HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-12-16, Page 7i
Thursday;, December 16th,
By '
Author of the "Pillar of Light,"
"The Wings of the Morn-
ing and "The Captany d the
Copyright. 1909, by Edward J. Clods
get a ticket an' qualify for the Cu.
"Tborougbly reliable ' sort of chap,
eh?" '
"The beet. Just the right kind of
second for the Andromeda's last
cruise. Smart as a new pin. You
could trust 'Ina on the bridge of a bat-
tleship. Now, Watts is a good man,
but a tot ot rum makes rim fair daft."
"Ab," purred Verity, "you must keep
a tight 'and on Watts. I like an appe-
tizer, mese(£ w'en t'm oil dooty, so to
speak, but it's no joke to 'ave a boozer
in cbarge of a line ship an' vailyble
freight. Of course you're 'responsible
as/ master, but you can't be on deck
moruin', noon an' night. Choke Watts
off the drink an' you'L 'ave no trouble.
Well, come along. Let's lubricate.""
* * * * * • 8
The Andromeda sailed on the Tues-
day afternoon's tide. She would drop
tbe pilot off Holyhead, and if she fol.
lowed the beaten track on her long
run to the river Plate -as sailors will
persistin miscalling that wondrous
filo de la Plata -she might be signaled
#tom Madeirat or the Cape Verde is -
lauds. But shipmasters often preter
to set a course clear of the land till
they pick up the coast of South Amer
lea. It she were not by some
passing steamer there was every pos-
sibility that the sturdy old vessel
would not be heard of again before
reaching her destination.
But David Verity heard of her much
sooner, and no thunderbolt that ever
rent the. heavens could have startled
him more than the manner ot that
Resolving to clinch matters with re-
gard to Iris and her elderly sister, he
invited "Owl Dickey" to supper on
Sunday evening. 'The girl endured
the man's presence with a placid dig-
nity that amazed her uncle, On the
plea of a beadache she retired at an
early hour, leavitig Bulmer to gloat
over his prospective weepiness and
primed to the point ot dementia.
Se was quite willing to accompany
Verity to the bank next morning. A
pleasant spoken manager sighed bis
relief when the visitors were gone,
and he was free to look at the item
"bills discounted" on Verity's page in
the ledger. More than that, a lawyer
was instructed to draw up a partner-
ship deed, and the representatives of
various shipbuilding firms were asked
to supply estimates tor two new ves-
Altogether Dickey was complaisant
and David enjoyed a busy and suc-
cessful day. I3e dined in town, came
home at a late boarand merely grin'
red when a servant told him that Mr.
Bulmer bad called twice, but Miss Iris
happened to be out on both occasions,
Nevertbeless :at breakfast on Tues-
day he warned his niece not to keep
her admirer dangling at arm's length.
"E's a queer raved codger," explained
the philosopher, "Play up to 'bin a bit,
an' you'll be able to twist 'fm around
your little anger. I b'8eve he's goin'
dotty, an' you can trust me to see that
the marriage settlement is O. R."
"Will you be home to dinner?" was
her response.
"No. Now that the firm is in smooth
water again, I must show myself a bit.
It's ail thanks to you, lass, an' I'll not
forget it; Goodby!"
Iris smiled, and Verity was vastly
"1 am sure you will not forget," she
said. "Goodbyl"
There's no understandin' wimmin,"
mused David as his victoria swept
through the gates of Linden House,
"Sunday afternoon Dickey might ba'
bin a dose of rat poison. Now she's
ready to swaller 'im as if 'e was, a
chocolate drop." •
Again he returned some few minutes
after midnight. Again the servant an-
nounced Mr, Bulmer's visits, three of
them. and again puss Iris `had been
absent In fact, she had not yet come
"Not 'eine!" cried Dnrid furiously,
W y, ;ft's gone 12. Were the-w'ere
is she?"
No one know. She had quitted the
house soap aPrer Verity Himself and
had, not beers seen same. armee and
rage as he might and did, I)nrld eould
not disrovor his met'e's wnereOhouts.
But,enllghteilmena es rep no "1'13ursdag
morning- A lot1sr arrived by the first
post, It was trete Iris_
My Dear Uncle-:',enner vnu nor Mr.
Bulmer erinuie neve anCO' my
passing the 1.1' remaining »seas 01 023'
liberty.. in the manner nest preasmg to
myselt. tin Ourmay evening to ;our pres-
ence Mr. l'uunerurgedon. to tis an early
date tot our marriage. 'r1Mnim that 1
shall marry 116m when the Andromeda
returns to, England.lrom South America.
