HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-12-16, Page 1Established 1865, Vol, 50, No., 25 CLINTON ONTARIO THUR,SDPY DEOEMBER 16 1915 ( oOCi. ()tt(), W, H. Kerr & Son,Editors and Publishers Do Your Christmas Shopping 1-4;ar1y. „ ,v, , .„�,..A ,, A„„.,, „„„SMS Presbytery ter .Votes GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS GET TtIEM EARLY. Ebony Goods -A complete range. Ivory Uoods-New goods ,'ustin, Mirrors -A great variety. Hand Bags -All new goods. aietq Rszors-All the good wakes, Shaving. Brushes, Strips, Etc. ' Fountain Pens, 'Perfumes -floral estracrs, new goods, Leggets Ohocolatee-We are just introducing this make of Candy to Clinton, and we are prepared to hack up the statement, that they are,superki to any other make on the market, A fine . `` Christmas gift. Our nriees move our goods. Best Quality Drug More The atexall Store W. S. :E UO E IEEa' Phm,13 vvvyvvyvvvvvvvvvvovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvokowvvvvyvvwv Ti?e Royai BaRk OF CANADA Capital Authorized 005,000,000 Capital paid op 11,560.000 Re 13 Reserve and undivided profits 3,500,000 Total Assets - • • •......... , 185,000,000 330 B' ilk _'r4V-t0.1I.li°10) with World-w6'.ide CIonnection interest • Allowed on Nov ings Deposits General Banking Business Transacted, S.` R. E. FANNING, Eng, Clivloo Brand sosostvwsniseosodvvvvvsosevvvvwv Wsnovvvwi'r I INCORPORATED 1855 TME MOLSONS CAPITAL AND RE,ERVE $8,8110,000 96 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK:MONEY ORDERS 'Savings Bank Department fitterest Aliened at llighesl (nl i nt Bate C.E. Dou'(lille,� 1f,rnat2' r ( Unto11.11r,Ir1( h • 044.00041•41400440 •oar••••••,• 00000041004.0040•004040000410040 • • • Ordered Jteadyto•Wear Clothing I Clothing Gift4iivin g Made Easy When the problem of something to 'give '"him” for Christmas comfronts you, as it always does at this season of the"year, turn to this store for relief. Every line of goods we carry offers a suggestion for a Tran, (ir boys' Christmas. • 1 You can't go wrong here. Look over the list and see if you do not see something that you know will be JUST THE THING. LP Neckwear Gloves Suspenders Umbrellas Underwear Shirts' s 1 • • • • • • 'I •1' , ,Wool Claps Suits Tweed Caps Overcoats Bath Robes Raincoats t Pyjamas Fancye yj V sts Night Robes Cuff Links Sweater Coats I-losiery., io favor of Union + Presbyterians Gave Favorable Majority to Union of 5138 The Presbytery of Huron',held a regular meeting in Willis Church, trfJ;inton, on the morning of `L`ues- ,d"ay, the 14th of December. The fulling members were present. -Mr" McFarlane, Moderator; De.. Piet, - cher, Messrs. Woods, Harper, Tur- r•er, Reid, Richardson, Corriere, Larkin, Carswell. Argo, :Sharp, Smith, Laing and Hamilton, Mini- te;s; and Messrs. Cutt, Ur•quharlt, McLean, Fraser, Hamilton,, Strang Dougall, Me .ay, Eders. {J he books of the 'Treasur'er were examined by the Auditors, who re- I ported the accounts accurately: kept.• • The' Treasurer presented an esti-i matte of the requirements of the Piesbytery for fhe coming year, and asked for the amount of 10 cents per family: The results of the vote on church union within thell Presbytery were given by the clerk as follows. Session Conrtu'ts Adh"s fur sgt Inc agt for agt Auburn 0 0 83 22 3I. S Surith's Rid . 3 v 02 15 Bayfield (5 0 • 42 70 Bethany 0 1 7 15 Blyth ..., S 1 91 U'7 43rncefield 7 2 114 31 (Clinton 6 1 103 112 Eemondvilie 4 1 53 65 Exeter ,,.,.,.: 3 l" 111 26 (loderich 7 S 92 419 (rand Bend 4 (1 _ (19 5 Corbett 3 1 19 '10 'Hensen .... 