HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-08-19, Page 4What Old iteroll Bays are
l+ lr
ID1D111o• at 6thec
A \llt•i fr
the 0 O:lt 'ra re-
cent letter to .list J.ather has this
to say of Capt. Gibson, of Winni-
peg, cousin of the 'Gibson's of
In an hour's conversattort i
•couldn't finish my, stories of
Gibson. :It was Gipson, who daily
mewled away with a' sniping
rifle and found an idell spot with
"a complete enfiladit view, of the
German trench. Only three or
lour shots a day would be the lie
it, as the position; must be kept
'secret. 'Be tolyl me he always se-
eeeterl fact German corporals' tor
'the distioc.t.ion. He hated Germans
especially fat ones,
There is a stloryi ';old of 'Gib-
son which I hope is true. During
one of his noetnrnal ramblef he
found himself unteido a line of
"rein 0 dugouts }Ir sit ul ly era wt
'ed'to the mous It of one of them and
338tented intently -snores t Several
accumhent figures were quits
'discernable and Gibson iroughly
aroused the nearest.
"How many men in here?" said
'Gibson in the brusque manner of
the Prussian of firer "Four Sir,"
replied the drowsy Teuton.
Throe eeronels ,dater; Gibson-
e'Did you say four?" 7.'outnn-"Yes
•air" Gibson -"Then share that k: •
mongst you."
"That" was a particularlyacti\e
Captain eelmon \P1s last' seen at
hard -grips with n Pt nssiin officer
Tor the possession of tho Hatter's
'revolver. It happened (luring an
unsncc^ssful attach 0n el German
trench near Zillebeke. Whether or
rot he is a prisoner/ of war, we
know not, but knowing the mamas.
T. did, I hard;y think it likely.
21 tu'sday, August, 191.11, 1015
"The War in China Against b Opium
cured and returned ,lapme: Scion
afterwards lie cc me'bacic- with 7
of. his friends to have, thee treat-
ment, (5 nt 0136 thought( of the
New. Testtame.lt story of the elan
\31io afte(\vards \+nae ;possessed of
seven,) '.phi', Were'all cured.: A.
Short time ago another i em enure
front this towe, 1 asked hull :if he
knew these other mere TIe said,
°01 yen. that ,18 why T came., I
nee 11.11) 1011cthre '•tel y,h 11!,,all
stayed cured? Again he leplirct '.n
thea firmati✓o.This l its anther
.f a
o:neoulagifl den's; it had rather
a better endilg than the story in
New Test•u to et, so 1; thought.
If I bad written' !these lines a
week ago, whel Dr. Hither].) 011(1 T
me, my story would have ended
hire. .13nt unfortunately' a fees
clays ago my lriend .n,:. Cheo wcis
back. main to Hire hoe/nine say-
ing that he wanted to tette the
opium' cure once n1Ioa•Cc I snip,
Why, isn't your) nnmcr'Cheo?,' 'lie
said. eyes.'„ "Are you, *ion;• from
Lung 1lwoi Chengi', "lee" " "Did
you not tical: off opium ,here, anrf
then bring me eeven 'of yore
f1 lends?',, Yee ' 11 eve is it ('hen
that after all phis you are again
nein' opium?', Well1 .hr! said,
doctor, it is jus9 leis' •cry; alum'
two months ago' I had:: earl 1)! -
tact: of dysentery, ane' 'l' sh't;'tc d
to use °rIun' again, hstt if yiu will
cute 110 once more 5 will g l out
a:.d get you a IMS 'ofother 'Homes
to ecmO ;Ind 1 I t1 ere, the le 1.i` '
No doubt heuas 1c1ii13g rbeftrulh
3i.3011t the rlysellery, fer there
a earl cl idenlie in this llr(n'inec
this peal: S11m1r1'l'. When a fT:•l''•t
malty sieeumh..d to the fell die -
case.. SO Chea is agein a 51111 0 1
and eve trait t131t: '(ii: time he
will be permanently cured.
That to\vn au p''thes no elitro! :
my foimer patients all 11•p they
would litre in lace erne nine (o'1.
I have spoken abc ut the metier to
Rev. R. O. Jolliffe, Who has the
our -station lvork and we hope that
(10 long these) men and their le 1 --
Jew -townsmen will have the g.or-
pel preached in their midst,
A recent opium patient was Mr.
