HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-08-26, Page 6Nog •,,,, ,til PAGE SOC. , W SOH PC I IR We are now ready with a complete range of new fall suitingse to take 'your order and make you up a suit that in fit, style and finish will be excelled by none. Al Men Raying New Clothes Want Ther Money's Worth and They Get it at ,Brown's, By money's worth we mean the fullest and completest value in fabric, fit and fashion that money can buy, Most men's clothing, stores that we know of sell pretty good clothing, But BROWN'S clothing store holds to a standard in choice of fabrics and in actual detail' of making that' places our clothing in a class by itself. Brown's men's suits, whether high priced or low priced, to satisfy us, must be better and we see to it that they are better. The "pretty good" kind won't do.. Our lien's Clothing Store Keeps its Custonlres Right with Fashion When you order a suit made at Brown's you can depend upon it being thoroughly reliable in every way. It is not the material of which a garment is made alone that counts. It is the hundred and one little details in the making and fitting which bring about the effect that only a skilled tailor can produce. We stand behind every garment that leaves our work room and will guarantee style, fit and finish that will h t suit the most fastidious taste. We can give you the very suit you are looking for --supposing, of course, you are looking for a good suit -all wool in fabric and correctly tailored. We Also carry a Full Line of Men's Furnishings Women's Store Dry Goods and Fiirnisltings Phone 67 WN ide`'''s Store Merchant Tailoring tend Men's Furnishings (Phone 103 OUR® JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON Spice' Quality will determine the Success Pickles and Preserves The pickling season is with us once again. No housewife wants to take chances on having her pickles spoiled by poor ingredients. The kind we -sell can be depended upon. Quality is the feature of ours. Spices and Vinegar In bulk spices we have an excellent assortment including, ground allsptce, cloves, pepper, mixed spice, ground . cinnamon, celery seed, mustard seed, tumeric, curry powder and whole HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER Subscribers to the New Ern many- have their paper sent to them to their summer address without extra charge,. DANCE AT. BAYuFE'ELD. . Eiliotts auto[ truck' took a load of teungepeople to Badyfield 'on Tues•- aay, night to a dace), AUOTION SALE An auction sale will he held on Sept. ist at the flower Show fob the band painted plate by the Women's Patrio- tic Society LIVERY SOLD Mr. Frank Perdue has dieposed of his livering business to Mr, Charles Of Lovett & Son who have now taken yOur possession mixed spice. Whole pickling spine will be in special demand, We have a quality article at KO per lb. AIso in 5 and 10 ct. packages. If pickles are to keep the quality oe the vinegar must be good. It is false economy to buy poor vinegar because it is a few cents less. We have fteiuze's special pickling Vinegar. Dou't forget sealers, rings and seal. ing wax, AND, EGGS, JO Phone 111 TAiE, STORE OF QIJALITY Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in con struetiou and design tat ex- tremely well made in,evei•y de. tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriininatiug buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buy all kinds of Furniture ez � LiV 17OJ�V Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104 , N. Ball 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES— J. B. Atkinson 186 eseemseseene Schooi 1 Shoes School. Days are Almost Here We are prepared to meet the requirements„ of the girls and boys in School Shoes, We have all the new shapes in all leathers. Price3 to suit every purse, and also that most essential point that School Shoes must have—Good Wearing Qualities. Call and see ,for 'yourselves. It will be a pleasure to show you what we have. e Se e A J1N Phone 70 Clinton OLOOK STOPPED Several days the. Postoilice