HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-11-11, Page 5Tnursday„ Noveinber, lith, 1915.
.%R179,?1, PAW
c you an Old Watch
that is Worn and
Let us allow for it towards
, that is
itsolutely Deliendihie
and guaranteed satisfac-
tory in every way
Bring along your old
watch and we will give
you a quotation ot allow-
Old gold and silver taken
in exchange for goods, oi
we will pay highest cash
price should you prefer.
11. 11ELLYAR
Huron County News
Rem Archdeacon .Jones Bateman
.nd Mts. Jones Bateman left Gode
ich to vend a few days at!Potts-
Rim Ma., before sailing tor Bug-
snd: The .4. rchdeacon has been of
eifed the chaplaincy of one of
he British regiments and may tac-
' ept or •enter unon niilitary sere
• ice in some other capacity. His
we, sons are in the Canadian iorn
le's-ene M England and one at
teoedon, Out.
•The - Goderich conned Frisian
•,The barbers of Exeter have night presented Lieut. Wm. Peoucl-
t greed to charge the :following lea with field glasses at a come
prices; all hair cut, 25c. shave, 10c; plimentary banquet tendered to
neck. shave 3e; and to dose their •the young officer, who will soon
place, of business at 0 o'clock leave for overseas duty.
oVery evening except Saturday and
athis took effect November 1st. • Weird has been received at Wing
ninn of the, appoinement of Me.
,e, , !Francis Carlin, who for 'mane 'G. A . Stokes, of Toronto, to the
ear $ kept an hotel at Staffa and position of superineendent ot Sam
ter conducted the Comrctercial -EMI Tunnel Terrains, with heedei
otel Hensel]. fro some years, quarters nt Port ...41.nCklAt 10
ci at his borne on 'Friday. He years ago Mr. Stokes wee agent at
ed suffered from the eftiects of Mr Wingham station end was wel
eralytic strokes for about two
: ..e. largoortunber from Zurich at,-
• tended] the hydeo meeting held at
Iensall last esriday nit hteMr, Geo,
itanley, of Liman addressed the
The Hydro Electric Commission
•<if Toronto have submitted to the
-Exeter council the following ejle weekt or leo. !Preparations are
. ;wee for 150 h. p. load; Mrom t. about coraplete'cl whe, eby they will
egegye, gee 07 per h. p I, QM arm start on a large erder for ;shell
ton, $50,22; from London Via Liman' boxes,
$41.66. The figure previous'y uet- A. telegrarn was received at Mord
ere N#as $13.71 for 200 h.p. from St. i wish stating that Mr. Robt. J. Gine
'Marys, This means !that Exeter 1 son, of Abbey Sask., and only son
peewee will come from Lucan. of Mr, Win. Gibson, of this place
• On Monday evening the Crediten had been burned o death. inprairie fire.
Brass . Band went to Cen Irene to
serenade Pte. Hubert White, 'who I A caravan oe gipsies visited
has been disabled and has eetarne Wroxeter Monthly •afternoor
DOCS Yotit
Congtalitte Londeelbeno
Watch Need , m Thos. Penance vi ited her bre'.
, them in Ethel for a couple pf dames
t ,-Mrs. Edwin Batton, eten t e tcourde
) , 00 days wine her parents at Walton:
; Mr. IVise. Stanley of ' Holmesville
called on his daughter, Mrs. D. Tudor
l on Monday. • '
1 Mrs. Adam , Glazier and children- of
' Clinton spent a feve days the guest of
her mother, Mrs, Cole.
• A Watcli that doesn't keep
good time is little better than
no watch at all.
Entrust Your Watch
to US
We will spare no effort in
putting it right,
In the shortest possible time
at a most moderate price.
. J. Grigg
%jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage
. ikmismOMONMA
doctoz were required to set them
right.. .
