The Clinton New Era, 1915-08-26, Page 5ThthedaY, August, 26th '1016,
InTLues ofPcaee
In Times of War
our Eyesight
▪ is Essential 4,,
Failing Vision -an enemyex"
( to eomiort and •pleastn•e-ea.n.
Ire nursed into normal condi
.Lion iry elaseesthat-,r.ctitt•-, co
`3+a', a.tely focused, ground and ad rt-
jested-rneer,' the necessary
• requirements.
To be at war with' your eyes
- is taking- a dangerous chance
-a condition that need not
Avoid all such) folly by
wearing g'assesjtbat will n p r
Jen sure happiness and content at
But sometimes good watches
misbehave themselves because
they can't help it,
'They often do not g
the e getmo rtes
y Ut?uld. Dirt accunrulrttes
-the watch gets erratic, perhaps
stops alLogethere,
an turn a watch like' that
into a'udiaful timepiece again for
Very little money. ,
We would take it apart -
Clean it thoroughly, put it
together, and handl it back
to yen as goods as new.
Repairs sent
bymail will have
our earliest attention. We will
return it to you by mail postage
prepaid by us,
his, .11116enil
Junior Matriculation
. t
The, list contains the
names' of the candidates from 1Lur
on County; who were successful in
whole or in part on the Pass un -
int Matricul ition (examinati rn,
'formal Entrance enndidates tau
I were also eandidrtes for Mateyo
elation has; ebeen consurereti in
th'e results.
In Group 1. are given the names
of all 'condi .:bates woo have obtain-
ed complete in a ri ulation by pees, -
Mg on the twelve require exam-
rnation panels, which erre a. fol
lows-Rnglish literature Fitglash
compost ion, British' and Canadian
iistory, ancient' history, algebra,
et ti
Y Latinauthors,
position, together with ihe
»l"9.4Lt ,papers in any two of the rc 1-
osi ng:, sail'Iecte -Expel , en- al
science- (nlvic•s and chn nnarat,
French (authors and cempusitien;
German (authors .and composition)
Creel; (authors and compeer( Jun),
In.;- t3rcup 2. ar 'e ginve the
'names of those wh o have passim
ton at least nine o f t;he papers ic-
'quired for complete matriculation
and u ave obtained the minimum re
iquired on the whole examination.
They have, therefore, failed in net
tore than' three papers. These
japers are indicated in brackets
after the candidates' names. full
...particulars will' be shown on their ,
certificates, In' order to com-'
pldte 'their matritu ation the y ml'st'
pass in all the papers indicated, at
one examination,- the standard for
pass belt; forty per cent. of the
mark's assigned/ to each paster,
Til 3. are given the nem es of
all those c mdida tee-, win) sewn i •
ed to obtal neck the minimum re-
quired on the whole examination,
hut who have failed to. obtainer?,
forty pen cent_ on each of .rt least
papers, with anr
e O'
sixty per cent. on the same. Such
-canitidates have been awarded par
Waal matriculation, and in order
1 complete 'their matriculation
„ust obtain at one examination
irty per cent. on each of the re-
aining papers, with 01) nveyege
f: sixty per cent. Ion the sem,
he papers: on which tiny have
tiled are incfioatsel in ben elect;
iter the names of the oanclidates,
tndidates for matriculation into
Faculty of Applied Science
,o have' obtained pass standing
at least eight pass papers. with
rage of sixty per rent an aid
roue 'are reported in this list,
t'he'iionor 'etancling of such eandi,.
dates in mathematics will be found
in the honor, matriculation results.
Other Candidates.
