HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-08-26, Page 4PAGE POUR, CLIeiTON NEW BRA And 'they are on lite job ail the time, I i ckt.n 1.11r w'ctner \ .:t.. t retetally fail dead with i'y rd" tvraz e int it 't 'bu'n hot omen v era 'to present there vii ei +cl n cl•iy w': 't. far t t t t• a•loc ter, 11 the i • men P10 :t• 'it .1 rne1 ,y the city tek.ng h..1c1 of pati totie matt:•rs to .licit a tie t.,1, • r thti n 1-•1 :: ,' y the e w:ulu be an addition (I alit r « e'.rette e fu .i,e,nieg the I milli N see you fifty at el' R ht el.' d h u o ■ great suece,sa, ,All' infornrntior+, Good Spirits) I prize lists, and pr , Ontario. n t s fr,otn t! e I Sem'etaly, London, Ontasb , can only be enjoyed by those whose digestive organs work naturally and regularly. The best corrective and or irregu- lar yet discovered f gu lar or faulty action of stomach, liver or I bowels, is known the world over to bo BEECHAM 'S. PILLS i snout Lollar 1.110e. tut S.; or p f' ✓ell -„.oho it THE OILY CORE RIR Sold everywhere. In boxes. 2$ ,cents --ewell, A modemBlack Beauty I wel'fel,ar that. thinks 'ere nae peen oitotiostiosos0000senososoecoo I Ise. s Holy Mike' Latest Prayer o ooOuti0000taos+000sa0tioOtte imoo 0 Lord, wha in the; Heaven,' does. Whieo this can be 1 canna tot. ; e The Real Shirkers A STOMACH The storied' Black Beauty. 'neat a Bath "cul urea'• courses it ���� came And frightful” me:Clous fail ' te. :rough time} of it, but final y quell into his reward at the end •a 'a S The Allied forces. -- -- lived happily' among green me+d-I and insisted on ai:itto i'. 1p•Qiiw4 S$i011 and �llnllalf ows• the recipient, of loving caro L tel I set out, to'sl:y abezr, stele .bed aI Nu such ha 1 tale r ccom panics ply 1. : And hunt a lion to its lair. Joe the, horse •in cease(' c o'Chantfci';ir be Treatef? the records o tl , p thaav the acct Troubles �1915t Anel h because he la creak, in Nova Scotia ter sane purposes' The cock 'wee game. chuckled Through the Iil00d, which had been sold for two got's a;)1eigiuni Here being called upon by the esnv'das 51 drake. This horse And a' I"'vet h t f t d end l the lived a fairly happy life it n, •' i, d t Y it had u.•'cla, d tis I ] e Ye unde.s . Iknew another, who had heedrodo of diollars to this man's one, had "d ers fort e Patriotic 1','int en darks ane a ria e. : nl • i 1 canna tame„ s cot out of enn.9 iouunR i > * i . ,resume until rd .top "lard our, emote 's: need is so gr t,>e Indigestion can' treetdd in la 0 Lo command clog n god to : rJ•st ' ways,but it osn only ee I the age( of 24 years, Of course It was at'Thy( exln'ess co men are b 'ninny fi -such an a e as this dry hop se , took their swore i what aretho�svel,-.laedt 00 eau: r'u•ed in one wey—throe);] the I at g I _My' people -for military ser, ire ci+:aces• do= t]ood Purgatives cannot Cute NU (mid be ready to,giiit; but' not hand rf f s f•a chasten• on In g ,nr "' - � `', e w r Are' Y senting amacrine grin righ of their own, bet? Not what y u•rt notice. They're not even contri- buting more than to dee.-'' - ,:a a whack "to the cent'ibu Sons new being -taken up 1 y the Orangemen end other citizens' for a- n--irl':ll,• • gun foe000reea' service :Ind "ne home service• with tis 2etet l-tg- ment The dol.a subscribed iby the man working' for wages fh greater sacrifice, given more re -l- ily and freely, than the ten• lars given by men who are incl' pendently well off, and who can 'Write their cheques for sums (of five 'or six figures Eaton, of Toronto, gave 450,0°0 for petre.,,e Purposes and he was made a Fir' Why' it was no par'ticulal' eyed it to him He mane that e50,0C0evtii of theworkingpeople, and y rights aria( otters like hint eh.ou.r( lave a speC0 1 war tax imposed ^n them, according, io what they u•e indigestion. :y main' force the••• . thus one. I11 has been going - fur Then oe he Ger- old st help t • s io u vvo sic d. ince 'then. Tl ill indigents eel, s f is 'food st > yen I on the tie mo ve y an d 1 system! vi=1r' 1 B t That.wealcens' $hewlio e(+linin Uliitn In ;OougLas man uses up the natural juices lino', ]aught the animal fol Qi os "l c 1 O do thou,hasten. ;eaves the stomach and 'hnw•iL I it was 24 years old. It fell in Ye sparely cion realise 1,arched and sore. It'. is eetual'y a ; stable and unable to ret un, prml army's dcannn" doom in siuc, cause of indigesion—not a rove.' ed itself fro pieces. 