10 0 217 26 Huller- 2 0 59 17 Londesholo• 0 '3 82 43 `Teip pen •j 2 (is 16 'Hills Green3 0 44 3 ',Leehurn 3 0 22 (3 1'ininn 3 0 20 0 McKillop 4 0 31 21 Winthrop•4 0 02 16. Seefopth 6 5 10 2)30 Thames Road, S 1) 109 fiirktoti 0 (1 84 4 Varna 2 0 20 1 Blajte, 3 0 63 5 TOWS S 14 14 I(1 5 0 11 13 0 2 17 2(i 1 0 22 S 37 122 47 2 ••••••••••••e•••••••••••s COUNCIL' MEETING • • Couneil met Wednesday evening Mayor. Jackson in thej' chair, with Reeve Ford.. and Councillors Walk- er, Wiltse, Fitzsimons, Miiler and Shepherd present. The tvefasurer ptesenl'ed his re- port and any items that -the Coun- si])ors wished to have expalitied be did so. .• On motion of Belie' •Ford and Councillor Wiltse the Treasurer's statement was received and copies • to be printed for distribution The motion carried. On. motion o n•' f Can, flintW r ilt>e and. Reece e1;o,d, that in accord- ance with agreement ,with ;the Public' School Trusteesi the Treas- urer be authorized to advance the'' eel ) .Sul r of 98' Trustees • i e .id Tr s us e the e e. sum of one thousand, dollars on their giving satisfactory pledge to assign cheque to town. The motion carried. • The Special committee brought in their report and on rnoti.on of Reeve Ford and Councillor Shep- pard the motion was carried. We the members, of the Speciial Committee to whom you referred the matter of giving a grant to the officers of, ;the new Huron Battalion wish to report' as fol- lows. -Realizing es we do the fact that we are the servants of the electors and the custodians for 'he time }irking of the financiers of the town and being anxious to 3S :I please all and offend none, anci 2 5 knowing, the diversity, of opinion 4 6 regarding the matter, some say - 2 (J 5 0 ing give notliinb, others (:ay.ng 13 2 give all they ask would recom- G • mend that this, Council donatethe 7 1 17 0 28 1.8 3 13 107 31 1779 1319 361 256 Mr. Strang reported; that in ac- cordance with tete wish of Presby- tery he had visited Grand Bend/ and .Corbett.' He was thanked for the cfficieney of his service. Mr. Larkin repotted; on the Re- mits from the Assembly and his i e • port was accepted. • The next meeting of the Presby- • eery will be held in Clinton on • • Tuesday, Feb. 20th, 1016, at 11 a.m. 4 26 1 3 0 1) • • A THRJS1E CENT: STAMP • • The Canadian Post -master -e fen- • era/ makes the announcement that • he will issue a three -cent; gta'.nn • for convenience in war times. Cer- • fainly he thought a Jong' while a-' • bout it before arriving; at a con- • elusion, as throughout Canada' the' j has been general for a, •, stamp of the 3-centf order, seeing, that 'it has superseded penny post- age. 'Possiblythe Government has decided to yild to the demands of the people for; a more convenient( stamp because persuaded that pen- ny postage is ton advanced an in- stitution for Canada If we are to 3511 RICHARD McBRIDE has re - return to rhe high protection of for signed as Prelmieie of British mac (days, why not also higher Lola/labia' to become Agent. postage? One has about ,as• much (i•ene,.al for that Province in to *cerement( it as the other. England. • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •' • • • • 4 • • o• .. • .4 4 .. • i • With just three weeks to do your buying, we would hint that you inake your selection early," whil' �•' the picking is at its best. We''L$ssist you •. inevery way we 'can, and will make any exchange you desire after Christmas, 0 The:M r•�' d rich° , othin 9 ,'Agent for C. P. R. Telegraph Co. I A'S. uare'DP al JrEver"' �l Man • y •.