HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-11-04, Page 4PAGE 'FOUR. Healthful' Sleep prolongation is necessaryforpnNa uretrenews the vital of life. Durili;, sleep forces' of the body and restores the energy. Sleeplessness keeponehe stomach well, thil e s vindigestion.f c l'ierati e Tavoidand the bowels regular.The health of these organs IS Assured by,,. Beecham's Pills. A harmless vegetable retnedy, which acts immediately on the stomach, 1 ood working orer. kid- neys, toning and putting them g lt of people sleep well eltse, at thefirst unfavorablsYmptom, and begint because, 5EECI Worth a Gurnee a B ' yPiS ox Prepared Sld onwy by' Ti Canada mnnd U'8 AmericaHelens. In hoses, 25 cents.d, Sold everywhere in Cnna CLINTON NEWT ERA THE COUNTRY WEEKLY. The writer spent a two earl' outing With the members of the; Canadian Press Association ate Gently. To come in touch with. thesel men and to gain an insight, into, their motives and reasons for engaging in the work of supplying the people of Canada with their daily and weekly supply the word is doing,enlarges one's faith in his native land. Parry; politics may divide the men of the press, but nothing else will, and behind stall is a sincere 'devotion to duty and to their country's' best interest. And in no section is this more forcibly shown than among those who edit and publish the country weeklies. For the most part these men received little of this world's goods. 1T11eY work .early and late -result, the man in the country gets the news both` local and foreign, 'dished up • • • • •• •Local News ••• • • • i 4N•44N•4N4441.4 ►•••••4••••4• • ••4.44444444 4N•!4.44 SUBSCRIPTION RATES TO THE UNITIED STATES Subscribers' in the United States oil Canadians sending The New Era to friends in the United States will please note that 'thehe ednlY subscription rate is +$1.50, tex- chargti being for postage. „'W cad's PhosphCdiusi The Great English Remedy Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes now Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility Mental as Brain Worry. Despot?, Henry, 'Loss of Price 51 per box, six foof the r $5. Farling Memory. Soldby all for druggists winked its , situ will cure.• druggists or mailed in Pt zle p e on receipt 0 irrice. Nr., za�. ORE0nailyd T.e(.'rmed WOOD gIIEDICtNE CO..TOHONTO.ON7. (Formed' WINmrJ A THOUGHTFUL GIFT. Sends the New Era to the absent member, of the family ortd'a dis- tant friend. It is as good as a letteat from home and is a weekly visitor. You, can better imagine howi the home paper is appiecuatt, edi when you are absent yourself', and a copy is forwarded to you. THE WEEKLY SUN "One( of the most influential ag- ricultural Paper in the Dominion'' is the way others refer to ithc Weekly Sun of oro too theto. t wide- awake v 3 11 paper which appeals awake farmers. Independent and fearless, it has always guarded the Lest interests of Canadian agricul tae. Aside from that, its accurate and carefully, compiled market e re- ports and summaries 'givmarkreader a practical grasp f mark Iet conditions. "Fou have saved me dollars", is the repeated recoils mendation of hundreds ofits rend ers. The( Sun is on the ground, is the paper for the farmer who Ithoee + to rolls up his sleeves, and who are farming for profit, it:: market reports are north DV1OY time:( the subscription price, Cook's Cotton Root Compound. ter him in form fifty-lhvo Vines a year and .all for the sum of one dollar: ,Int no other business for earth is so much value given the -money, a fact that the average reader may not iated, The country weeklybe editoec r'continues in businesr, lust the same, and by so doing is making for the coun- try's( well being and prosperity. What would the smallt own be worth( without', its local paper? It would never be heard of beyond a small radius. People in towns and cities and in the country sometimes forget how much they owe to the press of 'the day in 'the upbuildingits of this land and 1n making Ma1•kdaleStandard. abroa WHEN BUY' NGYEAST INSIST ON HAVING THIS PACKAGE tAtittaittag sy OYAL CSS Ploati 001 •KIEiTCOM 'ANY, M a, o e0 R ONTO .Ogfikafl il! DECLINE SUBSTITUTES PARCELS 'FOR MEN INt MEDITERRANEAN. Irl view of the exceptional con- ditions of transit, Snvolving sever- al transhipments" and exposure to greal heat, the postmaster gener- al has issued a statement it is necessary that parcels for