HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-11-18, Page 4Whilrladq N9y4NA't 18t131;fila• TSR CLINTON NEW ERA W. BRYI ONE . BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO CLINTON CHARLES B. IV 1L.B Conneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, eto. R};AL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron St., Clinton. H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer,'41 Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 19 Fire Io' surance Companies.. Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and, repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention. M. G. Cameron,lii,C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied ky Idr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made.. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p m. A. good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointments for Mr. Cameron. Medial. DR W. TROMPSON Physician, Surgeon. Eto sneoial attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose, Eyes cad efully 'mined, and suitable 'glasses Prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doorswest of tie Commercial Hate Heron M. DRS. GINCN and CA,I ED Dr. W. Gann, L. B. C. P., L. B. C. s.. Rill D. Cunn's otEee at. residence High Street Dr. J, C. Gandicr. B.A. Mk, Office -Ontario ht•eet, Clinton. Nights „c,. at roi.d•,ere, tiatralbOti St. or et ho .1,mo DR. J. rdY1'. .%felAVV. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON. ecoucbenr, etc„ oalce and residence on tenbory ousel„ OR. ii•. PL. AXON DENTB3T if Crown andBridge Work a Specialty, •e Graduate of O,0.D.S..1 Cbicage, and R.O,D,S Toronto. Barfield. ou Mondays. NAV Bit to D DR. II. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store, Special care taken to make dental toast slant as painless se possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stack and general Auction see OODERiOH ONT CENTRAL 2 STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's Best Business College Our instructors are experienc- ed. Pupils get individual atten- tion and graduates are placed in positions. We are receiving ap plications we cannot meet. Stu dente may outer at any time. Send for our free catalogue and see if it interests you D.A. McLachlan, Principal Live Poultry WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of Live and Dressed Poultry ab top market prices. ' Poultry taken every„ day at Clinton and every 'Wednesday horning at Ilolmesville. Milk -Fed Chickens • We are prepared to pay extra prices for properly milk fed chickens ready to kill, We pay spot cash for poultry on a quality basis Winter Eggs We are expecting high prices for New Laid Eggs this winter. Now is time to get your flock in good condi tion, Call at our plant and we will give you a few pointers on how to get winter eggs Clloll-I,a glois & Co., .Limited Clinton branch Phone 190 aAAASAA.AAAAAAis,AAAAAAAAAA 4 S1lanne ••4 IP Ifs See and here our finest .E New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and p 41 t. Organs, C 0.+ A special values in Ali. , • P 9. Cases e )'atmotaCg sales a spee,an . OlderO of , a. NEW ERA office, Clinton, prbm, sly attests. p to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sola not. p li. discounted, ' ianos and organs rent• 1►, G p, McTaggart M, D, MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. WINNERS ALBERT ST , CLINTO ed. Choice new Edison t°► phonographs, Music 8z variety goods. d A. General Banking Blesiaeta] MUSIC Emporium transacted E Ss .1OTES DISCOUNTED 4 • • Drafts famed. Interost allowed n deposits ire le le la 1 III r e r STE11170917rotrrewwwwswevveres The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Porm and Isolated Town Preps erty Only Insured., Bead Ofrice-Seaforth, Ont OFFICERS. J. B. IdeLean, Seaforth, President J. Connolly, Goderic'h, Vice -Pres. Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, See.:Treas Directors -D..1'. McGregor, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop;; W. Rinn, Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin ; ,J. Evans, Beechwood; M, McEwen, Clinton ; 3, B. McLean, Seaforth: 3.Connolly, Goderich: Robert Ferris, 'Ilarlock. Agents• -Ed. 'Hinchley, Seaforth; W. Chesney, Eg mon'dville; J. W. Teo. 'Holmesvilie; Alex. Leitch, : Clinton ; R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen A. Carload of Canada Portland Cement Phone us for prices It will pay you John Hutton LONDESBORO• Drs. Geo. & M. E. 'Whitley Heileman!! Osteopathic Phy. Specialiste in Women's and Children's Diseasee Acute, Chronic, and Nervous - Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbury 'Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. FORD t McLEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, . Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose. ;Wheat, Peas, Barley,and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay an aril Grain. FORD & cLE�D C. Hoare WE ARE Dealers In nninnow P edar Galv,nized Shingles, Corru,•ated Iron, Felt ai Slate Roofing, Eavetroghing, Plumbingand Heating, LightningRods. Call or phote for prices. Repairs prole ptly Byam Cutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7, d RAND TRUNK )W" Double Track all the j`,ty. Toronto -Chicago Toronto-HontreaL , For Chicago Leave Toronto 8.00 a.m., 6.00 p.m., tri 11.45 p. rn. daily WOMAN IN TERRIBLE STATE tumeiv Finds Help in Lydia E. Pink- bam's Vegetable Compound. Cape Wolfe, Canada.-" Last March I was a complete wreck. I had given up all hope of getting better or living any length of time, as S was such a sufferer from female troubles, But I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; and today I am in good health and have a pair of twin boystwo months old and growing finely. I surprised doctors and neighbors for they all know what a wreck I was. "Now I am healthy, happy and hearty, and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies. - -You may publish this letter if you like. I think if more women used your remedies they would have better health." -Mrs. J. T. Coox,lLot No. '7, Cape Wolfe, P.E,I., Canada. Because yolrrcase is a difficult one, and doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has remedied many cases of female ills, such as inflamma- tion, ulceration, displacements, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, and it may be exactly what you need. The Pinkham record is a proud and peerless one. It is a record of constant victory over the ob stinateillsof women -s-ills that sleet out despair. It is an es- tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound has restored health LY an a -,Nxe� to thousands of such suffering women. Why don't you try it if you need such a medicine?, -ant. ,5 Envelope Gifts. The simplest way for a girl to re• member her out of town girl friends at Christmas time is with an envelope gift. Some small useful token which can be sent througb the mall has quite as much significance as a bulky or elaborate present which requires a large postage or express fee 'to carry it to its destination. And there is no end of pretty gifts which can be made to fit easily into an envelope of or- dinary size. Of course the long "busi- ness" envelope may be used. This comes in stout manila paper as well as in the more fragile white paper. Of these gifts none is received with more welcome by the average girl than a silk scarf. The season's offerings in these filmy affairs show wondrously beautiful colorings. Then there are many lovely stocks which are soft enough to go in an en- velope. - • Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief ---Permanent Care CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fel. Purely veget. able --net surely but gently on the li es liter fter dinner distress_ cmc gestion-indi- improve the comp esioa-brighten the eyes, Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. Genuine mutt bear Signature , IMPPOODIMPINIMMIMMIMMIRMIll For Montreal Leave Toronto 9.00 a,m., 8.30 pan.' and. 11,00 p. m. daily. Equipment the finest on all trains Panama Pacific