HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-08-19, Page 7PAGE SIS, THE. CLINTON NEW FRA. , hursclay, August 19tli.;° ve • Days Thought To These New Linens for the Horne. Owing to war conditions and the scarcity of (-lax, pure linens are getting vers scarce,, consequently. advancing in price. A wise woman whose constant thought i the "Home Beautiful" and the economical management thereof will consider this mat' ter. Read this list carefully and give it your attention. No 1 '. Perhaps you are not really in need csf new 1'►nens at present, if you wto save money yu chase buy them now when you can get them at aboutish half the price they willon beour soon.pr- —Or if you don't need them yourself, perhaps you have a young friend who is antici-' / pating a home of her own, and what is more acceptable than `Linens. (` TableClotlhS—Beautiful bleached Irish Damask, satin finish, 'all round. single and double borders, variety of designs, leaves, sprays, floral; figures, etc., also tabling by the yard, Table Napkins—Pure bleached linen, with a large range bf'choice designs. Centerpieces—Hand embroidered and Plauen lace Centerpieces _and Doylies, in dainty patterns. Tray Cloths—Plauen lace, hand embroidered or drawn work, hemstitched edges— all pure linen. t Toreis-A household necessity, always in demand. Carefully selected pure linen Huckaback Towels, hemstitched, plain and embroidered damask borders, guest and large sizes. Also bleached and unbleached Turkish Towels, with fancy stripe and all white. \ TowelingS—Reliable Linen Towelings, values that are thoroughly dependable— Checked and striped glass toweling, heavy crash, plain linen huch and tea cloth. These materials are steadily advancing in price. Bed Spreads—Extra fine weaves, choicest designs in floral, spray and figured effects, good heavy qualities. Colne in aind we will be pleased to show you our stock ,11 you Don't See What Yon Want Ask for it. Agents for Priestly's Dress Goods. Agents for DntterickPatterns ]lee's Store ltlerchant Tailoring and Men's Furnishings Phone 108 Women's Store Di•y Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67 nw Ur......,.0 OB DEPARTMENT now ready to do your work. Newype and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON Just "A Minute Pudding" Try a package of our "Just a Minute Pudding" for Dinner Dessert. Can be made in a minute by following directions, .Also makes an exc,dlent pie -filler. Put up in the follow- ing flavor;:—Chocolate, Tapioca, Lemon Custard and Vanilla Custard—los per package or 3 for 25c. Try Roast fork, Cooked Ilium New England ]lana at Popular prices HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. JOHNSON '. Phone 111 Till', STORE 01' QUALITY Successor to 8, Barr. Phone orders promptly attended to Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in can structiou and design but',ex- tremely well made in,every de. tail. Here ate the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, ' and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Huron to bay all kinds of Furniture 13A.LL r &T, .A.TICII SOI Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors–Phone 104 N. Bali 110 RESIDENCE PHONES—• .lf. 11). Atkinson 186, imommemossiminmalierawes Ana WHAT WE WANT Leal and Dieteict news is olwey.a welcome at The Nen' Era It is 'NEWS though wo wish SiGNS WIT:II W1NCTT:\NS• Messrs W. Johnson and Otto Fink harp signed with the WLug - ham Lactase,• to:,m. and will nrc- bably be in some of (chs final ehcs NOW A. tTFisT1 NANT OF 33RD Rl'UT, Mr Wm. 1,''010 Bot, 10., line been gazetted n prol'isi015'1 11putennnt the 33rd Hugo l Regiment. 