HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-12-23, Page 2r_• Established 18657 Vol. 50, No, z6 ooC (.1.1 TOhl r N1- o9 1'' T HU(;sDAY DECEMBER ' 23 1915 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers otto, o Yo.- ristrnas S opping ( F a.r1y• rwWVVwVVWwwwwwwVvnnnAAAA GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS ' ,. GET' THEM EARLY. Ebony Goods -A complete -range:• Ivory Goods -New goodsj, ust inMirrors-A great variety. Hand Bags --All net¢ Roods, Safety Razors -All the ' gond ma1eta, Shaving Brushes, Straps, Etc. Fonntain Pens; Perfumes -Floral extracts, new goods, Legzets C,hgcolares-,We are; just introducing this make of Candy to Clinton, and we are ,prepared to hack tap the statement, that rhi>y are superior to any other make on tire. market, A fine retinas gift. ' Our prices move our goods. Best Quality Drtt g Store The Ree a ll Store 7 . S. R;+, HO L 3516 Phm.B. 1 1 1WVa/Was YVVVVVWVVWVVNWVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVWVVW sNal 4A0VV VVWVVVVVVVWWV0VVVVAMMA/ AAAAAAAAAA MAAA dt; 1 a k e O a � OF CANADA Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital paid np •... 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000 Total Assets • • 155,000,000 380 33 FtAINT4011)E7 tBaki ' with 'orld-wide Connec,ilofsi Interest 'Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking ilttsiness Transacted, R. E. MANNING, Manacrt : Clinton Branch d 0.4011W0.40VWV40VWVW404W44.Vsoto1W 'VVVtwseeVVVsoVsaVVVWVV INCORPORATED -1855 THE MOLS�NS BANK 4..AP1TAL AND RESERVE $8,810,000 96 Branches in Canada 1 Generalllank-tap Business Transacted `CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONIY OWDERS &avinQs Bank Department ,.1 Interest Altom rd at flattest Current Rate 7,,. C.E Dowdily, r d"lintEl[l Eo! �1Zf'll x' ���o . .pq.•••••4•••••• e••••••0•••• •0®••••••••••••••4••!,1•••••6+ A • 5 e 0 • s 4 • Gift Giving • Ordered' Clothing rb Ready -to -Wear. Clothing l • • • 1 • t When the problem of something to give "him" for 71 Christmas comfronts you, as it always does at this • season of the year, turn to this store foe relief. Every • line of goods we carry offers` a suggestion tor a man or boys' Christmas. 1, You can't go wrong here, Look over the list and ;• see if you d,o not see something that you know will be Made Easy • • • t • • 'e h • • • • Press Rotes on the Horan Co, Council, Clinton's first Recruiting HRISr S comm inaughiated Meeting Brings Success intiong men a new er'a of good will, ,n.1 rl:e a consequence thrones are tottering, chains Splendid Addresses What Some Editors think of Their are loosening, pt'ipon doors are opening and Good Music Action in Turning down the and practical Christian beneficence is -_ Grant to the 161:st Battl floodingthe world with sunshine and _ ills it with songs of •Iadoess.-Rey. Exeter. Advocate; -If Reeve John Dr. P. S. Henson. Leckie 05 Brussels was the cause,, ERE is that"glad tidings," that and it looks ,it, of the refusal of gospel of "gi'otit joy" of which the Coun'Y CounerIs to grant .$ $1000 or $1500 to assist in recruiting the. Duron Batltad•.lon, then, it as about time they were having an election in il3russeli and a. real man was elected to take the reeve ship. that is not assured of the love of the 4 to e • d • • e • t • • • e • • • e • • • • i e • e • • e • • • • JUST THE THING. a. 5 RECRUITS SION Andrew M^ -Galva, Clinton John Snell, Blyth.. 1 eter 'Moffatt, Cliritoo, he wo nder- Port t ki. to, r, nl 1 a .R cs 1 cit I14rlrrc 1 angel ( the sl g s ounce- '-this an ing shc.phWrdy IL W. Mu#an, 7=ort, NI ;Ni ment of God's dove fur man and man's THE PROGRAM sonship to God.,, .1d ntheso "glad tid-„ . t;ZtD•Sr1'G THE ings" are for "all people 'r. so the angel ,"O Canada" Union Choir said, There is not u single soul to ppm the tidings of (,hr!stmas come e2uatetettlte "'Pi•y to do Your ;Bit" Capt, Allen, Pies: Wa1!ie ,W'ilken Thompson ' Address Rev, S.J,.A:Ilin Quartette "We're, the boys of ,d' �a-_ almighty and infinite Fatller.