The' result of the examination in
the eases' of eaneladiatos writing on
fewer -than Piglet tanners tare not
reported in t'm lint below. '+his
statement includes these randld,•tte
litho have written only on the pn
Pers required for matricide Li-,
oto thee College n1Plrnrmnry, '11
such applicants must wrtit for the
-receipt of their certificates 10
order to ascertain the r -
gult' of the examination
•.The statement' of standing of ell
andidates- will be sent tothe Prir,
.1pals of the high school -9 and ee-
,egtate Institutes or to the
"untie eche-el Inspectors in a hew
•ye In the case of then,. Wltr,
ote at the University of Trrot•',
ronto, their statements will be
it to the Registrar of that in-
tution. Candidates will ap;5ly r•
rse officials -and not to this D e-
r,tme:3it for the reports ha dccail
:roe-drotin 1-•11. N. Al in ttnim,
ehibald, DV:Ti Armstrong, j
vier. A. E. Brokenshnr, 'H. M
raw ell; I. V. Creery.,0. R. Luugan
crozon osxarr imutam ina
A. J. ',Grigg
Jeweler and Optician 44C-
scIssuer of Marriage
M. L. Dago, G. N. dwat d 1, A, M
Elliott, R. A. 'Fisher, T .11. Freda ri-
E D. Galt, M. C. Galt, K. A. Gib-
bons, E. S.M. Hamilton, 11'1,
Toai•d, L. C. Jackson, B. 3. L. r 1 in,
W. L. Lovell, Katie AIrr,G+rei;or,
Alma, Mackenzie, Ches) ,•v iVIcLr,
Margaret t A
' M C"Jo-
a -lone Sean Mtdleton,
L. E. Osn etch
er, NI. L. Redmond, J.H. Smith, M.
E. Snell, H. Sweet, 33.'W'. Turn o1,4
A L Wilson J.0 Yougn,
Group.2-A. B Henry, (arc, hist:
Lat. A.) 'H. C. Scott, (B. and, C. hist,.
1.7. E. Waltee's' Lat. A,).
Group 3.--A. L: Ballantyre (;ins.
his+.) W. R. Chown, (phys 101
chem,), William Cleary, ( Kett, •\,,
Lat. C:'Fr. C.) L F. F: Copp (,]ting.
eomp., Lat. A., Lat., C.) J. IVC Cutl
(alg. Lat. A., Lat. C.) .4. W. Dewar
(ane, hist. phys. chum,), 0.Et ins
(Lat. A,)'E.I. Barn, (?'ns his*. cam
Lat. A. Lat., C,) Archie nloys !bat,
A I,at. C. Pr C.)' Harry Hincble v,
(Eng. comp.( •Lat, A. Lat. C. Ger 0
11. S. Holmes (phys) R. G. Lanai
(ane. hist, Lat, A., Lat. 0. ,Fr. C
M' II. Larkin, (plays) C. W. Lott,
(Lat. A.Lat. C.) 1l E. McPherson
(phys! .',fir okl 1 '1rie (an(: hist.
plays, Lat. A.), N. II, Radford (piles
chem. Lat. C.), M. D. ' atoberlo
(Lat. A.) Elizabeth Sanderson i(drys
H. F. Shaw (Lat. C.) F. G. Thomp
son (ane. hist., phys,, chem„ Lat.a.
Tierney A.L..L. e L'n
. Comp.;.
ey ( S.
Townsend (one language •iptien'
M.E. Turnbull, (phys, Lat. A. 'ter. C
.V.'B. Work (Lat. As Fred .r. Wood.
(Let As, Lat. C. one language op-
The sale of the farm of which has
been advertised in the New Era for
sometime will take place at the Rose
farm, Lot 13 con, 1. Stanley on Sep
tember 3rd at 2 o'clock, Mr. Thos.
Gundry is the auctioneer
Births, Marriages a I1?aths
BRUCE -At Lashburn, Sask., ion
August 2'Lnd Mr, Robert Druce,
formerly, of Londesborot
MOORE-In Beneall, on Sunday Aug,
22nd. John Anthony Moore, former
1y of Canton, aged 30 years, 7 mon
the and 13 days.
S d1 ••••••®••di••••••••.
• ,•
• •
Services will be held as usual next Sun-
day the pastor will preach both morning
and evening..
Prayer meeting will be held on Thurs-
day evening at 8 o'clock. Everybody
Rev. F. C. Harper pastor of the church
will occupy his own pulpit on Sunday
Sept 5th. •
Rev. R. W. Dickie, D. D. of Montreal
and minister of the Cresent Str, Presby-
terian Church will preach both morning
and evening next Sunday.
Last Sunday evening Mr. 'Dewitt Cos -
ens, a former C. C. I. student here took
the services under the auspices of the.