1\I0. Pooudto0t has rccro0Lly completed a military ir'dning Colwell at L014- (101'1 qualifying him for a li\uten- al cy. MAKING A QUILT; The Women's Institute• is busy making an autograph quilt: When finished, it will be sent" 'to. the Queens Canad,ir:10 Hospital at Sbornclifie. The proceed3 also, or the quilt, will be, used for soldiers Comfort,: t Although wejjhave disposed of a very large number of pairs of shoes during our sale, we have a number of women's shoes to clear out. They are broken in sizes. All the sizes in stock are noted in the following list. Women's ,Kid, . laced and buttoned boots,. New goods. Sizes 21.3 4 5 6 7. Sale price 1,98 Women's Patent and Kid Oxfords, new goods, sizes 2% .3' 4 y 6. Reg$3 Sale price `1,98 Women's Patent and Kid Oxfords, reg. $2.56 to $3 Sizes 2? 4 5i only, sale price .98 Women's Patent and Kid laced boots, reg. $2.50 to $4, sizes 27, 3 3i, sale price •c ,98 This Sale Ends Saturday, Aug 21 [�• S. Phone 70 eI414PMAN Clinton The range With pure white, enamelRed steel reservoir stamped from one piece, The mora reservoir is seamless and clean n enough to use in cooking, and preserving. See 'the McClary dealer. 84_ Sold by Harland Bros. 4 4 444 .4 4 4 VVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIVIVIVIIIMYVVVVVVVVw7VVVVYMV• kAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Local News TtTIYS A IPOR.D. Mn-. Chas. Holland, is the latest purchaser of Cord froth Lcingford & Wallis. GOOD ADVICE , Slick to your aim, The mongrel's hold will slip. But only erowbar,G.loose the bull clog's grip. TAX RATES Mount Forest' 32 mills Newmarket 20 mills. Kincardine 32 e-1.0. 1Vlitchell 3e1 mills. - WORK t)O[NG AHEAD. The Carnegie Annex'. to tthe pah- lic Library is going ahcctd,'dcsl,ite wet wentI rr the bride ]cork w4I1 be complete in a couple. ref ]reeks. SCHOOL OI` COMMERCE. The Clinton Soho,,, of Comore -se c•lx•ns ids 0,11 term on 'lr,nrt y Aug. 30t11 and pinspecls circ brinl.t for n big enrollment of slug envy. W:-C.T. U. The regular reeking of the local branch of the W. C T. ti will he at the Mahle of Mrs. C. J. Wallis vn ;Friday night of this week. MAY OPEN BUSINESS IN RENSALL. Hensen Ob 'r1 e "—Tt is 1'eportod that Albert MIaBrien, formerly of Clinton who ran a business 'eh01) here for anew years, contennt1ttes rulurning to town and .resuming at *the old stand., Albert is at fine workman and ]weld cl• im; consid- er able trade to cur village. Ji CK 'COVER WON, TROPHY The Guelph rink skipped 1.y one •uTck 'oovcr, formerlyawell ]mown bowh:r cf this iwwn watt the To- ronto Cup lastii'ridey ut the To'- (atiol Townam'nt. J. B's , old 'friends offer :Marty congratula- tions. Tlrs third player, is an old Myth. boy. 'I1IRE MONDAY. The fire brigade bud ct rain Mon- day afternoon about; 2.30 when the Chicken Coop of 'Mr. Thos. Cool: was discovered on fire. The building was practically destroy- ed. Itl appears that it e was get- ting a thorough clean mp • in the morning, and alert fumigated, and 'some of ,the coals' 1111551 have been smoldering away ANOTHER i`'1RE WEDNESDAY Just as r 'cry one was having their beauty sleep,; the fire demon got. in its tine work and when ,the 510101 was 'given about: two it was discovered that tie house on Maple Street ow hod by Jacob Tay- oB Toro,nto, and occupied by Walter Mezzo was 011. fire ' ;The. family 'was not at home nt\the Hine els 'NIr 13ezzo is working. on a farmEvery,llling was cleaned up There was 5250 on the con- tents DID NOT WIN' TROPHIES Lao'_ Wed n.esday twd rimes from Clinton went down to attend the Exeter Bowling tournament. 'On Wednesday Neeliger's rink won 3 et.r'night games and Dowding's rink lest 1 and won 2' ihelrain'i'hms- i c1sy stopped' the games and they were finished on ;Monday •of=this week, but the usual luck die/ not follwo them, N-xliger went out 1:2 3 3 Capt. Dowel ig could not get away and EG: Courtice skipped J 'Hunter played. Those who cam posed the rinks were;;—'H Wilts°, W Grant, F. G. Courtirc, C.,E.Do.v din ir slip T Miller. M. 3Icllwen, J. Wiseman and .1 Nediger skip, vv rolloing ware the games played; BAWDEN TROPHY , Preliminary Nediger 15 Collins, Exeter 3 Dowding 13 Seldom Exeter 11) First •Round Nediger 13 Porter, Atwood 0 and Round Nediger 10 Webb,' Granton 15 3rd Round Nediger 11 Taman, Seaforth 12 SOUTH HURON 'TROPHY 1st Round Dowding 20 Hunter, Parkhill 10 2nd Round Dowding 18 Best, Seaforth 14 Std Round Nediger 7 Snell, Exeter 10 HEAMAN TROPHY 3nd Round Dowding 18 Bush, Hensall 10 8rd Round Dowding 11: .Ross, Forest 9 'Nediger, 13 Lovell St'Marys 11) tub Round Dowding 14 Duskin, Mitchell 9 lith Round Dowding 10 Creech ' Exeter 12 LOOK AT YOUR LABEL NOW Subscribers will do uc a laver ' l reading their label and notifying us fit the y 11ro not 01 edited ,.