HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-11-18, Page 3Toos OLINTON NNW MIA.
Ready -
to -Wear
Phone 7S
h&G Dry Goods
Putckse EIIFS now
Prospective fur purchasers are
advised that' although our stock
was never so large nor so varied in
assortment as it is now, ' there are
a great number of novelties in
Mink, Fox, Sable, Lamb, Wolf,
and other favored furs that will be
uickl sold before the real cold
weather sets in, and there will be
delay in duplicating these novelties
Be sure and see our immense range f
of high :class furs before buying Mill. 41 0.1
Moire Underskirts 1.5o
Just to hand this week, five dozen Ladies Black
Moire Underskirts, sizes 38 to 42. If these were
bought in the regular way they would sell for S2.0o.
Special for Saturday $1.5o
Millinery $r.go
We put on sale one table
of Ladies Trimmed Hats,
all new styles, values up to
$4.00, your choice 1.98
Ladies 'and
Winter Coats
The coming of cold wea-
ther makes ) ou think of a
warm, snug -fitting coat,
doesn't it ? Have you seen
the big values we are offer-
ing in the smart new styles
in our Coat Department,
Several maker's goods to
choose from and every gar-
ment a brand new up to -date
Don't complain about pains in .your back
when the remedy lies right to hand.. Gin }'ills
stop baekoches, and they do ht in an easy
natural vvay by going right to the root of the
in t1,/.
Gin Pills act on the kidneys and the.
bladder. They soothe andheal the inflamed
organs, which are causing the suffering.
Neglect .your kidneys and swollen hands and
feet, wnsfs and ankles, are likely to follow.
A dose of Giu Pills in time saves a world of
You will realize their value when yon read
What Mrs. J. P. T. Wedge, of Summerslde,.
r.E.I. writes:
Gin Pills arethegreatest of all ltid-
ney remediesand a medicine which is at
present doing hue a world of good. They
are worth their weight in gold to any
Get GIN PILI,S today at your dealer's.
50c. n hon, or 6 boxes for 52.50. Tal trent-
FREE if you write a 13
National Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto
.lfilR .�iATS�
Volt will find seine (Clu•ist nes
gift suggestions on page 3 and 4.
for Flour Clintor( was well represented nt
Holmesvi le on Monday night.
Now is the time to buy your Winter W
apply of Inoue. We carry a full stock
as Not Much of a Believer
oft e following brands, -
Purity Five Roses
Exeter Milverton
Tavistock London
Listowel White Plume (pastry)
And also a brand of Breakfast Food,
made from choice Manitoba, wheat, at
6 pounds for 25c
To Make Your liens Lay
This winter we recommend our
Laying Meal. Beef Scrap, Oyster Shell
Bone Meal, Grit and Charcoal.
We always carry a full line of
Bran Low Grade Flour
Shorts Molasses Meal
Oil Cake Dairy Meal
Highest Prices Paid for all
Minds of Grain
Flour and Feed. phone 199
in Patent Medicines
But Milburn's Heart and•Nervs
Pills Are All Right.
only man on the sIIp' woo Knew tne`
true God fust asleep, while the heathen
Sailors earnestly cried unto their gods.
Those who have the. Bible and in' it
rho knowledge of the Ilvieg, and true
God and of salvation byEToils
for all who will receive BInt are as
indifferent to the welfare of the mil -
liens of so called beat,l'ien who are ear-
nestly calling upon their gods as Wee`
Jonah When fast asleep on that ship.
They need to hear the cry holt that
shipmaster; "What meanest thou, 0
sleeper? Arise, call upon thy God, If
so be that God will think upon us that
we perish not" (1, 0).
If we bad anointed care we might hear
the heathens Cay, Arise and ten us of
thy God and of Hie great salvation."
And we would surely hear God eeyIng,
"Whom shall I send and whowill go
for us?" (lea. vI, S,) if -God was
seeking in this age to win the world to
Himself both lie and we might well
be discouraged, but 13e is not discern,
and He cannot fail Ilea. xlli, 4).
