last week had Letter icconsider the. rattles 'and per- haps they will revise their judg- ment, which may have been has'i- ;y formed o1 ftahnLH 011 insulf1i- L,ent information, Ed Note Since the above was in type we have leceive'i a come inunircation on .hh.is subject from the publicity delta:a:meet of the regimelit., Although we do, not by any means agree with the posi- tion taken to that correspondence we shall publish it next week end lay have somethi.ng,'Lo say about 64a+40+00a04444444404000004 O . e • Patriotic dotes O '' 0 '444444}0444444♦o444w044v+ • A N17W YEAR'S RID' 0LIT ,lON The 'LVornens P;ttriette Society eek everyone to try and... „give themn sort)l. sum weekly or, month v and 'f, you have been a,.nnt1 i hot or in Il.i) wiry and ttgriire meta, envelopes, ki,,dly notify Mrs, J. E. Hovey or Mrs, V; in. 13rvdone. We thank vnu for yonr giviogs, this systirnatir. giving aids and simplifies 050y much the work of our society. Pi3ssibly you have not .a contributor in this way, then our Fo ciety ask that it be one of your resole Wins, Mis. Havey or Mrs Brvdnne wilt he pleased to supply you wish the envelopes and our patriotic boxes • to receive these envelopes are in all gro eery shops and in the stores of Mr. Cooper and Mr, Pair, T3i(sineee man ! Get you lettere( !heads and stallemen'ts prihted at the New :Sr a ' the house of goalie ter ,and dquanlilty, printing., M•, Gordon Tay'oe son of Reeve J. W. Tay.oi, of Exeter. 'who re- cent,y enlisted with a Torolnto Batta.ion, has 'Answered the call of Great Britain for chauffers kfrom Canada as d has passed the exam- inations with 95 per cent. He ex= poets to leave Inc England in the course of a new weeks. An old and highly esteemed ser sident of Mussels passed peaces. ,,fndy away last. Sabbath morning itS tpe person of Mrs. 'Edward C. Lowly, who had attained to the good o:;d age of 82 years, The inquest E:oncerning the death of Mrs. Jas. 'L., Thompson, of Nile.. was conducted on, Mons; day helot.° Dr. Hunter, corner. The report from the analyst upon the viscera which. had been eerie to Toronto stated that there hod been strychnine sound therein. After due deliben atl:on` the lu y brought in a 'verdict for the et- feet that deceased had taken the poison during„a temporary aber-' ration of the mind. Councillor Joe Mallougli, is ass - pining for the reeveship of West, Wawanosh. Mee Kidd of Ooderich is the Pi'esidelnt of the Ticket Agents. Association of, Canada, aid at the reIsent annual meeting of the Association, held at Dcewer, Col-'; orada, ',settled the honor of intro doting to the gathef.•ingr the GOV 'senor and the Lieutienalnd .Gives erne0 of the State and the Mayor of the c1 y off; Dttrever, -Mr. Med has been agent for the C.P.R. In God,erich for thirteen years, and possesses in a high• degr_e those personable qualities that make him not suety a successful reline-' sentative of a great railway 0011- poralion but as well a popular citizen. A new trial has been ordered in the action for s'.ancler Icy Wm. Govenlock, of Sctaf(orth, against The London 'Free Press. The case was tried at, God,:rich in Septemher by Hon. Justice 'Mere= dills and was dismissed with costs. , The action arose +over an,article printed in, The Free' Press stat- ing that C,ovenlock hacl been fined Mei his horse disgwalifist.1 at am Mitchell r aced A settlement 11as peen reached the action 01 ,Fred Davis, of, God'erich, against the C. P. R. for damages for injury to a shipment of cattle through their beingfroze en. The rai;lt'ay C. 1 pang J1ays 82,590 and all rusts Mr. Jeremiah. Tagney, former 1es tdent of Se',ralot'th, was accidently killed at 'Hagersville, on Wednes- day, December 8th. rlwo trains a last express and a freight. train on the Michigan Central Railway were crossing, and while walking out of the way, of one (rain he stepped upon the track of the oth- er and was instantly lolls d. -Mr G. Davidson, of Wroxeter has been elected to the office of D.D. G. M. of the Masonic Lodge in that district. Pte. Stanley Johnson,' son of Iver. and Mrs. T. 0. Johnson of C'}orrie, was home from Toronto over 11'Ioa1 day night ilo say ood-bye as he leaves