HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-11-04, Page 3thriraday,. Novenaleer '4th, 1915,. TUE /CLINTON NEW alli W. BEYDONE BARELSTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC CLINTON CHARLES B. HALB Conneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AN1) INSURANCE) Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Huron Ste Clinton, H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer,'' ) Financial and Real Estate INSURANC,fi AGENT -Representing 14 Fire In 1 serenee Companies.: Di M1v,ision Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning,. tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone M, will receive prompt attention. M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper, Tn Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p, m. A good vault in connection with the office, Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any appointments for Mr. Cameron. Medial. DR 1. W. TAIOMPSON Physician, Surgeon. Eto eneolai attention given to diseases of the Eye. Ear, Throat. and Noss, Estee cal efully zamined, and suitable releases prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors west or the Commercial Mote Enron St. DRS. G111NN and CASHIER Dr. W. Hann, L. E. C, P„ L. D. O. S.. ]lid3 tr. Cunn's offioe ab residence High Street Dr. J, C. Candler. B.A. M.D. Ofnoe-Ontario Street, Clinton. Night ohne at reeidenoe, Rattenbrre St. or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, aURGEON. monomer. .etc„ otnae and residence on tenbury `treat„ OR. F. R. AXON DENTIST lti Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty, e' Graduate of O.O.D.S.a. Chicago. and R.O,D,5 Toronto. Bayaetd on Mondays. May 1141 to D IDR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store, Specialcare taken to make dental treat .rent tie minims se possible. THOMAS GUNDRY ,Live stork and general Auction see GODERIOH ONT Sarinetoca same a epsomite. Orders el i New EoA office, Clinton, prnmrtly abtena. to. Terms reaeonahie. A'armere' vale no, discounted G. D. McTaggart M. DS MoTaggar McTaggart Bros, BREWERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON ra. General Banking I3tdsinen e transacted leOTES D1SCO17NTED Drafts isened. Interest allowed n deposits The McKillop Mutual Dire Insurance Co. Perm and isolated Town Prop. erty Only Insured. Head Office-Seaforth, Ont OFFICEBS, J.E. McLean, Seaforth, President J. 'Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres. Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec -Treae Directors -D. F, McGregor, Sea - forth; J,. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. Rinn, Seaforth; John Benneweis, illblan; J. Evans, Beechwood; M. OfcEwen, Clinton J. B. McLean, Seaforth: af. Connolly, Goderich: Robert Ferris, 'Harlock. Agents• -Ed. 'Hinc'hley, Seaforth; W.;Chesney, Eqmondville; J. W. Yeo. Rolmesville; Alex: Leitch, Clinton; R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen A Carload of Canada Porttai Cement Phone us for prices �, will pay you John Hutton LONDESBORO s. Gee. .& M. E. Whitley Hellmann Osteopathic Phy. Specialists in 'Women's and Chilten'e Diseases Acute, 'Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Illy°, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION ERRS. I iffice-Battanbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. FORD & HeLEOD We're now lulling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alieike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose wheat, Peas, Barley and Peed Cora Hirbaat 'Market Prices paid for Bay tad all Grates. FORD & cLEOD CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. 9 Ontario's Best Business College Our instructors are experienc ed, Pupils get individual atten- tion and graduates are placed in positions. We are receiving ap plications we cannot meet. Stu dents may enter at any time. Send for our free catalogue and see if it interests you D.A. McLachlan, Principal Announcemtote We desire to announce to the public that the Grain Department of our Olinton Branch has been disposed of to Messrs. Jenkins . Son, wbo will take possession Monday, Nov. lst. - All accounts are now due, and it is requested that payment will be made at once The Produce Department Eggs, Poultry, Ete. will be carried on as usual at the same location, under the, management of Mr. N. W. Trewartha, and we earnest- ly solicit the hearty co-operation and support of all friends. More and Better Eggs and Poultry is our Watehward This is the season of the year when you should decide to buy an Incubator Prairie