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The Clinton New Era, 1915-09-23, Page 2
PAGE TWO. ) THE CLINTON NEW 11 EX Millinery Ready to•We• ar Garments Phone 7S Couch &fo . he woman Dry Goods and noose l se ar nishiu„s Who Chow .es to pay :-.oto 2.Q � � O.O for a Fali Coa: can find a selection here at these prices that will measure up to the most ex- acting requirement of correctness of style, with quality chat wilt give a good account of it-. self in day-to-day, wear. We will appre- ciate an opportun- ity to .show you some of our natty styles'in New Fall x.Joats. Over Two tluik.dred alid ill illy cons T4, Choose From SO° NewM F al.l il•� a.. • iilery Order your'Fall Hat now—The rush will ,over- whelm us in a week _or so. We can give better [...... attention to your order now. Why not come down Saturday? Our milliners are creating new designs all the time. Always something fresh to see here. This Shire for illgh•Class Ready-to-wear Garments., Millinery and Furs 111111111=11•11111111111111111i. Births, M .>sri t es do 3aths PIRTH5. MORRISON-in Hullett on Sept. 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BI,bt'rison, a daughter. 1 ' JOHNSON -In Londesboro on Sept ;9th to Mr. and Mrs, Ured John- son ft daughter. LYON -In Londesboro on Sept. 20 to ?,v. and Mrs. W, H. Lyprn, a son. JAMIESON-In Rullett, on Mon - Sept, 20th, to Mr. and Mrs, Wil liam Jamieson, a son, MARRIAGES PEPPER-CRLCB.-0n the 22nd inst at the 1eaidence of the bride's parents Tuckersutith, Miss Elma eldest clang -Jitter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Crich, Mr. RoyFair bairn Pepper of Tuckersmith township. mersa-yds 1 DEATHS. GRTCE,NI-In Clinton on Sept. 29th, Mrs. Josias aged 82 years. :'ride y, Green1, MINOR LOCALS. Have you lit up Ube furnace for the winter season? Do you your stropping early. Christmas will soon be here. The New Era sent to any ad- dress in Canada to end of year for 25 cents. Happy is the man whose•last win teres oiercout has still an air of passable respectabilitly. Rev. Mr. Collins, Exeter, has been appointed chaplain of thee. e7th. The Labor De'bartment reports that the recruiting in Canada of some 1700 mechanics for work ill munition factories in Great Bri- tain had the effect of diminishing the supply of this class of work- men in the Dominion, ee180+4aeW©e •� • !t r: • • • • • • • • " • • 't • • ', • • • • • ;Choice 'Dairy Butter • J • They • for immediate delivery. are sold at the following prices;• 1000 Sheets....... • ......... ........x_,25 • 500 Sheets 1.5 i 25o Sheets q.5 • too Sheets .35•' •0••®0.000 • • a 0 0 e • • 0 •0 81 • • 8 0 0 • ca n� • 0 0 •• O 81 .0 • We make these only from Genuine Vegetable Parchment We carry in stock lineprinted with the words a • .• • Wrappers specially printed from your . o.wn'. • copy, we can supply them at the following • • prices-- m • • 1 lilt ...., .,.,.. • 2.2^5 •A. • .H 0` s ' 2t0 4 M 1.77 5er '.1) • 5 M...., . . ... I.5o per M a •• 10 M. - 1.40 per M 0, • e • • e. • • CLINTON• '• • is.••••••••e*•••••••••••Of •0006000e000SSeteeeeeeelle0OA Th'ureday, September 23rd, 19t5;' �esemoseimmeeessesseesse•••G0teleeeseesseesleieee0000 esesee••e•Oeettes P•00• 850e 0 del• WorkinTr" and the.eve•� • a ing' servleeg "Seeodkers ofat God " Locals and Personals 0 ol•e•••• a ••e•e•e••• a ,;lo<•••t••••••eao••e•ersmoc•o•• �:,,1R, o,, ,o}e 4,. ,.. , .,o•o•4p,.