HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-11-25, Page 8PAGE SIX,
Thursday, November, 25th, ,1915
The Weight
of Evidence is
Daily in ' Our Favor
Our Time
at Your Service
Next to Royal Bank
Phone GI
Woinen's StoreN'S Men's Store
Public Library
Phone 103
Is now ready to do your work. New
type and new stock
ofpaper just placed
Let Us Do Your Printing
Fancy furniture
Of dainty character, for Parlor
and Reception Room, is here for
your inspection, Light in eon
struction and design but ex-
tremely well made in,every de-
tail. Here are the finest creations
of the furniture makers craft,
and at prices that will temp the
wise and discriminating buyer.
Tire Cheapest Spot in Huron
ADdly-:all hinds ofFurniture
Mr. Leo Whitty, G. T. R. brakes -
man on the wayfreight one 6.30
Steat;fora--Goderich ;train, has
enlisted for the 7tst Overseas Bat-
Scholars and others may have to
go "easy" on the lead ,pencils now
as the price is bonne so go up,
owing to the "Made in, Bavaria"
supply being cut off,
A .4t this time of year there are
many announcements of .Christ-
imas entertainments When pos-
ters for these are printed` at this
office an annorrincement will be
published in The New Era without
extra charge. Otherwise therg will
; be a charge of 25 cents anti up -
Wards for each insertion, accord-
; lng to the length .of the announce
merit clesiied.
It has been suggested by. the
post office department that J ae-
adians intending to send Christ-.
mas gifts to their relatives at the
front Shoula lose no trine in mail-
ing them. A boat will leave Halm
fax on Decemter 11, and Christ-
mas parcels should be; mailed to
connect with thio al: the latest, as
the trans-Atlantic service Ls some-
what disarranged.
A novel suggestion for raising
revenue following the war from
alien enemies is made by a corres-
pondent. He suggest that a poll
tax should be leafed in the case ,of
every German, Austrian, and Turk
wishing to reside within the,leng'h
ana breadth of the British Empire.
His idea is that a stun of a1 least
;{:120 a year should he charged for
the privilege accorded.
One month from troy -day is Christ
Liberal Club meets tonight, Let
every Liberal be present.
We save you money, when you or
der your daily paper at this office
With eggs selling at 30 cents, a
dozen the lien has something to
cackle about. s
Newspaper advertisements are
the finger -post on the road to
right buying. They are quick ana
safe guides to the places and goods
most wortby of your patrnafze.
Arrange to attend the Winter's
&Fair at Guelph. Itis worth ;while
Dates are Dec, 3-9.
,Fut' coats have made their appear
There are said t be 0,500 vacant+
houses in Toronto. A few of them
would be welcome here,
Editors are like kings and emper
ors -in one respect at least . Both
have troubles that the wailer
knows little of.
Dungannon News -Win Sproul
placed a handsome :new Clinton
piano in A. E: Treleaven's horse this
cemNextber. 'Wednesday is the lot of De -
Give the New Era the names of
your visitors.
t5 cents in advance will secure
The New Era to any Canadian ad-
dress until Jan. lst•, 1010. Postage',
extra, a cent a week, to the United
Staten. .
Subject for Debate -"Which fills
the Jaeger need to man's physical
development the coal scuttle and
ash sifter or the Snow shovel" Only
married men are eligible in the
`Dick" Roche, a horseman well
''known in Western Ontario, where
he piloted a number of winners In
other days was again chosen start
er forthe Winnipeg Driving Club
;FlE res bgame ;seen in the gae a long
Saturday was a good day for
the electric meter. The day was a
dull one that the lights were on
practically all day.
