HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-09-09, Page 6PA.GE Six, l IbI 1Fall 51111 You WCPe IbioKing of ? We are now readywith a complete range of new fall suitings, to take your order and make you up a suit that in fit, style and finish will be excelled by none, An Men Buying' New Clothes Want Their Money's Worth and They Get et it at Brown's. By money's worth we mean the fullest and completest value in fabric. fit and fashion that money can bay, Most men's clothing stores that we know of sell pretty good clothing. But BROWN'S clothing store holds to a standard in choice of fabrics and in actual detail of making that places our clothing in a class by itself, Brown's men's suits, whether high priced or low priced, to satisfy us, must be better and we see to it that they are better. The "pretty good" kind won't do. Our Men's Clothing Store steeps its Customres night with Fashion When you order a suit made at Iiraii'n'S you can depend upon it being thoroughly reliable in every way. It is not the material of which a garment is made alone that counts. It is the hundred and one little details in the making Glad fitting which bring about the effect that only a skilled tailor can produce. We stand behind every garment that leaves our work room and will guarantee style, fit and finish that will suit the most fastidious taste. We can give you the very suit you are looking for—supposing, of course, you are looking for a good suit—all wool in fabric and correctly tailored. We Also carry a Full Line of Men's Furnishings Women's Store lien's Store r N'S Merchant Tailoring and Ilion's rurnislnings Phone 103 Dry Goods and lionse Furnishings Phone 67 THE CLINTON NEW ERA. DUR�� JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed tet Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON SpiceQuality will determine the Success of your iPickles and Preserves The pickling season is with us once again. No bousewite wants to take chances on having her pickles spoiled by poor ingredients. The kind we sell can be depended upon. Quality is the feature of ours, Spices and Vinegar IU bulk spices we have an excellent assortment including, ground allspice, cloves, pepper, mixed spice, ground cinnamon, celery seed, mustard seed, tumeric, curry powder and whole mixed spice. Whole pickling spice will be in special demand. We have a quality article at 40e per lb. Also in 5 and 10 et, packages. It pickles are to keep the quality of the vinegar must he good, It ie false economy to buy poor vinegar because it is a few cents less. We have .Eeinze's special pickling Vinegar, Don't forget sealers, rings and seal- ing wax, 'HIGHEST PRICES FOR WETTER ANAA,, EGGS. Jrti Phone 111 SEM • TILE STOVE OF QUALITY Melina Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection, Light in eon structiou and design tut ex- tremely well inane in,every cle• tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Huron o buyallkinds ofFurnitnre '.tivrr.EM3aameMMamINV..-or�aim BAIL (8v .A.TKI]'TSO Furniture Dealers and Funeral 'Directors—Phone 104 N. Ball 110 atESID'ENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 186 NEW FALL FOOTWEAR The New Models we are showing in Footwear for the fall and winter and winter season faithfully re- produce all the style features of the highest priced custom-rnade. We can meet every possible requirement you may have in our line, at moderate -expense. We guarantee thorough satisfaction with every pair, They, are Refined Styles, made of the best material, and easily take the lead for Quality and Value. We are showing an especially good. line of Women's Shoes, in all leathers, buttoned or laced T ,, at $3.5o. hese we have just received and an ,p acein stock. iniellneneermeinninner ISI• S• Phone 70 • e14 MAN elreaseammem Clinton BIG CROWDS AT TORONTO Clinton and vielnity is .sending its qu.oto to, the big fair. at Tor- onto last week and also this week, WENT TO WINGHAM IT,any lacrosse sports from Clin- ton went+to Winham on Labor Day to see the match between 'Or- angeville and and Wingham. The game was a tie 6-6. OFIOUSE