HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-09-23, Page 5WIT I1a1ie in anada 1 am 601111110 111111 0111 "1 have been reading and hearing about Columbia Records so much and so often—that I ani going to decide right now for myself whe- ther they are better recorded and have abetter and more lasting surface than any 1 have ever heard. "I have been told time and again that they will fit my machine, and that there are hun- dreds of Columbia Records at the standard price of 85c. iI am going to prove it "Within a very short distance of where I am right now there is a Columbia dealer. And 1 am going to see him. I own a talking machine, and if there is anything new or better in the way of records, I want it.” Now you've said it—do it. BALL & ATKINTON CLINTON orn.,m.•asnrnsaaei FLui:selay, September 23rd, 1915. iR CLINTON.; NEW ERA. PAGEFIVI, .lut4, • Select any article from our large �assortment of 'Silverware, latware, Out Glass or China a Clock, etc„ for a wedding �. to • rt in will e you it c §� gift,w , SES Something which is not only of good appearance but which has the "necessary quality to rake it •le vice�b, ger for all occasions. A wedding gift selected from our stock J is sure to give great pleasure to the bride for many years 1 ClintonW. li. IILLLYAR JEWELER ;and OPTICIAN EYES TES'T'ED FREE Rural Ror utes 4911m For the next couple of weeks,we will print the names of those per- sons who have boles on the Rural , Routes out of Clinton, It would "' be a good idea to cut them out rand save them.— t' .n, NO.I me, Ernest lams, Thos. J1.1, Norman 11, W.H..rannan, R. Tritton, J. E. ritton, Wm. !rown, James sown, .Albert C. ?wheat, Geo, Carbert, Jno. Carbert, M. Carter, W. J. Cornish, Jas. Connell, W. D. 'Crooke, Geta.. A Dale, C. James Bait, Edward/ Ferguson, Jno. Flynn, A. +Flynn, D. Flynn, Owen Forbes, J. C. Gibbings, J. G. Harvey, Jno. Hoggart, David. Jervis, Oliver Johnson, L. Lawson, Robt. Lawson, Wm. Leitch, ,Geo. Lindsay, T, J. ;Mair, Walter ann, Jas. scouts, J. W. Medd; Bruce. Medd, J. E, Merrill, Wm. Morrell, A. 'Morrison, Jas. Morrison, Id. McBrien, i Mcintosh, J. P. McIntosh, Joseph Neal, Albert Nelson, Robert Nicholson, Adam Pollard, Thos Quigley, Patrick Regan, H. Reynolds, )Mrs., Jas. Rey,nolda, Owen Reynolds, P. J. Reynolds, Joseph Sanderson, Geo, Shanahan, Jno, Snell,; Jas. Stephenson, Geo. ,Scott, Adam. Tighe, Thos.lad. Ti Y, P .'.Townsend, Albert Truitt*, D. Ty, tits C.L. VarlEgmond, James Welsh,) d.R J. tifiitl[•/fitAMMi� Di ; MINS of Peace In Tines of War Your Eyesight ht is Essential Fai -ng Vision an enemy to some" rt and pleasure—dao he nurse ,into oni no mal e. h ,... tion by, lasses that =acclLr. / Ltel foe 9e ground And.ad justed=meee the necessary y requirements. yy To be at war with your eyes 7a is taking a dangerous chance —a condition that need not exist: 1 Avoid all such folly by wearing' glasses that will n sure ha and content ntent. A. J. 'Grigg Jeweler P an Issuer of Marriage Licenses and O tier NO. 2 Allen, W. G. Baker, H. ,Bedard, ;Wm. :Blake, Robt. Breckow, Chas. Chambers, Richard Chambers, Roy Churchill, B. W. Churchill, Thos Colbourn, Jim. Durst, Jno: C. Durst, Wm. Easom, D. Ferguson, W. J. isher, Peter Forster, O.R. Forster, W. B. Garvie, To. Ginn, Oswald. Gould, Geo. Grigg, Ed.' Hibbs, 11.3. Holmes, J. B. 'Holmes, Jno. S. Huck, Robt. Huller, Jno. Jenkins, Harvey Jenkins, R. Jenkins, Thos. Johnston, W.H. Jones, Isaac ICarschenski, F. Leonard, 'Fred Lindsay, David. Lobb; Wilbert Lobb, W."H ' Mair, George Mair? Gilbert Miller, J. A. Murphy, Bert IslgCartney, Thos, W McCabe, Jas. Oakes;''}1- Osbaldeston, H. Ohler, M. Pearson, Robert Pennington, Thos. Potter, Fred Potter, P. F. ' Potter, T. J. Reuger, D. Rutledge, W.A. Schwantz, Jno. G. Schwantz, M. and D. F. Stoddart, J. Smith, J. J. Snyder, 'Henry Sturdy, Sam Stevens,. Wm. Snyder, Levi. Sweet, 'Henry( Tebbutt, Jno. `Tobbutt, Lewis;" Thompson, H, Thompson, R. Ca. Walter, C. NJ 1 Walter, S. T; iWillson, T. N. . T jI Mfr**fir***********fir++24 4t Personal Note s 44. If those having relatives or. friends. 