This book of Jonah shows us his plan.
Jonah was an Islas
• ilia. After his
urrection from • the dead, in a figure,
he went to Nineveh and preached the
preaching that the Lord bade him,
and a whole city repented (chapter iii).
I do not know of another instance on
record or a whole city turning to God. To keep rain from blurring bile's
Now see the foreshadowing or His plan.' vision through the glass of the
Israel has long been rebellious, but automobile windshield is a vely
when they shall see the Lord Jesus,
the risen Christ, their glorious and
glorified Messiah, coining in His glory,
as Saul saw Him on the way to Da-
mascus. they will receive Iiim and
with the zeal of Paul will speedily
make Him known to all the world, and
whole nations will turn to IIfm and
Lesson VIII.— Fourth Quarter,
For Nov. 21, 1915.
Mrs. Wm. McElwain, Temperance
Vale, N.B., writes: `I am not much of a
believer in medicines, but I must say
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are all
right. Some years ago I was troubled
with smothering spells. In the night I
would waken up with my breath all gone
and think I never would get it back. I
was telling a friend of my trouble, and he
advised me to try Milburp's Heart and
Nerve Pills. He gave me a box, and I
• had only taken a few of them when I could
sleep all night without any trouble. I
did not finish the box until some years
after when I felt my trouble coming
back, so I took the rest of them and they
cured me."
Milburn's Heart and . Nerve ' Pills
have been on the market for the past
twenty-five years. The testimony of
the fusers should be ,enough to con-
vince you that what we claim for them
is true. H. and N. Pills are 50c per box, 3
boxes for $1.25; at all druggists or
dealers, mailed direct on receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Thuri ctay,i. N4vernber, 18th, 1915.
oYYlligno l eemeeimessslgaseaie
Locatl. News
0Y•e Y••
Vv'e clisllke l,o keep rerrllndieg env
8013541113ere, through the New )Oral, that;
+;nkt pan'll, i)Iic w'e kn1w
no 0113laveho151' way bey 1'+.4131,1) (biom s0 welloP,
and funds are abso1uln1V necessary to
131 eentintlantei of bustnesa..
Mr: and Mrs. Philip of Exeter,
have received word feom a chum
of then' 5011, Loftus, ` who was re-
ported missing since 'last May,
stating that their son gave his life
fort his country in one of the big
battdee that was fought at lime.
Mr. James Scott, postmaeler,
formed The New Era that the last
parcels post mail for the United
Kingdom due to arrive before
Christman would closeose ere
tween November 20 and November
25,: so far at is known at the pre -
sen ti time.
Text of the Lesson, Jonah iii, 1.10.
Memory Verse, 10 -Golden Text,
Matt. xxviii, 19, 20 -Commentary -Pre-
pared by Rev. D M. Stearns.
Any one who questions the truth or
the reality of this story of Jonah casts
discredit ou the Lord Jesus Christ, for
He called Jonah a prophet and said
that; his three days and nights in the
belly of the fish were typical of His
own three days and nights between His
death'aud resurrection. He also spoke
of the repentance of tbe people of
Nineveh under the preaching of Jonah
and of a future judgment (Matt. xii,
3941; Luke xi, 32). To question the
words of the Lord Jesus is to question
God the Father; for He said that the
Father always told Hint what to say
(John xii, 47-50). Jesus Christ said, "I
am The Truth," and God is called "the
God of Truth" t3ohn xiv, 6; Iso. lxv,
10). Therefore let our hearts cry, "Let
God be -true, but every man a liar;"
"For we can do nothing against the
truth, but for the truth" (Rom. iii, 4;
II Gor. xiii, 8).