Bible Society and gave a good address
on "Why we should support the Bible
The pastor's subject at the morning
service was the "The Blessed Future'.
The pastor,: Rev. Dr. Rutledge is expect
ed to preach at both services'' next Sun
Mr. Dewitt Cosens, son of Rev. T. W.
Cosens addressed the congregation on the
work of the Bible Society on Sunday
morning and also spoke in the interest of
the Society on Monday night. His lant
ern views of scenes in tjie war countries
were good and his address was of much
Rev. S. J. Allin the pastor preached on
Sunday on the words "What Manner of
Man is This"?
Next Snnday the pastor will preach in
the morning on "Burning but not Con-
sumed" and in the evening on the "Mean
ting of a Sigh." -
nip®O•m•• 6 •
eros ••o®®saoae®mld>i•• •
'ITes 8:50
23 to :20
Barley le 60 'to '70.e.
Edge 20to1 21e
G\ heats $1 05,
Oats .55e
Buckwheat; 70c to) The,
(.Peald' 11251
Shorts 30.00.
Bran 23,00.
'Hay for baiting 12.00 and 13.00
gVneat 1.15,
dat 61c
Butter ate
r 26'to
lit Eggs' 25
'Cattlo 8,00
• 91°69 0.40
:Sheep '7,00
,r mb910.00
Barleg 60e.
•Cheese; 121-8
Tuekeramith Kelly Monday morning. .The offense
L, Feencller, of the Annateul- tyok place on August a. lnspeetor
taral OnliegP Guelj1h, mils! -completed 8ii1oI
of Winghant, assisted in the
the work of led ing the [field sinus eat
ered forcoint e tie;ly under the enspires
of the Seaforth Agri'oltura.l Society'
rind has handed i hie report to the
secretary, 111x. L1. Broderick, The
net,p corn maitihni was for oats, and the
following is the list of the'suecessft'tl
coin tfetitors and the polo 1s` awarded
each: \Vil))au .Back, Tucltersn•ii'11,
85 points; A , ;d J Bro tdfuot, Tuck
smith, 80; A Blooms Tnekersmith, -771,
Joseph Srott, Scott,Mr Ritlop, 7(1; :James �Il„
Scott, McKi lnn 7f3:1; D. Potheringharn
Tuck ersticith rr GOO. Wttdker, 'fucker
smith 02:4. 171yhty points or over in
chuled gratin prarttcallyfree from( nox
ions weeds el' all kinds
After a long and painful) illness Mr,
Alexauder Jamieson passed away at
his home on the Huron road. •Tneker-
smith, on Tuesday. Ah, :Jamieson was
68 years of age and is survived by his
wife but no family The funeral took
place Thursday to Maitland Bank Cern
Worn has been received of the death
in Los Angeles, of 11. Chester E. Wil-
son it former Seufrn•th boy and a broth
er of Mrs W G. Willis of this' town
Mt Wilson was 31 years of age and is
survived by a widow and two child.
ren The remains are being taken to
Detroit for interment,
Heavy rains during the Latter part
of last week, and the first of this pre-
venters the farmers from getting in a
laree quantity on grain, but the past
few days have been very favorable
The Council did some badly needed The men of ot our community are
and t'Y
prating in of catch g t g
c basins
at the corner af King and Nelsons considering the advisability of baying
streets and made a good job of same,
and are now engaged in improving our
streets generally, and intend putting
on a large quantity of gravel, and wit h
the larger stone well brolten up the
results will be good
Airs. Alfred Buchanan, of London, is
visiting her hushand's parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Andrew Buchanan, of Tucker -
A very anions accident took piece
n the Neatern 1. o t '
indryhore. C+Vltile
Wm,'Shrrglry was working at the
polishing wheel it exploded, ibrealting
in two pieces, striking hem and madly
cutting: his bead and face, Dr. Red-
mond wan hurriedly suanmoned, and
Put in a number ofi stitches, His
clothes were badly torn off his body.