the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force should be' very carefully packed. Then following 'recom- mendations are made as a 1 esult of the experience of the Army Post office. Small parcels founds, to arrive in better condi- tion than large parcels, I! a large consignment, has to be sent it s better to send two or three small parcels e one. An pari cels' should be asnearl.y rout d as possible, and should Ue well i padded with shavings, nrumlled paper or similar protective (mater- ter- ial. The outer covering consist of strong linen, calico or canvas, or other textile material and should be securely Ah an alternative parcels may be packecll in boxes made of strong double corrugated cardboard 'or +trawboard, It is undesirable to use wooden and metal boxes with squhe 'outer covds ing, sincre e althoughners for tsuch boxes us- ing,,adec uate protec- tion form an 1ere to the contents, lthey liable, to damage other parcels la transit. Parcels merely Wr.tppe 1 in paper or 'packed in thin oar d - board boxes, such as shoe boxes cannot be accepted. No perish- able( able( articles may be sent, d anytllingt likely to become soft or. sticky, such as, chocalate end sweets, should be packed in tins. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY STORIES And every story aocdtlon is They( are entertaining, not all you can say about them. You know there is hardly a pericd ica9 published that is not full of times -wasting stories, but not a single story in The Youth's Coln pauion is a time wester. Take the stories o1 C. A. Stephens. It would be hard to pick out one from which you cannot learn something use- ful. and yet entertaining. Some of The Companion stories refresh your knowledge of geog- raphy; some tell you the mysteries of chemistry some reveal secrets of forestry, and of general farm- ing. They cover a wide range They are chosen with an eyes to the possible likings of every of a Companion family --stories of vigorous action and stirring ed - venture, for boys, stories of college life and domestic vicissitudes fOr girls, stories that range .all the way( from sheer drollery to 'deep seriousness for men and women. There are no stories quite illi° those in The Companion. If you are not familiar with The Companion as it is to -day, let us send you sample copies and the Forecast for 1916. New subscribers who send $2.25 for. 1919 will receive a free copy of The lc ComP anion Rome Ca len dor for .1910, in addition to all the re- maining 1915 issues from the time the subscription is received. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Boston, Mass.' New, Subscription Received at this Office. d 'safe, reliable repneating medicine. Sold in three de. NNo. 2,o $3; No 3, $6 per bon Solbya Sold id all receipt e o, or rent pFree an hlof ppess1 Free pamphlet. Addreee; THE COOK MEDICINE CO., • TORONT0.0NT. (Forrudg hdtr,) Thursday, November 4th, 1915, King George was Iiljured lace " "The King has hada fair night, II A later bulletin, under to -day's is now/ 99.2'and pulse 75 His Ma - date, says; hony with some sltep The t mperauure jcsty,'S general condition has im- proved and no complications have arisen "(Signory rtr nd Dow No details beyond the have been made public Has Distinguished Physicians, The King's physicians, asindi cat eel by these bulletins, are; Sir Arfhm Thomas Sloggett, Surgeon - General; 1; Sit Anthony A 13owlby, in a charge. They foiled+ after. But the .British officers always leads his men and so do theFranch. You May say it is not my quarrel. I say it is,the quarrel of +anyone worth caling a man. Pin not fight ing for Great Britain, Lam fight ing foil humanity. One day, short ly after we came to France, we wer4 billeted in a small town late ly recovered from the 'Germans, and aE hell of is shambles it was Across the road was ,a shack. In it Was pile of blankets that our men had left, was a woman with both her breasts cut off with a sword Her baby was buried, in age It had( been bayoneted.She Shy hu a daughteil of 13. Her found three miles away in a e rible condition. A little boy bothas found handss cuooffer's s at with 'the writs". lecturer on outgery at St Barthe lomew's Hospital, and member of the Army Medical Board; Sir Bei trend' Dawson, physician extraor- dinary to the King , Sir • Wilmot. P ,Herringham, physician 'at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and