HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-09-30, Page 3tphiii' day, Sept, 30th, 194 W. f RYDON:E B4RIt1STER SOI,,IOITO'li ROTARY PUBLIC, PITO OnINPON tall1RLE5 B. ULB r Oonneyance, Notary Albite, Commissioner, etc. ' REAL ESTATE ANI) INSURANCE Iseuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron St., Clinton, H.. T. RANCE Notary Public, Convoyaneer,'a Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 14 Fire le emeries Companies.: Division Court Office. Piano Tuning • e' Mr. James. Doherty wishes to in- form • the public that he is • pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, Ot ne regulating, and repairing. rders left at W, Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention. M. G. Cameron, I.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and on anv day for which appointments are made; Office hours from 9 a.m, to 6 p m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointmentsfor Mr. Cameron. MedK al. DR ' . W. TIHOMPSON Physician, Surgeon. Eta mew attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear. Throat, and Nose,. ' Eres ca dulls, iamined, and suitable rglasees Prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doers 'west of the Commercial' Kota unroll sc. IDES, (101611' and GA iilJElt Dr. W. Cann, L. la. C. P., L. B. C.S.. Edi Dr. Coon's office at residence High Street Dr, J, 0. needier. B.A. al,B, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Sight cane at residence, Batten/earn St. or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON. aconebenr, eta, office and residence on weber/ Street., DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST tr Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty: (13 Graduate of O.O.D.S..e Chicago, and R.C,D,S Toronto, Hayfield on Mondays, May 1st to D DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'E store. Special care taken to make dental treat meat as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction see GODERIOH ON.T Bat m stela sales a specials, Undoes .t • . NEW ERA odlce, Clinton,•premum, attend. to. Terms reasonable. armers' sale note diaroountedi, v G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTOla a. General Deanking BusIn is transacted .VOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts famed. Interest allowed a deposits The McKillop Mutual Eire Insurance Co. Farm end isolated Town Props erty Only Insured. Head 011icc—Seaforth, Ont OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, Seaforth, President J. Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres. Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec.-Treae Directors—D. S'. McGregor, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. Rhin, Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin; J. Evans, Beechwood; A, 2icEwe , Brucefield; J, B. McLean Seaforth; ,T. Connolly, Goderich: Robert Ferris, 'Harlock. " WAg;Chesneya gmondville e J rW. Yeo. 'Holmesville ; Alex. Leitch. Clinton; R. S. Jarmnth. Brodhagen A Carload of Canada Portland Ccmen t Phone us tor prices It will pay you John o' n - Hutton utton LONDESBORO Drs. Geo. & M. E. Whitley Heileman Osteopathic Phy. Specialists in Women's, and t AChildren's Diseased Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders lEye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office—Rattlenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday., 7 to 11 p.m FORD & 'MCLEOD We're now selfingimothy'Seed (Government Standaaa., ' 'We also have on hand, Alfalfa,, Alsike, and Red Clover, We .always have on hand —Goole {Wheat, Peas, Barley and Peed Corn Hight Market Prices paid for Hay and all Braine. FORD & McLEOD CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's Best Business College Our instructors are ex Darlene - . ed. Pupils get individual atten- tion and graduates are placed in positions. We are receiving ap plications we cannot meet. Stu dents may enter at any time. Send for our free catalogue and see if it interests you D.A.19IcLachlan, Principal Poultry Wanted Now that the poultry fattening eea son is approaching, we're in a position to handle all your poultry at the top market prices, New Laid Eggs We are still paying a premium for large. clean, New Laid Eggs not over four days old. It will pay you to take the very best care of your eggs and sell thetii to ns where you receive city prices for choice quality. Easifii'st Shortening Have you tried Gunn's Easifiret Shortening? Better and cheaper than lard. - Gunn's Cured Meats Now is the time of year to use our Cured Meats, Afresh supply received Weekly, Seed Wheat If you want good Seed Wheat that will grow, call on us before you buy The Gen-1anglois Ca., Limited The up-to-date Firm, Clinton Phone 190. N. W. TREWARTHA, W. JENXINS 4�uut �AA..