HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-09-09, Page 3I One Thousand and One New Thili¢s to See Tbureday, September 9, 1016 THD CLINTON NEW ERA W. BRYIJONB BARIEISTER SOLICITOR DIOTARY PUBLIC, ETO CLINTON DAARLRS B. }IALE Oenneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Huron St„ Clinton, H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer," Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 14 Fire In Burnam Companies,: Division Court Office. Piano Tll n ng Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and , repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 6i, will receive prompt attention, M. G Cameron, I.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper, In Clinton: on every Thursday; and on env day for which appointments are made, Office hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p m. ' A. good vac lb in connection with the office. Office open every week day,Mr o0 er will mai e any oppointmetsfor Mr. Cameron. Medi�.aJ• DR 1. W. TAOMPSOE Pliysicisn, Surgeon. Eto eseoial attenti n Niven to dieeaees of the Eye. Earl Throat and Nose. 'bee ea efully samined, and suitable 'glasses prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors west of theCommercial .Hots Huron St. LUIS. CL'M and GA 9111ITIt Dr. W. Gunn, L, R. C, P., L. R. C. s.. Eat Dr. Omen's office at aeaidence High Street Dr. J. C. handler. D.A. Mat, Office -Ontario Street, 011eton. Sightoalts at residence, Battenbory St. or at hospital OR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON. ocoeehevr. cite„ office and residence on lenbery Street.. DR. F. E. EKON otsavien a Clown and Bridge Work aSpecialty.'a Graduate of C.O.D.S..; Chicago, and 1.0.D.a Toronto. Hayfield on Mondays, May 1st to D IDR. II. FOWLER, DFINTiST. Officers over O'NEIL'S-store. Spsoial Dare talten to make dental creat mart as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRV Live stook and general Auction ser GODERIOH ONT Pia!mstoca sales a apemen/ O.deee lit, t New klsa office, Clinton precuts,' abtende to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale nota dieconnte& G. D. McTaggart M. D. MaTaggar Bart Bros.. 13Fthili;BRS ALBERT ST , CLINTO'ii .t, General Earelair1B HutsII58SP tr®®giA::tetS ,ROTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed a deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire insuraince eo. Farm and Isolated Town Prays arty Only Insured. Bead Oilier-Seaforth, Ont OFFICERS. J, B. McLean, Seaforth, President J. 'Connolly, Goderich Vice -Pres. Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, See: Treas Directors -D. McGregor, Sea - forth; J, G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. Rhin! Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin; J. Evans, Beechwood; A. McEwen, Brucefield; J, B. McLean Seaforth: T, Connolly, Godericb Robert Ferris, HarIocit. Agents -Ed. Hinchley, Seaforth; W. Chesney, Eg neondville; J. W. Yeo. 'Holmesville; Alex. Leitch, Clinton: R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen A Carload of Canada Por'tian Cement Phone us for prices It will pay you John Hutton LONDESBORO Drs. Geo. & M. E. Whitley Ileilemamn Osteopathic Phy.. Specialists in Women's and• Childress's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders IHye, Ear, Nose, mad Throat, CONSULTATION FREE. Office=Rattlenbury 'Hotel. Tuesday' and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. FORD & McLEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on band, A'Lfalfa; Aleike, and Red Clover. We always 'have, on hand --Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley, and Feed Corn Highest Market Price, paid for Ray and ail Grains. ORD& McLEOD Ontario's Best Business College Our instructora arae experienc- ed. Pupils get individual atten- tion and graduates are placed in ' poeitioi s. We are receiving ap plications we cannot meet, Stu dents may enter at any time. Send for our free catalogue and see if it interests you D. A. McLachlan, Principal Pruitry Wanted Now that the poultry fattening sea son is approaching, we're in a position to handle all your poultry at the top market prices, New Laid Eggs We are still paying a premium for large. clean, New Laid Eggs not over four days old. It will pay you to take the very best care of your eggs and sell them to us where you receive city prices for choice quality. Easifirst Shortening Have you tried Gunn's Easifirst Shortening? Better and cheaper than lard. Gunn's Cured Heats Now is the time of year to use our Cured Meats. A fresh supply received Weekly. Seed Wheat If you want good Seed Wheat that will grow. call on us before you buy 'rho Gena -1 anglais Co., Limited The up-to-date Firm, , Clinton Phone 190. N. W. TREWARTHA, W. ,JENKINS 4 C • Pioiios See and here our finest New Stylish designs. of Doherty Pianos and. Organs, special values in Art Cases P aPianos and organs rent ed. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & i variety goods. Huse Emporium 4 4 4 C. Hoare e D fS` SIMSIrcY•GVV®RVs a NORTH END FEET) STORE Seed earn On Hand -A. large stock Of Corn, Mango's, and Turnip Seed, which will be Bold AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Secure Your Order for Fertilizer Potash For Your Root Crop. We will mix it for you at 'the store. Agent for Heintzman Pianos :Old ones taken in exchange,,ainr"' balance on easy terms; FRANit W. EVANS TERMS CASH. PHONE 192 GRAND5UJHI SYs EM "Western Fair" London RET URN: /TICKETS at reduced fares to London from sta- tions in Ontario, Belleville, Scotia Junction and south or west thereof. Special train service and low rate excursions from principal points on certaindatest Ask agents for full particulars Special train for London will leave Clinton Junction 7.12 a.m. on Sept,. 14th, 15th, and 16th Time Tittle Changes Effective Sept, 12th, Information now in agents hands Panama Pacific Exposition Reduced fares to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Information and tickets on applica' tiou to agents John Raneford & Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 a. O., Pattison; atation agent PAGE THREE NOt•0••••N•••.♦t••••0••••000ps0!••e♦®®••••4••e•f•� THF EAm'Ei V • wp�p j Local News PHYSICIAN Made Welt By Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Philadelphia, Pa -"I bad a severe case of nervous prostration, with palpi- tation of the heart, constipation, • head- aches, dizziness, noise in my ears, timid, nervous, rest- less feelings and sleeplessness. "I read in the pa- per where a young woman had been cured of the same troubles by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound so I threw away .he medicines the doctor left me and be- gan taking the Compound. Before I 'had taken half a bottle I was able to sit up and in a short time I was able to do all my work. Your medicine has proved itself able to-do all you say it will and I have recommended it in everyhousehold I have. visited" -Dire. MART JOHNSTON, 210 Siegel Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Another Bad Case. Ephrata, Pa. -"About a year ago I was down with nervous prostration. 1 was pale and weak and would have hys- teric spells, sick headaches and a bad pain under my shoulder -blade. I was under the care of different doctors but did not improve. I was so weak I could hardly stand long enough to do my dishes. "Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com- pound has made me well and happy and I have begun to gain in .weight and my face looks healthy now." -Mrs. J. W. HOIINBERGEIt, R. No. 8, li ibrata, Pa,. It yon want special advice write to Lydia E. Ptnkhani Medicine Co. (confl• deatial) •Lynn,lllass. Tour letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict eanadeaca RUSS TOMMY'S HUMOR The Princess Pierre Troubetskoi-, Amelia Rives, the novelist -tells a story, of a Russian soldier. This sol- dier, at the end of the 1915 winter campaign, was invalided home, and his aged master, hearing that he had done well in the trenehe8, said to him: "Well, Ivan, I have had good reports of you, Tell me what reward ou would like me to give you for your splendidly patriotic work." Barin," said the mujik, "if you'll stye me enough silver roubles to stretch from one ear to the other, P11 be content." "But that seems a very small re- ward," said the old count. "It's enough for me, brain," said the mu jhik, with a laugh, and, lifting Cha long hair that fell upon the left side of his face, he showed that his left ear was missing -'he had left 1t on the battlefield of Stary Somber. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. d safe, reliable repuratin,' mediecie. Sold in three de. grim of strength -No, 1, 52; No. 2, 51; No. 3, Se per box, Sold by all druggists, or scot prensitl on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address; THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TORONTO. ONT. (Formerly Medlar.) NEW GERMAN TORPEDOES Quickly and "Cheaply" Made But Can. not Go Far According to the latest information, the Germa" torpedoes have a range of from 1,000 to 1,500 yards, Instead of carrying 250 pounds or 300 pounds of guncotton or other high explosive, the instruments have a charge of but 100. bounds or less, Because of the shorter range and lighter weight, the ordinary intricate mechanism is simpli- tied. Indeed, some of the propelling parts necesary in the greater torpedo are omitted. Probably the most valu- able saving is in the time of construe- tion. These torpedoes aro built and completely tested in five months, while ten months or a year is required to perfect a long-range instrument. The new torpedo costs about $2,260, This does not include the explosive oharge. The German long-range tor- pedo, 10,000 yards, costs $15,000, while the intermediate range torpedo, 4,000 to 7,000 yards, costs about $0.500, A Noted British Soldier General Sir Ian Hamilton is a na- e of Greece, having been born in rfn at a time when the Britiell were military possession .of the Ionian islands. Sir Ian is a "Kitchener man" lasving served' with the Sirdar in Inapt and in India. He was with Ro-r.. harts in the Afghan war of 1878, was the march from Cabul to Kande: flpr and to one of the few survivors the disastrous South African bat- �tie of Malabo. Bill in 1881. Suffered From S it Rheum FOR MANY YEARS. Burdock Blood titters Cured Her. Salt Rheum or F.,czema is one of the most painful of all •skin diseases, and it not attended to irnmediately may be- come very deep seated. Give the blood a good cleansing by the use of that grand. old medicine Burdock Blood Bitters. This sterling remedy has been on the market for the past forty years, and is the best blood cleanser on the market to -day, Mrs. William 11. Fowlie, Cole's Island, N.B„ writes: "I have been a sufferer from salt rheum for a good many years, and was so bad I could -not do my own work. I tried a good many medicines, but they All failed to do me any good until, I tried Burdock Blood Bitters. I had not taken one bottle until I found a great change, and I ammost thankful, fpr trying it. I hope that every other sufferer from saltn rhea r will try B.B.B." Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactur- ed only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toreat9, 0O ., . . ••••....00...ON.•..•.•...4►•••••••••••4••..6 OOOir.•• READ THE ADS You cannot devote five minutes to reading the ads without learning some fact of actual value and importance to you, Test the matter � r Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 'CAS-rO FR IA SOME OHIOIGENS! 6t. Minnesota local paper contained the following notice the other day,- "I have been instructed by the village Council to enforce the ordinance again st chickens running at large and rid ing bievcles on the sidewalk"; -Harry Shells Village Marshall. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTQRIA THE USE OF GASOLINE - Iit r should be known by every- body in the days of gasoline 'amps ands stoves that gasioline will not explodes until its fumes have been mixed with ail least six parts of. atmoapherid ?air, Gasoline wi11 catch) fire as' quickly as any liquid known, but let it( alone and it will burn out, doing no damage ,and leaving no( (scar or sign of fire. Mixed with air in proportions men 'boned) it 1 is far more dangerous than dynamite. No receptacle of thin Liquid should ever' be left un- corked. Toi do so is to `make the rgom where Its, is kept far Wor'aei than a ' powder magazine, This Matter of safely handling gaeoine la very, easy, and no one should ignorant'of' how to use it. STRAYED,; ANIMALS. If an animal strays tojone's pre- mises it should' be adveritised at once in' the local paper,The law , 510 very; strict on this point and holdd rigidly to accountany per- son neglecting to advertise strayed animals. If ,the owner does roti claim' the animal after it has bean advertised the legal number bf times,' the Township Clerk must then be notified. The animal is then sold by public auction tinder authority of the Township: Clerk, and the balance-afterpaying tex- pense of - advertising, etc. -is de- posited in the Bank. If the owner: tul'ns' up • after all this Inas been done, the money, in,.itlhe Flank' is paid over to,him and Oat closes the whole mabfter. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S p CASTORIA DESTRUCTIVE THISTLE APPRARS The perennial South Thistle, as it: Oa commonly known in many countries, has been discovered in Kent county, It is one of (the worst weeds known to botanists, etanda about three feet in height, "Fruit -a -tires" is the Standby in This Ontario Home SCOTLAND, Ont,, Aug. 25th, 1913. "Iffy wife was a nrarlyrlo Conslipalion. We tried everything on the calendar without satisfaction, and spent large' sums of money, until Ivo happened on 'IPruit. tives'. We have used it in, the family for about two years, and we would not use anything else as long as we can get "Fruit-a-tives;" J. W.'IlAMMONi). "FRUIT-A-TI'VE+S" is made from fruit juices and tonics -is mild in action -and pleasant in taste. 60c. a box,'6 for $160, trial size 25c. At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa. has a slim, rounder, green stock, with a flower similar to the 'dande- lion in' both b shape and n color. leaved also resemble those of� the dandelion, and the stock bears soft prieker's, The plants spread b��� y,, root stalks and seed, The South) Thistle is one of the mostltldatrue two plants and very bad (t'e ' kill 1Farmers are hvanned tor get to work at once tooting it up. 'It is supposed that the weed was brought1 ix( froth the Stiaites in a boat• car. rows Opeii Millions OTR /C//^°RAS hie LANO forSettler. ]Tie New fEI?`Zel' CfOP_.f'1ll 7&'s land isat \ 1iasierLake STRIKING FACTS IN GOVT. REPORT Building of Grand. Trunk Pacific. Lime Reveals Many Fertile Valleys in B.C. "The 'Back to the Land' movement 1s taking place steadily but sure- ly throughout the province of -,British Columbia and if this movement isdi- rected along right lines we shall soon be supplying our own- markets and eventually exporting." Such is the declaration made by Mr, W. D. Scott, Deputy Minister of Agri- culture in the British Columbia Gov- ernment. This official, with Mr, W. T. McDonald, Live Stook Commissioner, has just returned from an extended tour through the central portion of the provinceforthe purpose of examining and reporting upon the new country along the Grand Trunk Pacific's Trans- continental Line, now open for through passenger service. In his report, the Deputy Minister says:-- There have been many opinions ex- pressed about the lands in Central British Columbia contiguous' to the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific. Our observations led. us conclusively to the opinion that this part of the province es a country, the