Expositions Reduced fares to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Tickets and further information on application to agents. John Ransford KLcitSon, y paesen ger and Ticket Agent*, phone 57 4. O. Pattison, station agent DON'T NEGLECT YOUR. WATCH A WATCH is a delicate piect tai machinery. It calls for tidos attention than most machinery, but must be ,cleaned and oiled occasicanallx t� keey, 'eriebt es, ;fah proper care a Waltham Watch will °keepperfect' time for a lifetime. It will pay you !Nell tolet us clean your watdi every 1-er �18 months. Edison Records and , Counter '1 1 eweler and tlptfeiau; Issd of Marriage Licenses refill& duloithilifiliVi Local ,News mumwommion TO CURE A COLD. Hartford Times; The following prescriptions have been given to us as absolutely, infallible clueing the past week ; Starve a cold.' Don't' eat. ,Feed a cold. Eat all you can,. Stays in bed, Take( plenty of exercise. Drink gallons of water. Don't drink anything. Let it run its course. . It will anyhow. Nip it in the bud. Gee plenty, of fresh air. Stay indoors and Beep warm, Take quinine. Don'q do'- Better seea doctor. You can't tell-- , What's cold • anyhow? Cure it yourself: All of, these injunel',tons are hoary with age' and venerable Wi-h the authority of hong praetcie. Inc such a conflict of authorities we dare not presume to question any of them, or to suggest anoth_, er measure which may in time, be come smother sacred hie. We do know, however, that tsomebody's lying l and, in' the spirit of strict- est neutrality, wei hazard the guess. that any one of the cures" haw killed as many persons as any of the rest: 'Unable to penetrate the mysteries of popular science, what can a helpless victim say hut "Let us sneeze, cough and ole.??" CASTOR IA For Infants and Children gra Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the "444Signature of . DEATH OF JOHN SHIPLEY The St- Marys :Argus published the following obil(uary notice of the father of Mr Jos. Shipley of the London Road; - Non? few are left to tell the tale Of backwoods life in the first "decade ;l Fon one by one, till all were gone 'The ranks grew thin of the first brigade. The; hrave old settlers bent and sere. 1 Foldingc forever their big brown hands; They, were out clay and -passed away, Like gems that fall in sinking sands.. These lines have been suggested to Inc by the death -of one of 131anshard's oldest pioneers, iihe late John Shipley, who was inter- red in St. Pant's chalet' yard, Kirkton, -on Wednesday last, The late( Mr. Shipley wds a typical pioneer Born in Northumberland England. At the age offour ye :rs he was brought to Canada with his parents, settling in the town- shilx of Lobo, County of 1VI4dd1er. sex, In 1843, or, four years sub- eequent to the survey 'of Man= hard, 'be leased from the Canada Colnpaeny Lot 12, Con, 11. of (that municipality, removing afterwards to Lott 3, Con. 10 All this sect an for many utiles was a wilderness where a white man's foot had nev- en trod. But with that strong, de- termination -and force of character which was characteristic of, • all pioneer, he built his humble shan- ty, carne with his axe, and his youthful partiner in life, and cbar- ed to conquer the hardships and trials inseparable from existence in the patkless wilds. Peior to his finally making his home in the woods, at the age .of 23 years, the married Mary Walker, who with that herolstit of • character -emin- ently( peculiar to women kind, in- dured with patient affection, the Toys and r,orrdws of life in the auiitary forest. Still toiling on in the humble, shanty day after day year after year, lookong forward and hoping tor the best. Eleven children were born ; 'Edward in Bruce,, township : Lionel in Keppel Joseph in Stanley, James in ;Man- sharci„ on the old homes bead ; Jane and, Susannah in Port Elgin: Mary Anna in Kincardine,. 