HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-08-19, Page 1-"- ea - .C.' L. I T 0 N Established 1865, Vol. 50, No. 8 ,„ yararrreeeee easaareefarear-7**'4,-.7',:"`t'cl'"Wrimk*P7 W. H. Kerr 84 Son, Editors and Publishers C LINTON ONTARIO T HURSDAY AUGUST 19 1915 "If 1 were young enough myself, I, too, would be in the firing line' and share the honor and the privilege of fighting for that which the Union Jack stands --Justice, Tolerance and Liberty. For these things I have worked all my life. I Shall do so to the end as long as God spares me." Sir Wilfrid Laurier. yvvvvvvvvvyy.,ovvvvvvvvvvvvy AMAAAAAAMAAt"WAAAAAAN4 • ree00111111106006619001200000C essomieweeescoosoososseesee nr,LL ri n ff/1/1/~0.11lENW110111•11M... • WILH uur uffluierS Assistant •Property Secretary at Sherucliffe Best English The War and Migration t Canada • The Salvation Arm y We), Cry MOIOre, an old Clinton \ Boy and a • • Paris Green • Letter 1—After the War; The Future of Canada. 1606000000411000000000000000041006110020000411060000114110111001919 land of Hullett Get • A Letter from Lieut. VViii Fing- las ajr.tiWn el.:77:171 i 00'ff tt.1°Z t -Week gave the :following • c andtroparty rpletnen Moi id be,MajorD. . mc„re... f.aa has of beMajor •Dayid•Mobre. Hellas for • many years bei cme.of.onr Miran ... experts,. and 'Wilt give his chief attention taths task of eadsing'Ohe whereWithal to pey foethe erection, and upkeep oftome properties. :The Major has argenized Some' eflorteete 110 course of his career: Tick.fh.st 'Came into prominence- 01 this reepeca when • ,e was at "1\2o:etre-J. The Army was -badly off for .suiteble buildings in the city at \that : time, und the Maier was .giV e 1 the test:. funds foe .erectio•re of et DiVis-- 1101101 Headqualtere. -Success [crowned his ethoete :ind he won • Ikept on the task of finaecing build iing schemes in Montreal for nine yeare. Since then he hen v,ted mar y, cities to organize Whi, 1 vi id erart - paigns for fine ice, und, of enurso, he Mid a great deal to al innon- tection With the great 'Hun. decd.-then:sand. della r-dollur Cam- paign in Terent0 foe the creak., c,f the William Booth Memorial' Co folni%tlii se torfaii,teirelltrIrildi erd.ruetiTillg, the 1)1 rEall Cola cils. Sold at the Rexall Store ) To the Editor 'of the New Era. Dear Sir Although the progress of the, Best Quality Drug Store The Itexall Store W. S. 1-10 Phm.B. vvvvyvvvyvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvy vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvonovv..0 asolVVY*VVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVV ItaNataesAAN,W.AINAA,**WiesAINAA > one great outstancling neeik is or body, evendel be able to' serve as the better distribution of the messengers, lift attendants (por- ters); and the leg-twounded conld • Empire's popultition. act as bottle,-Avaehers, packers, OF CANADA labellers, elerles and shop nssistei Capital Authorized............ $25,000,000 stationary situations, but iSbese• War is satisfactoey, mud be admitted that, he d we devoted more time to preparing' for it be, fore hand, we should haVe done far better. This lesson Should be laid to heart, andeve s110111C1 nOW Prepare for putting the affairs of the Empire in ordee for after the we (ie. "te.lb° The latter, 11 wounded in the arms Wal',0leand b°utch: Ito enng e r the War. The effecti on tied phy ' sique and appearance of the 'We s t(San dlin g • Shorn clif f e people, adults, youths and. kiddies, is a conspicuous feature of the July 22nd, 1115 teitrrers, DIctMiniisonfor t oeia n asaay,n.. whether this is to continue, aften the War, 'before yesterday, and yo rl may ttheer DeyaorlarMolatterler —reached mo the dry or whether employers are to' ex- rest assured thee lt sees 'wet-- ploit our boys'. and(' ex-Voldiers at come. Canada 01 mail is, olways fre' low wages