The Clinton New Era, 1915-09-16, Page 4PAGE FOURL CLINTON NEW ERA gement oi nom, - The 1)uilding-61 poisoned By the atmospfiere'in suhicll sways through the northern districts. it is dispensed at the corner grocery, the pealrle peel/ aces is certain, etc. ough, to swing the centre as 'much NieW York gets its supply of .mllk rth as in the nest few decades. from 44,000 farms outside •the ,city ilimits and drinks each day 2,600000 quarts supplied by 350,000 cows. The milk reaches the city at 15 different terminals, Os delivered by 5,50e wagons, and dispersed at 14,000 stores, over 127,000 persons being engaged in its productions and " distribution. New York City has now 56 milk inspectors, of whom half are assigned to country districts and half to the inspection of stores, wagons and other premises in. the city. All milk sold is carefully graded and dated so that in 'the event of an epidemic the source 'of infection can be readily detected._ REMEMBER 1 The ointment you put on your child's skin gets into the system just as surely as food the child eats. Don't let 1' impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the ' cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood le Zana- Buk is purely herbal. No pois- onous coloring. Use it always. 1. 50c. Bos of .411 Druggtsfs and Stores. 'CANADA'S CENTRE OF POPULATION $lowing Moving Westward but Now, Located Somewhere Around Barrie --Capital Used to be Hub Only In the last ten years thus Can- ada's centre of population shown any desire to move westward at any rate of speed. In tact, a line of progress drawn on a map shows that for some periods dttrtng the last sixty years the centre et population had a disposition to shift eastward. In 1851 the centre of population was in the southwest part of Russell County, The census of that day covered only Upper and tower Canada and the spot was locat- e about twenty miles southwest of Ottawa. In 1361 the centre had jumped thirty !miles due west to the western corner 'til Marlboro Township, Carleton Coun- ty, on a line between Ottawa and mith's Falls. Ten years later the Middle of Canada had wandered 90 ,prtites eastward, to the western end of }4Ientreat Island, in Jacques Cartier ounty. When we include the Impute. - on of Manitoba and the Northwest I, Territories, we find that it was big nough, in this year, to swing the een- re into the western part of Vaudreuil County, 25 miles beyond Montreal Is• Pnd. In 1581 Caledonia Springs, In' rescott County, was the centre o$ population for all Canada, just 26 miles northwest of the spot that for ten' years was the centre of population be- tween the Pacific and the Atlantic. When the experts in Ottawa calcu• hated the centre of papulation after, they took the census of 1891, they found that the City of Ottawa was the hub of Canada. Apparently that was she proper place for the country to1 pivot from, for in the census of 1901, Even years afterwards, the centre was found to have hardly budged an inch,; I Ottawa, though in the ten years of remarkable growth that came between• 1901 and 1911, could not hold its proud position as the hub. The westerners took hold of the centre of population' 'and eel it down 170 mikes due west at khp capital, in Mariposa Township,' pTfctoria County. 'Mat was its post - pen at the census of 1911, the last one;, the exact spot its on a farm not far Wen the north shore of Lake Scugog. There is no saying where it is to -day, but somewhere about Barrie lies the centre. The horizontal line of population, it 15111 be noted, has really shifted little to the north or south. The growth of Toronto and other cities iu Southern Ontario has counterbalanced the set- , Iu Thousands of Homes early and certain relief is found for the ailments to which all are subject -ailments due to defective or irregular action of the stomach, liver, kidneys or bowels -in the most famous family remedy, the world has ever known. WRECK OF ENGLISH SMACK The inhabits,ats of, Brighton, England, had a very interesting sight when the fishing smack Shamrock was driven ashore by a gale. The crew was repeued with great diifculty. The picture shows the little vessel, which had eluded German subemsr- ines for months, driven high up on the sands. 'Divine Sarah Loyal It is remarkable, but perfectly true, that Madame Sarah "Bernhardt has never appeared in Berlin. 