HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-11-11, Page 6PAGE SIX. 1 THE CLINTON NNW ERA. Thursday,; November, 11t 91 We Are Ready With The New. Fall Styles for Men For two weeks past you have been seeing them displayed in our windows, and many of our customers have already come up to the front and made their selection. To -day we invite e one and all to come in and get acquainted permanently with the most complete won- derful and moderately -priced; stoelt, it has ever been our pleasure to show. AOn- derful 'showing! We can only suggest some of the lines. But this announcement is to say they are here, and that you are welcome, Look at a man dressed in clothes made at BROWNS -he will stand right out in a crowd, dressed in one of our handsome Fall Suits, any man will wear a mark of clothes distinction. He will have individuality. Brown's Tailored Clothes -makes him conscious of good grooming. Why should this not be so -for an expert, high -salaried designer models our garments, while the most skillful tailors make them, on scientific, principles, and in scientific surroundings. No detail so small that it has been overlooked. The fabrics are entirely new, and are.. the best productions of, the best foreign looms. Men's Suits --Our Own Make -Those three words, OUR OWN MAKE, mean a great deal in the way of satisfaction to the man who wants full value for every cent he puts into his new suit. Some important points upon which we can absolutely guarantee you complete satisfaction. First -The materials are positively fast color Second -Inside and out the workmanship is of the best Third -We guarantee a perfect fit ti. As For Style -The latest improved 2, and 3 button. S,B. sack coat, with medium or long soft roll, peaked or semi -peaked lapel, rounded front, high cut vest, regular or medium peg trousers, with or without cuffs. Conte its -Try us for a Suit. See Our Fall Hats and Caps. We carry fuli line of Gents Furnishings Ready-to-wear Clothing B 1? OW N'S Ordered Clothing ® V1. TS ®®I I I MI I 111 type DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in con struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de- tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Huron o buy all kinds of Furniture B&IjI 11Z I 1 SO N Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball 110 -RESIDENCE PTI®NILS- J. D. Atkinson 186 M STILL CLISIB[NG. This is the 405th day that the British Empire has been at war with Ger- many. CONDUCTING A MISSION A short time ago Rev. H. M. Man ning,‘ formerly pastor of Wesley Church, Clinton, retired from } ac- 1tive Work of the Ministry and took 1 up his residence in North Toronto Het found, however, that idlenees was not in keeping with one( who had been active in his life and he opened a mission, using a discarded hotel therefore, -It •has grown in interest and useful nees( and pronusee to develop into 21 progressive JV'Ieth•odist Caine. IS e Clinton going to have a curling Club\ this year? Greece going to enter the big European war of 1015? , Huron County newspaper going to bel raised to '$1.50 a year" Clinton going to be on the hoc- key map this year niter a year's test`) 'There going to be a municipal election this year? Nominat;o:t (1.y falls on December- 27th. Tlic( law ever going to be en- forced about autloes in Clinton? It seem:) that some 'automobile I drivers cannot remerebee that they are not allowed to use cut-outs witu hi the town limits, and there are about three or four drives that engage persistently in this nuie- an ce, AAAAAIA144AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAuA4AAAAcAAA4iA eAu►aes L�cal News ♦t*rw*w**Vs*'w*n*.