- IWORS'J, ye, then -so sounds' the voice of the Eternal Spirit, the. ra a, power•back 'of evolution= -re- Acl'dress lir. "A.. 11,Muegrove M. form ye, for the kingdom of P. P.Wingham raamens very mutt heaven is at hand: So eve may gird Quartdtite Good -Luck to the ;boys ratepayers. of the county. l (Pine ourselves to every tall: of reform with ofthe.Alliee,` ex- enthusiasm and money is needed' to coves, new Rope au() fres! enthu Call for Reeruita,' _ pensee; in connection with recruit- ring our Christmas bells again. Rev. ing, and whether the recruits be Dr. 11, Heber Newton. Quartette Well Neves Let the Old'klagh fall { brought fr'otii town' or country, T mt't he that in every gift with GOD SAVE T'HL KING Us " Work should be y the cost- of tl 1 h blessed Christmas ttf Wingham Tint es ; We cannot agree with the County, Councillors in this natit'er. Thy' n1,000 would t C toi to the Neckwear Gloves Suspenders Umbrellas Underwear Shirts Wool Claus Tweed Caps Bath Robes Pyjamas Night. Robes Sweater. Coats Suits Overcoats Raincoats Fancy Vests Cuff Links ( Hosiery • • • • • ••• which a s Thciabove .conveys very little borne by the country' as well ns tide we gladden Our children's of what goof things were handed the town taxpayer. hearts we are the Dlagi again of,out at. the, first Recruiting Meet-. `Perin • treasure to the Holy Ohfld. We inti held last Monday nig,htAwell Wingham Advance ;-If )Huron may make it so. But richer gifts than failed hall greeted the officers of these will be recluired. Out endurance the lalst Battalion when it was county council had not turned shall be our gift to him wlro gave him- t the to start the meeting. The their thoughts.to the coating elec- self. 1s there toil for us, that we ut,(dre(sees by Rev. S. J., Allen and Mr 11Iu'sgrote were well deliverer virus doulbtfees they would have inay honor him? Is there self, denial? and the nuallllettes by the soldier voted $1,000_ to Biel iitst battalion. Are there holy cousecratlou and humble boys received hearty applause Now the telLow who is too miser- service, that shall make the World- at Lieut, -Col. Combe was chairman of able+ to gi'v'e a don'it:ion will get last a spotless sacrifice re him who the evening and appdale:d for re', purchased it? cruets and hio appealydvaa not in off lucky again, and his unselfish vain as three enlistecr in the hall neighbor will payhis share and 0 we keep Christmas because of and two others atthe close' , of his own toot its good tidings of great joy. the meeting. The season of its occurrence is In his opening remarks Mr. Allis —0--' our ripest time. The north congratulatled the men of the new Goderieh Signal ;-Though some wind and the snow le that wind hays Battalion as well as the officers, He thing is to be said, in favor of the made us what we are. It drove us to reviewed the war and spoke of contention that all' recruiting ex- the hearth, to the sacred Ores of the our gallant min who were now in pensee should be paid by the Gov inner circle, to the building of the key• the trenches or in the Old Country Hey stated that this -vas our w,ar • •••e•e•••oooe•••••••••eroo•seses••••••••ee•••e•••ese• • :-:Clintons , Military : Life •-• i e• • r Movements of the 161st Battalion Wintering Nere--Huron • ities ' b the Huron • ...County Recruiting Notes-,-ict1u11 y • aA s Battalion • • • s•••••e••••e•••• s•eo••" • •oe•os�be•••• 13e•se••• • 0 0.00 ry n NO: OFFICIAL CHURCH aER4L�3; HAVE A PLAYER PIANO Owing to .Sunday. being Christi - mag Sunday