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Thurscley, November 4th, 1911.
Fashions Change
are always
the best
THROUGH all the changing fashions of more than a generation; the
fabrics made by Priestleys' famous looms at Bradford, England;
have been the choice of the best -dressed women in all parts of the world.
Colors, weights, and weaves change with the seasons, but Priestleys',
are always abreast of the latest styles—the high quality of the cloth;
its pure silk and pure wool material, its fast colors, and fine wearing
qualities, always remain the same.
We are showing a very attractive display of the latest Priestleys' fabrics
for fall and winter, 1915. These include all the new colors and a wide
range of weights in staple shades.
Be sure and see these fabrics before deciding on the material for your
new garments.
Dry roods and BROWN'S Merchant Tailoring
House 'Furnishings Men's 'Furnishings.
Phone 67. 'Phone 103.
Lei l
0 U R
w ready to do your work. New
and new stock of paper just placed
Let Us Do Your Printing
Fancy furniture
Of dainty character, for Parlor
and Reception Room, is here for
your inspection. Light in eon
struction and design but.ex-
tremely well made in,every de-
tail. Here are the finest creations
of the furniture makers craft,
and at prices that will temp the
wise and discriminating buyer.
The Cheapest Spot in Huron
o buy all kinds of Furniture '
• Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104
N. Ball 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 186
No More Trouble
To make appetizing Soups, palatable and delicious.• Very nourishing
for the young as well as the old, and especially for the sick room.
Clark's Soups are recommended by us for flavor, and every tin is
brimful of satisfaction. Put•up in different kinds such ae Tomato,
Vegetable, Chicken, price per tin 10c.
Commencing Monday, Nov. Sth, we will have our own delivery. Leave
or phone your orders at the Store of'Quality where it will receive our
prompt and careful attention.
Rubbers for
Every man, woman, boy or girl should have
a pair of Good Rubbers at this season of the
Wet feet always travel the road that leads to
the hospital—and it is usually a short trip.
We have the Best Rubbers made—We
sell no other sort, for poor Rubbers
are worse than no Rubbers at all.
All the new shapes and heels necessary to
fit the new styles of Fall Shoes are to be
found at our store.
We fit your shoes with the sort of Rubbers
that are JUST RIGHT. in style and price.
S. eI_47 WM$.N
Phone ?o Ciiston
I Local News
t I'1
For the month of October, the The first snow of, tore season,
Street:' lighting account was ,$137.50 "blew, in" to town on Wednesday
and 84.77 verbal' morning of the week.
On Monday the new regulation To roast a fowl ,,llays pace the
requiring the hotels to close thele bird on its knees, not he bask,,yy
bars at 8 p.m..insteed of 11 west Th$ juices will then naturally fall,'I'
into effect, making( the whitemeat 'nth y and
X SHE7J0 1 eliciousssasir,ie inors ialrilavy nlee rof dryl ao,U tasted
p A e
'.Che cemetery receipts for the
pasty month totalled to $51.25.
Gordon McDougall, of Porter's
'Hill, who' was a former student ei
the C. C. I. has enlisted and joined
the 71st Battl. His old friends'w'ish
him good luck.
LastThursday at the Ontario St.Parsonage, by Rev. S. J Alain, Miss
Jean Keefer •Beattie, assistant
milliner at Couch & Co"s store, was
united in marriage to ;fames H.
Park, of :Midland, Ontario.
A week ago Sunday as Master
Edmund Keating of Seaforth was
cranking, his father car, the crank
kicked and threw him against the
car, badly cutting his face and giv-
ing him a black eye. It was lucky
no serious accident happened Ito
the small boy.
Tlia; street pay sheet was tight SOLDIERS HERE
for the month of October, $10.50 bc-
ing spent on work on the street Many of our soldier boys; be-
and 116.90 was water longing to the 93rd Battl. atLon-
don, spent a few days here. They
expect to leave :as soon as trans-
ports, come from England, They
are still under canvas at the
:Heights at London,•
Chief Wheatley reported that
$7.3.60 was collected forithe 'ecaleF
at the Railway' and $825 at the 'town
scales, for the past month,.