The county of Huron must pay
Frances Ilolmestead, police neaps,
• trate, of heaforth,$ 315, datnages
for its failure to provide him with
an office, according to the (seder
of the Appellate Division which sus
Mined the finding of the %county
court. e
Tie nen Engine Wores at Sea -
forth has been awardee :another
contract for the manufacture of
shells, This time the contract is
for 20,(7.0 simile, just twice the
amount of the iirst contract,
which is the best ,evidence that
the work has been well and setice
factorem performed. t
Met E. W. ()retie, farmer, of get
land, about two ranee from Wing -
ham, suffeeea a heavy loss 'Fri-
day, morning, when three of his
threrayear cattle strayed from
their pasture 00 10 the • Grand
Trunk tracks and were killed on
the early morning train corning
from' .Kircardme to Wingham.
le.n wn in Wingham, whet e he piny
ed amateur baseball. Hie many
friends will be pleased to learn
of his latest promotion in the ser-
The union furniture tfachory
Winghane which has been lying
idle for some time Will undoubted,-
ly be running in the course of a
ed fromthe front They were
accompanied by a goodly number
froml town. •
The Exeter Agricultural Society
men in the Commercial Hotel Sate
raday afternoon to wind up •the
business of the Mall Fair, to one
thorize payment of accounts Ind
primemoney and general lsusiness
• A claim has been made to the
"Govenernent for a share of ehe
rain -day fund. 1
Mrs. Henry Brunsden, oj fosmer
resident ot Brussels, died at 13ranla
ford mef ter an extended illness,
sentris survived by two eons and
tem( daughters. One son is at the
front, 1,
A representative of an American
Safe Manufacturing Co. was in
Wingham last week eooking
throngh the old chair factory with
.a view, to bueing.urnbull, son of Rev. Births Idarres
iaoes & DORMS
Charlefe T
Mark Turnbull, rector of Poet.
:Stanley, formerly 'rector of S..
George's church, Goclerich, • fleas
beenprennoted to a lieutenancy.
' Ile left with the first contingent
as a private in No, 2. Ambulance
Ihe Lordship the Bishop of Hr',
r On will h -old confirmation service
' in Tenuity Church, Bayfield, ou Sun
day, Nc,v, Inth at 11 o'clock 11, m.
After, along and painful illness
Mrs. J. C. Martin passed away al
, home in Goderieh on Tuesdey. She
was born 54 years ego at Ellicottce
villee N, Y. State, where she was
married to Mr ,Thos. Wetenore. ton, aged 40 years, 10 months tend 16
Erin, Mr. IF G. Wetmore, of dem,
Goderich, survives. After the en
death of her first husband she Was
maarriedf six years ago to Mr. ,T. C.
Martin, of Goderich.
A Peculiar rrnshap befell Mr. A. With most people the failure to
Steinhoff elf Blythe on FridaY ever- pay newspaper subscriptions
Ing. While yavsning his jaws lice due to overeight-it is a 50,511
caeaM locked and the services of •a matter easily overlooked. .
and succeeded in re'ie.ving some ef
tht( business men of several small
amounts •of money. Constable T.
Bi ethauer and Reeve Reis followed
them tot Gerrie however, where
full restoration was made.
The sad weed was received dine
ing the past week of the death of
Alex' Ross, ' in California, formegy
a resident of Grey Township He
Was mart led 11 months ego. Cause
nf demise, was a stroke. , Bartel
will be made at Gerrie Ont.
An old and highly esteemed for
irteli resident( .lof elle 6th line,
Moine, deed in Saginaw, Mich., on
Sericiny; October 22nd, in the pe -
son of Thos. Russell, at the • age
of 02 years and two months; Death
was due to old age and a slighe
strohe of paralysis .
LEOKIE-At Wellesley Hospital,
Toronto, on Monday, November 8,
1915. Annice Oliver. beloved wife of
John Leckie, Brussels, Ont.
JOHNSON.- In Stratford oa Tuesday
Nov. Oth, at his late residenee, 147
Douro street, Angus Johnson formerly of Clinton, n his 000h year.
FORl3ES-ln Clinton on ,Thursday.
Nov. 4, 1015eArthur Forbes, aged 61
years, 3 months and 7 days,
ROBERTON - In Londesboro on;
' Thursday, Nov, etb, 1015, Hannah,
Maria, Riley, wife of the late Robes'
seacapaaeoaceaosseeetneesaeaoloceoetteossayohoesaaacceate se I
I, • Toronto • 11,
0 .0
,1 )3ubter 30 to 30g
Bggs 35 '
1 Wheat 95c
set Oats 41c
eye Catt1e 7.6e
Hoge 8.95
Sheep 6.25
Ille Lambe 9.00.
