HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-09-30, Page 5Thursday, Sept, 30th', 1015 Select any article from our large assortment of Silverware, Flatware, Cut Glass or China a Clock, etc., for a wedding -•ift, you will be certain to t • mething which is not only of good appearance but which has abe necessary quality to Make it Serviceable for all occasions. A wedding ;ift selected from our stock is sere to give great pleasure to the bride for many years W. IL ll[l.[VAR JEWELER and (OPTICIAN EYES TESTED FEE ±rm86uvr Clinton Rural I rataiitliWWWWW1 In TLnes of Peace In Times of War Your Eyesight is Essential Failing Vision—an enemy to comfort and pleasure—can 1 be nursed into normal condi tion by glassesthat—accur- atelyfocused, ground and adI s justed—meet the necessary requirements. To be ata w rwiChcureyes ■ y is taking a daaberoitschance 'a —a condition that need not i exist. Avoid all such folly by Iwearing glasses,that will n acre happiness and content meat. lalwanwseanniniansesiamalsocies -mow A. J. :Grigg Jeweler and Optician Fissncr of Marriage Licenses iffAAMilekiliWAMAMMNI ` Mr. Fair's stor;eland give a yery small sum, weekly bi-we'ekey or monthly returning the c neeelopes, with contributions to boxes, which will be in all grocery shops, and banks. aatentleneenninitteinnenanaaa.0100 Local News ADVERTISING -ISMS, Did you ever, bane what yon considered efi aidea and. someone hd"bra en you to it?" Routes:1 r W T1 I a O 0 0 -w A,ddntional names ,added since list 'was made up ;— R. R. NO, 1 E, J. Blake. V R,'R. NO; 2i aeirael (Flick, Si Merrill C. W. Williams, Sr. C. W. Williams, Jr. NO.3 erson, L. A. a'tkin, Jno. melon, Albert "elo1, Adam elon,'11. H. chill, D. T. . Peter R. B. Thos. H. War. Cole. k, Wire! r ,nel1, Geo. J. slough, 1;., EW ,lough, ;MrsiMarna myn, Thos4 clough, Geese ,open, Geot A. ves, D iott, Alen lett, Geo. ' o'tt, ;Mess W. $. y, Jesse .nam, 'li 'W ahem Jas. tletead' Jno, .licks, Goy .ndsay, D, A. .11^' .idleton, sirs. Geo. 'dlleitone C. Bt ddile'ton, Jno.( R. I eatehon, Mrs. Ino, ler, Ed ller•, •Geo. , F. '13 Bean" ardson, Robt, ld'�n, 'V V. J. :.p, - .Adam Ww.men 'e J. G., • ' ,--1t, Frank k, Robti :h, Prank le, E. 'IL neneenneeleenneneennienenneeleepar rs o q Patric n � M. Manning of the Princess The re gives t'h proceeds of :tepi- dity and Saturday evenings to the °'a W' L . n—Let e'veryonne show ,heir the a1,;neeialeore 'to see the moving pre tit•" turns oneor�boi''h of these nigghesn The next meeting of the W.P.b. Will -be held in the Council Cham- ber Friday after.loo;n Oct 8th at three e clock, The society hopes en have an int�errsttng afternoon a. and ask ell thenvomen of theco\vn and country en came Sid bring teatheir ear, Theot . , y hare many members r. ardf ss ' yrn. a the ecuntry. districts who have worked for us' mall our undertakings, pndtnow eve ask. them to consider our new system of giving and. if it meets with nom' N,D I L ST S i. WIZ T7rorntoII Fear, son of Rev. E. A., and Mrs. Pear, of-Teesnsater ormerly ofe Blyth, has enlisited with the .70th Battalion, now being ecruitecL all London, DST 'HURON TEACHERS' CONVENTION. The thirty seventh annual nreet- ng of West Huron Teachers' As- lation will be held in Exeter ion rursda- and 'Friday, October 14th and 15th, N THE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Mr'. L. Kennedy, of Wingham, nd a' former Ciintou citizen hags he. agency for the ene11-known verland automobiles and has op reed a. tempory office just south - f the Brunswick hotel where be ill transact business until per - anent quarters ere secured. MINOR LOCALS. Auction sale bilis ptinted in the offic verye, best etyle at The NewEra Advertise your auction sales in the New Era columns. Thanksgiving Day this year will beth:' observed on Monday, October 11 West $wren Teacher's Conven- tion will be heli) at Exeter on Oct 14th and 15th. 