,FIRSP RECEPTION Mr W1l1.14Ior 'an is now in charge
will( receive for the first time at
her home on Tuesday, next Nov. 9
and afterwards the 1st Tuesday of
every .month.
Mrs, Ray Rumball, Huron Street of the Kiltie rasa Band,, in the
place of Mr. Chas: Dixon, whp bus
resigned and moved back to Bran'-
lord, Mr,. Morgan is a clever must
Stan and has been playing ted
c' er since he came to 'flown. 'FIe
also plays a cornet in the orches-
Messrs, Charles and 'Harry Twit- WILLIS CHURCH BAZAAR.
chellj now represent the Clinton
School' of Commerce and are busy The Women's Society of Willis
Church held a successful Bazaar in 1
the Council Chamber last. Thurs-
day. Many; saleswere made of
fancy work, candies etc„ and at
six o'clock a tea lovas served which
was; well patronized. The 'Sociel„y
donated $•25 out of their pro-
ceeds, to the ,Womne's Patriotic
looking up new pupils for this
popular school. The two young
gentlemen are well known and will
no doubt make good in this new
line of. work.
The Wetaskiwin Times of ()et,.
21.st makes a note that the ccli-
torl was operated on for appendi-
citis. -V. C. Trench, who under-
went an operation for appendici-
tis, at the Wetaskiwin Hospital on
Saturday last is improving nicely
and expects to be attending to
businessl again in the course of a
week or so.
The Clinton Liberal Club opened
up on Thursday evening last for
the fall and winter mouths. It eves
also decided that President, W.
McEwen, Vice -;President, J. Leslie
Kerr. Geo, McLennan, W, Plumstecl
A. Wilkin and L. Paisley repre-
sent the Liberal Club at the big
Meeting in London on Wednes-
day subject to weather condition
as the trip would be made by
auto. 11 is to be hoped more
Liberals will be in attendance at
all the local meetings.
Mer and Mrs. Jos. Townsend.
moved back to town from Toronto
and will reside in their house, late
ly vacated by :Principal Boucle.
Mr, J. K. Wise and family, of
Tuckersmith, have moved to town
and are now settling in the Eu,ns-
Lively 'Fall trade
Our Curlers organize
Industries incrcaee in town
War ended by Allies winning.
A good Hockey team in Clinton
The, promised new addition ,.to
Postoffice building.
Owing to Rev. T, C. 'Harper being
away last week there was no
prayeremeeting on Wednesday
evening. The girls club spent a
busy hour with their work, after
which Mr. Jas. Scott, our obliging
Postmaster, gave a talk to them
on "The clevelopmnet of the Postal
departnrenti'8 It was a very
instructive and entertaiining talk.
No one fails to recognize the
above heading as being one of the
many trade marks of the W. D.
1Fair4 Co. The Company has idle
• d. 'alfa
contract of u
e eco
1• g
Pastim Club rooms on I
Street and
also the home of Mrs.
Clark at Goderich, formerly, Mrs,
Whitehead, of town. For a firm
to secure outside order 'speaks
well for their business ability.
Codi' fall weather now.
Get ready for Winder.
Eggs aro soaring in price,
welThl.e fall wheat looks exceedingly
The coal man is having his inn-
si'Shop. early" will soon be the
Renew( your subscription to The
New Era.
The first flurries of snow are
Howl due,
Your Ring and Country- Mille
noedf you,
Try The New Era for your next
order of job printing.
One( of the best boards of edu-
cation is the shingle.
It pays to advertise your 'auction
sales( in The New Era.
Send in the news to The New
Era. It is always welcome.
'Che first oysteee of the season,
are being served at the restaur-
ant ,
The• New Era to new subscriber's
from, now till the end of 1916 for
$1.00 1
Sugar beets are plentiful sand
are being shipped from thissta-
tion every. day.
The beechnut crop is a failure,'.
and the squirrels will have to hunt
up at substitue for the winter.
The war would end in October.
So sardt, the kaiser, but this was
only another of his rniscaletitations
Tho Christian Guardian gives a
list of 120 sons of Methodist mini-
sters in Canada and Newfoundlane
who have enlisted as :soldiers dur-
ingthe past year.
rillie is voting on Wednesday,
Nov, 17th to raise the sun of 550.-
50.000 to .build a new municipal build. '
ing to replace the one that Was
burned, down this summer.