file is doirm well however
George ili:oir, Poi• the privilege of get
ting drunk and walking up Main street
n 1 s list co need drs:rict, contributed
$33 to the corporation fund
Goderich Township
Mr. and Mrs.' Holland, And Misses
Gladys and Mary and Itir. P. Cole and
wife, motored to lir. Peter Cole's on
Thursday lair,
Miss Resta Keyes. of Stanley has sen
cared a school, at Taylor's corners at
a good sal try. Mise Keyes has been
teaching to Stephen township
Miss Flgssie Cole was visiting down
in Stanley with relatives
Air. James Keyes delivered a fine
bunch of cattle last week to Brucefield
station and got a good figure
Connell meets on. Monday of next
Miss Maggie ,McKenzie of London
spent her vacation et home,
'Rev. Mr. 'Turner of Blyth will preach
the thankotlering Sermon for the
Womens AlissionarySocieties on Sah
hath next in the Presbyterian Chtirch.
a field gun, they think it high time
that they should stand manfully be
side the boys whom we have sent out.
Mr. Herd has moved into B. R.
u kin's cottage lately' vacated by Mr
Andrew Murdock and family of De
troth visited last week at the home of
his father, Robert Murdock.
Miss Brownlee of London who has
been visiting this w eek with Rev. Mr,
Woods have returned home
Exeter The annual thanksotfering meeting
Mr. Lee Blatahfcrd who has been in
poor health tor some time underwent
an operation for appendicitis last
week, A few months ago Mr. Blatch
ford underwent an operation for in
ternal trouble. ,ireat hope is being
held out for his complete recovery to
good health,
Mr. Lean Tremble formerly of Exe
ter Times Printing Company left for
London several years ago to take a no
sition there, but he has now enlisted
in the 33rd. Stanley Fisher formerly
of the Bank ot Commerce stall here
has also enlisted
Joe Halve Mr.. Lane, Mrs.B.
Williams and Douglas Stewart all un
derwent surgical operations here last
Mr. Nelson Sheere has rented the
house north ot the power house on
Main street and will move there with
his family shortly.
Brussels Red Cross Society will put
on a field ,day on Monday, Sept. 0,
Labor Day, in the hope of raising '$1,
000. There will be a decorated auto
mobile procession, baseball, football,
basketball, children's sports and fire
works and a big concert in the even
ing.Thedemonst.•ation is being taken
hold with enthusiasm,
The awards in the standing field com
petition in connection with the Brus-
sels Agricultural Society are as follows
1 John Lowe, 2 R. J. Hoover, 3 Oliver
Hemingway. 4 Wm. Moses, 5 Elston
Candiff, 0 Oliver Turnbull, 7 Wm,
Armstrong, There were 10 entries.
Rev, Mr. Hinde, Toronto is supply.
in the Presbyterian
g Church pulpit for
a few Sundays in the absence of the
pastor, Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A.
The new chopping mill to take the
place of the one destroyed by fire is
havingthe machinery chine y installed and
will be ready for•,work in a week or so.
The stable , of A. B. MacDonald,
township clerk, at Ethel, was burned
down by lightning this week.
There was an insurance of $100 on it,
Very heavy rains accompanied the
electric bolt, but not sufficent to drown
out the fire
Mr, and Mrs. W. Lindsay of Floren
oft are visiting relatives in and around
the village.
Mrs John Nelson of Bothwell visit
el Mrs. In Nelsen for afew.days
Mrs, James Mann, er: spent a week.
with friends at 'Brussels
Threshing has commenced around
here • .
The many friends of Mrs. Chas. Me.
Greggor will beglad to -know she .is
improving nicely and it is, to be hoped
she continues so
'.Mr. and Mrs. W. Venner and child '
ren of Hensel) spent Sunday the' guest
of! her, grandmother Mrs; Odopes t
Mr.,Jahes Steples,,who,was a well. s
known resident of Seaforth for a nuns
bet of ears died/recently at Regina,;
from cdmplieattions whieh,det in••'aftel'
'an • operation• adrappendioi tis. .He ..was
very prominent in'atheletic and wasins
the. barbering business in, town with
"his hrorher'u dtil five' o2• six ;years ,'ago.
when he went to the West. The folloai'
•ing Pn'M8tmbrial'notice from 'one. "of
theiRegl0a,'•pfiapera' will • be Interesting',
•to many 'of •hisoidfriends,nSas:+Staples
t' better known in the atheletic world of
Regina arid the West as "Blondy,"
died yesterday after a brave fight
against complications which set in of
ter an operation for appendicitis,
Bloody although practically uncon
scions for: the, last four days had every
hope of recovering for he had a wood
erfully strong constitution and rallied
several times despite his very weak
condition. Blondy Staples has been a,
familar figure in Regina for the last 4
years, having been one of thestalw'srts
of the old Shamrock lacrosse team
which won the Corby Cup, and later.
lost it to the Iierrobertteam last year.