�:�LA►AAAA Plana 4 See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and E • special values in Art P • Z Cases • aPianos and organs rent i e ed. Choice new Edison P. a phonographs, Music & E variety goods. ' Music Emporium' 4 5. e A r vvvvvvvv Organs, 4 C. Hoare NORTH END FEED STORE sed Cern On Hand—A. large stock of Corn, Mangols, and Turnip Seed, which will be sold AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Secure Your Order for Fertilizer Potash For Your Root Crap. We will mix it for roti at the store. Agent for Heintznlan Pianos Old ones taken in exchange,:and balance on easy terms; FRANK W. EVANS TERMS CASH. PHONE 192 GRAND .TRUNK SYSTL M Double Track all the Way. Toronto -Chicago =4. Toronto -Montreal For Chicago Leave TORONTO 8,00 a, m.. 8.00 p, m., and 11.45 p. en. daily. For Montreal Leave TORONTO 9,00 a. m., 8.90 p. m, and 11 p. m. daily. Equipment the finest on all trains, Panama Pacific Expositiong Reduced Fares to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Full 'particulars and berth reserve, Clone on application to Agents, Joh n Ransford & Soncity passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 67 a,. 0. Pattison, station agent AILING WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Mrs.DoucetteTells of her Dis- tressing Symptoms During Change of Life and How She Found Relief. Belleville, Nova Scotit), Can.—"Three years ago I was suffering.. badly with what the doctors called Change of Life, I was so bad that I had to 'stay in bed. ' Some 1 friends told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and it helped me' from the.firet. It is the only medicine I tool( that did help me and I recommend it. You don't know how thankfuland grateful I am. I give you permission to publish what your good medicine has done forme. "—Mrs. SIMON DOUCETTE, Belleville, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. Such warning symptomsas sense of suffocation,hot flashes,headaches,back- aches,dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent wo- men who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weak- ened nervous system. It has carried many women safely through this crisis. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkhant Medicine Co. (confl- dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict conhdonee. Local News WARPIMMaRWPA STILL CLIrreIBING. This is the 423vd day that the British Empire has been at war with Ger- many, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORiA SAVE TIRE CENT Persons sending in personal cor respondence or other news items in unsealed envelopes should re- member that a one cent stamp is sufficient. Printers' copy is not, subject to (tile war tax but the flap on the envelope must; be un- sealed: Children Cry FOR FLETCIIER'S CASTORIA MINOR LOCALS, • "Fight or pay.'' Next holiday will be -Thanks- glting Day Hiirvest is over and farmers •are ploughing and threshing. ' Parchment butter paper, paper, right in quality, and price, at The New Era. The New Era is always glad to publish letter from soldiers of the Overseas Contingents. The New Era will be sant to the, addxess of any +law subscriber in Canada or Great Britain fo:, the remainder of l.he. year for 25 cellttq or to any address , in the United Statga for 47 cents. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORiA DON'T SEAL CORRESPONDENCE EN VIELOPES Person sending in personals or other new items in unsealed en- vrdopos should remember that a one cent stamp is sufficient. Print cr's copy is not subject to the war war tax but, the flap on the enve- lope must be unseated. Cook's Cotton Root Compound; 6 safe, reliable reaeoattnp medicare. Sold in three de. S`reel of strength–No. 1, 51; ro. 2, 53; No. 3, 56 per bon. Sold by all druggists, or cent pprepa(d' on receipt of pries. Free pamphlet. Address;. THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TORONTO. ONT. (Feat* Wideer.) MINOR LOCALS. Do you your shopping early. Christmas will soon be here. The New ifra sent do: any ad- dress in Canada. to ' end