•••,ltv,•ttfa•••••os••a••• SWAMPS FULL. SERIOUSLY ILL: 4VEN''T"UNDE,R OPERATION. The League was in.chtirge of the Missionary Dltgpaetlanent. Nvew topic ie cards have been mimed. The swamps C:hrougl,out the county are, overflowing. g. In, 'fats there is more wareirk ttiem than there has been 'for years'tit; this waren ora the year., FRESH R.a•l B:ERRI'Ee. The Editor had fresh raspberries fur los :breakfast Wed u lay, 11 1c ed from his own '4cvey ' R1:iire are many Mere k c. ripen, if tile earns went 44" 'Peet mete .1 PUI;CHASED I'1NE PROPERTY The people of the Baptist Church have purchased the fine brick res idence, Mr. A. J. I$ollewny on Al- bert. Street for a parsonage, Rets. ,I J d'an'fuli, expects I:6 get p0- eeSSien next m,ont01.: POLICE COURT FINiES. Godeiseh Sieeal;-1 cheque for 8450 was handed in this Week at the town hall by ":Polito Magis- trate Kelly, repr.esentiug ca.1lec- tion in tine Police Coui't in the farm 0f lanes during the toartter ending August 51st. SAVE TH8 CIiNT persons sending in personal col• respondence or other news items in unsealed envelopes should re- member that a one cent stamp is sufficient. Printers' copy is nett subject to t the war tax but the flap on the epi elope musti be un- sealed, EXPRESS .ORDERS AT OLD RATE TO U. S. The local oifires oP the Cana- dian and Dominion Express Cos. have received orders that the Unit ed States premium on medley or dors has been ennc(elled 'and ,time ciders in future should be sod a9 the old rate. BON SOCIAL. The Girl's Club of Presbyterian Church wall'givo as box social Tues day evening Sept. 28ta •at .eight o'clock in the lecture room. A good . program is being .prepared and everybody is invited. widmission' only a box of lunch -furnished by by the ladies DIED IN F' VENSEY. Mrs, Whittington, Princess street ieceived the sad information that het' daughter-in-law Mrs. Wm. Whittington, Pevensey, Parry Sound, had tiled liter a very short) illness. Mr. and Mrs Whittington were both residents of Clinton a number of -years ago. Mr. Whit- tington was born here. AN INFORMAL BEOF'PTION. 011 Monday evening of this tveelc the Ladies Gould of St. Paul's Church held an informal reception for their neg rector and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, and there was a large turn -out 'of church tuem- bers and adheronts:t With the hearty co-operation of people tied Rector a successful pastorate may be looked forward too THERE IS GOING TO .BE, TROUBLE, People Ly the score have been entering the orchards of Major Ranee and miryin g!apples, Notice will be found in Bette issue that it had hotter he stopped, as all people smearing the grounds will bo brought up Before the Magis- t, art(', Mr. Cordell, the Manager, states that the apples are, sold cheap enough that any one can afford to buy a bag, Tin .CALL TO )NIT. autumn is here Willi this 7cnow- ledge comes the thought that, win ter is - approaching and that the soldiers who ate fighting our bat- Iles reed warns clothing especi- ally seeks, Tiler a short time dur- ing the summer there was a recess' -though manly women !hal-lilted right tnrough June, July and Aug- ust- but new from all quarters comes the call for seeks. The women of Canada wil snob, let the mill go' unanswered, MINOR LOCALS. Trout fishiug season closed last; Wednesday. The N•wEra n 8 alR tys glad to publish letter from soldiers of the, Overseas Contingents. How is your hart' fever? Harvest is over and farmers are ploughing and threshing, The address label on you New. ,‘Era each week tells the jllatdl10 which your subscription is paid You cannot devote five minutes to,reading the ads without, learn- ing some fact of .lactttrtl' .value' and