- Cheese 15 13-16
_Barley Pee eo ,
Hogs 8.75
Butter 25 tO 24
Eggs 30 to 32
• Barley 40 ere 45
Wheat 80 tee 8e
Oats 30 tol 35
lentee' Lee
Shorts 526 to ' •
Bran $26 to $27
Hay for bailing
Betteefield •
Mr, •WM. Beery hied itO opeeation
Performed on Friday,last by Drs. Ross
of Seaforth and Rogereof our village.
Mr. Welsh of Goderich, has meted
the John Reid farm in Stanley.
, Wm. Wright, who went to Manito
ba on the Harvester's Excursion, has
returned home on Saturday.
Miss Jarrou of Kippen isthe guest of
Miss ti. Alkenhead, Stanley. .„
At a reorganization meeting of the
Seaforth Hockey Club it was. decided
to elect the officers for the season Mona
the active players of the club. Dal
ton Reid was, elected president and
Otto Dick secretary treasurer. The
executive committee was left over • till
next week, when another meeting
vele be held. While many of the hoc-
key teams in the province have lost
one or more players, the Seaforth
team is still intact and Wel robabilities
are that the same seven which reach-
ed the semi finals for The Free Press
Trophy and also made an excellent
showing in the 0. H. A., will teke the
ice again this season, and the fans are
confident that the team will reach the
The ladies of No. 1 Stanley met on
Thursday at Mr. Alex, McHwan's end
organized a Patriotic Society of 24
members. The following are the offi.
eerie -
President, Mrs. John Pearson,
Vice )'resident, Mrs. John Butchart,
Secretary, Miss Isabel Glen.
Treasurer, Miss Fannie Diehl.
Executive Committee, Mrs. John
Innes, Mrs. John Jervis.
The next meeting will be on Thursday
November llth, at Mrs. Butcbart's
from 2 to 430.
Sunday anniversary services were
preached in St. &inheres Church by
Rey. Prof. Davidson of Knox College.
He gave two splendid orations which
were listened, to with great attention
by the large congregations. Al the
eyeningservice the church was packed
on account of the courtesy of the
Methodists closing their church. The
music was well rendered by the choir
assisted by Miss Ada „McClinton 'of
Goderich, whosang a solo at both sem
vices. The church was beautifully
decorated with flowers and the collec-
tions were large. •
Capt. R. R. Sloan of the 83r6 Regi-
ment, London. epent a few days of the
past week with his parents here, and
superintended the drawing of 800 bar-
rels of winter apples froni his (erode.
rich fruit orchard to • Goderich for
shipment, he haying sold them to Mr.
Cantelon of Clinton.
The Jewitt brothers, who are enlist-
ed with the Ambulance Corps at
London spent Sunday at their home
A number from here are up in Mus
koka at present on a hunting expedi-
Messrs. Bainton Bros. received a car
load of sheepskins, and have started
up their tannery for the winter baying
Quito it force engaged at wool pulling.
The lilax Company have hesn very
successful in getting their fax lifted
betore the snow falls, and as soon as
they get the mill rigged up they will
engage a large gang,at the ecutching
The four blocks on Main etreet south
which have been barricaded from the
public for the past three and a halt
months, owing to road improvements
were opened for traffic on Wednesday.
Work is is long way from being cone
pleted. •
Rey. Ur. Wesley, of Wroxeter, and
Rey. Mr. Menu, of the Presbyterian
church here, exchanged pulpits last
Newton McCatiley, who has carried
on e tearaing business in town for six
years, has leased a •farm in Morris
Township and moved on to it this
Joeeph &Mille, a pioneer resident of
the let line of Morris Township, died
on, Wednesday.
The amount realized at the weekly
Red ()rose Tea at tbe home of Mrs. J.
F. Rowland was $17.........
The funeral of Mrs. David Pipe, a
former well-known tresidenb of the 5th
line of Morrie, took place to Brussels
Cemetery this week. She died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs R. J.