Chang. Nearly two years ago his
vile attended the dispensary,to
be , treated for ulcer' of te log
(st very common disease in Chin:1).
Soon she began to attend church,
vend tonic quite, an interest in the
gospel. She soon got ,to have'. a I
good deal 0f faith, mpreyer. She }
used to pray about ,the every -shay i
things in her life, and, she wee es- 1
l,ecially not unmindful of her his •
tildren Cry
FOR FLETCHER'S band, who was are opium ` user
C A 8 -r o R s A 77,e lcdies of our 101151011 here got
yuitc l,tereste1'in the family, 0nct
even) anxious to see the 1onlbancl
to the Madill 1l toed '(n' iT,ed pica -'tu
give him special attention if .fie
diel come. A1to1' miry tnoet e: ho
finally decided bo give up tint hitb
it: da1(1 prese rterl .himself 3111 the
h°spuria.TI) ep'enl.ly Telt "1oma
(11 hishiswifpin
wife's laitle in prayer, for he
proudly shoe .d me a \kitten prey
er 100111 Mra. ,Iolliet°-load'given;
tc leis evi£e. -
After completing 'tile' shire Mr.
Chang went horn°,, rade 1t was not
long till we he ird, ler their having
iraycr meeting at their' house
T hey. had the Bielewomenout ,:1t rt.
I tell you.them alis subject of Prayer
-a side pig 3 This may beamusing
from the Westerner et otanrlpoint,
cut not from item, Chinese, for tee'
pig is an important 5100: of100)lth
among the lower middle ,classes.
For instance, the, proceeds from
the sale ,of al tat pig ,would l'uy
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten Ivhen the liver is right the
stomach and bowels arc right,
gently but firmly cont.
pet a lazy liver to
do its duty.
Cures con-
Headache, end Distress after Eating.
Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price.
Genuine must bear Signature
You will find relief in Tam-Buk 1
1t eases the brning,ystinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zany.
fink means cure: Why not prove'
this !n 411 Dreg/SateG Mena,
food for a Chinese coolie' for over
,< , year. 531 alter all 'Chis' prayer
was pcl:baps as sensible: :1s
some of the prayers ' eve make.
Let ua hope that, the Chang Sarney
will go on praying, rot' only about
the temporal things of lite, but
also about tlee jell -important e'er-
nal things,
Children Cry
London, Ontario,
September 10th to lSth
T'het'Prizc List offered this year
by the Western Tan( Association
is the most liberal in its ntsto y
In the Live Stock Depaeh-Ones the
prizes Jape exceptionally Inrge.
The 'Horse stablcshnve 'beer; disin
rutted vary thoreughly under, the
direction of Dr. Tarn hire V. S.
and everything net in firs'teeeess
condition. In (the cattle barns
there will be ir:c'reased aecomnlo
elation as last yeer tenets had, 'to be
brought into service. A new sheep
barn is being erected where accom
morlation• has been provided for e
large sheep exhibit. ne it: is felt
tint the increase ill i:ha Pri7.0list
will bring out all the' large flocks
The Ponitry Prizes are increased
•nlrl should bring nut, ;lithe hest
Heels of Ontario. Tice prize)) fan•
grain and \ egotebles are also high
re. this year and there should 'beet
large exhibit in 'hist department
Lists, entry forms programs, and
all information from the Secretory
A.M. Hunt, London, Ont.
Children. Cry
t i I
old San],
Vessels in
Pori Colborne
(arbor fest.
-Ve1iana. Canal
60 ears
I'k deIc titan -nous -New
Concrete Locks -to
be -u ed on nNewt-
g° Off
for, very much' ci:larged sonnet
tions between the, upper and rower
lakes, and we ore now beginning a
new Welland Caned' 'hate is to be
more than twice as deep tis the old
The New Cared, is being, eon:'
structed under the direction of
,T. L. ,Jolter andfhr, work will corn'
pare favorably with the Panama
The ca:rat, as planned. by Mr,
Weller, is to be 29 miles in length
as against 2 miles in the pre-
sent canal. ill will have ,even
lochs, insle•Id of twenty-six, 0f
t(,rec will be. cleuble, so as to ad-
mit of ships going up and down at
the same time. These locks Ire to
bet 800 feet long 1 y 80 feet wide
with al depth. of 30 feet. Their
most striking feature will he, a
Hely style gate,• unique he canal'
construction and invented, by Mr.