4. visi'ing in town or going away 41teoiafy us of the fact eaeh week, we would anuouace it inthe ,Nzcw Eaa, 41. 4c" Mr. Herbert Fawcett, of the Dept, of Agriculture, Ottawa, and formerly of Clinton, has enlisted in the Medical corps and will report on duty Oct. 1st, Mr. and Mrs. Israel Taylor, of Lon don, were calling on relatives 'and triends in town on Friday of last leek Goderich ,Star Miss Rptledge trained nurse, Clinton, spent Wednes day: iu town the'guest:' of her grand mother, Mrs. Uatiletou, Rev. F. 0. Harper,, took the services at Eginond•ville on Sunday last it being the annual thankoffeying of the Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Society. Reeve Ford attended a special meet ing (Jo, Oounbit ac Goderich ,on Mon day. Mr. B, Greig, of the Molson's Bank staff at 'Merlin, .is spending his holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. E. Greig. DIS'T2IC`T NE Goderich,y�'uilplpsWp, : tb , Ilaryest Thanksgiving Service ,at , ilteantiltrrla e, took lace op Septem- Au>'lean ehuroh' tlo'Imesvnile at 3 p. be ItityG a h ehAne. of Lvva, r �M F n lie. J. Stothers p m `i u a hist f i at Summ n i trn !g . and gh t+ •� 1� .' a . m�., al 4 ' 1 f Sat r°�+irNetl o j Ll hitt 1 th n$ day next, t itt t1a,bseryhn:,Ineuirn.�. trl I ni4 yso, "of Mr d Mrs, J Mc will preach bo. Y •,e X',.., _ ! son ''','of London'. The Rev W, D. .,..,,, ,,Turner officiated, The brides giive.p. Seatorth i. away -by har Pittner wore vbhntei',~silk 'wens de chine wif h coats! 9I' JPerwa;K Dr Thos Wilson sin of Ma .D. T?, ,I, ce Miss ,' eitaste qhers t healiilli's + ds.i A1II,,..r ve-, tVJlsntt" is" h ,s a yr a re hr ni 1�•, wF�u i$ ..t) se'slllc in'epe:. ,etebe, 8 it i+, K p. ,. 1 ;'be a resid t of r ,L n hoe., M� l�nec I)r '1T 1 o t "ll n en d smthd { e bi•t e ` t ' Wae r Ai'`T eat$l India, O1 16 f tralhe too ho 4 d k�ln d� t �, �k { It o ba g Canar�`'>30 1 e � t � s� ! .: I :eli,nr;:i1;Wi;nt:gyi,senitio I m ia, ,tteiioteneis"Ir�ti4 vfl't Lu es�hestlhjlnn,' les jVIabel 6Vlc, Indt,L;i t'.Deberuher'�'He 'oiiinet'ardi'ii S�Pi,Xe the,,Brrdayl'.,(7hotus'arid, London to Mo treal by the liesperiamMielorence httNeill sang The which -was tdi'peooe t ;couple`r:'oti rdtojfonthethir4Yrpdpri, t,. 'l, Jweltia d etivaer''Strtped tadeba Vweeks a couver a„d titleepacific tiir'ni • by and a.whitaik d�hat eonstance Mr. and Mrs. B Stephenson spent' a Eim ad at of Erten few days the guest vile and Excel Vera bolcplt ugh spent a ,few days With thew cousins at London .. Quite a number • from around'here took in the Western hair at London last week Mr. Gale of Orillia and Miss Glazier of Ciinlon spent Monday the guest of her sister. Mrs. Pollard. Miss M'thio`rs, Go -o. Riley and Dui/nage visited friends in London for a few days Mr. and Mre, Ed Crawford of Lon desboro, visited Mrs, Geo. Riley on Sunday. Brussels Brussels is in darkness. The smoke• stake at the electric ligut plant, hav ing served its day, fell down ou Thur's day morning' Daniel and Mrs.,McQuarrie celebrat- ed the 50th anniversary of their wed ding on Sunday. They were married at Egmondville by the late Rev. Mr, Graham The home of the late Mrs. J. L. Kerr has been purchased by J, W. Sanders`, of Grey Towuship, who will move to town shortly James K., son of A ee. , and Mrs. Gardiner,' of Walton, passed away on Thursday morning after a lengthy ill- ness. from lubercular trouble. He was 14 years of age, The funeral took place to Brussels cemetery. A car of live poultry was loaded here on Friday and Saturday of last week aiy Robert Thomson, produce' dealer, of Brussels. Mrs. Gilbert McCallum, for a great many .years a resident of Morris Town ship, died at her home in Brussels, af- ter a lengthy illness, at the age of SS years. St►uley .. , rvlr. Hugh MoDiarmid of Seaforth, who has been in a weak state of health for sumo tune -hats so far recovered that he was'nttle to visit bye daughter, lllrs.'Thoe. B.' Baird on the firse'of tlhe week • Mr. Thos. Campbell is in Goderich