IorEnglancd on .rhuriday. l)r, Me,nrlsy evening at his home the Methodist congregation pre - feu tad him with a beautiful .wrist watch. The enabling by-law giving the Police Trustees of 'auricle power to contract for a supply, of hydro- electric potter with the'Hydro :'ower Commission of Ontario has been passed by 1 he'Counc,11 aed the ratepayers wuJ.vote on the gne5 kion ac the January election. A. very ,pleasant event took place at the Lutheran Church' Dashwood 0u'ruesdtcy evening, the :occasion 1 t,ing the twenty-fifth anniversary 01 Rev, Grauipner in His ministry Rev. R. Rifest or, 'Pavistgc(c', preached a very intcres'.ing ser- mon • to the ermgregation after whish Rev, Wriegazerr of Sebring - villa i ead an 0 ddress and pie: ent- ed Rqv. Giaulpner with a :well-+ filled purse on behalf. of the min isteses Mr. C. Stade of Uashwocd also p3 esented him with. a purse on behalf of Her congregatlion. Di relate residents were greedy shocked to hear of elle death of, Mr. Robert Snowden which tool: place on Taetsday, after only h Lew weeks illness. IIe was taken down with pne11monia, and although everything possible was done it was of no avail, 'He was widely known being a - 'bleeder of high class stock. Mr. Solomon Gingerich, of the Goshen Line Stanley, has sold 50 acres of his farm, being the north half of lot 12, ni the, 10th cote, to his brothers, Messrs David and Samuel Gingerich. Thu former still has 100 acres. Barrister Daney had written the Ontario Railway Board, • about the w{ty the C.P•R. have been closing their s ations on gthe Goderieh and Guelph division In the :eve 1 - SUFFERING FROM SHOCK' Mondays casualty list tenet/united that Pte Stewart Knox of Auburn was sufilering from shock. 'Mr. to nox was woulad'edi last fall 'and was in the hospital for sometime. CANED 1VIR, ROBB The pupils of the 0, C. 1. who are taught by Mr. Robb presented* hint, with a gold In aded crane a0 the close ing and passengers', have to stia,n'd of the Seht of term An trddrese was outside until the train arrives. f presented to him. t Mr. Robe made a Garden Powers in bloom were suitable reply. A FREE GUESS tt Fitz,imons & Son offers a nice shown in Fserelevich on Dec. 11th, by Gordon Sanderson,t Mr. .Sherritt of Creditor' has', moved tp Guelipn in order, to . be, i'oest to the lucky guesser, All you more central/3' taunted fort a.work°. have to da is to guess :he weight of a which 15 buying cattle for the 6 months old heifer, hung 00 in their Public Institution of the Pr evince, shop. Al weights must be in by 7 Chas. Woi'f df ,Crediton, had a o,lock L riday evening: (narrow escape fron't having the q-Hl3X ENJIiXEll,IP stage struck by a train Bast Wed - needs n' y g t, 'Ile was , on hie way ' "rutash i nd Perlmutter” i the ' h home iron the,'station and was last -crossing the :track when a special train' With the pay ear carne along et.•, g1o0r1 1•111351 It name of a Ser,ns of well written SCOOPS that appeared in an American paper theeharactees tie ng a firm of jewisb tailors, 'Three well known C,nton was the matter. of a few feet ,and tans. Messrs. W, J,acksou, J. Ransfocd close''en'oug11 for all concerned. and G. McTtggn;rt en,jov31d ifs I'iu h The London papers made note .able features at the Grand, rix :L'oronto last .week of the resignation of, last Friday night, Manager .1', E. Karn, of the RoyaQ WOMEN'S INSTITUTE' Juan',., London to:rnerly of Exe-, I t es, and his accountant William Smythe. The resignations are due to differences with the head ofiflcG The am tion sale of Mr. W'm. At- einson, of Usbo•ne, on Thursday of list week wee a great success the stock bringing fancy prices. One team sold for „Sea and sever- al .cows brought $125 each, The sale netted the handsome sun) of Kg335 The December meeting( of the Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday pee 28th at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Geo. 1avi5 The members willplease bring with 1 ht m the sau erepies-as suggest old at the last'meetieg. ° There will a good program and also a contest dor which lead pencils wii lbe need ed. q y WILL ADDRESS LIBERAL' CLUB p Mr, Wm Prouhfo'ot M.P.P. Tor I d t the ' •'1 Boron will Liberal 10110 sent time to meet the expendi Liberal Clnfb in the', Liberal rooms furs of $°000 a 111009r to the Red on Thursday evening January 6th, Cross society A large attendance is requested. A n 01dct}on is quite likely in Make it a point to he there and Last WaWanosh 13umo1 says tell your fellow Liberal ao that he Councillor Currie, Reeve Camp- wont forgets MNc'ting will comms bell and 1•. W. Scott are all pose mence. about 8 0e)ocic sibilities for Reeve. In addition TO THE CITIZENS The finances of the en 'nil are in good shape and no debentures have been issue • up 'o pre to the old Council George Robert- son, W. Strachan, J. Menzies; B. H. Taylor and Geo, Cunningham are spoken of for new blood in Council. 00001.0000000000.000.000.0• Local News 0000000400400000000000003000 :-TILL CLIMBING The health officer asks the co '-per ation of the citizens in stamping out ileanles t hat, are p, °valent in town. If you see a rash ori l be children notify your physician ur the Inspector. In ,mist tlpof) strict isolation no Communi cation with others not. affected. By your 115ei515.nce a proper control wit soon be obtained and i0 can he stamp eo our, 101ST BATTL AT CHURCH Last Sender,* morning the nflieees '11116' is the 507 h day that the British _And men of the llflsr located here, Empire has been at tzar with Ger- headed by the Clinton JUt.ie Band man paraded w Wesley Methodist church f01• their Hest Sunday service.. Rev. Dr, Rataedge. m,•0tor of the church, preached an excellent serrnor. horn Joshua 1 6 "Be strong and of loon courge' and drew forth many useful lessons to the men to khaki as well es the congregation in general, While the Offertory was being taken Up Mrs, E. 1 -ukilts of Turemo sang'Hear my Cry, 0. Lord!" y CALLED 1N THE P.RI1MME OF LIFE Goderic•h Signal, -It wag with an inexpressible sense of shock that the town heard• Wednesday of the death of Relginald Blackstone, which occurred at moon at Alex- andra hospital. Less thaw' a week ago he was about, apparenlyr in his usual vigorous health, and it SMAS :PREF was only on Sunday that, a doctor Laying been called in for what woe coesidCered aslight indisposition he tvaa 01'derLld (0 the hospital to undergo. treatment for append-, ciieitis. An operation 10a1 per- formed on Moaday, and it was then seen that the case Was serious. Tile patient rallied well from the shock of the opetretion, bu'ton Wednes-, day heart failure satinzr.d he parsed away at noon. "Rog' as hew t' as known toeveryone, was n Y born inC:lint n Gut`'a -" with Clinton ,c m., taut Inc the family to Golerich when only a Jew yeties old. Like the other member" on the family, he, had the great gift of; music, and eou'.d enter tale °Wiret',wifts voice or With in streencr.l'i. .For the last two yenta was bend•tnaster of the 33rd ''Regi- ment, and filled 'the position with sharked .ability and stmeess He was a 11109011 .1.11(11t. member of the T. 0, O P. end in all 'his associate Lions 11e won 11)1 liking and the respect of his fellows. His death isa severe blow to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blackstone, and 1118 brothers .01u1 sisters especially as it is the first break in the home circle The other members of the family are Charles, of Owen Sound and Harold. Miss Fanny', and Mrs. Oak ley, all of town. The bereaved fain 1 ave. the warn)Cot sympathy cl the people of Goderien in their great loss. The funeral tool: place friday and was held from St. Georges Church, which was filled With friends to pay their? last re- spects, After the, service the .',3rd Regiment Band, playing the dead march in Saul, follower! hythe Ma- one of the pint:sees of Petrolia son}° ledge!, heeded tee :choses-, Haring settled here 02 years ago soni to Maitland Cemetery. The and was intimately associate;d with friend a in Clinton were ideed grieve. its. history frons the beginning. tel to hear of the death of Reg. Especially was this. ao in csin.nea-, 131ncl:stone 1ast,Thur•sclay. Lieut, tion with the Presbyterian -Col. Combe Commander of the 101 church, et which she Was one of st Bat•ti, attencie'd 'thef111irer(1l, the first me5nbcrs when the old 