of year for 25 cents, The address label on yo'u New Era each week tells the Fate! to which your subscription is paid You cannot devote find minutes to' reading the ads without, learn- ing some fact of tactical' 'Value and importance to you. Test the matter You can save money, by making it a rule to read the (advertising columns of the New Era. Get news items, to The New Era as' early as possible. Those com- ing in on Thursday are nearly al - way too' late to get in the paper We welcome the news but want it early. e The next public holiday will be, Thanksgiving Day, Monday, Octo- ber lith. Houses for renting are at a premium here. - There are still some( more Wed- dings te take place in the near future. • Do you think there, will be an election this fall? CASTORIAi For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the p.�.� Signature of . �•lKC.�(IhJ;' Tun CLINTON, N>IW RBA NY SCHOOL. Lesson I.—Fourth Quarter, For Oct. 3, 1915. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, 1 Kings xxi, 11.20. Memory Verses, 17.1.9—Golden Text, Num. xxxii, 23—Commentary Pre• pared by Rev. b. M. Stearns. Ahab and Naboth side by side earth, the rich and the poor, meet gether, but there is a hereafter, as eeribed in Luke xvi, and the rich h are' Sometimes awfully poor, a worse than poor, when they leave world. It' is certainly "a pitiful ph of sinful human nature when such Ahab desire also a poor maws all net like a spoiled child when they c not get it. He was beau, and d pleased when reproved by the ,Lo for compromising with Ben-hadad, ; now he is the same because he cane have Naboth's vineyard, and be we to bed, turned, away his face a would not eat (xx, 43; xxi, 1-4). iia a man in Naboth's place would Im been afraid to displease such a cue Ahab, but Naboth feared the Lord a evidently remembered that the la was His and was not to pass fro tribe to tribe (Ler. xxv, 23; Nu xxxvi, 7), and Im would rather d please Ahab at any cost than displea the Lord. Such whole hearted peop for God are greatly needed—those w will never bow to any, howev th mighty, if us they can glorify Go The fear of man always briugeth snare. We most live in the fear of"tl Lord always. Jezebel, on learning what ailed h husband, urged him to remember th be was the king, that he should art and eat and be merry and she woul give him Naboth's vineyard (vers -7). The people who give what do not belong to them, no matter evil.uffers by it, ;use still to be found o arth—unscrupulous, proud, selfish, th arth is mine; what right have you o t? There are also plenty to do the idling, no matter what it is, wbethe o oppress and ruin a man or bis fam y or business or even to take a man' fe, as did these vassals of :7ezebe verses 8-14). Some one has said�tha the servants of Christ were as read o serve Him as the servants of th evil are to serve him many thin ould be different all around. It seems to us strange that the Lor bould 'permit the devil to afflict an ill His people, but He told His disci es that they would be put out of til ynagogue and even killed for His sak nd that they must not be afraid to b filled (John xvi, 1,'2; Matt. x, 28). I e very next Chapter we see a faith ul servant of the Lord, Micaiah, th on of Imlah, put in prison and fed read and water because he spoke til ord's message and feared no man' sown and sought no man's favor (xxi: 14, 27, 28). The time Will come, aft r the church is taken away, whe o saints then on earth, converts efts e rapture, the redeemed of Rev. vil e great tribulation saints, shall suf er terribly at, the bands of the sery is of the devil (Dan. vii, 21, 25; Rev iii, 5-8), but their victory is seen 1 ev. xv, while the torment of thos bo prefer life and the favor of ma seen in Rev. xiv,•9-11. Word was brought by the murderer the murderess that Naboth wa ad, stoned to death, like Stephen an uI, long afterward, but they did not ow the God of Nabotb, who eves eth and cares for His own, though e often allows that which looks like it to come them. It stands for- er true that all things work togeth- for good to them that love God om. vin, 28). Ahab went to take ssession of Nabotles vineyard, but awful message came to him from e Lord by the mouth of Elijah con- rning both himself and his wife. bus snide the Lord, In the place ere dogs licked the blood of Nabotb all dogs lick thy blood, even thine," d "The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the