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The Clinton New Era, 1915-08-26, Page 2
T CLINTON PAGE TWO. IOW : ERA. 11i► nIx r yery Ready- to-Wear eady-to '6b ear Garments Phorac 7S Dry Goods axi(1 14@oitele f ur xiishingS Local News ar � �lI' t 1t. 01 We have made greater preparations than ever for big business id the Cloak Department. Every gar- niellti is thisseason's style, not an old one or left -over on our racks. Direct from the factories of five of the leading Cana- dian ana didl ters }. t mskthe have come -the best styles from best makers of ladies mantles in the trade, There is a wide variety of choice, wider by far than most stores can show, of the best garments and many exclusive styles, no two alike. We draw special atten- tion to our showing of handsome Black'u'oats. It is greater by far than any we have ever attempted before and ladies in search of something exclusive will have no difficulty in mak- ing their selection from it —we are showing 275 coats for the fall trade, over 15o different styles. Best choosing is done early when stocks are lull and complete. seffillSrsssge i PICTURE THi7ATRE CHANGES NA.N:US Air James Manning btel pule chased the( Picture Show once as now in charge. Wo lvieli the new manager 'prosperity. A. MAIL' STORM, section; got a:5leluge 'on toes This e (`s i day afternoon land aceompan} ing ha hall storm : which I)'therein wast did damage strouoct the town. other towns, Listowel,'Fcrgus, etc,`� v I:•u ih been � 1 t C nllle 1 lea r IAF n g� c al suctcs5, retl'11�1ng '(tiro ii vin tLG L tstou el collected e i u c4a loads 111'1 sreu' Weeks. ' 'She have mach) tipersonel r "- Va 'll the tut\'li; explaining . the ser oche at every, house, alio ellia. i't,tIee is intended to step pleu eat Cite personal recjuest 0,w,e,,t a.5' ) 1 e illy 11t'e LietO LtC'ay ltulx.. rims Bunke They ask tb;t .L alt- t!t it el;d'pere, 000 10ge, e.l.11 noueeihold ou saYed it 030 0011 u'til aborti tlicuend 0,.uoLuGae3; lien ole ti day, to be ten )L ,r,,,,: liter, riga wiU call at each house house 'for their aecumulu'tiun . -,•1 nen spapers might be put atet y fended piles and on "Paper L. y placed on the verancirl.h Tor u,t collectors If (netvsptipees 111;1' tnagesincs etre kept separated a l ighIr price hili be real i1 a' as' in,ga eines ore worth nlncli sin re any ,rags ttill gladly � Seel e it tied. ii,ol bitiogged. if .ldl,u .l .canra•islle Lwolo'ade sorii+tck 1tc11 a. rcLter. A good Jeri en is paid 'icer' tuck paper by dealers in Toronto and the local efforts 1'alns to turn this otherwise waste t att:ran into areal benefit to our sold era \Gill youj sir help? 13LYTH: RECTOR(' POR 1HINCARDINE 1. The Bishop of Huron has1ap Rev. T.'H . fair, of Blyth' phc lf church oL'the 'Messiah at E ill Ctt1' dine, MUST HAVE T , � y', LICiEk`1S 1:3'' There is a penalty of $50 for first oifeitce $100 or jail Iorsec0ncl tit- feure and thretr months- ,ln mil with the option of a fine for the third offence ' lot 'persons luring or :accepting- money for the use of. their auto walkout It cleauffelir"e zI ' l license, I1I1UL YOUR OWN TOWN. 1Il,e fall and wining mail oder catalc. gime have arrived from To- ron'to; 'Fill but a long list.and send it to the city if you dor;:, rare what happens to Cl'nton'and et mi I own business men who pay taxes 3 and support the town in various 1 ways Thuracla'y, August, 26th, 1.316. mirma edtMated at Publfo, Model; and Nor LIC] ING N PLEASANT EVENING. The "At Home" given by ;the 1 Rev. and Mrs. Allen on Tuesday' evening to all' teachers con fettled in any way with Ont,aric,1St. Church i was attended) by more than thirty 'members of the teaching profes- sion. It was an hour for social re- union that/ was evidently enjoyed. by all present. Much pleasure