HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-11-25, Page 21 PAGE TWO, e 11Tiliiuery Ready- ' to Wear Garments Phone 78 Cou Dry Goods and Hose Fur nisitint s issomeassotoaaaratr trema, PllPdflIseflIPS NOW Prospective fur purchasers are advised that although our stock „ was never so large nor so varied: ing assortment as it is now, there are a great number of novelties in Mistk, Fox, .Sable, Lamb, Wolf, and other favored furs •that will be quickly sold before the real cold weather sets in, and there will be delay in duplicating these novelties Be sure and see our immense range of high class furs before buying Moire Underskirts 11.5o Just to hand this week, five dozen Ladies Black Moire Underskirts, sizes 38 to 42. If these were bought in the regular way they would sell for 82.00. Special for Saturday $f,5o Millinery $f.00 We put on sale one table of Ladies Trimmed Hats, all new styles, values up to $4.00, your choice 1.98 Ladies and Misses Winter Coats The corning of cold wea– ther makes •}ou think cf a warm, snug -fitting coat, doesn't it ? Have you seen the big values we are offer- ing in the smart new styles in our Uoat.Department, Several maker's • goods to choose from and every gar- ment a brand new up to -date style. • i .ate Headquarters for Flour Now is the time to buy your Winter supply of Flour, We carry a full stock of the following brands,— Purity Exeter Tavistock Listowel Five Roses Milverton London White Plunge (pastry) And also a brand of Breakfast Food, made from choice Manitoba wheat, at 6 pounds for 25c To Make Your Liens Lay This winter we recommend our Laying Meal. Beet Scree, Oyster Shell Bone Meal, Grit aed Charcoal. We always carry a full line of Bran Low Grade Flour Shorts Molasses Meal Oil Cake Dairy Meal Highest Prices Paid for all Kinds of Grain Louis prang of Zurich recently installed an hydranlie water ram for William Armstrong et' Stanley township The rain supplies $.e stable with 'water and is satisfa tory in every way. CONSTIPATION Is Productive Of More 111 Health Than Anything Else. If the truth was only known you would fired that over one half of the ills of lite are caused by allowing the bowels to get into a constipated condition, and the sole cause of constipation is an inactive liver, and unless the liver is kept active you may rest assured that headaches, jaundice, heartburn, piles, floating specks before the eyes, a feeling as if you were going to faint, or catarrh of the stomach will follow the wrong action of this, one of the most important organs of the boKed. ep the liver active and working properly by tlie,use of Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills, Miss Rose Babineau, Amherst, N.S., writes; "Having been troubled for years with constipation, and trying various so -sailed remedies, which did me no good whatever, I was persuaded to try Milbiirtes Lara -Liver Pills. I' have found them most beneficial, for they are indeed a splendid pill. I can heartily recommend them to all who softer from Lara -Liver Pills are 2ec a vial, 5 vials for $1,00, at all dealers, or W.Jenl ns&Son alsiatn. Dour arils fl+eed. phone 190 mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co„ Limited, Toronto Ont. Special Sale of Stoves &Ra��age at Big Reductions For Saturday and all Next Week Several second-hand Heaters and. Ranges for sale at good value. g Prepare For Winter By using Brandford Roofing Beaver Board, Window Glass, Etc. Good Storm Doors for $1.5o Two bags Charcoal for c5c Bring in your Old Razors for the boys at the front—many more, are needed yet, We expect to make another shipment in a few 'days, magavanraxeduxemmtaintmesz nexe ? r.Fewe',r;>rtf tts .tIARLAN3 OTU STOVES, i41q_�'. Itlt�tT-+J�,T FS .urns,a,u.a,cnummaysdammsmmasromcmc nth CLINTON Nd1iq iron The Bight Rev. David Williams, MA.,D.D„Bishop of Huron, pain a visit to Gpderich oni S'nnday and preached at St. George's church in the evening, when he albo conduct eel a confirmation service and de- dicated the e-dicated'the new altar to the sere ivice of GSd, Rev. Mr. Hawkins, the new rec- tor of the Blyth, Auburn an Qi Bel - grave parishes :is a former Port Albeit boy. 