it of Jezreel" (verses 19, 23). See e fulfillment of both of these predic- ns in xxi:, 38, and II Eines ix, 10, 30-37. There is a reaping for all wing both here and hereafter, for hatsoever a man soweth thatshall also reap," and "they that have Yen the wind shall reap the whirl- ed" (Gal. vi, 7, 8; Hos. viii, 7). Ahab called Elijah his enemy (verse , but it was Ahab who was the ene- of Elijah and of the Lord, for he d sold himself to the devil to work vi1 in the sight of the Lord, being rred up to do so by his wicked wife, abet (verses 20, 25), He said to Eli- , "Hast thou found me?" And Eli - said, "1 have 'found thee" (verse This reminds us of the words in m. xxxii, 23, "Be sure your. sin will d you out," and also of Matt. x, 26, Imre is nothing covered that shall be revealed, and bid that shall not known." Oh, the revealings of that wben there may be many works even ,Christians burned up because self (I Cor. iii; 11.15). I;tlooks as if ab might have been a different man for his wicked wife. And oh, how cions the Lord was to him! He w him thoroughly, and yet when saw some apparent repentance, hu- ty and fasting He held off the evil ng his days (verses 27-29). The wage of Jehosaphat (who was one b t e eight good ,kings of Judah) with ab, as recorded in chapter xxli, is one of the strange combinations of the eodiy and ungodly which prove so dis- astrous always, Why not determiue to lay to 'heart Il Cor. vi. 14.18, • and live accordingly, for wholehearted see. enation unto the Lord is the only way. on to - ere nd this ase as aid an. Is- rd wd 01 nt nd ny ve as nd mnd m .' i5- se le ho er d. a le er at se es es 0 n e n lr s 1 t y e gs d d e e e n 0, on e s n r n e n s s d • 5 e e b 11 li if w k to v tie f L fr to tit th tb f an S R �v is to de Sa kn lir 13 ev ev er (le po an th ce "T wh sb an W th do 26, SO he SO wi 20) by ha e sti Jez fah fah 20). Nu an not be day of of Ah but gra kne He milt dur: slit of Ah HAVE YOU RENEWED. We dislike to keep reminding our subscribers, through the New Era that they should pay up, but we know of no other wa t - way o reach them so well; and funds are absolutely necessary to a continuance Of: business. HOW tolls WILL iNE WAR IRSi? The War Against Health Is Quickly Ended By "Fruit-a-tives". MRS. DEWOLFE East Ship Harbour, N.S. "It is with great' pleasure that I write to etell you of the wonderful benefit I have received from .taking `Fruit-a-tives'. For yearslwas a dreadful sufferer from Constipation and Head- aches, andl was miserable in every way. Nothing in the way of medicines seemed to help me. Then I finally tried `Fruit-a-tives' and the effect was splendid. After taking one box, Ifeel like a new person find I am deeply thankful to have relief from those sickening headaches". ' - Mrs. MARTHA DEWOLFE. "FRUIT-A-TIVES", the medicine made from fruit juices, has relieved more sufferers from Headaches, Consti- pation, Stomach, Jiver, Kidney, and Skin Troubles than any other medicine. 50e. a box, 6 for 112.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. imperial Rome. There are various estimates of the population of ancient Rome. The fig- ure given by Gibbon is 1,200,000. Baker. in his notes to Montesquien's "Grandeur and Decadence of the Ro- mans," gives good reasons for thinking that Rome's population was 2,000,000. The city had within its walls in the time of Theodosius 48,332 habitations, built, as a rule, with several stories.— New York American. Was Weak and Dun Down. COULD NOT STAND THE LEAST EXCITEMENT. When one gets weak and run down the heart becomes affected, the nerves become unstrung and the least excite- ment causes a feeling of utter lastitude. What is needed is to build up the heart and strengthen the shaky nerves by the use of such a medicine as Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, Mrs. J. A. Williams, Tillsonburg, Ont., writes: "I cannot speak too highly of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I suffered greatly with my nerves,. and was so weak and run down I could not stand the least excitement of any kind. I believe your Heart and Nerve Pills to be a valuable remedy for all sufferers from nervous trouble," niessrn's Heart and Nerve Pills are tier per box, 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont. His Superiority. A mission worker tells how shocked she was to encounter this bit of syn, Icism in the slums. The conversation was between two women whose mari- tal life had not been particularly fe- licitous. "Well," said one of -them. "of course we has our troubles with all of 'em, But I'll say this for my second hus- band—he's better than any first. He's Injailso ranch that practically all 1 earn I has for myself."