future of which Is assured as'a•srocdr raising and mixed farming country. After leaving Prince Rupert, on the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, there le practically no land suitable for agricultural purpoeee un- til Terrace is resebed, 100 miles from um e Iii T Prince 'Rupert, Hero the is fa leen and Lairelse Valleys extend on each side of the S7ceena River. There ie probably an area of 250,000 aeres.of land in .these two valleys suitable for agriculture. Considerable development. has been effected lately in th. Ttltsum Kalem Valley. The clearing here, in comps -Hem' with our coast districts, ie comparatively light. The sof]' is very productive and is well suited for gen- eral mixed farming purposes. Dairy- ing, poultry raising and' small fruit and Vegetable growing may be prosecuted successfully. The dietriet is particul- arly well euited for growing ,straw- berries and other small fruits, the quality of the berries being very high and realizing good prices on the Prince Rupert market," at The Buckley Valley. ."Our nest. stop was at Smithere, in the centre of the famous Bulldog 'Pal. ley. A1 very large amount of develop- ment work has been, undertaken dur- ing the peat year in this magnificent d . :wok oh* 0.2zif &ova ori zfiere .Ya11 La g valley. Thequality of a large proper - 5100 of the land is all that could be desired, and very good crops are raised: thereon. Crops of oats promising to run 100 bushels to the acre were seen, and all prospectswere most encourag- ing, Farmers are realizing that the time has arrived when they should de- velop their lands, and land -clearing operations are in evidence on all sides. "It is difficult to estimate the amount of land suitable for agriculture in this wonderful valley, but it runs intomany; hundreds of,thouso.nds of acres.; , Necheth Valley. "Proceeding along, the brie ' of the Grand Trunk Pacific, Fraser Lake is reached. A coneiderab a number of settlers have 'gonelnto this.. district lately and are proceeding to clear land and develop' their holdings; The next stop was at Vanderhoof, in the centre of the famous Nechacho Valley. We were immensely Impressed with ,the enormous extent of good land in the Neehacbo Valley, most of which can be cleared at a very low cost indeed. A large number of settlers have gone in there, and on all sides one seers signs of activity. Settlers' log houses are springing up 1n every direction, and ooneiderable energy ie being shown by most of them in clearing their lands and getting them into: apps. k'lelds' 100 acres in extent In grain were not- iced. "There are many tracts ofgood ag- ricultural land adjacent to Prince George, whilst at the same time there is a considerable area of jack pine land, where the eon is light and there- fore is not the best land for agricul- tural purposes, "The wonderfulcountry visited be- tween Iiazelhon and Prince George has a great future ahead of it, now that transportation has been effected. 1t is a big country with a big future, and, as soon as thnea improve aed conditions, right themselves, a big _for- ward movement must take place. The country traversed 'grows magnificent crops of timothy, oats and barley, Wheat may also be -grown successful- ly if care is exercised in getting- the seed sown as early as Possible so es to avoid damage from frosts: Potatoes and other vegetables and small fruits do very well, but. my Observations lead me to the conaluslon that this part of the province is not adapted fox grow - Mg tree fruits oommerciallyet Certain of the hardier Varieties may be grown all right for home use, but every ef- fort should be made to prevent, this country being advertised by any in- terestedties as .s suitable wtabla for mercial tree fruit growing. It le, par exoellenee, ;a stock and mixed farming cotiritry." A Christian college -home, healthful situation. For prospectus and terme,wrlte the Principal R.I.Warner,M.A.,D.D,,St.Thornas,Ont. 61 College in Session Sept 1st to, July; (`atalogLe FrQe )Iffier anytirtl'eli J W ;UlYpst 1 )in c, ai' . Canadian --.N • atrnal EnIIITION TORONTO slaw War $150,Ooo 3 "PAtTRIOTIC YEAR" Model Military Camp Destruction of Battleships Battles of the Air MAMMOTH Military Display MARCH OF THE ALLIES Perm under Cultivation Million In Livestock Government Exhibits THRILLING Naval Spectacle REVIEW OF THE FLEET Belgian Art Treasures Creatore's Famous Band Biggest Cat and Dog Show I WAR TROPHIES I Field Grain Competition Greater Poultry Show Acres of Manufactures REDUCED RAILWAY RATES FROM ALL POINTS 1 1 Dealers hi Pedlar Galvanized Shingles, Corrugated Iron, Felt and Slate Roofing, 1 'SIT ARE c Eavetroughing, } Plumbing and Heating, Lightning Rods. 'Call or phone for prices. Repairs promptly done, Byam Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7.9' DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH A ATCH is a delicate piece.. al machinery. Ito calls for less attention than most znachinery, but must be ;cleanest and oiled occasilgnalty to keeto, priest time. A" With proper care a Waltham (Watch will keep perfect tine for a lifetime. It will pay yea well to let us clean your watch Veil 72 or 58 months. Edison Records and Supplies a.ter Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses,