HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-09-23, Page 3Thursday, September 23rd, 1015, W. BEYDONE BARIUSTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC), IMO MGINTON t'HARLES B. AaLE Oonneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE .AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron St., Clinton. H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer,' Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 14 Fire In serene Companies,. DiviSion s Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone al, will receive Prompt attention, 1I. G. Cameron, K,C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied l y Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made, Office hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p in. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Booper will make any oppointmentsfor Mr. Cameron. Medi�.al. DR r;. W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon. Eta imolai attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose, Eyes co dully ao,miprescribened, andd• suitable'gtaeses Office and Residence. Two doors west of tae Commercial note Huron St. DES. G1'11N nett.GA Milt Dr. W. Gunn, L. R. C. P., L. R. C.B.. SID Dr. Conn's office at residence High Street Dr. J, C. Dandier. D.A. M.D. Office -Ontario Street, Clinton, Sight ,ails at residence. Rattenbnr, St. or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON• ceouebenr, etc„ office and residence on tenbury Street.. DR. P. A. fixe v t,C,y'rrBT •• Crown me! aridge work a Specialty., k. Graduate of C.C.D.S.., Chicago, and R.O,D.S Toronto. Bnyaeld on Menday.. May 1st. ton DR. iL FOWLER, DENTIST. Offhoes over O'NEIL'S store, Speoinl care taken to make dental treat merit as painless tie possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction ser GODERIOH ONT aarmstont salsa a apeman, orders at r NEW ERA office, m'r,attend. to. Terme reasonable. Clinton,Frey Fanners' sale note discopnted+ G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar 1VieTa Bart Brows. BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON A General. Banking Bushiest transacted VOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts leaned, Interest allowed n deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance eo. Farm and Isolated Town Prop. arty Only insured. Head Office- Seaforth, Ont OFFICERS. f. E. McLean, Seaforth, President J. Connolly, Godericlr, Vice -Pres, Thos. E. ,Bays, Seaforth, Sea-Treas Directors -D, V. McGregor, Bea - i arch • J.. G. Grieve, Winthrop Sinn Seaforth; John Benneweis, )ublin; J. Evans, Beechwood; A, dcE wen Brucefieid; J, B. McLean 3eaforth ; T. Connolly, Goderich: Robert Ferris, 'Harlock. Agents -Ed, 'Hinehley,Seaforth; W. Chesney, Egmondville; J. W, Yeo. Holmes ville; Alex.- Leitch. Clinton; R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen A Carload of Canada • Portland Cement Phone ns tor prices It Will pay you John Dutton LONDESBORO Drs. Geo do ». E. Whitley Heileman!' Osteopathic Play. ,cialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders $ye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbury Hotel.. Iesday and 'Friday, 7 to 11 pm. FORD it MeLEOD 'We're now selling Timothy Seed ,(Government Standard.). We, also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand --Opera Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn --o-.. ,, Ugliest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. Poco & licLE00 CENTRAL Cook's Cotton Root Compound. o r•••m•or•wa"tiun•wotr••r• • Tint CLINTON NEW ERA STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's Best Business, College Our instructors structora are experienc- ed. Pupils get individual atten- tion and graduates are placed iu positions. We are receiving ap plications we cannot meet Stu dents may -error at any time. Send for our free catalogue and see if it Interests you D.A. McLachlan, Principal Poultry Wanted Now that the poultryfattening sea eon is approaching, we're in a position to handle all your poultry at the top market prices, New Laid Eggs We are still paying a premium for large. clean, New Laid Eggs not over four days old. It will pay you to take the very beat care of your eggs and sell them to us where you receive city prices for choice quality. Easifirst Shortening Have you tried Gunn's Easifiret Shortening? Better and cheaper than lard. Gunn's Cured Meats Now is the time of year to use our Cured Meats, A fresh supply received weekly. Seed Wheat If you want good Seed Wheat that will grow. call on us before you buy The Gaal -I aaglois Ge., Limited The up-to-date Firm, Clinton Phone 190. N. W. TREWARTHA, W, JENKINS 101144AUIIAA.uAAAAutAAAAA 4 4 iMOOS{4 f Organs, •special values in Art 10 • • • Cases • • w See and here our finest ► New Stylish designs of t Doherty Pianos and t Pianos and organs rent • ed. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. 41 Music Emporium 3 C. Hoare w to 5. ► Yre re •TIMAIMMINelinTertevervesTvverva NORTH END FEED STORE Seed eorn On 73a nd- A large stock Of oak Cor Mangols, and Turnip Seed, which wit! be sold AT THE LOWEST PRIGS. Secure Your Order for Fertilizer & Potash For Your Root Cnop. We will mix it for you at the store. Agent for Heintzntan Pianos Old ones taken in exchange,„and balance on easy terms' FRANK W EVANS TERMS CASA. PHONE 192 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Doable Track all the Way. Toronto-Chicago��, Toronto -Montreal For Chicago Leave TORONTO 8 00 a, m,. 0.09 p. m„ and 11 45 pm. daily. For Montreal Leave TORONTO 9.00 a, m., 8.30 p. m. and 11 p. m. daily. Equipment the finest on all trains. Panama Pacific Jixpositions Reduced Fares to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Full particulars and berth reserve - lions on application to Agents, John n Ransford $ $on, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents/ phone 57 A. 0. Pattison, station agent Q cafe, reliable r e u<atinp medicine. Sold in three de, areeo of strength -No 1, 81; No. 2, gat No. 3, Sb Per box. Sold xeePaa.rbfy all druggists, g gieto or sent p:2,04t. Address; sept price.; THE COOK MEDICINE CO., • iO9ONio, 091. (Fused) Witia.r,) ____ r --;---------------SLIDE TO SAFETY IN CASE OF FIRE E A unique safe- ty contrivance in case of fire has been established at an English, school. This is a tube constructed against the, out- side of the build - Ing and connected with the school- room by double doors. This tube is to be used in case fire outs off the step exits. Children can be shot down this tube in half amin- ute, The child- ren sit at the top with their feet in the tube, give themselves a gen- tle push and away they go. There are double doors at the top of this cylinder -like af- fair and at the bottom. The top ones are supposed to be held open by the teacher till the last child has slid down to safe- ty. The bottom doors open when the child's foot strikes them. KING OF ALL INSECTS Much Maligned "Darning Needle” Harmless and Stingless The dragon ay is monarch of all he surveys -"king of insects," they call him, and he has 20,000 eyes with him to look out upon his kingdom. Yet, if you were to look at the dragon fly, you could see only two eyes, unless you had a microscope, and if you had a microscope you'd have to step pretty lively to catch your dragon fly, as he travels through the air at the rate of 50 miles au hour, and it's a lively hunter that overtakes him. That's why so few people know about those curious com- KING DRAG ON FLY MONARCH OrF,THE ' uGei KING DRAGON FLY pound eyes of his with their count- less, e tiny angles that see so much. Like most kings the dragon fly has many enemies. Some of these "knock- ers" tell about iris "terrible Sting" which poisons both men and horses, and warn everyone to keep away from frim. But if he wanted to bring these vilifiers to account, King Dragon b'ly could prove that he is stingless and harmless; that his specs -like tail is not a stinger, as some people sup- pose; that when he's dashing through the air like a streak of blue lightning he's really hunting harmless insects and has 1),o intention of hurting tin g his four -footed or two -footed; neighbors, His eyes, by the way, have nothing to do with hie kingship, It was his 'coat of royal blue that won the crown. A PERISCOPE RiFLE The Stench adopted an idea ciambin- ing the use of the periscope and the tine so that a soldier could arae -and fire at he enemy nem. ' without exposing his head. • • • • •Ii•sf ocammeiesgesesseaffil How to Get Rill of Mites • onlfry. In +warm weather there frequent en tarsi quiries as to why berm stop laying In some eases tale Irene 'have laid .very vebl1 all season but suddenly the egg y:(e,:d begins tofal'L ofeanc scrnetimed 01.210 entirelyIt is ' lay equallyless to well attlect all a flock es A flock thathae laid heavily Jape ing thewrnter will generally slow u towards P the h nrddle of the Sum n cr and -t then teey begint to molt, but when the egg yield drops rap- idly until it practically ceases with, out any apparent reason, sus- pect vermin Of al Ithe many 19ai•ieties of ver- min that infest meet the Red 11'Iitte, is theanost troublesome Unlike the ordinary hen louse they are not as a rule found on the fowl, neither are they killed by dusting, as • the ordinary body louse lb. These p Zsto breed ve;'y rapidly especially ng the hot weather, usually in cracks containing filth or in arty nesting malarial They rel ;not red in colour as is popularly sur - posed, but gray • iti,a only after they eave come into contact witI the fowl and lta, e becoir'o filled blood that they appear red The onlyyoung mites ixlegs but aftertcasting have skins, which they do several times. they have eight legs The cast skins may be seen like a white pow der around the perches, this often being the first indication of the to live a of educe lfo ore months without animal food, the first food of the young probably being filth 0;' decayed wocd They thrive best in dark dirty houses, ar:dltat'e been found to,exist in houses, the following seasonafter the fowl bad been removed 'They usually attack the birds at night but are sometrines found on laying hens and they frequejntey chive broody hens from the neat They pierce the skin with their needle -like jaws and suck the ;biood, after which they retire, to the se elusion of the cracks and crevices of the roosts, nests, .or °hen parts of the ,house They will bite man oe other mammals cans ing severe irritation, but they nev er•i remain on them for any lengte, of time. 10 the wl are not and on roc amittotiondare thinner than they should he, a sharp look- out should be kept for mites. •At night they may. be seen either on the fowl or running along 'tate perches; in the day time, exami:ae the oracles add crevices of th,e' roost and walls' closely, or lift the roost , and examine the places Whore they come in contact with the supports. If mites are found to be present the first step in ban fishing them iv to give the housq a thorough clearing. Remove X111 droppings and ofd nesting matrer- ia1, serape and sweep out (even' particif you fare t nofortunately dirt and burn rsitt. uated that you have \c•t',ter pressure at your command, turn 00 0he hese with as much pressure as you earl get, crack ek; i,1tasg tIsr thetaelse to on mosgt farms you this method,it is advisable to scrub dothe walls with a brush or old broom britfir any cane they should be be thoroughly sprayed orpaineed with a r good strong disfectante Taiis fewlFlays c sh should . clee oyhe repeated ttinil,es wlli:•h hatch after the .first ;appli- cation, The disinfectant may be applied with a band spray pump or if such 1a rot available, a broth will do, but in either case tele fluid should he used liberally and every exaciced flooded ore 1{,00 derful idsinfectants andair and sunlitcombined with clear,iiness are p ireven:i,rves •a.gainst most of the ills of the poultry y•d yard. r . One of the best mites made 01 follo vss againstts S (1 bissolve one pound and a half conceniratDd lye in as ,3mrtil •1 quantity of water as possible. ]it will be necessary to do this 'twoOr three hours before it is required as the lye should be colcl when used. Put three quarts ,,of raw linseed oil into a five gallon store, crock, and pour in' the lye very slowly, stirring meanwhile. Veep on stirring until a smooth liquid soap is I produced, then gradual'Y add two gallons of either crud carbolic acid or commercial cresol stirring coneha,ntly until the re- sulting fluid is a cedar clerk brown. WO or Inixthiretltoea tablespoonfuls later. foregoing is' offfu'ecl as a effectrve . remedy against but those who regard tinea ration of the mixture as too work, may use a good strong on of '•'7ENO17EuM" or any, cr8olin preparation. Mary coal oil evil! kill mites s' it evaporates quickly the s ere not so ' lasting. An ent "paint" to apply to the and 0090 -boxes is compos- one part exude carbolic ito Or fors parts coal oil. 1 after the haus] has leen esroosts t bothe cos ashould becrks in flooded ular intervals 'throughout trmmer either with the fote- oned "paint" or with coal 1)e Will go far to keep the in check but itnmet be re- d simply av lee/leek/ and the gh or annual' house clean- escribed above put into el - s 500n as possible. ac•ilftat,e the past with 1this house r'leaning nay be oreesshould be made mov- IF they are stationary at t advantage should be taken first rainy day to thaneIt will be time well spent, Use t the The most mites prepa much scluti other Ord but a effect excel! reoste ed of three Ever chane and n at rag the S menti oil. Tl pests garde thorau ing cl. feet a To f which done a nest b able. • presen of the them: CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alwa. s thebeara Signature of • 74‘ PARE THREE VIOLENT MTCkS ...:. OF DYSPEPSIA � Suffered Tortures Until She " Tried d ftf rnit - a -ti 'es91 ST. JEAN 1)E MATRA, Jan. 27th, 1914. "After suffering for a long time with Dyspepsia, I have been made web by "Fruit a-tives," I suffered so' much that at last I would not dare to eat for I was afraid of dying. Five years ago, I received samples' of "Fruit -a -tines" and after taking them I felt relief. Then 1 sent for three boxes arid I kept improving until I was well. I quickly regained my lost weight -and now I eat, 'sleep and digest well -in a word, T am frei1yrecover ed, thanks to Trutt -lives ` +' . ' 1 MALE. CIIR A B T O-1; ti� AIT. 50e. a box, 6 for $2;50, trial size 25e. At dealers or sent postpai d on receipt of price byFruit-a-ti nes Limited Ottawa, Kitchener on Conscription London, Sept. 1e -Lord Kitchen- er, British war secretary, annotur ced to -day that eleven divisions of British hoops (210,000 men) have be sent !to Fraece and Belgium to reinforce the army of Field Marshal Bir John French. Will Conscription be Needed "The reponse of the country to form the various armies has belen little short of ' marvellous," said Lord Kitchener, "but it ( must be borne in mind that the provision of mien to maintain the forces in the field depends to a great de- gree on a large and continuous supply of recruits. The provision to, keep up their strength during 1975 has caused us anxious thought R'Iriell has been accentuated and rendered more pressing by the re- cent falling oft int the numbers coming forward to enlist, although every effort has been made to ob- tain our requirements under the presenit systiem. I ant sure that vveall fully real- ize that the strength of tlee, armies EARL KITCHENiSfr War Secretary we, are sending one must be ful maintained to the verylend. fulfill this purpose we shell r claire a large 'addition to the nu tors of recruits reining. Ti pr oblem of how to secure an ad nate supply 1 � of men t i q and .bus pl Y Suretheh eld tercet being t.ept lu to itis full strength is, engager our close atatten-Hon, and 8111, hr, et very 50011 receive a practi 901uut10n, `The returns of the registratio act, which will •shortly beav'aila'0 Will, no doubt, give tis the bases e which to calculate the resources the country and to determinet th number of men available for th army after providing for; the nee essay services of the eounta• - a Y y well el as those e of our munition Works. • Flom Kitchener's Speech , TRE WASP. ,French trenches along the entir horst non everywhere prelsent network of almost 1i pregnabl fortifications The French army determined On, inflicting ,a. the rough defeat on the enemy: Eleven new British division (about 400,000 men) are now on tai firing fine. The British Iia+re taken ower 1 additional miles of front from. 011 Turks. THIN:; EAST, The retreat of the :Russian 'army stands out as one of the plant feats of military history. Russia eau be expected to gain a Fins victory over the' enemy, The Germans appeia1' to have shot their holt, The Russian array is still 1t pow- erful and undefeated unit. ITALY. T.he Italian ,army now occupies strategic positions of first -;rate im- portanee', DAR DA..NE.LL.E3• ly o 0- m to 0- n - p ig 001 n le n of e s 11 e a e is 9 e 7 e There is abundant evidence of n process of demoralization hhving set in among the ,3erinan-fled or rather German -driven Turlte, due to their extremely heavy losses. • AT HOME: Sonne et our new armies are ,al- ready in the field and others will quickly follow them. 7'1e problem of keeping the army up to eth•ength is a serious over, I don't doubt for one instant that whatever sacrifices : may prove n eeesasy Will be cheerfully under- taken. l . MESO TOTAMIA, The Etrpltratee in clear of Turks for a distance of sixty miles. COnservatiye Gevtt.. ■ Ne ori yNeteated lo.P,Ei. Charlottetown, P. L. 1,; Sept: 17 -The Mathieson. Governm,'ent (Con servative) was returned yesterday' bya reduced majority, Complete results last night retard se'lenteen Conservatives and thirteen Liber- als. The Conservative majJjorit1'yin the last Legislative was tw'enty six, The former .Lieut, -Governor,; B. Rogers was himself defeated by, the 93on, Chas, Dalton. Premier Mathieson and his col-. league had good majorities, bug HON .J.A.MATHIESON PRINCE ['MAW ISLAND • whose Government is sustained by a small majority the Speaker, the Hon, 3, E. Wyatt was defeated by eighty two votes and two members of the+jexecutive L, J, Jenkins and K. N. MacDonald met defeat, the former/ by 140 votes The kion, l'th. Dalton hada small small majority against Mr. Rogers the Liberal leader. h on end Jenkins Conservatives, Won cue by 90 and 35 majorities respective- ly. in 1912 the Government major- ities were 1,063 and '369. The Commissioner of Public Works, the Hon. James +McNeil, had a majority of six in 'Summer - side, a0a a recount may change the result. In distrietkof Queen's Chandler, et00 Charlottetown, who tookthe wasdefeatedthe anti-automobilet vityed of members of the Automobile Asso- ciation by a mctjol•itly of fourteen. In other districts the agitation against the automobiles assisted the Liberals, but dissatisfaction a- gainst the general policy of the Government, especially among the farmers was the main cause of the reduced Conservative ma- jcrity.i 1 The list of suceeesful candidates follows, - PRINCE COUNTY, +First District. Conservatives Liberals 'kion. Chas, Dalton Benj. Galland 2nd District W 'kI, Dennis A E. SAunclers 3rd District Hon A E. Arsenault A,' E.. McLean Fourth District J (H. Bell.. W. M,Lee Fifth District ' Hon J. A, McNeill II, ll'ovat't QUEEN'S COUNTY First District, A ; C, McNervin, 111 Kennedy. 