HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-09-02, Page 4PAGE POUR. SUNDAY CLINTON NEW ERA eytttatlig siierl ntv. 1101. Ir. ,yes w ui vain, for i'herl 11'111 na answer of any kind, and no unseen I>o,vrrr regarded thein cries (2t1-211). We may treader: why the devil uatss-. ed such an'opportunity to honer his worshippers, for the tine Will cease when he will send tire ('row heaven (Rev. i i11, 131, but heea17 donought with- out permission from (god, and he wa, ceeeeeeseetyeC,IPeseti eeel."+„e sew 14 1(ly ies11 (11ted this time. Now cell- .t • seder Elijah as ht. 'called Cho people to 3 men an, Events! g him rapaired the altar of the 1:nrc1 and: 6,100,6 ayn60, ,3006tiv�t'0940msee;1 taking twelve ,tones to ltpsweet the twelve trilies•of iayreei, blit- an 01101' in the mune of the Lord, put the wood'in order„ tiropnre(l the sacrifice and drenched thesv{iole with twelve 11112- r rels of enter 011(11 the tl 1ler t;l11 about the altar and filled the trench .130 35). {{{9Listen nod' to rtijah t111ui to his S God net cryul .flood nut \v?l11 fi chot ® nr demonstration of any kind Lint calmly. ,with quietness tied eoI bl.nce. "Lord clod of Abraham. of Isaac and of Israel, let it be Egan1 1 51 ay 1 1s thou art God 91( Israel, nod that i am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at they 'word, Hoar me, 0 Lord, hear ate, .that this people may know tilat Thou art 1he Lord (loci and tat Thou bast turned their (melt back again." 13ow the great multitude must have listened to this simple prayer and how intently they watched this lonely nem of God!' We. too. baro been tr,tcl1ine; hila and listening to 11901 talking to his God, the God of Israel. the only living. and true God, and no)v behold the nn - Lesson X. -Third Quarter, For Sept. 5, 1915. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, I (Kings xviii, 00- 39 --Memory Verses, 36, 37 -Golden Text, Pray. xv, 29 -Commentary Pre- pared by Rev. D. M. Catosrns. tt Elijah had been so sefe)y'hidden by the Lord dtu•lug the three years that though Ahab had seltrelied for hits ev- eiywbere, in all lauds, lie could not be found (verse 10). lluw safe are those whom the Lord hides, and all Elis re- deemed are hid with Christ in God (Col. iii, L'; E. sxxiii, 22; Ise. it, 10; 7ieph, D, 3). As by the word of the Lord he was seat into hiding nt Cher- dth and Sarepta, so by the same word he is now commanded to thew himself to Ahab (evil. 2, 8; mill, 1). He was indeed a man of God. God's represent- ative, Acting only 1'or God and in Elis name, and, as in the resurrection of the widow's son he foresbadoveed Him who is the resurrection and the life, so the words "show thyself" remiud ns of Rini who after Elis resurrection from the deed "showed Himself olive" again and again dining the forty days (John mai, 1, 4; Acts 1, 3). We are glad to meet Obadiah, whose name means "servant of Jehovah," and to see him saving the fife of and caring for a hundred of the Lord's prophets (sviil, 4, 13). As we see him the governor of Ahab's house we think of Joseph In Egypt overseer of Poti- educes house (Gen, Ssxis, 1.0). Good men are often In d= cult places for the glory, of God. As Obadiah and Ahab area each his way to search for grass gorthe horses Ellie]] met Obadiah and eidhim to tell Aliab that he was on (sesta, 8, 11, 14). Obadiah was at first afraid that Elijah might again disappear, but on being assured that Gti'would surely shew himself to Ahab tie' went to meet Ahab and told him, and Ahab went to meet Eiijjah (xviii, 15,16). Fearlessly Elijah accused Ahab at forsaking the Lord and serving Baal and ordered him to gather all Israel end the prophets of Baal to Mount Carmel, and this Ahab- did, for the word of the Lord in the mouth of Eli- jah lijah .was with power (xviii, 17-20). Elijah boldly demanded of the people to decide whether they would follow Jehovah or Baal and not continue batt- en between two opinions. But the people 'were dumb. Then be said that, though be was but one against 450, he 'would suggest a test and that they' should worship the God who answered by'fire, and to this they agreed (21-24). 