there will he no offi- cial church service the soldiers of the 761st Battl; as many will be --••--' BERG r. SE-n.LF:7 HERE. Sergt, eciey arrvied in, town v where he on Tqe d,ay from Galt then has been connected( with the 10th Battl. and wilt be one of the drill Sergeftnts ,for the 141st Battl. INTC HEADQUARTE4? . At the Recruiting office in Clinton the soldiers and soldiers to be are en tertained of music, from a player pure . -S•- Waterloo Cnuncil.liasgranted :1,000 ' to the regiments being recruited in the County. Huron should do at least half as well as. Waterloo, •, --4•-- The lastest Canadian casualty -Sir Sam Hughes laid low by la grippe. Brussels was Me. Ronald Sinclair , f Bi here Thursday interviewing thekofficers The officers of the 101st Battl. 1'ir. Sinclair has been connected with moved into;headquarters this week the Queen's Own, Toronto and the Otbs' and are now getting •sown to hird Regiment Vancouver, sr, would he an Work. active recruit in the 181st Batcl. Make it a truly Huron Battlalion Theere is lust one way to do -it. Huron boys here and abroad must --•o=- lIURON FOR EVER The staff of the 101st Regiment are Le induced to enlist. receiving daily otters from all over the Dominion to enlist in'the • "Huron," --4•-- • also several frpm the United States BRUCE CO. GAVE GRANT, who are anxious to conte and fight Inc the country of their birth. Colin 0, The Bruce Country Council made Shaw, son of Mr. John Shaw; who has a grant of ,$1,00) to aid in recruit-, been a resident of the States for 15 ing th etBruce Battalion yearn, writes that, he is anxious to . --••-- serve in The Hurons, As he was s. SOLDIERS NOW CARRY RDFLES' creep shot, he will he readily accepted --•e-- The army rifles came last week Who said the mothers are objecting, and the recruits are now drilling to their sons enlisting? Just look over with thein. he list in Clinton and see how many --•®-- have allowed their only son to come forward on behalf of their native FOR BAYONET TRAINING. country. They are not in Clinton, The militia department, at Otta- wherever they maybe. wa has bought 10.000 wooden duns - tan OLD CLINTON BOY ENLISTS r °Foment, it must, be admitted stone in the arch of our civilization, and the men were asked to enlist my rifles f.oe training .Cana t that if we waited for ever bo:d,y the home of the Cliristinn'man.-Ltev. to fight for honor home. Country soldiers tin the moot effective Y 'Dr. S. P. Cadman. and liberty. Why Canada had not, handling. _o1 the bayonet. The else -to do everything he, 'should been bombarded or shelled' by the diuinmies are equipped with a he should de a great many thingsQDAY all institutions are be- Gevfmans it was because the. . Brit- spring bayonet, which gives when in which we are vitally interested T ginning to imitate the wise ish Navy ruled the wares.. In clog an, opponent is touched, so as to log he stated that the surest way prevent injury to the men, to end the war was to have the t-iggest army so that it would 'be a lasting peace: . would remain undone, Huron i men from the east, who brought to the Divine Child r minty is, interested in the re,- their gold and aromatic spices, their crniting of a battalion to repre- frankincense and tret}sure. •Christ's sent this county in the Canadian estimate of the value of childhood has fighting forces, as Other counties he conqd, tworld. ittgh chtlduerebood is the very heartis andhougentiu0fs are represented and to say that of Christian civilization, -trey, Dr, the Government •should pay the Newell Dwight Hillis. i,ceruiting exper_es hardly meets • the responsibility of this county' %ORNLNG, noon and night, for breakfast, dinner and sup - to the cause which; we all have at d s'r per, the first thing ou awake