HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-12-16, Page 4I
ram eLtriTo's PIaw ants,
Dry Goods,,.
'house Eur
tm S i
S � S
urs.::' as Christmas
'Ifts gen
-The Christmas Gift to be appre-
ciated should :have some qualities
which will not pass with the festive
season. The enduring features of
a Fur GaVilient must appeal to, the
Christmas d;shopper. We'are show
ing' a very:•large range of high-class
1+ltlrs and Fur -lined Coat, for
Christmas gifts.
Kimonas for Christmas Gifts
There is nothing mora appropriate as a Christmas
gift than a nice Kimona. We have a beautiful
range made of eiderdown, crepe, wrapperette and
silk. We also have a beautiful range of Japanese
Kimonas. Prices range from 2.00 to 7.50
Fancy Neckwear for Christmas.
Our showing of Fancy Neckwear is decidely at-
tfatytive. Many new and attractiv stylesare featured.
The assortment is large o
a re enough to give unlimited
choice—egeh article; at 50c or over is handsomely
boxed ed itdesired.
Kid .Gloves for Christmas Gifts
Kul Gloves make an ideal gift, We have every
hood kind in a full assortment of sizes and colors-
every'pair boxed for Christmas gifts.
Thursday, December 16th) 1915,.'`
G al Ge s tee,•"ee1•nit we
n e,r , •' fl 11'I3 ; `H'f, CIWUR.CLIPS: • •
or. Fiollli 4 a.w•eepays 0•'e•eee••
I etrlawtbaasiv 0a.pata��.uetavaaszeoolWe,
ow ie the time to buy your Winter
Bei Leery of L+'lour.a We curry a tuft Stock
c' the Eolt
,. b
n b
F r, d
; i
L+,tjty ,' Five'Roses
ter Milverton
tieeefeceele ., , London
zwel White Fluent. (pastree:
red also rhea/vie bsantl of-Rreekfast Food,,
1111 a fret rh
NAM Olce A'��alll l
1 G( lla whets], ,t
��r W t
6 pounds for Lbc
T 'ro4llakki fiullr 'Rens Lay
J3thta winter, we recommend out!)
•ei n r Mea. Beef Settee, s
ty ) i. OY.tet Sheil'
Weilv :Gtit tentd Charcoal.
ce- lvays
carry a full line of
?Brea I' • Levi, Gridei+`lour'
i$1100S {! Molasses Meal
'O ieettkeee' Dairy Meal :
i as
)tigicest Preece Paid for all
it' Kinds 01' Grain '
Wli 4t9 efiVRCEI
Is just around the corner
,',And a lot of people are planning their Christmas
We belie„e, more than ever this year, that the
needed things of the house will be purchased in prefer-
ence to notions, which do not repiesent value] in terms
of utility and service,
The Following' is a very Desirable List to Choose
from, and many Articles at
Reduced Prices
Rayo .Hanging Lamps
Rayo Table Lamps
Carvers In Cases
Scissors in Cases
Bread Knives
Pocket Knives
Pearl Handled Knives
Automobile Skates
Smoothing Iron sets
Carpet Sweepers
Hand Sleighs
Mitts and Gloves
Perfection Oil Heaters
Aflulninum Ware
O -Cedar Mops 50c to 1,50
Clothes Wringers
Tea Pots
Coffee Pots
Crumb • Trays
Knlyes and Forks
Berry Spoons
Cake +'orks,.
Meat Forks
Sugar Spoons,
Tea Spoon's
Desert Spoons
Table Spoons
Salt and. Pepper sets
.Nut (tracker, sets
Tea Kettles
B,tth Room Fixtures.
•Nice Tot of English' Enameled ware
in Teapots �•,ap
pots aid Jugs
Electric Lamps at redu
3 p ce,IP rices
Cut Glass Berry } Bowls at a big reduction
A few e Second -Hand
Stoves at good value.,
A 1 A D ,
rFloiir tiid Beed, phone 199
With The British Navy
Another Letter from Mr. E. Rigsby
to his Father, Rev. Walter
' Rigsby
II. M S. Inconstant, Nov. nth.
Dear Dad, -Your most interest-
ing letter of Oct. 19th came yes-
terday. .ties, we have had '.our
shore leaves restcerekl. but it is
ow er month since ar.y of us '_ave
l eon en the beadle till yesterday.
You know how little I am inclined
to howl, 'bat is does breams most
burdensome at trees.
