HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-11-25, Page 3;1Cbiireday;' November, 26th, '1915. TKE CLINTON NRW BRA' PADS THREE W. BRYDONE BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO OLINTON enaRLES D. BILL E Oonneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Huron St., Clinton, H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer,'-`. Financial and Real Estate rNeUBANC1 AGENT-Bepresenting 14Tiro In suraace Companies,: Division Court 'Office. Piano Tuning Mr: James Doherty wishes to in= form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone M, will receive prompt attention. M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr, Hooper will make any oppointments for Mr. Cameron. Medial. DR, W. THOMPSON Physician. Burgeon. Eto aneoiel attention given to diseases of the Ere, Ear. Throat, and Nose. Eyes ca eflab, : amined. and suitable aglasees prescribed. Office and nesidenoe. Two doors weal or the Commercial Rota Duren M. DIES, C110 and CASDIEE Dr. W. Cann, L. R. C. P., L. B. C. 1i.. Edi Dr, Cnnn'o office et residence High Street Dr.J, C. Handler. B.A. M.E. Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calla at residence, Rattenberr St. or at ho coital Bare. a@- W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON. oconenenr, etc., office and residence on tenburr `treat.. DR. L'. IL ?IRON DENTIST sr Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty, "6 Graduate of C.C,D.S..a Chicago. and R.O,D.B Toronto. Bayfield an Mondays. Map 1st to D DR. II. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special Dare taken to make dental areal meat as painless as ooseible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction e'. GODERICH ONT Vat m sto?g safes a spectntt! °seers er n Naw ERA office, Clinton, prt.m' 0.7 sotena. to. Terms reasonable. learners axle cots discounted G,'D. McTaggart el. 1). MaTaggar McTaggart Bros BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON rt General Banking Buslaaas transacted SOTES DISCOUNTED Draftsieened, Interest allowed n deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance eoe Parni and Isolated Town Prop'e erty Only Insured. (read office-Seaforth, Ont OFFICERS. T. B. McLean, Seaforth,.. President J: Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres, Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec: Treae Directors -D. F. McGregor, Bea - forth ; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. Sinn, Seaforth; John Benneweie, Dublin; J. Evans, Beechwood; M. IYIcEtven, Clinton; J. B. McLean, Seaforth : .J. Connolly, Goderich Robert Ferris, 'Harlock. Agents• -Ed. 'Hinehley, Seaforth; W. Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo. Rolmeeville; ,Alex. Leitch. Clio tou R. S. "Jarmuth. Brodhagen A Carload of Canada Poclia®M Cement Phone us for prices It will pay you John Hutton LONDESBORO Drs. Geo, d M. E. Whitley Hellmann Osteopathic Phy. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FRES. Office-Rattpanbruy Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 pan. FORD & IeLEO'D We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -'goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed. Corn Bighead Market Priers paid for $.' and all Grains. FORD & MeLEOD STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's Best. Business College Our instructors are experienc- ed. Pupils get individual, atten- tion and graduates are placed in positions. Weare receiving ap plications we cannot meet, Stu dente may enter at any time, Send for our free catalogue and see if it interests you D. A. McLachlan, Principal Live Poultry WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of Live and Dressed Poultry at top market prides. Poultry taken every day at Clinton and every Wednesday morning at niolmesville. Milk -Fed Chickens We are prepared to pay extra prices for properly milk fed chickens ready to kill, We pap spot cash for poultry on a quality basis Winter Eggs We are expecting high prices for New Laid Eggs this winter. Now is time to get your flock in good condi tion, Call at our plant and we will give you a few pointers on how to get winter eggs ➢Dll-L 11,1O1S & Co., Limited Clinton Branch Phone 190 oAAAAAAAAUAAAPAAAAAAAAAAA to 4 4 4 4 1 1 3 t• s 0 0 e 1 3 4 1 4 4 pianos See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and • ► ems. ► Its 5. •P ► Organs, 5. Special values in Art E Cases ► Pianos and organs rent el Choice new Edison ► phonographs, Music & -' variety goods. C Music Emporium 5. C. Hoare 4 ► 4 ► wwwwwwviiikoevywasovvvwwidinosow WE ARE Dealers In Pedlar Galvanized Shingles, Corrugated Iron, Felt and Slate Roofing, Eavetroughing, Plumbing and Heating, Lightning Rods. Call or phone for prices. Repairs prornptly done„ Byam & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7, RAND TRUNK SYS EM Double Track all the Way; Toronto-Chieago Toronto -Montreal For Chicago Leave Toronto 8.00 a.m., 6.00 p.m., and I1.45 p. m. daily For Montreal Leave Toronto 9,00 a.m., 8,30 pan. and 11.00 p, en. daily. Equipment the finest on' all trains Panama Pacific Expositions Reduced fares to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Tickets and further information on application to agents. John Ransford 6a. Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 i, 0. Pattison, station agent FEELS LIKE A NEW WOMAN As Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vege- table Compound Dispelled Backache, Headaches and Dizziness. Piqua, Ohio.--r"'I would be very un- grateful -if I failed to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound the praise it deserves, for I have taken it at different times and it always re- lieved me when other medicines failed, and when I hear a women com- plain I always rec- ommend it. Lastwin- ter I was attacked with a severe case of organic weakness. I had backache, pains in my hips and over my kidneys, headache, dizziness, lassitude, had no energy, limbs ached and lams always tired. I was hardly able to do my housework. I had taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound on once other occasion, and it had helped me so I took it again and it has built me up, until now I feel like a new woman. You have my' hearty consent to use my name and testimonial in any way and I hope it will benefit suffering women. "-Mrs, ORPHA TURNER, 431 S. Wayne St., Piqua, Ohio. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re- store their health. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med- icine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Mrs. J. C. Clausen, formerly of Hensall died at her Borne in Caron. Sask., last month. Wm. 'Bishop, postmaster at Ko- moka fell over dead while sorting his mail last Wednesday evening from heart failure. Mr. Bishop was a former resident of Grey Township. Peter W. Carney, a young lam who was arrested near 'Wingham, appeared before Judge Doyle •one day last week on a charge of stealing a bicycle. He was re- manded for enquiries, when it was found that he ' was an absentee without leave from au industrial school ato •, n T ro tlo. An officer of the school being on hand, thellad 'was handed over to be returned to the industrial school. Major Dunlop a Goderich boy, but now with the fist Battle, has 1-een elected honorary president of the Stratford hockey club and several members of B company of the 71st will unite with localpaly; ere to make a team, The club will eater either the senior 0.'H. A. or the Northern League, Don't Persecute your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purTgatives. Tim are CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act gently bon lliver. a and soothe thedeli. cetemembrane ofthebowel, Care can-• brutal-harsh-ueneassa ry ry ahoy Si iow- eery Sid, Reedadle rad indigestion, ., ,sit/ions Amis. Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price Genuine must bear Signature DON -T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH V4'ATCH is a delicate piece r4 machinery. It calls for tw-ya ,attenti0n than mast rnxchinery, but must be cleaned and oiled occasionally to' keel, '"tr'iecttime. s J!JitN proper care a Waltham Watch will keep perfect time Tod a lifetime. It will pay you /yell to let us clean your wat011"' every 12 or 18 months. Edison Records and Supplies R. counter Jeweler and optlekia Issuer of Marriage Licenseh eseelosee eee!•t•esseesesN Local News ••rceeeseeeseoeeeeiseeece• NOTED NEGRO DEAD Booker T. Washington, the noted Negro educatirjnalist,, 'died at Tuskegee, Ala., on Sunday at 'the age of 59 years. He was born a slave and devoted his life to pract- ical education, of his race. • 13e was married three times, and it sur- vived by the bird and two eons and a daughter. PRINCE ALBERT UNDER OPERATION / King George's, second ton, Prince Albert, will he operated on short- ly for an obstinate gastric die-, order. He is a midshipman in •the British navy and was Stricken with appendicitis in August of last year He rejoined his ship ,in 'February last. Prince Albert; is '20 years old HIGH COST Ct"a LIVING, Last month the weekly cost of food for the average ,workman's family in Canada increased Ec, accordir,g to the Labor Depart- ment's monthly summary of the average prices of. , commodities. The average coat per week was given as ,41.99 in October of last year, This shows a better condi- tion than last year, an advantage of Ile per week, and another slight, drop in rents was reported from from Ontario and British Columbia CURES POR CANCER The claim is made that seven people suffering from cancer have been completely cured in'the Bate tersea General Hospital, England "We have" said Dr. Bell, head of the cancer Research DNeparrilikent) "been able to cfemcenstrate, be- yond doubt thattfie healing power of nature, if sufficiently assisted by regulating the diet regimen of patients, together with