'HAS 1(IT0Hl3N17R's DRIVE BEGUN? "Das Kitchener's great drive be- gun?" This Was the query on the lips of .everyone Monday, as the revs of the great British. victory spread rapidly through the town' and the citizens oag'lerly awaited thet arrival of the noon train with the morning papers. Continued reverses to the Russians in ' the east and little activity in the 'west, shad caused somewhat of a depress- ed feeling oven' the minds of many. This brightened considerable as the Russian bear slackened in its retreat, clawed viciously at its pursuers and then turned. with a spring, slowly, yet sanely, forcing its, Way backward.. . But what every 000 awaited'was Kitchener's drive,. Whsn was it to Login, And,now the question is, "Is this realy the beginning of a drive or merely a. feeler; of the German positions:' Opinions differ on the subject, it Icing characterized in some roar- tens; as a move destined to 1)01ve. an'rmportant influence :on the Ball. nn sitw:ttfon. Bulgaria has been sIiiver•iug on the brink of ct casting her lot with the Touton allies sues this great victory of the Dlitente powers is bound to hate a marked effect tenon her. immedi- ate, actions. There was no public dcenonstrat(ron incident with the fogy. People came, they read, thered in groups and discussed situation and thenci;eportie'd h a, feeling of supreme sates - "faction. As anted in the official despatches the caus,ua.lties attendee ing the "delve" wee heavy end it would be folly to expect any- thing else. The brave lends of the net Canadian contingent—what's left of thein—incl the 33rd Bat- on reinforcements will doubt- s ha vo done their n sl e while s not improbable that rthe gghting. 18th," which recently (led in (Fiance and in ieh the are upwards 'of e, en or snore of Clinton suet 1 from this vicinity, also parti- a Cede 1< are tali les WRi lap Wh doz an approval, obtain envelopes alt sip e ' ,ac2J®19 �0tci" 4l®®IMb9p�5D6�®bED®m49 ®Gd 3f®CLQ i�d7°AO �f{34',RQdty gH4/Sre0sglg890gdt�' 51`0[0110 f `i3: t,' �' :e •,.. 'ui.. _ 1� ,. p 11 tl� 8:: laaanfDnaaf ieOWenfin li8ieteaannein eliOrleansnip®ingeleanneice na6eela We ' 26-29 . Tangs 0.25. , s 28 flutter 2e to 25. 'eat Ole Eggs 53 to el, A 48e Barley 5O} to 4s' Wheat: 75;;to 85, tele 7.65 i , 1 Oats 35. asp 6.25 i T'ealrf 1.26; ogs 10.10c r Loelavheat 50, em lee 8.7,5 Shorts $29- ten i ' 30, • L Bran $29 in ease; 14 5-8 30. mien 25e,` !flay, for bailing 110 'and' 5112, Yi> CLINTON NEW I'ORA. DISTRICT NE Reline -ave Peter Bridge, a well known resident of this town, died after a brief illness and was buried in Meltae's Cemetery. The funeral, was largely attended. Services were conducted by Rev, Mr, Boyle of the Presbyter tan Church, of which Mr. Bridge was a member. Mr, Bridge was in the 70th year of hie age. In politics he was a staunch Liberal, and in religion a Presbyterian. His wife died about forty years ago, He is survived by a family of grown-up sons and daugh Mrs. liftmen The wedding took place last week in Kippen, at the home of Mr, and fors. R, B. McLean,. of their second daugh. ter, Minnie Myrte, and James Earle d Mrs. W. 0, Sproat,de Rev. v. Johnet son of Mr. iRichardson B. A. officiated. The bride was becom ingly dressed in Ivory satin, decorated with French knots and trimmed with pearls, and wore a bridal veil of fine Bilk net. Miss Annabelle McLean played the bridal march from "Lolren- grin." After the ceremonyc breakfast: and later Mr, ad e Mrs Sproat were motored to Seaforth. Mrs Sproat travelled in a tailored suit o navy blue serge and wore a prates, black and white hat, On their return from Toronto and Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs. Sproat will take up thei residence on the bridegroom's fine Earth near Kippers, he said, was much the worse of the combat. --The judge e let i l him off as She had enlisted Lonilesboro The Londesboro branch of the Womens Institute, will hold there regular meeting in the Foresters hall on Thursday October 7th. Everybody welcome Thanksgiving Fowl Supper Anniver sary services of the' Methodist Church will be held on Sunday and Monday, October 10th and 11ib. Services will be held on gun a d Oct.in. and 7 Y, du lath at 10 v. George Jewitt, f Blyth. Spe fall col lection will be taken at both services. On Monday evening, Oct Ilth, a grand supper will be given from 6 o'clock. After supper a good program will be given in the church, consisting of ad. dresses by Res, Mr. Reid of Lon,es boro and Mr..1 ewitt