I am glad 10 hear that ;the
preachers' sons are "doing their
bit.” I d'd nett receive the Gist
that you speak of; it must have
gone astray. Jack Lumsden evi-
dently is in sanders, though no
one can .rely( positively.
I fiftyexpected a weekt
expo to ago 0
have the histo-yi of a big fight to
tell, but we missed it ev deintl,y.
Iitt elf believing asdid
e b rc it,
hadJ m
Y e
evra��y e cls
e. .ee
on ou have an odd
sensation when you; go to "gen-
eral ,quarters" in strang; se„Th>, look
ing through the m'et, expecting a
big smash any moment, You feel
tense, and almost itch to get it
going, so you can forget your-
self. 1t will come some time, "like
•a ''hie€-in•'Lhc night," and the first
the world .w,11 kr ow. the news will
startle them, a day lafier it is all
over. i rather ' hope it will be in
the setting. 1 ng•
The German :Undine stayed
afloat three,minutes; sbe was
about our size, Most of the hands
were lost. We will be about the
same if we get properly torped-
'The picture making continues
with uoaba4ert speed. I am send-
ing another' picture. Probably
T posed this time. The last one
wasn't very flattering.
I ieceiwed a couple of peirs of
pyjmn is the other day from Mr.
Th,it night it turned' beastly cold
anti there has been snow g51 t'r'ee,
hills ever sine. • .Flow it can blew
up here. It .fairly takes you off,
your feet; and the sea rune moun-
tains high We were, on tile,wes-
tern ocean (the Atlantic) some time
ago for some, clays, 1t rolls long
aid wide out there
There is little toe tenet about,
and tie We Do' lounger' get ashore
there is little but picture making
to' keep ,i ne from going "balmy,"
The most of Ithe boys are asleep
on the lockers and, tables. I 'don't
like to start that{ hau:t rill I have
to. You can always look up ,alt
the sky, as there are no doors On
the hatchways or at I. Iasi they are
swung back and a piece of rranvas
is I ismid up. ' A t.1s{aon to keep
out the rain.
A bigwsavt( came down into my
harm -neck the ,other night as f
slept, and gave, me a cold plunge.
How lovely?"
the wryiE'i .blows. on you so your
oeercoat is blown off if not will
tu'ckgd,iii.,aroun'a You. They, only
allow ' 'one blanket per man and
I d ereee:anif to he/bothered with.
-dwntni g another of my own, With
tote, your' son TED.
1 G1DiNIG ALU -a..
-That ae to. Old King Alcohol, he
doesn't seem so ]badly bit after, ail.
The{ o 'l,s,11015 doing in the 'Ch lm-
piigne'dauntry,:our boys hevo late
ly been orethe loos and cveryeeee
,ilXicns to.yet :nefiat A,•4th thh,,
'Sit White P'o te.
That won do"i Jl' bei terrible, if,
Reidy ;Forel a,id Bryanboth tan
for president and spit the Ger-
man 'vote?
That there is one General who
is not popular in this; country:.
Genera[ Blebtion,
That a, man predicting .a.Ecouple
of years ago that Clinton. would
1110 become a a "'-'
g Fir
son town, muse have incurred a
risk of imprisonment in a, roetl'ese
That many ,a ',poly eseasr . who
bruits he fie a dark helmet later hole
to admit that his ears Weee. too •,
Thee 'Cow esen ie 3 bl''e ,Class , wail
hold 'a:,Wate i.Night Sel':vige ..on
Ne Y ,!'
w C
ai s e on
Trida night
Dee: 3161 4,4e Annual ,t�asineee
meee ng of the Class will' bel ,on
Pztda . c
y 11'I �_ Dec. 17th -next at
YSmas'' seieleeae in( ( this( ehureh
on S'u"nday bee.' 19th. The, pasi,os•
.will reach at Loth services. The
S unda .School eviili eleodd' their
Christmas sterelee iene the 26th.
The young'pebple of tae church
to the me/misers of over fifty ,had
ehe pl(tasuee e Monday I Vee -
in of
a visit from the Le(a ■
t. at Hoflmesvillee The visitors,. of,'
whom there 'were' fori,y, or,more,
supplied a. nnti:el'`of. aeedix1s
and a. fine adtlre'ss- byf Rev,; Mr'
McCormick.' 'Peeve were several
opportieutnities for the company
to mingle together and get eel..
ter aequ,xittk'ed. 'Mrs.. B. J. Gib'-
' binge wing in good voice and rep
freshtneints were 'served to all.