'Uhlman then My al y 'are on the else: Others try pre-digested foods and traded it for two ducks and '1. An' sausages pe tonizecl drugs. The 'd rigs drake to Hallett Dnaiiels, 'who It's waist, distressuei ,..e, • whith digest •the food for the etom shore he initeeecd it a li'l`t'. Sem•e m; blessing, 1 lly weakens its power and though it wad sprung intholknees And reap my worth, the same as succt.ssier duties tax, only paydele when they are alive. There ere Car:- adieus worth hundred; of thour- ands of dollars who, •.Il told from first to last, have not centrihu•e $25 toward helpi :g Canada :led the Empit e sine the wa' 1 rel, - oat And that is how thr'y are het;•+.r.^. tel meet 'the Cii51N, an 1•• tis '- smugly chem' the rag 'tbout young men not enlisting Let them do rr their own bit, and do it lihe'ly and the y>u-ng men take (Kielce and gc t in the game 1.•, I he, women of this city (and 01 eel.- tiers.of the count; y he. i' inion wore: ing g planninsant ming t', raise mo1c lo]' `Fed CI'M9 w•• 1c and for" soldiers' ccmferts • c, r•ry minute circ, tht RI'beg'I11, u1.1 weelte of wcrlc and planning cul- retnal'eg In Fore:. bile or f�t'i 11 •ae'ts them h rr.ismraely sine!, r, 'errfor ail their time, 'Wooly and lab or. Ie that a fail, deal to the lad- ies? Why .-hc•eten't, the nun e too ;Le 1 yea makes the trouble chronic. The di Tom Baltzell, giolt the horse 1110 0 Lc rd, my faith is sairly tried. s gestive organs' can never do elm trade when itwos 30, 'and let it 1 looker; to thee to turn the'2 lent 't'ork properly until they are 1 go to Leander Mader by this 1 thocht Tlto',t ever would'st aside. thong enough to do i.( themselves time it was foundering. Ma•ten •q friend to,Willie, e Nothing can glee (the seontaeh traded it to A. B. 'Harvey, whoa But note wi' foes on ilka side that Power, buibthe new red rich turned over to him aHorse •elec'eri I+nt nrie driven silly- bl'•o•'i. so abundantly surplt d fry 1-g n Remount departmr.•ntl veterin- 1)r. Williams Pink rills so tine h'uy who sold it to Mr. McKay r1 - "Tl,e day," 0 Lord, has Thou for • basin for the rnccess of this ;'fool buy:..i. for $30.(gotten? n I wi-'shale rd• got - le is olein (Nothing 'en This was not the only horse deal 'TY y blessiope if the enemy occupy stimulate the glands and notlnnl under investigaleon. In one case , ten. grief an' rage In the oonceded ground, naturally fay can absorb the nourishment !rem ayrmng horse was offered by Mt' lest here wi g into the b eneiuy's hands. If the enemy the food but pure red bleed. A.nrl Bowley, but an animal vv]t:h the stottin, ;does not occupy the ground those 'fir. Williams Pink Pills surpaes 1 heaves was baken in proferesiee. , ehinttfhe e's reebes, Lilco neat- wounded have to remain until dark - all ell, r medicine • in giving that , :T, M. Woodworthy, got y2110 Whilenese falls to give the stretcher-bearers new ilei'.( red SiIood,, Miss K E. fifteen -year-old liorS' in Angus', tan. 1 an opportunity of bringing them in 4 which ne had bought in June for A.t my defences. But, more often than .'oh t G I LLETT'S LYE EATS DIRT wG®TTCOMPANY LIMITED ED TORONTO ONT, Thursday, .August, 20Th, 915 Inert, If e. lmineelote ope'iiert oli is es sential for his life's sake, clever sul'- >ons will, with the most impromptu of appliances, perform it. The next stage of the journeyings. is taken in one of the motor ambu- lances to oro of the mentally clearing stations. These aro really hospitals In every ly, this the -word Situationandand t tfur recocsarl1Y, uis111ng varies according to circum- stances. 