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The Clinton New Era, 1915-08-19, Page 5
Titers('la', August,19th, 1076 ,elettesereatretireseremscawrie But sometimes' good .watches misbelieve themselves because they n ,an't help it. Th often de not get the care they uld. Dirt acburiadates --the watch gets erratic. perhaps stops altogether. We cs.n turn a watch like that into a useful timepiece again for very little money. We would take it apart clean it thoroughly, put it together, and hand it hack to you as good as LCR'. Repairs pa rs sent by mail will have our earliest attention, We will return it to you by nail postage prepaid by us. reursoolassousitemmemememom W. n. n[. �.t,YAR. JEWELER and OPTICIAII ETES TESTED FREE .�mo. Odd fellows Met Oshawa; A. T. Lawson, Ottiwa; J. I. 'Haat, Orilllia; J. W. Simpson, Sarnia; Rev, W. Cox, G:trianogne; Jas. McDonald T:irn; Cx, T. Zeigler, Elmira; W. Bradley, Luoan. Officers ,;Elected, The •committee on election re-. turns repori(ed as follows; • Grand LsiasterL, B Cooper, Belleville: Deputy Grand SMIarilet'-S. C. Parks, Toronto. , Warden -Chas. E. Mann, Hamil- ton. 'Secretary -W, Brooks. Toronto, Treastu'er-W, McCormneel Toren - . present -Mere -Dr. P. T. Cour.. land, St. Marys, Trustees I. 0. 0 V. hnfne-W, Johnson, P. G. M,; J. .Donagh, P. 'G, M., Toronto, 'Thc� officers were installede for the year. In addition to rthose elected, the following h,cr, horn eppein'ted Cerin l Marshall, G, 1\2, •I TOMEN's TNsi`ITUTE Zeigler, Elmira . Conclnetor, ;Noll aeleFadgyn, Lindsay: Gnsirdien, W. The regular, monthly meeting. H. iIoss, Dundas, Darold, M. 0. of the Women's Instituter will le 'Graham, Interim Linnet R'eliites t hold et the home of Mrs. DoCdr, Messenger, George Lilrham Win- on Thursday, August 26, '1'ne soy Chaplain, Rev: W. Cox, Gen- members will please being with !anomie:them their blocks fee the unto After the retiring ii rend Master. graphuilt-The,!to ic•iorthed•y MidD. M. McIntyre. Midbeen presenll- as acae.semn loses nes,': � ed witlt the I?. G. M.'s sewed, the 'session adjourned, ; DEATH OF MRS( Sl?LIN1)L•GR -GRAND ENCAMPMENT 1 Last Wedncadty 'titsith occurred • at the home of Mrs J. J Mac:iJ.w - :The sta1ji�stienl report; she i'c d •a ald, Sof -Mi s 'ElizaPinch, wife of 'total menibeeshi r June. 36. 19.tG. of , av Ia. *Benjamin Spindler of Lrindlori N t n . , 2,251 in , 3 ecnampmemtsi The Mrs, Spindler was a dr,ug•hier of 'membet•sidp June 30„1011, was Pols ; the, lard Me. winch, and spent. her :initialed clueingthe ear 560 rein- younger days in. Clinton She was -nta+tied 16, admitted by ,card 71,' marc err about25yecxrs1 ago to her tonal 0,065, from. which 5•i4 have her eared Atli-testedliesides leer died withdrawn orsuspended husbund she is ani'nheel 1y.two Baying a net rnembe'ship, of 8,59 1, sons and three daughters; Wiltittni F .or ' c neat gain of me. Splinder of Mimieo Berrch, Toren-. The sash 'assets of tine sub to, lits P. J. Dawkins, Leedori, ordinate lodges are 126 01,10. The Gertrude, Pearl end Benjumin Spliniller at home She is also stirs reed Ly the repassing brothers anil sisters ; Mrs r J', J. MoeDonelcl, Mrs Robert t i ise„ Mrs. Wm. Steep and Janres''i e eh, sr Clinton; Mrs, Bi'ackle and Ricla,ird Finch, Mint Miiih Mrs. Defeew, Los An eles, Cal and linnomnual Pinch, Sleet - ford IThe funeral was held on 1?riday niter naoar end interment was made in the Clinton Cemetery REV Dr. -Sten uf, tanner pastor of Willis'Church, wed, 'who nla: red, the deceased cot decteri the 501- 1 ices at the house and grave DONOR JUNIOR s MATRICULATION L AT'[ON BRr111?. The Termite,f n the e,,anin ti.ion for homer :imam! nt Fibulo tion ilk. siVcn bi_hitiv_ The standing of P,4T13IA}3C'1 S h 7LIT.d1v'f table:I i peach mibjcc t is indieetc d after a ant'rlidal.l's laameL-I, it d'cat The principal business l4'anit i- ingfirst:-class hoems. o II sec,n'nd•- 'ted -was, the election of :officers class honors, and ID, l if;'diaclrlss 'which resulted as follows: honors 1espectieel , The state - President, Brig.. -General, Dr. 0, mei t of staledriof all ', g y r eah,d;d.t.c.to s Id. 