When Jonah Is mentioned people al-
ways think of the fish, whereas the
fish is mentioned but four times in
the book, while God or Lord is men-
tioned forty times. We are not as
right with God as we might be until
we give tbe same relative importance
to people and things that does;
therefore let us not magnify the fish,
but the Lord: This is called a foreign
missionary lesson, and it is certainly
a good one on that topic, as we shall
see: Two of the great foundation
truths of the Bible are "God is lore"
and "The Lord is not willing that any
should perish" (I John iv, S, 10; 11
Pet. iii, 9). in this lesson we see a
great city of at least 000.000 people
(120,000 children) and lnudl cattle, and
there was great wickedness in the city
(Jonah i, 2; iv, 11). but God would rath-
er save than destroy them, and He
sent Jonah to call upon them to repent
that Ile might 501110 them.
That is always God's attitude to the
world lying in the wicked one. Fre
commandetb all men everywhere to re-
pent, for He will have all men to be
saved and to come unto the knowledge
of the truth (Acts xvii, 30; I Tim. ii, 8, I
4). But bow can they know unless
some one tells' So Jonah is called of
God to go and tell Nineveh that, while
the Lord does not wish thein to ,per.
ish, unless they repent judgment will
come in forty days (1. 1, 2; ill, 4). At
first Jonah is unwilling to go'aud seeks i
to flee from the call Then follows
the record of the voyage to Tarshish
begun seemingly so favorably. but sud-
denly interrupted: for God sent two
detectives to arrest Flis man and bring
him back, A great wind to stop him
and a great fish to bring brill ashore
(I, 4, 17). Attested on the high seas
and brought bac;:. it roads like au up
to date story, tar but• God is always
up to dote and away ahead. Look at
the wireless and rapid transit as seen
iu the story of Daniel and Gabriel
iDan. is. 3, 20, 21).
As to' the present day attitudeof
tuose who profess to be the Lord's
people toward the command of our
golden ' Text turd of Mari; xvi, 15;
Luke "xxfv, 47; John xx, 21, 23; Acts
i, 8, could there he a more vivid pic-
ture than that of Jonah on thisship
before the captain woke him up? The
Special Sale of Stoves & Ranges
at Big Reductions
For Saturday and all Next Week
Several second-hand Heaters and Ranges for sale
at good value.
Prepare For Winter
By using Brandford Roofing
Beaver Board, Window Glass, Etc.
Good Storm Doors for $1.5o
Two bags Charcoal for 25c
Bring in your Old Razors for the boys at
the front --many more are needed yet,
We expect to make another shipment in
a few days,
4 ,
�y '
S m i. t/ ca i ; NCtV •r 1 :S.
STOVES, I -i �>r �F .et.till .� Vt:�,'l' �
simple 'nether. Carry a small bo:-
tlq of vinnegar in your car and
mob', some on the wind shield
when it rains. The result will be
a clear, view of the street.
except'' for certain permitted pur-
poses, and 'then 'onl'y tinder , very
stringent regulations.
Quebec has a very compre'hensiv'e
local 'option system, under which
prohibition may be put into opera-
tion tto n el her by :municipalcouncils
directly, or by popular voting. The
great influence of the clergy is of
ten thrown on the side of tempcl'-
ante legislation The, 'parish in
Quebec is a municipal, as well as
an ecclesiastical unit. There ave
1291 municipalities in the province,
and in only 291 Of them are liquor
licenses granted.
ontarin has afine record. De-
spite the heavy handicap of the
1ire e,-flithe 'rec(Grrenn;'•t guider
Whiclt,1(10 barroom favoring votes
can defeat 149 votes againstthe
ba rroom,'thero has been won '1
splendict series of localoptionvic-
tories during the past ten years.