importance to you. Test the. matter is No: Clinton business o s'� s s roan with ad interest in the 'town neglects reading The Iiew Era every eveek It a paper rend by:atll, and the. only one that een carry your bust- , noes announcement to all the pee- ple of the .town. The eaiitom' in f a netgglabclt:ng town, threatened 'tot pulaliso the name, of a certain young man who was Been hugging and kissing• girl unless his subscription 'was paid within a week, IFrftty-nine young anon called the next,!day and paid up, while while two even paid a year in advance There are said td have been' 03,500 silos bu.iit'in Ontario in 1914.; F, the first time in nmany),eau�s For' there was ,nu bit; cireusi in Canada this summer. You can save money by, makingit a rule to read the ltitlt,ertising. columns of the 'NeveBra., The New Bra . will be sent to the, address o•f any new subscriber in. Canada or Careat Britain for the retnei'ncler of the ,year for 25 eentls'. or to any address in the United State for 1'i cents. As ' a hou1ehold ,topis the war has got tet /back each out 'u now: many many jars of tonialli just sass lvas made from a 25, cent basket- nth :' al s the real tonic Get news metes to The New Era as early as possible. Those tom - Next holiday will be 'Thanks - .ng Day 'Wight or pay.' Parchment butter paper, p31101', right in quality, and price, 'at The 'New 13ra. .rug in on Tlnu sday are, ne.Irly al. tray loo late to get in the 1papl ,' We welcome the news but want it early. Mr. Robert Murch, superinten' dent at the Huron House of :Ste.. Fuge was straeken by a ppaialytlic stroke last Thursday ;:andis. in.a Icily serious. condition. SPACIAL ANNOUNOj.9MJONT From this dale the New Ere s+ill be sent to New subscribers tbrwsldnig a. year's subscr ape i ,n. l'or lbrl ha,1.iie of this year FREE; That is, the "pelts...° will be sent from the date we rerelve' the order to the 31 Dae. 1916,' for f1.00, Sample Clopass will be sent to any ad• dress tree, T,11 your„ friends of this big offer iFORMEl'' CLINTON ,BOY ENLISTS: J3uel, Higgins, a former resident of Clinton has eclisled with the 40111 Batt'er'y of Hamilton 'and is at present at Niagara camp. 8FARiVIEH'S :BANK 1)0)714,E' LABEL1TY In,appeal pas been 1ori1 e',1 ;1y. the bIiyreho1i lr•.' TeFe:PO, Cont, ,nattleeyigain t theluilgilent 0f the Offxbtall 11efei,e , (upon ti11c,' ground ' that the 'certificate sees frauddlatly deprieed of ltel,e prlo eeetioti o the .faro ision of ilio 'Bank ' Act, are not lt:ibto . cir the dcnble 11110lfly Menthe -11W +x11 th; ace, and -they ore not liable , frhw either the payment of dividends or in1erestl ACCEPT OUR T'1JANKS.. The Nev Era during the past: two wcel.s has received the Omaha: papers with full accounts of 13i1 -y Suuaaa,v 11,011t in that pityTitle paa,rs ]satebnctesent tolls ly Ma Will Id abutters, an old Clinton Ian whose; osc f ut ter Was th lase de's.' R. Thomas, of tl r Ontario IStivet Churcl. Our townsmen °•Gil"'Hol' loway and "Cap" Morrish were ill' delighted to hear that t'1'e.r old friends was in 'the land 08 11\ ing, even it it was Jowl) S',outtle WILL VISIT CLINTON ON' MONDAY. Ret-. Dr. Strang, Superinttendient of Home Miseione for ,Southern Saskatchewan, will address the Huron Presbytery. Re is a cle esr :speaker and the people. should not miss tines opportunity of hearing ]itinro,g 1)10He 508. wi11 speak at the follow- - tFriday evening, Sept 21th Than -es Road. Sunday 11 u.nt Sept. 2015, Auburn. Sunday, Sept 26, 2,30 p. in. Londesboro. Sunday 1.00 p. nl., Sept. 26th Blyth. Monday eve- ning Sept. 27th, Willis Church, Clin ton. Tuesday evening Sept. 28th 1st church, Seafost'h, MAY PUT HIGI;IWAY Aur IN Ca 025014 According to Hon. ''Finlay Ma.:- diaimid.,, it is likely that the Or- tario Government will, within the next fortnight, discuss the ads is - ability of bringing the new Proi- vincial Highways Act into force. "Bringing the administrative parts of the Act into foto. 