The Clinton New Era, 1915-08-19, Page 2PAGE TWO, ,dlilliinery Ready - to -Wear OttemeutE. PlhOne 7S wwwzraarraerunwaragzwasmulv le•y t•,1 cods au t offense r IIr ui811inge' t+ . We have made greater preparations than 'everfor big business in the Cloak :Department. Every gar. Meet is this season's Style, not an old one or left -over on our racks. Y ' Direct from the factories of five of the leading Cana- dian makers they have come -the best styles from best makers of ladies mantles in the trade, 'There is a wide variety of choice, wider by far than most stores can show, of the best garments and many exclusive styles, no two alike. We draw special atten- tion to our showing of handsome Black Coats. It is greater by far than any we have ever attempted before and ladies in search of something exclusive will have no difficulty in mak- ing their selection from it -we are showing 275 coats for the fall trade, over Iso different styles. Best choosing lull is done early ln1111101 stocks , and complete. areP EBi CLINTON NEW LEA, Thursclay,l August, 19th;: 1915. (St4510DgeoPie00'®Y®m0®®'•mOiO1110900®t;3P000m0k9'! 0e3t'OGOGOk3®t e041e006®aifenee®teaS080 %'11OGGOOC ®. •Lcals and �t oe sona1s' i leanneeel toomee,sestosococcocepooaat alit esocid sea esemmtnnerattec om ceseemeo®®900oe®t90@?) os seeds :GOIJGHT BARBER :ER Sti1O:P 11tt'. H tvey 13au:ir, who leis been the obliging clerk at the( Norman die !Hotel' hist perch tees. the h,u'ber ing business ail the Bedford 'Hotel r 'n posseseion Goderich and has !htl,,e TRIALS • POSTPONED Owing to Crown Attornhy, Seng er having ,to gotaa Toronto .the liquor cases 'which we rel to, be held on Wednasclny were aglYin post- poned fe,sa steel'. 1 With Our Soldiers. .ter on bicycle's, in motor cars, Des' - patch riders on Motorcycles /with a bine and white band on the arm anis wearing their 'goggles, with the right of way over alt 'traffic go. tearing along the 'raft; at a tee, mendoas epee 1, turning the nu- merous curves of ee 1 u;•liali one') • at pore whicii makes one hold. the breath. The, army tambulanee with its largered moes(paintedtin the side and top fiy from camp el rospitel and back. again. Huge motor lilies s rumble tiling, 1,0c11"- ing their great marls of haled hey tons of mos 1. hundreds tnf'loaves of breed. Prom 5.30 a m. tell 10 p, nt., every little /while, is .heard i e bugle tall of the; mimic. of a braes hand, or the skirl of the bagpipes-locelly known r' the snake charmers. , SO1ne shays me can hear thea Bumming. of ',lege . cannon, while;nu.arer at hand, is the sharp creek of rifles, 01' the patter of machine guns ,as practice ie carried on at the ranges. Through the Comely red £laggsi flutter do the wind indicating that those particu- lar fields arc, roust of bounds', for soldiers or military tactics. These and the grain fields ere ' the, only places where the tramp of the .'sole 'dier's heavy boob is note heard, �Fortutately mos:` Of the country around 1' ere 16 under grass, tend the thousands of sheep aro gen.:- leg accustomed" to the sight', rtif:the men inth e grass -colored mil - form, messingtheir ancient pas - tureage, running a few yards, then falling flat upon' (2b5 ground o' creeping along under cover of, the hedges, or the brosj ,of a hill, c1is • nppearing at last in the cover of 'e thick green wood. On, ,onetof the high hills near here are'th,e rrun.