State is the cheapest and best make on the market to day. See Mr. Trewartha for particulars Gooll-Laollois & Co., Limited Clinton Branch ia.ALAAAALAA•A•ALAAAAAAAAAA 43 • P101108 • O. 4 s C .1 See and here our finest ► New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and • • Organs, I •• special values in Art • Cases ii.t. • oPianos and organs rent 1"v e3. . Choice new Edison i w phonographs, Music & ; variety goods, p. 4 E 4 a Music Eulporium i •• 1 a 4 4 C. Hoare 4 toc 4 4 ► WE ARE Dealers In Pedlar Galvanized Shingles, Corrugated Iron, Felt and Slate Roofing, Eavetroughing, Plumbing and Heating, Lightning Rods. Call or phone for prices. Repairs promptly done, Byam & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. GRAND TRUNK SYS, EM Double Track all the Way, Toronto -Chicago Toronto -Montreal For Chicago Leave Toronto 8.00 a.m., 0.00 p.m., and I1,45 p. in. daily For Montreal Leave Toronto 9.00 a.m,, 8.80 p.m. and 11.00 p. m. daily. 1...41•0.. Equipment the finest on all trains Panama Pacific Expositions Reduced fares to San !Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Tickets and further information on application on toa agents. John Samford S: Son, city Passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 4.0. Pattison, station agent PAIGE THREE REMARKABLE CASE of yrs. HAM Declares Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Saved Her Life and Sanity. Shamrock, Pio.- `•I feel it my duty tD tell the public the condition of my health before using your medicine. I hail falling, inflamma- tion and congestion, female weakness, pains in both sides, backaches and bear- ing down pains, was short of memory, nervous, impatient, passed sleepless nights, and had. neither strength nor energy. There was always a fear and dread in my mind, I had cold, nervous; weak spells, hot flashes over my body. I had a place in my right side that was so' sore that I could hardly bear the. weight of my clothes. I tried medicines and doctors, but they did me little good, and I never expected to get out again. I got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier, and T cer- tainly would have been in grave or in an asylum if your medicines had not saved me. But now I can work all day, sleep well at night, eat anythingIwant, have no hot flashes or weak, nervous spells. All pains, aches, fears and dreads are gone, my house, children and husband are no longer neglected, as I am almost entirely free of the bad symptoms I had before taking your remedies, and all is pleasure and happiness in my home. "- Mrs. JOSIE RAM, R. F. D. 1, Box 22, Shamrock, Missouri. Tf you want special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn. Mass. sesesseseeesseeeseesmeesse Local News 09.000064•0.0.0011001100011110 STILL CLIMBING This is the 458th day that the British Empire has been at war with Ger- many. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CAS-1-ORIA HAVE YOU RENEWED. We dielike to keep reminding our subscribers, through the New Era that they should pay up, but we know of no other way to reach them !so well, and funds are absolutely necessary to a continuance of business. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA DROP IN YOUR ITEMS, Drop your news item in The New, Era Letter Box in the Office door when passing. No postage required, Sig/ them for the Ed tor's information but the ],•lame need not be published unless de- sired. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORiA PUT OFF THE TRAIN. Mitchell Advocate, -On .Friday right last Mr. Powell, temperance organizer for Ffuroe county, was coming up from Stratford oaT,fie late train when he espied three el- leged drunks get on at the Mitchell tation, He went to 'the eondsuc- tor and weleeed that the men be put off. The conductor said the mens had tickets to Seaforth, and he would ha,•e to carry them there. "Ali right," said Mr. Powell "i$ you do I will have you and the three( men arraigned before the Police Magistrate next imorteng; ,the( men for being drunk in adry district, and you for bringing them in." The conductor had no •, de- sire to pass through such an or- deal and ordered the men from the train, Had Dyspepsia. Says: HE NEARLY TURNED UP HIS TOES. Burdock Blood` Bitters CURED HIM. Mr: 11. N. Manderson, Stettler, Alta., writes: "About tweuty-five years ago, in the Province of Quebec, I came pretty near turning up my toes with dyspepsia. A cousin of mine persuaded me to ;try Burdock Blood Bitters. In about two weeks I could eat anything from raw fat pork to unleavened bread. Three bottles did the job, and I have never been troubled with my stomach since.. You world say that this is wonderful if you could only see ,what we sometimes have to live on in this country; bannock, half cooked beans, etc." Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the market for the past forty years, and cannot be excelled as•a medicine for all diseases or disorders of the stomach. ' B.B.B. is man;tfactured only by The T. Mbun Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. A Family Jan. "I suppose you know I came near, marrying. Jim Wombat before I' mar tied you." "Yes, I know it," said the goaded has. band. "Ha rnbs it Into me every time he gets' a chance."-Ransaa 0147 i ou . nal. 'i'ffen Re Was Fired,, Father -I cannot give yon mydangh. ter, my dear sir. I am mfghtir Partin - lar in snob ihings. Suitor -Ob, pabawl Now, 1 am not In the least as MtE- aendorler Slatter: „ it.t l i SUNDAY SCHOOL THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Lesson VL Fourth Quarter, For Nov. 7, 1915. Text of the Lesson, II Kings xii, 4 - Memory Verse, 9 -.Golden Text, Cor. ix, 7 -Commentary Prepared Rev. D. M. Stearns. Among the many things I do not know there is this -why we alio know the names of some mothers'a not know the name of David's moth and some others. Both in our less chapter and in Chronicles we are t that the mother of Joash wee Zibi of. Beersheba, Now, the meaning Beersheba is "the' well of the oat and always suggests the faittifulne of God (Gen, xx1, 31, margin). it w at Beersheba that Abraham . de, when he went to Moriah with Isaac offer him up, and to that/ home brought him back as alive from t dead (Gen, exit, 1-19). So 1 am minded that all blessing depends up the death and resurrection of the Lo Jesus Christ, It was a good thing f Joash that he had such u friend as J hoiada the priest, who must have be a remarkable man in tuauy ways, 11 Ing to be 130 years of age, so !ie mu have been 100 or nearly so when caused Joash to be proclaimed kin Just about 100 years after the dea of Solomon. Joash did right in the sight of t Lord as long -as be had Jeholada f counselor, but the people still sacrifice and burnt incense in ittgb pine (verses 2, 3; II Cbron, xxiv, 2, 3). W cannot think of Israel (whether thele tribes or the two or the twelve) bean right with God apart from a right r laden to the tabernacle or temple, fo those buildings stood for God in the midst (Ex. xey, 8; 1 Kluge vs, 12, 13 So we read that Joash was minded t repair the bouse of the Lord, whit Athallah, that wicked woman, ha broken up (II Cbron. xxiv, 4, 7). Th great fact about the Lord Jesus, th true tabernacle and temple, was the He was God manifest in the flesh, Go was in Christ. The church, the bod of Cbrist now being builded, is wholl for God. Each individual believer i a temple and should be wholly for Got The repairs which Joash desired t make, like all work today, neede funds, and he thought of the taber nacle of Moses and of the willing o ferings (1I Citron. xxiv, 0), but he di not seem to remember that these wit bag ofrerings were brought in, not ecu for. He sent the priests and Levite out to gather the necessary money, bu the plan did not worst, for after twen ty-three years the funds bad not bee gathered and the repairs not mad (verses 4-8; II Chron. xxiv, 5-7). The Jehoieda the priest, the king agreeing put a chest, with, a hole in the lid o it, beside the altar as one cometh int the house of the Lord, and a proclama tion was made through Judah and Jerusalem to bring in to the Lord th offering that Moses, the servant o God, had commanded Israel in the wil derness. Then the princes and th people rejoiced and broyght in day by day, and thus money s gathered in abundance (verses 7-10; II Cbron xxiv, 3.11). Notice that the chest to receive the offerings was placed beside the altai of burnt otfering, the brazen altar, on which the lambs were offered morning and evening, typical of Golgotha and the one great sacrifice offered once for all. The one constraining motive in all offerings to the Lord must be the love of Christ, the Son of God, wbo loved the church and gave Himself for it; who loved me and give Himself for me; no duty about it, but Just leve constraining. Then notice that there was no further effort to raise the mon- ey -no personal appeals, no soliciting from individuals, but all was brought in joyfully and willingly. Note care- fully Ex. xxiv, 21, 29; I Chron. calx, 9, 17, and lay it to heart. On thls prin- ciple I have received for home and for- eign missions in the last