'Hermiston, Toronto! Vire•-pies,will be mailed in the centime f a c n Col. Itobr'. J. 1'`aullc;i,or, 'Hamilton,� few ria s to than unci ails rir i y 1 P fr ��,Seoretat•y, Majnt W. J:;,Fr,sinr, '1'c, � specters. In the case of thie'se ronito, Treasurer, (el. 17. W. Bar- win s'retc at the. U ,ivei'sity , t''li Icon; Toronto : 011icere of 'the Day, Capt: Clements Windsor; ()Weave of the Guard, Crept, R. Di inkwllci Hamilton ; Chaplain, Major A. W. Reid, W ql ervillc, Aide, Lieut., ('ori wings, Ottawa; Sentinel, Crept. Me Lcnnae, Seratfr•d, Pickett, 71, Iv, RSt; , Toronto ' • Au_tlnrt'Can!. lr. Jl�ash, Chevalier, A.1. John 'sdtone, Toronto. ' THII ;HcOe'317K NHS.. The Onekalie e hhave had n wood erful suer essfel year-a.crcr.line to �v18?�xt�'STd(At 4 tQ 4t'Stnlis'tGn +1;'163 a��� ; Fi�o�b 1<ni Times (or Peace as Iat'Ti-teres of 'Wise Your Eyesight I isssen i � �al ,iuo 5is ,,,te Failing 'Vision -an enemy arc to comfort and,pleasnre-eau be nursed into norxual condi Lien lit' . s;laseesthat-,accur- ately focused, • stet cased, ground and ad lusted -meet the necessary , requirements, To be at war withy o rr eyes es i is taking a dangerous chance -8, condition that ;coed not exist. Avoid all such, folly; by wearing g'cssesmthat will n sure happiness and content anent, 1 A. J. Grigg �g Jeweler and Optielan issuer of ' Marriage e _ Licen9Cs WAPARAPIRMAMP, • ing, an incren.ae in membership of 1,125 now members and the forma- tion of nine new lodges* during the past year. The total membe.ship report showed an enrollment of 12,883 and even inspille; of the war !Ole finances were found to be bet 'tier than ever befcre, The : election of -officers' for next year resulted as follows. Pu eeident, Mrs. Kate Campbell, Galt, Vice-preo. Mrs. Mary llnlston,. o; ToxontWarden, en,. Mrs. 'Sarah' Swartma3, Weubausbone See. Miss Violet Pearce, Tomato, Treas. Mrs. Nellie Dodson, Chatham. �ft<•iftt< itt•J Local News ■��r�����_ sU'Y1rU'rrlfltlrlfx” flilrv'atlsa 8H10[URS ADAV. The Doherty Piano-geed:ore start no S hours a day? next, week. HAVE THE NEW ERA FOLLOW YOU. Subscribers to the New Era many have their paper sent to them to their summer address without extra charge. MINOR LOCALS Get a ticket (teethe ,htg prizes offered by the Billie, Bard 10e may get yotf, 500 lbs pounds of coal See the posters. tr, =mount paid for relief 55,788.03. Y The Grand Encampment eonrlud- ed its annual session the princi- pal business. being the eleetion of officers for the ensiling.ea-• y x, which resulted as follows; Grand Patri,ticlt, Chas. A. 13yarn, 'New Liskeard; Grand _High Priest, .Jas. S. Loekie, Newton; Grand Senior Warden, John McCort ic, Chatham CI Trend Scribe, John. A. l� etionald, Toronto; ;-C5ionri 'free lner,'I•: C. Garbitttt Vinton; ✓,Grand Rep resseta fiive 10' Sracrr- eign Grand Lodge, W J Gralnim and James Oliver, Toronto; Grand 'Marshall W. T. Greeesety port Elope;, Grand Inside, Sentinel, hrl- win Beattie, Brantford , Gruen Out .side Sentinel, Jas, Boatel, North ,T °roe ter them stal:unients `will lie sent to Register • of that insti- tution. Candidates shculcl rappiy to these:: pertiee and not Bathe De par tr a nt u7 7]d r(ation fon further information, The marks ;0hi.; std sb eters c � r n3rC C, 1tl t 9 y 1 t e ha :' 1 r been reported sneer: to Inc. unrser, xties ecrecerend. Seh l 1, =hips ear .ligates viill be informed or t heir ing by the R gists ars .7 these unasersxtles. The successful Candi elates ficm 'Huron (arms felews- W.A. gar'cey, meth. 111; WA, Mc rcpor.ls,preee itedat'thc br_ y Nanghron, chemistry l W (3 s'e:c