Rev. Dr. 'Hazelwood, of Toronto
preached an excellent sermon on
& .(nday morning dealhegl with the
Work of the deparilnent( of "Sc-
eial Serviceel 'fIo will be welcome
atl any time. ,Aliberal offering
was made in aid' of the, work.
,Rev, S: J. Allin, will preiaeh on
tuinday .next, co the evening his
terjblect will be, "The. Things ()hat
ought to interest us "
W1:SL' ES$ CIT' i7Rciel
Iasi; Sunda.v Evening, Rev, J. H.
Hazelwood D. D., of Trireme, preached
an exesiltot Semon His ',object
was "Nat inter! Greatness."
On Monday evening next the Jaoior
League holds the Christmas Enter
tein men t.
The pastor will /;reach next Sunday
morning end evening.
At the Leegne service on Monday
night., the meeting was tinder the
Literary Department and Risser wee
discussed, Miss Clark and UP, R, I ,
Menning gave interesting papers on
Anniversary services were 1te1e
in the Baptist ehurchl, on Sunday,
when Rev. Dr. eInghson of Strat'-
foed occupied tho pulpit morning
and evoking and gave two excel-
lent addresses. There were gooct
congregations et both services and
in all was one of the best anni-
versari, et. His morning (subject
was "God's Cheque Book' and
at night Tome Unto Me."
At tee Baptist Church on Monday
evening the paatnl', Rev, Me 'Liatif•
full, gave a lecture Eur "A trip through
Scotland," which was iutereeting to
the larg, audience. Those as: isting
wereNine Chas. Bell who give rt
reading.;n '
Donna L ch,Etee. in an action
piece "The dear old Flag." and Rev.
IVli'• Moulton gave ttreading and a.
solo, Lunch was served art the close
of the lecture.
oogesesoomi aneeeennoseeeno
w e
T.wn and Country
e e
The t n'v r
T ern 1 esllrvnf h. sh e't
the l re vt til n
cherch which •,vas held on Sabbath
last was 51 very suenessfel one Rev
Mr. Knox of First Pre.ebyteriwt
Church London, preached. He gave
two very serious and interesting ser.
mons, In the morning on reaching
forward to trees and greeter things,
he ut'ged that although just thing,
lied been done le tee church in the
past, we should reach forth to het
lee end nobler things. The choir en
der the leadership of Miss Granger,
had ch ,re.' nt the m,rsic. which was
well rendered. The offering was $I00.
The; e was no Monday meeting.
Mit. Rothwell ofTO' OIiiO, is the
guest of Aire. R:ettenbury.
Several ',Hue has VOWS to our neigh
boyhood from the Timor.ro fair of fee
stock Appleton EEcoat of Tucker
cmitb, el tamed 2 prizes for btinhe
1 1 and 211d and it 8'•d for ti. calf, his
laths were especially fine, Hugh
I McGregor of Sraniey hi'nught back 2
prizes fns' calves under a year lye and 2
prize, There was it Oil tither of ether 4.
exhibitors from the neighha, hood. and
1 a targe consignment of elide end holes
tui the Christmas market
13. R. Hiegins left last week to visit
hie brother William J. Higgins at
partner. Men, who is ill.
Mss. Henry leaves this week for her
home near eeskatoon.
Mr. Watson hes sold his beans, for
$3 80 per Mabel. this is the highest
pt•ioe peed in our neighborhood,
Pte John Aikenhee.d, London, spent
the week end at his hcnne..
1It is s fe toeay,there will be no con
tracts given by oer,farmersfor color,'
ed neaps next vete, The crop . was a
f.tiltsre. The farmers (sad to return
the Amount of seed given and inmany
eases there was not enough .grown for
the 55015 that lent to bevaunted, merle.
1 eraser hail alt his lrtbot fel ❑tithing.
The petite obtained it and was on,y
Mrs. Jean Bill is visiting friends in
our ueighttorhnore • •
1. The S S schulatrs -of the. Presby
terien church 'are preparing fur tare
Christmas tree entertainment.
1(il►pn .
Last week Mias E, Morrison had a
Pleasant visit with friendo in Clinton.
Mr. A.E, Johneton of St. Augustine.
vise ed et the home of his brother, lin.