React the local news on the other
It is not too soon tq, urge people
to do their Christmas shpopang ear
ly. This season itis more import
ant than ever that buying for Christ
mas be done early, since addi-
tional help cannot bee so xea my
obtained, as in ,former years, and
there will be a great many parcels
sent abroad to the soldier bay, and
these should be gotten away as
a.f A.Ts:.2 SOS`
1Ftarniture Dealers and Funeral Directors–Phone 101
N. Ball 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES— 1. D. Atkinson 186
Prepare for Your Christmas Baking
The time is at hand for housewives to make an early start for the
Christmas baking. We have received at our store, goods of quality
that have come from many lands, and Inc goods have been carefully
selected to suit your wants, If you have a boy or girl that finds it im
possible to bo home to gather around the Christmas family table, you
should prepare now for a Christmas hamper for them.
Our stock is complete to make just bitch a cake that they would appre-
ciate and say, "This Came From Home." A partial list -Bulk, Seeded
and Seedless Raisins, Prunes, Lemon Peel, Orange Peel, Citron Peel,
Currants, Shelled Walnuts and Almonds, Baking Powder, Baking
Soda, Lard, Easyflrst,
Rubbers for..
Every man, woman, boy or girl shouid$have
a pair of Good Rubbers at this season of the
Wet feet always travel the road that leads to
the hospital --and it is usually a short trip.
We have the Best Rubbers made—We
sell no other sort, for poor Rubbers
are worse than no Rubbers at all.
A11 the new shapes and heels necessary to
fit the new stylus of Fall Shoes are to be
found at our store.
We fit your shoes with the sort of Rubbers
that are JUST RIGHT in style and price.
1• • e N
Phone 70 Clinton
4 to
•'eTVVr®V Vsew®r'weVwVwVV VYTIIfiVVV wvvww'vvvVe0v®�'tlP
The township' tax collector's are 1 -Huron Co, Council will meet in
busy receiving taxes, which Are Goderieh, on Tuesday, Dee. 7th.
coming,in quite freely. 1 STRUCK BY TRAIN AND
Rev. David Wren, of `Brussels Last Friday nfteenaon woad earn')
has been invited Soremaip tl:e to town that Mr. Carl Edward
fourth year at the Methodist Chrn ch St'liucli hacr pal, ed away at the
there avd has; aeceptnil, Rev Western Hospital, Montreal, on
Wren has preached here several Thursday evening, following a
times and helped Rev. S. T. Alain,. railway accident and operation.
at special services ayear or so ago Mr• Scnucls is a'civil engineer; of
the C. N. R. and was c,n his way
PARLIAMENT TO OPEN home at night when he missed the
JAN. 20, PERHAPS 13 G. T.R. tern eau de cidect to go
ever and catch the C P. R. At'the,
The date of the opening of Pa'- crossing he was -struck by a
team ana had his left leg badly
curushed, and, unfortunately, he
laid there for nearly an hour be-
fore he was found. An operation
took place on Tuesday and the
leg was removed but the shock was
too much for the young mew anct
he passed away on Thursday. A-,
bout 5 years ago he was married
to Miss F roeilla Cook, sister Of
Messrs. Josh and Thos Cook and
Mrs. Deeves, of town and his wife
and one small son, Chnto,n, aged
3 years, survive besicess his aged
father and one brother at Toronto.
The body was brought to Toronto
last Sunday and the funeral was
held on Monday to Mount Pleas-
ant Ceruebery. The deceased and
his wife and son spent: frolm New
Year's until May of this year m
town ana was. well-kneewn to a
gr eat many.
ment will probably, be fixed by the,
Cabinet this week. 'Meanwhile the
date tentatively selected ie under-
stood to be Jar. 211, and officials
of the House have been warner
to have everything in readiness
for that state, or possibly for the
opening a week earlier, on Janur-'
Gly 12th.
It has been decided that any
centre large or small, which rnises
25 or more men who pass' medical
examanairgn ;Will Prue !t!hem
clothed, rationed and billeted in
that centre. The men will be
trained and organized into ter-,
ritorial areas, so far as conven-
ient corresponding to the ,present
;nilitary areas.