33e gave the prophets of Baal the first 'opportunity, Ad. following his instruc- tions, they prepared their sacrifice and cried unto their god from morning tin - til noon, "0 Baal, hear us!" But there was no answer. Elijah mocked them end urged them to cry louder, saying that he must be busy or on a journey or perhaps asleep. So they cried' aloud, and leaped upon the altar, and cut themselves till the blood gushed out, and kept it up till the time of the swot, :.hen the teeofthe Laid fell and consumed the burned sacritire and .the wood and the stones and the dust and licked up the waiter that was in. the trench," I3ow (111(1 we refrain from shoutin ",Tohoveh. Ile is the God?" (Verses 30-30.) Aird we 1(1'tat add: "Who is Ike onto Thee O Lord. d, nmolfn the gods? Who 1s like 1 hu, glorious in holiness, flnrfni In praises, deleg wonders?" (Ex. xv, 11.1 Cedeklt were the prophets of Rani slain, and etijah said to Ahab, 'Mere is a some of ,ibundance or rain." Titin Is"19Jn11 W0111 to the top Or C'((111e1 to pray, ,aid it was patient. earnest. persevering prey. er, for the ,servant went seven times to loot: before he saw the indication of the coming storm in tile form of a cloud like 11 nu)a's hand, suggestive o1' Biijah's hand taking held of God (verses 40-10 Jas. v. 18). If our aim is elmplyto glorify God we may safely act, upon Jeer. xxxili, 3. Consider On- 'vid and fieael:iah in 1 Kings eve. 4e. 47; II Kings sic. 111, and fear not to pray a's. cis, 21. 22e). Many Troubles Arise From Wrong Action Of The Liver. Unless tile liver is working properly you may look forward to a great many troubles arising such as biliousness, con- eitipation, heartburn, the rising and souring of food which leaves a nasty taste in the mouth, sick headache, jaundice, etc., Mr. Howard Newcomb, Pleasant Har. bor, NS., writes: "I havehad sick headache, been bilious, and have had pains after eating and was also troubled with a bad taste in my mouth every morning. I used four vials of your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, and they cured me. The best praise I can give is not enough for them." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25e. per vial, 5 vials for 31.00; at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. • Confidence. Stern Parent -What makes you think. young man, that it my daughter mar- ries you she will be supported in the style to which she has been aceus- tomed? Freshlelgh-The fact that you are a. candidate for public office and can't afford to have members of your family Starving in the presence of the dear public. -Richmond Dispatch. ;Time and Trial Prove the unequalled value of Beecham's Pills as the best corrective of ailments of the digestive organs so common -and the best preventive of lasting and serious aiekness 80 often resulting from defective or irregular action of the stomach; liver or bowels. aeecham' P■ s have a great record. For over half a century they have been used with entire satisfaction in thousands of homes. A few doses will prove to yon that you can find prompt relief from the headaches, depression of spirits and general no-good feelings caused by indigestion or biliousness. Try them, and you will know what it is to have at your command such An Invaluable Aid to Health 'Prepared only by Thomas Beecham. St. Helens. Lsnoaehire, England. Sold everywhere to Canada and U. S, Amerioa. In Force, 25 oumda, c':1: WM. VAN . HOME -`20111Vre, R eller) n f nfthe bo'.ir'ct of 111,1'0) O('.4 the C P 11 , it, progres.