'Phe Lanes ,P 0, is still open,; al- though the majority or citizens have .mail boxes: A Sunday School Convention of the Nile, Dungannon ;and,Benmiller cihui(hes Wi,}l be keret at the .Nile on Dee 11th: Patrick 1iearn •y's team, standing at the sawmill at St, 'Augustine, on Tuesday, took fright pad ,ran ,away. plunging into the creek near by,; one horse being prunedbe- neeth the other, The men hart nu hchi td:•ulty ehget' ing there out and had a cold dip themselves. dOne itionB.occe is now in a serious con - Harry Morrow son of George Morrow of Gode'•ieh who went to the Weer this pasts harvest, has written from there that he has enlieted,and Friday to verify the stailement hie civilian clothes ar- rived here by express from lie Tiliireday, November, 25th, 1915. , gins Undenground wires for the hyr, dr.o lighting system through the business section of Exeter is being, considered '.bpt the council. The cost will 1 be higher toinstall in tall this eystem but the permanency of it will snake it the cheapest in the ens. • The Congregation of Knox chug ch, Cxoderich, has yotrd' h eavi - lya�iast the Pionosea union with the eChodis`. and Congregation- al bodies The ballots. east on the last two Sundays, were pounted on Mondaq evening,. when the vo'e was found to be 136 foe and 689 against. On November o ember St h Mr. William Uttley, the genial fireman at the Zurich grist mill, celebrated a nov- 61 event. It was just thirty, _two years ago on ; that 'day, 'that, My. Uttley began, hie' duties, at ,the mill, and in all that tithe he has lost no more than two menthe al- together. James Bonthron, another aged' pioneer of Hay Township, pasped away on • Monday evening at his. home in ylensall. He retiree from his farm on the second concession about ten years ago moving ' 'to Hensall where he !bade his home since. For Sale A snsp nn a 23 h. p. Ideal Gasoline Engine, equipped with a magneto See. it at James Flynn's blacksmith shop. • OT1i'E TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Frances Simpson, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby give! that all persons having claims against the estate of Frances Simpson, lateof the town of Clinton, in the county of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or 'about the 17'th day of Nov. 1915, are required to de- liver to the undersigned adminis- trator or bis solicitor, nn or before the 15th day of December, 1915, a full statemenfn of thein claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held' by them, 'all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that 'Iter the said last ..mertioned date, the said administator • Ivil1 proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entie tied thereto having regard only to such claims as they shall have received due uotiee in aecordance herewith. Dated at Clinton this 225th day of Nov., 1915. Isatu• Dodd, Administrator. IV. Rh iDONIS. Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for'Adfininist'rator, Meeting ot. Huron County council' The Council of the Oerporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, in the Town of 'December on Thursday, the 7th day of December next, at 3 o'dlook. W: LANE, Clerk D tted Nov, 22ad, 1015. Notice—Hullett Taxes Wm, Moon will he at the following p 1 Ices to collect taxes;— i., Londesboro—Dec. 3rd13th, 14th, 15th Auburn—Dec. 6th Clinton—Dec. 8th Constance -Dee. 10th All taxes not paid by Dec.l5th will be charged 5e on the dollar, By Order of the Council, WM, MOON, Collector for lullett (KNOWN A9 RUPTUEE) c 0 M 1 N G NEW 1915 INVENTION RETAINS RUPTURE WiTHOUT PAIN. COSTS NOTHING TOINVESTIGATE. Mr. Egan's new appliances are r rapidly taking. the place of the old-fashioned trusses because these new inventions are constructed to assist native and are free from all cumbersome fea- tures. Complete comfort awaits you. Correct holding will be experienced from the start You will enjoy that absolute eon !Nonce of being able to do anything at any time or anywhere. This will relieve you of mental unrest and worry. This should make you feel like a new person. These new inventions aro intenders to meet the needs of men, women and children. Stop wear- ing useless foreign made trusses and end your rupture troubles at small cost. Delays may be dangerous; tear oaf coupon now. THiS