- parts of a very' old, stronghold, claimed to be a fortified .po.setion field by Julius Caesar +50 years be- fore Christ. At the foot of this hi'1 about 3000 of row_ meal ate encamp- ed, What strange sights' and war. like operations that ,old+. hill has looked neon in all the inlet t ei,- ii+g centuries, for, being, the near- est point to the enn't1r shit 11 MI within eight 01 the white eliff,s eon :.n cf Calai;�, ma or insides y who larelecl upon English' soil, a' d the expedition of •,varlik'1 kings with their. wa riohf 0 niglits going forth to da battle in 11 ince, ISpnili or the Netherlands, paseod I111is' way. One wonders if twenty ce )' ut'ies feeds now it will still he Look ing upol) scenes of Ibkdiodehod a1 d sorrow.' We live here' en mot's oe less" danger of en +air, paid by Zeppelins By clay eve trust to pun airships end aeroplanes tleet fly about like giant humkle 'trees to preterit ue,, but'. they do not mai oeuvre at,ui5llt ow' ing to the fact tl.at it,ny are evert seen after dark. is to be fared inion At night. ,we trusts to dtlrkness.. Our windows, in mien sreell, cover ed with hea5y 'thick, blinds tepee- vent the light( fi one este iiag 'through. In private hoinoil lust 1(1 :towns all blinds' must' be closed un ,der the penalty ore fine,, Similar 1y 1211a. ''blinds' inthe snatch hnssee 'aaihvay co+tcherl are kept clown. .the streets are. alt 111 darkness ex cent for nfaint;,'eine 'light' nidang x it. TO. _T.L'NDi R FOR 1111LITAR -sr apER5 Mr, 'W J tel son; of the Jacicosn Clothing' Cp. was 'in Ottawa this .The following Personals, Locals and District News was gathered by our obliging correspondents or banded into our office from last Wednesday uoonontil'Chars- r day aro d on outing to the Now Era , o1 going; to press Wednesday noon last week instead of Thursday we could not get it into onr iSS11e. sovvvWvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvywv Mrs. S Fear' apcll Miss 1Visaiy of Blyth spent the week end at.' the home of Mr. C. E. Rozell. Miss Sybel Cout tiro is. visiting with rel el Ives and friends ,at Wil - week tendering for multiary orders lianiton, NIichig.ih. We hope he is successful es it will Councillor Walker wife and Datnily Olean busino.s times tit the Cloth spent Sunday with Mrs. Walkers! Mg factory. parents et Iilytli. T Mr, and Mrs.J.'Armstorng and ONTARIO STR; CHURCH. Mr. James of Brussels are spending Miss Emma Lavis tookf charge ,of a few days et the home of Mr. the Organ lastSundiay and wilt pre- 0 -B. Rozell. side next Sunday. Rev. Mi',. lysis 1Vlary Turner of town and Stevenson, of Shelbourno, )vas the Mise'Hattie Teener of Tucker" preacher last S- ncley. smith are visiting Goderich friends Mrs. B. J. Gibbings sang a solo' .this weed at the morning eeri'ice. Mr. Thos. Mann 'or Listowel Taylor ()spent the weeks with his dangh- A LITTL E PT -Ui IAR. ter Mrs. Will Butt. Stanley Mr Charles Ross of Regina, Seek , arrived in Clinton last Saturday from the West., He formerly lived on the. second and celled on old acquaintances the eek -He will spend • e first of week 1 Country. ofew days m thede y Mr. Wm McCrae of Leamington Essex, Co.called at the home of Geo. Baird on Tuesday. tie w149 accomp anied by Robert McCartney of Tucker smith, Mr. McRae resided oil the 4th Con,` on the farm now pccupied' by Wm. 'Watkins, Mr, MoBae visited the old farm. : He finds •many changes here since he left both in the appear aneeof the country and the residents' of the district. On Friday of last week the neigh boars of Mr, Hugh Gilmoure met, with their teams and drew sultieient .earth to fill up the gangway into' the barn which he had raised for stabling, The party at night was a quiet and eel 0y able affair Miss Ida Taylor is epending a, few days at the home of her grandfather Mr. 3, Smillie, Walton, she expects to leave end of the week to visit her its er Mrs. 3. Somerville St. Marys Miss Ecnina Taylor is ependldg this week at the