211d Distrieth, Geo E. Hughes J 'McMi tan. L Wood 3rd Distict; David ;McDonald Fourth •t h Dietk •'� r..t John S Martin Geo, Forbes Fifth District Dr 8, R. Jenkins. Jas, Paton, KING'S COUNTY, Thirst District Hen 3, McLean, Dr, D. A. McDonald, 2nd :District 31 D, McEwen J. D. McInnis, 3rd Distict. J A. Dewar J. J. Johnston. Fourth District. d 'Hon M.' McKinnon, Ae, P. Prowse, Fifth District; • Hon. J. A. Atatheaen. R. J. McLennan. Two Liberals and two Censertnt- ti1'es ran in. each Distelet, hence the t!tvo successful candidates names. Wu Constantly Troubled With Boils. RAD NiNE ON HiS ARMS AT ONCE. Burdock Blood Bitters CURED HIM. Boils are caused by bad blood, and unless the blood is made pure you cannot expect to get rid of them. Ointments and salves will do you• no good. You must get at the seat of the trouble by using a good internal blood purifying medicine such as that grand old remedy Burdock BIood Bitters. Mr. Samuel Buckler, Tatamagouche, N.S., writes: "Last summer I was constantly troubled with boils. I had nine on my arms at once. I thought it was caused from bad blood so I got two bottles of Burdock, Blood Bitters, and before the first bottle was doese I began to feel a great deal better, and before the second one was finished dId' rd not have a boil,nor have I had one since. I cannot recommend B.B.B. too highly,li.. Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, irriC!/m(.0 ccQt .)'�� A Christian college -home,. healthful situation, ' Forprospectusand terms,write the Principal R, I, Warner, M.A.,D,D., St. Thoma,, Ont. e3 Business and Shorthand Westervelt School Y M C. A.1B0,ld tSlg :. London; Ontario College go Session Sept. bit to July: Catalogue Free.. Enter'any tine. J. W. West.rdelt, Principe] DON",f SEAL CORRESPONDENCE EN \IIELOPES' Person sending in personals or other news items in unsealed en- velopes should remember that a one cent stamp is sufficient. Print er's copy isnot subject: to the war war tax but the flap on the enve- lope must be unsealed, The Word "Rajah., Literally the word rajah means king, and maharajah the great king or ruler over several kings, but generally speaking the titles rajah, maharajah' and nawab have no greater significance than the words feudal lords as used in mediaeval times in Europe. Many of them have been made by the' will of the reigning chief, many bestowed for meritorious acts and deeds. -Exchange. Foreign Decorations. The various • decorations that have 11081) given to American ,facers and of. floats by foreign governments are de. posited In the state department, where the recipients may see them and show them to their friends. but may not take theta away or use them as baying pos. eeeston To the man of arm purpose all men and things are servile. -(seethe. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••o• O NoIice ••• • • • • •. Shaw's Business Schools, To • • ronto, beg to announce Fall • •• 'Term Opening from Sept, let, 4 • and to state that plans for gin • ing individual instruction clear` • • the way for the admission of el oingur sd the osess on on schooloDescriptive • • catalogue sent free on request by • • mail to W. PI, Shaw, President, • •• Yonge and Gerrard Ste, Toronto •• • • • • idle•eo000000000000000e100000 wwWwwwwtAfweeteVreewwwwwtw WE ARE eaters In a Pedlar I iGalvanized Shingles, Corrugated„ Iron, Felt and Slate Roofing, Z Eavetroughing, f Plumbing and Heating, Lightning Rods. Callo r h on for prices. P iRepairs prornptly done, 1 I Byarrt & Stittcr Salutary Plumbers Ph011e 7. W r W w.n+awvv.,aryywywt. W DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH WATCH is a delicate piece al machinery. It calls for less attention than most machinery, but must be (clean' and oiled occasionally to keel, e„erfect time. to' •]'With proper care a Waltham (Watch will keep perfect tints for a lifetime. It will pay yea ;well to let us clean your watch every 32 or iS months. Edison i. ecords and Supplies jell. R. counter Jeweler and Optician issuer of Marriage Licenses