sc•ssl0i, , of the Assembly, The rec. art, ,loath III physic 11.1. M.O. .U.' Olds show ahetier Iliauciil stand win, /Preeide I. ,,m.. 00)10046000PC4011)13017001000413eelqatIlVetini36940011MIN-M2301110C134004300213 43 r WO& as 4 ct000AmoomoeseesEDEit49rpE7ocooaoaocalooesoomoaspoxostooceoe©e C11111012 Wheat 1.15 Oats 64c 13iitter 25 to 26 hggs. 25 Cai;ttle 8,10 Begs 9.40 Slreep 7.00 Lambs 10.00 Parley 50e (:Neese 121-2 'Flogs 5„50 Buteer '213 to 25 ...Barley 60 to 70s Eger,' 20 101 21e When ti 5105, Oats 55c }incl stmt; 70c to) Tae. sPeal' 1,24 Shoats ,l.00. Bran 25.00. ]:lay for babying 12,011 and -77-77 LIB CLIN'f ON NEW ERA. DISTRICT N feisall a�ullcai th-`lo`vusilip, Rte'. Weir Atiee on win has been O'armers ars bast' this weeris and the running the King George Hotel as ton fine weather is helping then, ant for the oast year bas pni'eh.ieed Connell will meet on Monday, Aug, from Mr. 'Woi.'Bender the Cormier 30111 as L•thor Day conies en the first , rat and rs contemplating tan enlarge Monday in September. All persons m nti of 1h ht s uildu,k having business with the Council Mm, John Moore, of Moore Brothers, should govern themselves according 1s seriously 111 1't' Mr. W n,. E. I1ogg;,rth,.n1' this, vi'l 1.; your name an the Voters lisle age, through the agency of r Slither The New Era would like a couple of land, has sold bit fine Targe brick honk there live correspondents to represent andsixl s of 6o Mr. Alexander Sparks, us in this township. Will YOU act as a hrotlier of the late, James Sparks of one? this village avbn will take - possession of 11 a:hnnt the first day of S •pcember. Dr,. We L. Mair, of Mitchell and form London Road oiy of l acquaintances vanage, was here renewing miss Maggie McPhail of Porters Hill is visiting her sister Annie, this week M. J. 1i. McDonnell aoeompanied by bis peicas the .Misses ,D Dieksbn of i Her old friends ars glad to see her lexeter,�and,Miss Esse. McDonnell -of"' bank on the Road again this village are enjoying a trip on the Mrs. Harrison astiwe; of ting old lakes and visiting a number of Cana, spent a sew days last week visiting old lisp and Aisitin an cities friends on the Road Miss Urrace Stephenson visited her cousin, bliss Flossie Stephenson at Varna Quite A quiet hot pretty wedding solem ' Garden Partyfewtroat Varna lasts wIsere e k the Diced at the home of Mrs: Henry Mas Mr. and airs.,Ulatsworthy spent tion on, of Egmondville Saturday morning day with the tatters sister Mrs, Potter. when her daughter, Miss Tena became Pine weather this week is a tend the bride of Win. Smttb, eldest son of send to the farmers! Mr. andr Ma W. R Smith, ofSeaforth Mrs. R0 e1t s , spent a tew'daysThe eremony was performed at at 0 London with her son Will. oclock by Rev. F. H. Larkin, in the presence et the inimediate relatives and friends of the young couple. After IDrneefield the ceremony dainty wedding break fast was served after whichthebridal party left for a short honeymoon, -Up on their velum they will take ap house .keeping in a •residence recently pur chased in Edmondville Seaforth A severe electrical storm passed over here on Saturday evening about mid night, accompanied by a heavy fall of rain. :Sr, and Mrs. Hary Rothwell, of Torouto, were the guest of Mr. end Mrs, $uott's sister in Bowmanville Stn11ICy• Quiet alot of oats have been corning [n lately. The price being 55 cents per Rev. John Ivleliweu wife and family bnsnel.. W. Scott re Co. handle a lot of .Fort` William Ont. are visiting of grain in the year and distribute a friends here. Mt'. Mc111wen has resign lot of money among the farmers ed his charge in Fort William and is James Swan is improving the ap at present taking a rest. • He is at the pearance of his residence by giving his nausea coat of paint. Harry Jackson, is the artist Mrs. John Calvert and :young son; from