Col. IIodgetts, the Canadian Red
Crass commissioner in London
cables the i. Lae treasury have giv-
en direction:+ that all gift; parcels
on uutiarrle goods sent to mem- Doig, granite merchant, who en-
bees of the Canadian conting;nts tered into redt After faur years
on duty in Great Britain are 1_o�of intense suffering. She was
be admitted duty free. The con- prominent in temperance anumis-
tents of the pat -els should ue de- sionary work, and in' sympathy
(lared. Further, no duty is with every movement aiming at
charged by the Q3'ren.eh govern- the uplift of those uremia her. De-
ment on any' goads sent to the Bri ceased was married to her now be-
tish forces in France. relt partner 11 years ago. She was
a member of Wesley Church ana
her death is the 4th from. the Sun-
day morning class this year. Besides
her husband sue leaves hen father
and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John
Linkfer; three hrotlhers, John A.,
Ernest and William C , all of Peak -
dale, and one sister, Mrs. Jas.Brad
ley, Woo!dst'ock. A funeral ser-
vice was helot in Wesley Church,
on 'Mlolnday night, and the body
was taken to Toxlo:nt'o on Tuesday
morning, interment being made at
Prospect Cemetery. The cervico at
the church was condis ted by Rev.
Dr. Rutledge, and at Toronto by
Rev: F[ A. Manning, a fornior
pastor of deceased. The pailbear-
ors were, Messrs E. East, W, Wallis
J. Shepherd, 0 Andrews, If. S.
Chapman and P. Wate rin. Among
the floral tribu'•es were sprays
ircim the ,Wesley Church sea*s
meeting, VTC T.U„ anti the Wutd-
men of the Wlopld.
There passed away here Sunday
one whose life has been an inspir-
ation to a wide circle of friends,
Elizabeth C. wife of Mr. James
The Farmer's Weekly Sun is not
a party hack. It deals with all
public questions) fearlessly and it
deals with these questions from
the standpoint of what it con'-
eiders the best interests of the•
farrn, believing that the interests
of the farm are iudentical with the
interests of the country, as a
whole. A journal of this class
should have a place in every farm
home. Yon can get it in combin-
ation with The New Era at 'SL35
p. year.
Col. Hodgetts, the Canadian Rea
Cross commissioner in . England,
drfews attlention to the fact that
the proper way to sena C!liristmas
packages to individual soldiers is
through the poetoffiee. The Rea
Cross can accept only those pre-
sents which are for general dis-
tribution in the hospitals, The
Canadian War Contingent associa-
tion, which handles field comfortk
.for the men on active service
will also transmit preseets
for general distribution, but in
dividual parcels are refused. Any
one who wishes to send a Christ-
mas pet sent to an individual at
the front is advised Ln make use
of the mails.
By the lea°.h of Mrs. William
Simpson, Cliubon losee one of its
oldest anri most respected•ciA-
Sens. tFor many years Mr. and
Mrs. Simpson conducted a a tore
here and for tine last few 'yews
31 s. Simpson was assistant matron
all the Huron house of • refuge,
giving it up a few monllrs agoi on
account of ill health, She was Mrs. A11anphone 8h.
buried Friday afternoon in Clio- Mrs.
have till hal. a dozen of
ton Cemetery. Mr. Simpson died the tickingslips to be filled nvitf
a few years ago, and they; bad no P
family. The funeral tool.. !place leathers and wou'd like if possible
from the home of. her broliaer
Mr. Isaac Dodds, Princess Street.
For the past month or so Mrs.
Simpson has been seriously ill and
small Hopes were held -.out for her
64(�•mA �$•C••d4•a�4�90Aa+ht•6•li>•a�
Patriotic Natal
0' 0
The Womens Patriotic Society
would lilto •all their members and
friends to remember that Friday
afternoon Nov. 26th is to be de-
voted to making shirts. Come for
the busy Xmas season will soon
be upon us and: many will not
have time then to sew for the sol-;
diers. 'How many shirts can be
made in afternoon? And n'i'l all
who are willing to have their sew-
ing maehinea go to the council
chamber for this Friday ;after-
noon, kindly communicate willh
to have them ready to send next
n eek. Will anyone who can sup-
ply the slips or for fone1eor 'twers o of them,
kindly 'notify any member
of the executive, or the alipe may
recovery, Her death' took ;place onhe hacf by cowing to the Coutncif
Wednesday 'evening of last week, 1 Chamber Friday afternoon.