twenty-five and a half years (up to July 1, 1914) over $756,000 and in the same way have seen for thirty-four years alt cur- rent expenses of a congregation easily met. The Lord God of Israel still liveth and 38 ready to hold strongly with hearts that are whole toward Him as It is written in II Cbron. xvi, 9, margin. The money was given 4o the overseers of the work, and they laid it, out to the carpenters and builders that wrought upon the house of the Lord, but no reckoning .was kept with the men to whom the money was giren+for they dealt faithfully (verses 11-15; II Chron. xxiv, 12-14). This method of handling money could not be safely carried on in our day unless we could find some workmen as faithfully honest,' .There are such, .but they are like whole hearted Christians -few and, far be- tween -ms in very small bunches here. aad tb'ere. We would all do well to keep in mind the day when every one of us shall give account of himself to God (Rom. xlv, 12) and live now ac- cordingly. The conduct, or, rather, the misconduct, of Joash after the death. of Jelioiada in listening to the princes of Judah, and in leaving the house of the 'Lord God and worshiping idols and le refusing to listen to the prophets who were sent unto him is -a sad and almost unbelievable record, or would be if we did not know how desperately wicked the human heart is. But what shall we say when we see Joash`eone mending to stone to death the son of Jehoiada because be was reproved by him) (II Cbron, xxiv, 20-220 The Lord did look unou It Matt. xxlii, 35). CASTO IA For Infants ass Mires In Use For Over 30 Years Aiwa a beare 7 the Signature of FRUIT, THE GREAT PHYSICJAN Heating Powers of Fruit Proved by ]'Fruit a -fires" " The simple juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes, when transformed into `Fruit -a -tins' will relieve diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Skin. The truth of this statement' has been proved in thousands of oases of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, To id Liver, Constipation, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Chronic Headaches. The enormous sales of `Fruit-a-tive3,' are the best proofs of the value of this fruit medicine. 50c, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e, At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit -a -tins Limited, Ottawa. Every Canadian Should Give $i to the liar fund if Some Do Not Others Must Make Up the Amount Somehow Ottawa, Oct, 23 -The Canadian patriotic fund, will ask for $7,500,- 000 for this coming year, or an over age of a delharper: capita. The campaign for the fund for the year will be lnauguratedt+a'bout Nov. 1st with a personal appeal tb the peop le of Canada( from hie Royal High- ness the Duke of' Connaught, There are now 20,000 families Wl)o are re- ceiving aids from the( patriotic fund By Christmas it is expected t will be 25,000 who will be aided here by the generosity of the people, of Can ada, $5,350,000 for Last Year. • ]For the year ending Sept. 1 there was . raised by the patriotic fund $5,350,000. At present the calls per month on the fund are largely ex- ceeding the revnen@ Which is being received, Sir Herbert Ames, secre tary of the fund, figures it willtake $7,500,00o for the owning year, and this is elle figure which ys beng aimed at, Manitoba Now' in Lead.' The official' figures for the year show that during the past year the per capita contribution to the fund was 70 cents, Manitoba had the best t record,g$ L42 Per cap ita 0r75,00, a and the Provinces showed the low 'estitreec- ord, with 36 cents per capita. Que- bec gave on abase( of 80 cents per capita, while Ontario gave 68 per capita. +. Saskatchewan gave 40 cents per capita Albetna 48 cents and British Columbia 78 cents 'From Each Province. The amounts raised by provinces was as follows;- Maritime Province; --... .$,325,000 Quebec .. Ontario 1,675,000 { 1,750,000 :Manitoba ....... ,.-.. ,.750,000 Saskatche240,000 Alberta an .w ...._.... 238,000 British Columbia 372,000 The estimated requilrements for the year commencing Sept. 1, based is placed by the committee as fol- lowsonthe ;- erlistments of each province Maritime Provinces -........ $550,000 Quebec 1,250,000 Ontario ........: 2,400,000 Manitoba 1,000,000 Saskatchewan 800,000 Alberta 1,000,000 British Columbia ,.650,000 Bead Office, Relief, etc.- ,,.n 50,000 .Tota. , .y .