HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-09-02, Page 1'.1=f linli11110=1.1111.02111 T N Established 1865, Vol. 80, No. 10 ERA. CLINTON ONTARIO 'THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 2 1915 at Part Are Y W. FI, Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers Taking in this Terrible W viotonotivvvoivevvvotessevvvvvo /AAMMese Comfort for Slocit—Profit for Vote 1 Spray your cows with Williams Fly and Insect Destroyer the result will be -MORE MILK. Spray your hen house, the result will be-MORE,RGGS Pry a package 'a our own Special Penury Spice Use it and you will not lose your turkeys or chickens Best Quality Drug Store The Belied Store W. S. R, :i0 C.AT3336 Phm.B VWVVWVVVVMi/VVWVVWWV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVW VVVVVVYVVVV~WWWWWV4 AMPINAAAAAANtAAA tA.AA AAAHAy Trte Royal Bapli OF CANADA Capital Authorized ...... $25,000,000 Capital paid n,, 0,5,60.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000 Total Assets • - 185,000,000 3,~30 i33Ft THTC 118.1...Wh with World-wide d vsri de C®n nectiontic interest Allowed on Savings .Deposits General Banking Business Transacted. N. E. MANNING . Manager,hilt C Chilton Bruck V'VhcVWWWVVVVVVVyVWWVW VVWVWVVWVVVVWWVVWWV " INCORPORATED 1855 E MOLSONS BAN CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 90 Branches in Canada 4. General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS • Savings Bank Lie arttxlen(� Savings Iu terest Allo'tti ed at Iligllest Current Irate -` C.E. Dowding., Manager Clinton Branch a.e•••••••••••• .♦®♦••e••®,oat® •••••••••••••••••••t•••••• 4 I Ordered 4.♦ 0 p 1 ThreshingTime ♦ • • Beady -to -Wear Clouting,' 1sIiERE Ando we have the Goads you • want; • Men's Jackets • Men, Overalls v ralls • 5oc to $1 25 5oc to 1.5o IMen's Felt Hats, Brown or Black50 • Men's Black Oilcloth Coats.... ,,S3oo,to 4,50 4 , Men's Dark Shirts.... ....... . ... .. .... 39c, 5oc 75c ♦ �4. Men's Gloves' loc to 0l. =0. ,� 5 44 Ifyou want an extra well made v Overall or .�� Smock, try the Peabody. k' 4. + 1,4♦_•• ` iOrdered • C ! o th1o Dept. 4. early before the Patterns are picked over .s now in full swing. Leave your order ♦ The Morrish C1 Clothing Ct2 . A Square Dcal.tor Every Man A • 4 9 4 4 8 •p 0 a 0 • O ♦ • • 0 • 0 • • • • • • •♦ • • ••• ••• i • i • I • •Z •i • • •• • • • •• '. • • • • • I••' • •• • •e • 4 • 4 1N♦••••••••••NN•N•••••% ••••••♦•••.•••♦•••0••♦AMS+• Stirring :'Addresses 1 by He . C. f. Deakins (i?rattfota Expositor Monday) St. Jude's Anglican church was crowded to its capacity'ti ,both the morning a and evening services yes- terclay, when they rector, 13,ev. C. E. Deakins, preached his farewell sermons to his congregation be- fore leaving for active Gert=ice With ithei 58th Battalion- 'as. 'Chaplain. The high esteem in which Rev. Tlr. Jealous is held by 'he people of St. Jude's church and indeed by alt who have some in tont'act With him since his pustoratie • at Sit. Jude's church began, two years ago,• was ,amply shown yesterday the large number who (heard his farewell messages. The rector re- marked after the elopetbf the morn ing sermon that he may etilt have another S'unclay with his people, expecting to be present next Sun-; day. 'Het did not wish to leave St. Jude's in, one nese n but (he felt that he was but answering the call of duly. Whether or not be should return to, St. Jude's 'was a matter' that he would leave entire- ly in the hands of the congrega- tion. '8u • was 9im y asking g for of absence, but should he be spar- ed to return his one 'wish would, he to again ,assume charge a:4 St, Jude's. Who 'would take charge bf St. Jude's daring his 'absence the did not know. That matter ! re- mained with the ii'sr.