'Phase' clearing stations are, usually, anytbing from twenty to fifty miles or more, from the tiring line, and it is in one of them that the wounded soldier, first comes under the care of the nursing niters. It is also the first time since isaving England, that he has the pleasure of again sleeping in a bed. Sometimes, in the Bourse of a tew days, anything between 200 and 100 ales para through a clearing station. remove Meal oat of the ganger lone. The reason generally for this is that when battles are terribly fierce, and' casualties `erriblyhigh',"the capacities of the orderlies and stretcher-bearers are taxed to the utmost limit—and beyond it: Very often the fierceness of the enemy's fire prevents a wound- ed man from being picked up for some considerable time. However, when the Intensity of the battle doss. not prevent it, the men who fall badly wounded usually re- ceive immediate attention from their comrades. That attention, though, is of necessity very slight; it consists of applying the first-aid dresing to the '♦wound. Every soldier carries two of these dressings in his pocket. "Unlucky" Wounded Aa soon a5 possible the good Sam- aritan stretcher-bearers reach the 'wounded, The "luckiest" wounded 'are of course those nearest the stret- oher-bearers' starting point. The most unfortunate wounded are those left behind when a slight retirement takes place -when, say, two or' three nun- dred yards has been given away. Those 'poor fellows, REMEMBER t t• The ointment you put oagour child's skin gets' into the system just as surely as food the child eats, lDon't`let impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood 14 Zara - Buie is purely herbal. No pois- onous coloring. Use it always. 50c. Box at All Druggists and Stores. Improving All the Way From the clearing station -ran am- bulance train conveys the wounded man a little bit nearer "Blighty" (Tommy's name for England). The ambulance train is a moving hospital. It is iitted•up with every possible re- gard for the suffering passengersds- bears as freight. There is an ade- quate staff of doctors, orderlies, and nursing sisters on board' each train; Some of those hospital trains —those which :have been specially built for —are the war be an i co began—are the purpose one e p A most luxuriously lilted. From the train to a base hosplbee or, perhaps, if ,accommodation is available, straight 'onto the hospitalship, the wounded warrior is then transferred, If his wound is only of a slight character 'the soldier, of course, is .not sent to 'England, but kept in the base hospital until he recovers. Ile Is then sent back to the Ming line. Otherwise be goes by hospital -ship and train to the British hospitals, BETTER THAN IN 1870 son, Itenif',rd, N, S•, *Icor I s\' 1 not the enemy its I wits a grett Here- $00. Reich told Chipman his Loose continuously sweeps that particular c I Lord, l: beeaech Thee, hear n'y ;yatch of ground with rifle and machine n m I ola indigestron • food of any eco rl wa- twelve. n as distasteful to me, and after h '1• t1' 1 to received $150 for a ]east with two $wolen leg=, sprung eating Iwould, suffer much. les- tortegs and a chronid cough, tarsi:), I grew weak and was but a shadow of my former self. I was 1 An animal with knuckled hind taking a d ,etot's prescription,'one ankles, poor forelegs and broken ltd not help mein the least. 'Then 1 wind nettlsd Jas. McGowery $160. road of a ease similar to my min Abner Morse, who sold a horse unreel through the use of Or Wil- which Sir. Chas. Davidson styled os liana Pink Pills I decided to try eerie of the oldest settlers in 'it e this medicine By the'- time 1 ha" neighborhood," swore to seeing Er taken six hoxee. the trouble had en Wylie Church giving a beast he had tirely disappeared, nod I could disposed of for military- purposes eat .heartily of all kinds of 'food "something'" from abd0tle. This More than this I found my genes horse was, said.boleave afterwards al heelth greatly Improved hrou„ah kicked down the side of a barn. the use of the Pills. I can there e- fere ' strongly recommend Williams' Pink' Pills asp cure for indigestion." You can get these Pills through any dealer in medicine or by melt have money go a awn in their post paid, at 50 cents a box o" six poelt, is and furnish these peerio- boxes for $2.59 from The Dr. Wn tic women the funds for procuring liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont he ma tele Is the' ale slave. an 1 t and stewing now to 'arse fund= t., purchase: There are erosi'y a do- en men in St. Thomas who could eaeh hand overto these ladies the sum of at least five dolalrs a week Which would aggregate more lis t:' t'i,p naw` are al'le. 10 rl1•e from a" 'F OO,r es Why, tee 11(1125 see ti le- es to deal,' if they can nl':nnee to :raise fen or fifteen dollars 1-r s,•111e lil'I? fnnct:,n m nth -r lies required days of 1 Tanning ai.ii preparation ,i nd the service of eeveral Jo' 'n lades to early vi, 11111.0111.12111111111.11.1.111111111 Constipation Vanishes Forever trIpt Rs&f---Perwmt Care LTE't''SULI t VER EIZI:Thillli se mob= Deutrirs r —_ate Cook's Cotton Root Compound: Fifteen Million Lives I Lost in World Wars 'i7bfteen billion i1' es have hoc-, elest in war since the beginning of authentic history, if the exhaus t - ire research made by Benjamin. Trueblood, L. L, D., are to • be ac- cepted. That the ancients also ens pll•Yed vast armies in time of con- flict is proved by • the following figures; r ( Ancient Thebes, it is said, could send 10,000 fighting men nut. or each of ite- hundred gates. Ninus, the Assyrian king, in the 22nd century B. C led against tin' Pacteiar.e 1.700,300 soldiers on foot and 200,000 mounted. .he old historians credit Xerxes with lance and sera force.; counting up tn,2,641,000 with enough attach- es, hangers-on, women, sutlers, cts., to make a host of more then 5,000,000. ' Art.lxerxes. had •"it one tiene he - fore the, battle of Cuna:oa, an army nearly a million land a quarter strong. • Darius of Persia brought more than a million soldiers to Arbele. Tamei'lar.e is said; to has e met Paiazetts 1,40(1,000 with 01 fovea of 1,600,000. 1 Terah, King of Ethiopia hied 1.- 000,000 soldiers to call to his stand- ards, Compared with the extended tattle linen to -day -in Europe the air ay of forces at ancient Canna lila,,; hut a • skirmish fog ination, Th( 'e were 01 000 P morns Rev :le We against{ 50,001 C'arthaeiniens. Uannibal is recorder B having deotroyed 300,00 men during his r•'» paig'i in Italy. Just h,,." -re his time that country could send 1 000 - '10' men into the field - Xerxes in his attack on Greer., ;parched forward with :an area:, of 510,000 warriors1 and a navyoo. ,4,- 210 ships; ll'ryer ; Bless me 0,1 land, en'scta au' air, Preserve mei frac the Rust]an Pear; Clip tliod its claws, Or )r set it dancin' at 'a fair, Wi' muzzled jaws. Pee c'a'd doon kirks, 0 Lend, hat those Were filled' wi''French an• ichor foes, Wha live on haggises,an'brose, An' worship, Burns. An' wear extraordinary clo'es, That gie folk turns. 'gun fire during the night. By Many Stages ' When a man is picked up by the stretcher-bearers he is taken to what is called the regimental aid post. This post is anything near the tell of battle which affords protection from the enemy's fire. There the medical officer attached to his particular regi- ment examines the patient Al dresses the wound. The next journey is on an ambulance wagon—generally a horse ambulance, sometimes an or- dinary spring cart (without springs, iporhaps)—and in it the wounded man 0 Lord, destroy thee Scottish teken to the Divisional Field Am Chiels, bulance tent some two or three miles That dress like lasses, fecht like away. The wound is again dressed, and an injection is given the wounded man in order to prevent tetanus (lockjaw). As soon as vehicles are available— he is given another journey; per- haps a mile, perhaps five mem, to, usually the nearest convenient church, school or convent. Here he gets some- thing to ea, a:.d a very welcome rest. d safe, reliable reau,atina medicrn0. Bold ,n three de• dells. FIT etrensth—No, 1. ii; Their slippery as conger -eels, /V , 0 lay Thotnt saut upon their heels. 1 That I may catch them. ! think. o, 2, t3'; No. 3, $5 per box. , I canna match them; Sold by all druOgtste, or sent prepaid on receipt ofrice. Free pamphlet. Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Fused, Wider.) 