HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-08-19, Page 61.'llnrSday,, Angi'tst, lOtli; 1915 Tem But sonettntes good .watches misbehave themselves because they can't help it. .. Thay.often do not, get the care. theythey'llffsould. Dirt •tucunin'bates -the watch lets erratic. perhaps stops altogether. We can turn a watch like that into a useful timepiece again for very little money. We would take it apart - clean it' thoroughly, put it together, and lased it back to you as good as new. Repairs sent by Mail will have out earliest attention. We will return it to yon by mail postage prepaid be us. W. II. IE[EYAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN EVES TESTED FREE fir. wn .j.wwN 44 aaer Iffa Thues of 1'e:icc sarsi let Thetas , of Watt Your Eyesight is Essential �. Odd Fellows Met Oshawa; A, T. Lawson, Ottawa; J. I, 'Ilartt, Orilllie ; J. \V, Simpson, Sarnia; Pee. W. Cox, G ulanoque; J as. McDonald, Tara; C E. Zeigler, Elmira; W. :Bradley; Luo ,n. Officers Elected. The conlmitLae on election re- turns reporl(ed as follows; Grand Master -L, 13 Cooper; TJ3ellevrlle, Deputy Grand 21lasier-s. C. Parks, Toronto. Warden -Chas, H.grin, ITemil- ton. 'Secretary -W. i3rooks, Toren'.;). Treasurer -\V, McCormack Toren - o. see rssenta(tive-Dr; P. T. Cour- . ou •- .:land, St. Marys. 1 Trustees 1. 0, 0 F. home -1V, J ohnson, P. G. M.; J. Donagh, P. 0. M., Toronto. ?Thi; officers were installed. for the year. In addiljon to rtlaose elected, the folirlving h"•rr born appointed Clra:ld 'Marshall, C. M. Zeigler, Elmira; Conductor, Neil MaFadgyn, Lindsay; Git,ardinn, W. 111. Bloss, .Dundas, Herold, ,l?. 0. 'Graham, Intearnat'Jrnlnl lupi p 'Messenger, (5co•7,0 Lot Minnl \Viu-" ser';; Chaplain, Rev: W. Cox, G'nn- •anoque. After the retiring trend :dander. D:'M. McIntyre. had 'been presenil- ed with the P O. al.'s jewel, the 'session adjourr"r,I. ' -GRAND ENCAMPMENT :The ata istieal report; sheaved 'a' mem •shi total he to ership June ane. 30. 1215. of 2,253 113 93 ecnanlpmc2,tsl The membership June 30, 1014, was 0,4 iii; Initial/0d during the year 560, rein- • ` staked 10, admitted by card 71, to1a1 0,065, from. which 011 have died withdrawn Of sta'peu(led leaving anet ruembersllip, of 8,59 I. or a net gain of .105.. The 011911 assets of the Rah ordinate lodges are $26,790.19. The omount paid for relief $5,788.05. The Grand Encampment eon( Incl - ed its annual session the prieei- pal business being the election of officers for the ensuing y or, which resulted as follows; Grand Patretrel, Chas. A. llyent, ''Ne'w Liskeard; Grand, High Fripel, .Jas, S. Loel:ie, Newton, Clrand Senior Warden, John McCart 1e, Chatham,. Gneed Scribe; John. A. MasJonald, Toronto ;; Grand 'Free uier, E. C. Garbutt. Platen; ✓.Grand Repres'entala1ve 4.o. Sov0r- eign Grand Lodge, W 1. Cllral+rtrn and ,Tames Oliver, Toronto; Ctrancl Marshall P1, T. Greenevey Pont Hope; Grand Inside, Sentinel, Fc1- ' ' ovin .Beattie, 13renlford ;, Genn 11 Out .stile Sentinel, Jas. Bea*, North Ray. PATRIARCHS MILITANT. The principal inkiness rl.ranrra - ted w18 the election of .officers evhi011 resulted as follows; President, 13rig.er'ienerel, Dr. Cl. M. 'Hermiston Toronto; Viae -nes. Col.. Robe: J. Pau1kn,o., rllnnri13(1r1, '•. ;Secretory, Major W.3., it'nelrr, To- ; i'orito; Treasurer, C'nd E. W. Bar - ,fon Toronto; Officers) of the 1)1 Cspt.. Clements, Windsor; Officers of the Guard, Capt. E. Dienkli'11(1 , 'Finmilt on ; C1haplain , Major A, W, Reid, Wall er1'111e, Aide Lima. Com )pings, Ottawa Sentinel 0., pt. 1VIr L011an , Stiatf-; d, Pica ct 11, W • Ralsta , Toronto ;; Auditors, tnI 10. W. J�ns71, Chevalier, Al, John %.sifion5, Toronto, <:: T 3119 :1w'a3E Is:.-VTIS. . The Rebekahs have' lead 1 wand erllll successful year -decor lint, I 'rFPorts prose Red at Cie May session of, the Aesern1ily. The r ee 01.