You will remember that you promised last
year to tape me to ltle de Janeiro and
Buenos Acres this simmer. 1 havebeen
learning Spanish so as to help our sight-
seeing t;(nrortundtely business prevents
yen riom. Keeping: that promise, but there
is no reavob wti,v i melte 001 go. 1 am
Coolers Cotton Root Compound.
A safe, reliable roun atin,9
medwine. Sold in three de,
grace of strength --No. 1, 51,;
No. 2, 33; No, 8, $5 per bort
Sold' by ll druggists, Or wet
ppteppt oa rehelpt of mica
FY55 pamphlet., Adrlresst
d TO N O, ONi'.E COOK M(F swap Nam.)EDICINE
von/ t Yue n M , l+,uu-
ably' be able to explain V matters sat!stac-
torfly to Captain Coate. The vessel Is due
back at the end at September, 1 believe,
so Mr. Bulmer will not have long to wait.
It Is more than likely that Captain Coke
will not know 1 am aboard -until Thurs-
day, and 1 have arranged with a friend
that this letter shall reach you about the
same .time. Please convey my apologies
to Mr. Bohner mer d
a an accept m
re t°eC f
A Y o
sty you may have Pelt owing to
thy unaccountable absence. Your affec-
tionate niece, 11(15 YORKI9.
David narrowly escaped an apopleo.
'tic seizure. When he recovered Ms
senses he looked ten years older. The
instinct of self preservation alone
saved bim in bis frenzy from blurting.
forth the tidings of the girl's bight.
Incoherent with fear and passion, be
contrived to give orders for his car•
riage and was drleem to his Mike.
Thence be dispatched telegrams to ev
ery signaling station at which by the
remotest possibility the Andromeda
might be intercepted, and, the text of
every message was, "Andromeda trust
return to Liverpool instantly."
Mut the wretched man realized that
he was doomed. Mate had struck at
him mercilessly.
Never was ship more eagerly sought
than the Andromeda, yet never was
ship more completely engulfed in the
mysterious silence of tbe great sea,
The days passed and the weeks, yet
nothing was heard ot her. She lig.
ured in the "overdue list at Lloyd's,
sharp eyed underwriters did "specs"
in her, woebegone women began to
haunt the Liverpool otlice for news of
husbands and sons, the lovelorn
Dickey wore Verity to a shadow of his
former self by alternate pleadings and
threats, but the Andromeda remained
mute, and the fanciful letters from
Iris became fewer and more fragmen-
tory as David's imagination failed and.
his excuses grew thinner.
And the odd thing was that if Da-
vid had only known it he could have
saved himself all this heartburning
and misery by looking through the
dining room window on that Sunday
afternoon when his prospects seemed
to be so rosy. He never thought of
that. He cursed every circumstance
and person impartially and fluently,
but he omitted from the satanic litany
the one girlish prank ot tree climbing
that led 1r'Is to spring out of sight
amid the sheltering arms of an elm
wben her uncle and Captain Coke
deemed the summer house a suitable
place for "a plain talk as man to man."
HE second officer of the An-
dromeda was pacing the
bridge with the slow alertness
of responsibility. He world
walk from port to starboard, glance
forward and aft, peer at the wide
crescent of the starlit sea, stroll bacit
to port and again scan ship and
horizon. Sometimes he halted to front
of the binnacle lamp to make certain
thnt the man at the wheel was keep.
fug the course, south 15 west, set by
Catptttlu Coke shortly before midnight.
HIa ears listened mechanically to the
steady pulse beat of the propeller, bat
Itis mhld dwelt on something far re-
moved from bas duties, though, to be
sure, every poet who ever scribbled
four lines of verse has found rhyme
and reason in comparing women with
stars and ships and the sea.
it Philip Hozier was no poet, he
was a sailor, and sailors are notorious-
ly susceptible to the charms of the
softer sex. But the only woman be
loved' was his mother; the only bride
he could look for during many a year
was a mermaid, though ttlese sprites
of the deep waters seem to. be Ire-
quenting undiscovered haunts since
mariners ceased to woo the wind. Per
all that, if perforce he was heart
whole, there was no just Cause or Im-
pediment why be should not admire
a pretty girl when be saw one, and an
exceedingly pretty girl had honored
him with her company"during a` brief
minute of the previous day.