Weller himself, Instead of con-
sisting of two leaves mitring in
the centre when' closed, these gates
e\111 be but Single' leaves, turning
right across the ends of the noels.
When it is mentioned! that the
lock gates on the .Panama Canal
weigh only 730) tons, against 1,100
in 'the proposed Welland, gates,; it
331 apparent that in some, respects
at least the latter' undertaking sur
passes the former. The/ Panama
locks are, of course, larger, being'
1000 feet in length by :110 in (width,
With a' depth of 41 i-3 feet, but
their lift is only 28 1-8 feet, es
against 46;i feet on the Welland
-Most of the Fire,' Chiefs,' include
ing our own Chief, 'Harry, Bartfiff
were taken by electric cars from
Thorold 'tri see the epnstruction
Words Spoken to 1st
the past fever"clays.
I would first o4 all hell you that
1 have, never been so ,l,rour'1; sof
anything in my life, as 7 am of this
Armlet with''1. Canada', ami 'i,t.
(pointing to it,.) thee I weak On my
right arm, I; thank you andc:on•-
geatulate you from the hottbm of
my heart, for the part each one o1
you have taken 01 giving nae this
reeling of pride,
I think it is possible that ,you 31'0
not, all, of, you, quite realize that
if we had retired on the evening
of the 22nd April --when mad Allies
fellbefore timeass n
left -
left flank quia
e' open -the tvh le
of the 27th and' 28th Divisions
a r\
would' probably have'' been cut off,
certainly 'they would not have got
away ,a germ or ai vehicle of any)
sort, and probably U0't more than
half the Infantry.
This is >, what our, Commaurlei-
in -Chief meant when he telegraph
ed, as he diel, that "the Canadians
saved eho sittiation',. My Lads, if
ON et' men had a right to be;proud'
in 'his 1001311, yard leave.
1 lcnow my Military history
Moiety well, and I cannot ithink of
an ( instance, especially when the
cleverness and de'terminatioil of
the enemy is taken into' acrounef
in which troops were placed in
such a difficult: position, nor- can
I think of aet iretance in which
so newel depended on the stand-
ing fast e. 1 011q 3)10351031
You will reme,nber the last time
I spoke to yin, just before you
went into the ll'renches' at Sailly
now over two month!! ago, I told
you about my old; Regiment -the
R. W. Kents-having gained a re-
pubation for noel budging froim
thole teel'ches, no matter how they
were attacked. T' Geld then that
I was quiet sure that' in a abort
time, the Army out. Here would be
saying the same of you.
1 little thought -we 10110 .0I 318
thought -how eeon those words
would conte true, But now to-(ley-
o-(laynot only the Army out here, but
all Canada, all England, and all the
Empire, ere saying' it of, you?.
The ahem each saying,'
hes taken
in earning this reputation is no
small one.
7 have three pages• of congratu-
latory telegram; from ells Majesty
the Ki)g downwards which' will
read to you, with. als'or'a very nice
leiter fern) our Army Commander
er, Sir Honl'e Smith-horrien.
Now, I doubt, if any Divisional
Commander or any Division
ever hast 90 mar y congratulatory •
telegrams and messages. as thee,
and rementha:', they are not mere
ly polite and rentlmen'gal 01135,
they express just( whale the send
its ieally feel.
There 1s one more' tit^ort f would
say to you before I shop. You
Peeve made r reputation, second to
none gained in this' ;War, bnt,
remember, 110 plan, can lice on his
reputation he mustekeep on adding
to it. That you will de so e feel
just as sure. as I diel two months
ago, when !told you that- I knew
you would make areputation when
the opportunity came.
I am fleet' going 'goshalte hands
with your Officers, and nal do so
I wantyonto feel that' nm sleek
lag hands with each one of you, Ile
I would actually, do 11 time per-
mitted, -No, we will no'i have 'toy
cheering now -we will keep that
till yon have added to youe repu-
tation, as 7 len oie yen will.',
Attacks of cholera morbus are caused
mostly by indiscretion in diet, the use
of uuripe fruit and new vegetables, and
usually occur during the hot summer
On the first sign 0rthis very weakening
trouble Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry should be taken,
Mrs. George Lee, Ruthven, Ont.,
writes: "I was taken with cholera
morbus, and I was so bad I could net
lit up ally more than five minutes at a
time. My husband said I looked"as if I
had been sick a month; he got me a
bottle of Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry, and I took the whole of it
in one day, and it completely cured me.