- 1.h what they h1.;e• paid. If your 1e - bel does not shag yeti paid in 1 15- sar,ce 1 indly tcicv51 at 61100 las we 1 intend giving more newsy 1 paper tt an CI er, batt in order l., do so we 1111.11t 1 ;.vc•' 11 TAO -Ines , ali00 sulscriptiou list. MINOR LOCALS, A placard appears on nil live stock ears bearing this statement "1t is a violation of the law to beat or abuse 1 stack." • The Montreal News explains why the fat fellows are always good nater ed. They can neither fight nue run The many drowning accidents throughout the country empbaeize the necessity tor teaching the young to swim. There should surely he no wet weath er to mar the fall fairs this year atter all we've Intel during the harvest Oounterteit Ameeit a+,n 51,10 bills are said to ho in circulation. Watch them Half of August gone now Poron to fair opens cn the 28th The days begin to shorten. ,Tho Bowlers did 11011 1)11115 ar.y ticphios home horn Exeter Good Morning 1 'What are we going to have, more rain? 1S TFEER:I GOING TO BE .AN ELECTION: The Censer dative press of rural Ontario is being served with caul paign literate:e in the fain 0f boiler plate The last edition le e1:'titled " Canadrt at War,',' 1\r: d it contains apicture of one, W. T. White, the Grit Finance Minister of the Conservative government, at Ottawa. Mr, White Woe' put here by the Grit monied amen who help ed Sir 13obr r't, Morden into power Mr. Visite has just snecoedod in placing a loin for 540,000,000 in the United States, for "Require- ments of the iPuture,', so we are ve ld. It mus- he , bitter 1, 311 tolswallow, the praising sof Mr. Mr. White. However, it Ras :u.- his appointment ointment 1 nowleclged 7 Y that there wavl?t rr 111ar.• in the Can scrvative party big enougl. -for the VOTER'S LIST COURT I4i:!•Honor, Judge D'aylo :will ],old Court of Revision on the Voters' List of Clinalo1i on Thurs- day lemming. Aug. 211th,• at 9 A. M. HELD PICNIC TUESDAY Tha League of Wesley Church i cad a picnic at Reynold on • Tner- dey andson enjoyeblk time was spent by all. • NEARLY COMPLETED' The • addition to Mahe C. 1C. I. is almost competed and' twill :11e ready '"lash Gellool o1]ene on Sept. Sth. A GOOD SC'HOOLI Don't overlook Clinton Co regi ate Irsiituto es a n ecluotioral insti- tution t ti- tn.ion with superior adv lr14r gee The showing of cur school speaks for itself. A FORMER TEACHER HEI3E Mr W E 14oggarth,' of Hensnll, m'd who was 'assistant teacher dur- irg the Model. School term, has sc- ented n positio1 'on the p1blie school ter,ching staff Olt London and will move to She Pcrest City r.U13URN RY»LAW'cl'AlLS, A l y -late to suthorize the Conn- ell to spencf 52,500 on dr.stallatlt'n of 0pp'1r.etus for fire protection in tl e 'village of Auburn Wati submit: ted to the ratcpeyel s Saturday but lest by about 1.1 rotes: • BAND GARDEN PARTY. The Clinton 1111 tie 13anr1 will hold their annual Cliir'leri party on 7 hurslay, Aug. 26111. 'r110 y have secured a big list of, prizes and el- teady ticket sellers are out. Keep elate 111 mind and help the band boys, To the pleasure given by the refined ex- cellence of Lotus .fawn stationery is added the satisfaction derived from the fact that it is ""fade in Canada." 14.1. NM( Envelopes lovitatioutt Writine Tablets P pets,, Correspondence Cud, Initmned Stationery m centleen',Ciub Note and Stationery The W. D. Fair co. Often the eheapest--always the Best Aster,.WHITE I'I 5110E BALs „dr” et.:" rf IC 0 shah pleE s,ourriM"1, Penslar White Pine ani. spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the- formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily re.ievee..a�.Ty�cough. �Try it , •. —ray 6.