Olock has refused to work. The cause is from a leaky roof water getting inside and the woodwork etc swelling from the dampness. We understand orders have been given to fix the roof at once MINOR LOCALS. Good morning! Has year ,sub•• seiiption been renewed? of aloe. i entw to -clavi please The summer or 1915 cannot be re- cc.i'decl as au ideal s•ammer resort season. We are adding( new names daily to our heti oft euhscribers. Whv net send it to your distant friends, eeuis,,, MATRICULATION RESULTS,' The following students of Clinton Col legiate institute have been successful in securing Full Matriculation standing at the June examination, Full elatriculacion.-Anna AR, Elliott, Austin E. Iloare, Iratie MacGregor, Margaret McTaggart, Jean Middleton Janet Smith. Partial Matriculation—E. F. Copp, A. Dewar, V. Evans, 1-1. Ilolmes, A. Petrie, N. Radford, E. Sanderson, H. Shaw, F Thompson, W. R. Chowen IIonour 11atriculation.—W, 1VfcNaugh ton and W. G. Stewart, DIED IN •HENS.] LL' Last Sunday Mr 'John Anthony Moor a passed away at his home in 'liensall ati the age of 30 years 7 months and 13 days Deceseee!d was born in Stapleton and leareea the trade! of Moulder in the Ciro- ton foundry Aboutrune years ago he :novel to 'Heneall whet with his brother Charles 1i,cy went into the hardware business. About, two week& ago he had 'a el.' oke and never recovered Be is sur- vived by three sister e, 'Mrs. W Johnson, who resides in Co derich, Mrs' .R• Sweet, Clint on nad Miss Mcore, 'Rensaii, end one brother, Mr, Charles Moore, of Hensall, The feeteral was held on Tueeday to Clinton cemetery Rev. Mr. Doherty, of Hensel], has charge of the services , @PA.ostems000sseelseeeemeeee ® e Patriotic Hotel 0 0 @.e®een8®s"®lAeereaeee enoeentletee The Women's Patriotic Society will hold their next meeting in the Council Chamber Friday, Sept. 10th. Last Wed nesday the Society sent the following shipment to the Red Cross. -1.50 sheets: 125 pillow: 540 towels; 266 wash clothes; 23 suits of pajamas: IS hospital shirts; 75 raadi•erchief. To the Canadian Fields Comforts Commission was sent—125 prs. of socks; 3e dozen handkerchiefs: 12 pack ages of Old Chum" Tobacco. The ship Sent contained from the following sol'- diers from the Women's Institute Londes boro-25 pairs of socks 3 dozen handker chiefs, 20 wash clothes; 43 sheets. From From the Unity Club Goderich Twp. - 6i dozen handkerchiefs, 12 pillow slips 4 sheets, 8 wash clothes; 7 pieces of old linen, 6 suits of pyjamas; 3 dozen bath towels. Our Society appreciated to the fullest extent all the work that has been done for them in the country districts. The drawing for the picture donated to our Society by Miss Graham is to take place at the Flower show, Wednesday evening Sept, 1st. Tickets for the pic- ture are on sale et Mr, Fair's book store and may be obtatned there till Aug, 30th You will then be able to secure them at the Flower Show 'Ang;31 and f Sept I. TEE °LINTON NEW ERA Y ou can cook to the full capacity of the top and bake an oven full of good things with a ipttin at the same time. Many exclu- sive features you should know about. Let the McClary dealer show you. es Sold by .Harland Bros. 41 Ac ea.talAALAAAAA6AAAAAAAAAAA taAAAAAAAALAAVAA+adALAA LAA Local Nte a ie a t" v vvvvvvvvv'vvvvvvvvvavvvv$'r vvv;'vvvvvvvvvvw'vveyvvvV V 1' A 'FALSE! ALARM The firebell" called out thee "ire. men on Wednesday morning about 10 o'clock but it proved t o e a falt,e alarm. LASD NIGHTS.' ZEe Kiltie, Band next 'Genii will play cut on Tuesday night, aur on Sunday evening, Sept. bth, will gi i e a Sacred Concert. HELD PICNICI AT BAYIF133LD. The employees of (the .Clinton Clinton Knitting Factory held a picnic at Bayfield last Sateirdav afternoon ands an enjoyable emit was spent at games and dancing APPOINTED 'MAGISTRATE, Mr. M. Lockhart, of Auburn has been appointed? 