We are never without it in the house for
T don't think it can be beat."
When you ask for Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry see that you get "Dr.
Fowler's," as imitators have gone so far
as to imitate our wrapper both in color
and style, and have adopted similar
names, such as Strawberry Compound,
Wild Strawberry Compound, Extract of
Strawberry, etc.
"Dr, Fowler's" has been on the market
for the past 70 years, and is acknowledged
by all who have used into be a sure cure
for all bowel complaints.
Price,j35 cents.
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co;, Limited, Toronto, Ont.
When .Preservin$
Use LANTIG Sagan Becattee itdissolves-quickly; it -will not scorch or burn in
the kettle. LANTIC Sugar is. refined from cane only. granulated extra fine and comes
to you clean and pure from refinery In' original packages. 2 lb. and 5 lb. cartons
mad 10 lb. and 20 lb. bags.a 100 lb. bags coarser granulation. Weight guaranteed.
Buy in "original packaages and look_for the LANTiC Red Bail on each package.
Send your address and small Red Ball
Trade Mark from bag er t.p end ' of i
carton and we will mail you book of Sugar�
So asserted Fruit Jar Labels -printed
andt ummed ready to put on the jars:
Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited,, MONTRRAL,'QUE. ST. JOHN, N::8.
ii3 '18ummtutuapFt0Iantemattl4t/1l muninannntamantn7!119q(Ii1uann1Y1tt9t11t17Anit9ut1t7Etitld
NAM %alai 1csr:
y fon' Flet 4 lei s
The Kine Yon l ^vc COAlways :;',ox'a„ ?1t, atilt which has been
in rase for over O yea:.•s, has house the signature Of
and has boon made under his�er
sa.1t11 supervision ^in o Its infancy.fateY
Allow t10 one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeit,, Imitations ar(i "dust -as -good" are but
>i✓xperinacnts that trifle with and endanger t110 health of
Infants and Children-E:Yperlellcc ag'aanst Experiment.
What is CAST IA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Caston;' Oil, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. 1!) is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine 'nor other Narcotie
Substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for tiro relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, 'Wind. Colic, all'Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving' healthy rind natural sleep.,
The Children's Panacca-The 11lother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
The War and Migration SUFFERED FROM
This would provide labour) for the Catarrh Of The Stomach!
land andthelr consuming) %capac-
ity would increase, employment In
the towns, They would' willingly
undertake to repay their }ores out
of wages after ,arrival but cannot
save anything out, of their shill-
ing a day pity, half of which nn in'-
t:umerabie eases le (assigned) to
their relatives so as, eta pliably
them for a Govornmenrt's subsidy
Canada was one of! , tthe' prizes
the Prussians coveted. Aro her
savior's to be excluded• because
they were born' at home?
The Boys
Tho Imperialism of the boys is
uoparalled. All the best who
could go, at the/ age of, sixteen
ar:d upwards, have enlisted 'by
oe erstating their ages, rind cases
of boys joining thoranks at the
age of 'fifteen are frequent.
None of these wish tee return to
their former oceupatto•ns ands Bar-
tow lives. When therefore, there
are situations for which -no tonal
labour is applyi.1g there will not
fares be advanced to help ant such
boys from h0ane? Thousands of
those who came, out\ in the past;
have enlisted and proved the steel
ing worth of their; class.
The Future of Caaalk,
The ore thing. needful' for Can-
ada to become ,a truly great] nation
is to double or 'treble' here popu-
lation. Now is 'Iter Green Oppor-
tunity to do so, and at the same
time to prove that thee Empire is
indissolubly one, not; only in Arms
but. in Labor' r iso, 'and, the oppor-
tunity will, we hope, nevere recur,
as it is due to( the; War. The 'ex-
tension of Canada's urban employ-
ment also depends on the expan-
sion of her rural population, If
one en every two Canadian farmers
holding ten 00:0 and over Of ('and
would take an ex -soldier' bey dur-
S0mtivo 0cthreef hiredred ater the nd fifrr -
teen thousand could come• out, and
after they had aeptrid their fares
they could las isle in (the migra-
tion of their lawn and other boys'
sisters and thus; 00001'e the des,.