W. 11. Johnston, here re .
8Jr. Robert Parsone came nearly
meeting wtthee vert.sorio+ss Acid tth r,
.'1S bile moving h,s gasoline engine hitt),,
,the; darn 1 stipped end bruised hie tee
veil seeetely, 'Though no hot es were
hrnken, bes will have a paiuful leg for
some time
Another Pioneer. Gone -Last' week
InN ,
sliest was m,rL I Of the rr'
1a ) Le Mrs,
Peyer Daymarl wren 1teit1 away in Ross
Uerneter'v, Bs ncefldld, beside three or
her ars husband, w ho prsdceeas,•d her,
shout sixteen 'years ago. She hap al -
mos reached her 8011i milestone t i one whEen
called up higher. Besides numerous
Mende she leaves the following chil-
dren to mourn hes' loss, Mrs. McGowan
and Joheph of McKillop, William and
Thomas In Whitewood,' Seek., Mrs.
Street of New York, 'Mrs: llolenee of
Essex, Mrs, .lames iYleUlvenoilt of
Kippen and Mise Sarah and Relieve at
home. Always o a sunny and helpful
disposition she rsade:many friends,
some of whom are still living, end
hold her in kindly .remembrance, Very
soon all the pioneers who died so nobly
will bergone.
Omer .T Ek
The Teacups.
et u4tieeleeVlO•eeree10eeiN,eee
M,i's. Joe. Plower and you t dp' h-
r,'' of Moodeedie, Seek. to i)i
Wei' i
her Make Mee;' J, Wieey ki it Strew tt
Mi•s, Wm, Argent is spending a fete;
dale'this week -with heir llrother Jtis
Cartwrsght,or'liondesboro, ' s
'Misses Violet Argent and Lama
Jervie:of tuwn'speut lest; Thiaeceeye 'in
edeuieh the guest of Mrs T: 14ide1 '
4 '1 3
U11 .. . •.F
Mies M th1P J lvl§ri}ttre ot4fg! pf„
hel4iet.t MsgfT0.01 Audersoh. pact of
lest week, '
Mrs. Bean is,visiting her son Dr.
Bean at lldei'ton,
Mr. Jacob Tayloit, 'nf Toronto, is
spendinga few days in town.
1V1r. Len, Flynn,• son of Mr and Mrs
Dounrick Flynn, of Flidlete, 'is the
new junior at the 'Molal Batik," Clan=
Barrister Dudley Holmes, of Wing -
ham spent a few hones in' town on
Monday weiting for train contieetiop.
Mei Harry Preset• was home: for
over Sunday.
IbLr, Cal. Streets and family visited
friends at Ftohlsesville on Sunday.
Miss Jennie Holmes spent a few
days in Goeerieh last "week,
Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Constantine,
who have been residing in Highgate,
aid who are old Ohntnnians, have
moved to Teestvciter, where Nie. Cot-
standee 1y manager of the Molson s
Bunke They spent a few days here
with the latter's mother, Mrs. Chid-
Mr, Clarence Paisley, of the Royal
Bank staff, has been moved to the
branch at Stratford.
Miss Clara, F'eeguson, nurse, who
resides in New York is visiting hersisters, Mrs. V. Carter and Mrs,
D'L's, John \V,se man loft this week
to spend a tete days with old friends
al, Toronto and teen go ou to 'King-
ston to visit hen daughter, Mrs (Dt' )
McCallum foe teheistmas Air. Wise-
man will go clown next Reek for his
Christmas dinner. •
1uspe toeMitchell, of North Huron
was ui town on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, D. Marks spent Sun -
clay at. Seaforth.
Mr, Oliver Johnsen was calling' 11
his old friends hist wee'; incidently
paid a yearly visit to Tax Collector
Dr, Gunn anti Mies Isabella Gunn
have as rived safely 1u England.
Dungan. on News: -Ree Mr. Pou•-
eil, Temperance Field Secretary for
Huron County, gave .L splendid ad.
dress here on Sunday evening. 151r.
Powell is doing excellent work in the
comity and is certainly
the right man
in the right plait
Mr. Jas. i4c1 ,
Clacherly, of Gederich,
and formerly tit Clinton has been
elected treasurer of the Maple Leaf
Social club or that toivli,
i151rs. C. W, \Vhitiuore left this
week for Florida, where she will
spend tt couple of months
With her husband who has been there
for the past couple of weeks on busi-
Dr. J A. McDonald, of the Toronto
Globe, spent Wednesday evening at
the hone. of Dr. and Mrs. dandier.