OF REFUGE COMMITTEE MET HERE MONDAY The'Flouse ofeitfege Committee of the Huron Cr. Council met here on'M:oshday of this week to trans act business, MINOR LOCALS, Next holiday will now be Thanks giving Day. The Collegiate opened on Tues- day of this week, Toronto Fair still continues to draw the crowds 'from this section Did you go away for Labor Day Do your Christmas shopihing, ,early, but wive some for the taxes Let ushope that we will have la fine '''summer" this fall, ,FAREWELL TO CONGREGATION On Sunday morning in the ele- ven o'clock service, Capt„ the Rev, C E. Jeakins rector of St. Jude's church, celebrated Holy Communi- on with his congregation for the last time before leaving as chap- lain with the 68th Batt/Won, for ,overseas service, There were a very large number of communi- cants present and the sermon preached by the rector waste leery impressive one. Rec.. Mr, Stotts formerly of the Onondaga par- ish assisted in the service, while dining the. offertory Miss (Elsie Senn sang very sweetly "0 Truss in the Lord" tHandel). Previcius to the sermon Rev. Mr. Jeakins took occasion, to than], the vastry of Cthe church for granting him leave of absence, so that his con - rection with St. ,Trade's would not be entirely broken off, He an- nounced that during his absence, his father, Rev. 14Ir. Jeakins o£ , the Wa'ierloo parish, Quebec, would take charge of the ,work at St;.; Jude's, He would bel present fotr 'Pnitl) and its results,'" was : the tubjeet of the rector's sermon at the morning service, he taking as his text the stolyt of the ten le p- tcrs, as given in Luke Yvii ;14. "As they went they were' healed." In beginning a his se • b g non Rev,. + Jeakins pointed out that faith sas absolutely essential not only to the religious life, essential, to es;q y walk of lite. Science and business equally as well as religion demand ed • faith The business man who succeeded was the man who had faith in the future of his city and who acts upon that faaitli• The main thing in the healing of .the ten lepers was that they ,.setas with faith. As they went they wore healed Just as soon as they aced they were healed, The cure depended on their aetipn. There was a strong relationship between faith and the two spheres ,of ,tile seen and t'he'rrieelen, 1t was at this point thrit faith. and obedience came into cant=tet. "If arig man will do His will; he, shall know of the dccttrine." Not by studying or by needless po-.dar- ing, but by doing would one come eomr io kno 1 of. the Divine will and of '- the doc+tbine, The Holy Cemmuniore ghat a d• op mystery it, was. What cA sad feet ibat so so much of Christian bigotn y cen- tered around the Tabl3 of th'e Lord Be' altee all'a>.gumeuts pro and con had been given, tha oi;le and the only way to leallyunder.-i Stand the Mystery of the Commun ion was partaking of it. Then would follow the joy 'of obeying God's comivatd. "Do ti,is in re- membrance of hie," The same op- plied to .he other great mystteries ,of the Chrisyiar, faith, the cruci- fixion, and baptism). The Law .of obedience was just au true 'here and if 0130 obeyed then ,thp joy folio vs. Commence and live (, a the religion of Christ Ini your daily life and your, doubts will flee away. You Will Bold no mere ,opinion ore theee .mallter, hut you will know that your Redeanaer liveth," said the speaker in coos eluding,. .,.. , Utilizes every •heat unit.' Flues -arranged so heat is forced to travel over top of oven in 14eCiar nm 0' Thursday, September 6, 7816; e down behind it and twice un- der the bottom before escap- ing to chimney. See the McClary dealer. sI Sold by Marla:=d Bros. a AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 4 444 4 4 4 Local News ► 1' 5' YYYVVVVVYVYVVYVYVV'VVVV,'V,JWVVVYVVYVIVvvvV!YvV'1r6 '1 SHAREHOLDERS .5 17ST 1'A 1 Shareholders of the defunct Suver eign Bank in Wyoming are being vis iced by the bailiff, as many of them have refined to pay the double Habil sty EASY ON THE WATER WAGON. August was so wet that it only cost Lite Council :MAS for street watering old Probe didn't render his account in