'Would un- doubted'y 1 gist the countries and muni5lp1u,ties in t organizing," he tatai ltd, The biggest problem be- fore the Government in respect +to the Highway's Act concerns the paryment of the in reused high- way grants pre idea Cult, nor dl - Hone tt'ill n111150 the (-1r serntrieut hesitate before roanm'ttiag itself to any flet' finance -11 burden. It may be that organizing' provisions of the Act Will gof tl.r tlgh and fit:anoint provisions left in ...they - art se. , 4444444444444444444444.044+ • • Patriotic Notes • e 4444444444444444444.4.444444 The W, P• S, will meet Friday afterno,on at hall past two in the, Council Chamber. This week members of the W. P. S: are calling hs the different' wards throught the town, so that everyone may receive the oppor- tunity of contributing a small sum, Which they will pay periodi- callyfor the , s) tppo•t: of the Soci- ety work. Unnumbered envelopes are provided and distribu';od to contributors and these are tobe returned e1)' differeot bustne(ss places, where boxes will be; eerr:- ided to receive thelia, teesel boxes will be in all grocery shops and banks. If in the counitky di`- mets there is any one Who would! like to c:onti•ibute to our Society!in this way, You naay redalve 'eriwer- lepes by leaving Yoe ane in MI Fair, m e store. Mi Manning of the Princess Theatre offers ,his Theatre/ to our' Sgeiety for two evenings. s'ull aurae ements have not b'een,macle for these et enings, but: hire b.001 sty extlgx:id ih;eir .thanks to Mr. Manningtor .his genei'o'us off,er. CONSTIPATION. CAiN BE 'CURER. There :Is Nothing To Equal Milburn's Lana - Liver Pills For This 'Purpose. Mrs. A. Cumming, Manehester, Ont., writes: "I have been troabled with constipation for over five years, and feel it niy duty tolet you known that your 1VIilburu's Lasa -Liver Pills have cured me. I only used three vials, and I can faithfully say that they have saved me from a large doctor, bill." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills regulate the flow of bile to.actro erpe onthe p p Y bowels, and thus keg there regular. lar. w , p r Irregular bowels are the rain cause of constipation. The price of Milburn's Laxa-Liver, Pills is '25c, per vial or 5 vials for $1,00, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont. Lays, oft. Fxldt:heay Mr. enJose bur'lplya Riitter,.- lnxrRatfl underwent an, operation ,and at present is doig as well as can be expected. His many friends in town and on the road will hope for a speedy i'ecot te,i'y.; ENGLISH MAIL LOST. A large amount of. English moil coming 101 ' Canada :en the Hef peria.n went•dgtit n with the e:hili, thus depriving many anxious re- latives of the pleasure or reading letters from the eoldiers in 'Eng- and"on the, firing line. The letters are a conapleted loss, but the news papers and hn; gazines stili be re - 1 la' ed by the Fnglish r tt ypap- etnion, I)at will arrive about two wcecs late, A MISSIONARY SERV LCR. On Wednesday evening at lithe , Salvation Arfny C'itltdel, Mrs. Ad-. jutant Russell; of Bertin. ,Ontario nth() laboured as a Salvation Army n ission lily tri India and Ceylon ter many