He was superintending the safe dis-
posal of the last batch of cotton goods
in the forward hold when a young
lady, accompanied by a dock laborer
carrying a leather portmanteau, spoke
to bim from tbe quay,
"Is Captain Coke on board?" said
"No, madam," said he, lifting bis cap
with one hand
I am Mr. Verity's niece, and I wish
to send this parcel to Montevideo,
May _1 put it re
some place where.
it will be safe? You
are Mr. Hosier, I
suppose?" said Iris,
ging with frank
brown eyes into
his frank' bine
ones. "Well, I will
just pop the bag
into Captain Coke's
stateroom and
leave this note with
it. 1 have explain-
ed everything ful-
ly. I wrote a line
in case he might
be absent."
All of which was
so strictly ,acanthi
that it served its "1 Alt MR. VBOITY'8
purpose admirably, NtE"
though the said purpose, it is regretta-
ble to state, was the misleading and
utter bamboozling 'of Philip Hozier,
Miss Iris Yorke knew quite well that
Captain Coke was then closeted' with
David Verity in Exchange buildings.
She knew because she bad watched
him pass through the, big swing doors,
of her uncle's office. She also knew,
having made it ber business to find
out, that in fifteen minutes or less the
crew would muster in the fo'c'sle for
their midday: Meal. Not having heard
a word of Hozier'e free speech to the
gentlemen of various nationalities at
the bottom of the bold, she wondered
why he was blushing,
Whet Hozier, was free to glance a
second ,time at the cross rail iris had
vanished. Be was annoyed. Evidently
she did not wish to encouuter'am'
more of the ship's otticers that morn
1'he batches were on and everything
was orderly before Coke's squat figure
climbed the gangway, Dozier reported
the young lady's visit, end the skipper
`a Many people suffer the tortures of, lame
musclesand stiffened joints because ofint-'
purities in the blood, and each succeeding
attack seems more acute until rheumatism
has invaded the whole system.
To arrest rheumatism it is quite as inn
portaettoi mproveyourgeneralhealtlias
to purify your blood, and the cod liver
oil in Scott's Emulsion is nature's great
blood -maker, while its medicinal nourish-
ment strengthens the organs to expel the
impurities and'upbuild your strength,
Scott's Bmulsion is helping thousands
everyday who could not find other relief.
Refuse the alcoholic substitutes.
wee oPVIO Sly sul'pl'isee. as ue toast-
ed himself -up the steep ladder to the
hurricane deck the younger mai heard
him condemning Some cue under bis
breath as "a leery old beggar," , The
phrase was hardly applicable to iris,
but 'Coke came out of his caber with
an open letter in his band and bade a
steward stow the portmanteau in some
other more hallowed and less incon-
venient place.
And there the incident ended, The
Andromeda hauled down the blue pe-
ter for her long run of over (1,000 miles
to Montevideo, and Heeler had rou-
tine work In plenty to occupy bis mind
during the first twenty -tour hours at
sea without perplexing it with memo.
ries et a pretty face. Soon after Holy-
head was passed, it 1s true, a' sailor
reportedto the second otlicer that be
had seen a ghost between decks 111 tbe
region of the tazarette. It was then
near midnight, a quiet hour on board
ship, and dozier told the man sharply
to go to his 'buck and endeavor to
sleep o0' the effects of the bad beer
imbibed: earlier in the day,
Now, on this second night of the
voyage, while the ship was plodding
steadily southward with that fifteen
point inclination to the west that
would take her far into the Atlantic
soon after daybreak, l'hflip'retnem-
bered Sir. Verity's nlece and telt sorry
that when she paid former vialts to
the Andromeda fate bad decreed that
be sbouid be serving els time oa an-
other vessel. it gave bim a thrill
when he heard that this charming girl
knew his name, and it seemed to ham
for an instant that she was looking
into his very soul, analyzing bins,
searching for some sign that be was
not as others, which meant that there
were some whom sbe had bitter cause
to distrust.
At any rate, she had left a memento
of her too brief appearance on board
in the shape of the bag. He would
contrive to take oo his own shoulders
its misstep in Montevideo. Then, on
returning to Liverpool be would have
an excuse for calling on bet. He did
not know her name yet. Possibly
Captain Coke would mention that in-
teresting fact when his temper lost
its raw edge.
It was strange that be should be
thinking of Iris, far stranger than he
could guess, but his thoughts 'were
subconscious, and he was in nowise
neglecting the safety of the ship,
Healer beard Coke reading the riot
act to the sbellbacks who were sup-
posed to peep a sharp lookout ahead.