home of her uncle' Mr. 3, Brous corners. Everywhere are evidence of war. fpicnches are Obstructed; on vartoats 1hd1Lt tvhdle sacks filled with Nti > W are suspend od for bayonet practice. As the look ,out over the Unglish'•Channel we can see t.heEnglish ships ;busy with their usual tasks o, fishing or carrying merchandise, with; here and there adestroyer i'ushing•'11i1)11' on thW<e'ternsl )vigil mire - (ley and, light for (Gems u1 mines send subnin eines. �4'e occilionally ,Vern• of scene, bring fa lien, mut the ',everts are fleece publii.hed, In facti'n'e haee reaeoi 1501i0 130 1.h^t a great (teal of tear 1'0W:4 docs n'.It plass tl a 000505. We are, all; 'glad 'theft the Welsh coal strike ,is: ended 'for it ftlu na'ened 'tobo a 'vel y serious thing. Last Stturdely tsu Of Cane ride's most not-'.ctblc sail'11 paid its a eisht, 12,L, 'Borden nod ''Stn', Hughes., There wore. ahcare' 0,000 'lithe review, It was a fine sight to see ee mane. gtthet ed to get her, Cum midi ph ysicell5 1 est• It looked grand 'lee see the gi•eat forest of uflel, and ltv.hen •they We are pleased to he:u'llttat Miss 'Thursday molting Chief Wheat Ivey ,Forbes is so far I ocavel:ing ly took chargd fee abady from out from her atth'a. of Typhoid fever of town As she Was eel g, stninge she is able to silt oeitc,nthe 'ver ly, and the o.nee6aig( thing 00 her andeli. mold was the fact that' be Govern llliss Ruly Pdnn of l'sruesels end stent owed 1i'._ looney +F1ilnds took her in ehaige. 1'110PERTS: SOLD. "fixed bayonets', the flash, of the polished +tees in the bright' stet-, light Was Snell as 30011151 strike terror .1nto a rem and inspire rt friend with confidence. The training 15 hec001111g ("softy stiff. The ()thee day one brigade of albont 4,000 Hien, marched to e shford, a total dist'Ince, of, 11:1001 20 miles, in full marching oa+der, enrrying about 35 pounds. T11e any was ti little, warm arid a gore nhalty omen had to fall ani: by the way. The• )lex',. clay there were 280 men un the( Egos list Huth sore feet. Such a march 01110 .weeds out the "booze artists,', Under 'the siren ous training and, strict osis'- eiplinc one often hears the 1 smirk "Oh, why did T.le leave my happy home?', er that proverbial expres- sion, with better sarcasm Your Icing and cou.ltt'y need you. , ,There are several of the pupils of Godcn.ic.h, Collegiate -institute scatter thrhugh the camps around here. Wo aro having ,a •soot' 0• reunion and ditncr on Satinet ty of 'this Week: Life on the whole is enjoyable So far. Only weals wish, the, 101 waS over, 03' even tthe end inoighli Must close holt'. Love to all, ' Will. Mrs. L. I[owell of Tot onto ere spending a couple of days alt the Revell :Home. Mfrs. R. J. Charlesworth lMiej �A'Ir. iV. •Beye.one lemee a orfs' of Zada Ate Rae) and babeStewart the property of'ithc: late Mra. D. of Port Arthur Ont.' are„ S mile:b e to me. Charles' Peacock the home of her mother flim. Ar .1 of 'Huilettt, '111x. peacock will get ur Mac Rae - possession this fall a:ncLns there The friends in town of 'Mr, ]_,ice been a couple of W01111'-',3 Chas. ,fo;t'cster, Superintendent of 1711y fonkin, at his from, he v. i7 the G. • t7 :Eb.y ((5 tloril, wi'l probably mere to town in the near offer sonde r m ashy in the loss T Y of a brother 55110 thou from injur- luture, ics in Buffalo last week. Miss Viola S1:weli; is, the new INJURED IN COLLISION. lacy superinte.uleet of the Eire Gordon Cunringhame, express ctn'dine General :Hospital. driv.:r, was badlysleakeu np •i- el Mrs. Coulter, of LUe1:nely 15 lit - painfully injured on 'Seed . d i;v iting her aunt, hiss J. Holmes. aftereoon when he was thr'3Wn Mrs. W. T. O'Neil end Miss Dell from his fig by collision 'wish en O'NeiJ returned on Wednesday from automobile. The horse accidently from there visit with Pert 9rlueoe stepped on his thumb and helix' friends. SO suffering from shock. The auto ' 6r. Byarci Hill, son of Mr. and was charge of ei yorng hey riccrmp Mrs. Edevard Biil bus oulisted.,ni1 allied by 1551as land child' en. 