Adding together the municiplalities
that) have local option py-laws' in
operation, those in counties that
have/ carried the Canaoa Temper-'
aeon act, and those in which for
other reasons no licenses ;are
granted, there will he found atoted
of 555 under tohfbition oil 1
barrooms and licenses shop liquor -
selling and 'there are left 0nny
292 municipalities in which licenses
aro in operation. On the first Mon
days in January voting will take
pined on local option and license
reduction, by-laws in 42 places, in-
cluding eight cities, and temlier-'
anec( workers are hopeful of winn-
ing victories in all of them.
be saved (Isa. xxv, 9; xxvii, 0; xxxv, The Provincial Licen3e Board has
10; lii, 9, 10; lx, 1-3; Rom. xi, 12, 15).'. sent out instructions to it; inspec-
Notice in this book how God used a i 10's to notify the licensees that the
board would give every support "o
wind, a fish, a worm and even such
a strange man as Jonah and, being
first of all sure that you are redeem-
ed by the precious blood of Jesus
Christ, say to Him with all your beart,
"Here am I; use me." Oh, use me,
Lord, use even me, Just as thou wilt,
and when and where, until Thy bless-
ed face I see; Thy rest, Thy joy, Thy
glory share.
the military order, putting h'ate1
bane ruin shoes out of bounds f•,1,
soldiers in uniform, and that the
licensee who did not respect it
would be ltelcf accountable by the
board. The order puts all shops
out of bounds entirely, and the
hotels, as stater. before 5 o'clock
p. 1n:
War Has Shaun the Foundation
Um soldiers of the French, Bel- throughout the kingdom. ' ;);yen
gian and British armies in 140 the Sultan of Turkey Issued a spa'
r'or•theru. part of the country. inl tirade making drunkenness an
offence to be• dealt with by court-
GERL`l'ANY. martial.
Whet( hostilities began, during Denmark, Switzerland, Norway
the term of mobilization the sale and Sweden, although not Devlin
of alcohol was stricty prohibited c:fpatingnen bhom war have during
German town and cities. When ' ryecent years enacted very string-
inmobilication was complete, pro- eat legislat(ion for the restraint,
hibition of liquor -selling to sol-' and in some places for the total
diets in uniform was enacted for • suppressions of the manufacture
certain( areas. :Carly in the woe and sale of intoxicating drinks,
sent year the supply and sale of partly in the interests of public
s lirituous liquors was further cru- morality and partly for the caret:
tailed for economic reasons, rend of curtailing the waste of 10oou.
throughout the empire the produe In fact all through the Old Worlct
tion of beer was limited by law to are accumulating evidences of an
4u per cent, of the previous aver» uprising of public opinion against
age, for the purpose of c'oneerviug the drd'nk curse, ;coeencidentnliy
the nation's food material. with the development of a de(e,-
When the German armies invct urination of the people to have the
ed, Belgium they raided the wile rellationships of life under civili -
eellnrs and drink shops Of cities ation regulated by high principle
and towns which they occupiec.. , andr common sense.
and gave 1 cin to their almost in- j • UNITED STATES
variable strong drinking proelivo •
ities. It was largely because of I The rapid ,growth of temperance
the heavy drinking that the Ger- , sentiment is strongly illustrated by
man soldiers gate themselves np to recent history in the neighboring
the wildest orgies of brutal outrage' republic. In the year 1:107 511•aie
that; wilt be a disgrace to the Mame laws: were in operation in Kansas,
of that nation 'for an time, Beast- Maine and North Dakota.. Since
ality and slaughter, such as we t11all 'time to the roll of states
never before heard of, have 'men ' that have decided to prohibit both
proven by witnesses of the high the manufacture and sale of iptox-
est character and •, reputation. I icatingt liquors, there have been
Every conceivable crime against added the mimes of Alabama, Ari -
God and humanity was perpelr:tied I zona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia,
by alcohol -maddened creatures t Idaho, Iowa. Mississippi North Cat
who could not even be calico ; olina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South
brute.( without slander on the low Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia,
Manitoba ]las a local option • temunderunder which mori: than half
of the, territory of the province is
free from licensed liquor selling.