years, gills an address en- tailed "14 years in India and Cey- lon," A group of tsalvatio.niste dressed to represent the different classes of Hindus, atttiaeted xnuch at8(ention and caused much ,come ment. The Adjutant's addressw,ars listened to with rapt "attention arid . those present had many false ideas they had formed concerning thine darkened people dispersed land saw afresh that the need. of tied populace was salvation. Mrs. Rus- sell described the great' gulf that exists betwixt the missionary and the people on aoeomit of their ex - one poverty, and how the Salva- tion Army is .trying to bridge that gulf, the way, .being made by m'an,' open grates, figures being.ouoted that seven European officers laid clown their lives within the space of one month All .who were priv- ileged to hear the Adjutant unite in giving hex an invitation to come hack again. etseecseeeteeteaseeseetes • WITH TE1 1 CHURCHES. • • • •0••00•(6!8G000•••OO'• ONTARIO ST. CHURCH: Next Sunday will be "Rally Day'' Special services will be held morn- ing and afternoon and e't'e ring.) The afrerneon program will be given oy'the your • people of the. undaay School and' the music will be' under direction of Mr.' B. J. Gibbings, The pastor, Rel,.. S. J.• Allin, will wrench morning rind evening and will address the are 1:ea"noon gal hering. W1i.L18 CRU.RCt' Reilly L'ay service of the Sunday Seboot next Sabbath Sept, 28th'at' 2.30, k Next Sabbath morning,Rev. Larkin, of Seafr.rth, Will preach. The minister will conduct the even irag service. 1 On Tuesday evening Sept. 28th a Box Social will be held under the auspices of the 'Girl's Club. An oldfashfonecl time will he had tat' the auctioning of the boxes. There is no admission -tee, WESLEY CEi1RUE Class meeting at 10.30 Sunday morning next. The service will be of a memorial character. The later Mr. Greene having been founder and leader wader its inception. All welcome ' Mr. T' E. Fast, Choirmaster, sang "The Endless Day" at Cher evening service last Sunday. The pastors subjects last Sun- day were. Morning,: --"me Wo;i- WE CAN HANDLE YOUR WANTS Any newspaper needed in your lime, let the New ilia. handl'e11 for you: Our business is the newspaper business, and any orders placed with us you will resistive promptly and we stand hack of all orders. • Trapnsporr ti lU�!;�. VII, s NIncluding every phase of Rail- W 0 way Station work and Telegraph 0 • Operating is taugbt in a thor •, •' ough manner by Shaw'sRailway • 2 :and Telegraph School, Toronto. ,• Home', study courses are avail- 0 able` and correspondence is in- • IId, Graduetesreadily obtain •. employment on our Canadian 0 • v LLateilwaye cA T. J. Johnston, • Principal' p • W. 13. Shaw. President is • • •0•racoop.0esisee •0.0••e•• For Sale A gttarter acre lot on North Street. For particulars s pply, to MRS, MARTIN O`DONNELL, Spencer Street Smaller Coal Bills Let us reduce your coal bills. We can do it by sup- plying you with a Boal that ll:g,= gives a steady heat anond leaves only' a small amount of ash. This ,coal is LEHIGH VALLEY' THRAC 1TE 'T:12 e. Eou1 That Siztirftiets Z' wil save you money. Giv 1t a t. i11I. A. J. Holloway, Clinton Western University, London ANI)'I'lll.li GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled --Now 1875,000 —0— Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in yiew Write for narticulars to: _-a-- E. E. BRAITHWAITE, 'M A., Ph.D. President; Seed Wheat for Sale ABUNDANCE -A gnantity of this For Sale reliable variety is uttered -a good sample, free from weed