the admin istr.ation of theapeutic agents, has proved in many instances quite competent not only to overtime the disease, but to bring about com piete recovery."' A Valuable Medicine Per Little Ones • Mrs, G. Morgan, Huntsville, Ont., writes; "7 wish every mother and especially young mothers knew the value of Baby's Own Tablets. They have certainly worked wonders with our baby. She was troubled with colic and constipation and cries all the time but the Tablets soon put her right and she is now a fine healthy child." The Tat - lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a'bose, from The Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. What la -a Turnpike? It was formerly the custom to ob- tain the funds to maintain principal thoroughfares by collecting a toll from those using them. Pikes or gates were set across the roads by the keeper or toll collector. To prevent people who traveled his road from Dassing without paying the toll he was armed with a pike, a long -handled stick with a sharp iron head. This was put across as a bar- rier, and when the toll was paid it was turned ,,,side to permit the car- riage . or wagon to pass on its way. Hence ti,e, name turnpike, which meant a rord on which toll was col, lectcd. Events in Illexiro During Three Years (1) -President ! rancise° I. ,Ma- dero assassinated cr'ebruar•y '23. 1913, while "attempting to escape" from General Huerta's trolops, (2) -General Victoriano (Huerfn takes title of ,"Provisional Pres dent" and calls a session of Con- gress for April, 191.3. (3). -Governor Don Venustiano Carranza, oft. .,Coahuila, heads re- volution against Huerta on Marsh 26, 1513 (4) -President Wilson raises em- bargo on arms shipments to reb- els aFebruary 3, '1914, forecasting end of 'Huerta regime. (5) -American bluejackets arrest- ed at Tampico by eHuertla's sol- ciiers on April d, 1914, and the, fol- lowing day, Rear -Admiral Henry T. Mayo, demands salute of'• •t.he American flag. (5) -American troops lama In Vera Cruz April 21, 1914, to force Reuter to salute the flag t7) -Representatives of So-called A B. C, powers called into confer- ence to , mediate between Huerta 1914 ane. the United States April 25, t 4E) --Revolutionist General Car- lanza refuses to permit armistice for conference to settle all 'Mexi-i can dif •icultiee, Niagara Falls con ference agreed upon. (9):Farcical election of Huerta as President of Mexico takes place, and on July 11, 1914, he hands in resignation. p9) -General. Villa begins revolu,- tion against Carranza ,September' 23, 1914. (121 -General Huerta's et,ttempts to `fitment a counter revolution fnustratlece by arrest. (13) -Another PanrnAmerican con- ference caller!, but attempts to arrange peace parleys ibetweep purring !Mexican factions fail. Unit ed Stales decides to recognize Carranza.-Ne Y. American. WEAK, AILING CHILD Made Strong By Delicious Vinol Lakeport, N. IL -"Our, little girl 8 years of age was in a debilitated, •run- down condition and had a stubborn cough so she was weak and ailing all the time. Nothing helped her until we tried Vinol. Then ber appetite increased and she is strong and well, and I wish other parents of weak, delicate children would try Vinol, "-Guo., 41 COLLINS. This is because Vino! contains the tissue building, strengthening cod liver elements and the tonic iron which a weak and run-down system needs. J. B Dovey, Druggist Clinton, .Ont. TOOK THE ADV10E Of HI3FRIEND Stomach Trouble and Rheumatism Relieved By "Fruit -a -tines" MR. L. LABRIE 594 Champlain St., Montreal. "I have been restored to health by taking'Fruit-a-tives': For two years, I was a miserable sufferer from Rheas- vtatismand Stomach Tsonble. I became very weak, had frequent dizzy spells and when I took food, felt wretched and sleepy. I suffered from Rheuma- tism dreadfully, wick pains in my back and joints and any hands swollen, A friend advised me to try `Fruit-a- tives' and from the outset, they did me good. sAfter I had started the second box, I felt I was getting well and I persevered in the treatment. 1 can truthfully say that 'Fruit's -tines' is the only medicine that helped me. • LOUIS LABRIE, "FRUIT-A-TIVES" is the famous medicine shade f one fruit juices. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a•tives Limited, Ottawa. SHORT PURSE PRESENT. Those Who Have Not Unlimited Pock- etbooks Must Make Gifts. If one were to have unlimited sums to spend on Christmas preseuts what an easy thing it leered be to give each one a lovely gift, just what is wanted! But there are mighty few women who have this good fortune. so that most or us, if we wish to give really nice things to our friends, must make them. After all. isn't it much nicer to get something that has that personal ele- ment in it that only comes when the giver has put time and work and thought into the making? There are heaps of nice things that need not take too much or one's time. Only the first and almost the most im- portant thing is to decide wbat sort of present is suitable for each different person, for the usual haphazard way of sending any sort or thing to people is as unsatisfactory to the giver as to the receiver. There is undeniably a cer- tain kind of pleasure in giving some- thing 'which has been given careful thought and which one knows is just .the right and the nceeptable thing. There are a few things which can be made even by one who is not so very skillful with the needle anti which cer- tainly ,ought not to cost very much. Heart Was So Weak Could Not Go lip Stairs Without Help. When the heart becomes weak and does not do its work properly the nerves become unstrung and the•whole system seems to go "all to pieces." When this happens you need a tonic to build up both the heart and nerves, and Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will accomplish this for you, providing you lo not let your case run too long and allow it to become chronic. Mrs. l,vangiliste Loverdure, Port Coulonge, Que., writes: "Last summer my heart and nerves were so bad I could not sleep at night, and my heart was so weak I could not go up stairs without help. My doctor said he could do no more for me as my heart was completely done. A cousin of mine came in one day and told me that Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cured her completely. I immediately gave her 50 cents to bring me a box, and since that day there is a box always on my sideboard. I am now well, and my heart and nerves are stronger than when Tawas a little school girl. I advise anyone with heart trouble to try then. No doctor can beat them." Milburn's Heart and Nerve -Pills are 5Qc per box, 3 boxes for $1.25; for sale at all dealers; mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,, Toronto, Ont. FOR THE BOUDOIR. Hand' Knitting no heed knitting the prevent went -in the railway. in the street Makes Useful Christ - m as Gifts. At time within fifty years bas ha been more in vogue than in year. Everywhere one we trains' and sta- tions, cars, even it is ru- "tel ` SILK SLIPPIIXIS. mored in the theaters between acts - the busy click of the knitting needles has been in evidence. The slippers Shown here are very easy of accom- plishment and made of silk would be A handsome tip h an d sour resent. SUNDAY ' SCHOOL. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Lesson+ IX. -Fourth Quarter, For Nov. 28, 1915. • Text ' of 'the . Lesson, Amos v, 1-15. Memory Verses, 14, 15' -Golden Text, Jer. xxiii, 28 -Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. The message of Jonah was to gen- tiles, suggestive of foreign missions; that of Amos was Israel, and there• fore a home mission lesson reminding ns of the need of the church today to, be awakened to see her privileges and opportunities and responsibilities. The sins of Israel and her needs were not different from those of believers now, They bore the name of Jehovah, but were false to Him and worshipedidols. "They know not to do right, saith the Lord" (fit, 10).' There was self and sin in all their worship. Therefore the. Lord said, "Offer a sacrifice of thanks- giving with leaven, " * * for this lik- eth you" (iv, 4, 5). Leaven is always a type of evil. Because of the sin in their professed worship of God He said, "I bate, 1 despise your feast days." 1 will not accept nor regard your offerings (v, 21-23). Although they outwardly kept new moose and Sabbath days their hearts were long- ing for them to be over that they migbt sell corn and wheat and grow rich by fraud, giving small measure and taking in as mach money as pos- sible (viii, 4, 5). Consider the growing rich by fraud that abounds today even among those who hold higb positions in the church, the oppression of the poor, the formal- ity in worship, the false teaching that all are children of God, that Jesus Christ was only one of the sons of God, patter than the others, but not God; that there is no hell, no lake of fire; that ff people are not saved in this life they can be in the next and that a God of love will never allow any one to perish eternally; the Bible cannot be taken literally, it does not mean what itsays-consider all these horrible things and then think how God in His mercy sent forth a Daniel Crawford from the heart of Africa and a William Sunday from the baseball field to show His people their sins and to uphold the honor of His word. How does the Lord plead by Amos? He reminded them how He bad brought them out of Egypt, led them forty years in the wilderness, given them the lands of others, raised up prophets and Nazarites from among their sons and revealed to them His purposes by His prophets (ii, 10, 11; iii, 7; ix, 7), therefore He would have them seek Him and live, assuring them or an abundant pardon if only they would turn to Him with the whole heart (v, 4, 0, 14; lea. lv, 0, 7). He also pointed them onward, as He