The present government has an-
nonneed its 'purpose to submit a
law of total prohibition to the elec
tors, and if a majority is' polled in
favor of it the law will be put into
effect. Voting) is expected to take
place in March next with prospect
of great success for tate temper-'
once( cause.
Saskatchewan• has provincial pro
hibitioni already, the only sale of
licluotl permitted being in some 23
government dispensaries, These
dispensaries may toe closed Vey
votes 'of the electors on the local
option plan. Within a short peri-
od' there will be a provincial vote
taken on the question of the con-
tinuance, of prohibition
That 2,298,020 square miles of the United States are under
That in 1916 a total of 18 States will be under prohibition ?
That 1756 counties of the United States are under prohibi-
tion now?
'.that 14,000 incorporated cities and villages ere now under
• That 16 state capitals are now under prohibition?
That -today more than one half of the people in the 'United
ee States are living under no license?
s•eseeeeeee*seeesmeesc ae•e aeeeeeeeeiemeeeei000de a•e
Smaller Ccs, i Bills
Let lis reduce your coal
i 1it by�U -
bis. Wedo
plyln„ youwith a coal •that
lasts long, gives a steady
heat and leaves only a small
amount of ash. This coal is
The Coal That Satisfies
It will save' you money. Give
're ;'a trial.
2 . J. Holloway, Clinton'
Alberta voted on a prohibitory
law on the 21st clay of July lase,
and the temperance party won by
a majority Of more than 20,000
roles, polling in behalf of the pro-
posed, legislation fully 00 per cent
of the votes cast, 1t is only a
matter of a short time till the legis
lature must make the approved law
efteotive and tits province n'i11 be
lir,ed up with those under total
et; animals. The utter submersion
of 'Washin Washington
)s de, in d nearlycViegenim
in these, fiends 1n human
every vestige of manhood has op other state a wide area under pre-
ened ;the eyes of the nation to _ hrbition through the local option
the appalling possibilities of info method; while en Operation for vui-
sny that can be attained through l ing on
oprohi prMore
the influence of intoxicating I gthan 70 o70 per centmanyo f the United
liquors. Stales territory and more than 50
RUSSIA. I per cent df the United States pop -
Germany has shown the world I ulation, are under prohibition at
the unutterable vileness with which the( present time, and the change
'he •linnet• traffic as chapgelthle. is going on at a rapid rate.
Western 'University. London
Income Doubled -Now $75,000
Another large addition to Faculty and
Equipment in Arts and Medicine
Greatly Increased Enrollment in view
Write for particulars to:
British Columbia is the only pray
ince in which there has not yet
been) definite legislation for t11e
suppression -of the liquor traffic,
either) directly or through popular
vote, the government has, how-
ever, promised a referendum 001
a prohibition proposition, details
of which; have not yet been an -
pounced. There is a great tide of
temperance; sentiment along the
Pacif.ie coast, and with a fair
chance, the temperance voters of
British' Columbia will in all posei-
bilityl be able to line up the great
territory they control under the
flag of peodlibition, which it might
almost be predicted will soon 'he
world+ -wide; in its jurisdiction.
Russia has taught the nations what
ran be done for moral and mater-
ial uplift by wise legislation a <:t et
Seed Wheat tor Sale
ABUNDANCE -A quantity of this
reliable variety is offered -a good
sample, free from weed meed, and
thoroughly dry. Price $1 per bushel
J. If, GRANT, London Road
Local news or, ,every page this
School reports on page 3 of
this issue.
The wind had' a sting to it 011
Saturday( all right.
Wait for the C': C. I• ennr,ert
whic•lt will be given this month.
The{ New 7ii;a to new subscribsrra
from now till the end of next y a'
for $1.
Have you got \the weather stries
on the doors yet? The "cold mann
is corning.
During) his long life, Sir Charles
Tupper was a total abstainer from
liquor and tobacco.