•,p 'but ti whom whoever was appointed the hoed that the congregation would give them earnest and strong sup- port, The ••Morning Serviee, At the morning service. Rev. Mr. Jeakins took as his subject( tor his sermon the order given by Christ to 'His disciples after Re heal told the pia aGle of the Good Samaritan, "Go Ye and Der Like•tise,'• Chris- tianity, said the rector, in begin- ning h5s sermon, consisted/of three essential things -Love, Service and Saeriftee '1'hSse three virtues were the very essence; of , true Continued on Page 6 tire is Lelwara and What( iseeineeeedettneeeiSeeeetseesseeCieeeeeet ocute®eeOsteafee®ti0elleeeraseeeemseeessesseeoe® Locals Walter Aamstrcog haseleeesoseeeeesisseeneeenteeeteeeeet eeeeseet raseseseess seeeeeeeeeeeeeeoseeeseseeeeeee and Personals to say The following letter was written by Walter Armstrong, eon of M'r. and Mrs. Alex Armstrong, formerly of Clinton, hut now of Toronto, to a chum of his in Toronto; - 13e1 tum, July 12, 1015 DEAR 131LL-Received your letter of last February just the other day. and that is why 1 have iiut written before, All rite mail last Winter went nstrity. On the- 4th of last February I did a John Gilpen act down the Toad on a runaway horse, and the result was 1 was laid op for 11 weeks, Gee; but Ia t•as mad, for the battery went to France just four days after I got hurt, but just AS soon as my arm got strong enough 1 got away with a draft that was coming, and believe me, I was glad to get over here. England is alright, but talk about your girls, there is at•out ten girls co everyman, 1 have not got the patience to tell you about England, only one thing, I would stoner be here 50 times ever than go through again what 1 went through on Salisbury.. Plains. Well Bill, I have seen soul very amusing and some very sad sig in since I have been in France and ]3et inm, T got g back t 0old battery my ,and f tell you it does one good to get back with the boys you joined with. Quite a few have gon e but still there 's i a tea of old gurd left, Two of the b est n els I had on she plains got Milled in action, and even the horse that, ran away with me, got his, too, This happened before I got nut here. I guess, by the looks of things around here. we are going to stay in this position fonsome time, that is if the altirnan don't drive us out. I am going to change my dugout, some dig down about 3feet deeper and put a different kind of roof on. Gee, it T only bad some pictures of some of the girls or fellows 1 know in the shop 11 would be flr.e, I often sit in my dugout at night and when everything is quiet except for the ratite of a distant wagon on the cob blestone road, I close my eyes and it takes hie back again to dear old Oan ac a, and my mind often wanders up those old familiar 'stake and I am in the action room, 1 Stu see:Babe trying to halanre a ser.>ty driver on his nose. Osilt, and Mr. Berner having tt small chewing nurtch, and I can even see chat Beier on Oscars neck and many other old familiar things, and I often wonder if I wilt ever get hack again to see it in reality, maybe I wont get the Continued on page 2. soissoeeoseeeoGessisoiseseee00,soreeOCiesSeaSeeeeeeesseitteesoe Tia War amyl Mir a 6s �thri t[1 1,eS+)fanta'� FIi G, e ® e o Letter 3 -War Memorialsett m cR 0000e s o 00D2rsrr9:I@pase ameseftlib ®see o e s o aasooeeeeeEaee6e®et0 To the;Editor, of the New Era and: lads the benefit of a three Dean Sir ;i- 1 month's free training in the rudi- ments of agriculture, Erni- poultry sheep, i a dairy au P g , anti Many of the e ' y rnhabitwate of Can- nth. - y 1 ada will have to mous tl d th form of f Th t isb crit CARD, OP, THANKS. 