*1140.04s04f•10,ia: The New N1 w Era. to the end ., of 1915 for � iulm of ,$1200 for the purpose of defraying ceepenses 'connected with headtiquprteer office. Rebates to the amount off e8 o ill he :nude to several` citizens as they have sceptic( tanks in use. Ex=lvlayor Taylor asked for rebate on the horse that w es burn- ed last fall, on Maple street, and, he was allowed 51.10 on taxes. Council adjourned to meet again on the 5rra of January. What One Man Thinks or the Action of Huron Co. Council The action of the County Conn-, cil in refusing to make 'grant to the 17tififop Overseas 'Batitalion to aid recruiting came as'a i:omplete • urprise- to the majority( of pea - We, To think thatthe governing., body of one of the largest and ueahiesit counties in the wealthy Province of ,Ontario could act in such an unpatriotic mannei'. wlas, l eyond the 'belief of the oidin- 'ai^ Y man. In attlempting to place .the re- sponsibility on the Dominion Gos'- elllnein't oniy made their action more than contemptible, 19 Was Y cow ai • d,iy . It is not the duty of the Gov- errrtaneari to aid recruiting, , ;that duty belongs to the citizen and on the manner in' which it is performed depends largely the greater or less distance' we are from Conscription. The time has arvised in the history of this,coun- tiy for a most rigid self -e gamin, anon We must ask ourse66veshow. many men Huroii county has con- tributed in comparison with • the Cities where "hundreds of •shiftiess young s mein are hanging around" as was stated by one member of the County Council. The compari- son would ,not red mond to 'the( credit of this smug self-satisfied County. • It will be necessary to carry this self -e eamination even closer to the individual and wet will, ask. our,sevlel what WE have done in the GREAT WAR, Are WE of military age and fit- ness or have we sons/ who are eli- gible and are WE or MA' in I IIAIiI, LF 1.07' WTI'," NOT? We must answer this question and give some reason to ourselves• at ]cast, Can every member of the Coun- ty Council give a satisfactory ans- wer to this queslioni The object of Recruiting Leagues is to awaken to the ind•i.vidital a proper sense of his responsibility to the State. The 18,st Battalion Overseas must recruit twelve 9endred men in, Enron County by spring and. every citizen with' e spark of pat- riotism within him:sh'ould use every 0(101.1 to accomplish this result. Every member of the Council (Nilo voted against; the grant for recruitleo shoulct'be defeated at the polls as surely; then' action ',lows they do• not represent the the letting of the people. LET HLTRON DO ITS DUTY. -ONE WIlO IIAS ENLISTED. Mr. Michael McQuaide has sold his fifty'' acre farm on the 3rq con, cession Tucker+sariiIh to Mr. D. J. O'Reilly!- of McKillop Ther: is no better land id Tuckersmith than this farm contains tans Mr. O'Reilly has secured a good farm. at a reasorjab1n figure, the price pain being in the neighborhood of •'••••r••••••••••••••••••••6'sFFoos•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e•®®e_, • • dire Danger in the Man Christmas Decorations •a, s • • *••S•••••••••••••••s••••fifJ•••••••••N••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••O•••• Stna,it9) Fire Chief Bartliff has received to life and 'propert eetrprn' Christ- e011necti011 with, illuminative ;dee- leo lov. in g letter -from the Cana eran FneUndevrtiters ,lssocia- nax : decoration, displays, tete., ,atio s tion ' r1-icl,t•, •, .. sounds a timely warn-. (beth die frequently made at: this •Dt.fective •ChSnrney�Questlon. ing for tire( season of C:rrrstcnlae. time of the year,. The, .use of Another Matter of •a similar nae trees and Yule. -tide 'festivities' Following our usuat'••ct,stoui''at Christmas greens, harvest/ tpeci. Lure brought to.