What will te, the number that
Clinton will give to the Union
Regiment for. 0 'erseas?
t g1'n more lt, Own lthalland eanyenohlce9ererhs
humanity's cruellest enemy, 1, here and universality of thio
strengthhad been along preparation 'o£ l owth; of determination to em-
publ c opinion by vlgerens temperbody sepnd principle in wise legis-.
ante propaganda, and the people ration. Looking at the
were, prepared when the war broke rovincet of Canada in them goo-'
out' foe the edict that totally st11' ' graphical order beginning from the
pressed the traffic of supply
which graphical
the Irncl 111 following condi--
nearly alt elle supply 'of ire tions nearly all 01 which are the
011± ants tor earsomptien through result' 1,,F developments within the
out a great Empire With apoplzb� herr few years.
tion) t 17,000,000: c is acts sd to Novi Scotia through either p'r�o,
reheat the statistical
facts a- r•
high testiniolaies •>•Vhrci. have dem- t Meal prohibition aAn'dry�enCleg.7•'
g net li
onstratted, rho wisdom and s1.,ce005 Tompemooce . ,
. it 'ts fret liquor selling out of l 1
Made Strong and Well By Vinol
Waynesboro,Pa.-" I was all rundown
after a hard spell of bronchitis so it was
hard for me to keep about. had pains
in my chest and took cold easily. A
friend asked me to try, Vinol. I did and
it built me up so I am strong and well
and I am able to do my housework which
I had not done for. three months before
Vinol."-- -
1,s. Y. R.
'1, i
no. M
taking t
r .
x an
0 oro 1'13.
soaG W
Vinol creates appetite, aids diges-
tion, mitkee r ,:. blood and creates
strength. Yo' y back if it falls.
J', L Ili .t ', Druggist
Clrs;tso, Ont,
11 1
of omits great reform, of }
military efficiency of the province chn'l1 there
the city
promotion of lilt 1 y of 'Hahfax in which there are ]o
end( success• licenses, and indications are th.1t
OTHER NA'T'IONS. the, law wild' snot be extanded 30
Other nations participating ie. n ir'ctlude) the centre as 'well,
affected by, the war, were amps 1- New Brunswick has p,'olailirtion
ed tea action of a lilts character in 10 of her 15 counties, lit two of
by the merciless loeie of filets end
necessity Aher three cities, and also in an110-Angliaproinbitccl , 1c ger of smaller areas. The tetnper-
sal'el of intoxicants on all Sundays anon movement is going on rapid -
and holidays, and beforiv ntno in ly. The total number of licenses 1n
the- morning or after five in i:he tis province is only; about 130, an II
on all other days. r +Ilfaly thee, general
evening y 1t isi expected t i g, venni_
Prohibited the Lition will soon prevail,
sale of absinthe; prohnbined the
sale of'alcoholic drinks to any per 1 Prince Edward Island has a pro -
son under 16; prohibited canteen vir.ciak prohibitory law cover'
kcepera from selling wipe end every part of it, making illegtl
0105011 thousands of d''ink eh ps ileiail sale of itittoxicatiug Rima, ,
Poultry Wanted
Highest market price will paid by
Phone 14 on;166 Base Line
Auction Sale 01 30 Head of
;High Grade Cattle
Mr, George Holland of Holmesville
has instructed the undersigned to sell
by public: auction at the Hotel, Auburn
on Friday, Dee, 8rd, at2 o'clock, the
following :- New Milkers, Forward
Springers, Cows coming in in March
and April, Steers and Heifers. The
cows will be sold subject to the follow
ing guavar tee -Any cow represented
to be in calf and proving not to be
within 30 days of date of sale, 10 per
cent of the purchase price will be
refunded. Terms -6 months credit by
giving approved joint notes, or 6 per
cent per annum off for cash, George
Holland, proprietor, T. Gundry, auc-
No; cc—Hallett, Taxes
Win. Moon wilt he at the following
places to collect taxes; --
Londesboro-Dee, 3rd, 13th, 140, 15th
A uburn--Dec. 6th
Olinton-Der. Sth
Constance -Dec. 10th
All taxes not paid by Dec, 15th will
be charged 5e, on the dollar,
`By Order of the Council,
WM, MOON, Oolleeper for Hullett
2000 Turkeys Wanted
To be' delivered at the Graham
Horse, Clinton, Either alive or dress-
ed. Hig"est market prices. Cali or
phone No. 5,
Reliable Man Wanted
Wanted -A reliable man with some
bueinees experience with farmers, to
represent us in Huron County, A per
manent position for the right man,
Highest nommissioas paid. Territory
reserved, New specialties for season
Toronto, Ont.