•,tn r f.,, Drably following- 1n all: ;1131.411 for an aselcmie..1 abscess, 5Wood.vo nosyhodius, The Great IJtr01v1i rentedggl, Tones and invigorates the w1loio nervous system, makes naw Blood in old Veins, (ewes Noruouo Debilievl, Menial 187e4 Brain -Worst', Despon- dency, Loss o1' 2'3tcrgib Palpitation of the Heart, Fadliny Molitor*l. Prise 51 err box, nix idea -554013e willpteasc, o=x will eure,e Bold by an ruggists odlad in r,„1';'..;11, 1i in 5k5. m, reeeint of pri'e. Pet: ovnp(lea n,t"!rd(o-ee. 7i1E W000 MEDICINE CO.-TosefT0,0(1T. (meal Windsor.) • 11®®@ 801113 6B40flC®®aseeei90i&,tehate Tr. wn and Country 600000e 0 CO9000e'OSOZA9RJQ®© •MINOR LOCALS. Good morning! Jia; year ,suL• set iption been rentwed? 1f awl: r€nt,w to -day please The summer of 1915 cannot be re- cc,rded as au ideal summer resort staBOn. We are adding new names daily to our list' of hnbscribere. Why net s: nd it to vour distant friends. cel. t s 'BOW DOES 3T' READ? Our mailing (,a 1, 1te i c-•1 r' - rected up to date. Look at, the label or ya'u paper'red see 1''r^u hale been gi.•en r••ectit for your p03 gents. I1 not kindly not(, v iv. ii your paper i11'l10 ; marked 'iI)ce, 'Slee. 13' or some time'in le then we would as'-'. you to pay it. 1 -ie see that it is marked' correctly The New Era. must have ,t Nit. - it -advance subscription list. TOO MANY COLLECTORS. The Christian Guardian segs; We understand thou certain foreigners are going up and down the conn try at the present time ostensibly collecting fundal for ,'schools Qn Persia. The terrible' :devastation going on int Persia at the present time gives a sympathetic intro- dnetion to 1 tihe! appeal that t',ese collectors make, but we advise our people to , beware. Even though they, have what appear like good credentials, the almost certain pro- bability is ;that' they •are frauds. There are plenty of legitimelne ways of helping people these days 1 without taking the risk of handing out yowl money, and sympathy to frauds. Any special+ calamity to these Basteru lands is sure to bring around some•'dark=skfnned collector with) very formidable ler )' dentials. • SEND us Tris: NEWS. c+''' Ont` of the most difficult tasks to 1 a newspaper office is in got n 1'r feels relative to births, art rrico•'s •al. 19 '.id O' ur I" •ic•oths, 1uci.en . ,i r,' r tun thec --_. '•ns in ni'y N IA male " take it for greptt'd that 'when aperson dies the eurtoi' is familiar With eve y r' ', 's of ' h Life of the cleceaserl a d his %ties when the far. ho (0n.etn: 11101 s ahsraute y '101hing .1;' t. • int he ha .ie gr•. his in ,:•n .: tior. from other Pnarcaa, 9 7n - •r• .,1•h. " persons weal i have to 1:1o, "' i., the same wilt. n ir•1'! 4r s re other more or 1^ss important' bi - r"pings in the 00mmu11 y in r1 sic,"t eve "y c115(1 the 0011' 01. has 1' die (1" the, t7nriah111 (''0 01 r .y r 1 imsolf end the readers wil a 2 'n ('re and n'rteeu et ace ,n' Tile pntronv eanhalthy stet= r' ate how much he app. eci''21407 120 e•outs they make in furnishing ht the facts ' for news items. 