this week attending the court as a juryman. Miss Lillie McGowan spent Last week with friends in London and visited the fair while there MessrsArthur Chapman, John Pep per, Goldie Graham. John T. Graham, John . MoOowan, Thos. Fraser and Frank McGregor visited the Western Fair last week Loudesboro Miss Minnie Lyon is spending her holidays with her sister Mrs E, Dewar of London Mr. Orin Cartright spent Sunday at his home here Miss Elsie Lyon spent last week in London Miss Attie Lawrence is pending a few weeks . with ' her aunt, Mrs, 3, Elsley The Methodist will hold their an nual fowl Supper at Thanksgiving Miss S. Barr who has spent the past two months with her sister and other friends returned last week Mr. G. Woodman is spending his vacation with his parents here Miss G. Young. who has spent her vacation With her Mother tetorned this week to Reginato resume her duties as teacher Mr. Melville and Mr. Johnston are busy this week painting Mrs. Youngs and Mr Bears houses Mr. Geddes,has really improved his store by giving it s boat of paint Me Wm Brigham had lightening rod out on his House and barn last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geddes spent last Sun- day at the home of J. Vodden London (Coad London Fax was well represented from this line. In a distance of 3 stiles 30 tickets were sold Mr and Mrs. Wm. Longman of iiul lett, visited at the hone of Mr. John Ashton on Sunday People in this locality are sorry to hear'ofthe serious illness of Mr. Robt. Mulch, keeper of • the House of Refuge Mr. Harrison Wiltse and Mr, A.. T. Cooper addressed the League last Tiles day evening at the hone of Mr. Frank Grant ' ' The Bean Harvest is now on—the' crop is a poor one compared with other' years League meets next Tuesday night at the home of Mr. Karver Stephenson Hallett George Oarbert had the misfortune to lose bis driver by having its leg broken last week Mrs, Joseph Vodden spent last week at,London with her brother in law Quiny . Mr. Henry Adams and Mrs. Mat thew Maines have returned home after spending al few days with friends in London ' Mrs, Jusepb Youngblutt and little Freddie have returned home after spending a couple of weeks under Par ental roof This section will take in Seatorth Fair on Friday of this week Reeve Fingland attended Co. (Joan cil on Monday of this week, Auction Sale—John Garbert will hold an auction Sale at his farm on October 13th 'Thos Gundry auction returned to attend school. Mr. Douglas E. Wark,' talc ance agent of the Boyer -Vincent Stock Co,, whb have played here ntan,y `times, was in town on Monday. this rl'he Company is playing' in Ts vicinity now and will Jikely be here the first pant of Novlmhen•, Mr. James Wiser an of Chicago; is visiting his ,brother - Mr, John ;Wise roan Mr. Fred Stephenson, who bas been nit Fort :William is visiting bis parents. Mi and. Mrs John Stephenson before going to the States. r i The of er •Side of alio �`,h gag tse' ti�P S Y P Y,, Dear Mr, Editor.—On Sept. lith there appeared in The Free Press an article from Seaforth under the head ing "For'. Sale Only When in The. Har,” The article closed with these. words "The decision is an important. ' r Hotelkeepers Stand one fro n the. P p ,quint," This sentence should read, Flom thelaw lireak'ers standpoint,"; as it means nothing to the honest hotelkeeper, Allow us to quote two clauses from the 0,'T A. and ask those not versed in law to read them and; compare:with the desition of the Police Magistrate in the Seaforth case' The general puhlic'can then appreciate . the difficulties of the T em perancePar. ty fh Seaforth, also see what the In- spector is compelled to face. Clause 186 of the C. T. A. under which Mr. Fellow and Mr. Wallis ob- tained the Search Warrant reads,— "If it is proven under oath, that there, is reasonable cause to sus• pect thaan intoxicating liquor is kept for sale n violation of part 2 of the C. T. A. --."In any dwelling house store, shop, warehouse,' out house. garden, yard, croft, vessel, building, , or other place