***t V VII)V V Ve*VV VVT►wavvvw®!'tiP GADBVS LETTER, WOUNDED AND MISSING The Ottawa letter of Mr. Gadsby Wodneeday's daily papers Crzt may bel read on page la this issue ported Richard R,'Hawkzns Il�amil- ton,( 4th. Batt). as wounded er GONE TO AYR, missing The soldier le a brother Mr. JameS Howsonou•son left for Ayr of the Hawkins bzolf•�hers of town.' laforst mFrialtding ay whbarererels, he hes aconlract INQUEST: I1ELD TODAY Last Thursday afternoon at '6i RECRUITING OFFICER OP 7.tST. o'clock Coroner Th,ornpebo (and hitl,,jniy comr'�osed of Jee. foreman, J. 1V. Elliott' H. Bartliffe Jas. Steep, Jas, Poxman, E E. Huzif o+rd, Bert'Fitzeimons v:owed the body sof Arthur Forbes at the G. T, Rt station and )adjourned to meet again on Thursday Nov. 11th at 9 o'clock a rn, to hear ghe evi- dence, , 1VI1NOR LOCALS, N®' More Troubi To make appetizing Soups, palatable and delicious. Very nourishing for the young as well as the old, and especially for the sick room. Clark's Soups are recommended by us for flavor, and every tin brimful of satisfaction. Put up in different kinds such as Tomato, Vegetable, Chicken, price per tin 10c. Commencing Monday, Nov. Sth, we will have our own delivery. Leave or phone your orders at the Store of Quality where it will receive our prompt and careful attention. .HIGHEST PRICES POR BUTTER AND EGGS. JOHNSON NSCN C� • Phone 111 THE STORE OF QUALITY l Lieut: A. G. Niebit, Gocl'erich has accepted a commission with- the 71st Bat:tl and has been named re- cleaning officer,, A STRANGE SIGHT. The young children here have a new, object lesson when they see. one of the hurtle Belgian boys comet down street wirh his wood- en shoes. 'It is a novel sight for the young 'Clintonian. TAKE. 01111 MORE LOOIi , Just take a peep dear subscrib- er at the address Label of this paper, and if it reads in arrears kindly do not overlook having it changed as subscriptions owlet be paid in advance to secure $t,00 i Send in the township news as rate. weR as local news.) It is 'alweyo SUSPICIOUS CHARACTERS welcome. 11 Early Fiday morning Night, Hveyhad the mesleS?The Watchman'Welsh got tn aiolrt diT n County. ia can frontwo laes onthe Vest suffering from this malady ust .' eider of the town that two men now, • were, loitering around then Home' HAD NARROW ESCAPE. Wheat Sergt. Welsh got there the "night hawks" had flown. On Tuesday of last week, while 11 TO BIIEi>l� INTO STORE• Mlitcher+ John bi.ahaffy was coming to TRIETll SomeItime• late Thursday night or when crossing the T. R. over-\ with a load of fowl and early) 3 dmorning m' head bridge, the wind snapped off made an rraaytt(erupt to break soebnd>into an electric light pole which nate H. Wr1Lse's grocery store a,t, was rowly- escaped falling on Mr. Mari rear window, The wire screen as heffy's waggin. He eves stru-k on torn away. but the window did not the head by. some of the wires give and therefore no one of iii- and, had quite a contract to free ride, Night Watelunan \Velsh 'himself and his horses f.om the challenged' a man about 12.25 near tangle 'of 'the wires, The..p en at Ford(S DOcLeod's feed store when powerlrcu.e were noti-ied a'd p w he.'was at Morrish's corner, but the er woos shut clovin till all danger man beat it, e fionr live wires had passed. Mr. Mahaffy is a brother of our towns RENli WI 3IDIG1?GH man, Mr. James illahaffy. Great weather for November. Why can't Clinton have n month ly horse show? The Hotel Normandie now • adP veztises a shoe shine. The Tax Collector is paying the Ratepayers a call with his /rex notices Rubbers for Everybody Every man, woman, boy or girl should have a pair of Good. Rubbers at this season of the year, Wet feet always travel the road that leads to the hospital -and it is usually a short trip. We have the Best Rubbers made -We sell no other sort, for poor Rubbers are worse than no Rubbers at all. All the new shapes and heels necessary to fit the new styles of Fall Shoes are to be , found at our store. We fit your shoes with the sort of Rubbers that are JUST RTGHT in style and price, 14. S. ellAPMAN Phone 70 Clinton THE NFW ERA. WANTS A TRIP TO KINGSTON The house to house cant asset gel's. many an order and the pub - About 2 a. m,'Friday morning, lic gets bitten many a time. News Mrs., Brigham, of Townsend stree9 xploited•rind heard/ wrap at the door and papers have been e upon going to the droor, as fiord time to time then have gone wh, was