$7,500,000 A Gentle Laxative For Little Ones Baby's Own Tablets ore a gentle laxative They are absolutely safe and tare; so pleanaet in action that once the mother has uses them for her little ones she will never again resort to that harsh, ill -smelling, bath fasting cestor'oil, which baby always fought against taking Baby will take tlic Tablets with g smile and thousands of mothers tell us their little ones will coax for them They are sold by !Medi- cine dealers or by mail et e5 rents a box from 'The Dr Williams li'Ied- cine Co., Brockville Ont, Oddtellow's Meeting at Seaforth Seaforth, Oct. 24.-A rousing wel come( was given Bro. L, B. Cooper of Belleville, grand master of the Independent Order of Oddiellowe by the officers and brothers from this district in Fidelity Lodge - room, the occasion being the pres entation sof jewels t'o 20 past Brands of Fidelity. Lodge by the grant master on his first visit to the; district. The' grand master was met by His Worship Mayor Ament, who is amembey of Fidelity Lodge; Dist- ,riet Deputy Grand Master Harry 13t Scott, of Seafortih, Grand Rep- resentative Copeland, of St. Marys Pact Grand Master Popplestone of Blythe and Past District Deputy Grand Masters Petty and MacKay of Hensel', Robinson,.740f Clinton, ands Stewart of Beeforeh and cone ducted to the lodgero.oms, where an immense number of the breth errs gathered. Interestingg, speeches were made by the visiting brothers, inter- spersed by songs and instrument:al music by the members of Fidelity; Lodge, after which the 'following, past grands were presented with Jewels., Brothers! Wm. Scalter,, Samuel';, Trott, Jas. Beattie,John C. Thomp son, Alex Davidson, Dr. F J'. 'Bur rows, John A. Stewart, Chas, Aber hart, A.D. Sutherland Robt Smith 3, k Archibald, L. T. Sutherland, Chas. Layton., Harry R, Scott, • Chas. Clark Jas, B, Thompson, Dr..G. Rayburn Malcolm McKellar, Edward' Mole, Frank( Weiland, The grand master gave one of the finest addresses ever heard in the' lodgeroom. • Followin' the presentatlion, at the Queen's Hotel et magnificent banquet was given in honor of Grand Master Cooper, covers be- ing laid for 96, SAFETY DURING STORMS Isolated Tree or Building Very Dan- gerous Shelter, Says Scientist To take shelter during a thunder storm beneati: a solitary tree, or un- der an open stied or barn, or to be the most prominent object in a field or on a common, is to court death. As the eminent ` scientist, Sir Ray Lankester, points out, danger can; to a large extent, be avoided if people will only behave in accordance with the dictates of knowledge and ex- perience. The danger of people standing under a shed or tree during a thunderstorm realty arises from the tact that the shed or the tree stands out high above the surrounding sur• face, and its top is the nearest point for some eistance round to the teen. der cloud, and is likely to `attract" the elehtric discharge, or to serve as, the passage of the electricity from the cloud to the earth. It is equally dangerous to be the most prominent object in a field or common dur,ng a tliuiidersorm. In- deed, more persons are struck and killed in this way than when shelter. Ing under trees: What, then, is a man or woman or child to do when caught in the open in a thunderstorm? They may take shelter, says Bir Ray Lankester, in a wood, though not un- der any isolated tree. They shou'.P. :sk for shelter In any available 'louse. Failing this, they may (as ,sheep and cattle do) get under a low-lying rock face, or into a ditch, or dry hole, 01' even, if the storm is ,close round them, lie fiat on the ground. It is less dangerous to be wet through than dry, since wet clothes may, and have before now, Eaved a man's life owing to the fact that they are good conductors, and allow the electric current to pass away without obstruction. When you are in a house during a close thunderstorm you should keep the windows shut and avoid placing yourself between two large and prom- inent conductors of electricity, such as the water pipe or gas main and the fireplace. If the house is a detached one or a corner House, and the storm ie close, you will be acting reasonably if you retire into the basement until the storm is over. It is important that everyone should be able to judge of the nearness or distance of a thunderstorm. The sound of the thunder, caused by the heating and sudden expansion of the air by the 'great electric spark which we call "a flash of lightning," travels a mile in five seconds. When there is an interval between the flash and the sound of the thunder of two seconds or more, the storm is for the time being at a safe distance, but when the interval 15 only a second or less the storm is close, and any prominent object