of Blyth, readings by Rev. E. G, and Master Gordon Powell, of, Clinton, instrumental music by Mr, Robert Gibbs, singing by Messrs. Uarthew - and Robinson of Blyth, assisted by local talent. Every body come, f Godei ieb Dr. W. P. Ulark and F. A. Elliott will likely contest the reeveehip to fill the vacancy caused by the recent r death of Robt. Elliott. Four were nominated at a meeting in the town hell to night, but 0. A. Nairn and B. 0, Munnings declared their intention of withdrawing Dr. Clark was defeated by Reeve El liott in January last. Councilor W, I3, McClinton wished to resign his seat to run for the reeveship, but his plan was not approved by the noun cis• Brussels Robert Pearson, an old and well- known resident of the fourth. conces- sion of Grey Township, passed' away on Tuesday after a lengthy illness. He was in his 68th year. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon to Ethel Cemetery An abscess in one of his ears caused the death of George Nelson Roger, the five months' old son of George N. and Mrs. McLaren on Sunday afternoon Over 80 gems of jam, jelly, honey and maple eyrnp were contributed by the people of this locality and sent to the soldier boys overseas by the Wom en's Institute This week $1,000 was forwarded by the lied Cross Society to the cenbral office, Toronto, as a result of the Lab or Day celebration Louden Mond Mr. A. Weeper took the League last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr Arthur Stevenson, The subject "The Prodigal Son" was very much appreci ated. After his address Mr. Hooper rendered a solo, The League will be pleased to have him back at any time that he finds it convenient to come. Miss Grace Stephenson sang a solo "Be will hold me fast," Mr. and Mrs, John Butebart visited at Mr. Frank Grant's this week. League meets next Tuesday night at the home of Mr. Henry Livermore. Consecration meeting. Quite a few attended Seaforth fair last week. They report that the crowd was one of the biggest ever seen at the air• The Government made an "April Fool" of a. good many farmers wheel they failed to send the soldiers to Clinton on Wednesday, Of course they are always fooling the people • Exeter Miss Rivers of Buffalo is visiting her brother, William Rivers, Main street. Mies Lottie Windsor, of London, is visiting her sisters, Mrs. J. Elliott and Mrs. George Snell and other friends. Miss Windsor ,formerly lived -inExe- ter, Thos. Hanford, of Ingersoll, is visit- ing old friends in town. Mies Julia Spicer has returned after a week's holiday in Brantford. Rev. Mr, Jefferson of Orediton occu- pied the pulpit Sunday evening in lames Street Church, and the ,'Main Street Church in the morning, Rev, Mr, Muxworthy taking Mr. Jeffeceon's pulpit atOrediton. Rev. Mr, McAllis- ter preached at Bethany in the even- ing. pt, Dunlop held a recruitingmeet ing in Exeter Tuesday. Mrs, (Oilier and daughter of Dom chaster, Neb„ are visiting Mrs, Sketon of Andrew street, Mr. and Mrs, Dyer Rtrrdon and Mr, and Mrs. Groff of Buffalo are visiting Mr. Burden's father, te. Mitchell of Aylmer is visiting his parents, lar, and Mrs. Wm, Mitchell, Miss i Mrs Sam Sweet isuattend1 of he Normal abbot)! at Stratford, bliss M. Nelson, M. A., of Toronto, has been engaged as the additional teacheriu' the Seaforth Oollegiate In• solute and entered upon: her duties on Monday. Miss Neleun is a specialist in moderns, Mr. Hosie Thompson son of Mitchell has purchased the oatmeal 1ni11 and is ham ng 18 put in shape for operation. The first carload of complete shells was shipped from the Bell Engine works this week. There are sevevel more carloads ready for shipment and awaiting instructions from headquar- ters. The remains of the late Alexander Sproat, wbo died. in Londob, were brought to Seaforth for interment on Tuesday, Mr. Herbert Chapman, son of Mr. W E. Chapman of this town has enlisted with the 44th Manitoba Regiment uow in training at Sewel, and expects to leave the end of the month for the front. A number of the Masons of this town' attended the funeral of the late Bio. A. Sermon, of Hensel], on Thursday. The tonal hranab of the Red Cross 'Society will hold a fruit sbower