there, The voice outside re- plied "your son -an -law" and 'Mrs. Brigham opened the door and a man stepped inside, Mrs. Brigham at once saw it was not her some e - law( and ordered him out and for the minute he refused to go, but upon being told that she would can the girls who wbre sleeping apt stairs,,tlre man departed with this occurrence and the two fele lows that were down around the Misses Bentl.ey's, it is about time, if one of. them happened to he caught, that an example be rondo of' them,' ir^Irs, Brigham was frightened aid what may be the ronsequenees be it the stranger had gut the least bit ugly. TC BEI<CULUSIS DAY IN through the towns and email zy collecting mosey on special of -1 fers. 1f you don't know your man, tuna him down. The newspaper offices Evill send away your renew'• als and see that you get your paper, or refund your motley. Al-, ready the campaign of fake sub- scription lutists has begun in oth-, eil places. If they strike this eec- tieI'1 be on your guard. . EN'FORCINC4 THE C. T. A. Inspector Mitchell, of Wingham, was in town last Friday and re.; ported that' he has lead a few tales of drunks lately in his riding, and all were fined $20 and cast:'. Police Magistrate 111011011 Irad Lockart, he says. ,are determined that the C T. A,tivill be st.tictly en- forced. Inspector Torrance .had the Commercial. Hotel, of Seafoeth fined for se:ling ia:t week and tlwo eases of drunks paid $20 and nests Om} man in Dunganno,n• was fined $20' and costs for interfering with .rronstable while se:vin+" 111 2310 With a summons and got a twa'•sh inn from the magistrate. Other cases ate periling frf Goderieh, whey* Comity Constable Pe:low is a terror to evil. -doers, •MO•GINGS MEMORIAL WINDOW TO LADS: OTTER Toronto News :-A stained glass wzttdow.placed in St. John's Church inrPortland street by Major-uencr all Sir William Otter in memory of wife, the late Lady Otter, was un veiled at Sunday morning's ser- vice. Col„ Sweny, a close friend of ficiated at the unveiling, the Rev. Revi J. Russel MacLean, preaching the 'sermon from the 'text, "By works), faith was made perfect," A large congregation was present, ns well as a number of military amen front{ the garrison at Stanley Bart racks', under Lieut, Warurope. MajoneGenerat Sir William Otter was commandant at Stanley Bar- racks when St. Joltnn's was the garrison, church. For years those] who' attended the church were accustomed seeming the late Lady Otter in the ;front pew' every Sunday morning and by her, side, Sir William Other. Lady Otter had always identified herself, withthe wort: of t he command at Stanley Barracks when St. arca S .Johns was thegarrison ch ga Foci years those who attended the churcl>l., Since their return from Ottawa aboutarea o the. <, twoyc, g S again tittended the church wnich had known them for so many years -Major] -Gen, Otter, is, Yin old 'Hu'ronite, having been born on the farm about where the Ilkniee 00 Refuge stands. rassnit ea Waterman's Watertnai Ideal Pen Ideal r Ink ERY likely you often think about owning a good Fountain Pen, n, just rust haven't asked us to sell you one. Waterman's is "The Standard Pen," We have in stock the Regular; Safety and Self•filling,type, $2.5o up- wards. Satisfaction in writing is impossible without the use of a suitable ink, Waterman's is "The Standard Ink for fountain pens. Its advantages are its permanently fluid state, its non -corrosive feature, and its uniformity. Its record qualities are everlasting, and the price is 10c per bottle. The Wo Do Fair eo. Often the cheapest --Always the Best n+ ONTARIO SCHOOLS The following is an extract frolic the Circular issued by the Minis- ter of Education to 11, 823 School Tca:hers throu;hout the Prov'n o, with refer once to the Thirst Tub- erculosis Day in the Schools, to bo held'ton Monday, the 15611 Nov, "A( very special effort is now, bee. ing made to save the lives of chil- dren Education in the means of prevention and cure is 0140 of the most pcwerful weapons that can It1r. 