seed, and Two; storey frame house, on Isaac St, thoroughly dry, .Pi•ic :61 per bushel Clinton, eight rooms, waterworks and J. 10. GRANT, Londou Road electric light, with or without stable WillApply heto sold reasonable, Easy terms, Cows for Sate OLIVER JOHNSON, Goderich, Ont, Warning All persons entering the property of Major Rance, Bayfield Road. will he prosecuted according to law, by order GEO. COR•ELL. Manager To the Farmers of Huron We are paying 86 and 37 and some. times a little mare for good No, white oats, must be cleaned through a fanning mill. Some buyers are paying only 35 a,nd scalping the farnrtrs.hy telling. there that 31e is the highest price which is not true, ]Wray 87 mainly for• pats, ai,nd.want clean barley end buckwheat, all we can eat: Will take wheat soon Ice Govesp Ment files the grade. -Wheat is` all right, aed should he over 3100 it huslaal. W. H, entigIN, Clinton For Sale House for sale in a desirable lo- cation, corner of King and Joseph streets, half way between post -of- fice and depot, apply ' A, J,GRIGG. The to don Adverilser THREE EDITIONS Mornin, Noon, Evening Western, Ontario's Greatest Daily All the News all thg tune. Rate by mail, any edition, $2 per year Circt;lallon Dept. London Advertiser WVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVWV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWV 0 • 0 • •• • Dispersion Sale of Iligl►•Class Pause Bred Slior161or11s&Aberdeen An9 us Cagle Also Grade Cattle. horses, lamp Implements, Etc At "Fairview" Stock Farm, Lot 15, Con. 2, W. Wawanosh (Near Dungannon) I takee l leasiire in inviting you to my stele ,p8 Shorthorns and Aberdeen Armin, Cattl, , and feel assured the offering will meet with 9,.nt approval end e1) reeinli0u Some young animals trod at •1'clre1 e" Stock Farm have won honors at Guelph and Toronto Fit 50 el. Shows. In hie eling.and quality my herd never was hot- ter and will be, presented In good coudition. The sale will he held on T° 1; USDA, OCT. fit C"Oi�I111LNCiNG A l' I P.M, SHARP 1t1PLE111+NTS- Iain wagon, box and shelving, Light Wagon (letter, Isees!cahr, BBayBreak,„ ]{roet,tWood Binder, McCormick 1lluwer, Horse Rake, Fanning 151i11, Roller, 1000.1b Scales, Cleat Leaf Nannie Sprewoer, '13r roiye, Swed Drill, Cultivator, Twin Plow, Perrin D ,able Plow, '2 Single Plows, Top Buggy, Open Buggy, 2 S^IR 0. 'Heavy Harness 2 sets of Single Harness, '2 sets of klow Har11rs8, 3.Vhtelbsrr,,c 3iindsLone. Snuffler, Hay Fork 'rope and pulleys 3:S'ep kettles, (xraip Bags, Forks. Shovels, several cords o ITard Wood, Household Furniture, 4 acres of Silo Corn 'in shockf and other articles, SIHORT41OR•I' $ Roan'Heifer, Helve, No 115041, 1 year old ' Roan Ouw, WelleslyBlosermNo,01436, due to calf Oct 20 tiled Heifer, Yirene No 102052, 3,years old, due to calf,May 17 Red Heifer. 101issie Girl No 106821 1 Year old, due to calf Dec 26 • Roan.Bull Calf, Roan Signet: "No 101324, 8 months old Roan Cow, Roan Ruby. No 94421. 5 years old, due to calf Oct. 19 Red Bull. Erste!, Phd, No 1011113,'7 months old Red Oow,:Flossie, .No 107264, 8 years old, due to calf March I6 While Calf, White Queen, No 115043, 6 mouths old Roan Cow, Jennie, No 101903;3 years old, due to calf April 7 Bull Calf, Red Chief, No 101822, 8 montes old Roan Oow: Nerbenii, Ne 52082, 8 years; old, due to calf March 28 Red Cow, Ladv Alice, No 91124, 6 years old, dur to calf Dec 11 Roan Helfer.', billa, No 115042, 1 year old ABERDEEN ANIGUS Heifer, Duchess, 1 year old t ow, Clinton Dew Dr•op2nd, No 46504, 14 yrs old due to calf