But the captain did out monopolize the
conversation" His deep notes rumbled
only at intervals. The men bad some-
thing to say. He returned to the
"One of them scallywags ser 'e 'as
seen a ghost," he announced with the
calm air of a man who states that the
moon will rise during the nest hour.
"Oh, is he the man wbo reported a
ghost outside the lazarette last night?"
"1 s'pose so. Did 'e telt you about
it? That's where she walks."
"That's his yarn -a female ghost. a
black 'un, black clo'es anyhow. I'1►
take the forenoon watch, an' you
might overhaul the ship for stow-
aways after breakfast."
"Yes, sir" said Dozier. And that is
how it fell to his lot to discover Iris
Yorke, looking very white and misera-
ble, when the hatch of the lazarette
was broken open at half past 8 on
Thursday morning!
A tramp steamer is not a complex
organism. She is made up of bolds,
bankers, boilers and engines, with
scanty accommodation for °dicers and
crew grouped round the funnel or
stuck In tbe bows. When the boats
were stripped of their tarpaulins and
a few lockers and storerooms exam-
ined the only available biding places
were the shaft tunnel, the bolds and
the lazarette, a small space between
decks, situated directly above the pro -
pellets where a reserve supply of pro-
visions is generally carried.
Butthe. door of the lazarette was
locked and the key wissing, There
was nothing for tt but to force the
It was dark in there, and limier
was undeniably startled by the spec-
tacle of a slim*figure; wrapped '1n a
Jong ulster, standing among the cases
and packages,
"Now, out you comet' he cried, with
a gruffness that was'intended only to
cover bis own amazement, but Iris,
despite the horrors of seasickness and
confinement in the dark was not mind-
ed to suffer what she considered to be
impertinence on the part of a' second
"1 am Miss Yorke," she said, coming
forwardinto tbe 'half light of the low-
er deck. "Any explanation of my
presence here will be given to the cap-
tain and to no other person."
That innocent word"person" is capa-
ble of many meanings. Heeler felt
that its application to himself was dis.
tined? unfavorable. And Iris was
quite digni$ed and self possessed; She
had given a few deft' touches to her
"Of course 1 did not know to whom
I was speaking," he managed to say,
tor he now recognized the "ghost" and
was more surprised than he had ever
'been in his life before.
"That is matterless," said Iris frigid.
ly. "Where is. Captain Coke?"
"On the bridge," said Philip.
"I will go to him. Please don't come
with me, 1 tried to tell yon that T
world unlock the door, but you refused
to listen. Will you let me pass?
He obeyed in silence.
Iris 'hurried to the deck. The light,
Inspector's Report
Huron n County
The Inspector of the House of Industry and g Reing e of the
County of Huron respectfully presents the following
for the year ending Nov. 30th, 1915:, ars his x'eport.
Total unnvbee of inmates admitted since o imin
Number of inmates ou 1st December 19.1 1
4 of (be house, 4078
Number' admitted for the first, time during theyear year .-....... , . ' 16
Number, re -admitted after abpence... . , . , , ,.
Nunbex' born in House duringthe yeas 0
Number of deaths cluring the year.... .. , ..:-.:. . A
Number absconded during the year ..'., .. .. ",
Number discharged during the year 5
Ntafilboe of inmates in House on 1st December; 1915...: ... , .. , 84
Nnuiber of males
Nninberof females 39
eadrnittel during the year from several municipalities as
' TOWNS1ttPS-Howu;k, 1; I3tty 2; Tnckersnritb 3; Stephen, 1.
TOWNS AND VILLAGES-Seed/nth, 1; Goderich, 3; Clinton, 1;
Bxnssels, 1; Wrughani, 2. -
.Number et days' boald inmates 32.325
Number ,;£'days' beard of: keeper's family and help 221w
Av erltgo uur
nber of inmates during the year 88
Average nctmber with keeper's family and help 03
Total expenditure 011 House and Farm 59480 74
Acid value at provisions and fuel on hand 1st Doc., 19142231 70
Total expenditure 311x21 50
1)04:111(1 capital net:Mint and per improvements $ 037 75
Peoduce sold during 1915 and other sources 3104 32
Provisions, produce, new clothing and flea on hand 1st De -
comber•, 1915 as per inventory 3000 00
Received from paying inmates 70S 50
$ 0750 47
Amount expended for support at inmates $ 4071151
Average expense per inmate pee day nearly
Average weekly expenditnt'e per imitate 1 065
'The expenditure of Rouse and r'ar nt accounts is as fnllotvs.-
Capital account $ 937 75
Hired help, 'Farm ,912307 45
Stock and Implements 143 00
Salaries -inspector, Keeper, Matron and Assistants 1247103047993
739 50
Physician's salary and appliances
409 43
Repairs to building and furniture 297 94
Provisions and clothing 3003 25
Fuel and light 1152 15
Books, postage and stationary 17 02
)neidontal expenses 112 59
Sundry expenses for farm 597 68
$ 9489 -71-
Crops Grown on Farm in 1915.