was added . to the oltherwise pleasant everting by the singing, of Mrs. Seo. H. King, of Goderich- Those asi•isiing Mrs: Allen severe Met. Treleaven, Mrs.' Robb, Miss Wiltse Miss Stevens, Mrs. W.11. Kerr. of Brussels and Mrs, Bart Travis, FLOWER SHOW The 'Horticultural Societty Will hold there( Flower Show in ibe Council Chamber on Tuesday anti Wednesday Aug., 3iet. and Sept. e+. enings, next week. Tho Aster competition is' open( to'members of Sceiety for the best: collection of named Asters not over five of each prizes by Miss K. McTaggart • 1st ${i.00 2nd $;2.00,' In the Gladioli competition Me. T. Cottle offers a special prize whiclhis open for,tlte members of the Society, The cur flowers will be so'd by auction the second night( of the Show and the proceeds 'given to the Women's Patriotic Socie't'y! Admission is free to all. See posters , and dodgers for'other information, ilb••••••••••••••••••••••t••••a oseeeeseessomeoese•seese•o••••••osee••o•••••••••••• • • Locals and Personals• • 's••es•a..$eeIe•e•••e•o®ase••at••••••o•••••••••••••••••o•s•aose•o•••soosti•o••• 4,24 Thei'ollowingPursonals,Locals ONE O'l'TitI'hE 1).v YS— g, ^i^"�l"�^^�''s'� is even to give ., ''1•"�!i""�'gathered >,alr•,tcnca """"�""�""1""�" and District News was g h clem rnt.trr.tion ufibo value of m'F'tni- r,ti0n on a big smile. Hill Holten eloler0 is clue for a rime awaken- ing 10 the, meantime, if you 1111 interested m Good Printing at pleasing prices lents show you What. 0111' organization 011) do for you. Call up 30 and the New in eiii call on you. 1SSISTA.N'I' TO .PRL'SLIMaN'3' mal schools of Tomato. and Ifniversi I 1'‘e licked a dozen' stampsfor ty of Toronto, After teaahiol- school, ttic•grams J,'vc( sent, 1 t e l'tct til which tl Wauxdex, 11 and Lpone o thnch0 tittt 1 tne acquired the Lindsay 14h year ie hehasbeeoidentiffied with Which Iaidthe ret Ilcced tB:aylieid The 13e1. 11Ir, Robertson of it• on to preached Use 011 s 1 vires in St,' Andrews church on Send: y lest. old 1'it 0c;• n ns l rc ,• :i . a$1* Persona/ N o t e s � by our obliging correspondents ' or handed into our office from 41, If those having relatives or friends 'Ir;'+ ape visiting in tiro or going away ,... last ire(Htesday noonuntil Thurs- nouf9 ua of the foot each week we . daynoon, owing to the New Era would announce it inthe Nacw film. Yoxng to press Wednesday noon t,t ' t 0+44 i 4+11 Irst week instead of Thursday Mr and Mss. Wm Howlett, :,orf weconld not get it into our issue. J\1iss 'Helen of Ypsilanti, Mich "tan, are risiting 1f:1•: letter's at4t.rrs :Mrs. H. W. (Phot and Mrs. 13, Cebu. Mr and Mea D I print and daughter, left fo'Torn,'tn where they will male. t1nir 100111.0 r•om1. 1'31 Lapraili( has been avaluca employee of the Clin,pn Knitting cC., for the past year or: so. Mr. John Derry represents if,, • A. O. U. lodge ,of town tat the 'High Court held at Otter; matt week; • Mrs, Shaw, of New York is visit- ing her aunt, Mfrs, T. Jackson .,r., Ontario street. Miss Norrie, of Toronto, is 'the guest of her cousins the bMrsoes Twitchell, Rattenhuiy, street, 'Mrs (Di') Mc13rxle, of Welianc'.,is spending afety weeks with het mother Mrs. D. S. Cluff. • 1311'. and Mrs, C. W. Robb ret nr ed from their holiday trip last We d uesday evening. Mr. Jos. Reinhardt, of Berl'), was calling on old friends on Thutsdsy Mr. Gus: McLaughlin, of Wey- burn, Seek: and who formerly was . a tailor''. in:Clinton( 151a9 calling on old friends In town on Thured' y while en route 1to,Granrl Bente Mrs, W. 