The Department of Agriculture
state that separators in Alberta
are now turning out golden grain.
at the ,rate of three million bush-
e1i daily, Present estimates .show
that .over one-third of the thresh-
ing in, Alberta rs completed,
The annual meeting of the Clin-
ton Bo,tUcultural society will be
held on Thursday evening, Nov-
ember .4, (tonight) in the Council
Chamber at 5 o'clock. The eleo-
tion, of officers will be held. All
lvha are interested in the work of
the society are cordially invited to
attend( this meeting whether they
arret members or not. The mem-
bership' fee is one dollar.
Mr, C. W. Whitmore and Mr.
John Nediger have become the lo-
cal agents for the Cheviolet motor
car. This car has proven the sen-
sation of the automobile world, n
statement well proven by the fact
that their sales reached a total of
48,120 cars in 19 days. A record
unequalled by, any other oar it
the world. The new agents expect
to have a e,au on exhibition about
Orders have been issued from the
British, war• office to all dealers in
picture Dost cards and souvenirs
ford cottage, 'Hnrdn Street. to refrain from selling• or placing'
Principal Boucle and fancily are on display, photographe or draw -
getting settled in the. Whitehead ing•E, of any ships in the British
Douse. navy. Heavy. penalties have been
Mr, 'Hewitt, of the Doherty'Pi'uro prescribed on conviction of either
cards in one's possession without'
authority. The war office hes 0.50
issued a request that all pictures
of docks, harbors, shipyards, Am-
munition weeks and other like
places which might furnish alien
enemies valuable information I'm
of has moved to, elle west half he double house of Mr. John uyin g orselling or have such.
Stephenson, Huron Street.
Mr. Sam Mitchell has moved into
thea frame house at the corner of
Ratfenbury and Raglan streets,
1Mr. John Carbett is moving into
the house West of St, Paul's chnrce
until' his own house is va- withdrawn from sale immedllattely
sated, The New Era welcomes the
family, to down. , MR. COOPER SPEARS
The clay broke beautifully bright
and clear, As you wended your
way. along the streets early in the
morning you could see by the bun-
dles of papers, magazines, etc.,
placed on the 'verandah's that
every house-holdexe was trying to
male. "Rag and Paper Day a suc-
cess. At 8.30 the drays began to
appear heavily ladened and soon
the; Rag and Paper Depot was the
busiestf spot in town, 'Members of
the W. -P, S. were present but
they never could have handled the
material: had not a number of
gentlemen, 'who understalodau,g the
cause for which we were working
came and offered their assistance
Almost 111 day,the
1work of load-.
ing, unloading, sorting and tying
continued Loads of books, maga-
zines and fags arrived from
surrounding country. At 5 o'clock
when the last load was disposed
of, many, conjectures were madens
to whether. they had succeeded in
getting a carload or not. Some
thought we had more than u car-
load/ while others were of the op-
posite opinion, As a result it was
decided not to make shipment un -
4 Saturday, ti tarda November er 13
that all, either in town or coiurtry
might do so by leaving same ie
Council chamber any time before
that elate, The members of W. P.
[ o thank the i. folio[ r
S. wish i g
gentlemen; for 'their assistance,
Messrs. May, Runball Tyndall, Tip
lady, T. Mason, Innis, Walker Go-
- ler Wasman, E, O'Neil, and else
Messrs. O'Neil, McTaggart, and
Elliott for supplying the drays.
Who is going to volunte.er to
help load the car Saturday, No-
vember 13th?
Waterman's Waterman',S
Ideal Ideal
Pen Ink
ERY likely you often think about owning a
good Fountain Pen, but just haven't
asked us to sell you one. Waterman's is
"The. Standard Pen." We have in stock the
,Regular; Safety and Self. filling type, $2.50 up-
Satisfaction in writing is impossible without
the use of a suitable ink, Waterman's is "The
Standard Ink for fountain pens. Its advantages
are its permanently fluid state, its non -corrosive
feature, and its uniformity. Its record qualities
are everlasting, and the price is 10c per bottle.