20- annual Xmas Tree held in the School Room of the Peeshvterian church. on Wednesday eveni"g like all 03,1)3115 a hog aneee5s and the bevy of S. S, .,0rl:e1e was reWNldeal fur their week to see the smiles provoked by the preeeut they received frons the big Nims 't'r'ee by old Santa, The progeate wes as follows; -Hy "Joy to the World", Recitation, Boner .Pais ley, Chorus, Pi unary alas;, Selectieu, hy four g1t. s of Me. Lindsay's cless, li31cit, t'n a r u. Lorne Conk, Cho? us, airs, Paisley's cense, Recitation, Elea. Conk, Chorus, Mies O'Neil's clues. HEATH OF MRS. EWIIN MCQUEEN' 'From the Pettiroiii+t Topic of Dec, 15591, we take the folloviing obitu ary notice 'Which. refers o . t11e mc,lher of 1131•s, J'nntesl McRae of Woodstoe'k, formerly a res'dent. 01 Clinton, The late Mrs. McQueen visited here on ; many occasions when her daughter resided here; The funeral of the late Mrs. 'Ewen 1VIeQuyen took' place Won 9'het sday afternoon last iron the home o: her son, Mr• Alex. M. Mee Queen,. Cresent :Parlor. and 'was leigely attended. .T111 service w11s conducted by Rev. J. 1VLMac- Gillivray pastor of • the, Presby- 10,tan church, and interment took p1(iee at Hillsr,ale cetnetary, ' The pall hearers were Messrs aas. Peau Royer t .eltewart, fir, J Lucuham, J Walker, IL ,Simpson and J. B. Dale - The kite Mrs 1VI. McQueen was r (" see0600600,00•4000000000 0. •o•oop.osompoo,•••,•OrOr 01$1000S1OOS000•0i000000000.0 0 0 0 0 0 s o. Your king and Your C entry Needs You 0o 00 00 H O •00000 °sees00000000000.0000O0000G000000•N•O0i000000so••••00.50o00••000000•••'i Cb tastier) Guardian This is the day of the recruiting sergdant, We see him everywhere on the busy corners of the stre,els of our faircity, making, his appeal to men to enlist in' the seri'hc of icing and country. We have, been toeoi1e pails to study flim and Hier methods of 0p proach and appeal, And We have dlevelioped every genuine, respect for him. In the fnajo'rity of Cassa he sagas to have a knack for his job, Helms a good ease,(an'd{ Ire knows hew to put it strongly and effegtively. But he Hasn't an (10551- task• even in this patriotie and liberty) -(Loving city. We have been surprised (to sec how much work it bakes to in- ducei afew thousand then to join the colors for overseas ,fservc'e. We have beets more surprised to ' see the kind and the number, of men Who consider themselves call- ed upon to meet the advaocey and suggestions of the recruiting ser- geant with abuse and insult. • Ai d we have about concluded' that there must atjllbe a great many men W110 notwitlhsitanding a11that has hope netted,, either have a very superfi- cial line inadequla+te conception of tate situation that confronts our Empire to -day or who absolutely re fuse to seriously consider their own relations and obligations There to, 11 ought not to he fro long :ajob 'to fill in the ranks of our new bat talions •is itis, and men- ought not to ileseint,, as so many of them do the forcing of this very in1•po'taut matter upon their attention, And that, they do resent it inclines us to the opinion that perhaps their cot) sei1mces are not as easy touching it as they might be, Looking the whole matter square 1y in the 5000, 1170 cannot see how any man in Canada tosday of mili- tary age and of good heatlh can lkonestly get out of facing this clues trop of enlisfiment fairly and square ly for himself There is no possle line of argument that we can see that absolves hen from at least that ranch., The question as to what constitutes asset fieiealt ex- cuse is one not posla'ible to answer offhand but no honest citizen sure ly can lightly toss this matteron one side as' one that does not concern him. We have been wonderrlig if the people of the towns and villages and rural communities especially in our own Province of .Ontario are facing this issue as seriously as they ought. We have been; nhalc ing many engluiries, and, while we are in no, position to make any pos itii'e statements•, we are( convinced Oa t some sorte.ng of the contn•t(y are not taking the wan to heart as they ought to. Wd have heard of districts many miles in extent and including villages of consideinable