Hewas employed e
d in the Athelette a
1 Y
ber shop and
p was a respected member
of the Journeymen Barbers Union.
He s a friend of everyone wee ye one who made
his acquaintance, and the will join in
extending their sympathy to the sol
rowing widow, James Staples was
horn at Constance, Ont., June 4 1887.
He gained considerab
le fame at Sea
forth as a lacrosse la • being
p ex a team
mate of the renowned Jackson family,
Nor the second offense under the
Canada Temperance Act, John Bed
ford tt oprietor, of the Hotel Bedford,
was fu'•.+l $100 and costs by Magistrate
f h W
o t e , lvl, S,Anxiliary will be held
in the Presbyterian (March on. Sunday
August 20th when Rev. W D Turner,
of'Bylth will, preach both morning
and evening. At the morning service
a special offering will be taken up for
the Missions
Seat orth
Before Police Magistrate Holmstead
here Saturday. Thies. Stephens, of
Queen's Hotel, was fined $50 and costs
under the Canada Temperance Act
for keeping g g
li nor for sale, the case
was the
of a raid made
constables•Pellnw and Wallis aleph
ens was represented by . lawyer Best,
and Inspector Torrance was assisted
by Crown Attorney Seager, of, Gode
rich, and the Government analyist, W.
J. Fawcett, of Toronto. Stephens
also faces another charge, which.will
be tried next week.
London Road
• Mr, Albert Livermore, of Toronto, is,
spending his vacation at his home
League meets at Mr. Get:age Hanley's
next week Tuesday night
Some farmers have a lot ot grain to
cut yet and it is in had shape. Some
say that the loss will be heavy on some
of the farms
Mr. Author Wiltse takes the "Cake"
for furnishing his harvest first this
year, having all the crop in the barn
John Cartri tit wife and family:
spent Monday in Goderich
Charles Stewart had the misfortune
to lose,a heavy horse by getting a
nail in its foot.
Mr. 11. Lyon and wife, of the West,
are spending a few months with his
p g
parents Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little left for
the West this week
Miss Maud Lyon left an Monday for
St, Johns, N Fld. where she will en-
gage in the Deaconess.: work there
Henry McBrien has,given his house
a coat of paint this week
Mies Else Farguar is spending a week
with relatives at Point Warm
Miss Kate Baxter,,•of Clinton, was
the guest of her friend Mrs. John Gib:.
binge on Sunday ,
Edward Gray has engaged as teach.
er at near Dublin
Miss Tillie Hazelwood' spent sunday
with her sister Mrs. D. Hoggart
Miss Sarah McOool, of.Clin'ton, spent,
a few days with her niece Mrs. A Nott
Miss Charity Snell is spending her
vacation with her grand parents Mr. -
and ,Mrs; James Snell
Alfred McBrien, of the West, is
visiting his parents Mr and Mrs W,.
J. AleBrien, ;
Ephraim Snell left this weekfor
the States where he will ,attend the
fall Fairs for the .next .. thgep months
-Miss Rose Gorbutt spent this .week.
with Mrs A, Morrell, ,
'James Forbes' was madly injured
whenrhe fell from a ioad^of grain on
Monday when the rope -broke letting,
him' to Vhe.'ground,
Mao Jaines Van Egniond and son
and Wesly Shobrodk spent Sunday
with;Jamee Shrohrooa:.:
Mrs A.. J. Morrish, of Clinton, is
spending a few days with Mrs, Albert
Regular monthly meeting of the
Londesborough Branch of he Wom-
ens Institute will be held in the For-
rester Hall at 2.30, Thursday Sept.