Young, in Hullett Township. •
After a lingering illness of about
three years Annice Leckie, Reeve of
Brussels, Ont., passed away at the
Wellesley Hospital Toronto Monday
morning, where she had been confined
for the past ten days. She was
a victioa of pernicious aenemia. Mr.
and Mrs. Lecitie were married in Ham
iltoe in June, 1888. They lived in Tor
onto until 1900, when the family muv
ed to Brussels. Mr. Leckie resigned
his position as valuator with the then
Freehold Loan & Savings Co, Mrs.
Leckie was the second daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. • James Oliver of
Brussels. Besides her busband, she
leaves three sone John, Robert, and
Charles, all at present of Toronto, and
five sisters.' The funeral will take
place in Bruesels.
Monday afternoon was a red letter
day m town, when the town hall was
packed to the doors for a farewell pre
sentation function,to the sex boys who
enlisted in the 71st. Battalion and
were home over Sunday. There was
a procession of school pupils headed
hy a piper and the cadets all cerrying
flags. W. FE Kerr took the chair at
2.80 o'clock, anct after the singing ot
the National Anthem and the Maple
Leaf, F. le Gilroy read a presentation
address and each of the young men,
Messrs, Denbow, Henestvorth, (gam
phay, Pendgeift, Wild and Campbell,
was presented with a wrist watch
For They Axe Jolly Got d Fellow" wee
heartily sung and short, spirited ad
dresses were given by Reeves, Menem
Page, Wren and Mann, Principel Scott
end J. T. Wood. The tprocession re
fne ued and marched to tbe G. T. R.
Depot, when tem soldier lads Mole the
e o'clock fin' LOnd01.1. ,131.`1159010
is 'Mild ner repementanyee in the
• Canaclien army.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Philips attended the
Epworth,League Convention at Llyth
on Monday t- evening and ,were delight
ed to meet their old pastor, Beet G. W
Dewey, who married them a good
many years ago. They had never met
since that day, • '
Friday of lest week Elieabeth Find
later, beloved wife 50` David Pine, for
years a resident of the 51.h line, Morris
toweship, passed awsty at the homeof
her daughter, Pers. R. J. Young, Heil
lett township, after 0: lonmand trying
illness from cancer. -She' was 7.1yeare
d months and 20 daysoldend is suryim
ed by her husband, 3 sons and e !laugh
tees, Funeral took plaee Montlay after
noon, interment being made inBrus
sets cemetery. •The; subject (Obtain,
Ince was held int high esteem by a vide
circle of friends for her many good
qualities of head and heart, who ex
tend sympathy to the members of the
family in their bereavements.
In Donbe-There is some doubt as
to the situation of the 'grant supposed
to have been made by the Tueker
smith council to the Bribish Red Cross
fund. It seems the council passed a
resolution that a grant of five thous
and dollars be made, but the council
adjourned without passing the ,neces
sary by lavv givingeffect to the nue'
tion. At a special meeting of the
council held a few days ago the cams
oil decided not to pass the bylaw in
the meantime, end- consequently no
grant will be made until the by law
is finally passed by council. It seems
that a considerable sum has been rais
ed by private subscription in some
parts ot the township, and objection
is made that the prcposed municipal
grant is large n view of the
amount Seised by private subscrip
Mr, John Hay of Tuekersmith died
on Sunday, November 7. in his 65th
year. Deceased was a former well
known resident of North le'asthope,
where he was born. 'He removed with
his family to Tuckersrnith about
seventeen years ago. While • in North
Easthope he was councillor and after
wards reeve for several years. He
leaves a widow and family of four
sons and two daughters, all living in
Tuckersniith, near the deceased's
home, with the exception of Peter, at
Niagara Falls. The funeral took place
on Tuesday to Maitlandbank` ceme
term near Seaforth, and was 'largely
attended. Rev. J. Argo of Egmond
ville conducted the service.
An art exhibit held under' the aus
pices of the public school staff netted
$40 for the purpose of buying pictures
for the schuol,
Tbe Canarla Furniture Company has
received an order for shell boxes that
firm busy for the winter months. A
second order is expected to follow.