FREE RUPTURE COUPON Upon presentation to J. Y. Egan, specialist 448A Yong° street, Toronto, who will visit the towns below,enti tl es bearer to free demon. stratiou and examination of samples. Ask at.hotel office for room number.. Note dates.., Clinton, Rattenbnry hotel Monday. Tuesday (all day at night) 2 days only, Nov, 29th and 30th Goderich,UcdfordHotel, Dec.1 MALE IN CANADA. d•MIOSIOMMINNIMOMMMIWOM ••••=1•11=16. *** ** ********* ttrtnttrmiPttrmttrrrttrtsrttrMitt *********** *** WAR LAN DtJM.INION OF a NAD►, issue of $50,000,000 5 p.c. Bonds Matu in;g 1st Dec.,1925 REPAYABLE AT PAR AT Ottawa, Halifax, St, Job n, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Victoria, INTEREST PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY -1st June, 1st December, ISSUE PRH PRI.qU 972 A Full Half@Year's Interest will be paid on ist June, 19i6. The Proceeds of the Loan will be Used for War Purposes Only. In the event of future issues (other than issues made abroad) being made by the' Government, for the purpose of carrying on the war, bonds of this issuewill be accepted at the issue price 91, plus accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash for the purpose of subscriptions to such issues. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers herewith on be- half of the Government the above named Bonds for subscrip. tion at 97i payable as follows, — 10 per ceut on application, 7e ” "3td'January, 1916, 20 " let February. 1916, 20 " " 1st March, 1916, 20 " " let April, 1916, 20 " let May, 1916. The instalments may be paid in full on and after the 3rd' day of January, 1916, under discount at, the rate of four per (met per annum. All payments are to be made to a cbarteted bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance.Failure to pay any instalment when due will render previouspayments liable to forfeiture end the allotment' to cancellation. Applications, accompanied. by a deposit of ten per cent of the amount subscribed, must be forwarded through the medium of a chartered' bank. The bank will issue a provision. • al receipt, This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada and both principal, and interest will hea charge upon )R;; the Opnsolidated Revenue Fund. Forms of'applieation may be obtained from any branch of * any chattered bank in Canada, and at the office of any Assist- * ant Receiver General' in Canada. Subscriptions mustbe for even hundreds of dollars, In case of partial' allotments the snrplus deposit will he applied towards pili ment of the amount due on the January • instalment.' Scrip certificates payable to bearer will ,lie issued, after allotment, in exchange for ahe provisional receipts. When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and pay - 3 . ment endorsed thereon Uy 1 be hank receiving the money, they may he exchanged for bonds with coupons attached, payable to hearer or registered as to principal, or for filly registered • bonds without conpone. Delivery of scrip certificate. and of bonds will be made through the chartered banks. The interest on the fully . registered bonds will be paid by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. Both cheques and coupeee will be payable free of exchange at any branch of any chartered bank in Canada. Holdersof fully registered bonds without coupons wil have Lhe right to convert into bonds with coupons, payable to bearer or registered, without payment of any fee, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert, without fee, into fully registered onde without coupons at any time on application in writing to the Minister of Finance. The issue will be exempt from taxes—including any in • come tax—imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. Tne bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations, of $100 9500, 91,000. Fully registered bonds without coupons will he issued in denominations of $1;000, 95,000 or any auth. oa•ize6 multiple of 05,090, Application will ho made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal` and Toronto Stock Exchanges. The liv,n will he repaid at maturity at par at the office of the Minieter of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa. or at the , Bice of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria The hooks of the loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottar<a. Recognized bond. and stock hrokers will be allowed a con. mission of one-quarter of one per cent on allotmente made in respect of applications, which bear their stamp. Subscription Lists wili close on or before 3oth November, 1915, :Dance Department, Ottawa, 22nd November, 1915. G***************Jt6b�t �e�bJ64d66� J6�J6b�6Sde6�6t4 4' ******.