'Mr. will join as a. baker havinghem" ('unninglham° was stopping at with. Mr. Connor for someime. Morrish's cornu' to load up with Mist Rudd isl visiting with Connor's Bread boxes When the car friends at Toronto. Lit the, rig: Mrs.Jchn Harland and bliss 61 POTATOES IN A HILL. Amelia. Harland ere, visiting old' fiienris in Toro tbo. On Wednesday afternoon Mr. `lir. and Mrs, Tom Jackson lr John Shaw dropped into the New and Miss Ru;tl,h are spending .t few Era office and made, the eLatetnent weeks at Go (ionic{ pay. that on Tuesday he took 01. pr- ' Dr. Arthur 13ean, son of flies. tntoes from tone hill, but-nhout 25 Bean, 'Frederick street, has epee - were big eating potatoes; Li were ed up 'a practice 'xt lldri!on. the size of marbles and 15 were the IThe Dr's old, friends ht re Jed, size of peas, All the small ones wish success in his new home. were right on the" top .of the been. Mr. and Mrs Charles Middleton 'He stated thatncmheld planed 120 and family andtMrs John lel d.11, - rows with ft 11P011 pieces in a hill and ton took the l'Uaekinac batt trip. 1: eye to each piece. On from; and are back home. again. clown the. garden on Tnerdiy fir Airs Ferran and Mrs. Ranee him, was astonished (11211he number of returned from Toro oto eft er e'en - tops and counted 15. The. demises ing Mrs Archibald, who has, been goes by that Seel isli name Wee ill with pneumonia. 1VIneCrregem's,' Rev, and MI'S. i,'airfall 'and Misr Lillian hese returned' from their vacation. Rev. R. 73. Stevenson of Shed•. hurnc who took the preaehing set - vices at Ont. Sl. Church oii Sur - day last, is visiting for it Sleek at the home of his. sister, 'Mrs. '• S. Downs; axing accompanied by Chs Stevenson, and blaster 53, woke They expect to leave on Sateirch)y in their car for St. Marys, and will also visit. other points before re- turning home. a Fall Fee' Oates 10 Bayfield Oct 5 and Blyth :Sept 28 and 20 Brussels Sent'r30 and Get 1 Dungannon' Oct. '7 and 8 Goderich 5.,., opt 28 to.30 Gorrie... .............. Oct 2nd London (Western l+au .Sept.:10 to 1S l'Iitchell }.26e ' Sept,nd2J Toeonto, Aug' 28 to Sept 13 Seafnrth• Sept 23 end 24 Winghain , , :, Sept 2.5 and 24 Zurich.,. .......Sept 22 and `23 letters from Soldiers e The New Era willl'be pleased to to receive letters from' soldiers et the front for publica,ti:oii. I$ re -I quested the lethters will be re- turned,, THE CANAl)k TEMP:E'.5A.NC!5 ACT In the CI l iitinn Gucrtlinn last week the .apecitll eorrespnntl1511 '1 the London Confcrencel,etler made the following vele-cermet') tate Aet in Huron County. Two of our Bounties have nota. vutert' to put 11111 Act into operation-`fll:won a11(1 Pc rtli. 'Tluron fs alto-lrly under ifs provis1te1nseoulntilttliit i'lose of the 3lmme )'ii. stent license. year. One of 0111' tr,inister`?, It,1v, 1C. G. Powell, lips been left without n station, 1'n order that he. may Ice 1s field so- rtttry of the temperance nrg,trii Ilion in 11 upon, awl uvrtwithstnnt Y ihte the usual,' and per -trips more than the esnpl, difficulties, is'Ic- ing splendid yore. Reporte ,have lccently np urn rcrl in certain pr; - ers to ,Lhe of feet (than conclitirtnls in Huron nre }worse. than untie" license. Mr. P030111, -emphatically dentes that such is the ease. And his contention is borne out "y 11 letter which has been, published otelr thenameof a gentlemen '11'ho, at ft lie time the Aet was G'iled 51110n, was one '0,1 1ts Strongest opponents. • ,,Wood's P osphot.iiO, The Great E,giis!Y:Xiem=edy/. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous System, makes now Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debiti ti, I'Ienlat and Brain Worts, Despon- dencii, Loss -o ' Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, ,Tr'tctthne Meniori,. Price 51 per boa, six for $5, One will please, six will nureg1So1d by all druggists or mailed in plsin pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO..TORONTO. ONT. (Fmeesl¢Wledsor.) *mosso •oioolo'siiii ieume• eienfe fenee1D4.o06tia•nteed�te©®lett Bills Patriotic t� Smaller Co : / m @eeelbase®osoaioos *eseeciee'aQµ5 The women of St. George Ward hsivegiven to the treasurer of the W. 1', S. the proceeds of their tea $91,45. Tme 1 smell donation includes sn , menv'who were not able to. from w ,assist to the work of the tea. The Ward; teas have been enjoyed, by everyone, and the response; from St. George ward is avery liberal one, The date for the. next meeting of the Society has not been decided upon, The Society begs to acknowledge with grateful thanks the' following donations, Mrs. Hoare $5,00; three little girls, 1.05. From Miss Graham a picture, her own work, and arrangement end be made whereby everyone will have ,tn opportunity to buy a' ticket and through this ticket become the owner of this piece of Miss- Graham's work. The treasurer has received from the Red Cross an acknowledgement with an- expression of thanks, for the gift of one hundred dollars forwarded' to them the first of the month, People SaY -•� +�iiii011011 11UPOlooioiiiioo That •5ianitobe will thavel :r clean up -not a hush -up. That lots of careful peopple carry umbrellas on days when eherc iso"t al y rain. rObeetotnan on earth looks so lonesome as a grass twid'owint cut- ting grass 'lawn and Country � + Persona/ Notes %SI. If those heaving relatives or friends ,g.+.'s visiting in town or going away notify UA 01 the fact each week, we would annoanee 1t in the Nxw ERA. Miss Ethel Rozell,. of .Atwood is spending tiro NV( eirse w 1• iter cons in Miss Hazel Rozell. Masses John May and A Tloener visited int x..3 ter on Sate' d-ey 11 t. 1Viaster 3105:*in Dickson of lJar- retite Ind. spent), the 15.00.1 111111 Iris cousin Hilton Bett, Was Troubled With Fu Smothering S ells. Would Wake Up With Breath All Gone. Miilburn% Heart end ider've PHIS Entirely Ciareof Hero Mrs. Win. McElwain, Temperance Vale, N.B., writes: ,1 am not much of a believer in medicines, but. I must say Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are all right. • Some years ago I was troubled with smothering spells. In the night I would be sound asleep but would waken tip with my breath all gone and, think I never would get it back. I was telling a friend of my trouble, anti he advised pie to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. He also gave mea box which I tried, and I had only taken a few of them when 1 could sleep all night without any trouble. I did pot finish the box until some years after 'when I felt my :.trouble "coming back, so I took the rest of them and they entirely cured me." Milburn's Heart and •Nerve Pills are, 505 per box or 3 boxes for $1,25, at all dealers or ,hailed direct on receipt of price�by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Oat. _ OHecoiisOODODOOODOODOOOOOOt. London 'Road Mss Penny Waldron is visiting her cousin Mr. Fred Waldron and other friends on the Road. Miss Maud Wiltse is visiting her uncle Mr, Henry Peacock and sang a