2nd. Topic for the day - The Moral
and physical harm of fault finding,
All Ladies welcome �
Mr, Oran Cartwright of London
spent Sunday at home'
Mise Bina Kirk and Miss Peters of
Kingston returned home this week,
atter two months vacation r -
n at the fo
mer s sister Mrs. W Lyon,
Miss Edna Mason Studayed in the
villa e
Miss Myrtle, Violet and Orval Phil-
lips la s spentSunday with Shanley friends
Miss Maude Lyon left on Tuesday.
for St. Johns, Newfoundland where
she will commence herd duties as Dea
coness in that city, w
We ieh her.
every success
Harvey IAmliins Jim
Crawford, &lea Manning, Joe Yong.
blue anal Archie Webster left Tuesday
for the west.
Mr. Robert Snell and Miss Mary of
Westfield. spent, Sunday here
Iyer' The Teacups
James and A'jrs. Dunford and daugh
ter visited relatives and friends in lirus
sets over Sunday. Miss Clete is extend
ing her visit with her cousin, Miss Lillian
1\11'. Colin Shaw who has boon visiting
here spent a few days in Toronto and was
accompanier] by his neice,-Mies 114adelon
Shaty y
Misses Laura \Vilitem and Kathleen
East are spending their holidays at Bay-
Misses Jessie McNally and Betty 1tIc
Nally, of Guelph, tine visiting with Miss
IIattie Holloway
111', A. K. Wilson of the Molson's
Bank staff, spent.,the week enol with
friends at Bayfield.
Mrs, Joe Rattenhury is visiting with
relatives in 'Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Welsh, of Chat
ham spent: the week end with the form
ers parents,`Sergt. and Mrs, R. Welsh,
Mrs. 1'Iros. FM -wit -ins and children re
turned lest Saturday from their visit a1
Mrs. Spence of Toronto and Miss
Spence andiVtrs. H. Spence, of Southamp
ton, and cbildrecl spent part of Monday
the guests of Mrs. McGarva, Ontario
Mr, AI.
D. Scots of
was in
town on Saturday last.
Mr. Ray Ford of Fort William is
spending his vacation at the parental
Mrs. Shillin ton and
g young son left
for their hone 01 South Bend, after
spending the summer with the formers
parents Rev. Dr, and Mrs, Rutledge.
Dr. Rutledge accompanied then as far
as Port I•Iuron on Friday morning.
Mr. Will Webb, of Tofielcl, Alta„ is
the guest of his grandparents Mr, and
Mrs, Henry Joyner.
Mrs. T. E. East returned last Eriday
a ter i
ani i•
s Lwth'
at Palmerston.
Mr. ColinShaw, who has spent the
past couple of weeks with his brother Dr.
Shaw, and father, Ivfr. John Shaw return
ed to his home in Springfield, Ohio
Rev. J. E. Ford, of Goderich was a
visitor in town on Friday last.
Miss Jennie Miller left oh Tuesday
morning for Moose Jaw, Sask , to visit
her sister Mrs, W. L. Cantelon and oth
er friends,
Miss Ila 13awden and Master Jack
are visiting with relatives in London
Mrs, Bawden was the guest of Mrs.
Case of Seaforth last week.
Mr. Wilfred Dickinson, of Brantford
was calling on old friends in town.
Mr, and Mrs. P. Anent accompanied
by Mike Ament and Mrs. Burchill and
young son Scott, all of Brussels spent a
few hours the guest of friends in town
last Thursday
Miss Spading of Whitechurch is the
guest of the Misses Rozell.
NIr, and Mrs, Will Plumstecl and child
ren returned from their Western visit
last week. Mr. Plumstecl reports that
the crops are good and prosperous times
vee a head of many
in the
Y te
Miss Gertrude O'Neil of Cleveland is
he guest of her cousins the Misses
Misses Emma and Edna Lavis visited
It London this week,
Mrs. H. E. Paull is spending a faw
veeks in Toronto,
Mrs, Radcliffe of Medicine Hat, Alta.,
and her small daughter Betty are visit
ng Dr. Gunn.
Mrs, T. Jackson and Miss Ruth return
ed last Saturday from two weeks visit at
Go Home Bay
Dr. Annabel McEwen who has been
ecturing at different points in Sask. is ex
pected home this week,
Miss Bessie Ross returned to Toronto
on Monday after a two weeks visit , avail
riends in Clinton and vicinity.