0 Lord, whatf made, my spies 4a' VIE WESTERN. FAIR London, Ontario. September 101h to 18th Tl e Railwan' rates for the Rxhi- tlt: a this year are very f`t\r•11' 1" Ore way ordinary first" class fere v III t'tev'tit over all r':nde fe, t T ,• ria west, ,T,d Irtt•ct froni ,eutsidt point. �Tiakets will ' r geed from ei idsy, , >` a, leer U th, rehibitots rales are t one tare and a third from 'Iuee•lay, September 7th to w•sr'- n, 5•lay, September 2enc1. 'thee,' tat,,- and long dett e shoe d be an u tine• I f'>, ,he r. „' 1 \fr`- tern Ontnrie to pry London e i" - it di.: mg, • _:hibition week flier N. ill be a number of changes this year. The ladies Work .end School exhibit, instead' of being Inc. he gallery of the main building w'i•i be to a separat3, building on tl:e ground floor, next to the Aericult oral Building and connected with it by apaseage way. A new build mg has been' erected for the Log Shuw. near the Machine] y Bulg- ing arta just opposite the ell - w.,y. There will he afirsl hes program of attrootiolla tw ir, 1 daily and lhel management are rr'nl'ident that with good w'ehtt et conditions the Exhibition will be 'NOT EMI CHILDREN ever receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently nourish both body and I brain during the growing period when nature's demands are greater than in mature life. This ie9bhown fn so many pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds, and lack of ambition. Por all such children we say with unmistakable earnestness: They need Scott's Emulsion, and, need it now. It possesses in concentrated form the very food elements to enrich their bleed. It changes weakness to strength; it makes them. sturdy and strong and active, Scott & Bowie, Toronto, Ont. That Britain was at ruin's brink, WI' Ireland seething like a sink Wi'civil strife, And Scotland's glory drooncd in drink, Devoid of life. Sink Thou, 0 Lord, the British fleet, 'For purr aul Tirpie's fairly beet; Stop this infernal rain and sleet ,That fills the trenches, And grant me something bd etc- feat E'en wanes an' wenches - 0 Lord; excuse !this hurries. (Prayer, My armies need me. everywhere, And I maun 'travel here and there, 'Free east to west, And so hae nae hair time to spore —Excuse the rest, LONG ,WAY OF WOUNDED TO ENGLISH HOSPITAL zed is Work of Organized Marvellously g Medical Corps—Task Huge In :resent War The removal of the wounded from out of the firing line is one of the many problems in any . war; in . this the greatest of all wars, the problem is of gigantic magnitude. Still, the 'Royal Army Medical Corps tackle It magnificently and, in conjunction wits: the stretcher-bearers of tee different regiments, achieve astonishingly suc- cessful results. The gist of that Sea cess is occasionally appaient to all who scan the casualty lists In the dal -y papers. But despite the heroism of medical officers, orderlies, and steetcher-bear• ens, many men are killed after they are wounded -and incapable of assist- ing theinselvee—Simply because it is a sheer impossibility immediately to HAD CHOLERA INFANTUM. Doctor Said He was In a Very Dangerous Condition: German Critic Admits French Have "Will to Conquer" land. Our counties` of Essex, Sent Middelsex., Norfvoilc. Nort!turnber- land and Surrey;, our cities of London, Westminister, York, Britt n1, Carlisle,' Newceetle, Peterboro erpool and Hull, ,leave their i.l;tce namesakes, in Canada, and (n roughs, and towns sucllas Wind sol, iFalneotith 'Hastings, Berwick Ayellford, Richmond, and 1neer nets ,are likewise COMM:Iv OR A'1ED in names in,the Dominion. May these and other place names soon beunited in piopulationacr ons the Atlantic, Such systematic e ilow to of )population from one p another of the same m,me Woula be of mutual advantage Such a movement would make ior a United Empire, and reduce not. only aur• own feminity of popula- tion butals'ol Canada's excess of 140,000 males, who in time would thus hope to become 440,090 fa•ths ers, whichI at present is imossiphle Surely the women of siill al do something for their sisters home. Yours Faithfully TIROS, E. S'E.DGWICI 33, Oriental Street, Poplar, London, E. In a frank review of the conditions faced throughout the present war by Germany and contrlbeted to the Ber- liner eeliner Tageblatt, Major Moraht says: "It must be admitted that the French have used every concet'vable variation