or places" the constable, armed with a warrant, may lawfully seize thesame, Messrs Pellow and Wallace with a warrant, pr weeded to search the Queen's Hotel, of Seaforth. Mr. Pel ow swore in the witness box (and wasnot contradicted) that when ne entered the Bar, he found a pump in.worki g order. Mr. Wallis entering indarkness In the the cella. • found all ei kegwas found until it confusion no was discovered just out side the cellar door. Everything pointed 10 its being in thecellar and connected with the M h h Pell ow n r n 0 paint). Clause 130 of the O. T, A., which 1 deals with 'proof' says when in any house, shop, room, or other place in 'ai,y municipality in which the O. T. A is in force "ahar counter, beer pumps, kegs, or any other appliances or prep- arations similar to those usually found in tavern and shop where intoxicating liquors ars usually sold Or La -flicked in,, are found and intoxicating liquor is &ileo found in such house, shop room or such place licjuor shall be deemed to have been kept for sale antes+ the con. trail: is proved by the defendant," In the Queen's Hotel case the defence offered no'evidenoe,' The 'magistrate tiolmstead thinks his decision just, well and good. It maty be law to say that "'Place" does not mean the yard. but itis not the common interpretit tion of the English language, nor is it in accord with the spirit and inters tion tf the law To say that the puuap and beer must be found in the same roam is quibb ling and makes it possible'for the ho tels in Seaforth at least if they so de termine, under the protection of law to sell, so long as they keep a man un the job to disconnect the pump, when a constable appears It is perhaps fair to say that a deci sion of Justice Middleton in the 'case of Rex vs: Nero. 6, 0. W. N. 425, "No presumption that liquor is kept for sale arises merely from thefinding of liquor unless found in the bar," was before the. magistrate at Seaforth In that case howeger, the liquor was found in a barn while in the Queen's case, there was evidence that the keg had been in the cellar' and connected with the pump to the bar The ease above referred to is a very weak one and was taken under the Ontario Liquor Act and not under the Canada Temperance Act The Crown Attorney disagreed with the magistrate and held, and rightly so, that the police magistrate should not have dismissed the case in the OOY0i0111110011allOe0000000e110111 absence of any evidence by the defend ent The Temperance Alliance of Huron County are behind the Inspectors and the Crown Attorney, and are bound to see the law inforced. So far they have been well pleased with the decisions handed down, but in the Queen's case they believe there has been a travesty of justice, and that an appeal should be taken on a question of law, At all events the end is not yet E; G. POWELL, Field Secretary A. T. COOPER President, J. A IRWIN, Secretary. Better School Shoes Doe your Boy Need New Shops? 's`heav fof our boy's I he does let him'tryapair solid leather School Shoeshey will not disappoint you in wear and- are very moderately priced. We are also showing a special line of Girl Shoes which for va'ue cannot be equalled in town. Trya a'nbu. 1 theymoneyca pair, are the best value your y Mean's and Boys CXothing Our stock of Ready-to-wear Clothing is now ver complete., We have men's Tweed and Worsted Suits from $6.50 to $ lfs and black and blue Serge Suits from $10 to $18. Boys Suits from $2.5o up. I3d s Pants yfrom 50c to,$1.5o per pair.. Men's e Odd Pants from, tto„ $4.5o. 45 perpair Having placed the order for our clothing before there was any decided advance in woolens, we have all our clothing at about old prices. Pl rnsteel Bros. Small Profits Phone 25. More Business W Made in Canada Brucef►eld Born at St. George Sept. 1, to ,Mr. and Mrs, Stobies, formerly of Bruce field,' a son Chi:dren Day will he obtained in the Presbyterian church on Satthe' h next, at the morning service Miss Eleanor Solite entertained her young friends on ,Saturday, at