Mrs. Osborne MacKinnon and her
daughter Irene of Toronto were the
guests of Miss Olive Cooper last wee):,
Miss Annice Bartliff who is in training
at Victoria I-Iospital London is home for
ter vacation
Mrs. i'IcGee and two daughters of
Sarnia, were in town last week
Miss A'Iay Bentley is visiting in Lon
Mrs. Fraser of Goderich is spending a
ew days with her
Mr. Jas. Scott returned on Saturday
rom Carleton Place where he and his
amity have been camping.
NIrs, Russ, of Guelph, is the guest of
ter parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Forbes.
Mr. D. L. Cranston, of Port Arthur, a
visiting in town.
The many friends of Rev. J. Greene
vill be sorry to learn that he is seriously
11 at his home.
Mr, and Mrs. W, S. Downs and child-
ren, accompanied Mr. and Mrs.E. G.
Matthews, of Listowel on a. motoring trip
ast week, also visiting in Brussels, Lis-
towel and Elma,,,arriving home on Toes -
day evening last. , ;
Miss Lizzie Burnett visited with
friends in Sarnia and .Port Muton , over
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Brickenden re-
turned to London on Tuesday, after mak-
ing•a short visit with the formes sister;
Mrs. Edward Rodaway: '
Renfrew Mercury. -Mr, Jas. Scott of.
Clinton,, Ont., hon. ipresident .of the
Postmaster',s Association or, Ontario was
the guest of Posttn•tsl:er end. Mrs. Wright:
in Renfrew on Thursday. He is at pres.
ent camping at Carleton Place with his
daughters, and came on to see Hotel
Renfrew, the Post Office, Creamery and
other good things of Renfrew of which he
has heard so much.
Mr. Dewitt Cosens, of London, while
in Clinton, was the guest at the Ontario
Rev. Dr. Rutledge was a visitor at
Port Huron on Friday last.
Mrs: (Rev. Dr,) Cook of Mcaford is
spending a few days the guest of Mrs
Geo. ''Lavis.
Miss Emma and Edna Lavis spent ent a
couple' of days last week with friends in
London, taking the trip by, auto.
Miss Edna Lavis is visiting Miss Bessie
Walker in Brantford.
Mrs. Bean of town attended the wed-
ding of her son,Dr.Arthur
Bean to Miss
Kate Ford M oderich on Wednesday of
this week
Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Jervis, Base line
the Bean --Ford.
attended wedding on
Wednesday at Goderich.
NIr. and Mrs. Maxwell left on Thurs-
la • morning for their home in
c S >; o Leaming-
ton after visiting their daughter, Mrs.
12oss hero,
r Wa Aliln fourth on of R
M y s ev. and
NIrs. S. J. Allio who is a student at • the
Y. M. C. A. College 0 Chicago won a
scholarship for his past years work,. -.Mr.
Allin has one more year to put in at the
Mr. F. Buchanan, ofWing •am was in
town today.
We've bought largely and have had goods coming
in freely all year, so our stock at the present is heavy-.
in fact, more than we should carry at this season,and in
order to reduce it as much as possible we will offer
special rices for one month, commencing PJuly y
t=oo s for less than many lines could be bought
for to -day.
1 lot of fancy color Cie es worth 15c for toe
P r o
Ladies Waistsrom
f 35c up
House Dresses from goc to 1.50
40 pieces of Print at 50 while they last
3o Children's Dresses to clear
i*tten's Suits, Odd Pants and Odd Vests
Some lines in Boots and Shoes, onlya few of each kind
Conte and See )'hat we can do for You
A. '•� o s
Vlore Business
•• Into the Business Field half Trained and poorly equipped like many
•. of whore a leading Toronto business man recently said, "They are
A not worth a 1-, •
• We give you a thorough training, and as a graduate of one of S
• our Schools we know you can do things and do them well. We get •
• right behind you with our recommendation and our Employment •
„ Department and place you promptly in good positions,
e These are two good reasons why you should select one of our •
Schools, There are others. Our catalogue suggests some of them. •
o It will be mailed free on receipt of your request for a copy. Write •
for it, Address W. 0. SHAW, l'resideant, r
Shaw's• •
o:41 •
• • Toronto. Head offices Yonge and Gerrard Streets •
••eessemi eOpeeQ(at^r•eeeCee sieeen••os•••••••seeessO••••
We •
Durnp W ®n
SEPT -1.