13-+7cl your Items of newts totem New Lr, Thursday, September, 2nd, 1915 w. CI T1 IL Directory euPolainal (Continud Ere page 3 ) , President 1st'V'iee President 'End Vice i:'iesitlen4 3rd. Vice Ptosident • Recording Seceotimv Corresponding Secretary Assccittte Flower and Fruit 10100131 Contest P1'n on titin Temperance ill Supt. I t an luetic Stmts. Franchise Anti Narcotics Moral Education leniprralice ira Sundl1y-Schools Missionary Superintendent Travellers' Aid Loyal' Temperance Legion Sept Andi tors Organist I BRUSSELS, Officers Mrs. Dark Mrs, '11a11ds Mrs._ (Rev.) A. To Main Mrsr Paul MIs. A McGuire Miss'Smith Mrs. R. Oliver Miss E. 1Jeadtnan Superintendents EXETER. Officers President Vice President 'according Secretary Clolresponding Secretary Treasurer {MIs. G. Backer Mos. E. (rich Mix 1?Buchanan 1 Mies Mae ll•ood Mrs. Skelton iNis. (110 ) L000guso1) Mrs. T1 t'1 tntUl •Mts. (Rev.) Mann Mrs. A. J, Lowry Mrs, A. 1) (:'rant Mrs, McG1111(1 Mrs. S. valkeer Alis. Hondo ( Miss lBudd 1 Miss deceit! ( Mr•s: McGuire, 1 Edith llc udelau lMot !et Prather, j Mrs, 1J i Jackson l Mss. Skelton :ton Miss M. Smith Mrs. 31. Iioepor Mrs, (Rev) A'1uAllisler. A''rs..1. B1atrltforcl Mrs. (Elev.) pestle Airs. 3. 'Pedlar Superintendents l.vangelistie Press WOmans Suffrage Parlor Meetings Temperance Ili S. S. Scientific and Medical Temperance Work among Soldiers under yiissi(lnary Dept FI'nit and Flowers Law Enforcement Soap Wrappers BLYTH. Officers. President Vice Peesidout Recording Secretary Treasurer Uorrtrspnnding Secretary Johns Mrs. (Rev.) McAllister Alis. F. telacltuau - Miss -Lewis Mrs. ilOWard Mrs, Hastings Mts H Hooper Miss Murray Miss Kinsman Milt. .7. M. Fitton Mr. Ball(we11 Mrs. M. Powell Mrs. 31. Young Dirs. Alex, 11111rr Hiss Lily Taylor Mrs. E. Bender Miss Sara Bentley Superintendents Mrs, S. Gulley (lies, P Fawcett,. lies. R. Slater A1)s, A. Taylor Miss S: Bentley Mrs. W. 14. McElroy 31i's. M Young r Mrs. W. Johnston t SR's, Slater Mrs, B. Taylor Mt s. A. carr Mss. C. Besse 1 bars. Benda. f (dos, William Sims I Mrs. Ed. Laundy I Mrs. A. Wet. airs R. Wightrnan 1 Mrs. Staokhouae 1firs. 'Htickstep Mr, A Carr J. Art's. R A. King 1 Mrs. 0. Reese Miss L. Taylor Mrs. Geo. King Flower Mission Evangelistic Medical Temperance Medal Contests Scientific Tenipetance Mo rat Education Systematic Giving L)uubot'mer's Mission Station House Literature Anti Narcotics Temperance in Sunday School Pavlov Meetings Law Enforcement Franchise Press Work Soap Wrappers Resolutions. 1 -Resolved, that we reaffirm our platform of total absl3u- 111(00 for the individual, prohlbitlriuto the full -powers of the Province, and mond Franchise,for women on same terms ars rued. 3 -Resolved, that we commend to every Union in Huron CO: WO desirability of urging open cath S. S in their locality ' the importance of heing supplied with the tempetanne qualerlios issued by the Doniinion Ser. 0, T. U. and supplied through its editor, Mrs, Blanche 1e. Johnston, Ramie, Further recot.utueud- ed that the Union appoint it Superintendent in Smiday Schools in order that this effort may he the; more systematically carried on. 3 -Resolved, that we, the delegates of limon County 111 Con- vention assembled; reaffirm our protest against the reintro- duction of the wet Canteen to aur Canadian overseas soldiers and again earnestly appeal to our Dominion fxovermt is that immediate. steps be taken for its abolition 4 In view gr of the eat, wastage consequent upon 0411.111 and other food supplies beteg diverted from their 1(0(01 tl ase in the manufacture of malt and otlleespirituons liquors, anti further, in view of the stern necessity to conserve the best in cn nation's manhood 113 these strenuous war days. Recommended that We, the White Rlbbonere of Huron Con(lty, again welllOVatilize the Dominion Guvar'nnient tO p1L5S a war emergency movement Whereby during war 11111(1' 441 tenet, the grain or ()thee fund sup- plies are not converted into malt and ()thee spitituo(73 licthth1ott•s at lent are conserved for their natural use. Further resolved m , . C 1 5 c of the above and 70 L i ti we canteen n a�en ':u 1 L resolution be forwarded to Sir Robert Borden, Premier of Clauacla by oitr Comity Cerro - spending Secretary. 