Dr Cuthbert Wallace, surgeon at St Thomas' Hospital - Special odd lot offering of Municipal Debentures Those who have money available for investment in small or large sums and to whom safety is first and paramount can- not do better than select municipal debentures. They are available in various amounts and yield from 5% to 7%. A copy of the Odd Lot List and our leaflet, "What is a Municipal Debenture?" will be sent to you on request and without obligation on your part. A. E. AM ES & 00. w Onion BankBankers, Building, Toronto �' o aa"d ss Meg St. West PAIN IN Hi RACK A prominent Toronto physician, to, whom the despatch concerning the King's accident was re. d, e:. pressed the opinion that, judging from the bulletin issued concean- ingt.His Majcbty.'s condition, there should be no cause for fear that his recovery will not speedily be tocpulseshed and tempera ue r et it 3' de- cidedly favorable, and ase the'•a are'. apparently no bones broken it should only be a matter of ; feud days before His Majesty t s lolly' re' overed The holding tack for a idly o' any news of the accident woo d seem to show, however, that there were at first grave fears that it might( prove mere serious than is Bread, Cakes, Pies, Buns - anything made from flour is best made from further War Tax Papers are being eagerly sought after these(:days to see what pro- gress the( Allies are making in ithe war is now Rumored Federal Levy of Two Milts and Another Mill from Province Said to be Proposed Tax Usually Comes From Muscular Rheumatism Greatest Newspaper Value in Canada Che ,Condon Y dvertiser MORNING,. NOON AND EVENING EDITIONS 2 PER A YE R Every Day by Mail Pres WESTERN (9N The Best as dr.„ PER Well as the OL YEAR Cheapest Every Day by Mail WAR NEWS Has the unmatched Associated Press and Canadian Press service, besides special services Everything of importance by cable and tele- graph. News received hours after Toronto papers go to press Unequalled by any other, TART® NEWS paper ' EDITORIAL PATE Discusses ehday's issues in a bright and ustid style WI h1AIII'S PAGE THE BEST IN CANADA MARKET PAGE THERE IS NONE BETTER SPORTING PAGES All erenceeto Western Onng tario' will special The Advertiser started the Stay in Ontario Movement 10 was was the first newspaper to take up the Made in a nadThe Advertiser's circulation' lids almost doubled In a year and a half. THERE'S A 1; EASON Donut worry about a pain in then back The worry will do you more harm than the pains The cause of most back'ache's is muscu- lar rheumatism, which is painful enough, but not fatal Lumbago is a form of muscular rheumatism, so is a stiff! neck Sufferer's from any form of rheumatism should keep their general health up to the highest standard by the use of n blood building tonic like Dr Wil- liams Pink Pills. awhile taking g nourishing food, without too much meat Proper nutrition and pure blood are the best means of fight, ing rheumatism Rheumatism comes fron,i an acid hn the blood, build it up, strengthen the system, and drive out the. pcisonous acid that causes rheumatism In thsW' sufferers have found complete hfollree- co'. ergs as is shown by ing case; Mrs Samuel Childet- house, Orillia, Ont, says. -"About three. years ago I was, g e ntlY af- flicted flicted w'111h a severe p, back, which I thought at firs' was due to kidney trouble 1 ti.e.•1 n number. of remedies but they not help me any, in fact the pain Was growing worse, and got sob. -id thaia I wee quite unable to do my housework' I could not even sweep a floor I was 'advised to try, Dr Williams Pink 'Pills, and 1 am glad I (acted upon the advice, foil before I had been taking the Pilar long the pain began to sub - ride,. and under the continued Iedhuse disappeared• entirely, any t srnce waybeen 'Myb hu bend was d with it o cured( of a severe attack of in- digestion by this sante medicine so tl'at we both have much reason' 10 be grate( 01 for it" You can get Dr Williams Pink aler or Fills nlaill at 50om o cents cabox ine eor 511 'boxes for 3250 from The Dr. Wi- Hamel Medicine Co , Brockville, Ont,, An Immense Task Address e ifrertIs'er,'�andokl, orifi The I11 is rumored that a Federal war tax of two mills on the dollar ll will be imposed as a Grand Trunki i way Systel° Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart 8.30 a m 4.40 pm Centralia 9.83 5.48 Exeter 9,55 6,05 Renoir - Kippen ............. 