June 10 ,Cow, Dell 13, No 11315, 0 years old, dile June 13 Cow, Environment. No 4567, imp, Canadian No:40556,, due May 1,9 Bull Calf, OulI (Julie/4e No20200, 8 months old` Heifer, Pride, 2years old, due to calf Nov 25 t•101tfiES-1 Boise 6 years old, draft, horse 4 years old, draft Mare 4 years old, draft, Gelding.2 years old, draft, Foal of 1915 Filly 2 years old draft, Gelding 1, year old. agriculture Filly > y5er Id general purpose, Driving Pony 6 years old Driving Mare, quiet for ladies to drive, thoroughly reliable GRA DES -2 Cows, yearling Steer, yearling Heifer, Steer Calf PIGS, 181'C- Berkshire Sow. 1 year, with 7 pigs at foot, 2 choice Tamivurtli Sotos 6 mouths old BENS -120 pure bed Leghorn Rens, good laying strain 'TERMS -12 months credit given on furnishing satisfactory set:mete 4 per cent per 0 iin001 allowed: tor cash. All cows ,with calves at feet are proven br'eerlers. As soon as animal is sold it becomes the pro' perty of the purchaser, but good care will be taken of theca and will bs plaaced on eras for lit.ose wishing them shipped. Certificates of reaistraaion furnished, Catalogue sent on request. Everything sold wil.bout reserve as 1 have rented my farm. JOS. A, MALLOUGH, proprietor T. GUNDRY, auctioneer •. 0 w • 0 O • • 0 e dr A Capt, T, A. Robinson aleo expe.eted 1 • • • • 0 • • • 0 • •• a1 0 • e • • 0 • • • i } MGANAANNAnovenAAN/QMH/VovonvyWVWVWVVvvvvv W*VyV Fresh Cows and springers, wilt sell privately. Time will be given by furnishing bankable Paper. Poultry Wanted Highest market price will paid for fat bens and broilers W. MARQ?iIS, Phone 14 on 166 Base Line Voters List, Goderich Tp, Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that a court will he held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters List Act, by His Honor .the Judge of the County ooalrt of the O4pntj',of-:Huron, at.the "Town Hall, CJlfhfon, ori Tuesday, Septemlier 2841$', 1015, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, ;to :Reser and detiermine compleints :of, 'erruee.and oanissiodsin the Votbre.l,ist of the Muftjcipelity of the Township of Goderioh for 1915. Dated September 8th, 1915 N. W. TRE WARTHA, Ole* Painting ct Paper l'iangitl„ Painting end Paper Fl timing neetly and promutly dune, Orders left) at , liunnitutd's Grocery Store or at my residence, Vittoria Street, TIiOS, GRAELIS For Mate Dresser and Washstand for sale,- have,only;been in use a year, Apply MRS0BELL Street Coal Heater tor Sale A large size Souvenir Heater for sale cheap. Apply to MRS. J. HAWKINS, Mary Street Farm For Salle Lot 33, Con. 1, Tuekersmith, con- taining 100 acres: !Frame house, :bank barn, 6 'acres Hardwood bush well watered and mostly) seeded for pasture. hFor terms, etc„ apply A, P. JOHNS, 1.185 Danforth ave., Toronto. Farm to Rent 100 acre farm on the Hayfield field Road 21 miles south of Clinton, well culti valed, good brick hourse, bank barn and other buildings. Two wells on place, orchard. Poe fprther particulars apply to MRS, JOHN WIGGINTON, Box 261, Clinton OPEN ALL WAIT Theea s son is snow. .on ,fpr gasolene stoves, Why not. buy. k1itet.edlgasolene out of our Bowser ;)?ump=itpasses through 5 screens and,a Iter iPricee always the lowegt Auto Saplllicf; ami IBicyele Itepatiri a.• Auto' tivery J. 1-1..' ax an National CEMENT We have just xec1, ved a carload of jn the sane ,pld ,and ,pf Portland Ce. merit which hes s always given you such complete satik eotiou. ' It always fills your i09011emetits, ,You cannot mike a mistake using the National: drews CLINTON