'Why, she ;has just explained. " saw," she says, "the Germans operating in 1870-71 and 'shall never target their atrocities. I lu:ever would go to Germany. I was offered fabulous prices to go to Ber- lin. but I ways refused." lad AWHO �pBeek FOR A L0113 TIME. Sometimes Cosald Hardly Turn In lied. When the back gets so bad and aches like a "toothache" you may rest assured that the kidneys are affected in some way. On the first sign of a backache, Doan's Sidney Pills should be taken, and if this is done immediately you .will save your- self many years of suffering from serious kidney trouble. Mr. J. W. Fraser, Truro, N.S., writes: "I have had a lame back for a long time. Sometimes I could hardly turn over in bed, but after taking six boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills I find that my back is as strong as ever. I can't praise then! enough." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50c. per box, 3 boxes for $1.26; at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, When ordering direct specify"Doan's." RAILWAY MILK SERVICE Avanage Milk Can on Cars One Hour -Supervision Must go Further The problem of milk supply in large cities is one or ever-lnereasing im- portance, The natural tendency of many reformers is on all occasions to hit blindly at the railways, but In this question of mllk the railways have themselves always readily co-operated in. any Practical proposal to secure a pure milk supply. In his report on the milk supply of New York Ctty, Commissioner Lederle pays his tri- bute to the help given by the railways, and in Montreal both the C. P. R. ani Grand Trunk have urged a more ade- quate organization for the protection of milk. As, however, the average time spent by a .milk can in a railway car is just one hour, whereas the time between Ec ll the milling of the cow and the delivery JI� i PIL]Ll-_ are justly famous because they have proved to be so reliable as correctives or preventives of the sufferings, dull feelings and danger due to indigestion or biliousness. If you will try them to eleaese your system, purify your blood, tone your stomach, stimulate your liver and regulate your bowels, you will know why se many rely on Beecham's Pills to Insure Health to the customeris n y be as much as thirty-six Hours, the responsibility and authority of the railway is compare tively small, and it has been found that the inspection and supervision must be carried right to the tarm it s.•1L !,hero tike physical condition of t:: a cote, the stables, tho farm hands, Chet -,arm water: supply have an im- pertent bearing on the bacteriological commit of the inilk. Moreover, if the mile le not r,ui illy- cooled directly atter being drawn from the cow, tihe iia to nien,,be With enormous ra- pidity, which t'o amount of careful handling in leaned can counteract. The creanhtrres must also be sub.• jectcd to clo'a superrislon. Where 600 creameries were inspected the drain- ' a age as foetid to be almost universal- and+,7�/�a aR ly detective and the milk inadequately p protected against tlnst and dirt.t A ieraart Seto of Any Medlalns in the Woridi the city end„inspection must be more rapid $til) lerthe Bold everywhere. to boxer, 25 scare r7ltreat mill{ may be According to the laws of war, any cWflian who is found with arms in arts possession is liable to be shot without ;mercy.. I Int, Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P., began life as an ironinoulder. Vultures are said to fly at times At the rate of over 100 miles an hour. ARTHUR H ENDERSONy LABOR'S WAR 'CHIEF {Asquith Won Over Former Opponent of War and_' Made Him Minister -Rose From. Ranks , Arthur Henderson, secretary of the Labor party in Great Britain, became .abor's representative in the coalition Government, with the portfolio of eceatery of Education, as member of Parliament for the Barnard Castle Division of Durham, Mr. Henderson was a Glasgow lad who served his apprenticeship as Moulder in the great steamship works of Robert Stephenson and Company at Newcastle. What education he has was obtained at night after his day's work was done. He never had the advantage of an elementary education in schools. He went into local politics as a young man at Newcastle, was a member of the City Council; and twelve years ago served as Mayor of ,the little town of Darlington, near Newcastle, which proved a stepping- stone that same year to the Holies of Commons. He never touches alcohol, and is an active worker in the Wes- leyan Church. Meant Labor's Support Two weeks after England's declar- ation of war against Germany, Arthur Henderson Joined