Merton, have returned to their home after a pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Bowey home of his father Mr Mal. McEwen Mrs Grace McInnes and two grand children, Donald and Doris McInnes are visiting acquaintance here. They are from Detroit and are at the home of Mr, Hugh McGregor Mies Jessie MoJ1'arlane of Kentucky, is also at the home of Dir. Hugh Mc Gregor; at present. Porters Hill Miss Mary.MoDonald of :Bruseele is Sirs. Burges and daughter bliss visiting at the hone of John McGowan on the Second Barry of Toronto are visiting at Mrs. Miss Vera Pepper is visiting at the I'Y elxe Thompson of Goderich is visit phor of me f her grandfather Mr, l4. Pep ing at S, McPhail Mr and Mrs W. Pearson are visiting at Mr. Vanderburghs- Minnie Johnston returned . home frorn'Trowbrddge on Dlonday accomp anted by Myrtle Marshall Pearl Potter returned home from Woodstock on Friday last accompan ied by her cousin E atheleen Stewart Mrs. Lawrence of. Lucknow visited at Mrs, Lindsays Maggie McPhail is visiting at Mr, Grants on the London road Mr, G, Newton and son Gerald are holidaying et Mr. Clem Newto.r's. Mr and Ids. Hall Rutledges visited at DIr. John Cox's on Sunday ria Moore returned to her home in Mitchell last week Mrs, James Young of Goderich vtsi, ted her parents, Mr. and Mrs Jorden last week. Goderich A letter was received this week from bliss Selina Oeneey, one of the nursing sisters who went to England• some time ago, announcing that the 3rd,. 4th and 5th, stationary hospitals had been .transferred to the Dardanelles. and that they were leaving Plymouths for Alexandria, Egypt, the following Sat archly. MissDancey. also sent a num bey of interesting photographs taken in and around the hospital at Shorn clitl'e, showing her convalescing pat lents, one of whom is Pte. Brannigan, a former resident of (Goderich. During Sir Robert Bordens sojourn in Great Britain he visited the Shordeliffe Hoa Otitis and spoke a kindly word to Gan adian lads there, inquiring particular ly what part of Canada each pan was from and the nature nl' his wounds and where received, ile was accomp anted by Sir. John Forbes Rohinsen Charlie L' ochart, aged 10 years, sec and Lady Robinson, who afterwards old son of Ezekiel Loehart, con. 4, gave a luncheon at their beautiful Kinloss, lost his life in Purvis' Lake, home' in Shorncliffe to the matron pf about two miles from town, Sunday the hospitals and anumbee of the nurs afternoon. Young Lecture accom ing sisters, panted by an English lad, neither of whom could swim had gone to the eke with the intention of haying a bath. Loohart was the first to enter the water, going down in e. hole about ten feet deep. When he did riot come to surface after a considerable length of time, his companion began alarmed and melted to the home of a farmer residing not far distant. The body was not recovered t[tl it had been in ua the water about two hours. Two doe The W. M. S. last Thursday at Mrs, tors worked over hint for some time, y but life was extinct. The funeral was Rohr, 'Lawson ,and pieced together 3 held ou Tuesday tops for quilts, Mr. and Mrs, Will Tye of Gravel Road visited friends here on Sunday. Mrs. Adam Glazier and Miss Jennie McNeil of Clinton the formers sisters Mrs. Pollard. Mrs Cole is visiting her daughter Mrs, Glazier of Clinton Mrs, McCully is back in our village again Mr. e,nd Mrs. D. Sutherland are ex petted to arrive this week from Toron to Liteknow ae C'onatanCe Mr. and airs, Ben Riley spent Sun day with their son John at J3rnoefield, Me and Mrs. Lamont, cif Brussels spent Sunday the guest ante and Mrs James Mann, Miss Berwick arrived home after spending a couple of months in Sarn IGtilett Goderich ' Star: --Mise Florence Tighe and Miss Carbet, of Flullett, are visiting Mrs. Quigley, their sant The Ladies Aid Society of Burn's