heart. We ur'dersi{and tbat some ingi I II of ( the members. of eh;l. county council were not fully inflornicd tis to why a grant for recruiting expenses was ;t equested, The Government pays the salaries of giving, of service, of doing1'a others. recruiting office; S. but the calmly -Rev. Dr. Francis L1 Clark. Is expected to meet such expensesAND did you ever think whatas: rent df hlls floe recruitingpeculiarly blesed sone() in the • meetingsexpenes of spreke s fprear's of those watching steep• such •meetings, ,t ent • of offices at herds of the valley' of BethiC- bem was the aunouucement of the reS . , n 't'n�' 'cent ,,, • irons ter t 0. the various , t luEver sine' r h•. come?" e angels, "Christ bas c f os- prfnting and d:stn•ibution o p the gate of paradise n•as shut against ters, cite, The request is to be, our first parents hie advent had been renewed at the January meeting looked forward to as the hope of a lost of the conned. and more explicitl world, information should then b e forth coining, Mr, .lfusgrove in hie opening re marks spoke on lithe action of the County Councillors, and `us- ing the expression "Thd Govern- ment should bear the expression. showed how that Huron Co. had Leen asked to raise a battalion of 1,150 mon which was only 2°%, of the population while other Count and the net t i ug ou gu• les were going( as hist, as fi%. He believed it was the, duty of the ing to sleep, evert' hour of every day County o hand these men ON to of every week of everymouth of the- lite ho'-ernrnent free of ehai•ge. year we want the spirit of Clavistmas, Mr.11Jusgrove sketched our great for it is the spirit Of ministration, of heritage from the time Wolfe cap- tured Canada nearly 150 years ago up to the present and during that time we were free from cost o1 ot,'etion, He spoke of Britain's entry into the war of her Importo wards- riat,cc and Belgium. Dur irg this address he showed the clifierence between British and Ger man rule in their colonies and showed how South Africa was now helping ingh)ntl when a1 few years ago was a bitter enemy Ste closed his address in an( appeal for re- crv!l•s. TILL there is call for strenuousJn the pl(atlores. were Majors Hays anti McTaggart, Capt. ARM, endeavor and constant H fight Capt, od, of the tslet, Ree'te against evils without uad with. 1'u ri. Cnnneilgeatslot Walk se, Nlesst _, c •. • • • •• • With just three weeks to do your buying, we would hint that you make your selection early, whit' • the picking is at its best. • ,,, we you in ,siltway We'll a�every can. and will make any exchange you desire after Christmas. Ithin C2. Theory sh.0 Clothing Agent for Co P. IL -Telegraph Co. • Square Deal for Every ?Ann 4044144 4.4.04......4.......•••i•A•Ai••••••••••••••0444 • Henson Observer. -The action of the County Council in refusing the request Of the officers of the Continued on page four. in, as though God would re- mind us that this is not our rest, that the true Miliday (holy dui', as it used t bewritten) 1 b at his rgtrt B J. G'ribh:n, s, COD McTaggart, W, Ilrydone and A. T. Cooper o1 the Recruiting League, Mies Clete o Wri en s above ii Ford was the. accompanist 'of the hand, -lieu, Dr. P. S. Henson, evening and pertorm.ed in her Its - nal ,good style. e,• •••••.•o•s•4•e•o•se••••a•s ••••••••ee••e••e•o•.•tree••000••e•o•o••eo•e•oo•®ooa®o • • • • e • The Bishop of 11 • • 4 4•)0009000040SS.