with d. liter Hardie, the leader of the Independent Labor Party, in issuing a socialist pamphlet against the war. Realizing tthe neces- sity of his support, the Prime Minis- ter went out of his way to win Hen- derson over '0 the Government view of the war. He succeeded to the point that the Labor Party in Parliament under Henderson's leadership pledged itself unreservedly to Mr. Asquith. Bonne time before his Government appointment he was chairman at a meeting in London of representatives, from almost all the industries called to suggest remedies tor the rise in the cost of living. He said then that there was a very deep conviction among the workers of the country that the civil population had not had from the Government the consideration to which it was entsled, and that this was so in spite of the fact that the civil population had displayed patience and patriotism of an exemplary character. Treat Ail Alike Later on Mr. Henderson addressed a mass trseting, upon the request of the Prink Minister, in which he told tho woe' linemen assembled that he was in hearty accord with Lord Kik Wiener in warning the laboring classes that the :nen employed in the manu- facture nanufacture of =mittens of war were to be compelled to do their duty if. com- pulsion was neceseary. Mr. Hender- son was courageous enough, neverthe- less, to suggest that the employers as well as the employes should dis- play the proper spirit.' HAVE YOU WEAK LUNGS? Do colds settle on your attest or in your bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or are you subject to throat troubles? Such. troubles sllotild have immediate treatment with the te rare enrati epowers v of Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption ' 11 which s c easily follows. Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver oil which peculiarly strengthens the rea- pirotorytract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott''s is prescribed by the best special- ists. Yon tan get it at any drug store. Swat & Downe, Toronto, Ont. minzipannwpospanunnammaninermsram Children Cry for Fletcherge Tito Bind You nave Aiwa 3 -s BotiY eh*, ,.-it , 1 t n.;it Ails beeal in use for over CO yeaas, has 'borne the signature o6 All Couih.htl hats been made lender °his per- //JJ,r.-;�-- 00001 ettpeevisior1 atrl(e Itsinfancy. "d- a. 6.'6 Allow no one toclecexve 5oat in this. nterfeits, Imitations and "dust -as -good" aro but Experiments that tnil'le witlt and endanger the Health of Infants and Children -Experience against .]Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, ]hare. Rode, Drops and Soothing Syrups It la pleasant.. It contains 'neither. Opium, ]llorphi t,. 7107 other' Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee It destriys''VVorms and allays Feverishness. For more tercet thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, +Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Toot/Min 'Troubles and Diarrhoea.. Ile regulates ttes 'Lie fltornuell and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's 'anacss -'Tha Ii2Otaor"s Friend. GENUINE a�.ALWAYS Bears the Szr'hatt yc of .fes r a 4 In Use For Over 30 Years The kind You Have Alviayo Bought ,THE Ce HrAC,a COMPANY'. ME,W YORK SUBMARINES LARGER Great Deveiop,nent 'of Craft Now Manned by Twenty Thousand Much as the submarine, the tor- 9e1o, and the mine are discussed, fesv save those immediately concern- ed with them have anything but the haziest idea as to the extent of the under -water warfare now being wag- ed as a preliminary to the titanic struggle of the "Day." At least two hundred and sixty-four below -seas craft are engaged -the submarine fleets of Great Britain, France, Rus- sia, Japan, Italy, Germany and Austria, with crews totalling some twenty thousand officers and men; that, to say nothing of the many employed less directly in connection with this phase of naval fighting, and those who are caviled to mine -laying, mine- sweeping, or torpedo duty. .For the submarine demands much surface work. There must be sub- marine floating -docks for the crip- ples; experts in submarine construc- tion; seaplanes to search for those dark patches in the semi -transparent sea -green which denote the presence of submarines or inines; attendant ships for the aerial scouts; destroy- er flotillas to fight the submarines and ward them off the capital ships; and, in addition, constructors of un- derwater defences. Ail of this is of vital importance ' for the submarines of to -day