• Smaller; Coad Bills Let us re uc Y,ui' coal ill O bills, We .e do i> by, sup- plying you with a coal that lasts long, gives a steady heat and leaves only a small amount of ash. This coal is LEHIGH VALLEY ANTI R»Cp, E.. The Coal` That ,9cYL'. •• zsf•zes It will save ypu money. Give it atrial. IL J. Holloway, Clinton Western University. London �.. ANOTIIEI GREAT ADVANCE income Doubled -Now' $75,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enroliment in yiew Write for particulars to: --0—•- E. E. BRAITHWAIT:EE, M A., Ph.D. President. Seed Wheat for Sale ABUNDANCE -A quantity of this reliable variety is offered—a good sample, free from weed seed, and thoroughly dry. Price $1 per bushel J, F, GRANT, London Road Poultry Wanted Highest market price will paid by W. MARQUIS, Phone 14 on:166 Base Line Auction Sale 01.30 Head of High Grade Cattle Mr, George Holland of Holmesville has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at the Hotel, Auburn on Friday, Dec. 3rd, at,2 o'clock, the following : New Milkers, Forward Springers, Cows corning in in March and April, Steers and Heifers. The cowe will be sold subject to the follow ing guarartee—Any cow represented to be in calf and proving not to be within 30 -clays of date of sale, 10 per cent of the purchase price will be refunded. Terms -6 months credit by giving approved joint notes, or (3 per cent per annum off for cash, George Holland, proprietor, T. Gundry, auc- tioneer 2000 Turkeys Wanted To be delivered at the Graham House, Clinton. Either alive or dress- ed. Highest market prices. Call or , phone No. 5, R. GRAHAM Reliable Man Wanted Wanted—A reliable man with some business experience 'with farmers, to represent us in Huron County. A per manent position for the right man. Highest nominissions paid. Territory reserved. New specialties for season 1915-1916. STONE as WIILL1EGTON, Toronto, Ont. Farmers of Huron County Dear Sir—We are paying floc to 92c for hest wheat, and 93c to 05c for extra good. Damp or ninety according to sample. Malting barley should test 47 to 501be, barley to be worth 50c and to have beards off. Rye 750 to SOc, Buck wheat to be good for 60C, but can also use musty. Look after your buckwheat as it is bad stuff to get musty. We Have an order from an old exporter friend in New York, He guarantees some profit on it and against loss. It is somewhat speculative as I have been docked bad load, The reason for wheat being higher is lower ocean freight rates and insurance. The worid market is really lower. Will have corn by 20th Nov. Drive right to the house opposite the G,T,R. station, Always at borne. Yours resnectfully, W. G. PERRIN AILROAD and Telegraph Courses of the most complete and modern kind taught right at your own home by 9haw'e Telegraph and Railroad School. 1 Gerrard St. East, Toronto. Write for particulars and sample lesson, W. H. Shaw, President ' Articles tor Sale. 2 small Coal Heaters, bargains, good as new. Also 1 chicken house Sx10 feet and my auto. No reasonable offer re- fused, Make me en osier, cash or trade Act quick for I want the room. THOS. WATTS, Shoe Store opposite P.O., Clinton Fainting t Paper Hanging Painting and Paper Hanging neatly and promptly done, Orders left at Uunnitord's Grocery Store or at my residence, Victoria Street, TROs, GRAELIS Farm For Sale Lot 33, Con. 1, Tuckeremitb, con - Laming 100 acres. !Frame house, bank barn, 6 acres Hardwood bush well watered and mostly seeded for pasture. lFor terms, eto„ apply A. E. JOHNS, 1485 Danforth ave., Toronto. Farm to Rent 100 acre farm ou the Bayfield Road, 21,, miles south of Clinton, well culti vated, good brick bo'se, bank barn and other buildinge, wo..wells ,on place, orchard. For fu •particulars, apply to mitts, JOHN wi ,ITINTON. Iso: 231, Clinton