al- ways did and still does, to the future glory, for in spite of all the sin of Israel it is the purpose of God to re- store Israel and bless all nations through them. He will raise up the 'tabernacle of David (ix, 11), and James said at the great council at Jerusalem that would be after He had gathered the church, or, as be put it, taken out of'the Gentiles a people for His name. Then he said that all the Gentiles would after that be gathered (Acts xv, 13.18). Note bow in the very last words of Amos' prophecy the Lord said that He would bring again the captivi- ty of Israel, that they would build their waste cities and inhabit them; that He would plant them upon their land and that they would no more be pulled up out of it (ix, 13-15). Abra- ham was encouraged and sustained by the assurance of the city-1lioses by the recompense of the reward, David by the kingdom, Paul by the glory to be revealed and our Lord Himself by theijoy set before Him. I know of no way bywhich the church of today can be turned from its worldliness and in- difference so successfully as by set- ting clearly before her the great love of God in Christ Jesus, the greatness of the salvation He has provided and the glory ,of the kingdom to which we are called. Men are trying to remedy the evils that exist, to reform or uplift the race. to bring n kingdom of peace on earth by their own efforts, but "They know not the thoughts of the Lord, neither understand they His counsel" (Ric. iv, 12). They do not know that the babe of Bethlehem was born to rule in Israel and that there can be no king- domof peace on earth till He shall come again (Ric. v, 2-1). People are so filled with their own thoughts and ways, just as Israel was, that they will not be agreed with God and therefore cannot "walk with Him (Amos 111, S). Because many preachers in pulpits and teachers in seminaries are turning away from God to the wisdom of men there is a famine of hearing the words of the Lord (Amos viii• 11). As in the last lesson, those who have knowledge of God are disobedient and asleep and most he awaked. As it is written in Epb. v, 14, "Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall gine thee light." "'Be not un- wise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is" (Epb, v, 17, 1S), "It is high time to awake out of sleep, for now is our salvation•,nenrer than•when we believed. Tile night is far spent, the day is at hand" (Rom. xiii, 11, 12). The whole world lieth in the wicked one; it Is en evil age from which the Lord desires to deliver us (1 John v, 19 Gal. 1. 4). All things indicate as never before that the end of tbis evil age Is near and that it is a time to be specially separated unto God from all evil and unbelief. •'W'Oo&B PhOBp110d149i The Great Engiinho,Benredpp, Tonne and invigorates the wholo nervous system, makes now Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility Mental en'd Brain Worry, Despon- dency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Mernory, Pelee 81 her hos, cis for S5. One, will please,aiz will cure .• Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of •. price. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO.. TORONTO. 0113. (Former: Mediu.) Mighty Handy. Some negroes`aro Insatiable 'yin,e ," and their favorite organizations ail those which assure an ostentatloag fit+ neral. A mistress was remonstrating wltlli her servant about belonging 10 one ,of them. • "Bonnibel, ' don't yon think It le mighty foolish to pay the 'Friends and True Mourners' society' 25 eenta eve monthl" "Now'm, Miss Ma'y, I don't. Yon see, dee ain't like mane of de O'cletiem dee stets liberal, and don't skimp an nothin'. Dee gives yon .de finest kind of coffin, en makes a way for ev'ybody) to git to your burial. En den, 'aides, dat, dee gives you 00 at the grave, Yon know $30 comes ioniglillhas * New York Post. eaesseeserese txc><[Pd� A Christian college -home, healthful situation. Forprospectusand tenns,wrltethePrindpal R. L Werner, M.A.,D.D„ St. Thomas, Oat. 63 Business an' Shorthand' We terwelt Y. M: C A .. Budd;n �? ry London, Ontario Maki College in Session Sept. lst to Jdtf) Catalogue, Free:. Enter any torn,, J. W. Westervelt, Principal •••••••••••0••••••64tO••••• •• SHAW' • � • • Ull�� I f S a • • • isCHo0LSi • •• • Toronto, Canada, include the • • Shaw Correspondence School, • • the Central Business College, the • YCentra-1 Telegraph and Railroad • • School and Four City Branch • • Business Schools; All provide 0 • excellent courses leading to good • salaried posi`ions.Ffeecatelogue • • on request. Write for it. W.B. • • Shaw, President, Head Office. • Yonge and Gerrard Sts, Toronto 5 • • 000•000000.00411e000000e00•0 A SPECIAL. OFFER to New Subscribers 1.00 will pay for The New Era UNTIL len. lst 1917 A SPLENDID CHANCE To get the Old Home Paper that gives all the news of Clinton and District that's worth printing. NCW t First in Everything.