'H. Kerr is visiting at the Editor's .home Mr s E. G. Powell and chidren ar visiting' at Lonclem • Rev E. Gl Powell was calling on old friends in Brussels this week Mr J. E; Blackwell, of Bothwell. was a caller+ in town on Weduees day with Miss Kennedy and Mts.,, Fisher .1 We notice that115 J. Tom, dough ter of Site John E. Tom, Peelle School 'Inspector•, ,ranks fifth in the junior inatiieulati on sell 01:11 ship examination, thereby winning third Edward, Blake Scholarship. Mies, 'Harriet Grieg . is visiit,g with Miss Wanda. Curtain and 'Vile Crawford at Ripley. Mi 5. (Do',l Axon R is visiting with her brother) Dr. McGill atMitehei: Miss Bessie Porter eft,•r a 1 i0:; over a year in England sailed us, '111ednesday onthc-\'Arabic for New trod: and will behome after ti visit in New York 'and Montreal, J. E. Swartz, of Wingham who i few weeks ago ,was critically ilr 31a egreatlyl improved Lately and it is enpectect he Will soon be about again. • Alis Maida Cooper is the 40581 of Miss Verna, Carruth, of Winghatn_ this week. 1 Mrs. John Johnson, of Winglctm 'ayes.' a caller, on Clinton fraend s last week. Mrs. J. D Atkinson is visiting '1111 friends in Exeter. ' wvvvavwvwvdvwww�wwv '•••••oo••©•mms•oseeeseseco Town and Country ••••••••••e•s••efl••••s•11o• 1 R iC'T 1NSPEC MON . A stri'•t inspect.on. of all para is ler prisoners of wee in Gime any is being made by the censors u,t ball) sides. The 'epa'trnent es f11 tew'a 111110unces, that no i has been received front British Po'h- nflice Department; that Customs 151111)1 ti ons 111)101, .1c00111ptl• y 0 >;1r1 els .for 1' ri5n''ers of. 11'11 In. tlermany, The following iubtrnc•- ti 111= have leen issued ; Pet reels mint h0, very stem ,ilv p:101 ,1. 11 is recommended that they 9,0 f•.iciced'in several kilns of s'vut paper, and when so p''cnlreii a dol - liea:e addressed sheet of, pater and .length of strmg should be en- closr d inside. Parcels, tsp "tally in wooden boxes, should 1,c peek- ed in a way that will , not t:nilede the "P05001 Cardbeerd (led this woolen- boxes should not be us, d WAS SO WEAj! WOULD HAVE TO STAY IN BED.. Mllburn's' Heart and Nerve Pills Cured Her. Tat 11 1 fel', 11 - ciunrl the Highland Regiment at. P irgaltt Falls where he :till iif•nu' r nc time training before gang to the front. A steam yacht from Dart i ' Lie -sight anu'nber of tourists for, the month. of August. Phe Council had made re 1'i • lawn of Clan Al cC,regor's equate which is 110W the beau's spot ,n ing day to facilitate reorganization 1014 model, equipped with elec the town for the term, During the holidays lights and starter. Has not run 0000 The Rev. .11.r. i oars, 01 Raven'. the Collegiate institute Board have miles. Apply to wood is among the visitors of our bad completed an addition to the Col IKE RATTENBERY, toren. legtate Institute but ding which will Box 14, Dunton make a great improvement in the ILC commodntious• Owing to the resigna tion of Mr. Fleming and .11305 Ford, the Board has engaged Mr. ). G Adams, el, A as teacher in the depart meet of Agriculture and idiss 11, V. Campbell se teacher of Art and Junior English. Both of these teachers are experienced and conte will) high ret ommendatious, rhe Principal Mr. Treleaven will be glad to send an an nounnement to any prospective stn dent in answer to any inquiry. Be will also will be pleased to receive the names of any residents of Clinton who which to receive students as boarders or. roomers. Phone:34 or address to (Minton for full information. Military affairs He entered Paha stamp to paste upon -a note le limb went in 1802 all became Munster in I renewed, and uteri IIt Iccd'at,,,11 1011. Lieut. Cola Garnet B. lfughes, er one to make the inorlgage. g;uct of the (l, P F,, isa son. Dr, acmes eat a licked' these stamp to L. Hughes, of Toronto, is ,t brother, the' I will do my ' es the 'Hat) 1e Lady Hughes was pravioue to her Fetal ehcc l:, and now I'dl'il.o to lick 1 11 7. Fuge, Miss 111:11'5' E, Boric, whose the roan who fails to'put one 01 father was at one time 11'I. .1' for West itis cheque, \ +^ Duette I _ �_. __» It is interestieF to !mean -Site Sara r tiers ancestry, The generals father, ' o the Fal'Di11i'fi Ot UI191'bl lB: John Hughes, was ban L'1el1m110 of ��- Welsh descent, who came to Canada . 