to the exclusion lof ceiVed with great gusts in the those other men and of the thou- comp, arriving bout ltwiec a week sands of maimed and wounded When this known, that the. mail who will be seeking fon work. has come in from Canada, and the bugle is sounded announcing -the feet, tho battalion mail' carr:er is nearly mobbed and is severely sworn at by those whose wives and swc ethearte has let .p053 the cpportnuity to drop into .ECL. Rob den's Little rel. box that "scrap of paperO'whieh ineanri 011000 ttO, many of us soldiers., luxe' than the 'scrap' which Belgium set such a high 'seine upon. I don't know how eve ' shall exist, if .1C should ever happen that our line -of come shou'd be cut uff: euppose you watch the papers pretty closely In glean, :my 7—Nes regarding the Second Canadian expeeting ary day that we have been transpoi reel tre the 'Continent We are still at the Shorncliffe Cemps, and :l -molding to rumonr, 'Kitchener has Snid that we will be here till efteif Sapt. 1st and then proceed to the front for a winter Vie Royal Bar* The •fact that" Canada century ago was worth nothing, but is now orth untold milliens is dud to migration, mainly from Great Brit- ain. Herd the 1 tow ofimmigeat inn been double, Cannda'S prosperl'y ants, and in .otheir sedentru y or lobs will be taken -up by boys who 4. :vital paid up 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided prolits 13,500,000 Total Assets ..............185,000,000 3S413 3E3 )R,..A..I'kT4OIE-3DV.IS Connec_tition. Interekt Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking Business Transacted. 11. E, NIANNINGI Clinton Branch can find no other outlet for their ) acreage under crops, werilth, 0.).- energies unlees they ard absorbed > ports and manufectures would all over sees, for! employers, will not . > ,have increased in proportion, she mangey A wou•ieled man when they ) could have exported more focd to .can get; boya or girls •tof do the Great •Beitliiii and. hen Allies, and work more cheaply. The First I her contingents 01 troops at the Duty of Thc Governments of Can - front 0 °old have been 1100111 d. The raa is ouviovily 12:1,- provide work 5 patriotism and gt nerosiey ,tho for all of their: owes forces who return to civil life, but surely they 'a Canadians hnve astonsehed the can arrange that all vacancies ty is.)entli jil their EX:00(11410Mo y Forces are filled on tthe return iourney 111 111 1110I1'1','110 .wish lci aiderate. from Lova- Kitehener'e army, 1011,011 is to lie clischare•e 11 as 00011 015111)1011110 after the War• campaign. Most of the 10)50ie.! 0 quite ceritent to 1 emhr ail' 1,e, -e, for Corgi:ivied on ,epitge feud!: they kr cw that when they ,'eac'h front life is vary unce.rtain, and this state of mind; 11 festered 1 y world, and these should7 cm,vie e 3 aft& the War. It will be WORK and NOT GIFTS which the people at home will need. As Mr. L1cyd George hns pointed out, a great Pressure of unemployment is to be expected in Great Britain on the conclusion of Peace; and the pro- "ViSiOn of work AMU be neede(1 for defence agaiast starvation, pover ty an)1' physical • deterioration, Then the best andt most ,enduring way for Canada to aid the British distress which otherwise will be in evitable 111 that comity ole nations known as the British Empire will be to take some of our surplus la boor to .work on her', vacant! acres so that both may be 'employed to the fullest" advantage. By this means -she am increese our food The •Model School term opened at supplies and keep down our Poor the Clinton School en 'Tuesday morn Rate, andatthe same time pro- ing with Principal Bouck charge. Nide for her own defence ly the, Following are the names of the introduction of efficiently trained pupils who hove begun their studies— troops, and reduce thebui den of Anderson, Margaret, Wroxeter our War Taxation by increasing Bowes, Margaret, Mansfield Chowen Roy \V , Clinton Gook, Mendie, ''linton Cunningham. R. \V., Port Albert Doupe, Bert, Kirkton . Hobart, Elizabet h, Seaford' Evans. Victor, Bayfield Heim, Viola, Clinton Johnson, Robert A., Kincardine Kaake, Lyle, Wroxeter W*VVVYVVvVVVYVVVYVVVVvvYvvvvvvvolfefvoroovvVVVVVVVVVVvVv r INCORPORATED 1855 .. ..... 