5 -Resolved, that We regret the delay 01 the Dominion Par- liament in passing the anti-eigarelte hill. Our heathy sympathy and appreciation go gltt to Mr, Weiler and the Wed niin dele- gates, who have so nobly sustained the cause, and that WO heartily lend one support to any further effort pot forth for its nlbfn)ate passage. V Y, 6 Resolved thatour i sincere c'a r It 14 a 111 L4L '771 S c tet thanks are due ueu c 1. and are hereby tendered to the Brussels Union and the (lien•ls who have assisted them in entertaining the 1-lurntr Uoln(y Comma - tion of the W,'C. T. 1I The arrangements made for our ecu(. fort and pleasure and ter the expediting of business are most excellent. We feel it to be both a duty and a 51110e, e pleasure bo assure them that their loving nave has been appreciated, ,also to the chair aud friends, who also nobly contributed to our pleasure in the songs of praise, 7 -Resolved, that not hearty appreciation 1.'f the kind efforts of the contestants who eontribnted so inneil to the entertain- ment of the eeemtag, be rec0r00d. S -Resolved, that the then1s of the C invention he tendered to the pastor and 01)10025 of Melville Pr(sbyterian Church 1011 the use of 1,41 ci 1M111 ea°u£ t il���ljillll'�!�'llll ill �tl,ry 11 .1fi) I I� • i �;rai�tivi�l � i!,ktii �.II klllt,illp .�it() :� 1., ?1i ,3 `b11i9' Children. . .11 others •.rk.:Rotl: at v : (n.y tij+ m ti. r if 1 a Jg4So ttlE-; i', y} a9 Ure k...,.�.t.Zt;4J d9.: sl' PNP '. 'lea) , .lr. 110114 30 1 9,11.. ^ i- - 5.0.::;21'. 4 skis C ♦ C rt 3103fel31! &NP.3 Y0R!l anal 1 ka..• cr -Fatal.; "i>rd4 I 1 Exact Copy of Wrapper. THe e4 TA Fl COMPANY, New ye,K ::ile4e1 "'f t, ' .,.L .tel":7 r .,'e2r ^ 112' ar 8i� :graben J Fall Fair Dates 19151 given their lives depends upon such! worthy memorials being cre- ated to develop her resoarees, Ito defend herldestinies, and to re- plenish her ppulatiootn and in- crease her inhabitants. Although Canada has been large ly made by law wages' et home and inlEurope, she could have had ra double population, had the :Feder al and Provincial Parilaments, eith em individually or'co-operatively, instituted a system of reduced fares payable out of wages after arrival for' desirable: immigrants, rand.simi- larly,' low rates for the Nomin'a1t 'tion, of the friends and relatives of persons already; ;in the country. They low; rates of pay, lathome pre- Vent four-fifths of Inc workers de- siring to migrate especially Abe younger rand_ most desirable ones from coming over, because they( haver no money to pay their fares. The introduction of a partly of im migrants is an endownment of 'tele lace they gga to. LOCAL GRATION', iF17NDS could be estab- lished to'be advanced "toBoys for Farm Work, ex -soldiers, •widows' other desirable classes of immie giants (to specificattion). The se- lection could be left to 'the Can- adian' Government offiei'als in Lon- don and the case ins any, other form, of benevolence. Then the applicants could be selected for fitness': alone without the entrance of a financial qualification as at present. To secure equal distribu- ttote a/uniform flat race in 'the first job in Canada is 'most de'-' sirabie'. 