'Maggie in Kirkton, S'dphia in Detroit. John 0801 Hannah( Mrs, ,Prousei dead„ The late Mr. Shipley was a man of sterling, principle, honest and reliable, During, amost intimate acquaintance with him a,nd his family for a period ()lover fifty yyears, although I have often Been Bion( in difficulties financially and otherwise, I never, yet sate 110111 lose his temper or lose hope of ultimate triumph over his back- woods trohibles. He was a sweet, singer and his voice, returning from; a lagging bee, could often be heard? echoing through the sil- ent forest the well known strains of 'Donald McDonald,' followed by the loud cheers of his companions in toil,, long since no more. The kind hearted old settle: at the n,go of 95 years, sleeps sound beside the remainsi of his aged partner, who predeceased him 15 years ago In his body was laid to rest the last of tihe pioneers of this sec- tion of Blanhcar.d. 'Thera are few old settlers noo So Loyal, kind and true. The pioneers frail worn and grey Longa since have struggled thou, We will follow in the trail. Till we step within the vale. To, meet them on yon bright eun ny morning. ACED TAX COLLECTOR Restored To Health By Vinol Corinth, Miss. -"I am -a city tax col- lector and seventy-four years of age. I was in a weak, run-down. condition. My druggist told me about Vinol. I tried it and in a week noticed consider- able improvement ; onsider-ableimprovement; I continued its use and now I have gained twenty pounds in weight, and feel much stronger. I con- sider Vinol a fine tonic to create strength for old people. "-J. A. PRICE. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all rundown, weak and debilitated tonditiuns. , J.Er ILovey, Druggist Clinton, Ont. • SHE RECOMMENDS "FRUIT-A-TIYES" Mrs, c oibinle,a the Advertisement and Tried It Avon, May 14th,. 1914, "I have used `Fruit-a-tves' for Indigestion and Constipation with most excellent results; and they continue to be my only medicine. I saw 'Trait-a- tives' advertised with a letter in which some one recommended there very highly, soItriedthem, Theresultswere more ,than satisfactory, and I have no hesitation' in recommending `Fruit -a thves" ANNIE A. CORRBETT. Time is proving that 'Fruit-a-tives' can always be depended upon to give prompt relief in all cases of Constipation and Stomach Trouble. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit a•tives Limited, Ottawa. eesoe•eeeeseeeOe•••C•••••E, SCHOOL REPORTS • • •••••®•••••e•••••••O•••••tt The following is the report of S, S. No 14, Stanley, for the month of October. The names e,in ord- er of are: it, I^ifth-Anna Fisher, Laurier Hyde, Sr, Iv --Harold Patl•well 'ani Mai garet Cooper equal ; Willie Col lips, Sydney Thompson, 3m, IV -Archie Parsons, Grace Cooper, Vernor McClyn'lnt, 111 -Erna Hyde, 'Wilfred Ross, Willie Harvey Jr,n 11-W.. Workman, W. Rotas, 1).. 1P osteo. Second ,Part -L. C. Woolman, 0. M. Ande:•son, and A. E. Mines. first Part --A, Brydges, E. Ana- ereon, J. McKencie ' Th,, host Sj.ellers in :he montloy si'elling matches were - Fifth -Anna, Fisher Sr, IV,-Zilpha Moore Jr. IV-Gra:.•: Cooper. 111-Wilired Ross Second- Walter Workman, 0oderich Twp, S. S. No. 11 -Names in order of merit. SrIV-Verna lilliett, Elsie azerg neon, B uby Churchill, Pearl Church ill • Jr. IV -+Francis •Powell, Ic•,cl o'ct Welch. Jr, 111 -Howard Currie, Glen leer gusonClifford Castle, Frank Sr.11-Elmeij Le Beau. Jr, 1k -Arthur Le Beau, '1,ec1fy Welch. Sr, iPt rl-Staoley, :Hanna, Elmer Trick, Laura Currie, Oliver Pee- guson. Jr. Pt. 11 -Alfred Le Beau, Earl 1'+eauregarde Primer -Melvin Elliott, Verna Colclough, Dororthy Welch, Maxim Le Beau. Erma, Diehl, S. St No 9, Hallett; -It is basal onigeneral, proficiency, calculated by the system ofCitizen and Suns". Pupils are in oraer of mer - St. IV -L. Robinson, 0,3, C. Wagner 6.1. G. Raithby, 5.29.. M. W aener, 5,20 F. Wagner, 5.18; 3LM.Leod,, 5,12; N. ,Patterson, 3,13; A. Robinson, 2,6 T1I-R. McLeod, 4.15, H. Prang, 2,27, L. Mcllrien, .227, 0, Deer, 1,24 1I -R, Good, 3.0, R. Carter, 2 25 Pt. 11-11, Longman, 2,8, A. Mac- Leod, 2,1, 3''. Cunninngham, 1.2i, R. Daer, 1.12, L. Wagner, 1,11 Sr, I•r.