couple of solos to the profit and pleas ure of the Members of the league on iiiiaia®PJ®petnee0 /•rl• uesday !ght. Miss Melt e will el • - (Shat YOU have' the opportun- ity to enlist t5 -day. Your King. and country peel( ,you. That if you salla' go ire the erect you 011) ger( eighty men to vein your place by sending± a machine gun. That the country understands why liob Rogers wanted to fbree a Dominion electron in .1'une last, He knew what was coming to:the ROblin government, and must ktow now what, is seeming to him, That, the )Teel. - 'Bob, Rogers will notheve his ear to the ground ,to see if itis time for 'in' election, Mnhtitoba hits decided the question for the time being. That the prospects for a. big her vest has aserious set back, with go much rain. Tbat August - shook! do, 'some- thing originitl by 'turning off the rainwater/ oossessoes000/soos oseesli Phone Want Ads to The New Era Many telephone (subscribers find it quite convenient and a • time-saver. Experienced ad- vlsers are always on The New Era end, Phone 30. Io/ose ol000N poses lmiew That registered. in Neel- York state, up to July 8, 1915, were 2200,- 189 200;139 owners and. dealers, in onto mobiles. This means that New York aloee' hall in service about 1 meitor carte every ,1011 horses in the whole' country --SO-- That; the ratio of machine guns lite German inc' '(British Armies is as 40 to 2. Help save Olinndian lives. by lessening this dispropo- tlon; ways have a warm welcome from the • WITH THE CHURCHES. i Voter's List,' Clinton, Court of Revision. Let us reduce your Con' bills. e can do it by sup- plying you with n co -1 that lasts., long, gives a :t ...?,.7 heat and leaves only at t of ash. uio c atriOtlnl p�q !�l VALLEY �y ;9^y^ q6,r9�' �,,�s AN69giiAA1IT1 Thn Coal That,So21ei, It v, l 05110 yoti IrM111 • , A. J. Ilolioway, Clinton Notice is hereby given that a court will beheld, pursuant to The Ontario Voter's Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the council Ohara her, Clinton, on the 26th day of Aug. 191.5, at 9 a.m. to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voter's List of the Municipality of the Town of Clinton for 1915. Dated at Clinton this 11th day of August, 1915 D. L. MACPHERSON, Town Clerk Leaguers s o The rain haspradically ruined the 810.00011.0000000i11100 bean crop. A few of the farmers have , still their wheat out WILLIS CRURCH League meets next week at the home It is expected that Rev, Thos.'13. of Mr. William Hardy Mitchell, B. D., of new St. James Presbyterian church, London, will preach next Sunday. Londeshoro ST, PAUL'S CHURCH. Miss Mae and OliveLyon are visiting There will be ne service in St, tneir friend Evelyn Spindler of Luck Paul's church. for the next two Sun now days, The Sunday School will be Edith Simpson is spending her holi held however at the usual hour, clays with Jean Spindler at Lueknow. WESLEY CRURCII. Congratulations are extended to Norman Garrett Eddie Greyand Elva The W. 1\i, S. meets at the home of Manning in their success ipassing Mrs. Wallis this afternotn at 2 pan. their exams. The pastor expecte to preach next Stephen Mathews of Palmerston is Sunday. spending his holidays with his cousin 'Our Influence.' was the suLject of Eddie (:.ray Dr, Rutledge's morning sermon and Mrs, Harry Lyon and Miss Maude at night he took aa, his topic "The. Hindering God." At the morning service Messrs, W. Moffatt and 'C, Il. East sang "Drifting Away from God."' spent Sunday with Mrs, Wm, Stanley of Holmesville, Fred Gunney and Frank Brown of London spent the week end here, Mrs. Andrew Kirk. Miss Stella and ONTARIO T. CHURCH. ]a Oliver visited at Mrs, W, Lyon last