70 ears ago. He was the'sock of a t Arn largely in the wholesale seed y g soldier, and married the :daughter of business. witigive you first class, seed Irishman named L'ingbh'n, who I at $4 00 a" bushel, Maple Leaf and an was an artilleryina,lt at Waterloo. Thei Pine Tree. J. 1'• Sheppard & Co. gro- ttrtillerymanmarried a French horn " tees, sell my seed and also Mr: F. S,. tut named St, Pierre, whose father Divans, merchant. WMYt•:Johnson, .gee (great grandfather of General Sem) ter. They all sell at 51,00 a busbet. 11 with his' three sons fought under Na 1 you want time comets) me' and I'll give poleon a.t Waterloo, The captain''and I you all the time you want, and the best two of leis sons were killed in the' seed in the market at $4 50 a bushel, he battle, and the third Was mortally regard to grain we pay thehighest•pricc wormdeet, Their only sister, a mother for all kinds of grain. The scalpers in. less less girl of 10, came 'Co nurse her i Toronto are trying to find fault with wounded brothel.) in the .British hos your grain and cut down prices on some pita) after the battle, When he died to 7Octs a bushel. Hold your wheat for ol, his wounds she was the only aur a dollar and you will get it. They have Tieing member of the family, She been six months at the Dardanelles and was adopted as a governess for hle they will not be open before December in daughters by it British officer, and any caee, so have no fear cif losing grain, sal.see eel) married at Glasgow the \tirhen 1 sayhold for $L00 i mean you Irish artillerymen named. Laughlin. might nor stand for two or tlireecents. It is worth $,100 for feed, as you can a¢i®g®tut•3D•®®E9®6i®® 181®®®••OD®fA get Youthave.the rbestncropsleve fgroWo 1t 111 Huron -County and yen the whole the rain Local News has done good instead of harm, you will have no fear of Russian grain. Put in all the fall wheat you can, and take a eff1pR®®©sfds0r®®®tvtR19QY®h3tT®®Id•®e holiday fall OOLI�EGIATE REOPENING and go re the fairs. W. H.PLRRIN. Smaller Coad, Bills coal reduce u Letyour S bills. We can do it by sup- plying ing you with a coal that ]?Y o lasts long, gives a steady heat and leaves only a small amount of ash. This coal is The Clinton Collegiate institute will reopen for the fall tern: on Tuesday Sept, 7th, 'Students intending to enter are urged to be present on the open Studebaker for Sale Slyth. Mrs. D. W. P,cyd and little d :ugh ter 1 eturned' to her home in, 13 ),'- cago after slicndinl; the0olier., y:+ With her permits 1111•. and Aire. rt A•lemof i'.Iylh. • The Red Cross, C1rdc will horn anther sale of 00110 nide bni•- mE and refreshments on. Sahli, - dry m'•cet, The ratifies of St. A,1 - dee a church donated y" -'G to. the Red Cross, , Hiss Hood" returned home this 11 eel; after 1vacation spent! et 'Guelph, Paris and other plriees, }ic--.v. and Mrs. Turner returned nom() thiS weelc after a location, .District meetings in conuecttoll with the Me';hodist' Church are 11 • ing :ailed for various 11 ,ens i n September. One of the items with which 1'Iteywill be asked to deal this fall is a proposril discussed at 01 Mai y3 in June to provide the pt esideat of conference, 11 111 e+: r he nhay be, with an ordained minis ler as assistant:, so that he eta y incle freely attend to conferouce duties. The financing of the plan yell be placed to before the ries, rice n.eeting• by a commitlfee specially appointed. Dr. Thos. Manning u, Stratford is presiden ' of (00111 -- once