are by no means those of yesterday. They have gained immeasurably in safety, efficiency, size, and armament; have i come to deserve the name "Daylight i Torpedo Boat." Indeed "they are .rapidly passing beyond the purely tor- ; pedo and coastal defensive stage, and , are taking on to themselves the role ; of the ocean -cruiser. The size of these vessels has increased from 50 to 1,000 , tons' displacement. They now carry Int only a considerable number of the largest size torpedo, but mob, guns for repelling attacks by emall surface vessels, and are capable of accompanying fleets to sea - 1 The radius of action of the latest vessels both of the Etrinell and /french navies ahnonnts to sieverat thousand i nils I t e . n Lire Case of the British rite displacement has risen to 1,500 tons, the speed to 20 knots, and the arrna- metrt to six torpedo -tubes anti four 12 - pounder quick -firing guns.,The torpe- do is itself a sa7bmarinprojectile. The extreme effective range and speed has risen from 4,000 yards at 1$ knot,' to 7,000 yards at 45 knots or 11,001 yards at 80 knots. Flashlight Equipment Intended for point-blank firing at close range, a flashlight equipment has been devised for high-po0ar rifles which simplifies the alining of a wea- pon when it is used for shooting wild s boa is after dark. Unlike tllk'e g other I ht• i frig apparates heretofore introduced for night hunt ]lx,, tamof 1 bunting, a light has the shape of s.)1 Inverted letter ";:" This character is brilliantly emblazoned upon whatever object the shalt of light strikes as, 6o:' instance, the shoulder or a Renee?. The hunter In this way le able to notal his riffs almost as ono would the wuzzle ofl0 tee ete .hose, for upon firing, his bullet wii strike the point helmeted t.y the char- , rooter. Just 00o-gh li,;ht .0 diffuse nutsitle of time n'. ne of the "T" slhoft, says Pepe:ar lh challis', to alumna ate dimly a small Heid and show the outline of an animal. Germany takes a census every aye Years: ing;sarl, every ten years, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S GASTORIA A learned scientist is authority for the statement that people fail asleep in church, not because the sermon is uniuterastine or from lack of rever- ence, but because in the average church not tuor.gil attention Is paid to the supply of fresh air. How is It ee von' "anll'nil? amodammhammihminom Constipation ) Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief---hrmmtaut Cote. CARTER'$ LITTLE. LIVER PILLS aur Purely rega- Wanda the Gem: ss.Sup ohmineau wades -Improve die complesioe-bri ht,a de qor. $sial PIA Jwai Dem Small Pees. Genuine out bow Signature dl� t' A 'fa �•,rR'soty-yy� antemPreiverevrernime \\:\ \\S \7. N2,7\ O � I i Time Choose your sugar as carefully as you do your fruits. LANTIC Sugar makes clear jellies and perfect preserves because it is pure cane sugar, granulated extra fine and is kept clean and pure by ttie packages. 2 ib. and 5 Ib. cartons and 101b. and 20 Ib. bags. 1001b. bags coarser granula- tion. Weight gu,,r•anteed. Buy in original packages and look for the LANTIC Red Ball on each package. a1 ntk Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited, el MONTREAL, QUE. ST. JOHN,N. H. Send your address and small .Red Ball Teorrs Bark from bag or top end of carton and we will mail you book of 60 assorted Fruit Jar Labels -printed and gummed ready to put on tin Jars. - Thursday, September 611e, 19194 SUNDAY SCNOOI. Lesson XII, --Third Quarter, ,For Sept. 19, 1915. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES, Text. of the Lesson, 1 Kings xx, 10.2 Memory Verses, 11, 12 -Golden Tex Hoa iv, 11 -Commentary Prepare by Rev. D. M. Stearns. This is chosen as a lesson against i temperance because of the drunke nese of Ben-hadad and the thirty-tw kings who are said to bare helped him all of whom were drinking themselve drunk hi the pavilions (verses 12, 10 and were thus more easily overcool by the small army of Israel • In ou own day railroad' and other' corpor Gone are learning that men who a given, to strong drink cannot be retie upon and that it is not the part of wf dom to employ them, no -matter ho efficient they may be. Not only doe such sin and folly take away the beat or understanding, as in the golden tex but itis apt to become most. filthy an beastly and has been known to aifec even priests and prophets (fsa, xxv • 7, 8). It Is utterly selfish and sensua and turns the -heart away from th Lord (Isa. v, 11, 12, 20-23). Neithe