•:the Chief's: atten- th•is season of the year,'I beg ,to inerts and otircr infianraule mater: {'1•,n'recsntl b"ar f one of ealhyour attentio :'to the dangers ..els such, ,<s,• /draperies 'scenerY Y ' fthe* fsUranc , � dangers � /draperies,' + scenery the inspector of one of the insurance cotton fe represent snow,• and the eo8ripanlee during a visit; to Clin- tike, (ospociajly in connection with ton; is ,that of 5e£ective d,im- electrje acid ol,her 7ightmg. sys- treys and the ear'eelss depositing iems,j is decidedly,.an inerease•sof of hot ashes in unsuitiable z•ecep • hazard it•being impossible toem,$ke tacles. It' is a statutory( condition • • display,, of that nature'. perfedlly '�,edufrcd bythe Provinrhaf. Go 'e safe: ' 1 nditions of your ernment ori every ir,e, insurance The Statutory •Co in surance.IaooRcy read in part as policy rshu4cl l7hat h,e eti'npany he folstsra - nnt.liable alit re the tresis ance.ie oris 'tlAny,,,koge:materhaf. to.,therisk, bucauildisedngbsy othu'e'cownawtcnts,ofgotod or::l .lsub os�ir a but within the 6000roli^.of know,. stliritlal )?rack or'stone or .'cement /,edge of the • assured,' shall.ravoid cljiimneys ottibyashes':or emberis be the. policy, as to the part affected mgfidepoaited,,wich;the, knowledge thereby unless the , change' is. and''consen•t • of the a ,exacted;. ' inC promptly • notified in writing: to that Con -Many of sts, lural agent!,wooden vessels, or by, •stove pipes In addition - to the/i, danger rtd being to the''knowledge 0f '•Ihe,,, ae;•, nroperty• roni+the duS."palvs,ref err" 80106 11110,ieusafe.:;condstion;: ,' or, ed to t �. . nt danger r er tb if., in:crowd.. ,ed stores or places or meeting.- by', imlarol;erly scented' i; .: reason of i 51antic oecasroned 'by The greatest danger, said _ he lino. eve„ (ports l it: Ric seal) ::anti Chief,'sehms ;to Tie. leeeto'ge t+he easily; corztrroli1e,l lseo :great. that hbt'o'shdsdeposited in atvoodep re UmdC 't h, wza ,er . tt•in ..1 r sa fie t 4` is ae n de ptatle, inside the .:hp. usenr•kuil t study of,Such. ihaviaudswouldfaitl inriins-ead ofhaving,the z, eP..ac}e this ,tire,,rnin . bend ossible ,dunger-of a eeriou5tleju''Pi ty abn 1d (heynnt agile. •placed $utsidewiseiotliere1Could In're('erencie'tto;,the''foltego'inglei .'fire. there. ' teuriact s' by' law• tettat'he '(thief Met e y wished tore- ',prohibiting •tie•deposa:trng' ' of aches commend it t.o the • ht.tentronr of in wooden vessels, '1tue h need 1he•genetal pirbhc as ittis. a'ssur'ed less•'leap of'prope'tp;_pnd d'ap,ger. 1y (1) the•int•erests...of a1( concerns, . Ito sebury'ty'c,1life may be avoid ed CO) follow,e the intr•uetions fven ed h.- a car o f 1' a - :'d k e u , tLentlon t e Y ti h ,and ,to atiebid ,1111; partSeul,anLha' fnHk:-principles of s(y(ety m deal - 1, . en et ,ipossible.rdanger• 1:ol onss• in' ,.ing. •with>sueh•'matitet?s. lama ,invites V011 all, Father'Mothisn Sister and. Brother to, come and see him' Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, 22nd, 23rd and 24149 7.t O'Neil's store all atteibouu,• He:, events •ail the little bnys.,,, and girls especially to come and tell him what' they, {votihi°`liltg° for. Christmas. E yerylu94Iy Cuntie TLie Store orf l QI,aiity t, T' .L� L r; H;' fIU(1 GRO1C.U( Phone 11j 4,.0•**•s•o••tie0••®0900000e00000e90000000•000000000,y • i-: Clinton's Military Life :-:•• Movements of the 161st Battalion 9Vinterin Nere--Huron County Recruiting 'Notes --Activities by the Hueon 3 Battalion Z -• Huron's Baby Battalion is getting a big boy now. oru•10E1t3 HERE Senior Major Hays and JnniorMejor McPhail were here on Wednesday, R0 WELL INVI'PL+D Mr, N. W. Rowell has been invited to come here and address a recruiting meeting. No date has been set, PAY DAY WEDNESDAY The' local officers and staff and men of the 101st received their pay checks on Wednesday. The money paid out amounted to 31100 for 0 days. • UNIFORMS. HERE. The uniforms for the 161st Battl, arrived this week ono are being die tributed to the recruits at the various centres, CHURCH' SERVICE The first Sunday service will be next Sunday morning. The soldiers will attend Divine Service • at Wesley Ohutch at 11 a, rn. THE "NON. COMS" The following are the "Non Ooms" so far appointed; • Sergt. Stickles, Orderly RPM] Clerk; Sergt. Oree transport Sergi; Sergi E. Graham in Paymaster's