On Sunday morning next, Mr. De week. Witt Closets, son of Rev. T. Wesley ➢Ir, nd bits: S, Cl Medd' and bliss Omens, will sneak in the intereste. of Garrett spent Tuesday with Mullett the Bible Societywhichhe represents frionds On blouclay evening he will address a public meeting to which all people are __ invited Rev, S. J.. Allin, the paster, will Miss Margaret Ross is visiting her, preach in the livening at the usual aunt Mrs. Deere at Blyth hour The women of the vicinity, are. pre Rev. E. G. Powell occupied the pill paring Jams and Jellies for the sol Pit hist Sunday illi made an appsal iters which will be shipped to the on behalf of the everk of the Oonnty Army Hospital Temperance Alliance of which he is Mr, A, T. Lovett,wife and 3 child the active agent ren are visiting at the home of Mrs, Y:'ellowless Eowmanville The name of Miss Margaret Ross, h ` c► e was ornmitted from the list. o. f those @fi'll➢(J•tarfticn, es 1.iyi IID�I>LtI1S who recently passed the entrance ex ' � SPTNDLER-.1n Clinton on August amination, she has received a card nth Eliza Finch, wife of Ben,iamin showing that she passed the exam sue Spindler, in her 53rd year. �. esssful GRASBYY -In Willett, Twp. on Thurs l. r stile hor.th and family of Goderichf day, August' 12th, Jamee.'Grasby, wp. visited at the `home of Mr' 1 Seel t aged 01 -years, l0 months Gull 12 days y' JAMIESON-In ' Tuokersmith on N Heard has moved E, IiiR in's eot Tuesday, ' August. 17th,; Alexander toge latelyvacated by Mr. hcIer , Jamieson aged o3 oars '4 months Miss Maggie Mclienzio of London is1 and 9 days, y spending her vacation at house, Hrncefaield NOTICE TO CREDITORS Sake of Land for Taxes Notice is hereby given that the list of landfor sale for the arrears of taxes has been prepared, that copies thereof may he had at Ibis office, thatthe list is being published in the Ontario Ga• tette of the issues of July 24th, 31st, August 7th and lath, of the year 1915, and that in defanit of the payment of the taxes and costs the land will be sold by public auction. at the ()pureHouse, in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of November, 1015, at 2 o'clock p.m. Treasurer's Oftlee, County of Huron, Goderich, July 27, 1915. WM. HOLMES, Oo. Treasurer, Huron In the Estate of Sarah Shanahan, Deceased. • NOTICE is hereby givet Unit all persons having claims against the estate of Sarah Shanahan, lata of the town of Clinton, in the county of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 30th day 'of July, 1915, aro required to de liver to the undersigned executor or his solicitor, on or before the First day of September, 1915, a full statement of theie claims together 'with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, it any, 1.eicf by 'them, all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said .bast mortioned Bette, the tsaid executor will proceed 'to distribute the estate of the .said deceased amongst , the persons inti,-. tlod there to having v'egardonly to such claims as they shall have received clue notice in accordance herewith. Dated at Clinton; this 5th defy of August, 1615. Aed1e'w 'Flynn, Executor. W. BR5'DONE, Clinton, Ont Solicitor for Executor Administration Sale of Farm on the London Road tor Sale Reo Runabout Car, in good funning order. Cheap. T. WATTS, Clinton, Ont. VOTERS LIST 11Iunicipality of the Township of Goderich, County of Huron. On September 3rd, 1915, there will be offered for sale at public auction Part Lot 13, Concession, L Stenley,Tp' containing 92 acres of land. This is a fine tarn) in a choice locality, being within half a mile of Brucefield. Soil is good clay loam. 5 acres of orchard