Church, Hullett,, presented the Red Cross Circle of Blyth with 550.00 to its funds' James Grasby a pioneer c the town ship passed away at his residence lot 46 con 10, on Thnreday last at, the ripe EMeter age of 07 years,, 10 months and 12 days after being in 111 health for sometime Mrs. Peter Frayne and daughter He came into Hallett when it was Lena left Thursday evening to visit bush and with 'ttis aged partner cut, the formers son Russel at Brantford a horse for themselves and family Mr. Mrs. Will Verity of Brantford and Grasby was a fine honorable man daughter are visiting (he'forrners moth erand sister After careful consideration of the Governments reply to Reeve Taylor inquiry as tobest method of :arming overseas forces, the council decided to order a Lewis machine gun and re gilested the reeve to send away the urder Itis very probable that Exeter vive to hold in living remern'berance a will, in the near future contribute au , kind and faithful father, Joseph of other machine gun Morris, Charles, of Blyth ,Tames of The "Festival of the Nations" was Morris and Thomas. Alis. Grasby is repeated on Saturday evening last now in her Stud year. The funeral with the result that it brought the was held on :Saturday afternoon from amount cleared over 5300. The. ladies his late residence to are to be congratulated on their excel) no Borns Cemetery, ent work of Friday and Saturday even ings. Thos. Johns had his leg fractured he et@•ea meere saltie caoccel0000gm• tween the knee and ankle when as he was climbing up to an oil tank wagon Editorialr Notes hI4 tont slipped Mrs. (Jule and little sonhave return ••••®•00®04940)®®®m•9t•0•®••CI ed after being away fora a inuoth's vis who had the good will of everyone, He were a staunch member' of the Meth odist Church and in politics was a strong, supporter of the Liberal cause.. A family of 1) was born to this worthy couple but, their three daughters, Liz 'tie Harriett, Ada, and iwogmrs, Noble}and John died, sons'st sur iii s r it withher parents at Luc/t11 When will the dogs of war cease ttielr ftgi ting in Europe? The owner of a mad dog who would refuse to have the animal shot would be looked upon as a man bereft el his reason hut it appeai,s to Ile different when a:Na- tion sets out, to override the so called civilized world. M'ilitari'sm is;a, Inc New forte .and .other. American to any anti every lane and to bitve .and porn s Dr'. `Vie Knight, eon of the rate Mr. a:ncl ltIrs, Fc ,nk Knight, who is now In London, Eng. frith ttae Canadian liar es bee been teensleered to the Roy. 11.1 Arrey 11'lcdinnl' Oerps, vpitb the rank of lieutenant Miss 1: Fisher, who has beer) living }dr Toronto fur the last few months is visiting friends here Mr rand Mrs. W, Fisher, who have been visiting the formers parents,' have returned to their honaein Peter borough Mrs. Lane of 'William street, who underwent a, very serious operation recently is doing nicely Sirs. Phillips and trilby have return ecl to Toronto after'visiting at het hue hands parents Exeter council will give a machine; gun, The matter will be taken up itrt weduit.ely having alreamly passed the Mrs. herdic Dickson is holidaying to t e keep peace h1 should' he smashed' to atoms and kept smashed, We notice the Weekly Sun suggests as a, new method to "break up” a broody:heu, the use of an alarm clock put in the nest. It vouches for the success of the experinieut after trying it on 100 sitters" 1f corr,.,.t it is an easier way ont than tbe red flannel rag route, periodical duekings in the water 1,01 0i' tite ]assoir)g of biddy to a stake by a cord attached to one of her legs. Live and learn, hence we pass this improved feature along and advise the purchase of an alarm clock if you have not one, Said ciock,could' be pot to other use when the 'old q'hat the officers of the law ere "clocker" had, settled down to the ; waving the hol;eldceepers : a swam regular rautino of ,egg prolucirg. 