1 A OORN FEED The engagement is announced at Kip, Mr's and Mrs, R. A; Gooier, Maple The Modelites held'a corn roast pen, Ont., of Myrtle PC, second daughter street, wish to - thank the neighs I down on rhe river bank on Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. R. 13. McLean to Mr., bord and friends for the kindness evening. It goes without eaying that J. Earle Sproat, the marriage to take shown, td' the late Wm, 7t Archer, all had an enjoyable time place quietly in September: during his illness, SACRED CONCERT SUNDAY AN 18 LB SHRAPNEL Mr, Wm. Lane, county cleric, and Mr. Joseph Kidd, of the C. P. R. agent at The Clintonliiltq Band Will give a In the window of W. R. Counter, (lloderich;'was in town on Friday last. sacred Linton linty ' bond l stand on goal eel. tore, is to be seen an 18 lb They are taking a tour through the coup Sunday evening next weather Hermit p Shell all finished nut the time try, sizing up crop and labor conditions Ling fuse, There are also some bullets that for the C. P. R, report. the shells are loaded' with. This is a Blyth Standard. -,Mrs. Thos. McKee• JOIN, TELE 71ST BA 'ITL sample that Can fdian factories are zie and children, of Clinton, is visiting for the European War Oapt, Dunlop, of Gorier i and an Iter mother, Mrs. Jas, Nesbitt, and sister; • otiicee of the 33rd Huron Regt. has BROKEN ARM Mrs, A. B. Carr. beeo appointed to the nsw batcahon, The Misses O'Neil entertained then now being formed at London known While picking plums at her home as'the 71st Beit!• Tuesday afternoon, Miss Fowler, On friends last Friday evening at their home on Ontario taxi() t o Street to o nicest, fell and broke her arm at• BAND CONCERT TUESDAY the shoulder and wrist. At the time Miss Olive Cole has taken a school at Tuesday. evening of this week the of ening to press. Mise Fowler is still West Moncton, Band gave their weekly concert and suffering from the shock. She was . also 1played a few selections at Town stunned for some time before neigh Miss Elsie Ross is having enforced holi for the Kluwer show 'hors heard her call for aid and Medi days these days. She is threatened with cal attendance arrived' appendicitis. MARRIED IN NE tV YORK itis, Rae ll.umball was married in New York Wednesday of this week to tliiss Pease I3usbartd furinerly of this town and>!� sister of Mrs Ken Chawen. Upon their return co town •they will reside on Huron Street • BIG RALLY Y Members of the W P. S. are asked to Rally in Council Chamber on Fri clay 2 Sept19tn, Important Y m octan business P t b arneas P meets 3 r atoct= o,, sharp. gk ai would We o td P like at least 25newmembers, Bring one. FRACTURED TWO RIBS Mrs. Wen, Stanley df Hoimesville 1 DOING GOOD WORK. had the misfortune to fall last, Fridays, in her own hosts and fractured two ribs and at presebt she is at the home of.lire, J G. Medd, METEOROLOGICAL REPORT FOR AUGUST 1915 The highest maximum temperature was 81 on `Sind and 13th. The lowest minimum temperature was 35 degrees on 31st The highest range was 26 on 1tha.7 arid r n the losvest. o e6 sdegrees g on 22nd. The means for the month were maximum, 71.45;minimum 54,48 de grees and range 16 97 deereee, The al ramf l Was 0 e 69 inches,. Aver Y wet month,1 twin fell on 16 days, Grain much beaten down. Barley cutting on 7th. Oat rutting on 0th, An Aur ora on 6th MOV1vG Mr• Will ?lumsteel and family are getting settled in the frame house of Cllr. Thos, Gibbings .Princess street. Mr. Roy Plumateel and bride will re side in the cottage vacated by his brother when they return from their honeymoon trap SOI NS THE IMPERIAL FORCES. Mr Gorge 11cTaggart seeoud ,on of Mr, nail etas, U. McTaggart left cn 5aturd.Ly afternoon for Montreal to join twenty live other Canadians a ho leave to join the Imperial forces. This summer he passed his exams at the Royal rMtlitney College and, applied for service In the -0,d Country, He joins the Royal Engineers as r,iente❑ ant. He 'is only 10 years of age • MINOR LOCALS. 