CH=IPlir lh 1(I-+ II til=iLE
C. C. L Commencement.
1915. - J
o C
wil_ JI' 1II lir+ I r...---31 I +117
Town Hall, Clinton,
Thursday, December 2nd,
ADMISSION, 25 Cents.
El 11_ '__
All Receipts over what is required for lighting
fund and expenses will be given to the
Patriotic Fund.
Waterman's Waterman's
Ideal Ideal
e'en ink;/
ERY likely you often think about owning a
good Fountain Pen, but just haven't
asked us to sell you one. Waterman's is
"The Standard Pen," We have in stock the
Regular; Safety and Self -filling type, $2.50 up-
Satisfaction in writing is impossible without
the use of a suita'ile ink, Waterman's is "The
Standard Ink for fountain pens. Its advantagitd
permanently.fluid state; its non-corroslv�'
feature. and its uniformity. Its record qualities
are everlasting, and the price is 10c per bottle.
The W. D Fair eo.
Often the ebeapest- liways the Best
Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam
What's the use experimenting
with medicines? We know what
White Pine and Spruce Balsam is,
as the formula is printed on each
Beyond a doubt this is the most
efficient cough remedy we have
ever sold. Nothing else will so
readily re,ieve a cough. Try it-
V c r"_ IIO 17 M-2"
Dispensing- Chemist THE PENSLAE DRUG STORE
Furniture, Rugs & 1 inoleuins
We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going
to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces.
You will find it to your advanta to inspect cur stock and see
the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of
Violins, Pianos anti Organs.
Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect
and we guarantee the best of satisfaction
Jf SO D[JN F ,, RD
Undertaker and Funereal Director. Phone, 28.
Night and Sunday Calls answered at 1Rcsidonce over store
The corner Store
"Live and Let Live"
,E -OP Baking
Are Yon Iteddy for that
tornoce or Riumul9 Jorb
Get Our Prices on lEavctroughing
and Repairing
Several second band Coal Heaters for
sale -with and without oven,
l+ron'i many lands there has been ga-
thered together in our store the finest
and most tempting ingredients for the
Christmas J3aking. We welcome one
and all to inspect these goods, They'll
bear the closest analysis for we select-
ed them from the mostchoicest sample
Order your goods for holiday baking
as early as possible as some of them
are going to be short this year, Let us
suggest a few of the important lines -
Seeded and Valencia Raisins, juicy,
lnscions fruit bought for the Christmas
trade; Currants from Patras, we have
been fortunate in getting in a supply
of currants in spite of the trouble in
Greece, Shelled Almonds and Walnuts
Peels --all kinds : Mincemeat -just the
thing for the Christmas dinner pie;
Extracts -all different kinds.
Canned Vegetables -Canned Corn, To-
matoes, Peas, Asparagus Tips,
Pork an Repeat'
Thos. Hawkins Pok d B
Plumbing and heating �!r f�ty f1 ° r'" r
Agents for liecla Furnaces
E. �ll �i�°
Shop—over li.owland's Hardware
i. .N44++ .144 -l.3.4 4"14214.++++44++++ ++4•44+++++4
A man likes to buy his shoes at a store in which
he has confidence—Where he knows thatthe
Shoes are the best, amd he will get real, honest
value in return for his money.
In other words, sir, it you buy your shoes here
you will get satisfaction, as well as shoes—not an
advertised fictitious value, but real shoe worth.
We have a just right Shoe style for
every man's taste, and special
We are Men's Shoe Specialists
Shoes at $3.00, $3.60, $4.00, up to $6.50
There is no copyright on these prices-
Any store can use them—Its our Shoes
at the price that tell the story, and we
trust that we may have your consideration„
G SCAN !}.1
�iiJiI' llLiI'' ilUlr r+'LII JV . -