1tlwillr also be remembered than would-be artistic. efforts in churches and' elsewhere, are )not ineludedlinthe acts of mercy men- tioned in the .Gospels. These rather advocate practical works of true charity, such as the `Memorial above mentioned. ;]'hese also uiltase the intenteens of the giver -over &larger area than do tab-; lets, windows or obilisks, and the naming of them and their 'benefice iaries keeps fresh and fragranttha memory of the founders and 'of mein oolec'ts after metal, stone for glass have become worn, mutilated and defaced. The well-being and employment the he ex- soldiers and o the e h de en P dents of'the fallen is one ofour out standing duties after 'theW'ar, so that Peace and Prosperitly, may extend( through the'Empire as well al thronghout the world in general ,Yours llraithruliy ('HOS L. S'l:.,DGW1CK 33, Oriental Street, Poplar, London, E. July, 1915: the same. Don't Persecute your Bowes and clear jellies are made with LANTIC Sugar because ft is pure cane, of extra fine granulation, kept absolutely clean and free from dirt and specks by original packages filled: at the refinery., 2 ib. and 5 lb. cartons and 10 lb. and 2011). bags. 100 lb. bags coarser granulation. Weight guaranteed. Baty in original packages and look for the LANTIC Red Ball on each' package. .� anti ugar t� • r Seed your address end small i wo Ball Trade Mark from bag. or top end of carton and' +ivo .will mail you book of r•' go assorted Fruit Jar Labels printed and gummed ready to put on the jars Oo 4 >� Atlantic #tigs' fi!ofrnOrieS d.MONTREAL, TREAL QUE.ST JOHN N D. , o, Cut out eatiarWs d aa.laadlw� brutal-herob-etuaowq. lay _ CARTER'S LUTTLZ LIVER PILLS Purelyv.retabls. Ant aeotly on the liter, eliminate bilcaad soothe thoden- ante.:anthems* afOw bowel. Care Ca.- Wweo. B0laao- EtaHeawl.., Ikernttse. so noires kap. anal PD1, Small Dose, Small Prleo, Genuine meg tow Signature • t 1 Gode i'ich . .. . 7.05 2.5 I Holmesville ......: ... 7.22 2.52 Clinton.. ... ...732 303 Seatorth 7.51 3.21 Mitchell 8.16 3 44 StratfordR 40 145 Bayfleld 0415 and 0 Blyth -.................Sept 28 end 29 Brussels Sept 30 and Oct 1 Dungannon Oct 7 and 8 Goderich Sept 28 10 30 Gerrie Oet Sod London (Weeteru Fair) Sept 10 to 18 Mitchell v . Sent 28 and 29 Toronto Aug 28 to Segt 13 Seaforrh Sept 23'arid 24 Winghani cept 23 and 24 Zurich Sept' 22 and 2.3 HAVE, YOU BEEN , SICK? Then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. To restorethat strength andstaminathat is•so essential, nothing has. ever equaled or compared with Scott's Emulsion, be- cause its strength -sustaining nourish- ment invigorates the blood to distribute energy throughout the body while its tonic value sharpens the appetite and restores health 111 a natural, permanent way. If you are run down, tired, nervous, overworked or lack strength, get Scott'a Emulsion to -day, "At any drug store. scat & Dowse. Thome), Oat. Grand Trunkltallway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart 8.30 a m 4.40 p m Oantralia 9.3'3 5.4,3 Exeter. ...... •9.44 5.54 1 Hensail 0,55 6.05 I�ippen 10.01 6.11 Biucefleid 10.110. 6.10 101inton 11.00 6.85 Londeshoro 11.18 6.52' Riyth 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 7.18 1 Wingham, arrive11.54 7.351 South I?assenge• Wingbam, depart6.35 a m 3.30 p Belgrave 0.50 8.44 Blyth ....... 7.04. 3.56 Londesboro 7.18 4.04 Clinton....., 8.10 4.28 Brucefleld 8 29 4.39 Kippers 8.35 4.47 Hensall' 8.41 4.b.. PxetHr 8.54 5;f15 Oentralia ..'+ 9.04 5.15 London, arrive. 410,00 6.10 Buffeto and tioderieh Wei ` Pessengei m i-ttratford 10.00 1a to 2.30 m 5.25 1m 0:25 Mitchell- 10.22 12.55 5.55 10.41 P S.aforth (i ] 46 1.20 6.18 11.19 CiintO n 11,67 1.35 6.40 11.2 Holwesoille 1116 143 646 11.3 i7oderich .. , .....1135 2.(0 7.05 1 East Passenger 455m2 5.10 5.10 5.85 5 59 620 The New Era. 49TH "YEAR, "IN TRE PUBLIC SERVICE'( W. fl. 'KERR itM)\, Props. 3. Leslie Kerr Business Massager ?Tem Bra, One Year In adranee,$1.00 New Era, when not paid in at? - ranee 81.50 'o c"ew Era, to the 'United States in advance $1.50 Advertising Rates on Application, Job work prices advance on Judy 1st, 1913 in 'accordance with the Huron Co. Press Asso- ciation Rates. Office Phone 30 .House Phone yes