41.00.61 E MOLSONS BAN CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,890,000 96 BrastelieS.in Canada A ( enea iaukiitg Business Trangaete41 CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK:MONEY ORDERS Savings Bank' Department Interest Allo' ed at Highest Current Rate E.E. Dowding, Manager Clinton Broach •masnempaamew••••• ogoess•sitmoa 4•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ; • • • Ordered.' ' Ready-to•Wear lotCloting hin ;' '4.o•, • • • • • • o • * 4, • o • * • • • * • • • • • • • , who are left, at considerably, high , . I er wages thin a -revealed leefocr nesduty evening. Continued on page 2. ••.,-..*,. ._,,,,,,'W‘-'''''',...,,,,,,,,`-'-`,--/-....,.,,-, ---...-....,,,W,"-.,....-..! .......W.• -•-•."'"-"e ' • • esemsemeesse.osseleseecoso***0000000•00*•••*••••••••noess000sesseecisessoseectee a • . We are Ready to Tailor Your Suit At the Old Prices Model School Pupils 1.1,e repel 10 of the \amended who iettu•ned to the hospitals here, sometimes by train loads, They sey "Stay in England just EIS long as you ca n, -as lorig as possible Who we are and only know of mu( of these, who where we hail from the number of shoulders to bear it. The only way ,to tIVOICI 0 war in the .Pacific isby being prepared to defend the Empire's, em.ply arens o?. productive soil in Western Can ada and elsewhere. As Siel Wil- frid Lailri 20 Said in the Gtterwa House of Commons of December Kanke, Pearl, Wroxeter 14 last; "No nation, is worthy, of MacQuarrie, Bos-te, Moncrieff being a nation unless it! is reedy MacLean, Alice, Godeeteh , all times to defend its own inde- MacLean. Ilia, Guderich pendence and fight Toe 11 11 need Pollick, Evelyu, Baylield be." The Canadinne are fighting Proud, Robert H., Tern imblyeand showing themselvee Rethwell, Ida, Clinton worthy or their BritiSht Steel:. but Ross, Dolly Sarah, Paisley ean Canada be said) to be READY Schatz, F, g'n. Dashwood for aggression, especially in the Webb, John A., Lucknow dubled? 'Had this happened be — I euppose that1 around home in West, before her. Amputation is fore, the Hon. W. J. Roche, in his the peaceful and, prosperous Coun- last New Yeae's mese:iv! could We have been compelled ty of 'Huron there lire very . lev have cabled home, the "vast re- indications that thd grentest war sources of -stern . ' • to have th's issue ot the in histny is 00. Iti ist different furnish menually 100,000,000 bushels. hc,re, where, no matter whiela way • of wheat .for the Motherland." As New . Era printed at the you turn, voti aro brought face to it was, he could only. mentionhalE News -Record, as the hew face with the facts that make• one that quantity. realizeowe are very near the storm The transference to Europe, of parts of our press have not turn, 'between 20 and 30 thousane centre. Soldiers tre seme evei y older men beidg employed at d to come yet. We therefor in the country arrund here. They Canadian troops being encamped much of oor home labour heeled to e printed our paper on Wed- are in the fields and along the highWryS,' on foot, on horseback, work beine• available, for all those ;—Tht, second in com,mand of 'the MA.TOR MOORE dd FeU h 13 1)5 et in Stratford For the third ;time in its history the action of he executive in Stratford extend( d the glad lmnd 18er3(iieerg.wi,ilig (ni 1010,1•90.6,-,r memb 515 1 the of hospitality and welceme. o the , s • s • ps'ti0'( 3110100, drama Mester awl 01 110515 of the -wed° war las'8. 