time for meeting. WHAT ABOUT CLINTON? The London City Council ;will take measures to compeliuotor• cycles to have mufflers. The nui- sance is not half so, had in .Clin- ton as some autg' owners leaving their exhaust open, which is a- gainst the law. T,et the police put a stop to this nuisance. HYDRO POWER INTERRUPTION An interruption in the local hy- dro lighting and power supply oc- curred about 0.30 o'clock Monday night and lasted for about fifteen minutes. Trouble on the high - ter Sion lines outside the town was blamed for the intterruption, No power was receiyetl in town all all during the intierrnption. JEWISH =W. YEAR, Wednesday evening was the com meneement of the Jewish New Year, and the festival will becon- tinued today and 'Fridta •. The Jewish New Year is the oldest of all festivals celebro(crd in the ,cis-ilized world and is unique for its significance cis web as for les antiquitlr. "The eeeular hew yell. 'on January 1, is e clay of gratifi- cation, men rejoice in what they Have achieved, It is :r day for sordid inventories, whereas tete Jewish New ''aer is a time for serious thought on the meaning of ',life. It evokes plus eontempiation of the difficult problems as to the tight and wrong and its'appealis clot that we slhoulcl get ntot•e 0131 of practical life," said Rabbi Price of Toronto in commenting 031 21i occasion.. as • o WITH TWO CHURCHES, e • 6 • e•eeseeeeeeetbleeessa ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Rev. J. A, Robinson, the new rector, will commence his new duties next i Sunday WILLIS CHURCH The minister, Rev. 1.0, Harper, will conduct both services nett Sunday Sunday, Sept, 28, will be Rally Day in the Sunday School Miss L. McArthur, deaconess in training at Toronto, will address the Girls Club of Willis Church. in the lecture room on Monday evening next, Sept, lath, at 8 o'clock. ONTARIO ST. CHURCH. Sunday School opened for fall and winter work. Large number of mem hers present, `Every teacher and off", cep in their plane with one exception Preparations are being made for Rally Sunday, Some •very special features this year The quartett of choir were busy people last Sunday. They gave a se Iehtion.at both servines also gang for the Sunday School in the afternoon. Jen Weir sangN patriotic selection for the Sunday School which was veil much enjoyed WESLEY CHURCH: The regular meeting of the W.M.F, will be held to day in 111e lecture room Last Sunday evening Mrs. R, Cheri esworth of Pore Arthur (nee Miss Zhda McRae) sane, "He Wipes the Tear Il from every Eye" Misses Gladys and Irene Keller sang i a duet at the morning service. Next Sunday morning Mr. 0. 0. Grant, B.A., will give an address en the work of the Reacting Camp PAT y 1 Do not tiiirget the Business Meeting ill Connell Chamber on Friday of this Reels Important to Every Member SHIPPING TO LONDON .LAIR On Saturday of th's week Messrs Geo. Dale and Fred Nott are shipping 10 horses down to the Western Fair We expect to see a good many red ribbons on ibis bunch WILL TEACH AT TORONTO Mr, Norman Mureh, son of Mr, and Mrs. Thos, March, of Stratford and formerly of this section has gone to Toronto to accept hie new position on the teaching staff of the University' School there at 51,700, lir Murch relinquished a position as pub lie school teacher in Toronto to accept his new situation RESOLiTTION Cr APPRECIATION Brantford Expositor,—Ai tiueet- irg of the numbers of thq Brant- ford Ministerial alliance was held Labor Day in the Y. R' ,C. A., the first part of the gathering baking the form of a banquet, to which the members of the associatin and their wives wets invited, A most delightful repast was served to the guests and four new meml;ers Molesting Rev. W. E. Baker, or Col borne street, Rev. J. R. teeters, of Marlboro, Rev. Dr. Henderson, of Wallington anct Rev. W. Smyth, of Sydenham street Methodist churches, were welcomed as mem- bers of the 4issociatlion. Fol- lowing the banquet, the president Rev. A L. Lavett, made n Huang reference`'to the departure of Rev C. E. Jeakins, who leaves to -day for Niagara, where has (receivged the appointment of chaplain of the 55t1•. Battalion, Rev. H. A, Woodside, pastor of Zion Pres- byterian church, then moved a re- solution of atrue. ciatloe to, Rev. Jill. Jeakins, ids resolution being seconded by Rev. Diatthew Kelly, pastor of Congregational church, Rev. Jealcros responded feelingly to the reading of the resolution, which fellows.