size, that; have, not sent a • single soldier to the front. ' 'We have heard of farmers 'who owned 200 acre farms, and who ore actually making money beicause of, the tear, making a contribud:dbt) of a clolliaar er two to the Patriotic bund, These facts, while multitudes; are sacrir (ie ng everiything, mattes, One feet en easy If this isn't everyone's' task, then we would like tie know the reason why. And the shirker can neither be a palrioii orlan hon est men, . Smaller Coat Bills Let us reduce your coal bills. We can do it by sup- plying you with a coal that lasts long, gives a steady heat and leaves only a small amount of ash. ' This coal is LEHiG,H VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies It will save yottnoney. Give ir a trial, 11. J. Holiowa`Clinton (s'estern Univers ondos 'm" ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE Income ,Doubled -Now 075,000 Another large siddition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine „ Greatly Inoreesed Enrollment in view Write for particulars to: E. E. 'BRAITHWAITE, M A, Ph.D. President. chur/c11 was located on tIbe flats. Her loyalty to the cause through many ups and downs and - her Christian sympathy to alt who needed it, endeared her to the hearts of the people' and this aft- 1ectinn only deepened as 'the years passed by. In her, the y ,nislters of the church foundf a tel_ friend, and her wealth of knowledge re- gard111g church history(( was 'the(.. marvel of all who knew her inti* ately. Her Christian chartaeter was an iespir',tion to all who came incontact with, her, and her pass'- 8vein at the ripe old age of egility years, brings sorrow (Co many hearts. 'Mrs. ',McQueen was horn 01 the Island of North Uist, Scotland in 1835 and came to Can- ada in 1856. 'For came years she iesideld with her brother,. Rev. .Alexander 'McLean, near Guelph. On Dece.mber 3lst, 1083, she was married to Bwen McQueen, also a native of North 1,Tist and who pre- deeeased her seven years. For the past eight years she resided with her son. She 1s survived also ley two daughters, Mrs. (111 1 E. B. Oli- ver of Fort William, and Mrs, Jas. McRae, of Woodstock. Do Not Miss Seeing Charlie Chaplin in getting acquainted A roaring comedy by the funniest of moving picture artists. at all shows Friday and Saturday this week. The Avenger A sensational five real feature, The above will he shown ho1hFri- day afternoon and evening, commeric•_ �- - ing at 2 p.m. and 7.40 p.m, The Bulldogs et the Troll An interesting story of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police wilt he shown Faith Saturday afternoon and evening. ADMISSION 10c. Logs Wanted Highest prices paid for all kinds of gond logs delivered at Doherty's mill, Clinton. For particulars apply at Ford & McLeod, F. G. RU>1BALL For sale A white prick 2 story house of ICI rooms with good cellar; Town water; 1 acre of land with apple t1•eest also a stable. Corner of Princess and Spen- cer street. For terms etc, apply to Mrs. E. ]:ioltzhauer, on premises. 24)00 Turke,S Wanted `.Ah. To he delivered at the Graham . `. ',-louse, Clinton. tither alive or dress- ed,phone No, 5flight market prices. Call or R. GRARAM Reliable Man Wanted Wanted -A reliable man with some husiness experience with farmers, to represent us in Huron County. A per manent position for the right men. Highest commissions paid. Territory reserved. New specialties for season 1015-1016 STONE & WIILL1EGTON, Toronto, Ont. Wanted Wanted a girl co do general house work, apply to Mies Jeatb Scott. Valliant; ct Paper ttaugiut Painting and Paper H inging neatiy and promptly done, Orders lett et Munnitord's Grocery Store or at my residence, Victoria Street, THOS,GRAEL.1S 0000000000•000010000•00•40 •• e O 0 0 0 • Opens Jannary 3rd in all depart• 414 mentis of Shaw's Business 0 O Schools, Toronto, Our Cara le,gile 0 explains our superiority in Equip 0 sment, Stall, Methods and Re-'• • sults, You are invited to write ..0 0 for it if interested in the kLind of s school work which brings best • • suecess. Address • , a • W. H. Shaw.' President • 0- Yonge and Garrard Sts. Toronto is Q 0 evesoesesea0000•f00000.0.0