this year. fills THE CO. COUNCILLORS. Exeter Advocate—•Ini;he course of an excellent sermon on "An' rty brothers keel•er?'' Per. D, W Collins, rector, of ,Crivitt hleth'u.i Lurch cirely atten lion very Sett - i1:l5' to the fact that we stayeat- homes to thiie great sll-u"gl i ar, not doing our full duly ()owe: d ada land 'the Empire, The emir -1;y Council, of Huron he said had not dc.ne their duty 'an di# as':reported, one member hart said that (.me v. a;, nut Our watt he 'was either 1 cry les norlast orattnaitior to his county Our immediate municipalhties have not done their du Sy. Hay Twp. Mrs not done its Flu l5'• not' Stephen nor 1Jsbprne. WS oust be prefer ed to give( liberally if we do nal fight, otherwise we are not 001 brother's keeper. • OFFICERS BADGE'S ARRIVE 'Friday's Londo' Advertiser mash , the Inllswing refe ence'to 1110 Kee Battalion—Cop and coialr badge, 1 rr officers or the 33rd PAIL 'r. to 33rd headquartersyes es,'et U v id tl3ey ale (be utiful wrauc,li- C.et. 0.11 Dowding payntstei ?f the 331d;• conceived and execute Mrs. J. Day, 234 John St. South, the design for the bangles, 01.1 is today )being cone•rntuit ted 1:nether officers on his 1esult. Vet' design is a irnapte leaf, on •Cele sinner point of which is a coat of alms and the British crown, The. Is edges are dull(' and in the eentl e Hamilton, Ont., writes: "I was so run down with a weak heart that I could not even sweep the floor, nor could I sleep at night. ,I was soawfully sick sometimes I had to stay inbed all day as I was so weak. I- used three and a half boxes of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, in ]tri ht ff =t rgleam learn the nu;net and I am a cured woman to -day, and as g strong as any one could be, and am doing els 33: They are of exclusive p)p. my own housework, even my own wash- i rn and really, beautif.'1. ing. PAPER DAY L doctored for over two years, but Mitchell Advocate .--A number 0 - got no help until I used your pills:' ladies working) in cor 11e t lea u ti It Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pillsarethe Mitchell Women's Taitioe,• 111 50c per box, 3 boxes for 11.25, at all eiF1 hale undertaken the \v11k of dealers or mailed direct on receipt of teeming a cat(. load, of papers etc) , price by 'rhe T. Milburn Co., Limited to he sold for the benefit of the. Toronto, out, patriotic Society funds, In tunny Mullett A Worthy) Pioneer—Thursday 0t last week a wall,known 1011 n,ogt highly esteemed rest( it M. Fiu- let't township passed reel y 111 the person of James (,rasl y, who (heel atteinetl t0 the 1''lriereunl :ge of M. yarns, 10 'months and 12 m tys He had been in failing Mettle n'1,- ing the hist few months but hart b: en re tnau'kehly well for n man ni his yy115 Thrt funeral Soolt til':re 1,sI. Stiturd. y to Burns' Cemetery, the service tieing conducted l5' R..v 0. C. Keine, Londesher0, dc- cens1d's pastor. Mr. (x.isl y was )0111 111 1311 el Intl and nuno to list telt to wnsiiip 13 years ago where be lived c•)nttmlirus:y. Ile is 50i- vived i,y +1113 wife, whose n11101,n 110111 a ati ( tth a•lar. Woods 110'1 1 stns 11 to cph and lames 13i:t 115 tote naulp l h t lei, 11 y li end. llien,75 1t Mama Mit CnIsl. y was an industrious elan, u good name - r, ever 01.:llgulg• end eserly to ,.cid 1 s el y good cause and was respected 1 y alt win) knew tam is was a member of Londesbero Methodist Church. To his berci11 p5110el 15110 travelled lifes paths far over• 00 years With 111111, will be ac: et tied le mei •v.np.a111015, :lite :,shy is past 50 ycr'r of t;re Cc r.' uteri was 0110 0f llulletts 3„0n 0,•15 and bands of •rs fine men tied 11''11, nen 1S : ever settled in any 'ornimi .,ly, 'l'h011 memory 18 fnli cf i or tly deeds. Canada's Minister of