'Magistrate for Noeth Huron. Thin is an appoint- munt made' in the into•rests of the Temperance party IMPROVEbIENTS Mr. T. Greig• hes had a new vii.. andah built at hie hone and the old enclosed one removed to the back. Mr. Thos: McKenzie sr. had his hctuse painted, 'PUBLIC SCHOOL OPENS T,:ST 1Wj5DNESD AY. The Pnblie Sheol will open Next Wr,t]i e'sday mm.ningt al' 6 o'c1o:•li for the fail term, l'arenrs era, re • duest,.d to s, -e th::t the pupils 01e in their places as many rooms will be changed ?,'wing to the\Suinmer exams, 33RD BOYS (FIGHTING 1N 'TRANCE f,eror. ding to word received cne of the sergeants of the 331.n Bhftnlion lust Thursday flora env cf the members of the special u,e'- tarhe'd company of the 33rdwhi:11 left London June, 17, these ' men new in',3rance* andfigtzting in the larks of ?the L rincass i'atri^za. The letter( was postlea at 011Beg - hell portjust as Oils writer ti us ab„ut to board !a transport foe lei time. lie said the then had wee' through strenuous. training fox the last six weeks, were inlint fWLWe and were prod re the eenivuege that finally •fpey were in get their chane at the enemy, A SHOWER Miss Olive Cooper enteeter nea last Thursday evening in honour of 1iLes Kate Forel whose marriage to Ar.RIVED AT CAIRO. Dr. Bean, of llderton took puce The ship' carrying troops nem yesterday. The guests tater note e hospital units, in which Will nem alt girl 'friends of the bride to„k holy, of town was connected advantage ge of the occasion to sew p rrbeewith kitchen neansiis, a reached Cairo in safety betore,the Iaree clothes basket full or them The fleet to be presendled was ar totitrtieally trimmed Let which erpcn investlratitn pro, ed to be a gt'nite pudding dish. Du nr the LITTLE GIRL'S LIIIIG CRUSHED, et ening the guests hem tined duee- ei s and these also were sho 'emu onsite bride -to -bee Miss :'oeci re 1u;ned to Coderieh online to:d•” night train, the entire party ps• corting her to Thu station to throw after her the rice wefeh always expresses bet uiah.- es fel future happiness. Royal Edward” was !torpedoed Me +„hictley! has not heard from frim yet, but the 'official news star- sd that, they had landed in safely. 'While playing on the road, 5aLure day, little Beth Smith, (Fang ,n Mr. an& Mrs. John Smith, of, the 1lth concession, fdoclerich 1•'ir, t, snip, was accidently run over by •1 water tanl4 wagon, 'wheel: was he- iug ''irawn behind a thresl ir,g st.p•- ai atter, and her leg was 'badly, cr eeked, CASE DISMISS(,G.D., Pine-MESON—COUCH. The marriage of Lucille, d nz:;l•.- ter of Mr. ane' Mas Ries, and Fuji ' 7 Admiral road, Tenn" nn" r n. On Wednesday afternoon benne Norman Pagl;s>n Mus P. M Andrews Mr. Bender of elon- .F'dmoetou tonic 1 l ice at the hric:c's sail was charged with selling a parvo last R'edncsclny, the Re. S. kettle of gin, bee the ,.videueu did 1 E Couch. her urn 1 , e licinting, u. net bear ou; the charge. '?here ie father gave awey.the beige, ,ilio another charge however bringing 'r'u'e her tr.irel lag suit of hot-. in liquor imolai dry territory wni,.p { gear sill poplin with large blaele will be tried i n Wednesday, of I mu, Pewee were no at !i;ndeLees zest week/ NIr.'Edouard Hesselber,• lalay.rl,i,r wedding marches, ar.d,ofter Ile BEAN—FORD W1r;DDL*TG. coieneony the bride's Mother l:eln a reception , wearing :l gown of black satin duchess, timrned wi(!ia Chantil y tees,—The bride is a. mice of r4lrs. A. Conch of rewn and paid her relates, en a visit 110 lune of this year. 'a r army: friends .in town will join with the New .erre. inurrerrud tu'y neem,)• c;ongcatulatioes toe he young bride and groom, MINOR LOCALS. The marriage of Miss lentil/re Fayne Ford, of Goderieh, to Dr, Jolrhi Arthur Bean, of llderton, was celebrated on (Wednesday of this week at 'the home of tyle brute';, parents Revi J. E. and Mrs, Fora, Victoria street; GY,oderieh The ceremony was, perfo med by the bride's father, assisted by her uncle, Rev, W. J. Ford, of Glencoe Miss B.owlby, of Windsor, cousin of tine bride, played the wedding. march The drawing ruoau woe beautifully deeoratea for 'pre oct'asron wide' cut flowers and greenery The t'''ide looked very pretty in 'a gown of n'hste net ovri silk, with satin