for the Canadian sick and wounded' on the 80th inst, • Goderich Friday morning Miss Maud Graham living with her mother, Mrs. 15. Gra hap,, threw herself from the second story window of her room, alighting on the cement sidewalk below, and was instil /any kilted.. She had been in e state of a nervous collapse for some time Oa information from Goderich Pat rick Kennedy, of Goderich, wee ar rested by the Stratford police Friday trimming 00 a charge of assault, Ken nedy went to Stratford Tuesday and enlisted for service with the 71st Bat Mikan cut lust before leaving in . the panicle with his fellow voiuneeers Inc L endcu the heavy hand of the law fell upon him n,nd enforced a postpone men e' :i. ttnuiiztg,: )Ie was taken bath r ' c nen on Saturday for ural, ries aied'aothepollee that'he ' gni-,eninto an'er,' s ,.fat with a ee. jn'ing; man ,o -,h resulted ann. The Ixodericty youeg man, Blyth. Rev. T. R. Farr. who has been rec for of Trinity Ohur'ch here for the past five years and who ie leaving to take charge of the church in iiinear dine, preached his farewell sermon On Sunday and as it was also their har vest thanksgiving, there was a large congregation, The church was decor ated beautifully with flowers and grains for the occasion, and was pack ed to the doors at bath services. Rev, Mr. Farr leaves Blyth' with the best. wishes of the whole community. !t y While x here,be has taken aken an interest in everything for the welfare of the community, and in consequence his place will be hard to 811 Sunday was rally day in the Metho dist Church, a former pastor, Rev, Walter Rigsby, occupied the pulpit, The church was beautifully decorated with flowers, and the choir sangsome beautiful selections Goderich Township Henry Snyder and wile of the lath' con., accompanied by Rer. R,J. Me Oorinick, wife and children motored over to Trowbridge and back Last Sat urday. Ebenezer appointment will hold their S. S. Rally and anniversary ser vice on Sunday, Oct. IOth, Rev, 0. J. 14toorehouseof Trowbridge will be the special preacher for the day. W. 13. Lobb and wife are expected home from tbeWesb on Saturday, Ebenezer church will have no ser vice next Sunday on account of the anniversary at Holmesvilte, Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be held in St. James Church 1VIiddle ten on Sunday morning next at 11 o'clock. Alt are welcome Rrueefield Edgar Pattison bas enlisted and gone for training. His family will re side in Clinton. Owing bo the web morning onSsb bath last the Children's service was poebponed until Sabbat next. Mies Flannigan is the guesb of Miss Jessie Gemmell, Our community were jubilant on hearing of good war news. on Monday., Farmers are harvesting their beans. They are a very small crop, owing to the rains. IVirs. George Swan and family of Harley are visiting ab bhe home of lir. John Swan, Rev. H, L Woods atbended the fune ral of the Rev, Mr, Greene of Clinton last week, Mr. Greene will be much missed in our midst as be had charge of the Methodist church in our village for some time, and made many warm friends here,- The Presbyterian sol,gregation had the pleasure on Sabbath morning of hearing a beat:tiful solo by Master .H. Tuft of Oreditun. He sang "Beautiful. Land of Sunshine." AJLoaenesvillc Rev. Mark Rumball, of Morden Manfinba, who attended 0 meeting et bhe Presbyterian Mission Board in Toronto e 1 art week, ran up to his old home and gave a capital address at the 8, 5, Rally last Sunday afternoon, sand also c elivered an excellent sermon Sunday evsninre. The Patriotic Soon- sty also captured hien for his lecture "Playing the Game' Monday evening, and a very line company gathered to lisberr'to a splendid address. The RZev, eranrl gentleman left Tuesday morning for Toronto to be present at the open- ing of the new Knox College. His old friends and church in 1olmesvilie are always glad to welcome him back, Ben T. leareell, Miss Una Simpson and Dr. Barry"McOormicic, all of De• troit, spent last Week at the lake at Manlure's, making their headquarters at the parsonage. Next Sabbath, Oct, 2nd, is anniveen sary day at Holmosville Methodist Ohuroh. Rev. Geo. McKinley, B. D. will prelate