-L, Baithby, 2,1, ill, Wagner 1,22, M. Govier, 1.4, Jr. Pr. -J. Melrose, 1.23, I. Govier 1,16. E. McBrien, .0, Enrolled- 20 Average -21. Trafalgar Day Collection -151.44 K. E. Brown ,aWood,'s �'llospitotliao3 The Great English' Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood •o-. • 8 old Vein, Cares Nervous Debiltty, MentalandBrain Worry, Despon- dency, Loss of EnerOh,, Palpitation of the Hear , Faflind JW oro!. Price 81 per bog, six for$0.py One will p., o will cure,0 Soldbyoli drugg'ats or mane. plain pkg, on receipt of price. New pamphletmail ed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO -TORONTO. MT. CFormer4 WlahoorJ BUY AT HOME Ingersoll Chronicle -The aci- visability of buying at hone was once more forcibly demonstrated on Wednesday. A travelling sales man with vim and enemy and sr hove all a "good story", eame into town and through his efforts re- ceived numerous orders fok elec- tric lamps. Now the salesman IS gone. It i to be supposed that he is in another field where he will likely, find the `picking" just as as easy, and just as good as it was in Ingersoll,' But since buying the electric lamps some•of the pur- chasers have learned. it is said that, equally good ktmp s f not superior -could have been pur-' chased in Ingersoll for consider- ably loss money Thus the trans actionns suggest an important ler- son. Those, who were interested for local dealers have made in- quiries as to the shock kept and prices charged 'Had they 'Stone this they would have been 'better able to judge as to the fairness of the prices asked by the stranger and on the ground of open and honest competition, if for no sen- timental reason, whatever, -to Ache the townn that helps them they would have felt obliged to buy for them. But the stranger came in upon them unannounced and un expected and had closed with them before the local dealers were taken into consideration But as in the case of "the day after the night before" there is more or less of a penalty to pay. It is ,alleged that the discovery has been made taint similar lamps could have beenen bought in g Ingersoll much c.lealaer and the purchasers would rhave had the' business 'reputation ,of the dealers behind the transaction ata, guaranntee which -as every one knows is north a good deal. It is difficult to get in touch with the travelling- salesman, and it would scem'1 that. locaf purchasers remitl aeon cf1,0 themselves trofth,ethought that'they were '`stung" MOSS ROSES OF SILK. Christmas Frivolities That Nevertheless, Have a Real Use. These' pretty moss roses Lind buds are daintily made by hand and •set in "bought" leaves, Aside from being popular as corsage, accessories,• they GILLETTS LYE EATS D1RT" FOR BABY'S BONN= are especially appropriate to trim baby bonnets either in clusters on lace or as wreaths. Wreaths of ribbon flowers give charming effects on juvenile dance frocks. Ruifles and shoulder straps especially take a pretty finish if white material is thus beautified. HOW TO CURL; RHEUMATISM The Disease is in the Blood and Must ise Treated Throng!! the Blood. There are almost .as many ways of to eating rheumatism as there are doctors. Most of these treat- ments arc directed at the symp- toms and arc considered successful if they relieve the pain and the stiffness. Bu'k'the pain and stiff ness return particularly if the patient has been exposed to clamp, ness. Thisl shows that the poison was not driven from the system by - the treatment employed. Rheuma- tism can be relieved in a number of ways, but there is only one way to cure( it, and that is through the blood, ,expelling the poisonous acid that causes the'aches and pains and stiffness. To renew and enrich the blood there is no medicine 00011 equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which go to the root of the trouble and cure rheumatism to stay cured, The following is an example n' whak Dr, Williams' Pink Pills can do in cases of this kind. 74i'. Henry Smith, St. Jerome, Que., says, upwards 01 a year I was avictim of ilheumatisna in a most painful, form The( trouble was located