triidinitlge ht r Loquet was of white noses 0110 illy of the valley She was et -i tended by her twin sister, Miss 1 rl].n w TR in white e and carrynig pink ," i' a, t,:'s : eche "beet pian- was the 'Florticultura-1 Exhibit at,the,town groom's brother, Me. Herbert Bean, hall next Turtdayunci wednesuay. cf, Toledo,. Ohio After the Gerry- ()cod morningwave you sent irony, 'which was witnessed by a the old nag to the war yet? small gathering, of immediate leiaa trigs of the bride dnaroom a 'rhe next publi holiday will be dainty repast was served, and layer Leber Day, Sept 6th. - Dr and Mrs, Bean left for a brief The good ;old surnneer time is trip before settiling in their home rapidly waning. at llderton The bride's going- New stoclte of butter paper, best away gown was of blue eerge, with quality, just in. Leave your order white felt hat, today at the New Er aoffice. 'Meter) Public School opens ori ''Wednesday of next week, Sept 1st 1.1ont forget('. the Hand Social to- night o n the school grounds. See liet of prizes on another page. List owei•voted en the Hydro question on Saturday lust. Rural Ontario is 'doing its bit" in tee harvest Beide not. now, Af- ter th trrecruiting. — TRY -- NNE mnenenowasommint ,S CM �} t?4: 2 ST SMALL BEAD The Bread of Quality` - Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary• - Made 'in Clinton, • Ontario Phone 202 sc !,oaf Thursday, August, 26t1r; 1915, 0 The pleasure given by the refined . ex- cellence of Lotus 'Lawn stationery is . added the satisfaction derived front the fact that It fs ail/lade in Canada." Note P.pef Envelopes Invitation Writing Tablets Papoteries Correspondence Cords fait' slled Stationery Gi 5l meo'3 Club Note and Stational The WeM Fair Often the cheapest'•- 211rways the Best Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the - formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily redeye a cough. Try it— D47. o Z slist THE PENSLAR DRUG STORE bier detneeeneinte eleeleTheelleelleeleteeenrantelniletaMannernieriniallieleattanninnetZenTleilenlenleitinnennantlie Furniture, Rugs & i- inokeumb We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going ?`to furnish your home, or if you only u ant some odd pieces. You will nod it to your advents to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is ,up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction & N Aar ilR. D lludertakcr and Funeral Director. Phone 25. Night and Sunday QJuils answered at Residence over. store DOLLARS COUNT Let 'us give you a price on your plumbing( or Furnace and see the Dollars: we can 'save you. Agents for Alecla Furnaces Tilt Oor'ner Store "Live and Let Lyre" The Spicy acs me Pickles it Have Sou erer observed that:: some pickles and melt sauces have : different Na yore from 'others? ' ! The cause lice in the Spice and Vinegar used. r Our 'Mixed. Pickling Spice as well as our other Spices are see noted Nettle the utmost' care—You caz,not go wiring in using them. I Allspice. Cinncmou whale or ground. Cloves, tivhoir azacl ground, ' Curry Powder, Mace, Tumerie, Celery Seecl, Whole- affixed, j' Pickhng Spic , All kinds of good quality2een ine- cgars to select from. d Phenlhing and Heating E. } • Shop—over Rowland' a 13. E. funnilold P s Hardware Phone 53 PHONE 45. Thos. Hawkins We have the' PERFECT S1I F an CROWN Brand Jams. - .p,+•3eteine a++,4•++43.3.3!+•h4.ed•i i•3• .I• 4. 4. s• d• 4. 4.. 4. •t• CETT N i DOWN TO FACTS Gomm®. We think our shoes take the topmost position in- every particular— For Style, Fit, Quality, Durability We believe our shoes are generally conceder even by our competitors, to be Shoes of Unusual Excellence The sane careful attention is given tothe style, fit and dependable quality, of our $2,o0, $2.50 and $3.00 shoes as is given to our shoes costing $5.00 or $6.00, Getting down to facts—we believe your shoe money will do better wdrk here than it will at any other store. Shoes for Men, for Women, for the School Boy and Girl, for Very Little People, and Infants FRED. J Pie M1: ,r• Se 1