morning and evening, The choir will be assisted at the morning service lly the Ontario Street Quar- tette, Clinton. The Epworth League District Execu tive met at the, parsonage Monday af- ternoon and arranged a provisional program for the annual convention to be held in Blyth, Monday and Tuesday November 1st and 2nd, The Executive is urging all the churcbes to observe Sunday Oetober 31st as a day specially set impart for rho' work of the young people. Mrs, J. R. Alcocit has returned from Goderich, where she has been under treatment for throat trouble, Mrs. Joseph Jervis .has been ill for a few clays. Geo. Ladd and wife left Holinesville this week to take up their uew home in Clinton Mr. Ladd has been fore than of the section here for fourteen, years and leas been a most, faithful and efficient employeeet i company. He now referee on. a Inns •,""'ter a contin nous active service of e. ,• three years Mr. and Mrs. Lead . bereal missed. They have b' ' yai euppo t ors of the church mss) , °'nay good cause, and hese been neighbors of the most kind and generous sort. They ,will be a valuable additioto the citi zenship of Clinton, The most sincere. jowish of all the 1lolmesvillefriends is, that they may live many years to en oy their new home and a well earned Ths Financial District mneeting will be heed in llolmesville next Tuesday. The morning session will begin at 10 aLn. mthe, church, The W. el, S. will serve 'dinner Mullett Thos, Fear attended Seaforth Fair on Friday, Mise Della McCool is spending a few weeks with her sister, 'Mrs. Awde of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbings and daughters tera spent Wednesday aY at G 0d0 rich. Mr. Wm. Carter, the well known poultry man, was judge at Stratford fair last week in the poultry depart meat, Balls bridge on the Base Line is un dergoing repairs Mr. Wm. Turner, one of the Sea forth mail carriers, had a very narrow escape one day last week. He was on his way to Kinburn and while cross ing the bridge there his horse became frightened at a threshing machine and before Mr, Tnrner could regain eon trol of him, horse,• buggy and driver were in the river below. Prompt as eistance was rendered by the thresher men and Mr, Turney and his outfit were rescued from the river no worse for their .experience except for the ducking. The accident was one which might easily have resulted 'seriously and Mr. Turney was very fortunate in escapingwithout even getting his buggy amaged Obituary MRS. DAVID MVICLEN'NAN Death on Sateen:lay remoired a highly esteemed resident in the person of Mrs, Barbara McLennan widow of the late David McLennan who passed away suddenly at noon, at the family home Stratford, and a former Well- known resident of Clinton, Though for then past five or six years Mrs. McLennan, had been fess active she was apparently in her ;usual good health until asudden heart seizure occurred a few minutes be- fore she passed away,sud- den sod He den demise was a great shock qo the family, and the news of Mrs, McLennan's death twos learned large cicrle of fr•ienda. A woman of broad sym- with sincere sorrow by a pathics anti high ideals, Mrs Mc- Lerman was eamired and beloved by all tivho were privileged to make her acquaintance; All move- ments for good found ihMrs Mc- Lennan 1warm supporter. De- ceased 'Was, during her lengthy res iclence in Stratford, a member of Knox Presbyterian church Bar bara Cunningham was born in 1830 in Stewarton, Ayrshire, Scot- land, moving to Glasgow, as a young girl, ]ter father being a. teacher in that city In 1864 she was marrieds to David McLennan,of inion, Aberdeenshire and two years later the young couple oame out ?o Canada, residing, for five years at Ingersoll, 'and successive ly atExeter, Blyth and Clinton, re moving to Stratford 111 1832, ;thus spending the 'last thirty throe years' of her life in thet' city. On October 3, 1896, Mr McLennan passed away, after a very active life as la grain merchant and miller in various towns in Western Ontario. Three 19ons and four daughters remain to mourn the loss of a loving and devoted moth er•—Prof ,t C. 