of tactics. They have tried to Bur- prise us, to mislead pc, to beat us hand-to-hand fights, and to overwhelm us by mass's. What the li'rench in the 'campaign of 1870 avoided in the greatest decree—namely, hand•tohatid Pthts with the German infantry—they now seek with elan as a means of decision. That shows their will to conquer. The French Army also seems to well in hand." Mothers cannot watch their children too closely for signs of cholera infantum, as this disease carries off thousands of infants during the hot summer months. Mrs. Geo. W. Garland, Prosser Brook, N.B., writes: "Last summer my boy Joe, then a year old, was taken sick with cholera infantum.. He was so bad the waste matter from the bowels looked as if it had come from a broken boil. I sent word to the doctor who was at a neighbor's, about a mile distant, and he said my boy was hi a very dangerous condition. He sent me some tablets which made the child vomit, and when he learned that they caused vomiting he sent me more tablets to stop it. In the meantime I had been giving Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, which I continued using, and when the bottle was ail used my baby was cured. I though it only fair to let you know about it." Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry has been on the market for the past 70 years, and 15 known froni one end of Canada to the other as a positive cure for all bowel complaints. When you ask for "Dr. Fowler's" be sure you get what you ask for as there are many rank imitations on the market. The genuine is manufactured by The T. Milburn Co., Litnited, Toronto, Ont. Price, 35 cents. < �t 4;eiii.::0:ri " .:::`�/-y::S.x'' '. n. . 15ss, .� y'..s�trx�m.,•.:sc• . !'.:_S.�.• : i. -�•.. : aefyms' /.'�^ '??r i" 'rs "I make sure that my Peaches and Pears will turn out right by using li. les 10 IT tic Sugar JAR LABELS FREE — fiend your address and smell lied Ball Trade Mark from bag or topend of ,carton and wo will mail d you :Atbinr lc Label printed and gummed ready to put on the jars. 111 The Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited Montreal it :;ltl!7f 101 Iw 'o i� I ,i111 II i'. e:i': nihil: :.110 ;lei 101 11•:.1111:.,,,. a`1 prefer getting my Preserving Sugar in 10 or 20 pound bags. 1 can get Lantic Sugar in 100 pound bags also— or in 2 or 5 pound cartons. "As long as the Red Ball is on bag or package, 1 know that the sugar within is absolutely pure cane sugar — un- equalled in quality, granulation and sparkle. "This is why 1 insist on having Lantic Sugar for my Pears and Peaches, and buy it in 10 or 20 pound bags in order to get the genuine cane sugar". as 111`0eel .1tel it 11 lee1. iltlili;alit: 11101 01 0000a000s000OSS*000sa0000s Editorial Notes OEOEOa00SOE000NO00iEE00Ee lvcrthern Ontario has been 01. the program but it is ill timed when I'Imt,,ration has practically ceas- ed no to resume until the we,. is c,, r r by the appearctr.tes, The day volt m:ey be all tho't is said'a 0 nt'. it and much bettered by the 001)).- pL-fion of the Craud 'rrinrle l ar fio ss (far as markets are concern- ( d tut there are other con eng'en- oics. Old Ontario has miry . a hundred acres for sols and th. probabitities are that a t.et's, opportuni.y to ' make glued" aw,ti's t• latter wits! greater surety pan the former. Pioneering 1.5 51.11;ht in certain circumstances out no- thing like dorpping into an old settled community wit i all the m,^dsrn advantages' of this d'y. While Uncle Sam. bas been appar- ently doing his hest to dodge any con• filet with the Kaiser he appears to have trouble nearer home in the inter- nal strife. so long prolonged in Mexico The uncertainties to the United States residents whose homes and properties are contiguous to the Mexican bound- ary, will not tend to their comfort and the worst feature appears to be that these Mexican squabbles appear to be interminable. no sooner is one settled than another is ready to be put on the program. A good stiff hand is evidently required to put a finis to the perpetual scrapping; Will Bro. Jonathan be the man to do it? CONSTIPATION CAN BE CURED. There Is Nothing To Equal Milburn's Laxa - Liver Pills For This Purpose. Mrs. A. Cumming, Manchester, Ont., writes: "I have been troubled with constipation for over five years, and feel it my duty to let you known that your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills have cured me. I only used three vials, and I can faithfully say that they have saved me, from a large doctor bill." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills regulate the flow of bile to act properly on the bowels, and thus keep them regular. Irregular bowels are the main cause of constipation. The price of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills is 25c. per vial or 5 vials for 11.00, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, 'Toronto, Ont. As British subjects we have no doubt as to the outcome of the great European war and dont like to hear'. the peseamistic note sounded as to even a possibility of a serious reverse to the Allies. There are people on the other side of this, titanic struggle, how ever, who appear to talk very confi- dently its the following will show. — George Sylvester Viereck, editor of the Fatherland, is, of courae, a badly biased partisan of Germany. even if he did run away from that country to escape military service, but he no doubt was speaking his honest con- victions when he told an interviewer a few days ago: "I think the war will end in October of this year, for finan- cial- as well as for military reasons. For by that time Germany will have both Warsaw and Calais, while Eng- land will have broken down under the tremendous strain of trying to finance her allies." One way to defeat any such forecast is to keep up the supplies of men and funds, We are now confl• dent Mr. Viereck's opinion is consider- ably off color, and another guess ehould be allowed, The War and Migration for dietr•ibutino can new be ar- ranged in advance and rgni'p Will thaw how many( widows with one or two children can be received. It would be agreat advantage, antage, if those from' ea h SHAW st at home could be placed out Irene', same 0115. l: licit in. aro t in 0'101 ria and uurh s, transfer of popplation would be .even morel Imperial than inn ex change of flags. lotany of the 1 hire names in the T)ont'niot' ire the same asthoee. inithe Srotlt^t- nWcoli's Vhosphol ia®; The Great Lrnptish 1' Remedy. Toneskindinvigorates- the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins Cures, Nervou. Debility Mental and Brain Worry!, Despori- denev, Loss of Ene1'Oyl,-,Palpitation, of the Heart, Failing Memory.., Price Si per bot, six for $S,tg.Ono will please, six will eore,(g Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg, on receipt of price, Nov pannph.lat nitalectfrce. THE WOOD MEDICINE Cn--TMMONTO, ONT. (Cormefll Wladterl' Grand TrnnkBailway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart Centralia Exeter Hensall Kippen Brucefleld Clinton Londeshoro Blyth Belgrave Wingham, arrive South 8,30am 4.40pm 9.33 5,49 9.44 5.54 9.55 3.05 19.09 6.19 11.00 6.35 11.18 6.52 11.27 7.00 11.40 7.13 11.54 7.351 Passenger Wingham, depart.. 6,35•a m 3.30 p Belgrave 6.50 3.44 Blyth 7.04 3.56 Londeaboro 7.13 4.04 Clinton 8.10 4.23 Brucefleld 8.27 4.39 Kippers 8.35 4.47 Hensall! 8,41 4.52 Exeter 8.54 5.05 Centralia 9.04 5,15 London, arrive 10,00 6.10 Buffalo and lloderich Wee' Stratford Mitchell Seaforth Clinton Holmesrille Poderich East .Passenger am pm pm pm 10.00 12,80 5,25 10.25 10,22 12.55 5,55 10,41 10.45 1.20 6.18 11,19 .,11.07 1.35 6.40 11,2 11.16 1.43 6;46 "I1,3 11.35 2.00 7.05 1 Passenger am pm p Godeeich 7.05 2,35 4552 7.22 2.52 5,00 7.32 3,03 5.10 7.51 3,21 5.35 8.16 3 44 5.59 840 145 620 Holmesville Clinton Seatorth Mitchell Stratford The New Era. 49T11 'YEAR. :,tl "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE." W. II. KERB & SO1, Props. J. Leslie Kerr Business Manager I. Pew Era, One 'Year in advance $1.00 q New Era, when not paid in ad- vance $L50 New Era, to the United States in advance $1,50 Advertising Rates - on Application. Job work prices advance on July 1st, 1913, in .accordance with. the Huron Co. Prosy Asso- ciation Rates. Howie Phone 95 Office Phone. 30 13ou