—Lippincott's. Incidental Musk. One of the most tiresome,'not to say exasperating, traditions of the theater Is incidental music—particularly the music that Is presumably intended to accentuate dialogue. It has been a conviction of mine that the expedient is a confession of actor weakness. No actor worthy of the name needs that kind of help. Some of you graybeards. hark back to Edwin Booth and try to Imagine him in the fourth act of "Rich - ellen," for example, delivering the curse. of Rome speech in unison ,With the performersinthe orchestra well! One difference between theatrical performances in Germany and those in America is In this very incidental tau- sla In our country every actor that holds a prominent relation to the play In band must have music to bring him on the stage and more music to take. him. off. The nuisie cue Is ridiculously, overworked. Many playsare made ifn- Intelligible by the obtrusiofi of untime- ly mualc slmultaneonsly with lines that. nobody -- could catch.,-- Detroit Prep Press. WHAT CATARRH AT � A , IS It has been said that every third person has catarrh in some form. Science has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general weakness of the body; and local treatments in the form of snuffs and vapors do little, if any good. To correct catarrh yon shonki treat its cause by enriching your blood with the of} -toast in Scott's m $ nlsioa which is a medicinal food arid a building -tonic, free trom•any harmful drugs. Try it. 4, Scott & 8owae. Toronto, Out. Hester How had; Noted' "Ward" Teacher Pioneer Teacher of News - bons and Bootblacks— Her Methods Widely Used There died in Toronto last Wed nesday morning one of the beets known fund best -beloved of Tore ante's educationists, a Woman with. and infinite capacity for love and sympathy and work, Miss Rester '$ow. Sixty-six years ago she came with her family, from Ireland unci it' is now more than n gener- ation since she began her ;work in Duke' Street School, from which she went 'to• Winchester and thence to , the Elizabeth 'µtreat • School, which was to 1witness a career of the-u#'most helpfulness and devotion, and .whfnh was final- ly named after her, the He -tater :Flow School and/ where, on Sep- tember =5, 1912, her i ortxait was unveiled, leer retirement ;tivo years ago completed praetiically forty years on t,ho teaching staff,. and more than twenty-five as Prin dcipal of -tile Elizabeth Street School, Taught Newsies and, Bootblack s. This school, in the centre of the downtown 'iistr:ct known' as "the Ward" was at one time ix, a class by Itself.; little esteemed, much maligned, shunned by ail Who could get away to. +some other school and attiended by a certain proportion of eb.1ldrec, and often adolescents, who were supposed to be, hard.' to manage In the clays when blacking boots MISS HESTER HOW. and selling r,ewe1,apers were pur- suits. rising to tate dignity of pro- fessions before these callings were syndicated by enterprising cap- italists, thte was the favorite school for the young operators to attend and it. WOs pathetic but encouraging to note the spirit of chivalry that elms Row's manage meet developed in; ' some of the roughest and toughest of, the young roysterees. There was no need for harsh discipline by thle principal; no old boy would give her any trouble, and es-ery fresh recruit' was soon made by the vet - mans to understand "the law of the jungle." Whatlever corporal punishment n -as necessary as an incident was administered on tree),, democratic principles and in the exercise of self-goveenment by the school; the services of the staff; on such occasions could- safely be with -.held in perfect ;assurance that the castigation would not be lacking in effectiveness,' Now a School of Foreigners, 3:11e civ'iiziug influenr;e of Miss How's personality was not we,ek- elled by any lack of efficiency as a class teacher, -Por many years past the character of the n,eighl- borhood has been greatly chang- ing. The former English-speaking people have been replaced by for- eigners, c•hic£ly )Tebrows and Ital- ians, and it was fortunate that the