(1)3 show a better 11111,1,(5,1 stand. Vii. n 4 Failing Vision -an e.- ner n , to corniest and. pleasure -eau be nursed into pror r n al condi tion I 1y glassesseC9that-a ceur- ately to lsed, ground aiid ad t,jneted-meet the necessary ;a, requirements. To be at war with your eyes is taking a dangerous chance -a condition that ;need not Avoid all such felly; by wearing reasseelthat will n 5ai sure happiness and content anent. t .. Grigg i gg af' 1 Jeweler and Optician ,issuer o' erg t Marriage e _=��`` Licenses � rte' rlf'1t' 1M �y��� ��s,� �` �r�ilrlfYlA cVt1r1T1n♦�31T,-. ir•g, an increase hi membership of 1,125 new members and theiolme- lion of nine new lodges% during the past year. The total membership report showed an enrollment of 12,883 and even inspia of the war !Ole finances were found to be bet tier than ever before. Tho eleetion of .officers: Mr next year resulted as follows. Prccident, Mrs. Kate Campbell, Galt, Vice-pree. Mrs, Miley Rrrlsten, Toronto; • \Var den, Alps. Sarah' Swartmao, Wioubaushene See. Miss Violet Pearce, Toronto, Treas. Mrs. Nellie Dodson, Chatham. WPI h� 4W1 th i1'1i M Local News lAiA PAMPRAAA t 8 HOURS A DAY. The :Doherty Piano Factory stat 00 :8houre ad'.05' he Iv cede HAVE THE NEW ERA FOLLOW YOU. Subscribers to the New Era many have their paper sent to them to their summer address without extra charge. MINOR LOCALS Get a ticket Tor -the ,bigpriOes offered by the Kittle. Hand 1Or may get yot( 500 lbs pounds al coal See the posters. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE, The regulais monthly meeting of the S'Vornen'e Institute, will 1,1, held al the home of Mrs. Docds, "on Thurscloy, August 26. The n embers wilt please In ing with them their blocks for the auto graph quilt -Ther' topic lar the they as "Cnnedinn IRruines,' DEATH Olt' MRS( SPLINDL'CII Last Weise (ley 'death occull'crl at the honk of Mrs J, ;I Ma,r.tair- oid :nl i17 r i� r l'incl wife r � , s 1 z.o 1, , o Ayr. .13e eat Spindler of Lntndlon Mrs. Spindler was, a dnaghter of the late\Mr, .pinch, and spent her younger days in Clinton She W8 married about 25yenrsl ago to. leer bet eavect ,huaba1111 1?es ides her husband she 18 18111'0 cd 1.y leve seine a11d t111'ete d a ugll to 113 ; P111111:1111 Splinder of arinlico .Beach, ;F•o.ron- to+; Mrs ;p, J.c Datt I.rns, London, Cierlrude, Prurl and - ilenjrunin Splindler at:, halve She is also Stu "1(10(1 by the following ht'athers and sisters; Mrs, J. ,7..MreDonald, Mrs Robert Ut re„ Mrs. Wm. Steep anal Junes Farah, sr, Clinton; Mrs, Bea ekle end Richard ,Finch, Flint, Mie,, Mrs, DeKeety, Los Angel: s, Cal and'Emmanuel Pinch, Strat- ford Mlle iueeral was field on Fait:1<ey a(tet n 001 'r11d 11 term 0nt wee maple in the Clinton Cemetery Rev •Dr. Stewart, termer pastor of Wiihs Church, Lied/ who mazrted, the deceased 1101 ducted the set - 1300e at the house and gi')y'e HONOR. ',I UNIOR MATR' RICE E LATON EXAM. T'le rer.nits of the ,examinatio:c for honer jlinioa! matrieu11o:0:1 1.1 re given below. The standing ul-- tainul 1 r e,ith si1bj,eei is indre'01 after a n;,t!diclata`smerle-i, 10 (Teat ing first-class 11ot:oes. Ii sec,ond.• class honor's, and III, thlydbcansc honors 1espectieely The:state- ment . of standing of elf aaixd:id:ttes hill be • mailed •-in the c.enrse of a few days to the', principals or in- spectoirs. In the ease of these luno wrote at. -the TJ ,ive•sity c8 1i'nl orta their statements will be Sent tlotthe Register • of -that incl 'i- tuition. Cnndiclates s)seulrl apply to obese aPt133a and not 'liothe Dc pau•tnl:nt'I• • of Pduoallon 1,0r Eurn or information. The fila: les .obb,ialed y Scholarship eoncudctes Ire been reported direct; to the unitelr rties Co cerend Scholarships eir- .hdcttes will be .informed of .their ing by the 'R glst,iars• of these unit crsrlies, The sticco'ssful 001)1,31 plates flan Iiuron ra cc,e frlc'ilve- W. A. Dareey, 0111)1. 