and the buildings ,and improvements, including frame house, bank barn and drive shed are all in good repair. For further particulars apply to The dao• ada Trust Company, London, Ont., Administrators of the Estate of James Gloss, or W. Brydone, Clinton, Solici- tor for the Administrators. Dated this 20th clay of June, 1015, National PR TLA D O L N CEMENT We have just received ht carload 'of the same old brand of Portland Oe. meat which has always given you sueli complete satisfaction. It always fills your, requirements. You cannot make a mistake using the National, . S. J. Ain' rows eLINTON NOT1OE is hereby given that .1 have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in sections S and 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said sections, to be so transmitted or delivered, of the list made, pursuant to the said Act, of all' persons appearing by the last revised Asedssment Doll of the said Munici- pality, to be entitled to vote at elec- tions for members of the Legislative Assembly, and at Municipal Elections, and that the said list was first posted up in my office, Holmesville, on 2nd day of August, 1915, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate pro• ceedingslto have the said errors cor- rected, according to law. N, W. ]'REWART HA, Township Clerk OPEN ALE NIGHT. The season is now on for gasolene stoves, Why Dot buy filtered gasolene out of our Bowser Pump -it passes, through 5 screens and a filter -Prices always the lowest, Auto Supplies and Bicycle Repairing J. Auto Liver.. man J FtP�.X ONUMEN T S Finest stock in Huron County of "Made in Cenada" Monuments, Best British and reign granite, finished in up to date style and design. Come and see them. Note -A granite base goes with each monument, DIGS Opposite the i'ostottlicc Western University. London A.NOT'IIER GREAT ADVANCE Income (Doubled -Now $75,000 a -- Another large addition to Faculty and Equiprnent in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in yiew Write for particulars to: E. E. BRAITHWAITE, AI A., Ph.D. President. Cows for Sale • Fresh Oows and springers, will sell privately. Time will be given by furnishing bankable paper. Wanted 'Poultry Wanta.al Highest mitrket price will paid fee fat hens and broilers W. MARQUIS, Phone 14 on 1511 Base Line Mouse for Sale • Property:of the late Mrs. Thos. East -Frame, 7 rooms, good cellar with cement floor, wood shed s,nd chicken pen. all in good repair, 11 fruit trees- apples, plums cherries and pears, Apply to ll. WILTSE, Phone 40 Patulin;. Paper Hang;inlrwr, Painting and Paper Hanging neatly, and promptly done, Orders left at I luneitord s Grocery Store or at my residence, Victoria Street, THOS, GRAELIS Dunure Gartley (92.21) WEDNESDAY-• Will leave Itis own suable at noon and go by way of Lon don and Huron Road to Gilbert Mair's for night THURSDAY -By Holmesville and Maitland 000 to Wm Durst •& Son for noon, then by way of Betbel Corner and Benauiller to Wm Hoake's, Huron Road. for night 3'RIDAY-By way of the 6th son to Porters Hill for noon, theta' by way of 7th con to Reuben Griggs for night SATURDAY -By way. of Sleep's Corner and Bayfield Road to James Jackson's, 2nd con Stanley, for noon, then to his own stable where he will remain until the following Wednes day morning 300) Guinea Gold (1 2 Iv1ONDA'Y- Wiil leave his own stable lot 40, west end Tuokersmith, and go south to Milt Road to It Papple & Son for noon, then across to Huron Road and west to Wm Dale's for night TUESDAY -:To the Graham House, Olinton. for noon and until following morning EDNESDAY-To his ownstable for noon, wherewill' remain until he the following Monday Morning,