'T.:G, East will move in a be used, With this object in view week/ or so to his home on James there! is a general moveri,ent" to atrecE, direct attention 801 the aork of Councillor Miller and family of the National Sanitarium Associa" Iluiletn township, have moved to tion, asci therefore the 'hlinistors desires to notify school boards, and through them the parents of thrtpupils and rate; -players gener- ally, that the Department apo proves of the .object aimed at by Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever. sold. Nothing else will so readilyre.iev`e a cough. 7'Trrylit- 1J yr�' 1 . i�.O Vm° oi,. Dispensing Chemist THE P fNSLAB DRUG STORE AilattitataINUI town; and are now getting settled in Mr. Miller's fine residence on Ontario Street,. f ormer'y owned by the late Thos. Beacom. Mrs. Gilchrist and daughter's are •moving back into their new resie the Association and recommends donee, corner of Rattenhury and that on Monday 15th Nov. the Prin 1Villiane streets. The New :'Era hopes they will spend ninny 'happy years in thein comfortable home. Councillor Harry Fitzsimons ntov ed this week into the hone of Mrs. II. Iter, Victoria street, as Mrs. Mutch, Mahon of the House of Refuge, will take up housekeeping at her l.esidence on Ontario street. HORTICULTURAL MEETING, TODD-BLOXOM WEDDING. From The Port Dover Maple Leaf we takej the following account of the. marriage of Mr. Otwell Toclo son of the late A. M. Todd, a for- mer: proprietor of The Clinton 1,ewseRecord, Many iv Clinton will join in good wishes "A very pretty wedding• was solmenized by. the Rev, J. Culp in the presence of a number) of guests and friends, on Wednesclayt October 27, at three. o'clock p, m.., at the home of Mrs, Bloxom, St, Andrew's street, wher her eldest daughter, Miss Nellie Ned Bloxom, was united in marri- age to 'Dir, Otwell Ashland Todd of Port Dover, fiormerly of Toronto. The bride wore a travelling suit of navy blue with hat to match, and carried, a bouquet of white roses.. The young couple were unattended The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Sidney, Bloxom, Aft.- 'er the ceremony thegue its re- paired to the dining room, and all sat down toa sumptuous repast. after which the happy couple left on their honeymoon trip aoud showers of confetti and good wish es., On their return they will re= side in 'Port ,Covey., The bride was recipient of many costly and beauti ful presents, showing the high esteem in which the young couple are held4 The young couple have a host of friends in :Port Dover, who all loin in wishing them Bon Voyager" cipals and Teachers of the schools all atter:tion to the necessity of putting forth all possible efforts to prevent the epead of the die-, easel and of availing 'themselves. of the means supplied for this hu' pose, and of making such use of the printed statements that have have been issued as may be deem- ed expedient. In ad,diteon to the Department Circu'ar, 3111 Outline of The annual and general meeting Le.ture end a small pamphlet'. of the Clinton 'H'orticnitueal Seel- ',Tuberculosis, what it is' will'be etee was held ir, the office of, the distributledc for use in the schools, Chief of 1-olice. President M. D. asking and gnswefiug a number of McTaggartwas in the chair,, The popular. questions regarding the Treasurer's report was receive:) nature( of the disease and its pre -i and adopted ,as read, The follow, vention and cure, and giving in ing officers were elected.-:- • simple form a great deal of ex- - information. Lio n All a 't ceedingly useful n ' President MeT< ar e r eat M. D. 1s0 Vice President, G. H David. the'i'eachers, and particularly 2nd Vice President, W. H. Watt. those\ who have been •stlmulatecl Directors, T Cottle, T. McKenzie to action by Sermons delivered jr., E. Munroe J. Cuningharne, Mrs from the Pulpits on Tuberculosis 'W. Brylone, 71s. W. D. Pair, Miss Sunday„ 34th Nov.,Not. will be able to Kate McTaggart, give' their scholars the benefit of Auditors. -W. . Biydone and W. D. their. inspiration on the Monday, Fair, Representatives to Ontario 1-1o1•-1 • -• - ticlftiullal Association T;• Ootil,e, Rev, F 'Harper, T. McKenzie jr,, .44++444+4444++++444444+.4 After the general meeting was "• • over the Directors met and re.r ■ a. elected T. Cottle as Seci;e.ary a#riotic .11 es Tr ensurer. I Following is a statement 'as prem seated by the auditors.