� 6 f—' e o .,,L10 , �0 isglensiug Chemist THE PENSI:4R DRUG STORE < . ,.. ..., .�-w.,r, ,. , ,,a .,, aru+.xn,a.w•,r r«ey .,..r:w..a�:t..- ,s, Ammar 1 RINTIN0—PLUS. That word '1.1115', set inn to ha': e br en invent for t'te pnrponc ,uf c•1 ph 1031 g tl.o c rife •Bart. bettrr',r; "Just ordtnaiy printing', and "`tae 1,1001p1ndu r'd in our p111r1' 1 5'Cly con 1 ,,,ec an cxp01 L 111'1:+s particeln. AN' mk—,ruin the whole staff inlino'i 1•1h. 'Chit motto: ''Set vice to c nr eithl Theis,', the New Era with yt ur nest order. BROTHER I GRAND PATRIARCH, Mr. Chas. A. Byam, of New Lir- keret and, brother of Sir. R. S. 1 yam, of the tion of Byam & Sutter, was elected Groner Retri- al cit of the Grand.' Encampment of Ontario. He. is a thorough, Odd- fcllow, and 'having stn abundace of ioptimism, will plot the'hncanll:- nlent tlu•ongh a prosperous year. lie is also the; M;iyor raft the thrieving New Ontario town. Our citizen, Mr. R. S. iiyam was in Strut ford last weeks- to see, his brother as nt is 11 yeetreleAncethey met. 1ODls13IC1I GIRL TO EGYPT. A letter was t eeeived, this week from Miss Selma Dancey at Godc- rich one of the 1.1.rsmg sisters ;.•h0 went to England some, time age,. announcing that the ltd. •l 31) 'enol 51:h stationary :hospitals had been teensferred to the Dardanel''', and that they were lc iIng Ply- mouth for r\110 tndvia., Egypt, the following Satu. clay. QUAI.ITY PLUS ADVERTISING A store 0onduetedin the olc1-Sash ior'od way may .holt1 ,the road, -Bash toned euetomere ell, rigil13 but these perhaps unf0rtunallely nae getting 1Lg sci100. The dealer who says that satisfied customers ,are his hest advertisement is oily Wiling i half ti01(111, foo "the man who can get and beep good customers de- serves more trade, This is the type of ratailee we alt.waant' (0 deal tit ]111 h.itn. But haw ere we to find rad: lb0ttt him if he does not advertise? Ile is keeping his ieryt brig lit 011,1 job. cls under a bushel:, n, -- TRY -- CONNER'S `BUTTER=CRUST' SMALL BREAD The . Bread of Quality Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary Made in Clinton, Ontario Phone 202 — — — 5C Loaf Furniture, Rugs & if101efilliz We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. Yon will find it to your advanta to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of I'iolians, Pianos and Organs. 1-•_/ Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction DEJNF(RD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store 1 DOLLARS COUNT. The eorner Store "Live and Let Live" The spice Makes the PieniesE Save you ever observed that some pickles and meat sauces have different flavors from others? I The cause lies' in the Spice and Vinegar used. Our Mixed Pickling 'Spice as well as out other Woes are se- lcctod with thd utmost care—You.' cannot go wrong in using them, Allspice. - Let us ave a Trice en your Cinnemcn whole •ver grennc1. 1 00 g J } Cloves, who]: and gronnel, plumbing] or Furnace and see the Curry :Powder, •14Tnee, Tumeric, Dollars' we can save you. • Celery Seed, Whole Mixed, - •Agents for Recta Furnaces Pickling SlSic All kitals of good duality Nin- (nears Vin eg a to select from v Wt have he.' PPRFECI"-SEAT, • Thos. Hawkins a�n�d C120�y�T Bi„,„ Tutus. �p di Shop ►–oven 1Ro lnnal's Hardwaree ""e E. H ni o& Phone b3 PRONE 45. Plumbing and cleating GETTIN'1 DOWN TO FACTS We think our shoes take the topmost position in every particular— For Style, Fit, Quality, Durability We believe our shoes are generally concedool even by our competitors, to be Shoes of Unusual Excellence The same careful attention is given to the style, fit and dependable quality of our $2.00, $2.5o and $3.0o shoes as is given to our_shoes costing $5.00 or $6.00, Getting down to facts we believe your shoe money will do better work here than it will at any other store. Shorts for Men, for Women, for the School Boy and Girl,„ for Very Little People, and Infants 3• FRED. J ieKSON ).1•'L#�eF:�1•+3'•i;'t!+te•II•3+�+!U!t!3!+:!1;+ !3•!D!•p3!'L�'M#3+�"�*"�'"'�-°A