Subscriptions for fi WAR LOAN DOMINION OF A_A YIELDING ABOUT 1O ' 0/ 2 G Applications will be forwarded by us, allotments procured and other services rendered free of charge to subscribers. Telephone or telegraph us at our expense for any information as to the Bonds, or formalities connected with them. We predict a great success for this Loan appealing, as it does, to the wealth, the pride, the business instinct and the patriotism of Canadians. To insure allotment application should be made at once. A.iE.A ES&CO. Members Toronto Stock Excharigo Investment Union Bank Building, Toronto. Established Rankers 1889 63 Kine Bt. Wast S.E. Cor. Bay se. Tiliireday, November, 25th, 1915. , gins Undenground wires for the hyr, dr.o lighting system through the business section of Exeter is being, considered '.bpt the council. The cost will 1 be higher toinstall in tall this eystem but the permanency of it will snake it the cheapest in the ens. • The Congregation of Knox chug ch, Cxoderich, has yotrd' h eavi - lya�iast the Pionosea union with the eChodis`. and Congregation- al bodies The ballots. east on the last two Sundays, were pounted on Mondaq evening,. when the vo'e was found to be 136 foe and 689 against. On November o ember St h Mr. William Uttley, the genial fireman at the Zurich grist mill, celebrated a nov- 61 event. It was just thirty, _two years ago on ; that 'day, 'that, My. Uttley began, hie' duties, at ,the mill, and in all that tithe he has lost no more than two menthe al- together. James Bonthron, another aged' pioneer of Hay Township, pasped away on • Monday evening at his. home in ylensall. He retiree from his farm on the second concession about ten years ago moving ' 'to Hensall where he !bade his home since. For Sale A snsp nn a 23 h. p. Ideal Gasoline Engine, equipped with a magneto See. it at James Flynn's blacksmith shop. • OT1i'E TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Frances Simpson, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby give! that all persons having claims against the estate of Frances Simpson, lateof the town of Clinton, in the county of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or 'about the 17'th day of Nov. 1915, are required to de- liver to the undersigned adminis- trator or bis solicitor, nn or before the 15th day of December, 1915, a full statemenfn of thein claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held' by them, 'all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that 'Iter the said last ..mertioned date, the said administator • Ivil1 proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entie tied thereto having regard only to such claims as they shall have received due uotiee in aecordance herewith. Dated at Clinton this 225th day of Nov., 1915. Isatu• Dodd, Administrator. IV. Rh iDONIS. Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for'Adfininist'rator, Meeting ot. Huron County council' The Council of the Oerporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, in the Town of 'December on Thursday, the 7th day of December next, at 3 o'dlook. W: LANE, Clerk D tted Nov, 22ad, 1015. Notice—Hullett Taxes Wm, Moon will he at the following p 1 Ices to collect taxes;— i., Londesboro—Dec. 3rd13th, 14th, 15th Auburn—Dec. 6th Clinton—Dec. 8th Constance -Dee. 10th All taxes not paid by Dec.l5th will be charged 5e on the dollar, By Order of the Council, WM, MOON, Collector for lullett (KNOWN A9 RUPTUEE) c 0 M 1 N G NEW 1915 INVENTION RETAINS RUPTURE WiTHOUT PAIN. COSTS NOTHING TOINVESTIGATE. Mr. Egan's new appliances are r rapidly taking. the place of the old-fashioned trusses because these new inventions are constructed to assist native and are free from all cumbersome fea- tures. Complete comfort awaits you. Correct holding will be experienced from the start You will enjoy that absolute eon !Nonce of being able to do anything at any time or anywhere. This will relieve you of mental unrest and worry. This should make you feel like a new person. These new inventions aro intenders to meet the needs of men, women and children. Stop wear- ing useless foreign made trusses and end your rupture troubles at small cost. Delays may be dangerous; tear oaf coupon now. THiS FREE