25e will pay for the New Era to new subgaribers for the balance of theyear: Send in your subscription at once andget the remaining is - aims 011915. Many, who' are to -day (boasting of their patriotism have not the first idea oftlte meaning of the true: principles of patriotism. No one Who to;.•day le• living in indo lenge g or luxury, intheae times is a patriot, Ripley Express -Geo. Mooney. wife and family, spent the week end . in iVlea4o • . „ ,, rd On Sunday ve editor ad h the pleasure of hearing Rev. Dr. Cook (formerly of Clinton) preach in the Methodist Church. The Dr. is now Pte. Morgan Agnew, of the 33rd Batt stationed at Meaford and is recagniz- was home for the week end. ed as the most talented preacher in Mrs. H. B. Chant is . visiting witl• the town. He is drawing large crowd relatives and friends at Toronto and St. congregations, and is deeply interest Catharines, ed in the recruiting campaign. Miss Minnie Ker left for Brantford to continence her duties in the Public School. Mrs, W. H. Kerr returned to her home lastSa Saturday to da after.spending acouple of Y weeks with h Mr. an lir . d,i s J. Leslie herr. Mise Jennie Rands, of Brussels who is the assistant teacher during the Model shoo! term era at thepublc p b c school is here attending to her duties. Postmaster Sims, of Blyth, was . in town on Faid last. est. Y Mr. Sam Agnew returned to his posit tion at Fort William after spending his vacation with his mother here. Mr. S. VlcVittie, of Blyth, was in town last week. • Mr. L. Levis, of Wingham, called at the parental home last week. Mr. G. M. Elliott, of Goderich, an' agent for the Children's Aid Society wa in town on Satnrday. r_ ■ Fine Flora! Des la Mr, Emery, of Toronto, spent a few days in town last week. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Stothers of Blyth announce the engageinnent of their eldest daughter, Evva, to Mr. Lloyd II nicNeill, The marriage will take place the middle of September. Miss E. Louise ilolmes, Secretary the Edmonton Fair Association (nice The annual finer show Af the Mrs. H. 13. Chant) is spending a coup Clinton Tiortieultural Society was weeks with her parents in Toronto, held 113 the Council Chamber on Mr, Clinton J. Dunmore, son of M Tre•sday and Wednesday of this and Mrs. R. J. Dunmore, of St. Thom tvrelc, Chere was a fine display and grandson of Mr. W, Paisley, has e of cut and Lzaffed - flowers listed for the war, This is the second so and made .i fine Showing. The of Mr. and Mrs. Dunsmore to enlist. Clinton lovers of flowers are very Mrs. Mary Stewart, Seaforth, On suoeessful with Sonia varieties ,and' announces the engagement of her Bang the Asters, Gladoli, diadtlias ' and eer, Lillian Pearl, to Mr. Roy Lawso Roses are being grown to perf�le=�c.- son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Lawson tion. The display in all voriet¢e8 Mullett, the marriage to take plac was, one of the best; (that Society quietly in September, has had. Last Thursday evening the executive of of le r. as n n, of e Oaring both evenings the W.'(?,S, of the Women's Patriotic Society met at made sales of canny, etc. and r•e- the ]tome of Mrs. 'Brydonc to discuss h it 'Lpatronage.t e •ark and s crit d 'x.