neo; you, or you yourself, may be struck. Irrigation Pays One of the big features of Canadian Pacific work in the West is that in the case of the irrigation farms the company is now being repaid for its original outlay. When a company builds a million -dollar station the structure is necessary; but the money is, in a sense, lost. That is, you must have the station and a palatial sta- tion, too; but there is no direct re- turn from it. The reclaimed farm lands at once almost .began to be profitable, when once they were set- tled by the sturdy farmers, of whom not a few have made considerable profits. The number is being con. stantly added' to the year round. Don't Rook the Baby! "All.methods of putting children to sleep by monotonous sensation ought to be forbidden," says The American Inventor, "including monotonous lul- labies. It is undesirable either to interrupt ,or to prolong artificially the slumber of infants and young folks. As for the practice of rocking, Dr. Matiaceine has found by experiment. that swinging the body for only fifteen' Minutes produces in a healthy adult a lowering in temperature of from one to two and one-hhIf degrees Fah- renheit, with more or less pronounced brain anemia (bloodlessness) and pain at the heart" Preserve Cabbage Frcm Pests The maggot which works in the roots of cabbage and cauliflower, is sometimes in or on the root when the plants are taken from cold frames, the fly, 'resembling a housefly closely, having deposited her eggs among the young plants. This can easily be pre- vented by using screens either of wire. (.mosquito screen) or dote' over the cold' frames when unprotected by glass. No apertures, However small, 'should be left, and inasmuch as the glass is raised frequently the screen should•be :a place at all times to in. mire `protection, Greek Army Using, Motors Experiments have peen so sates,' facto that the Greek army y will form an automobile battalion with four hundred motor trucks. If' you suffer fronti` this painful malady, apply Zam-Bnk. It; is purely herbal,' quickly eases the dull, gnawing pain,stopsbieed-' ing, ends the irritation, and in a short time com- pletely and perman- ently ernian-ently cures. Zam-Bak shouldbe in every home., Mrs. C. Hanson, Poplsr, B.C.,says: 'I suffered for years with bleeding piles. The pain was often so bad I could hardly walk, I tried remedyof ter remedy, and finally. underwent an oper- anon,. but only got temporary relief. At last I tried Zam-13uk. Perseverance with this completely cured me and, there has been no return of the trouble." 50c box, all drurat.ts and stores. COSMOS MI IAHIP1AlolloafAT �•„ 10aaNYNtKt �S? OUR FARMERS. The farmers have just as much to dd in building up and improv- ofgth a otow:). It' is to their o the citizens inter- ests to have up-to-date mer -t chants,; machinists and mechanics. Row can they expect these con veniences, if they sent to all 'tire large cities for merchandise that should be bought of the home dealer, The few cents that might be saved by buying goods away Irons( home is injuring your com- munity to the extent of many 'dol- lars by retarding progress sand the increased valuations of all kinds of property, including (your own. Stand together, and together all prosper. Divide and all prosperity will flee. 4077.‘• z(cathe6)63eee A Christian college -home, healthful situation. Forprospectueand terms,writethe Principal R.I. Warner, M.A.,D.n.,St. Thomas, O 8 Busrn;ess ands-.; Shorthand Westervelt Schc o yrMCA ESf9sg ll ,London, Orltarloet College In,Session Sept lst to,Julyr Catalogue,`Free Enter any tihief • i J W,-Ni,,tervelt, Prmapat q..:.: ••• •••••••••4••••••0••O•••••• • • SHAW'S• •!SCHOOLS! • a Toronto, Canada, include the • • Shaw Correspondence School, • • • the Central Business College, the • • Central Telegraph and Railroad • • School and Four City Branch • • Business Schools. All provide • excellent courses leading to good • salaried positions. Free catalogue • • on request, Write tor it, S'V.H. • • ▪ Shaw, President, Head Office. O Yonge and Gerrard Sts, Toronto • • ••••••e•••ao••••i•m®®•O920 DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH A WATCH is a delicate piece ntt machinery. It calls for Inst attention than most rnaahinery, but must be cleaned and oied occasinnaLbv to kecy. •netted time. r, _ i1171tb oper- caWaltham • Watch prwill keepre perfecta time for a lifetime. It will pay yea '" ll to let us clean your watch every 12 or 08 months. Edison Records and Supplies - W.R.eounter Jeweler and eptieliut Issuer of Marriage Licensee