Oapt, Porter and Lieut. Edwards,
who have been in charge of the Sal
vation Army for some months, have
been transterred. Capt. Porter to Wal
laxeburg and Lieut. Edwards to Tor
Duff & Stewart, Bluevale. have sold
their flour mill to Charles eternise
George IL, ,Hounsell, formerly of
Werigheen, ems sold his bakerat ()lode
rich ta David Burns, of Strathroy.
The police are looking for same per
son or persons who rifled the till, of
Mr. MacLeod, grocer, Josephine street
Besides money, tobaccos aud other
goods were token.
Wingham council is considering the
erection of more street lights at cor
ners which are dark when the trees
are in foliage,
Jack Black, five year old son of Mr.
Chas. Black, while making a bonfire of
leaves with otner boys in a neighbor's
yard, met with &serious mishap which
nearly cost the little chap's life. By
game means one of the boys got some
coal oil and starterd throwing ib
armee with the result that Jack sud
denly was it mass of ilieriaes, from feet
up. His screams brought neighbors
who extinguished the flames. hut not
before she clothing had been burned
from his waist down. Medical atten
tion was soon on hand and the little
chap is resting as well as can be ex
pected. Every hope is held out for
The vote on Church union in Carmel
Church, Hensel!, whittle' was taken
during the past two weeks resulted ag
follews;"Eldeis 10 for. M against; COM
municants 217 for, 26 against; adher
ents 38 for, 1 matinet, enaking rt, total
of 205,votes, of which 265 were for
union and 80 against. In 1912. 296
votes were cast, 238 for and 58 against,
.11 .1 ,
Settlet..0.11or 4iits
Causing Gi.ent'
Norway Pine Synii).
Miss D. M., Pickering, St, Catharines,
One., writes: "Having derived great
benefit from Dr. Woods Norway Pine
Syrup, I thought I would write and tell
you of my experience. When I first came
out from England I contracted a severe
cold, owing to the change of climate.
It settled on my lungs, and caused me a
great deal of pain. I tried every remedy
I could think of, but got no relief. My
father, who had heard a great deal about
the good qualities of Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup, advised me to try it. I did
so, and I am pleased to say, found inn.
metliate relief. I only took one bottle
audit cured inc corapletely. My mother
had a severe cold also, and Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup cured her, so we
never fail to keep a bottle of it in the
See teatenone of those so-called "pine
syrups" are handed out to you when you
go to your druggist or dealer and ask for
"Dr. 'read's." It is put up in a yellow
• western 'f tee pine trees the trade mark;
price, v 3 50e.
• Mane, enured ode; by The Terlelin
bum Coe Limited, Tweet°, Ont.
, On Friday evening last a very enjoy
able time was spent at the bome of
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miller, 3rd conn
Hallett. when e. ,humber I of their one
friends and neighbors gathered to say
farewell before their departure tor
their new home in Clinton. During
the evening Mr. Miller was presented
with it bandsome leather chair and
Mrs. Miller with a card receiving table
after whiche Mr. Miller made a very
suitable reply on behalf of hineself and
wife. The following addresstwas read
by Mr. Lorne Tyndall, the presentit
tion being made by Louis Peacock and
Mrs. R. Tasker • ' •, '
Dear Me. and, Mrs. Miller -As the
time of your intended departure is
nearing, we t desire, as friends and -
neighbors, to express our sincere re
:pet of your removal from our midst
We ask Mee Miller therefore to accept
this chair and Mrs. Miller this table,
as a slight 'token of the esteem in
which you, have been tell during tile.
many years you have resided among
us, and now that you are retiring from
the more ardent duties of life we hope
that you may be spared to enjoy
health and happiness in your new
Signed on behalf of the friends and
Lonis Peacock
, Frank Glew
The Dungannon Evaporator Com
pany's plant was burned down at
about 6 o'clock Friday, The buildings
destroyed were valued at about $1,000
but the stock was worth considerably
more. The plant has been running
hill time and had just closed down for
the night and the hands had left. The
night watchman was on his way to
the premises when he noticed the
blaze. The fire may have orginated
in the bleaching room.
Next Sabbath is "Men's Day" in
Holmesville Methodst Church. A large
chorus of men will lead the singing.