tiny of tile. Dominfpn. They would
also spend $411` a year on cloth-
ing alone, which would amount to
about 'twelve and' la half million
dollars a year(. If they stay here
they will decline' and deteriorate
all the improverne4 wrought in Buffalo and tloderich
them by their time with the col- Wes' Paasenget
ours will be lost. and 'employ,, am pm p na p m
ment 01 'the tolvna will suffer in Stratford 10.00 12,30 6,25 10.25
consequence of hack' of consumers ]Mitchell 10.22 12.55 5.56 1041
Ts the Empire to be one in Peace Seaforth 10.46 1.20 6.18 11,19
aswell as in the War? What! is Clinton 11.07 1.85 6.40 11,2
Canada's reply? Those Canadians 13olmesville11.16 1,43 6,46 11.3
who cannot j'oiu' the, active forces taoderich 11.35 2.00 7.05 1
at the front could/ now get trendy to East Passenger
help to receive the would-be seat a m pp m p.m
lets of our troops so that the Goderich 7.05 2.35 4552
words of Sir .ROberI:, Borden utter Holmesville 7.22 2.52, 5.00'
ed in the Rouse' of Commons at Clinton 7.32 3,08 5.10
Ottawa on April 10, 1015, may apply Seatorth 7.61 3.21 5.35
to the Canadians' answer to ' the Mitchell 8.16 3.4'4 559
clarion of Peace. as it did to the Stratfora 8 40 146 620•
t0scin of War Sir Robert replied
' No one. of us' doubted( then when
the end came thel people of Can
ads 13 00111 be, reedy, to repiond to
the call; but we rejoice that in
every Province, and indeed' tin
every community in Canada, there
sponse has been so warm, s,oloy,a.I
so splendidly patriotic,. that every -
one of us feeds to: -day, more proud
than ever he did before of this
gloat Drminioa ','
Milburn's Laxa-Liver PUN'
Cured Her.
Mrs. Agnes Gallant, Reserve Mines,
N.S., writes: "I take great pleasure in
writing you. I have been a great sufferer,
for eight years, from catarrh of the
stomach and tried several, so called;'
catarrh remedies without relief until
a friend of mine advised me to try Mil -
burn's Lasa -Liver Pills, which I did, and
four vials completely cured me."
Be sure and get Milburn's Lasa -Liver
Pills when you ask for them as there are
a number of imitations on the market.
The price is 25c. per vial, 5 vials for
11.00, at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co..
Limited, Toronto, Oat.
Grand TrnnkRailway Systetn
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce, "
North Passenger
Loudon, depart,..- 8.30 a m 4.40 p to
Centralia. 33 5,43
Exeter 9.44 5.54
Bengali 9.65 5.05
Kippen 10.01 6,11
Brucetield 19.09 6.19
Clinton 11.00 6.85
Londesboro 11.18 6.52
Blyth 11.27 7.00
Belgrave....... 11.40 '7.13
Wingham, arrive11.54 71351
South Passenger
Win ham depart
g8.36am 3.30 p
Belgrave 6.50 3.44
Blyth 7.04 3.56
Londesboro 7.13 4.04
Clinton 8.10 4.23
Brumfield 8.27 4.39
Kipper.' 8.85 4.47
Hensall! 8.41 4.52
Exeter 8.54 5.05
Centralia. 9.04 5.15
London, arrive 10.00 8.10
Yours !Faithfully
The New Era.
W. II. KERR it SOA, -Preps.
r MOS, E. SE.DGWICK f J. Leslie Kerr Business Manager
33 Oriental Street,
Poplar, London, E,
July, 1915
• Many people suffer the tortures of lame
musclesandttif'feaed;-mats because of im-
purities its the blood, and each succeeding
attack seems more acute until rheumatism
has invaded the whole system, t
To arrest rheumatism it is quite as int.
portant to improve your general health as
to purity your blood, and tike cod liver
oil in Scott's Tiittnlsion is nature's great
blood -maker, while its medicinal nourish-
ment strengthens the organs to expel the
impurities and npbuild your strength.,
Scott's Emulsion is helping thousands
everyday who could not find other relief.
Refuse the alcoholic substitutes,
New Era, One Year In advance 11.00
New Era, when not paid in ad-
vance. •• . , 11,50
New Era, to this United States
01 advance $1.50
Advertising Rates on Application.
Job work prices advance on July,
lst, 1913, in ;accordance .with
the Huron Co. Press Asso-,
enation ; Rates.
Office Phone 30 . Souse Phone 95