- • i • RECEIPTS. ++• +++++++++++++'+++++++++++ Balance on hand as for last L annual report • $100,00 Legislative Grant 133.00' County Grant 25.00 Donation 6.50 Members Subscriptions _..., 190.00 Sale tot Flowers 20.80 $175.30 ER:RENDITURES ,Paid for Prizes 6,50 Civic Improvement:. _.. 1:'..00 Donations to Women's Iatri-' a0 SO t otic Society 'Premiunj tor 190 members 011 600 per member 05.00 Purchase/ of Seed and Plants 1 :as per,: certificate .•- 100.00 Secretary Treasurer 10.00 Delegates to Convention held, all Torontlo,. Affiliation fee 0. H. A. printing and Star, tionary expenses and at flower sholy 40.90 375.20 Balance +,-100,10 I The Womens oatroitic Society have their weekly meeting for work tomorrow afternoon, 'Friday at three o'clock. in the Council Chamber., The following is the list of supplies by our •society sent to the Red Cross. Towels, 175 Sheets, 43 Hospital Shirts, 48 Pyjamas Suits, 38 Day Shirts, 1 Palmy Slips, 228 wash Cloths, 36 IPillows, 1 pr. Quilts, 4 • Quarts of Jam, 127 .I?intsi of Jam, 122 Box of Tinned Pork and Beans, 1 , Tc( the Canadian \Field Comfort5l eomtnieioni was sent. Pai .I of Sheds, 204 , Scarfs, t • Cap, 1. wristlets, 2 pr. t, Packages of Tobacco, 10 e Boxes of Sweates, 2 Grey Flannel Shirts,, 48 5476.30 t Frani Cake, .1 Furniture, Rugs & 1. inoleums We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. You will find it to your advanta to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect', and we guarantee the best of satisfaction JASo DEJNPC.:I.;;i'.D Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 2S. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store -- Are You Ready for that furnace ®r PlUtobing Jib The eoroeer Store I "Live and Let Live" Get Our Prices onEavetreugJIiug and Repairing Several second hand Coal Heaters for sale -with and without oven. for CIIrI 1; l as BOkiag From many lands there has been ga- thered together in our store the finest and most tempting ingredients for the Christmas Baking. We welcome one and all to inspect these goods. They'll bear the closest analysis for we select- ed them from the most choicest sample Order your goods for holiday baking as.early as possible as some of them are going to be short this year, Let us suggest a few of the important lines - I Seeded and Valencia , Raisins, juicy, luscious fruit bought for the Christmas I trade; Currants from Patras, we have , been fortunate in getting in a supply of currants in spite of the trouble in Greece. Shelled Almonds and Walnuts Peels ---all kinds: Mincemeat -just the thing for the Christmas dinner pie; Extracts -all different kinds, Canned Vegetables -Canned Corn, To- matoes, Peas, Asparagus Tips, Pork and Beans, Thos.lawkins``�.. Plumbing and Beating; E+• E. llliunniford Agents for )Reda Furnaces Shop -over Rowland's Hardware PHONE 46. &3••6•��•�3"N•F3••F�'�••�•h•N��•4•i•fi!�"II••t„},p�'t�F+i�'F��tF.•t:�•!k•II'irSa••F•3•�r•N•N•Fk+�rt� � and111!ShOCSTheMali 4. 4. •r. t I A man likes tp buy his shoes at a store in which he has confidence -Where he knows that the get are the best, amd he will real, honest value in return for his money. In other words, sir, it you buy your shoes here you will get satisfaction, as well as shoes -not an advertised fictitious value, but real shoe worth. We have a just right Shoe style for every man's taste, and special requirements. . !We are Mes Shoe Specialists ! Shoes at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, nip' to $6.50 There is no copyright on these prices- Any store can use them -Its our Shoes at the price that tell the story, and we "trust that we may have your consideration FRED. JeISON BETTER SHOES ✓ row+;7';+.+'*+++4++. 4.4.+!I4.+4i 1 I'+++.14iE it' i 1