•ircr2l t as bits. Sewetl nurse and a member of that Society, has been The Society received donations appointed to the Army Medical Corp for fren atsid ;nine year nc' n e o f ex- overseas duty, it gave the esectitrve great pleasure to appoint Mrs. Allis and Mrs. Manning to extend to Miss Sewell niany good wishes from the Society and to accept from them a small gold piece. n to sal. s arming. a con a out tic•ss 'heir thauIei 6.rjthe flowers elatives in lite War, but five shillings a' head per ascii, of rbIAitlil'F.O lVL'DNESD C 1 Mrs. (Dr) Metcalfe, of Deta'oit, who their, tears wili`be sweetened with ter allowing forithe value ofi(hefrfrom the dishonour of German Eul affords' the,lads tan op ortunit of ArthehomeafMr. EaruestRnzL:ll, "'Pent the summer 31 Bayfield sent pride and thankfulness that their labour, butthe benefit to theState HLiron Roxd on Wednesday afternoon 1a nil; wreath to he sold .forlhe eRa deaths' with honour seven Canada is'an hundredfold greater. This at three n'atocic Oe this week, Miss,,;rose and algin gltdialue and aft/hlfas, Campbell Bros. of \lis Bezel rl r+aOa be r0 .S' , iRo��li was united in p Sire - min L• thud sur of 111. and M.s. Henry Plurn steel i f Clinton, by line, ,y. 1. A int, ur. TIte wrlP naturally recovering. Y, tallcoverin wish i their muse Yo ggl"es and commemorate their patriotism and nese whish unavoidably become re thus; peep it'fresh for illus succor- kluced onithe Voyage, and of get - in to Mt•. J tin Pluniste�>i ! toe also sent a box, ofthe ' same flowers as diel Mr. T. Tl. Callander of Prterboro 1 agement of those yet unborn, Many tinginlonesomeness homesickness esland p'tetee et °niacin it 61 th,,dist church. 1 'lie specialT,rhes offer' d b moref,will rejoice attho redturn of The bride wore her travelling = suit of gg thein fathers, sone and brothers,' fore tlieylare se anateid, The die navy blur srige grid fife voun cnupie l Olrss Kate of Asters, •tri for (he ;bes bea •in x hers a s >' p g It 1 uxel of victory button of the lads can be done vete unattended. ,vii . Eann L Plum ct•Ilechnn of Asters, Mr, C1. H, with them, and the too will be more carefully titan if ulx t = l D yid won Etre` tiz lad T' ]xad+to bedis rgepar ,y steel, sister nt•'higroorn, pla,s+ed the Cottle second, 1'a Mr. n Coulee I anxious to record their 'thankful- persed •in a few hours E wedding march, dues lunch the Mts. Jas. Ford is visiting her old uses in no empty or common meas.. 'thepersonal inclinations of the happy e,up,e lett on t lir 4 29 t, gin tor special for Gladioli; Mr, G. r H. Mrs. Rev. A K. Birks at Niagara Fa11 urea I I either ease 'b 'di •fr boys themselves, so�that they are made to/fit the jobs they, prefer and' are most suited for • License Inspector ➢ dtchell, of Wing- ham, was a caller in town on Friday of 'last week, Miss Jessie Dodds is visiting relatives and friends in Blyth far a couple of weeks. Dr, and Mrs. McGill and little Jea" of Mitchell, visited with Dr. and M Axon last week could( boiimagined than the instltu 'tion' of'a TRAINING} FARM and DISTRIBUTING CENTRE, especial ly for'those who have fought in The' example of Mr. Sargood, at the same War as those inwhose Ston Wanlca, New Zealand, in 'training our( they)are created ppartfee of British lads to become wore solei and the pro e'eda ;given .I Miss K. Broadfoot of Hamilton is Ne'w, Zealand Harmer . Ily to training that word would yearns course and'•v thvigtsa eat d MRS' JONATHAN' BROWN DEAD . M the Lino en's Patriotle Society r fete spending. en ing afew dao incwith IIMr nd rs. only, teach allot tical would have to'be unlearnt in Canada, 'but the , institu'tton of such farms ane, centres• inithe Dominion would be ofithe1 greatest possible benefit to thspeopler at home andl10 the pros, perity( of'Canadia, The' only Government having, a Truingg /Farm Fol/,' Immigrants