'McLennan, professor of physics in the University in To ronto; Mr, David McLennan, B.A. in the 'teaching profession; Ewart a traveler, Misses Janet and Bar - bars at home, Jean, the wife 'of Pref. W. A. Parke, of the UniVere its,' Toronto, Miss Mary McLen- nan, who is teaching in Toronto. Owing to ?the fact,that Prof. JSic- Lennan ie now on the ocean • re- turning from the Old Country and Mr. Ewart McLennan . is in 'ilius West on a business trip, the funer- al arrangements have not been made as yet. ALFRED SCRUTON Sincere regret is expressed on every side over the death of Ale feeds Scruton who passed away 'on Monday morning'Sept, 2Uth, in Iris 46th year at lien ;ell. He had been ailingg)1 for some lime but not until within) the past throe months was his eonai:toe coneidered tserioes, During that period be )lank very rapidly and suffered intensely but bora it all with patience and fo.rti ys -, tery0 0 Restdtt. 1J'1ad Two ilbactors. MAS CUED 21! l'J21 USE OF t 'OILER'S Extract o1,Wltitl Strawberry. In dysentery the discharges from the bowels follow . each other with great rapidity, and sometimes become mixed with blood. Never neglect what at first, appears to be a slight attack of diarrhoea or dysen- era will surely set in. Cure the first symptoms by the use of Dr. bowler's Uxtraet of Wild Strawberry, Mrs: Martin learraher, Dogherty Cor- ner, N.73 , writes: "I can very strongly recommend Dr. Fowler's )extract of Wild Strawberry for dysentery and summer complaints. My little girl, at the age of two years, had the dysentery very bad. We had two doctor, but with uo result. My mother brought mea bottle of "Dr. reowler's," and when' half the bottle was. used tlic little girl was running around playing with her dolls with great delight and joy to the family, for we did not think, she would ever get better." There are a number of preparations on the narlcet to -day, claiming to be the seine as "Dr, Pewter's B1traet of 'Wild Strawberry," and also called similar names, so as to fool the public into think- ing they are getting the genuine, "Dr.'I'bwier's" is manufactured only ley The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont, See that their name is on the wrapper, Price, 35 cents. PAGB :FIV9 Better School, Shoes Does your Boy Need New Shoes? If he does, let him°try a pair of our boy's heavy; solid leather School Shoes, They will not disappoint you in wear and are very moderately priced. Pp We are also showingspecial which a line of Girl Shoes for value cannot be equalled in town. Tryair, they a p are the best valveour money y can buy Men's and Boys Clothing Our stock ofe e r R ady-to-wear Clothing is now ver complete, We have men's Tweed and Wors , y from $6.50 to $15 and `black and blue SergeYet Suits Suits from $10 to $18. Boys Suits from $a,so up, Boys Pants from 60c to $1,50 per pair Men's. Odd Pants from $z *to $4,5o per pair Raving placed the order for our clothing before there was any decided advance in woolens, we have all our clothing at about old prices. Pluinsteeiter. rose Small Profits Phone 2an afore Business Jude. He has bebn a rc(sideet of bearers. The service at the house 'Hmasa ll for over twenty years ,and 'during that period bad grown in the este;enr and respect of his fel- low citizens and all who came inteo business and personal relations with him. 'For about twelde years he has conducted a flour, feed and coal busyness, which owing to his illness, he, 1 recently disposed of. The deceased was horn in Vianna. Elgin County, Ile afterwards re- sided in Clinton prior to comin Heiman. Ire has always been p, public spirited citizen, toady to advance the interests of our vil- lage, both as member or the and grave was conducted by t!he Rev,, d, Ti. Lemon and Rev, S. Young of Clifford, and interment was made 'at Clifford cemetery. 