Mrs. Nesbit, of Blyth, is visit ing her
daughter, Airs. 'i : is. McKenzie jt'.
Rev. Air, Diel f Paisley, was a
visitor with Mrs .leG;Lrvaon\V,d
ut sda3'
Mr. and ars. Fred Turner and baby
anti Miss M. Allin, of Regina, arrived.
at. the Ontario St. Parsonage for
Christmas. Mr. Turner went back to
Toronto eh al'aty days.
A'L'. W. Manning, of Loudon was
in town today.
Mrs, H. Alexander and Mrs, F. Mo•
McEwen intend cpendi5sg the Winter
at London which Is Mr. Alexander's
headdnari ors.
Miss 0 Cooper enrertained her lady
friends on Wednesday evening.
Alias hetet MrDnnald has resumed
her old position at the Piano Factory.
Mrs. (Rev.) Pet -tenets and littledan-
ghter returned to their home at
Windsor after spending several weeks
with Rev. and Airs. Robinson.
ilii', Alnx McIntyre who has been
employed in the Clinton heating to.
for the past seven years, severed Ills
nonnectioe on Satntdity and left gin
Monday intim ing for London to eider
the Military School foe training itis he
has,('nlisted for overseas service with.
elle liilst Bat.tl,
• . 0
n Batt .
C. C. V. Westcolt.,
D. Colvin.
0, W, McKay.
A. E. Chief,
' H. J. MeGee4
TF, Tucker.
H. N. Heywood,
F. Hopkins,
eV. H Flail.
S. J Srnith,.
J. K. Cornish,
J. S. V. Caen.
L: IL Porter.
E. R. "Thuell
C. A. Pair ker, . .-
Ge' W. Parker•ri.
1,,. Continued on Page
• Is Canada' Doing Her Share?
'J)be percentage of enlistment for
active service inthe eli•Fereet parts
of the Etspil•e has been worked oat
from the otecese figures and the re-
sult, based on statistics made up to
last April, has proved a severe' jolt
fox many Who bave been loudly
shouting that Ci(nada has done more
than 'any other British' sister nation.
As expeetee, the Mother Country
heads • the Iist, with an enlistment of
7.2 per Bent, of the total population,
New Zealand comes second with 2.1
per cfnt,; Australia, is third with 1,.4
r 'e nt. and Po e d Canada is fourth with
1,3 per cent. The figures, of coarse,
have .changed since April 115, . but,
judging from the news of martial 'ae
ttvity in other parts, It is very doubt-
ful if Canada Is yet limy better than
,,•••eseevaeeoe`oenotinen,a4Mgeo .
,$l4pa oi;x 1;T •
x1'1'56 tax roll is noir; vet camp e'l;e
tie;,, 81108:Nee till•-itn 'aid foe: 1
P 1. 1,1�`s
Lel, CLISiE31NC,r `
;!'bis is.the-4901)th.dxy51181 the Beltieh
J4ia Aire h,.s 'neee at' ;wan' .With Ger-
,i Ford reel will be run off al
the Picture Theatre oil, M.ohday
h ht in '
4 ,r
- i +,.r-tr
1tL,e r
ld itfa ,ar,.
p r
•t 3'n
' ,Dr. Axon is having eete ,attak,
Dalliers over Mayor Jackson's.store
•uid wd1 move itlethe neeeefuter'e'-
At presr,Cnt, he is in the ,old stand,
Jho Huron Couniy'Meideal Agso
'•¢anon spec hgra: on W'etFpeprdd. y:
afteiy oon, These was a good
'Mr and Mrs; M. Braithwaite, of
Londesb'oroi angounce the engage-
(nent of their ';laughter,, Annie
Mey, to 31t, 'William Ileoletergill.
The wedding to tante place elite
The G. T. R. electricians have
Leen overhauling the Wiring at the
station and put out new lights
ardund the station to replace the
Smaller ones,
I1r. C. W, Robb, who has been a
teitcher at the C. C. I. for the past
couple of yeers has ,resigned ;to
take a beerier positionat the new
Technical school nt T'oronee. Mrs.
Robb will leave for the city, this
week incl 81,. Robb will leave at
the surd of uta term
The following 'Wheclulefor grout)
No. 8 of the 0. II A. inte'slnediate
series was drawn up at Seaforth.