Bay 20 tons 3 acre Dutch sets 820.52'23
Oats 200 bush Parsnips 15 bush
Barley 226 " Cabbage 1000 head
Beans 30 " Fodder corn ............ i acre
Onions 40 " Tor'natoes 50 bask.
Garden ()arrots 15 ' Raspberries 700 boxes
Garden Beets 8 "
Potatoes 250 "
Marigolds 1000 „ •
Live hogs sold 5(113.00
Report of the Physician
Clinton, Dec. lst, 1915
To the Warden and Members of
Huron County Council:
Gentlemen, -
1 beg to submit the following report for the year 1915.
During the past year the health of the inmates has been
extremely good. The death rate less than half of the
previous year, being 8 with an average age of 76. One
inn -late attempted to escape by way of the verandah post,
fell and fractured his hip. He is again able to be about.
Several operations have been performed during the
year with the object of rendering those' afflicted more
useful to the institution.
The outdoor exercise in the shape of light work has
had a splendid effect, mentally and physically, and no doubt
tended towards health both for the men and women.
All of which I respectfully submit
Physician House of Refuge.
This Book helped me
improve my Farm.
It is the most valuable book I own
and it cost rale nothing.
It has saved me time, labor and money arid
I've got better looking, more durable and
more serviceable buildings "than 1 ever
had before.
The first coat of concrete farm improvements is also:
the last cost. ' There's no after expense for paint or
repairs -no danger from fire, rot or rust -no trouble of
any kind. Besides they lower the insurance rate.
If you haven't a copy of "What the Farmer bstn do
with Concrete", send for one today. There's inore
than 35/ 55,355 of valuable building i ilormatioq 52 eranticel.plena,
lluntroi d h diagrams and photogrophe,. and dozen,, oS other.
in;ereating form fPltO,
h euro ry h he 5cnt A you 1 ee s i t h_ r he,
tncaun 1 irrn rcnerpt.,f nnepm. h..b. n•.
CANADA CEMEiiT COMPANY IJM1TE.8, H role 515,,, Itebniteyl, { i
CUT L$ -.r , N tai MA!' ".',r i, °''_.1 .:�!g' .
'ttf��1a'� CA>'lAll' C[.Y'EhTC01a'S"!NI iii 'TCT' 2Y 4 3 4t 1�.
o l..r r t.:. • ,, n;p113 it 1iy, Moral 0Alo r
t'„ Centlemon, Plena, send env a bre copy r. of A'
rut, 1t,e Purer Can fa With Coat:r•le".
Street and No
because a Little Chid Was Born..
Becaufff., a littlechild was born
The earth Is tiller! etch 'peace;
015 wrongs, okl sorrows aro forgot
in suffering's sweet surcease.
05, men that strain for empty gaits;
Oh, hearts with Hatreds torn,
There 0 no room L'ot. strife today-.
A little child
is1 .
-Teresa 'Beatrice : t)'F1ara.
A Christmas Carol
Lo, newborn Jesus;•
Soft and weak' and small,.
" Wrapped in baby's band
By his mother's hands,
Lord God of a11I
Lord God of Mary,
Whom hip lips caress
While ho rocks to rest
On her milky breast
In helplessness.
Lord God of shepherds..
Flocking through the cold
Flocking through the dark
To the only ark,
The only fold.
Lord God of all things,
Be they near or far,
Be they high or low,
Lord of storm and snow,
Angel and star.
Lord God of all rnen,
My Lord and my God,
Thou vvho lovest me,
Keep me close to thee
By staff and rod.
Lo,•newborn Jesus,
Loving great and small,
Love's free sacrifice,
Opening arms and eyes
To one and all!