drunkards nor any other unrlghteou people can Inherit the kingdom of God but there is forgiveness and salvati for all sinners wife truly turn to th Lord and honestly receive the Ler Jesus Christ (I Cor. vi, 0.11). The eon trast to being drunk with wine is t be filled with the Spirit (Eph, v, 18) and this is the privilege of alt believers The insanity of drunkenness, wit its insatiable selfishness and cruel ap propriation of the prosperity of others is seen in the demands of Ben -hada upon Ahab for his silver and gold wives and children and everythln pleasant in his home and the bomes o hie servants (verses 1-6), and yet strong drink has done and is doing just that in numberless homes today. When the Lord is rejected and any other ruler installed it is always a matter of take, take, take all that one bas (I Sam. viii 10-18). How'great the contrast to God,, who giveth life and health and all things, who give His only begotten Son, and in Him life eternal and glory and all things freely (Acts xvii, 25; John iii, 10; x, 28; xvli, 22; Rom. will, 32). How desperately wicked and cruel the devil must be to blind people to the love of God, who giveth all things, that he may take all they have for time and eternity (II Cor. iv, 3, 4). There is something more and deeper and farreaching in this lesson chapter tban the story of drunken Ben -bathed,, whom God had appointed to utter de struction (verse 42) because of his sins. Ahab, king of Israel, was about as bad as a man could be, under the infra. euce of his wicked wife, Jezebel, and yet for Israel's sake, but cbiefly for His own great name's sake, for Israel was His people, though in rebellion against Him, Lie gave Ahab victory over Ben- hadatl and his associates twice, al- though Israel's forces were like two little flocks of kills, while the Syrians filled the country (verse 27). Be dlci this that .Ahab might know Him as the true God instead of Baal, whom he worshiped to please his wife (verses 13, 28), By this great goodness 13e would if possible lend Ahab to repent- anee, for FIe is not willing that any should perish atom, if, 4; lI Pet. iii, 01. Three thnes in this lesson the Lord seat special messengers to Abab, twice to encourage him rind once to reprove him (verses 13, 2S, 38). At the first victory Israel slew the Syrians with a great slaughter, but they came agate, saying, We were defeated because the gods 6f Israel are the gods of the hills; therefore we will fight against them in the plain and surely overcome them, Because they talked thus the Lord said by Ills second messenger that Fie would deliver this great multitude of Syrians into Alhab's hands, and so Isra- et stew 100,000 footmen of the Syrians In one day, and 0 wall fell upon `27,000 more and killed them, but nen-naiad made his escape and hid in an inner chamber (verses 23-30), The king of Syriac servants planned a scheme by which tbey might learn if Ahab ting Inclined to be merciful to him and spare trim. Abab called him "my brother" and salol, "Go ye, bring 19109," so they met and made a cove- nant one with the other (verses 31-34). This led to the Lord's sending a third messenger with a reproof for Ahab be- cause he had spared .Leu-hadad, and "the king of Israel went to his bone be=rry and displeased (verse Me. lee manacled miacled of Saul sparing Agree and also the hest of the sheep hind 0200, anct also of the Loral's message by Samuel, "Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice" (I Sam. xv, 0,-221. lit last week's lesson we saw Jezebel Possessed by the devil, and now we see two nen with the same trouble, lien-hadad and Ahab, and yet the Lord would have toed Ahab had he been trilling, hut be preferred n compromise with the icing of Syria italics than faithfulness to the God of Israel who had given him two such w ontlerfel victories. So it is still; the mighty God the God of Jacob is ready to bold strongly with alt those heats whole hole tort act Hain (11 Ch1 on xt i, 0, tent an), but many professed serv- ants or the Lord prefer to be friendly with Some Ben-hadad rather than be faithful to God and rebuke their sin. "friss' here and there" (terse 40) with mart r Mines that ate toot of God de- scribes the life of many a preacher, and either compromising with 50110121 n wree thieve because of the standing lr of thtnthree W'ri,<rcunsr.- who dothein than. re- ...._ 1. t,. d n, n- 0 1, s e a- re d n - ,V s 't t, d t h1, l e r s on e d 0 h• Ben-In/dad 0,woila'$ P iosibediRp; The osh Great English the e whole .