pioneering work in such a com- munity{ fell to the lot of a)gif,ted and 'womanly woman. The ardue ons dutives developing upon her was' performed with the eager spirit of a modern saint, and with- out a though of pecuring relief from( the constant strain of her position. The foreign communil(y has been greatly expended, and has made itself felt in several other schools both east and west of the one+ thatoos by her name, but the considerate treatment extend- ed to -the foreign children has been due very large to the spirit displayed toward them in the Ras- ter How School. The art of teach- ing English to foreigners is one of score difficulty to acquire, and a' re•at deal of credit is' due toilfliss ow for the enthusiastic deter- mination of both the parents and the children that the latter y'hould become, proficient in the nee of English " It need 'hardly be added that' in all the social work 'of "the Ward," so fax as time and strength permitted, she took an active and helpful ',part 0Wooti.'s Phospholliae; The Great EngUel "Stemed 1. Tones and invigorates the whole norvoueevvsteee, makes new Blood is old 'veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despon- dency; `Loss of Energy, palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. ,Price 01 per bon, six for $5, One willlease, six will cure,• Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. Nes, pamphlet mailed Tree. THE WOOD MEDICINE. CO., 7050190..ONT. (Female Windier.) a The Salt Industry y tion from the salt works tin the State of New York, and it is claim- ed that only toe superior quality of the Ontario product served to secure it the Canadian trade In 1876 a shipment of 200 barrels was made via Duluth, Pembina and the Red River td Winnipeg The industry has had a varied experienge Theproduction was too large for the consumption et times, and associations were form- ed to regulate the marketing It id 'declared,however, that in the last few years the demand and the industry have increased to such an extent that the associations havee ceased to operate and the plants do their own selling' Improvements in the methods of PAGE THEE eeeiregne MAGIC READ THE NO BAKINGLABEL ALUM POWDER e', aporation and handling have been made, and some of the, plants now compare well with the boast on the con,tltnent At the dater of they preparation of the volume there were twelve planta ii1 oper- ation in Ontario, with a production in'1913 of 140,799 tons valued ati 1.191,000. This 'was practically, double the fighre 01 1897 As the consumption of the country is put at 245,500 tons in the year noted, it will be seen thatth!ere is room for expanding the indlustlry and util- izing the other, natural sources known to exist in the country: 11111 17;10' fair Dates 01151 Goderich Brussels Gorrie Bayfield Blyth Dungannon Sept 28 to 30 Sept 30 and Oct 1 Oct 2nd Oct 5 and 6 Oct 5 and 6 Oct 7 and 8 cur. -4:63 A Christian college -home, healthful situation. For prospectus and terms,write the Principal R.I. Warner. M.A.,D.D •, $t.Thoreas, Ont. 63 Business and Sho-;I'.liland:r �. A 'v\ estervelt c Shoo�;l i 1 Y M Cep: $,nldmg ; F zo London, Ontario College in Session Sept 1st to Jule; lr Catalogue Free:;: > .Enter' any time; J. W. Westervelt Principal ••Fo••••o••• ••ar •000•00• •••• • • •• Mike 0 • • • • • • • • • sShaw's Business Schools, To 0 • ronto, beg to announce Fall • • Term Opening from Sept. 1st, • • and to state that plans for giv • • ing individual instruction clear • • the way for the admission of • students on any school day dur • • ing the session. Descriptive • catalogue sent free on request by • • • nail to W. 11. Shaw, President, • • Yonge and Gerrard Sts, Toronto • • • • 0 000000000091000000000000000 WE ARE Dealers ler 5 In .en Pedlar Galvanized Shingles, Corrugated, Iron, Felt' sand Slate Roofing, Eavetroughing, Plumbing and Heating, Lightning Rods. Call or phone for prices. Repairs prornptly done, Byam & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. =-)ON'T NEGLECT '4'()U.lR WATCH A WATCH is a delicate piece rz rnnttlinery. It calls for .sltention than most enc. hinery, but must be cleaned of:ed occasionally to keeb 'sriect T mr.. s- rtritb proper acre a Waltham Watch will keep perfect time kir a lifetime. It will pay you wen to let us clean your watek every 12 or 18 months. Edison Records and Supplies Ws1 1 • counter Jeweler add Optician Issuer of. Marriage Licenses