The pastor will preach at both ser
vices, 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. In the
morning his subject will be "More
than Meneor the divine element in
character building" lo the evening he
will speak from the words of St. Paul,
"Necessity is Laid Upon Me."
On Monday evemag the annual
Men's Dinner will be held. The entire
proceeds go to the Red Cross Fund.
The Forest City Male Quartette will
furnish the maser part of the program
Dinner will be served from 5.30 until
o'clock. The Committee has ordered
fifty geese so you may expect a gond
meal. Come early and you will great
ly facilitate the matter of servir g.
A very pleasant evening was vent
at the home of efe, Harty Oakes,16bh
con, on Wednesday when the Eben
ezer congregation gathered to do
honor to bis daughter, Oeliste Ger
Mode. who is to be married next week
Miss Oakes has presided at the organ
in Ebenezer church for a considerable
time and hat; been very faithful and
efficient. A complimentary address
was read and a beautiful mantle clorik
was presented her, Miss Oakes and
her father made a grateful reply, and
atter a dainty lunch had been served
the company bade farewell.
Mr. John Moffat went to Hamilton
on Monday to attend the funeral of
his uncle lately deceased.
Mr. Hugh McGregor jr. arrived from
the Weet on Saturday. He reports
fine weather for the last month and
the threshing all finished around Pas.
rpm and Moose Jaw.
The repairs to the Barinookbuen
bridae are expected to be finished this
Mr. Hugh Gilmour has his stables
completed and ready for winter. He
will add a water supply shortly.
There passed away at Londesboro
last Thursday evening, Hannah Maria
Riley, widow of the late Thomas Aoh.
erten, aged 43, years. Deceased was a
daughter of the late William Riley.
She re survived beone -daughter Ivy.
For some years she had suffered from
cancer, t About four years ago she
moved back to Londesboro from Olin
ton. The funeral WAS held on Monday
on a ma litOad
League meets nexb Tuesday ab the
home of Mr. Gleams Layton
Mr. and Mrs, A. Wittingham have
gone to Ailsa Craig to spend the win.
ter with their daughter, Mrs, Clap -
worthy, Mr. Wittingham is not en
joving as good health as his friends
would like to see, and hope the change
will do him good ,
Mr. Sohn nail of the 33rd spent the
week eral with friends •
The west end Beef Ring settled up
the season's business at the home of
Mr. George- Hanley, the other day•
Everything ,was satiefactoty and the
business arranged for another season's
0000 Neat,.....1.1ridleiiiite.4...r?
• 11 you do, and appreciate good value when buying
--it will pay you well to visit, this Department of our
store during the next few weeks. Although wool has
advanced considerably during the past year, we are still
offering most of our lines at old prices.
See oar Men's Heavy Pure Wool Underwear at el per garment
Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear, naostly wool, 75c per garment
Fleece Lined at 50c and 750 per garment
Also a full stock of Stantields Unshrinkable Underwear in different
weights- at lowest prices
. Don't buy your Rubbers without first giving us a
call, as we are showing a bigger stock and a better
assorttnentt tba.n ever before, and prices are the very
lowest possible. We can save you money on your
Rubber wants if you give us a call •
Small Prolits
Phone 25.
More Business
:eagefeeweep••••••••••••••••••••••0***********••••••geng 4q
• . ,
Local News
4.• .
i The Winter Pair will be held .at Anyone who is found of rugby
Guelph again this year., Sense dff- can see the Junior rugby final,
ficulty.was encountered in getting rleyed at Stratford on 8aturclay
the teem building this year, es it af tel noon' at 3 o'clock between
has been uted by soldiers, and Was iivp
needede both Toilonto and Lon- Tovonto.
en Pwaet.:, mrmalictienhgtedattteekinpettsthteethaeot
0 VEdeleg niUNav,ser. University Scho.ol ot
these cities perhaps nerma.nent'y,
but the Guelph authoiLies gave lip
the building. to the .Fair Board,
agreeing to give possession on
Nov. 2a, so that preparations for
the. big 'Fair might be made.
There( is a contract providing for
this, which has until 1920 to run.