1100' time these day,.a. Let us have your experience. 4ve+4 4444494^1 4444484f 4146.444 OverThe Tiji 44CaAp44444444444441�W4444 MiSs Urn- e ce ( I all` n' Toronto, ]'aro oto, home fee slit, vacation. Miss Jennie Miller, who holds a eosition at. London is. spending her holidays at the parental home. Mrs MiUool and'children, of Walk- erton, are visiting friends •in and around Clinton, , Mr's, Coulter returned to her home at Lueknow on Monday, Miss bus Rowat, o1: Exeter, le 'visit. ing herrgrandmother, Mrs, Uolloway, sr, Mr. James Doherty has been confin- ed to his bed with an attack of l'beunradsm, a'r and nd. Mrs. Reekie, of Dutton, formerly of Clinton, are expected here en Sunday to spend a few days with old friends. Mrs. Harrison Wiltse has been visit ing friends on the London Road. Me. William Fethergill of East Wawanosh and Miss McV'ittie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Medd Miss Hattie 0ourtice is spending her holidays with friends in St. Thomas, Toronto and other pointe, Mrs. S. J. ,Arlin returned last Thins day, from a pleasant visit with her two daughters atl)egina. Rev. S. J. Arlin and Master Sherwyn returned from their vacation trip on Tuesday of this week, Mr, A. O. Pattison booked M.', Iddo Orich and Mr. R, B. Oarter'to Simko. toon this week, on the home seeker's excursion, via the G. T. P. Mrs. A, alcKenzie, accompanied by Master Archie and the baby are visit ing relatives and friends at Brussels and Teeswater, Mrs. Rumball wits a visitor at W ingbam this week with her brother, Mr. John Sweets. We are pleased to see Mr. troy Forreeter out again after being laid up at his home with rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. a of Goderich, called Can old riends' on Saturday evening.. Mr. Frank .Beattie, of I3espeler, who was beet near here a cuuple of weeks ago when his auto left the toad, was here on Saturday to take his car home. Rev, Dr..Stewartreturned to Torun to on Wednesday after a visit in and around Clinton, Mc' Fl, LaB. Bart of Medina, N. es:, is calling on old friends it, town this week, It is over twenty years since Mr, (dart left Clinton and he sees tnany changes in Clinton. He is now in control of a house furnishing store in Medina. His old friends were indeed glad to welcome hila back to town onee more. Miss Katie Reekie, of Duttton, is guest of 5lie and Dles, W T. O Nell : Mrs. Murray and the Misses Murray of London, who have been visiting friends here, left last; week to spend Sunday Mainsail befotereturning to their home. Ayr. and Mra, Bnuok and fancily returned from Drawbridge on Salem day, Dr. and Mrs, E. Holmes, of Cleve land have been visiting ill and around Clinton. ifis Ross Forbes leaves next week for Kearney, where he has secured a school. Kearney is a town about 50 miles from Parry Sound, Mr. John :Bennett and the Misses Bennett, of Blyth, called on Mr. and Mrs. W King on Friday night. Mr. Edliio Sheherd of Toronto, is the guest of his mother while on his x holidays. Mr. and Mrs, Sharman, of Goderich, are spending a few days with the letters sister, Miss J. Hohnes, Winghant Advance. -Mr, Henry Russ of town is visiting at Clinton, Goderich, Seatorth and Hayfield. Mrs S. Carter, Brussels is theuest of Mrs. Geo. Levis. g" Miss Hattie Trick is visiting `her friend, Miss Alice Andrews, of the Bayfield: road, Goddecich, Miss Annie Beattie of Toronto and one of the "old Clinton girls" was here on Friday en route to Bayfield to visit with her sister, Pte Tom Hanley, who came home from the front sone months ago on account of 01 health left again last Thursday for the 'Old Country to get into the trenches again. Mrd R. S. Byanx .was in Stratford last week. Barrister Best, of Seaforth,attended court here on Fc'iday