10.01 6.11 Brucefield 19.09 6.19 Clinton 11. 18 6.52 11.00 6.35 Londesboro 11.27 7.00 of oneG ml w'i i Blyth 11.40 1.13 and a further Provincial war tax Belgrtive further levy to provide funds for South Passenge : Wingham, arrive... 11.51 7.351 Governmental purposes. If this proves true, the Dominion of Can- ada will pay $12,000,000, the Prov- inces of Ontario will pay $2,000,00, a anis Toronto's share of it till will be, $2,160,000. Wingham depart.. Belgrave Blyth Londesboro Clinton Brucefield Sippen Hensell; Exeter Centralia London, arrive Toronto's' share under the rum- ored, new tax for 1916 to be collect ed on this year's assessment would be three: mills. One mill for the Province and two mulls for the Do- minion and adding last year's mill it would, it four mills, or a total of 32,160,000. The approximate total value of assessable property in Ontario upon which a wear trax could be collected, according to the Provincial legislation of bast year, and which would probably be followed' by the. Dominion 19 000,000,1100. 1 KING GEORGE. clKng George V ow, indicated' who is 50 years i olcl, has been a busy, man since tl e war began He r'eview'ed the first Canadian, contingent at SalisbutY Plaint and the second :at, Shore- cliffe e has visite has repeatedly, includingry tie Canadian hospitals and Cliveden and elsewhere, and he has also spell much time in the munitions distridts, encouraging the orkel i's or war supplies gave an impetus to •the, temper- ance movement by forbidding the ,:onsumption of alcohol in the roy- al household In addition to his public appear- ances, he has been very busy with affairs of State and in constant 1:oucht with the Cabinet Last De- cember he spent aweek with the army( in Prance 'accompanied by the), Prince of Wales, and his pre- senif accident was sustliained whi:e on a similar visit. Only a flay or two before, while he was standing with( President +Poiur'are, the Prince of Wales, General Jof`.re, and others, four six-inch shells burst only a couple of hundred yards away f omthe group. . Announcement} was made on Mondays that King George was in 'France, having gone to visit the British army. On Tuesday the King, with the Prince of Wales, President ,Poincare and the thein Ofrenclt War Minister, ,Alexandre Millerand, reviewed the ;British troops. He then called on Gener- al Joffre witnessed of ,Frencll colonialtroops a review Some, fault has been found with Great Britain for failing to relieve the pressure on Russia and for not throwing larger forces into the Bal kens to help the Serbians .and force the( Dardanelles. Sir Gilbert Parker has under- taken( to reply to the criticism g • Chicago forwarding) aletter the Chtea to Herald, in which he says; "Area you aware that the English army was bused upon a strengthlodl ;,00,000, with 225,000 reserves, aterriroriel force not available for foreign service and, like all volun- tear services, insufficiently•egtiiP ped? tf so, do you realize that our array has lost by oasualities since England first put 150,000 men in the field something like 400,000 nlcn and these she has supplied with munitions, of war? 'But however she worked nrd supplied, she could net herself pro h e duce munitions to hold back Germane. on the western front and tq supply all her' own needs when her whole industrial and military organisation was formed upon a; basis of an army .'of 2150,000. "if England had served her own relfishl purpose she would have rc manned out of this war. She was safe behind the moats of seaso far as her island territories were con- cerned. She was organized so Dar as her navy was concerned, for war She was not organised for e guest war on the continent of Europeans", there was no refit OD Why she should be, "]f youthink it is a slur upon England and France that they inc inferior in strength in the lna`..ter of munitions to the enemy, that .Eng- land dill not have 2,09 .09 oC men instead of 250,000 men with which to fight last year -well c c :i;t only say it is( a dish ace tobeYinferior believe n strength• many to it tri heath have been so sni • 'low Would You Like to be in the War Zone 'Here is an extract from a leiter written bya native-born Americrn row serving with the Allies in France, to his parents in Maine It Dominion. be T"Iv a beewith nmixed this with the British soldiers for some time now, and I tell you there is rota