RUPTURE COUPON Upon presentation to J. Y. Egan, specialist 448A Yong° street, Toronto, who will visit the towns below,enti tl es bearer to free demon. stratiou and examination of samples. Ask at.hotel office for room number.. Note dates.., Clinton, Rattenbnry hotel Monday. Tuesday (all day at night) 2 days only, Nov, 29th and 30th Goderich,UcdfordHotel, Dec.1 MALE IN CANADA. d•MIOSIOMMINNIMOMMMIWOM ••••=1•11=16. *** ** ********* ttrtnttrmiPttrmttrrrttrtsrttrMitt *********** *** WAR LAN DtJM.INION OF a NAD►, issue of $50,000,000 5 p.c. Bonds Matu in;g 1st Dec.,1925 REPAYABLE AT PAR AT Ottawa, Halifax, St, Job n, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Victoria, INTEREST PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY -1st June, 1st December, ISSUE PRH PRI.qU 972 A Full Half@Year's Interest will be paid on ist June, 19i6. The Proceeds of the Loan will be Used for War Purposes Only. In the event of future issues (other than issues made abroad) being made by the' Government, for the purpose of carrying on the war, bonds of this issuewill be accepted at the issue price 91, plus accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash for the purpose of subscriptions to such issues. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers herewith on be- half of the Government the above named Bonds for subscrip. tion at 97i payable as follows, — 10 per ceut on application, 7e ” "3td'January, 1916, 20 " let February. 1916, 20 " " 1st March, 1916, 20 " " let April, 1916, 20 " let May, 1916. The instalments may be paid in full on and after the 3rd' day of January, 1916, under discount at, the rate of four per (met per annum. All payments are to be made to a cbarteted bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance.Failure to pay any instalment when due will render previouspayments liable to forfeiture end the allotment' to cancellation. Applications, accompanied. by a deposit of ten per cent of the amount subscribed, must be forwarded through the medium of a chartered' bank. The bank will issue a provision. • al receipt, This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada and both principal, and interest will hea charge upon )R;; the Opnsolidated Revenue Fund. Forms of'applieation may be obtained from any branch of * any chattered bank in Canada, and at the office of any Assist- * ant Receiver General' in Canada. Subscriptions mustbe for even hundreds of dollars, In case of partial' allotments the snrplus deposit will he applied towards pili ment of the amount due on the January • instalment.' Scrip certificates payable to bearer will ,lie issued, after allotment, in exchange for ahe provisional receipts. When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and pay - 3 . ment endorsed thereon Uy 1 be hank receiving the money, they may he exchanged for bonds with coupons attached, payable to hearer or registered as to principal, or for filly registered • bonds without conpone. Delivery of scrip certificate. and of bonds will be made through the chartered banks. The interest on the fully . registered bonds will be paid by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. Both cheques and coupeee will be payable free of exchange at any branch of any chartered bank in Canada. Holdersof fully registered bonds without coupons wil have Lhe right to convert into bonds with coupons, payable to bearer or registered, without payment of any fee, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert, without fee, into fully registered onde without coupons at any time on application in writing to the Minister of Finance. The issue will be exempt from taxes—including any in • come tax—imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. Tne bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations, of $100 9500, 91,000. Fully registered bonds without coupons will he issued in denominations of $1;000, 95,000 or any auth. oa•ize6 multiple of 05,090, Application will ho made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal` and Toronto Stock Exchanges. The liv,n will he repaid at maturity at par at the office of the Minieter of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa. or at the , Bice of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria The hooks of the loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottar<a. Recognized bond. and stock hrokers will be allowed a con. mission of one-quarter of one per cent on allotmente made in respect of applications, which bear their stamp. Subscription Lists wili close on or before 3oth November, 1915, :Dance Department, Ottawa, 22nd November, 1915. G***************Jt6b�t �e�bJ64d66� J6�J6b�6Sde6�6t4 4' ******.