Sir Sohn Hendrie, lieutenant -goy.
ernor of Ontario has issued a cir-
Value Counts as Nothing' if They See
. Anything They Want. ,
Among the Esklinos of the. Bering
sea region there Is no fi-xed value for
nehalebonenfurs or anything the May
have to trade, If one of them has
anything 'bf value he will keep It until
some white mao. appears with some-
thing that, appeals to .tie eye. And
the money value of what may take
him does not make any difference to
hem If he hap a trinket that may be
woeth a dollar and some one offers to
give hini for It something that Is worth
, a thousand dollars,but of whIele he
has no, need, he will refuse to trade.
But he will give anything he possess-
es for what he really wants:
An Eskimo of 81.. Lawrence !eland,
In Bering see, made it catch one sea-
son' of a big eowhead whale. The
head of' baleen was worth between
510,000 and 515,000. He knew the am
,proximate value of the, head, but he
held on to it with no apparent desire
to trade. One day a traderappeared
with a small gasoline launch, valued
at perhaps '5200 or 5800. The sight of
that so took the native that he.straighte
way traded his head of bone for it.
Ear out in the strait one day ee
ran out of *ohne. He abandoned the
launch for the canoe he Was towing
and paddled ,back to the island. But
he did not regret Me trade, He ems
satisfied and ready to try' for rinoeher
whale. -Youth's Companion. e ...
Sergte Welsh is having a eeptiic
tank and bath put in at the houe.e
nowt ocoupied by Mr. Chas. Libby.
Mimi:Hill, Wellington street, has
hate her house painted.
Mr. Joseph Townsend is baying
a furnace put in at his residence
corner -of Kirk and Ontario street,
Subscribers of The New Era liv-
ing on R. R. delivery routes who
lettaddressed "teen 'who ar;
ere'reeNet.t:yrtigwiltin ekiirncrena.ypenrestitiyn
Mete helped to obtain the magnifi-
culae er
cent response to the appeal of the ens office, A postcard or tcloe
Britished Croes Societyandthe
phphone call nbtifying us of the
; R.
order of•Ste John, in whic ..le
states that it is already known
that more than double 'the e500,e
nge to a :ural rote, -will en-,
able us to address the paper in
the correct manlier. t
• eM 'ng lo the g I eat succest that
000 askeele•as Oneerlo's share has
for him to work late this eall., He
Mr. Chas. Baker leas had as a
been received; and that when the
may certainly took forwardt 0 a
painter, it has made it necessai y
Imey, season nest year.
full returns are, complied it will
not be surprising if that amount
has been trebly received, Thanks
to Premier Hearst, N „W.. Rowell
(1.15. fferguson, (acting minister of
educationi, the teachers, the press
the bee scouts, the mayors,reeves
and !municipal councils and all
°there Who assiseed are expressee
t. London Advertiser -In well in-
formed eircles it is stated that
'when the neat budget is . brought
down at Ottawa enety -place of
public amusement 13 the country
will be tamed, A Londoner recent -
Ip in Ottawa, said that the Ottawa
Administra.teou had deteemined to
tax theatres, poolrooras, bowling
alleys, skating rinks ,aed ,other
placee. of resort would all have to
'Moine across." Last year Damien,
ion Government left theee places
foe the provincial goverminente,
but as nothing came of theeo'bv'eus
invitation and as the Ontario Gov-
ermment has not been able to
spend the extra million it placed
against the municipalities the Do --
Minion' Government will suggest
that no fu: -thee provincial levies be
,Postermeteif Wigle, of . Windsor,
iissuef a notice 101110 residente of
thee:city which ought to be taken
to heart by the people of Clinton,
It is this, "Do not delay a minute
in sending off parcels containing
Christmas presents for the sole,
client at the . fret-kn. The only ‚Ivay
that delive:y pf such pack -)gee can
be secured is to send them now."
The explanation 141r. Wigle gives
in that( owing to the fact that- tbe
majority. of boats tare Dow used
for the transportation of the grie
creel to Europe at this •time and
thee scant tattention is being paid
by, postofliee officials to pack-
ages, the regular mail steamers
carrying only letters, there is
likely to be a tienup o 0 panels
destined for the 'trendies at Italia
fax or some ether port, .within the
Peat few weeks. The path of wie
dom, thereofre, is to send your
Cheistreas parcels early and thus
avoid, the rush.