her birthday party, the 'Young people had a fine time. Miss Emina McIntosh is visiting re latives at Grimsby Fred Weir of Seaforth an old Bruce field boy, has enlisted and gone to. Toronto fur training, He 'has • many friends in our midst who wish hhn all success and safe return A consignment for the red cross was sent last week from our village, There was 50 hospital sheets, 70 pair of home. knitted socks, bandages, property bags etc. Rev. H. F. Woods has returned from his vacation Rev. Win Bell visiting at the home of his parents in our village. Our villagers are taking up their potatoes, some report a good many rotten ones, there is however a fine eer Autumn Wedding.—Ur. Wednesday afternoon of last week an the presence of immediate relatives, a quiet butl,tli0'trp®tY00000aassaa0la0000000 pretty wedding took place at the FirstMoulton was in London Presbyterian church, Seaforth, when Rev. W. the marriage was solemnized of Mr. I last week attending the Alumni Roy Lawson, son of Mr. and Mrs, meeting of Huron College. Robert Lawsc , of Hullett, to Lillian i Mrs. 3, Rny Plumsteel will receive Pearl, only daughter of Mrs.' Mary• with Mrs. 11; Plumsteel, at the latter's Stewart of Seatorth, Rev. 11. H. 'Lax. ' home on Ontario street, Friday, Sept. kin officiating. The bride wore, a 24th from 3 to 0. navy blue suit with hat of'black vel Miss E. Graham returned on Wed vet trimmed with white mount, while nesdav after a yisit 'with Oolhorpe she carried . a heantifnl bouquet of ,friends for the past two weeks. bridal roses and ferns, The attendants Mr. Leverne Gook, of the Union of the bride and groom; were Miss Li! Bank staff at Melbourn visited his Ilan Wilson,• cousin of the bride, and pjtrente, Mr.' and : Mrs, J. Cook for a Mr. Ball Lawson, brother' of the coo le of weeks. groom. A.fter;the ceremony the happy, coupee , or 1 ' left for Lobdon and other crop The Stanley school near our village is closed this week owipg to the illness of Miss Campbell teacher, who has an attack of tonsolitis ver The Teacups HAVE YOU RENEWED. We dislike to keep reminding our through e Ne w Era that ' t b '•�� srribe e he . X $ but know o , u b should a . o. theyeh pay pp, 1 no other way to meaoh them sowell, and funds are absolutely necessary to, a continuance of business. Miss Eminai, Levis and Miss Elva points and tither points and oii'theii' i TWuesilts!davisited 'T'uckersmith friends on a Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Trick are visit' ing friends at Blenheim, Chatham and London. return will.reside on the groom's arra' in Hallett. Passed Away,-wJames' Nicholson of. Brussels `passed aayat the ,ho`me o1 Thos. WilliaMsorf,-his' bt'other'in-law, Con. 1.4„Grey townphip, on' Sunday, 5th ioetaged; 6,3 years and 25 days, Ile had been ill' there fork week, heart trouble being ;the ailment from which he had been .,bothered for about 10; years. Deeeased was horn i btanyers, township, Durham Co., add came to, MrKt,lop township 'with' his parents when a child. He was married 35 years ago to Miss Mary McMann, who :wth three sons (Louis, Toronto; Joe,Brussels sur and ) Adam, Hallett;. Nicholson moved 's. Nr Mr. )4Ir vive, M . and to Brussels during the past year and the funeral took place from the home on Tuesday of last week to the deme tery here, Pallbearers were Joseph' and Nelson Nicholson (brothers) and Thos. Williamson, Wm. Woods, Geo. McKay and Jno. Shortreed (brothers iu law,) Mr. Nicholson was held in high esteem Mr, Wm Hill of Bonn, filler is mak ing and interesting venture in the line of forestation, Last spring he planted 5, 700 trees on a lot on the 13th con cession of Hallett which he had been using as a „pasture lot, the soil being' rather light. The trees were one•year' seedings, about six inches high, half of them white pine the rest Scotch pine. They have come -along well this summer, some having grown ten or twelve inches, The trees are planted about four feet apart each way amd coyer abouttwo acres. Mr. Hill will add to the plantation if the prospects 'Por success continue to be good. The idea is to protobe timber, and in time the plot will probablyhave a very eon siderable value 3.00 ® 16cpm®R®®t0®m®aa®opo400OCV.W20001*0110000 00VOaimmwoo Toronto roDliaritels, m ml L� 0; Ca Cd. to M A 0Q0r900000000No.0r000000000000000009.800000000000000 Butter 25 10 21 Eggs. 25 Wheat 1,15 Oats 58 Cattlle 8:85 Steep 1.50 Hags 9 15 ',cantos 9.25 Cheesy 13,;. .Barley. SOc, 'Hogs ".8:15 Butter 123 to 25 fliinley 50 to 55. Eggs 20 to 21c. W heat 90 Oats 35f t Co 40 Buckwheat'. 