Clinton hockey "buggs" had bete
ter cut this scheilule oat for
Jan. e-(lorleeieh at S'afortth..
Jan. 11- IVAtchell at Godeeich.
,Jett. i8-Seaforth at Mitchell.
Istn, 21-Atitehe.Il ai Seaforth.
Jan 28-Seaforth at Chelerielr.
&Fob. 1--Gode,t'ieh at Miteteell.,
An agi cement has, been reached,
whereby all parcels from Canada
for the expedi,Linnaryforces in.
'France and Flanders; shall be car
a the same, rate as parcels
from the .United, Kingdom for the
expeditionary forces. •Tito rate
for pareels cc.l weighing.
1to thre
pounds in24
ceite for
three mid not( more than seven
pounds 32 cents :For they present
no parcel can be sent that weighs
ON er seven pounds.
Thu following item refers to an
ute e of Mrs. John Hu• ter and
William Grant of 1 town 1-J. R.
Cerant, of Winnipeg former Post,
master of Brussels, for many years
111', nOw Secretary and Treasurer
of the new C'aiifr•1,ti, Souther:.
Railroad Company with helad ot-i
fire at, Los. Angeles, California.
The road has to do with the won.,
i'erful Palo Verde Valley. on the
Gylorado rivet Eastern Riverside
Co. Cal which contains about 100e'
GOO (teres of • irrigable land with
the city of Blythe, as its rentre.
Railroad runs from Blythe Junc-
tion 92 miles to. the city of the
same name and will be completed
in the course of 1 monthe or so.
By the prospectus Palo Verde Val-
ley. looks good as a fertile field
for agri4alture and market gard-
ening, or the deveolpment of cattle
hog 01' poultry business,.
In the recent guessing compe-
tition on hots long the Regina
Watch could run with one winding
drew out a big list of gueeees, and
Mr. W. II. feliyarl the local agent,
is to be congr,atiii,ted upon the
success. On page 3 of his( issue
may be seen, mere about the watch
Mt: A. J Tyndall, our well-known
citizen was the lucky guesser, A -
along the many, figures handed in
W05 191 (tours 3e minutes rand 2 sec
onds, which was the highoge; and
e hours, 37 minutes and( 19secouds
which was the lowest. The fol-,
lowing list was in the honor roll --
Fe near and yet, so far from the
(7ordon Nall
Ernest Hall
1VinniP Draper
Gordon Lawson
Audrey McIntyre ...... 42 30
H. B. Oh'rnt 13 10
Mrs, G. E. Elan • 48 15
15)58 R. Usrbeot .,,..,,, 42 42
Leighton W;tlk(r , 43 13
0lyer Murphy , 48 15
Mies 0, Potter ,., d8 16
W. T. O'Neil 43 23
Jos.; Wheatley 43 23
This, Hae'kius 43 20
Oeail Peck itt • 42 80'
42 52 10
42 45 30
42 80 25
48 8 23
13 '
Tenders . Wanted
"l'euders for snowplowing to be sent
to 1 A. Ford, Chairman of the Street
Committee at once,
i)o nal:' b.. ;It •
Cihnderal 1
Princess Theatre. Triday evening.
Der, 17th.
Two She's eatnruhneing 7 311 and S.45
Allshould = Beit. Byspeeie,lvrquest
of several eittzens, Mr, ,James M nine.
ing Nroprietoi ache :Princees Theatre
(las secured +,t a' big expense this
teeutitu Photo Piety,"Oiueralht" in
ivbich the cels -!,rated actress Mary
Pickford appears.
84i. Manning says than il'this play
is well patronized, be. well beencnnrag
ed'to bring other expensive and high
°less plays here, from time to time.
In the afternoon this play will be.
free' only to the children of the Public
School: their mother's and. Grana -
mother's. To all others and in the
evening the rldrnissiOn' ib 15c.
"England's Menace' . for ,Saturday
evebing-a Great Naval Drama.
u r d ur oa ',
t s ce
lu Y
; We
ca'n da It'6y sup- �; ,
plying ypu' ,with a coal that:
:Masts Toriegiyes a steady„
"heat and'teaves OillY a small.
• .amoun. t op ;aslti 'ri''hiscoal is
- M
F N 7TTIr n
The,, 1..T
u , a# res i!