Norway Pine Syrup
Mr. Frank, E. Anthony, 69 Ellen
Street, Winnipeg, Man., writes: "Having
taken several bottle's of Dr, Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup, during the past few
weeks, to relieve a chronic cough and
general throat trouble, allow me to ex-
press my unbounded satisfaction and
thanks as to its sterling qualities. A
short time ago I became suddenly subject
to vioignt coughing fits at night, and
direetle/lalter rising in the morning, for
about an hour, and found I was gradually
losing weight. Alt my friends cheerfully
informed me that I looked as though
I were going m consumption, and I
honestly believed such was the case,
However, after having taken several
bottles of `Dr. Wood's' 1 am pleased to
relate that the cough has entirely dis-
appeared, along with all the nasty
symptoms, and I have since regained the
lost weight. I have no hesitation in
recommending Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup as a sure cure for an those troubled
in•a like manner."
When you ask for "Dr. Wood's" see
'that you get what you ask for. It is
put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine
trees the trade mark; the price, 25c and
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Hymn ett C4,;l ii r12211mas i'"
Hark, a burst of heavenly must°
From a band of seraphs bright, �...:
Suddenly to earth drseend!ng, -.
In the calm and silent 11154/,
. To the shepherds of Judea,
Watching in the early dawn!
1 o, they bear the ioytul tidings -
Jesus. Prince of Peace, 0 born!
Sweet and clear those angel voices,
Echoing through the starry sky,..
.As they chant the heavenly chorus,
"Glory be to Godon high!"
And this joyful Christmas morning
Breaking o'er the world below
Tells again the wondrous story
Shepherds heard so long ago.
Who shall still cur tuneful voices,
Who the tide of praise shall stem,:
Which the blessed angels taught rw
In the fields. of Bethlehem?
Bark we hear again the chorus
Ringing through the starry. sky
And we join the heavenly an
'Glory be. to God on Menu'
Mrs. 31. N. moans 1'
Horses and Water.
>i a horse has a thin coat or is oft
his feed the chances are that he m:IDmt
.84:03ktyratPr enough.
Grand Trankitaflway System
Railway Time Table
Loudon, Huron and Bruce,
North Passenger
London, depart ' 8.30 a m 4.40 pm
Centralia 9.33 5.43
Exeter 9.44 5,54
Hensel!' 9.55 6.05
Kippeu . 10.01 6.11
Brucefield 10.09 6.19
Clinton 11.00 6,85
Londesboro 11,18 6.52
Blyth 11.27 7.00
13x1 rrays
Wingham, arrive11.511 7.85_1
South Passeuge
Wingham, depart., 6.85aIn 530 p
Belgrave 6.50 3.44.
Londesboro 7.04 4.04
Clinton 8.10 4.23
Prucetield 8.27 4.39
hipper 8.35 4.47
Hensell' 8.43, 4,52
Exeter 8 54 5.05
Centralia 9,04 5,15
London, arrive 10.00 6.10
Buffalo and Goderich
Wee` Passenger
am pm pm
Stratford 10,00 12.80 5,25 1p0.25
Mitchell 10.22 12.55 5,55 10.41
Seaforth 10.45 1.20 6.18 11.19
Clinton ' 11.07 1.35 6.40 11,2
Holmeseille 11.16 1,43 6.46 11.3
Goderich 11-35 2.00 7.05 1
East Passenger
Goderich a m
In all
7,05 2.35 4552
Holmesville 7,22 2.52 5,00
Clinton 732 3,03 6,10
Seatorth 7.51 3.21 5,35
Mitchell 8,16 344 550
Stratfortt 8 40 145 620
The New Era.
W. H. K1 RR at SO, Props.
J.Leslie herr Business Manager
Vew Era, One Year In advance 51.05
Vow Era, when not paid in ad-
vance... 51.50
Now Era,. to the United States
in advance 41.50
Advertising Rates on Application,
Job work prices advance OD July
1st, 1913, in 'accordance with
the Huron Co, Press Asso-
ciation Rates.
Office Phone 30 .House Phone 05
•641"1"3""43° TTER
• We male th•ese only from w
' Genuine Vegetable Parchment "o
• 9
We carry in stock a line printed with the words
0 •
Choice Dairy Butter
for immediate delivery. They are sold at the
following prices:
1000 Sheets' $2.25 •
• 500 Sheets 1.5o •
O 25o Sheets •75 •
0• loci, Sheets .35 s
• . Wrappers specially printed from your own •
ocopy, we can supply then at the fallowing
• prices -
102 $2.25 •
• 2 to 4 M...... s.75 per M w
• 5 iVT• L5o per M s
10 M.• I.4o per M. o
The 1e •
eLIN f o» •
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