Militia Knighted by King General Hughes was knighted dor ing an audience with King George at Buckingham palace en Tuesday A Knight commander of the Bath is a degree higher.' than a Commander of the Bath a title bestowed upon sev eral Canadians after St. Julien C. B, does not carry the title "Sir' but as K C. B, General Hughes becomes "Sir” 'Samuel, General Otte,' is also a K. (!. B ; so is 'Major General Chas. W. Robinson, a native of Torcnto, and brother of the late Hon. John Bever ley Robinson, who was Lieut. Gover nor of Ontario Sir Samuel Hughes, Minister of, Militi), is a son of the late John Hu h'es, native or Tyrone, Ireland. He was born to Darlington, Durham, County, Ontario, January, 1853, and SIR SAM HUGHES KNiO,l5.f,`1 e." thy the Ring Tuesday. He is a,P1 0, 0. , Court of itevision of the Municipality of the Town- ship of Mullett. Notice is hereby given that a court will he held, pursuant In the Ontario Voters List Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at Londesboro, on the sixth day of September, 1915, at 10 o'clock a.m., to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the voters list of the Municipality cf the Township of Hallett. Dated the 21.th dav of August. 1915 JAMES CAM Pl3ELL. Farm to Rent LE,• ANTHRACITE THRAC TE The Coal That Satisfies It will save you. motley. - Give it a trial.' A�trr qq g�}tl1 y � Clinton aWoar7l,t�lt Qi!��1 ,dry SaleLand for Tax4's �Sal� of Notice is hereby given that the list of land for sale for the arrears of taxes has been prepared, that copies,thereol may be had at this office, that the list is being published in the Ontario Ga•, zette,of the issues of July 24th, 31st, August 7111 and 14th, of the year 11115, and that in deftealt of the payment of the taxes and costs, the land will he sold by public auction, at the Court eleuse, in the Town cf Goderich, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of November, 1015, at 2 o'clnnk p.m. Treasurer's Office, County of Huron, Goderich, July 27, 1015, WM, HOLMES, Co, Treasurer, Huron 1 100 acre farm on the Bayfield Road, 211 miles south of Clinton, well cults voted, good brick house, bank Karn and other buildings. Two wells 013 place, orchard. Foy further particulars apply to MRS JOHN WIGGINTON, Box 231, Clinton eL1 `yTON G1- RAGE• OPEN ALL NIGHT The season is now on for gasolene stoves, Why not buy filtered gasolene out or our Bowser Pump—It passes through 5 screens and a filter—Prices always the lowest, Auto Supplies and Bicycle Repairing Auto Livery n Toww q axmannship Clerk' •;:iiaetanmsu� 1 meswilk am MP eol I 1".1 1-111— risigmaseaumm Band Garden PilI1J Thursday Evening, Aagest 2611i List of Prizes 1 Piano Bench . 2 Cushion Top 3 China Set Doherty Piano Company 0 Dickson W. R. Counter 4 2 Bottles Maple Syrup Shepherd & Co. 5 500 lbs Coal A. N'orbes 6 Bust Longfellow Jas. Dunford 7 2 Ties Plumsteel Bros. 8 Fruit Dish A. T. Cooper H. Wiltse H. Bartlifl Morrish 6:0o. Johnson & Co. Miss Beryl Cooper Knitting (Jo. McLennan & Co. Bradshaw A. Hooper J Leslie Kerr W. 11 Hellyar G. Holloway T. Hawkins J E, Hovey F Jackson Ball & Atkinson R. Rowland J. Ouninghame J Schoenhals 11. S. Chapman C. Connors J Rattenbury F, Evans E E. Hunniford 1. A. Irwin R. Marshall T Watt R, J. (Skiff estate Couch & Co. Harland Bros. J McCaughey W. C. Brown A. McKown J Elliott A. J. Grigg 81, Holmes J Paxman W T. Oneil Oantelon Bros. Byem& Sutter J-ts, Ford R. Graham 9 1 ih Tea 10 1 Box Chocolates 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11) 20 21 22 23 24 25 ,Tardinere 26 Fern 27 50 lbs Flour 28 Pair Gent Shoes 20 Box Chocolates 30 Box Cigars 81 25 Ib Flour Gents Hat 1 10 Tea and 1 lb Coffee 1 box Chocolates 1 doz pr, Sox 2 lbs Tea Berry Bowl t doz, bottles Machine Oil 1 year's sub. to The New Era China Dish 500 pounds of Coal Half dozen Stove Pipes Bottle Perfume Pr. Ladies Shoes Jardinere Stand 82 Coffee Bowl E3 ' Ladies Umbrella 34 1 box Cigars 35 2 pair,Rt'tbber Heals 36 Polishing outfit 87 Umbrella...: 38 Shaving Outfit 30 1 box Cigars 40 Gents Umbrella 41 Horse Whip .. 