The W. D. Fair eo.
Often, the cheapest--'Il1irays the Best
Penslar White Pine,and Spruce Balsam
What's the use experimenting
with medicines? We know what
White Pine and Spruce Balsam is,
as the formula is printed on each
Beyond a doubt this is the most
efficient cough remedy we have
ever. sold. Nothing else will so
readily redeye a cough. Try it--
Dispensing Chemist
Furniture, Rugs & . inoieum4.
We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going,
to furnish your home, or if you only Rant some odd pieces. ,
You will find it to your adequate, to inspect eur stock and ale •s t
the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of
Violins, Pianos and Organs.
Our Undertaking Department is up to date in eery respect•„
and we guarantee the bast of satisfactidh s
Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 25.
Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over stone
The Acton Free Press makes a
note of the address delivered by
Mr. A, T. Cooper at Milton last
week, The report states ;• -Mr. A.
T. Cooper, of Clinton, President of
Huron County Temperance Asso-
ciation; followed with a compre-
sive and highly interesting report
of the campaign for the ndopdon
of thea Canada Temperance Act in
his. county, and the very gratify-
ing success it has been in its oper
tion since it became law. its en-
forc•ementt has been most effective
an in such enforcement the Pro-
eincialt Government has given the
most! satisfactory ,assistance. Ir.
Cooper showed how effective es-
pinegci 1l
was the clause p
the shipping of liquor into a
constiquency, where the Canada
Temperance Act is in force. In a
lease a few weeks ago, the brewers
were fined for shipping into an all
dress' in Huron County, the Ex-
press Company was fined for its
transportation, the garter was fin-
ed for hauling it to its destina-
tion and the hotelkeeper was fined
for having it in his possession.
Thitl, is greatly superior to Local
Option which contains no' such
' . d
clause. Mr. Cao.pei s address was
most convincing throughout and
had a vast fund of Iknifeermabion
which will be of, great value to the
workers in the campaign in Hal-
ton. Local( Option was in force in
Clinton as well as in other muni-
eipalitie't of Huron when the Can -
adz( Temperance Act was decided
upon, but the people gladly voted
for the Act covering the county
to supersede Loral Option. The
results have amply proven the wis
done; of this course.
-- TRY ---
The Bread of Quality
Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary
Made in Clinto.n, Ontario
Phone 202 — — 5c Loaf
Are You heady for that
Furnace or Plumbing Job
Get Our Prices onEavetroughing
and Repairing
Several second hand Coal Heaters for
sale -with and without oven.
The Corner Store
"Live and Let Lire"
1 Ammunition tor Cleaning lip
the glome
Befor"e the winter arrives, when the
doors and windows must bdke'st closed
-every house should be tti. roughly
cleaned. Summer means an:accumu-
' lation of dust and dirt and. perhaps
disease germs, so that a careful clean -
mg up now may mean no doctor bills
I this winter.
1 House cleaning becomes easy with
the peeper help, We have them all in
abundance. 3ustlook over this, partial
list of important lines and lei lis show
1 yon others -
Powdered Ammonia, an indispenucable
Sweeping Powders, kills the germs in
rugs and d carpets
In addition, see obr lines of Liquid
Ammonia, Powdered Borax, Lye,
Silver and Metal Polishes, Furniture
Polish, Knife Polish, Brushes and
Thos.11owkin Brooms, Etc,
Plumbing and Heating EE lunniford
Agents for HeFurnaces • E.
Shop -over Rowland's Hardware PHONE°' 45.
ieee...e.ee eee.4. -++4•+3.eeeet eteate teeeee 444.4.44444+11144444444.+444444
A man likes to buy his shoes at a store in which''
he has confidence -Where he knows that the;
Shoes are the best, amd he will get real, honest.
value in return for his money. �.
In other words, sir, if you buy your shoes here '
you will get satisfaction, as well as shdes—not an
advertised fictitious value, but real shoe worth.
We have a just right Shoe style for
every man's taste, and special
We are Men's Shoe Specialists '1
Shoes at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, up to $6.50
'There is no copyright on these prices—
Any store can use them—Its our Shoes
at the price that tell the story, and we
trust that we may have your consider4tion