•••••••• .Bishop David Williams of the Anglican Diocese of Huroat: has issued his usual Christmas pas- toral, It follopvs; , Once. ;again we are 'about to'cont memorate the greatest] event in human history -the coming in the uron's Pastoral' Reminder of War 000rocoo•o••••oe•444.4o•••a••••••••100•e4p•e•o••e096041.o (same csaus e I�ew E ra Tr�1 Th for J'ob 1�1Vork in vj Invites you all, Father Mother Sister and Brother to come and see him Wednesday.' Thursday: and Friday, 22nd, 23rd rend 21th at O'Neil's store all- afternoon. lie wants all the little boys and girls especially to come and tell him what 'th'y would like for Christmas. Everybody Come The "Store of Quality W. T. OO'NEIL THE HUB GROCR Phone 48 Or v flesh of the Eternal Son oft God, the birth of. Him. who is the Truly that he might by his hurmilletion I r•edeiem mankind for the glory. for ' which we were created. That is the overlwheLmiug foot{ and vision of Christmas, which notching else must ovensbadbw, All .Gooch From 'One Sources Even the great war must mot engross us so as td put that event out of our minds. Indeed it can- not we fel re h the fun if4yi p darnental issues at eitake. For what are we conilendong? Is it not for truth,. liberty, brother, - hood, and the defence of the weak against the tynanny of the strnn.g? And di, we not ;owe who was ' o Niru ihose< conceptionsi born as on the first ' Chrisltmas Day? Apart from him the world knows, only thcl dotita'ine 'that might is righ'. &I1 the progrelts which mankind had made upward to the substitutiion and ascend- eneyt of moral over brute force in the life of mien and of nations rs i due to' the impulse and inspir- afien given to mankind through the Incarnation of the;Son, of God. It is for this' aseendiancy 'that -we are really (contending in Odds 1 ascendlancy that we ,are really contending in this greatl conflict Let us apply to ourse.vles .the'. principals for which we contend. • of all MOD. thento .Bio 1 Christmas Day comnreu'iorstes who is the Brother of every man, and who came in the weakness and innocence of a little baba and to seek and to savo the weak 'arnd the helpless. It is therefore' the festival of TruMh, of`brotherhood, of the sacredness of the weak arid th,e helpless. Let us be true in our words and it our lives, oroth- erly (.n our relation ttjoothers, helpers and defenders oftpe weakak -weak whether by reason. of ,age, condition, sex, or race;. and let us practice tbetve principles in our own monecliate circle' and neigh- blorhood, 1f' the Eternal Son laid aside the riches and glory of his obe'born and to heavenly. Home t live in the 'loWliest state that 'kyle through hispoverty, might he rich, shall not toe, who& owe to him all -our hopes of erternali blessednelss, following in his steps. and humble, and deny oursettves that .others: through our poverty( may be en- riched? IIe "for us men and for our sal vation came down from ,helai'en' and: was made elan and W aS incar- nate' by the Holy. Ghost of the 'Virgin Mary " —00 -- ATTENDED FUNERAL. Ldiul..Col. Combe attended the funeral of Bandmaster Reg Black- stone of the 33rd Rego, Band at Goclerich on Friday afternoon last. DAILY WALKS The local recruits are out every day on a five unle walk, rand are fait getting hard'elned to it. CHANGE 01 OFFICERS. Mr, John A Cooper, Editor of The Canadian Courier and son of Mrs. Writ Cooper, of Clinton has enlisted. Els has been previously appointed Captain in the 111th Battalion. The appoint- ment of Captain Cooper was made known in ipn order issued at Headgear tees last Faiday and the news wilt come as a surprise to his many friends Captain Cooper is a reserve otlicer of the Q. 0, R. and will go back on the active strength of his old regiment in order to qualify fof his appointment. He has been helping in the recruiting of the 1141b for some weeks in Heidi mend county, MORE RECRUITS. Clinton's recruits now total 50 up to Wednesday noon and more are conning. ,Following is the list Major McPhail who was 'first 1 of the Counlly,- mentioned as junior Major and Ma-' CLINTON. jor R• S IIays as genior major, hos • ;nd:reGv McGarva, been changed around :mei senior &,.1 caror do Ho wee. offh:ers duties ii more outside and the junior off leer's inside work, W. Brimfield. and the change suits both officers to pe,lfection. --00-•- s't •-NL• R S S fol C r o t a p •l Hays, barrister of this town, , 1as dlonned the khaki, having accept- ed a junior majorship in the new Huron regiment He was offered the position, of major but declined pilfering the loner office. Mr. 