• .97 glance at the list of conteets
oe the November issue of Rod and
Gun, in Canada magazine indicates
than this slumber is of general ire
teresti to the outdoor .lover aid
sportsman,while a reading of the
number justifies the first unpeesms
ion. "Beg Alec and the Portage of
Death" Is a Ilitclion Bey Moly by
R. J, ,Fraser of pathetic interest)
concerniega veritable 'portage of
(leaflet which was negotiated ' ty.
011 unfortunate band of . Indians,
the ViCtilliS Oi a factor's crueley.
Martin and the Mortgage n
mother of II. C. Haddon's, stories
and has to lac with the ealsture or
a den of blault fax puppiem "How
Saunders caught the Gone Hoge is
a sto yl of deer hunting by camera
'es. deer hunting by guri, writte.n
and illustrated by le, V. William's.
There, ate other stories that make
a like appeal to the readers of a
sportsman's magazine as evten as
the( usual special deparefments (11
voted to guns lied tammuisition,
tithing ,etci W. J. Tae '
Weedseoele, Ont. ere the let,
ANNUAL lerefEl'ING Ole
• ,v-morm
Ur. E. Floorly, Secretary of Tor-
onto Old Boys makes his aenual
ar.nouneeneent,--1 beg to notiey
retie that the 17th Ann-ual Meeting
of the Huron Old Boys' Associint
tion will be held in the Cafe Roye
al. 14 King St. East, one ilertidey
Evening, November 19th at s
o'clock for the Election of Ofnce s
and the transaction -of General
Businesse At the conclustion of
the business the Annual Banquet
wile be held, at 'which addresses
will be delivered by Sir 3.5. Wil -
listen, Rev, le. E. 'Powell (former:3r
of Turnberry), E. J. B. Duncan anli
other prominent members of the
A ssociati on en ter epees et1 with
songs and music, Tiekkets: are
placed at 50c. Ir is; the earnest
desire of the Executive that every
lefutonite in the City oft Toronto
should be present at this reunion
of the Old B-oys and lam lestruct-
ed to ask you to make ce strong
personal effort to be present and
bring another Huron Old Boy with
y,ou, , , ; .
. It is not ito be supposed that a
bride, so welleknown , and popular
as NEM azel O'Neil could, escape
the 'showers by which a bride's girl
friends , are wont ta show thee)
good -(vine On Thuesday, evening
of lest week gimlet fifty •,:youeg
inclaning all the :members
of Willis Chuime. Girl's Club, Met
at the Postoffice and proceeded, i0
the home of W. T. O'Neil, where
they took possession of the draw -
5115 room. Here they erected on
the floor a latge mound oe per-
ceisewhich they directed the bride
elce to open. The first she chanced
upon proved to be a lemon squeez-
er with a card be,aring the words
"The first of the bunchee. This
caused considerable merriment tor
a few years ago "The Lemon
Squeezers', was the name 00 11 pop-
ulae dub at the C. C, 1., a club pf
vehicle both bride and groom were
memberss In took some time ;to
open all the buedles which were
found to contain gifts oil eveu
eariety-kitchen ware, china; linen,
and silver, The verses attached. -to
them 'teem, many of them, very
• funny, each telling in an original
Way of the donor's good wishes tor
the bream, After such a shower
Thursday night the probabilities
mightl have been expected to read
‘-clear" for Friday, but ;at e
50e party given that eve
Mts. Toru Jackson the isridreencet
avail' found herself "dine -ere -1.e
Thiit shower tap wee of the Mtiel
termed by the initiated "miseellait-
eouse' It eensisted of varietal al-
l:ides,- all of which are sure in :no
found useful in the new home.
Anothe' shower yet we have ect,
record is the shower 'of good wishes
that goes to the bride to her
western) home., The cheers of the
sehool, children, as the bridal warty
passed the sch,otol yesterday and
the large crowd at 'the station:to
thro‘vi confetti and rice Aire but
sigma of the fact that the bride was
more', than the erdinaey poputer
yeeee eneye She leaves behind her
eeret iaege number . of friends
ell of Whom whe join with The '
1., Era in evishiee her all health,
gith, and hapeinees iii box new
., omen