Farmers of Huron County
Dear Sir -We are paying 90c to 92c
for best wheat, and 93c to 95c for extra
good. Damn or musty according to
sample. Malting barley should test 47
to 50 lbs, barley to be worth 500 and to
have beards off. Rye 75e to SOc, Buck
wheat to be good for 60c, but can also
use musty. Look after your buckwheat
as itis bad stuff to get musty. We
have an order from an old exporter
friend in New York, He guarantees
some profit on it and against loss. It
is somewhat speculative as I have been
docked as much as 580 on a car for one
bad load, The reason for wheat being
higher is lower ocean freight rates and
insurance. The world market is really
lower. Will have corn by 20th Nov.
Drive right to the house opposite. the
G.T.R. station. Always at home.
Yours respectfully,
Mr. Egan's new appliances are rapidly taking
the place of the old-fashioned shioned trusses because:
these new inventions 0'0 ionshneted i'1) assist
nature and are flee from all Cumbersome fen -
tures. Complete comfort awaits you. Correct
holding 1x111 be experiencedtrom the atom Yon
will enjoy that absolute confidence of being able
tto do anything at, any time u1, anywhere This
Walt relieve you of :mental Unrest and worry,
This should mal: you u feel tilac a new person.
, h son.
Y 1
tie new inventions, w0612are h intended S meet the
54 isofinen,reign and de chilte•en. Stopaveur
1 useless foreign made fuses and end your
ituec troubles ,at small oast. Delays may b0
ngerolls; tear :off coupon now.
Upon presentation to J.Y. Egan, specialist,
440A Yonge street, Toronto, whowillvisit
the towns .below,entitles bearerto free demon-
stration and exauutuation of samples. ples. d.sk
-at hotel office for room' number. Note dates.:
4l1into lt,ttenibUr .Ilotol..
1T, Y
Monday, Tuesday (all de,. & night)
2 days on' e Nov, 29th and 30th
Goderi4>:-, e '1,'01 biota;i, Dec.1
and Telegraph Courses of the
most complete and modern
kind taught sight, at your own
home by Shaw's Telegraph
and Railroad School.
1 Gerrard St. East, Toronto. Write for
particulars and sample lesson,
W. It Shaw, President
Articles for Sale.
en -
2 small Goal Heaters, bargains, good
as new. Also 1 chicken house Sx10 feet
and my auto. No reasonable offer re-
fused, Blake me an offer, cash or trade
Act quick for I want the room,
Shoe Store opposite P.O., Clinton
Painting & Paper Hanging
Painting and Paper Banging neatly
and promptly clone, Orders left'. at
Hunnitord's Grocery Store or at my
residence, Victoria Street,
Farm For Sale
Lot 33, Con. 1, Tuckersmitb, con-
taining100 acres.
'Frame house,
batik bavn, 6 nacres Hardwood bush
well watered and mostly; seeded
for pasture, For terms, etc., apply
1486 Danforth ave., Torootp,
Fat'tn to Rent
].00 acre farm on the Bay field .Road,
'2n miles south of Cl+nlon, well culti
vated, good brick goose, hank barn
saidbuildings.other I,
wells on
place, .orchard. leer -turtle
, 'titulars
apply to
Box 'el 1, C!iuton