ot,tce; R. Mann, Corp. ee••••••••••(D••••••••••••• 2110 entire matter was struck out • in open Council. Reeve Lockiis, of )Brussels, •said the ;Governarentl should make the, grant and con- ,ilendc(d that too many farm work•i ars were being. drawn upon inthe matter of recruiting while "hunt 'clruds of shifticgs young men are .hanging around our towns ..and cities," MORE MEN; ENLISTED. (Following are the recruits en- listed in the 161st Battl, in Huilon County up to W edlnefsday, night - CLINTON. John A. Carter. Jas. Taylor. Stanley U Fisher. Freed Porde e-"' Lloyd Wilkin, Morley; Counter, W. C \Vallis,e' f3. Webbsdale, Hallett, Robert Cole. A. A. Matheson G. E, Bentley •F. S, Moore. • D. 1i. Stewart. Seaforth, ' R. Wells. Lieutenant Edgar Torrance has re- GODERICH. calved ?his commission in the 161st and A.J Hifford. will join the Battalion at the begin, ing os Ibe new year. R. C. Black. J. W. Straiton. RECRUITING AT BLYTH Lients, Earl O'Neil and T. K. Mair went t0 Blyth on Wednesday to open a recruiting office there. NEEDS A BANDMASTER As soon as a bandmaster is appoint. ed for the 161st Battalion, a hand of 19 players wilt be organized A goodly number of players have already signed up. --•e-- LEAVP.9 A 5'5000 JOB Lieut. C. G, Vanstone, who is an officer in the 33rd Regiment, who vow resides in 'Toronto, where he holds a job at a salary of 35009, has thrown up his gond pay and will join the 101st Battalion hero in a week or 80. W. L. iFeage'p 17. G. James, S. 13. Moore. C. H. Rance. • • R. C. Chambers, J. IF: Jones, P,• R. Steels. WIN(3HAM, R. 'Hc(ifman. $..J. Backer. D. S, Sanderson, G. W. Schaffer. M. C. Cameron. J L. Primrose, W..8. 'Windsor, W At I' c. uson, -•' a•-- W. Holt. • QUAPTE.RMASTTR HERE, ' C. Gander Capt. Wallace Allen, .a Hallett toy, who has been appointed Quar termaster of the 161st Battalion tool: up his duties: on 'Friday last, having some from London head -1 quarters„ wheVe lie has been for some time. e --es-- ADDITION TO THE STAFF. The following additional lieuten- ants have been added to the 161st staff, - A. J. Grigg. D. S. Scott. II. iF. Scott. J. If. Mair, R. Y. McLean. S. Scott. --•a-- PJELICIT Y OFFICER. a. J. Grigg has been appointed 1'u Betty officer for the battalion, --Of -- THE "PALACE" FIRED UtP, Everything will be shin and span at the new headquarters beforle; Christmas. The building has been dt1fded off, the uarit r ,master e having ns w his store ' at the mum en- g 7 trance and the offices oiLieut 'Colt ;Paymaster, Physician and Orderly room has entrance' on Ratltenbury; 11,te3 1.. J. McInnis, R. C. )Mann. P. H. Guest. • H. C. Williams, .9., M. Forbes SEAFORTH. W. J. Kerr, G. T. Scott A. 'Fearon. Recruiting Rally For the Huron Battalion will he held in the 'HURON CO. REP6J2I S , GRANT. Town 'Ball, Clinton, en m;on ' (County (,'',Orrell luso .. y� Evening® TThursday. afternoon refused to' HMonday make a grant, 20 laid recruiting for Dec„20th„ at the 161st: 3uron'Ove+rse?s ;Battu/ :. .. . p.m. rn fon, as requested by military of- fioers atria others: The Councillor e were asked 2 ore betted 1,500 A . speciaa. Mr � ,committee to which the (eques�t •'-” • �• • "Musgrove"i P• P5 was referred recommended, °tha0 OfVVi•n 11tim• a grant of $1,000 be matte, and will de ' �iver an address, also late NewNewt Item ioUrir Rei•S•J.Alli ;. '1Seg, 131ackstosse,, of`Godgr'ich, dread,' •)ruenep'a1 Ftiday ' The', Bee oder. Per:Miry, case was erilargdd• till June sessiotr r lu Ba'ker, 30 Ethel'`lahil'arelar'' (lite c 2 Hoare ' tdmfs. peel deadCol. on Wedn¢ofsdayown } reGene Sir Yit.glas Haig relrevesl Can Sis Jo'fili Ty'1epch on Western .4battle front, • of town: LA;J, E. • SVITE The :iylusieai•,,Frogrant will be charge, of Mr. B. J. r After• •theP ublic ' 1 -fleeting a Ii,ecruttu4 League will', , i., •, be' formed:' t, (5(W :SAv14'