—')`hat as an asso- ciation we do hereby record our appreciation of Rev. C. E. Jeakins, B. A.,, B. D., our esteemed brottiyee and fellow laborer in placing him- self at the disposal of our 'govern- ment for chaplaincy of the 68th Battalion for /overseas service,t shat as IS workman we have found him both ardent and efficient in the religious communion to which phi; belongs, and manifesting a wide sympathy in pal! other religi- ous and humanitarian activities in the city, that we assurre him hie ni e ofi1eactee his e[ei- cut mes- sages ad kindly judgment will be missed in the councils of our also siation, that we , recommend Mrs. Jeakins and Master Reginald, as well as himself and lois work, ,to Cho guidance of the Divine Spirit and the sustaining grace. of 'sour loving Lord and brothers separa- tion from this fant:ly asweil nsfrom the city, owing to continuance Of the war, may in the mysterious pro vinee of G,od be of the shortest 'possible duration, ---- TRY -- CONNER'S UTTER c SF SMALL BREAD The Bread of Quality Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary Made in Clinton, Ontario Phone 2o2 5c Loaf r School Ontfitters And invite you to do your buying at our store Everything you need will be found here in good assortment and value The W. D. Fair eo. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 15$518 Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, y as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy ,we have ever'scld. Nothing else will so readily relieve a cough. Try it - Dispensing. Chemist THE PENSLAR DRUG STORE impeseamemeezeseessommtesenneteseneweeeens Furniture, Rugs & L inoieuni We can assist you in selecting your • Furniture; if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only scant some odd pieces. You will fled it to your Advanta to inspect our stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Onr Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction J 'Undertaker and Funeral Director. phone 28. Night mid Sunday Calfs answered at Residence over store DOLLARS COUNT The: corner Store "Live and Let Live" The Spice Makes the Pickles ' Have yotl over observed that some pickles and meat sauces have different flavors from others ? The cause lies in the Spice and Vinegar used, Our Mixed Pickling Spice as well as our other Spiceg are se - lc ctocl 1:ith the, utmost' care—You cannot go wrong in using them. Allspice. Let us give you a price bre your Cuinomon whole or ground. plumbing( or 'Furnace and see the Cloves, whoa: and grolund, Dollars' we can save y'ou, Curry Powder, Mace, Tumeric, Agents for Hecto Furnaces • Celery n Seed, whole Mixed, .." Pickling Sp..,l. All to kirds • of good duality -Vine eas select from. We have the' P:GR,FECT SEAL and CROWN Band Jams, Thos• lluwkins Plumbing and [eating Silo _ y ,•• nniford p o eI Ate laud s hardware Phone 53 PHONE 45: 44+.14.+++++++14,£.+++++.4,4.0.40 4441+++.4.44+++++++t++++,14++4 e GETTING DOWN I TO FACTS i 41 i•s+$* +t4 +++1'1'4'44.44 'i', �n �t�Yt:1h:'t;�'sr_w'3�.31iS•�F�f'��fe_'II';:li'1'�F3!`E E'#_'t'.3ti:� ' � ... - . IMIDEMNOMMENOMMEMERMIIMBINIMIIIMI We think our shoes take the topmost position in every particular— For Style, Fit, Quality, Durability We believe our shoes are generally conceded even by our competitors, to be Shoes of Unusual Excellence The same careful attention is given to the style, fit and dependable , n p ndable quality of our $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 shoes as is given to our:shoes costing $5,00 or $6,.00, Getting down to-facts—we believe your shoe money will do better work here than it will at any other store. , Shoes for Men, for Women, for the School Boy and Girl, for Very Little People, and Infants FRED. JAeIKS'VN a