1110(111 an annunl ceremony merked the meet- nibo.}intliit..t.1:01. 8,1,1101 001,41.1eheilist,C:yeinoefi Cfrand. Lodge of Ontario, I.O. 0.10. Onci Wednesday evening his1,l. hal. L0(lgC' of ings of the Grand Lodge here in the 'Order pre.se.r.ted,' a legibly re- port of the work clone ly Dr. Camp bell of Lencl.on, Past, Grand Sire, who has been engegeur 50M0 yoirs in a history 01 1110 Order. 'Ffie man nscript, ol about 500 pages, is now in the hands °Ube Grand Seerreatry and will he \printed hook form. Each of thesub•erdinate 'lodges will receive a copy. IRIDAY•S SESSION Chatham gob the convention- of the Grand Lodge 417 the closing. session aTridey Morning in citations were reenived from Chen linm, Windsor and St. C-11therines. on vote being taken the choice fell sti°0ACnni) lai-‘1.t).111115paor:r;it ozi n rielperenti ns tiantn e500f 131.- 000 to be used in fitleng np.a cot in Lho Be n1g1 17n-Pcill-niy1;ThIneg 00e5t1artriio- lishod 111 Government. The following narnen were placed nominatioe for the offiee nI charters through In e. Graticl Secretary BroOks .11000,T so, riarpie; .eei.eeem, steeee 'Grand Warden; F. G. Isobert- wants to 051151)1 to the teem les, 1373. and in 1391,, was reProt Mee a -when he is able; thcyj here 'had 'to a degree in tho city hall, Whet 0 their fill. One secs eome 'pitiful Mayor Barnsciale, ex -Mayor, Ste, sights among Ulu d.ifferteit, hospit et:0011 1 eprosenting 'Board tot alsatorr , d here, men, hei 1 h it 11 sorts Trade and Mr. A lex. Abraham on of bandages, or -without en urrn, rr behalf of the local Od di el 10053 0; - leg, os, 1 ye; but quitd' happy eon cured Grand Master McIntyre of gratulatiig themselves on having the pleasure it gave them: Loehave 1. seeped ,,o looby. The liet,' contin the Gretna Lodge meet in the etas gent Catediann nave made a g mat sic city. ✓ am° for themeett es end !the 100c1 With an a tte nclance of delegates of the maple, with the reeelt that that taxed the capacity (')f the the man wearing the 0 Lomita:1 1 11 - large assembly hall 01 1110 Collee- n here. it ie interestlate Institeite, thee Gist anneul cola tons and baclg n'i IS in ftiVer ,0001 y , .,,(rt 10 S' '2 Ilinnic1111011 01! the Grand Lodge , 1 how mar y of thee omit }seines arc, Ontario I.0.05`. opened he 000001 lid 1111,1 tieSpitalS 1, tit one tusinese sees' an Thursday Grancl 1.' nr 1,ere there are at present el0 Master' D. Meletyre of 'Ltot-min •Canaclians, and tents ai cl'. huts Are .1.,,,,eieee, being ereeted to accomodate 1200 A menabership or 01,300 was 00 more. The permanent nalure ( t -)- ported a ret increase or, 509 for Ithe theee and all !military stiuctures year. There are lour 110W lodges leads one to believe. Plat; 111 the bringing the total. to 401. These opinion of the. authoeities 1 1 --"? will be issued charters, aswillelso war 05(11 1)0 e loag, hard one. Poo- the two lodges which lost their ple hove take the War II Mat deal mere seviously than these in Can- ada. aumwommaga6mmommow Z • We were fortunate in placing our order e • • for woolens early—getting them at the • old prices which means a saving to you • . on your suit from $2 00 to $,3,00. o • • We chose our woolens with the greatest care from the production of the best foreign and domestic looms. * 'ri: + . If.you know our. sort of Tailoring + +4. we rest our case. * * , If you don't' know it, then there is .+2. 