night lst. Mr. Thomas, 0. P. 1t. agent of Blyth, was iu town on Friday night for a few hours. Mrs. Mc.tarn, of Goderich and Mrs,' Smith of California were the guests of Mrs. Milne. Mr. and Mrs, Corry, of London, vis- ited Clinton and Seaforth friencls. Mrs. Radcliffe and daughter, of Medicine .Hat, etre the guests of De, and Mrs. Gunn, Mr. le, G. Matthews, Principal of Listowel Business .College and Mrs. Matthews motored to Clinton on Wed nesday and are visiting for a few days with. Me. and Mrs. W. S, Downs Mr, Stewart Scott of Seaforth was calling on friends in town on Wednes day Miss Aileen Armour, of Goderieh, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs, D, Olulf, Mr: and Mrs Thos. Mason have re turned front a visit with relatives at +Detroit and, other points. Tile Harland gide. wii.o have been visiting oldfriends' here, are visiting with relatives at 13elgeave. tD1—TO - d 44' 4444f We still ,bank, on the Russian beam, It is hardly likely that even the wish bone of Turkey will be left when the war ie over,' tittle better is deserved, F. F. Pardee, the well known Sarnia, PAGE PIVy ice»mumsessomexessweiseasaneassmemossewst ..' We've bought largely and have had goods coming in freely all year, so our stock at the present is heavy - in fact, more than we should carry at this season, and in order to reduce it as much as possible we will offer special prices for one month, commencing july 29th. Dress ress Goods for 'less than many lines could be bought for to -day. 1 lot of fancy color Crepes, worth I5c for sot Ladies Waists from 35c up House Dresses fromoc to 9 1.50 40 pieces of Print at sc while they last 3o Children's Dresses to clear Men's Suits, Odd Pants and Oda Vests Some lines in Boots and Shoes, only a few of each kind Conte and See '<l hat we can dolor You Plumsteel Bros• Small Profits Phone 25. More Business ••••••••••••••••••••••O••••••d•••••••••••••••••••••• •• WeDon'tDunipyoi,i • •• Into the Business Fieldhalf Trained and poorly equipped like. many •of whom a leading Toronto business mad recently said,. "They are not worth a d—," • We give yon athorough training, and as a graduate ofone of • our Schools we know you can do things and do then well. We get •• right behind you with our recommendation and ourEmployment Department and place you promptly in good positions. • These are two good reasons why you should select one of our. Schools, There are others. Our catalogue suggests some of them,. • It will be mailed free on receint01'vont, request for a copy. Write o for it. Address W. i1 SHAW,. President,. Shaw's , •13usinesaciaflls • • Head offices,1""tlirn't and Gerrard cr. • • • • eenesen2••Eam veno••s•OeteOOI0eS*o•••••seesseoo•••as • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • IIMINAIMMENEIN .-- Barrister, was renominated n remdidate for the common i Liberal to give a period of office holding, that s to Liberals will adorn the hest that can he LAM Riding. �y hen the Liherale I wrought for the advancement of a fixe return to power', it is not venturing to •Province whose good name itis been say, Mr, Pardee will till a 'post otdis- n trailed' in the dust. One noticeable' tincture - i thing is that very few Uonser alive m -o-- newspapers attempt to condone the "Busy tine expected on the Western misdeeds of the late Government. front" ie the latest war note soen�r 1 to ise iseateopolttde0 life ill dcondn t -o-- for the future,' 7f the ringleader in How is the tan on your neck and the the crookedness could be taught ale- s tr this kes on your nose progressing? By i iota they would not forget an undnubt. date the holiday "adurtrnrents d grin would he wrought but these should be in full bloom, ' wily gents usually cover ap their --n tracks and in the end leave their dupes David Herurn would have made is in the lurch,. Dhettet' lot) in