60 to 05 ,Pe ale' 1.25; Shorts 30.00, Bran 28,00. 'Hay for bailing 12.00 and -1 Mrs. •Lattornell and Miss, Edith,ac companied' by Miss' Maggie Gomh'e returned to St. Thomas on Wednes' day. Miss Combe will visit her sister. fora month or so, Mr. and Mrs.W. Longman; of Bullet visited over the "week end with Mr. ,andMrs. John Ashton of the London ;Road. Mr, Thomas Keen and son of Toron to are visiting his sister, Mrs. Wesley Shohbrook,of the Gravel Road. Miss Irene KellerspentSunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ashton of the London Road. Mr. W. H. Willis, of•Wingham, was in town on Monday. Mr. John Torrance, Inspector of the House of Refuge, attended (Jo, Council on Monday at Goderich. Mr. John Scruton was called to owing to the Waal! on Monday o to He 9 g death of his brother, Mr. Alf Scruton. Ex Oonductor Quirk, of Winghaat was calling on old friends in town on Monday. Dr, and ,Mrs. Gandter and children are spending a couple of weeks at Bayfield. Me, Harty Hunt of ,Gala is visiting his daughter, Mrs, W. Hamblyn. Lieut. M. P. Lane, the youngest 900 of County Clerk Lane, who has been with the Bank of Commerce at Revel stoke, B. C., has enlisted for war ser vice and is with the Kootenay battal ion in training at Vernon, B. 0. Master Emmerson Libby tvho has be ••a several weeks at Torontothas 11�4, , ADC LERA 1.FANT,U. N RI Doctor Said He was In a Very Dangerous. Condition: Oorenwend's oisplay of Mothers cannot watch their children too closely for signs of cholera infantum, as this disease carries off thousands of infants during the, hot summer months. Mrs. Geo. W. Garland, Prosser Brook, N.B., wiite8: " La'st summer my boy foe, theft a year old, was taken sick with cholera infatltum. He was so bad the waste from the bowels looked matter f as if it had conte from a broken boil. I sent word to the doctor who was at a neighbor's, about a mile distant, and he said my boy was in a very dangerous condition. He sent me some tablets which made the child vomit, and when he learned that they caused vomiting he sent ane more<tablets td stop it. In i in Dr. v g the meantime I had been g Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry; which I .continued using, and when the bottle was all used my baby was cured. I though it only fair to let you know about it.", Dr. Fowler's Extract of,Wild Straw-' berry has been on the market' for the past, 70 years, and is known from•one end of Canada to the other as a positive cure for all bowel complaints., When you ask for ",Dr,,fowler's" be sure you get what yott ask for as there are many rank imitations on the market. The genuine is manufactured by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, 'Toronto, Ont. Price, 35 cents. ARTISTIC HAIR GOODS Should be seen by every man and woman who would keep attractive and youthful. LADIES who have not suffi- cient hair to do justice to their appearance & GENTLEMEN who are bald, Come to Rattenbury House, Clinton WednesdayO�ct.,6 , y� When you can have a Free Demonstration of the style that will answer your demands. LADIES—Switches, Braids, Transformations, Pompadours Waves, and many' other hair goods creations of the finest qual ty hair. ' rr l fi 1 S r I, ll GENTLEMEN , - io W s Hygenic Toupees:and • l which are indetectable, feather weight and are worn by over a quarter million men. See what a ,benefit it is to, your Health, Comfort and Appear- ance. O NES 9 .. Mead Office and Showrooms 105 Yonge St. TORONTO Theto ,New, Era 1915 1r ��e��d. of