44: + no better time than now to get ac - i: 4. • • • - I Make Your Selection Early : • ' The Morrish Clothing Cp. A Square Deal tor Every Nan (painted with our clothes. • • • • • • • • • • • • * * • • 4 • I Building of flit Welland Canal Much More Difficult Undertaking than the New $50,000,000 Canal Will Be • • • 0 tooeeasaseaseeoesaaseaeaaaa •G0 ‚9�00'9�00'9'9'91'a .,, The new Welland /Cnnale a work 1 carrying vessel 'on the upper 1 in the water's flow from -higher to much of which is now under ',con- lakes can take a cargo of about I. to lower level, tract fixes the scale for the whole three-etunrters of a million . bush- I The old Cenral system. Every ether canal in the cla of wheat, The Welland! Canal l How the marvels of onec period deepened to thirty -'one feet, as become the ordinal y thinga of .ar,otheid When the old Welland the eontract req,uires, would afford transit for'suebi a loaded ivessel Conal \ma built it was ; looked from Lake Erie, int:el, Lake Ontario I • ' • • and would thus extend the :voyage upon as one of the grestestt works without breaking bulk., to ports On Carried Lvit by 110,0130 enterprise. tae latter lake. That would be a The very interesting account(of it material gein, butit is not one sole prepared. ty. Thos. Keefer and - mly for which the Welland Canal published in pamphlet form insist would be enlarged at a cost of cause all Canadians who read it to $50,000,000 The ultimate deep- honor the indomitablespirit of erring of the St. Lawrence canals William Hamilton Merritt. The itiao 11 in the Government's comtem- graphs, of that early pathfinder For Breakfast -elation. by, 1,19 son, the \. late J•eclediali diffieultic•s that had; In be over - Merritt, gis es 900110 idea( of , , the Enoch Canada's Giant Causeway.. ' Dinner Erie end of it is 327; feet 'higher Wtheellzi.celwCacananal,L7idlia•vtletert.:ida:eitctionaal tyefive milee long and the Lake •out of ethis evert:. The original The "Welland Canal, is about two') come in 'the promoting and cariy- Itiellel,17evieeiolpcimmewnncaosc than the Lake Ontario' end. The ilatineeatofparteainna thiS eMilitry. They served their 'day. Improve.ments in vessel con - striae -lion have In ough t the need Continued on Page 4 chain -will heqe to be brought:Into ,,,, correspondence with the, new Well ; and Canal if Outs' great work is • to play its part to the fullest nation • al aclviantrice. ':Che largesil grain- * • •• • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••4•4**••••••••••••••••••••••••• R0111811 Med Small size, only 10e lifting vessels up that 'alteia,cle. < of '327 feett, is (tore in teventyesix Large size, only 250 locks The new Canal will have Try our famous Gene Receipt— 7 locks That willmean en enorm- To 1 tablespoon shortening, add ous saving of time. The work, 1 egg, 1. cup of milk 00110 is best) ing of the seven locks will detain vessels a much shorter, time than pench of salts 13 teaspoon soda, 1 teblespoon sugar, li cups—of , tho i tslyteorskeilnegrarlifththloviiit,woefritcyolisxe, Rorna.n Meal, 1/ cup of flour. Roman Meal also makes a delicious Steam Pudding, and 18 used in many other ways. The Store of Quality W. T. O'NEIL., THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 , Miler things reliorttid hall 139,421. had been voluntaithy conteibuled [mere patrioLie fund, Grand Treasurer McCormack re- ported a balance inthe beide on .Jul 22,1018, of $478.16. Tn.c . rand Lodge approved of ford; Dr. Heemiston, Dr. Smuc A. 0. Caseachlen, A. !Schweitzer of Toronto; N. R. D. Sinclair, Cord, - rano E. H. Gregory, Walkerton; W. 0. 'Hamilton, !Vote: Williaom ; W. IL, , Moss, Dundas; (.11. James, Continued on Page 5 Words Spoken to 1st Canadian Division (Brigade ly Brigade, and to Engineers and Artillery), After 1110 12 strenuous days and nights of fighting- embraced • ty the period -22nd April ito, Mee, 15th by, Limn:a-Gen, .E. A. 131 Alder- son, Commanding ist. :Cnadian Division, • "All Units and all Ranks of the ist Canection Di1'isi011 1 tell you you truly, that my heart is So full ti uly, that. my, heart is so• full I hardly know how to speak to yon. It is toll of two feelings, the first being sorroat; for the loss of those Comrades of ours wils. have gone, and the second, prid1 in what the 1st Canadian