cleaner fighter nor rt better gentlema.nt in the world than the average Englishman. They know how to win and how to lose.TheY never' forget that•they are gentle- men, no matter what hey know? d they, have the courage no ending. Braver and truer men than the officers never lived. They share the hardships with the mien and never ask them to do what• they would not do themselves. The men worship them and 'w '1 follow them anywhere. I have yet to wit ness a,German officer lead this men HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? Then you realize the utter weakness that lobs ambition 10 , and mattes work a burden. b bit n destroys appetite, Use MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS FOR A SLUGGISH LIVER. 6.35am 3.30p 6.50 3.44 '7.04 3.56 7.13 4.04 8.10 4.23 8.27 4.39 8.35 4.47 8.41 4.52 8.54 5.05 9.04 6.15 10,00 6.10 Buffalo and teoderich Wee` Passenger am pm pm pm 10.00 12,80 5.25 10.25 10.22 12.55 5.55 10.41 10.45 1.20 6.18 11,19 11.07 1.35 6.40 11,2 11.16 1,43 6.46 11.3 Stratford Mitchell Seatorth Clinton Holmes vine Goderich....... .11.35 2.00 7.05 1 East p p t T,0 2.35 4552 7.22 2.62 5,00 7.32 3,03 5.10 7.51 ` 3,21 5.81e•._. Goderich Rolmesville 01inton Seatorth Mitchell.... ...... .•• . 640 , 145 6 20 Stratford When the liver becomes sluggish it is an indication that the bowels are not working properly, and if they do not move regularly many complications are liable to set in. bilious Constipation, sick headache, water headache, jaundice, heartburn, brash, catarrh of the stomach, etc., aft come from a disordered liver. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills stimulate the sluggishliver, clean the coated tongue, sweeten the obnoxious breath, cleanawaty all waste and poisonous matter from the system,, and prevent as well as cure all complaints atising from a liver which has become inactive. Mrs. John V. Tanton, Birnam. Ont., writes: I take great pleasure in writing you concerning the great value I have received by using your Milburn's Laza- Liver Pills far a sluggish liver. When my liver got bad, I would have severe head- aches, but after using a couple of vials, I am not bothered with them any more." Milburn's Lasa -Liver Pills are 25c ,a vial, 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T.Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Totestq ethatstrengthaudstamillathed is so essential, nothing has ever eq or compared with $cott's Pmitlsion, be- cause its strength -sustaining neurish- ment invigorates the blood to distrr'bute energy throughout the body while its tonic value sharpens'tlhe appetite and restores health in a natural, permanent way.:, If you are run doWn, tired, nervous, iced or lack strength, get Scott's u ton . drugstore. Don't Persecute your Bowels Cut out cathartics and porgativee. They ere brutal -harsh -once y Try CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable. Act gently on the liver, eliminatebilo,and soothe thcdeli- catemembran. ofthebowel. CareCon- att),ppallon, nets, Sick Ns.dache and fndtradan, a. milH.ne knew. Small Pi11, Small Dose, Smell Price Genuine mutt beg Signature IIPPAPPIVIMMIVBINIFREMANI The New Era. 49TH NEAR. "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE." W. II. KERR & SO1%, Props. J. Leslie Kerr Business Manager New Era, One Year In advance $1.00 New Era, when net paid in ad- vance1.50 New Era, to the United States 1,50 in advance $ Advertising Rates Application, Job work prices advance on July 1st, 1913, in iacoordance with the 'Huron Co. Press Asso- ciation 'Ra'tes. Office Phone 30 House Phone 95 IIIIMIAMANIAMMAVOINIENIAAAA b••••••00 BuTTER.......660 • 0 • • 0 0 • 0 • • • We make these only trom • Genuine Vegetable Parchment • s We carry in stock a line printed with the words •0 • ••0 a for immediate delivery. They are sold at the s following prices: • �2.2 0 1000 Sheets 5 0 .500 Sheets 1.50 •X50 Sheets .75 lo 120o Sheets .35 0 to es Wrappers specially printed from your own • m copy, we can supply them at the foilowing • prices-- • 1M $2.25 w • to 4 M 1.75.Per M ® L5operM IoM I.4o per 11 e • • PERS• • • • • • 1111( 0 •• • •• • • 0 • 0' 0 • • • • • 0 0 a Choice Dairy Butter a8The New Era ee LINTON re, 0 0 t'i \W:.,tt0 *obs the .Arlie., tie&le10•®IPiS•e•Op0Qt0goWe®ee0eoe®Ae®®®060 overwor support her am 13th is of day ne, any l% Scott gt liowae, Toronto, out, sonquoroil of tl"''