othe horse deals sfor the moo-_ thepaid"snipers" teraitlthxrd owe rid Many young people are sending in, o I tie surest wive of keeping them probably not have stolen as much. appikations for ent'otmont in comes Some of the evidence given of these tionwiththe Short Cunrsea at the transactions qualify a few of the mute' .Agrrcu:Moro eullege3, This is one of to hoarding tarn year oi• so in Rin the ways to keep abreast of the times Ring- and secure Hist hand many hints that Ston penitentiary, That would be one cin le tar led foto verpractical y channels for both pleasure and profit. Pointers on butter snaking, poultry raising, beekeeping, stock and seed judging, end a score of other service lines would be a great acquisition to young men and woman on the farm and would add new zest to Agriculture In the varied program worked out to increased profit. The Institutes should talk this matter up,. straight fora time tat least. Good work is being clown by the Railway Commission. They are tek ing some of the snarls out of the well. recognized anuses a,nd filling a worthy mission in the interests of the public. --o-- In view of the many accidents to motoring parties it might not be out of place to whisper in the ear of venture- some chauffeurs 'Go Slow Reeling oif 35 miles an hour may be a "thriller" hut the funeral would per. haps not have been as soon if 20 miles was shown on the cyclotneter. Gnod crop prospects in the West. It will be of great benefit in. putting our neighbors on theirfeet. '--O- A gasoline engine used las a motive power to the binder is said to be "the very thing the doctor ordered" for the farm, Old Clouty must smile when he sees the devilishness of the new implements of war as exemplified in the present European conflict. Theold'musket was humane as compared with the terrible mutilations following in the wake of modern warfare. Man's ingenuity in devising death dealing methods was never more dastardly, Manitoba Li heeals have the °benne of their life. Not to grab or grift but cm.�sre, Women of Denmark possess tire, suf- frage and eligibility to hold otelee in that land on the same tetras as then. Why shaudd this not ,be the case? There's hope for Canada vet and the agitation must he sustained until it is an a aeoimplisiied fact, , The Ztudustriel Fair, slated for Ang- lin st 2St g- li h to September loch, at Teton - to, appears to have taken on new life and for 11x15 promises to be better than over, Jit is no small chore to manage such an Exposition and )seep the whole program up to concert pitch. One good feature is that although considerable money is spent for at. t.actions to please the fancy of many of the visitors this is not done al the expense of the permanent and founda- tional sections of the Fair. These are heing amplified and kept up to date so that the best in the various classes may be seen oh exhibition, 5 perusal of the prise list will show how large an area is covered' in awards offered, What Turkey has lost 000 111i1 s in the Black Sem Whirl sit:. evade is a Niel isnot. Women Look Vitell When t he escape y the sallow' skinr thelm Ies black P � 1 heads, facial blemishes due to • indigestion or bilious- ness.4IseAt times,: all women need ,and help' to rid the system of poisons,'": -and the safest, surest ri most convenient and most economical ` help ,f they _, ncl in ',This famous familyremedy has an excellenttonic effect upon the entire system. It quickly relievesthe ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion, headache, backache, low spirits, extreme nervousness. Purifying the_ blood, Beecham's Pills improve and CI The,Complexion The direetiann with every be,r. ore very wnleablo—enpeoially to women..' Prepared only by Thomas Beecham,St. Helena, Lannaehire England. Sold everywhere la. Canada and U,9, Minden. le boxes, 4 scars,