• Smaller; Coad Bills Let us re uc Y,ui' coal ill O bills, We .e do i> by, sup- plying you with a coal that lasts long, gives a steady heat and leaves only a small amount of ash. This coal is LEHIGH VALLEY ANTI R»Cp, E.. The Coal` That ,9cYL'. •• zsf•zes It will save ypu money. Give it atrial. IL J. Holloway, Clinton Western University. London �.. ANOTIIEI GREAT ADVANCE income Doubled -Now' $75,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enroliment in yiew Write for particulars to: --0—•- E. E. BRAITHWAIT:EE, M A., Ph.D. President. Seed Wheat for Sale ABUNDANCE -A quantity of this reliable variety is offered—a good sample, free from weed seed, and thoroughly dry. Price $1 per bushel J, F, GRANT, London Road Poultry Wanted Highest market price will paid by W. MARQUIS, Phone 14 on:166 Base Line Auction Sale 01.30 Head of High Grade Cattle Mr, George Holland of Holmesville has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at the Hotel, Auburn on Friday, Dec. 3rd, at,2 o'clock, the following : New Milkers, Forward Springers, Cows corning in in March and April, Steers and Heifers. The cowe will be sold subject to the follow ing guarartee—Any cow represented to be in calf and proving not to be within 30 -clays of date of sale, 10 per cent of the purchase price will be refunded. Terms -6 months credit by giving approved joint notes, or (3 per cent per annum off for cash, George Holland, proprietor, T. Gundry, auc- tioneer 2000 Turkeys Wanted To be delivered at the Graham House, Clinton. Either alive or dress- ed. Highest market prices. Call or , phone No. 5, R. GRAHAM Reliable Man Wanted Wanted—A reliable man with some business experience 'with farmers, to represent us in Huron County. A per manent position for the right man. Highest nominissions paid. Territory reserved. New specialties for season 1915-1916. STONE as WIILL1EGTON, Toronto, Ont. Farmers of Huron County Dear Sir—We are paying floc to 92c for hest wheat, and 93c to 05c for extra good. Damp or ninety according to sample. Malting barley should test 47 to 501be, barley to be worth 50c and to have beards off. Rye 750 to SOc, Buck wheat to be good for 60C, but can also use musty. Look after your buckwheat as it is bad stuff to get musty. We Have an order from an old exporter friend in New York, He guarantees some profit on it and against loss. It is somewhat speculative as I have been docked bad load, The reason for wheat being higher is lower ocean freight rates and insurance. The worid market is really lower. Will have corn by 20th Nov. Drive right to the house opposite the G,T,R. station, Always at borne. Yours resnectfully, W. G. PERRIN AILROAD and Telegraph Courses of the most complete and modern kind taught right at your own home by 9haw'e Telegraph and Railroad School. 1 Gerrard St. East, Toronto. Write for particulars and sample lesson, W. H. Shaw, President ' Articles tor Sale. 2 small Coal Heaters, bargains, good as new. Also 1 chicken house Sx10 feet and my auto. No reasonable offer re- fused, Make me en osier, cash or trade Act quick for I want the room. THOS. WATTS, Shoe Store opposite P.O., Clinton Fainting t Paper Hanging Painting and Paper Hanging neatly and promptly done, Orders left at Uunnitord's Grocery Store or at my residence, Victoria Street, TROs, GRAELIS Farm For Sale Lot 33, Con. 1, Tuckeremitb, con - Laming 100 acres. !Frame house, bank barn, 6 acres Hardwood bush well watered and mostly seeded for pasture. lFor terms, eto„ apply A. E. JOHNS, 1485 Danforth ave., Toronto. Farm to Rent 100 acre farm ou the Bayfield Road, 21,, miles south of Clinton, well culti vated, good brick bo'se, bank barn and other buildinge, wo..wells ,on place, orchard. For fu •particulars, apply to mitts, JOHN wi ,ITINTON. Iso: 231, Clinton