It will save you money. Give <'
it a tra,,,lay
A. ll
0 ol�ra. C '
,A Inn
�. : ion `1
diestorrkUnEdirstty; London
Income 'Doubled -Now 075,000
Another largeaddition to Faculty and
Equipment in Arts and Medicine •
Greatly Inereased Enrollment fn view
Write for particulars to:
President. '
Auction Sale.
Of farm stock and implements -The
undersigned has instructed Mr. Thos.
Gundry to sell by public auction at
Holmesville, on 'Thursday, Dec. 23rd
at 2 o'clock p. me the following stock
and implements: Cattle -,Pure hred ,
Durham caw, 6 years, with.enlf by
side; 2 grade Durbams, 4 years, new •
milkers; pure hred _Durban] heifer, 3
years, due at time of sale, 4 cows due
in Jaquary; 5 cows due in February:
12 cows due fn ;'larch and April; 9
head of young cattle, heifers and
steers, 3 young calves. These cattle
ere all young and in good condition.
Implements -Deering hinder, 7 foot
cut, in good repair: Me0orolick disc,
drill 13 disk, „wo furrow olow, weeder.
Guarantee -Any cow represented to
he in calf and proving not to he can be
returned and cash 'or note wilt be re..
fended. Terms Six monthaetedit will
he given on approved joint notes oe a
discount of 6 per cent. per annum allow
ed Inc cash, or ten months credit will •
tie given paying Beek interest for the
last four months. Should the weather
he unfavorable the stock will he kept
until it can he moved setely.
Geo, Holland, T. Gentle?,
Owner. Auctioneer
Annual Meeting
r The annus
1P '
m sten of thet
e o.r
holders of the
Elolmesville Meese and
Butter Co„ will be held in Hnlmesville
Hall ou Tuesday, Dec. 21st at 2 p, m,
G. Holland, President
G. Gould,•Secretary,
For 'Sale.
A white brick 2 - story house of„ IO
rooms with good cellar; Town waer;
k acre o1' land with apple trees; also a
stable, Corner of Princess and Spen-
cer street. For terms ore, apply to
Mrs. E. 13oltzhaner, on premises,
2009 Turkeys Wanted
To he delivered at the Graham
House, Clinton. Either alive or iiress-
ed. Highest me,rket mines, Call or
phone No. 5.
Reliable Man Wanted
\Vented -A reliable man with some
business experience with farmers, to
represent us in Huron County, A per
manent position for the right man.
Highest commissions paid. 'Territory
reserved. New specialties for season
Toronto. Ont.
Wanted a girl to do general house
work, apply to
Miss Jean Scott.,
Painting it Paper. Uanyin
Painting end Paper H tnging neatly
rind promptly done, Orders left tee
Hunnitord's Grocery Store or at my
residence, Victoria Street,
11105, GRAELTS
Auction Sale
Clearing Auction - Sale of Household
Furniture & Furnishings. ' The Exe
entree of the Teetat,.of'tbe late Joseph
Whitehead will sell by pehlic an`ther
a:t the Whitehead Homestead. Ciintort
Friday, Dec, 17, at 1.30 o'clock sharp.
all the Household Furniture consisting
of Parlor, Dining Room,' Bed Rooni
and Kitchen Furniture -Piano, Pic.
tares, Bookcase and 'Books, Walnut
Sideboard. Wardrobe Marble top Wal
Writ, Bedroom Suite very massive and
in good cdndrtion, 2 Walnug$edroom
largo ExtenaionTable, 'I large\..,
Upholstered Ohaies, Several olid wal
not pieces, Sewing Maehide,• lauge
Writing Desk, Refrigerator Cupboard
D ring and Kitchen rebates, eederat
good 1alttresees and;eine egs, Phaeton- •
Crater, sndeetitnerogs tstper reticles.:'
'Perms df'eale 4s11, 3 1,
Wm. 000.t8. Jas. Jecottee, ) 55.Cutors,
Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer '
owtoneEoeeseee mnsinaseneelm
e Opens January 3rd in ail depnn.t'
® tnents of ' Shaw's :Business •
Schools, Toronto, Our Oaslogue.
ins our superiority in Apt p •e
a , Staff', Methods and Re. •
sults. You aa'e invited ,to write
• •
for it if intereered in the kind of.
e school. work which b •i
L n 9.
g best •
: success, Address
W. H. Shaw, Pres(deest e
• Yonge acd.Gerrard Sts, Toronto •