Division has done. As regards our • Comrades who have lost, their liveS and .we will s f hem with' our caps offkot (here. he toe': off bra cap, and all did like likewise) my Faith in The Almighty is such, that I am perr• featly sure that, when men clic, as they have died, doing their duty, and fighting for their Country, for the Empire, and to Save the situ- ation for others, in fact, to die for their friends, (10 matten what their past lives have hem', .no mat-• ter what they have done that -they ought not to haver done ms all of usi do)—I 1,epeat, 1 am pereeetly sure that The Almighty) takes Ahern, and looks after them et once Lads, we cannot leave 'thembetter than like that. (Here he nut' on his cap, and all elicl the same.) Novi. feel that we May, any .faise pride, think a little of ' whet the Division has done during Continued on Page '4 "The War" in China ,int Opium By E. E. Wilford, M. D,, Tzeliut- sing, and an old Blyth l3oy -(Opiuno is being steadily driven ciut of China, 1)01 05 with ,the kink • traffic in •Christian 'lands, he dein- on of opium in Chine, die e hard. Herewith some -interesting expel-- ieneed by one in the thick of the tight, These clays everyone is thinking and talking ,about "tlio ware, Some sixty or seventy, years ego Englend was engaged in at war in which her cause was not so' just as. f ladders oT rseiAis****AMAAAAAOVV~Y§ •it is in the Preeent war. referl 10 nrel PrPPPed 5 the war with China re the, gpuiTtl trade. As a result of thate war China was foeced, 'at. the pointof the bayonet,', as somecta has put it, to, receive (importations of Opiutm Ever since that time there has been an "Opium war', in this mintry- war the Overiire mit against traftic,war by the poor "fiends' against the habit and he( war Oat the missionary has hod ltd fight ! against tho drug, with; '4.td pernice , ions efforts; direct and' iPtiirect: and finally the war he has had 1,1 . dohs th6riatiD11211 (British) being worked by power generated yvviasawawsivwsayaavaaanawvyv disgrace. jFortnnately for' chit. against tho one having twenty Isix rungs andl the other but seven, 3nuch1 greater, tstrides `will be reE,,uired to, climb, the one than to climb the' other. The new Welland Canal will be al water stairway or 1 seven mightyi steps. It will truly bethe Giant's Canso.. way ot (Canada. It wilt be the a suitable, staircase for those Men seer perters'the carriers of the upper lakee. Up and down it they will safely pass, the vast locks To 'Fite New Era ICorrespondents: News matter mailed to The New Era in unsealed envelopes does not come under the postal chesification of 'letters' and will not require the special war tax tho rniesionary, and for herself, Britain has been doing something in late years 101 cmcily the great cell. Since opening medical work: in Tzellutsing rafter the re solution, now about 1:W,O.yearS. I hove had thrc 0 hundred petionts in the hos- pital bre.aking 011opium, Perhaps, youmay be interested, in hearing of a few of these cases. • One. of my early, coseey, was er Mr, U. He is a bueiness anan and his shop is nctfar from our church. He had been en 01111101/ 11301' for over twenty years and so had quite a' hard struggle in, getting rid of the. 110bit, Btit he stayed tercel, which ia not the case byany moms .of all who are euved. They give tut lots of excuses for returning :bet the habit e.g., sorroW, anger, tempt tion by comnadee,' etc. Well, this Mr. U. has bee." cured now for near ly two years and he 111a6 attended cheirch regularly 'er\ eince, am sure that he ;believes in Jesus Christ and I coesicler his nonver- elon to Christianity clitd to the, in- fluence of the hoepital. Last year Mr, lettere conee 'to trealt off opium. ile is a farmer, and lives near a email' town about twenty miles 21001 hei!e. He was' Continued on Page 4 , ,