111; W.M. Mc- Na,ngluon, chemistry. t; W. r9, S`ew art 911at:J1 TIIphy=.he 111.1 115.0. ir- vin, IPro, eh, I. otrSe69mee r(3coce,e6r'¢ttpp eeeesace®i9kCbiesesee•espeSDt3evaa me®C9e63 15 (s IFOr o n !e � �° ie t wi lo' p,. E8. C inion es fa .• eeeesseeeeeseeseseeeec Wheat 1.15 Oats 640 Butter 25 to 26 Dggs. 25 Cattle 8,90 040 flogs 3'Shbep 7.00 Lambs 10.00 Barley 600. Cheese 121-2' (e pilo¢eeocemo sea•teeees i000e sr< sea Hogs 8,50 Battier '23 to 2b Barley 60 to 70.e Eggs 20 to 21c, Wheat $$1:05, Oats 55c' lluclewrie'v1 70c stoi'7ac, Ilsenl-r 1.f24. Shol'ts, 111,00, ,33r•an '28.00. Hay tor bailing 12.00 and 13,60 ,.Li$ CLINTON NEW ERA, DISTRICT ILcnfi tll Mr. Were Atic ieson who has been running the Ki ng, George Rotel as len ant for the past Veal. has perch teed trona Mr, 'WW. Bender the (Manner Mal and is eoretetnplating an enlarge merit of the heildiug 359r, Johan Moore, of Moore Brothers, 15 variously 1)1 Mr, Wtn 8, Hog girth, of tbie. vi`l age, through h the agency ot Snths x hand, has sold his fine large brick hon'se and six ltitn to Mt'. Alexander Sparks a beet/her of the Bate, James Spat ka of this village who will taste -possession of 1t ahnnl the first day el S'ptemhor, Dr,. \1V. L. Mair, of Mitchell and form erly of Chit village, washers renewing old acquaintances ' Mr, J. E. McDonnell accompanied by his neioes the Misses D, Dickson of Useter,.and Miss Lssa McDonnell .of this village are enjoying at trip on the lakes and visiting a number of Cana dian: and American cities Seaforth A quiet hot pretty wedding solem!' hazed et the home of Mrsi Henry Mas on, of lgmondville Saturday morning when her daughter, Miss Tena became the bride of Wan. Smith, eldest son of Mr. andre \V M W. R. Smith, of Seaforth The ceremony was performed at (3 oclock by Rev, F. H. Larkin, in the presence of the immediate relatives and friends of the young couple. After the ceremony a,dainty wedding break fast was served rafter which the bridal party left for a short honeymoon, 'Up on their return they will take up house 'keeping in a ,residence recently put chased in 17dmondvitle Stanley ilev, John Mcliwen wile and family of Fort William Ont. are visiting friends here. Mr. McEwen has resign ed his charge in Fort William and is at present taking a rest. He is at the hone of his father Mr Mal. McEwen • Mrs Grace McInnes and two grand children, Donald and Doris McInnes are visiting acquaintance here. They are from Detroit and are at the home of Mr. Hugh McGregor Miss Jessie McFarlane of Kentucky, is also at the home of Mr. Hugh Alc Gregor, at present. Miss Mary,MeDonald of Brussels is visiting at the home of John McCowan on the Second Miss Vera Pepper is visiting at the home of her grandfather Mr. R. Pep prr of Tucker'srnith Goderich A letter was received this week from Miss Selma Dt'ncey. one of the nursing sisters who went to England. some time ago, annouucing that the Ord, 4th and 5th, stationary hospitals had been •transferred to the Dardanelles, and that they were leaving Plymouth' for Alexandria, Egypt; the following Sat urday. Miss Dancey. also sent a num ber of i' , 'resting photographs taken in and around the hospital itt Shorn clifie, showing her convalescing pat dents, one of whoop is PM Brannigan, a former resident of Goderich. During Sir Robert Burdens sojourn in Great Britain he visited the S1ordcliife Hos pitals and spoke a kindly word to Can action lads there, inquiring particular ly what pert of Canada each elan was from and the nature of his wounds and where received. Ile was /Leconte anied by Sir John Forbes Robinson and Lady Robinson, who afterwards flava it huiche00 at their beautiful home in Shornclifl:e to the matron of the hospitals and anurnher of the, nears Mg sisters, eon tanee Mr, and S1es. Ben Riley anent Sun day with their son John at JOrIlcefield. Me and Ws. Lemont, of Brussels spent Sunday the guest orate and Mrs James Mann. Miss .Berwick arrived home after spending a couple of months in Sarn fa The W. M. S. Inst Thursday at Mrs Rola. Lawsnn and pieced together 0 tops for quilts. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tye 00 Gravel Road visited friends here on Sunday, Mrs, Adam Glazier and Miss Jennie McNe+I of Clinton the formers sisters Mrs. Pollard. ' airs Cole is visiting her daughter Mrs, Glazier of Clinton Mrs. McCully is bites in our village again Mr, and Mrs. D. Sutherland are ex petted to arrive this week from Toron to Exeter Mrs, Peter Frayne and daughter' Lena left'lhursday evening to visit the fcrrners son Russel at Brantford a Mrs. Will Verity of Brantford and. daughter are visiting the formers moth er and sister •-• '� fsoderich,'I'ownship Farmers are busy this week and the fine weather is helping then,' Council will Mees on Monday, Ang, .i01:h es Leber ;Flay conies on the first Monday in Seplecuhea 3.11 persons having business with the Council should govern themselves according ly LYour nan e on the Voters Iisi ? The New Fra would like a couple of More'' live correspondents to represent us in this township. Will YOU' act as one? London. Road Miss Maggie alcPhiail of Porters Full is visiting her sister Annie, this week Hee old friends are glad to see her back on the Road ae;,ain Mrs, Harrison Wi1tse, of Clinton spent a tew days lust week visiting old friends on the Road Miss Grace SLephepeon visited her cousin, Mies- Flossie' Stephenson at Varna Quite a: few frorn here attended the Garden Party at Varna last week Mr, and ,tlrs„Ulatsworthy epent: Son day with the lattex's sister Mrs. Potter Fine weather this week is a tied send to the farmers' Mrs,i,ow li I c lffe spent a few days at London with her son Will. lirlleefield A severe electrical storm passed over here on Saturday evening About mid night, accompanied by a heavy fall of rain. !1r. and Mrs. Hary Rothwell, of Toronto, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Suott's sister in Bowmanville Quiet alot of oats have been 'coming in lately. The price being 55 cents per bushel. W. Scott ce: Co. handle a lot of grain in the year and distribute a' lot of money among the farmers James Swan is improving the ap pearance of his residence by giving his house a coat of paint. Harry Jackson is the artist Mrs. John Calvert and :young son, from Ilderton, have returned to their home after a pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. and airs. P. Bowey • Porters 11i11 airs. Burgos and daughter Miss Berry of Toronto are visiting at Mrs. Lindsays Irene Thompson of Goderich is visit ing at S, McPhail Mr and Mrs W. Pearson are visiting at Mr. Vander 1btrghe - Minnie Johnston returned , borne from Trowbridge on Monday accomp anted by Myrtle Marshall Pearl Potter returned home from Woodstock on Friday last accorupttn ied by her cousin .Eiatheleeu Stewart Mrs. Lawrence of Lucknow visited at Mrs, Lindsays Maggie McPhail is visiting at Mr. Grants on the London road Mr. C. Newton and son Gerald ale holidaying et Mr. Olent Newton's. Mr and Mrs. Hall Rutledges visited at ale. John Cox's on Sunday ' Ila Moore returned to her hone in Mitchell last week Mrs, James Young of Godericb vlsi ted her parents, 351r. and Mrs Jordan last week, Lueknow Charlie L' ochart, aged 16 years, sec and son of Ezekiel Loohart, con. 4, Kinloss, lost his life in Purvis' Lake, about two miles from town, Sunday afternoon. Yung .L'ochal't, 71000m ponied by an English lad, neither of whom could swim had gone to the lake with the intention of having a bath. Lochart was the 11ret tai