is that oflNew Soutjh Wales, who tat 'their Pitt"'Town /Farm give Det.roi: arid Ldwsr iitg•+ where., they will D'II d tool, the prize. . I Mrs. Ii. Pope, of London, and visit iobefives Only the immediate; Mr, F Bingham, orGotier'ich Was daughter, Mrs. Charles Murray and Mr. 1>eiativ's were prrs1nt at the cera the judge offiowere, Murray, of Detroit are spending a few moray, On their return, they •vitt make I their hun,e oil `.t:owsrud stress, Ohutou ( .Orr Wednesday evenf,og aauction wee ks with Mrs, Pope's sister, Mrs, W. cal? ryas held when the bouquees C: Searle. Word was received here !Pu0es was s urnRoad. wageq, throughout, is worthy oil be amount realized was about:. .' 1• Mrs. Zurback and young son returned pug imitated by, thousand' of set- days morning of the dearth 'of 'Mrs.. , to Stratford, after spending a few days Herd ,mother Dominions and all Jonathan Brown 'who died 'nit( her Miss Grahams picture :was also with her mother, Mrs, J. M. Martin, Y wili•find that boys are! more inter- home in r Toronto on 'Monday adv put up for a draw and lilts inolty, eating than racehorses to keep and 2.30" p: m. and many years resided person' 'Was lMlr.. Perry Douch, Mrs. Case and Miss Jessie Case, of train, and less expensive: here. The cause of her death tans I Seaforth and Miss Swirl ler and Master neumonia she having contztaeted` The hand painted plate ;donated William Powell, of Philadelphia were boThose who cannot arrange ,for a heavy( cold last Wednesday ,and by Miss Grant in the summer time . guests of Mrs. Bawden last Thursday. INCL. CENTRES CENTLIs can t S DONoIPSPIC TRAIN it turned to pneumonia Saturday l�xso also put up for aviation land Mrs, Thos, McKenzie, jr., and children girls /for: night. A short service was held at a highest bidder was Miss Kate Edwin and Wilfrid returned from holiday women and pp y t the house 'on Tuesday evening and meTa visit at Biytit, who ar'and girls b the menreaved :the( body was taken Ito Aylmer on The committee who had ',charge 1 Here the"inmates would learn sew g with d Blacker spent the week -aid ing, knitting, cooking, balrin pre Wednesday and wins laid 'to resit of gathering the 'flowers ;and friends in Goderich, g along, side that of her husband at plants were W, H. Watts, Cf. Cun- aerving, the'eare of poultry tow- thq Dunboyne cemeltfer The late sin �laame and U• 1 Mrs. D. Pickering, of Ferule, B. C., is general/ domesticity. The college Two d ht Ramon Medi For Breakfast Lunch Dialler Small size, only toe Large size, only 25c Try ottr famous Gem •Receipt- To 1 tablespoon shortening, add 1 egg, 1 sup of milk (sour is best) pinch of salt, t teaspoon soda, 1 tablespoon sugar, 11, cups of Roman Meal, i, cup of flour. Roman Meal also makes a delicious Steam Pudding 'and is used in many other ways. The Store of: quality W. T. V'rt E I L THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 Alexa ea ors and bees, laundry work land 3'' g +g on pad visiting at the home of her brother, Mr, Mra Brown was in her 74th year, they 'hada loll of `hard' ;work. 1 W. S. Downs. M on centre would be used also as is aug ers, . re, Mc oggarty Those flowers hafts charge of • plae (Retribution base and'as ahome for o4 Dunboyne, Mise Nellie f ooh M the flowers were;• 'hiss Kato the Immigrants in case of holidays, tort h 3 friend a will !ofTomb-McTaggart; Mrs. W. D Pain ;Miss y , to. The old friends 'offer sin- change or sieknesis, 11. C'oe Watt, 74l'rs. til' Brydonc, Mr, cere sympathy to i the bereaved 1►ic:Ta ar Deeds 'u+eltl>e 1 intthe less of their mother. g'� t jVV: only worthy form Y T, O'Neil and others, of nieunorial 'Lions have helped to mould aololwing are the people Canada ONTARIO APPLE CROP IS ac - ti who and to maks( herwlrat she is. The SMALL THIS SEASON. 1 kindly loaned plants and also MacDonald College, McGill Univers 1 sufficient flowers,- ity, Wycliffe College, DufflferinTer David Cantelon, ex -warden of , race and. Aberdeen Park are ex- David ;Co. atelong, ieiiarly known Vlrs, H, Burial,, Mrs, Wastnan, Mrs ampiee at the worthy to be generally fol re,turned'pfroen'aintour has f tihecently Warren' cs Mrs' (Dr'), Mrs J • Cantel W. lowed( aline time, not P only, by individuals present have the vince, having made 'anlinspeetion Miss Howson, Mise Crrah, I<Iis: A J means( individuals se such memos i and o6 the orchards in most 'ofthefruit Morrish, Mrs: Dr. Axon, Miss Lannon thank -offerings, but the Province growing districts, The bulk of the lV[vs. W, we, Mllyar, Mrs. J. Derry, S Mrs. Lorne Tyndall, of Clutton, and andCities of the Dominion, who apples this year will be giathexled •I. Andrews, Mrs, East, Mrs, Chambers Miss Allis Rionnteer, of Chatham, were should( also collectively frond the'Lake Shore districts and Mrs, h Sgt art, sea Mrs, M. iVrclaig• Mrs. Sarah Downs, of Iona Station is visiting her son, Mr. W. S. Downs, Rattenbury street. Mr. Ewart Cameron, of Lucknow, and a former Modelite here, has enlisted for overseas military service. . Miss Etta Smith,.. of Seaforth, spent last •week visiting relatives in town. Wingham Times. -Mr. and Mrs. John Schoenhals and two children were visit- ing for over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Schaefer. Miss Hoodof Blyth, B yth, was the pest of Mrs, Wasntan recently. y nonsrder al surila beneficent }works as their du at in Phe b ace est rildwaad' s county. He esd t,i Vi,etnen, Mrs. E. CarrtereW. 'Watts, totted 'Forces, to their own hon- Mrs T. Mason, Mrs, G, Taylor, Mrs. of r,; anti' to the glorious rcomatpry •elates theroduc ndsabouE'ag jf the N Paul Mrs, Gooier; Mrs. vSr, D Fah, usual' crop and he quality line be - Forbes, Mrs. .i , Cook, Miss L they dwell in. This would have I p it Airs F rte ,V 11 urv, Mrs. Saville, sainaltel for its perfection. Will have abou 'a quartet Drop, Mrs, , Re rtMt' Miss Grace Shepherd has returned to which will have. about 30 per cent. ; Wes, Moore, Joon Gibbings, Rev, 1i s. her school at Ottawa The mighty majesty or Cannaa No, l's. All weet of Toronto the ledge, Da did Cook, Airs. Oawden, 'vlte, Mrs. Win. Jackson and blaster Harry tate added advantage of d'ecent(ralis fair. Thel heorgian Ba district Mise s, Mre, He ing the migration machinery and y IMfae Rautheombe the guests of Mrs. R. Slater and other relations at Blyth, The Misses May of town were Exeter visitors recently. Miss Rance and Master Harry Shaw are taking in the Toronto Exhibition. cannot be improved by crop is very light and quality'pnor Twitchell, Dr. (sandier, J, Cunning" the erection of most] of the apples beingtroubled hand, Mre, Geo, David, Thos, Cottle, u 'Mrs,',', Greig, Mis, 0. Wallis, Lilts, A, statues and groups, however tells with fungus, One 'st3lone fen ' T. Cooper. Miss Mary Jobriston, It gorical, which merely serve to em- that about his, observa!tfrons tales Rowland, G. ;t4. McTaggart, Mrs, Mc phasize the comparative littleness that all along the moiuntains 'be' Gnrva, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Plumsteel, Mrs of man, Her grandeur is her own ,ween Hamilton and Collin , O'Neil, Rev. Alli;, B. Munroe, Mrs. 3, and her futurereatness, for which the orchards were loaded, Randa. lier,sond, has staked' and/ joften, Rance are visiting at Toronto. Miss Trick left for her school near Toronto. Mr. "Chum" Shepherd, of Iroquois, fs spending his vacation with his mother, Continued on Page 5