$30,000 IN PRIZES
Prizes Increased this year by
Excellent Program of
Attrac-tions Twice Daily
Two Speed ).vents Daily
Fireworks livery' Night
New Steel Grandstand
Midway (tetter Than Ever
Music by the Best Available Bands
{Vest of Toronto, and Fare and One -Third from outside points
Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all Infornnation
from the Secretary
W, .1' REID, President. A. 111. HUNT, Secretary
• pp s
• !'
'xoderich Bowlers are holding a
tournament this week The games,
started on Wednesday.
Judge Doyle held Voter's List
Court here on Thursday morning
of this week,
Mr. Ross Forrester son of Mr.
and Mrs. D. A. Forrester, ana a
fur mer employee of the New Era
staf f. has enlisted for the overseers
contingent witpt • the 63th Batt',
at Moose Jaw. The' 'old frienas of
Russ will hope, he comes back with
aV.C, t
Four rinks( of bowlers went to
ltlyth lastiFriday evening for ,a
bowls andlost byi15 shots. Only
cne rink was up. iroltowing aretho
and skips; -
Clinton , Blyth
G. Roberton 18 G. 'McTaggart 15
Dr. Axont 15 Dr. Allisoni 25-
3. E. Hovey, 12 R. H. Thomas 19
J, Nedtgem 15 Dr. 'McTaggart 16
60 1 - 75
Br;.ntford Ea positor -•Rev; C, h,
t •
Jenkins rector of St. Jude's Church
Wo lto rat g oing
to the front with the
68th Batt(aliorn, will be much miss-
ed in Masonic circles during the
Cr ll]
winter t
erm As
s an enl
taining speaker Bro. Jeakins has
It•w equals and(his increasing ,ane
helpful addresses, during 00 sojourn
here have ,been features of Mason •
is gatherings The 'reverend bro-
ther is Past( Grande Chaplin of the,
Grand Lodge of Quebec, A; O. and;
Do not miss attknding the Flow
er Show' next Tuesday, and Wed-
, resday in the Council Chamber,
evenings at 7.30. t The present
prospects are. that there will be a
magnifieient display; of 'Aunts alio.
cut flowers, The 'WWTomen"s Patine
Vere society, W il'serve catiafes and
righter recreshinents in the toboy,
on the Town, Hall for the hermits;
of their funds, on both evenings.
All the cut flowers on display' or
in competition will be Nola by
auction on ,Weclmesclay Lrsnc, ilia
px•oceeds for, toe W. 1.. A, Arians,
eton free.
The Edmonton( Bulletin, iefering
to the success' of the nsxhtortiau
r,eld in,tiiae, city, from tiie 4th ;to
tae )sun nr ‘Aug., pays the i0l-
iowing compliment to a former
nlintonian, the naughtier oe .lir,
mitt inns. Rupert niulmes, of 'lor-
;,-••dust a fewworas of cum-
mendation for the •deserving ntetrm-
beis of the). staff at the exhibition
01u0o Luis; year. 'intents '1:, no oea
01 roses during the rush of exiiint-
tion time, but they have ',seen civil-
ity, itself all week, in spite of rush
dnficulties, and, the snares have
d uttermt
tosr( to the Last
E. o
L arse HolmesSecxe i .e
to Mr. ,Stark (Manager) is one
must be specially. call9. mention-
enL r -ed in recording! ing) 'the efficiency of
the exhibition staff. Before e,im-
ing to heli present position to 1012
-hen 'Holmea had .been assistant to
1Ix.'larT- on t
S t
of thean�-
adian Farm/ and was, ;therefore,
Ealy conversant; with office mind
agement, and etgtiehltural matters
in general, To say) that lnot - a
little of Edmond/ma's sueeess' with
exhibitions is duq. to 'Niles 'Holmes
is to present) a. bare statement of
fast," _.t 1 '