in my legs and for a long time was so bad that I con d not walk. The suffering which I endured can only be imagined by ,those who have l -ten similarly afflicted. Doctors treatment dio not help .me and then I was advised to try Dr, Wit - lianas' Pink Pills, and although 1 had begun to lc,se faith in meads eine, I finally decided to give the pil1F a trial, 1 .nn very grateful InOW that I din so, for after taking eight boxes of the pills the 'trouble completely ditanpeared, I was tree front' pain and could walk as well as 1 ever I did in my life. I save since taken the pills 00011- ionally as a precautionary measure and 1 cannot speak too highly in their favor. You can get Dr William' Pi -k I'111s through any medicine scaler or by mail at 50 cents a 'fiox or eta. boxes. for 32.50 from The Dr, Wi'- liemsi hfedicrne. CoBrockville, Ont. honorable. Marjorie, aged four, was in the li- brary with her father while her moth- er was superintending the preparation of dinner. The attention of the bead of the house was attracted by a scratch- ing sound, and he looked up to find his daughter at 'work with a pair of scissors on the top of a polished table.. "Marjorie," he said sternly, "go tell your mother what you've been doing!" "3 won't do it, papal" she said. "1)o you think -I'm a tattletale?" -Judge. Suffered Awfully FROM BILIOUS HEABACHES., When the liver becomes sluggish and inactive the bowels become constipated, the tongue becomes g mm s co ated, the stomach [foul and bilious headaches are the upshot. Milburn's Lasa -Liver Pills will stinitt- We the' sluggish liver, clean the' foul. coated tongue, do away with the stomach gases and banish the disagreeable bilious headaches. - Mrs. J C. Kidd, Sperling, B.C., writes: I have uses ilburn's I,axa- I,iver Pills for bilidIs 'headaches. I suffered awfuliyruntil I started to take them. They were the only thing that ever did me any good. I never have any bilious headache any more.'! Milburn's. Taxa -Liver Pillsare 25c pet. vial, 5 vials forll$1.00, at all dealers, 'or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. 'Milburn Co., Limited; •Toronto, Oct. USES OF "ei" AND "ie" The following rhyme, remarks an exchane manb e found useful l 1n helping exchange, may the correct use, of the: letters "el" and "le" After "c" and "e" apply; Wheno1 "el" and 'le both spell "e Bowl can we tell which it shall be? .Dere is a rule you may believe, That never, never will deceive. and all such troubles will relieve A simpler rule you can't conceive It is not111 pieces. many O ads f ma its es. To puzzle daughters, sons and nieces. Yet with it all the trouble ceases, arereerrers 1 r .w®Tr�®ANY LIMITED R ONT, Afton other letters '1"; Thud .algeneral in a siege Writes alettter to his liege. On an army holds its field, Arid will never deign to yield, While; a warrior holds a shield Or has strength his arm to wield, Two exceptions we must note, Which all scholars learn by rote Leisure is the first 01 these; For the second we have seize. • A Christian college -home, healthful situation. For prospectusand terms,write the Principal R.I. Warner, M,A.,D.D.,St. Thomas. Ont. 63 usfOss and Shorthand Westervelt School �R] London; :Ontario- College in Sessto_ tai Sept, 1st to July¢ Catalogue l:ree ;t Enter;an'y tune; J.W., Westervelt -Principal , ••••••••••••••••••sole•••• •• •H W •• • SHAW'S T'S / • • • • • 0 • • Toronto, Canada, includeSchool, the Correspondence • o Shawthe Central Business College, the • • • Central Telegraph and Railroad • • School and Four City Branch • • •Business Schools, All provide • 0 • excellent courses leading to good • • salaried positions,Free catalogue • • on request, Write for it. W.H. • Y Shaw, President, Bead Office. d • Yonge and Gerrard Sts, Toronto • •0 e••eoeeeee eeeseemeeseese• A SPECIAL OFFER to New Subscribers will pay for The New Era UNTIL Jan. lst 1917 A SPLENDID CHANCE To get the Old Home Paper that gives all the news of Clinton and District that's worth printing. esereer-0 a. The New Era First fn Everything.