1V173S, ROBERT MCLAC'kiLAN, At the family residence 93 Grange street, Stratford, at noon Theirs - day, the death occurred of Mrs. 16, McLachlan aenlAar. McL1dn years. orin born in North lasthope, the daugh ter of the late Alexander Hyde Eight years ago she moved do Stratford from Brussels, where she had resided five years. One son, U eine' mid •n d other t e Willi r os't• -is a positions, H m of Stratford, ,• P e is o• tfrds survives, be - bad, always been a member of the sides 1'our brothers and three sis- curling and bowling clubs in• which pens, namely, IIngh, Stiratford; games Ire was very pproficient, Rhe lex, South Eastilope, 'Georgie, deceased belonged 10 the Masonic Millbank: John Clinton • Mrs.' Order and also the .independent, her, Shakespeare, Mrs.' Hamilton, Order of Foresters, He was great St. Thomas, and 'Mrs. Canting in ly devoted to his home and family Saskatchewan. The deceased was wherelose will lie the mos Widely known in Stra'tforci +and' keenly felt, `.Clue funeral tools vfcinfty and Tier cleans will bedeep Met?lacehodist ThursChdayurc'afternhandoonthentoce to the lye regretted. Hensall Union Cemetery, where bis illasOnic brethren will conduct the ceremony, Hatter From a Sailor MRS. JOHN PORTERiFIELD, The deceased nvhose maiden i:amer'tt-as Chrirlotte Stone, was en! comes a good laugh 'and on bon in Nortotic, Eng,, in 1835, and 'Th goes the story, "Every twenty eama bo Canada when a chiln. In five) years they repickle salt beef, 1552 she was married to John Por- I hare seen it with. three crosses esthete Ont,, and on it. (i5 years old.)" The d there bis- cuitshad so many weevils in them you always weighed them with'a bag over them en • the weevils would stay in and you would geek • the proper weiehti And eo it goes on ad infinitum until the "G" s r sounded for silence, while the rounds are goingon Then the vaich where they resident almoa(1 "carry. on" isblon in a few min. eight years, .Here in April 1012 utea and you clecide you 010111 go they eolebraf;ed their Diamond below and wash your hinds ,and Wedding A year ago they moved scratch a few lines to the absent back to bhe old homestead where ones. Every hour in the day liar, on ,Tuesday, Sept, 14th, dectease'd some routine of work or play and was called to' her reward„ The. you, know that at rsuch an \hour bereaved husband, se0en 5008 and the ship fs doingg so and so f£ six daughters are left t mourn sine is iia harbor. It is a very odd the•'Loss of a ]find anti 'affection- life• for a , landsman, but atter a ate) 'wife, Three children pxede- 'man Inas once become accustomed erased her some time ago. Those lo it I'iI be hanged it he cannot retnaining tare.—John, James, have pler ty of Sun he a quiet way. iPraneis and A11an, 18th eon; :Robe. ti, peace times itis cert;tipsy many of Seaforth, On'C.; Edward of Dau- Blues more enjoyable no daubll. pbin, Man„ IMelVflle of Owen They don't mince words 1r5 the Sound; Mrs. Robt. Locking, Cold- navy and a, fight through bad water ;l :Mrs. Samuel Locking, Owen blood is i never heard sof, The Sound; 'Mrs. John Dunlop, Rolla, lower deck is more like a big fame N. D.; Mrs. Alex. Eepton, Brant- ily and nets along better than feed; )Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Londes- most families do. They are almost; boyo, and Mrs, Jas, lbapson, Blyth, loving, it seems. Well 1 •must i1'orty two grandchildren and thirty wind up here or start anew ilet- seven great grand oh1lclren •also ter. Your .affectionate brother, survive. The sin sons were pall- ;TED, crfield at ' S live ,ere a few years before moving to the 13th con., Howick, where they resided for finer years. They were among the first settlers in( Howicic and bore the br'unt'of pioneer life. When retiring from farm life they moved to (aortae and after seven months moved to !Ford Doremend's Display of ARTISTIC HAIR GOODS Should be seen by every man and woman who 'would' keep attractive and youthful. LADIES who have not suffi- cient hair to do justice to their appearance & GENTLEMEN who are bald, Come to ltattenbury House, Clinton Wednesday, I ct. 6 When you can have a Free Demonstration of the style that will answer your demands. LADIES—Switches Braids Tiansformationsr Pompadours Waves, and many other hair goods' creations of the finest quality hair. (SINTLEMEN S Hygenic Toupees and Wigs which are indetectable, feather weight and are worn by over a quarter million men. See what a benefit it is toy your Health, Comfort and Appear- ance. 'i•Iead Office and S9howrooins TORONTO ,,ratngwararawrzet 805 Yonge St. The New Era end of 19115 f*r