42 50 the Flour 43 Pocket Book 44 Ladies Purse 45 Bicycle Bell 46 l lb Tea 47 2 Has Tea 48 Water Tap 49 Vase 50 1 box Cigars 51 1 years Sob- the News Record 52 Pair Cockerels 53 fair Knickers Blonde Cook Jackson Mfg. Co. 54 1 doz'i Photos I? 55 3 Months Course, Night School. School of OomrOttonerceink 56 50 lbs Flour Gunn. Langlois 57 T1' U. Lockwood 18 15 Tickets Princess Theatre 50 4 pr Socks U. Hale Cash Donations by following—Dr, Shaw, M. D. McTaggart 0. B. Hale, Dr. Fowler, Dr. Thompson, E. Smitten, 0. Levy, D, Elliott W. Jago, U. Mark R. Moore, E Johnson Dr. Axon, H. Fitzsim-' ons and others. I-zydto•Electric have wired and lighting grounds as their donation to the band. Baby Contest under one and half years let Prize $2,00, 2nd prize $1.00, aid prize 50 cents, Lady Selling Most tickets, 1st prize Cushion Top hand painted valued at $2,00• 2nd prize 81.10 GOD SAV1 '111111E KING. • ONUMENT Finest stock in Huron County of "Moderil] Canada" Monuments. Best British and f reigngranite, finished in up to date style and design. Come and see them. Note—A granite base goes with each monument. DO1 S opposite the 3'ostollice Western University, London ANOTIIEi6 GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled—Now $7111,000 —.0— Another Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in yiew Write for particulars to: E, E. BRAITHWAITE, SLA, Ph.D. President. Cows for Sale Fresh Cows and springers, will sell privately. Time will be given by furnishing bankable paper. Poultry Waisted highest market price will paid for fat hens and broilers w NAR(IUIS, Phone 14 on 166 Base Line House tor Sale Property of the late Mfrs. Thos. East —France, 7 rooms, good cellar with cement floor, wood shed and chicken pen, all in good repair, 11 fruit trees— apples, plums cherries and pears, Apply to H, WILTSE, Phone 40 Painting it Paper Ilaltg:in; Painting and Paper Hinging neatly and promptly done, Orders left at r or at Store rd's Grocez' y Huuuliul y residence, Victoria Street, THOS, GRAELIS For Sale Reo Runabout Oar, in good running order. :)heap. T. WATTS, Clinton, Ont. For Sale A few choice calves on hand, from 2 to.4 weeks old, which will be sold privatly. Apply to W. MARQUIS, Base Line NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Sarah Shanahan, Deceased: NOTICE is hereby give! that all persons having claims against the estate of Sarah Shanahan, late of the town of 'Clinton, in the county of Huron, widow, deceased,. who died on or about the 30th day 'of July, 1915, are required to'de- livcr to the undersigned executor or his solicitor, on or before the /First day of September, 1915, a full statement of thein claims together with particulars 'thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, heidI by them, 'all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mertioned (Late, the usaid executor, hili proceed 'to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons Mitt-. tied there to having regard only to such claims as 'they shall have received duo notice in accordance herewith. Dated. at Clinton. this 5tli dray of August, 1915. aedrew 'Flynn, Executor. W. ER YDONL', Clinton, Ont. ' Solicitor for Executor National PORTLAND CEMENT We have just received a carload of the same old brand of Portland Ue• neem which has always given you such complete satisfaction. Tt always fills your requirements. You cannot make a mistake using the National. S Js 2lhdrews eur4I'T( N