'Hays' eldest son is also in the ser - s ice, ' --•e-- SOME OF TEE EYCLJSES, "0 Come let us adore hien, Christ the Lords" Belidve me Yours faithfully'', DAVID HURON mitted to Ottawa. I'll go when they need nae, Let them take the single sten first, I couldn't pass the examination. There are lots of ffellows to go.0 My eyesight would( bar me. I dont believe in war. Canada has done enough. My firm wouldn't let me leave. Why should I go and others not? Fight or pay? Welk 1'11 pay. My folks don't want me to go. - -es-- 1 LEBK IN ORDERLY ROOM, .Pte, Straiton:, of Goderich his come to L'lintlon .to be 'Cleric in the Orderly room at headquarters. OFFIC]SIt - TRANSPIIiRRE'D.• Sergt John Seeley, who enlisted with the r1 w been ria ns- 1 h as ' s Battl. • tt 1 to the lets: �Pattl. ' Sre,rgt. Per red Seeley has just recently moved his family from Bruoefield to Clanton so when he reports here be will be at home. •t-- Only two days Proal; ,Christmas 'urd'Rein) y Ford hasn't got the •soidiers out of the trenches yet, --h•-- 'i!OR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Many of the recruits are apply- ing or Sour day leave for Christ mas andgois 1 the numbex+ allowed to then The other T 0° o f strength. halt goes for New .Years. , --e•-- GETS A DOCTORS CERTIFICATE Every man rejected by the doe - tor is givan a medical certificate, stating that he has offered his services, and has been rejected. 1 --.e•_ le ART ACM BADGES. Wm. Snell, Blyth. Wm. 11'. Snell, Blyth, Stanley 3, Sneer, Byllh.l J. W. Minor, Kipper. john 'lamer, Paris. ,Cramer, E. Ross, Port McNic'oll. H. W. ,Martin, Port' McNicolL --S•-- , GODERICH F, B. Riley Tas, t'. Kirk. BRUSSELS, H. Campbell. W. R. Clark. --4e-- WINGHAM, L. Kirkham. -e•- WRO3iETIR'R Barry Wallet Jas Ball W.F. Cornwall Continued on page 5. •eamocs•••s••••ee•emmis Local News A SiTCCJssS. A packed town hall of children their mothers at, grandmothers grandmothers on Friday afternoora.last was the result of Santa Claus letter to Mr. 'Toni Jackson( to cone ouIJ and see Moving Pictures of "• Cindea•eLla without any charge, was a sudcess in every •sense mf the word. Although by some In18- ta'ke the pictures of) "Cinderella went astray yet those were shown were good,. funny and in struletive, and no one went away • but rut 'Uncle'Tom Jack- son son has prom"Cinde- rella" to have 'C'inda- rella" here next month or some.+ thing Will bust. jaeeides the picture songs and recitation. and Victrolai music was given between the reelsl Another interesting feature of this free show was a prize offered by, Uncle Tont to the oldest lady com-• ing out to thus show, and was won A movement is oto toot' for the by Mrs, Geo. Connell, age 04, while. we•arinn of khaki arm badges by Mrs. Clara Sloman came fseeoud rejected, mer, so that they may be dtsiin�gi3lisl,e,d from' the "slackers>' age, 81, and many between i0 ani Tion 'a na;'does n,,tl find unfvers;aJ. 110, 'who saw Moving Pictures for' fwvor at 'the present time It is tire first Irma, also a'priae to th® thought "to hs rather soon for re- sorting to extreme measures, The grandmother who has the most auls,gelstion howi•:ver. is atl present °5'1511)4 ehildre,li and was, won bg being considered byI3rigadier Airs. Jas. Livermoi e, who has t10 ,curia! bogie, and has peen sub- living -a good reeordt 4