- nervous system, makes new Blood ' in old veins, Owes Ne9'uoars I7sbilitf7 Mental and .rain PVs,'r%li 17es ori. doraop Loss of Energy, Palpitation or the 1icart, Xrktltrrg dlemei'y. Prioe $1 per box, six for Sao One will please, six will eureneotd by all drngg,sts or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of. price. Nero pamphlet mailed, free, THHE.wH00n MEnICINE Ce„ 908021 0. ofT. (fr;estde WIa1rsr. ONLY SIXTEEN, GIRL VERY SICK Fells How She Was Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. New Orleans, La. -"I take pleasure inwritingthese lime to express my grati- tude to you. I am only 16 years old and work in a tobacco factoe y. I have been a very sick girl but T have improved wonderfully since taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound and am now looking fine and feeling a thousand, times better," Ilrei -Miss AnELLI JAQUILLARD, 3961 Te- boupitoulas St, New Orleans, La. St. Clair, Pa. - "My mother wa s alarmed because T was troubled with suppression and had pains in my back and side, and severe headaches. I had pimples on myface, my complexion was sallow, my sleep was disturbed, i bad nervous spells, was very tired and bad no ambition. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-- etable Compound bas worked like a Charm in my caseandhasregulated me. I worked in a mill among hundreds of gide and have recommended your medi- cine to many of them. - Mis9ESTELLA< MAGUIRE, 110 Thwing St., St. Clair,Pa. There is nothing that teaches more than experience. Therefore, such let- ters from girls who have suffered and were restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should be a lesson to others. The same remedy is within reach of all. It yon want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (cond. dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. orrectors met 10 :teener.. A company meeting has been held in the trenches. A11 the directors of Vacher & Sons, Limited, the Parlete mentary printers, are at the front; and the auditors, Messrs. A. C. Robs erts, Wright & Co., have just receive ed the following amusing minute, signed by Capt. Stanley Low, chair• man of the company, and Capt. Goof, Prey Cox, director, "A meeting of the directors of Vacher & Sons, Limited, was held in a 'dug -out' In the trenches on Dec: 24, 1914, Present: Capt. Stanley Low, Capt. Geoffrey Cox. The direc- tors present were unable to deal. with the minutes of the last meeting, ow-' ing to the absence et the minute book. The accounts were considered and approved subject to confirmation at the general meeting of the cora-. pany. The directors present regret- ted the absence of their colleague Capt. Claude Low, whose where- abouts at the front are unknown to: them. There being no other business to transact0 the meeting closed with a ]hearty tote of thanks to the chair- man." __._._... Success is sweet; the sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles and defeuls.-A. 1rottaon Al- at0. Grand TrunkRaflway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Brace, North Passenger London, depart..... 8.30 a in 4.40 p m Oentrat]a 9.33 5,43 Exeter 9.44 5.54 T4eneall 9.55 5,05 fiippen 10.01 5.11 Bruoefleld 19. 6. Clinton U.0019 0.3519 Londeshoro........, 11.18 6.52 Blyth. 31.27 7.00 fielgreve 11.40 7.13 Wingham,-arrive11.54 7.'4 South l assen;e'51 Wingham, depart6.885 a in 8.3(1p Belgrave 6.50 3.44 Bl the8.58 Londshore 7, 4,04 (Jllnton 8.10 4.23 Brucefleld 8.27 4,39 RBI 8.135. ' 4.47 Hen 211 8.41 4,52 Exeter 8.54 6.05 Centralia 9.044 6.15 London, arrive...-10.00 6.10 Buffalo and tied erich Were Passenger 8tratford........10.00 12.30 6.26 10 25 Mitchell 10 22 12.55 5.55 10,41 Seaforth 10.45 1.20 8.18 11.19 One ton ...,11,07 1.85 6.40 11.2 H'o]mesotile 11.18 1,48 6.46 11,3 ' lxodn •ich o- i 1.1-., fl 0 2. U Zi1e5 1 East l'assentzer Gods. ich 7.05an a re 2.35 155 2 13ohnesville.., .. 7,22 2.52 ,5,10 Clintun 7.32 3 0S 5,10 Seatnrth 7,51 3.21 5:85 Mitchell$,16 844 5 59 Stratfora 40 145 6 $(I The New Era. 49TH :YEA1L "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE." W. Jit. K..ERR a M) i, Props. J. Leslie Kerr Business Manager New Era, One fear in advance$1.00 New Era, when not paid in ad- Wance.. .-- $1.50 New Era, tethe United States in .advance ---......... $1,50 Advertising Ra't'es on Application, Job work prices oelvan,ce on Ju1y 1St, 1013, in iaccordance with the Unroll Co. Press Assn - elation Ratter. OfficePhone 30 House Phone 95 •