HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-08-12, Page 6PAGE SIX, Owe fE CLIN+PON NEW EIRE. Roasts ret ita their natural flavor bread, cakes, puddings, etc., baked in a.; Th?,,,se New Lihzens for the Home® Owing to war conditions and the scarcity of flax, pure linens are getting vers scarce, consequently advancing in , price.' A wise woman whose constant thought 1 the " Ilorne.Beautiful" and the economical management thereof will consider this mat- ter. Read this Est carefully and give it your attention, . No l Perhaps you are not really in need of iiew linens at present, but if you wish to save money on your put - chase, buy them now when you can get them at 'about h.tlf the price they will be soon. —Orif you don't need them yourself, perhaps you have a. young friend who is antic patine, a home of her owns and what is more acceptable than Linens. rf bleel®tlIS—Beautiful bleached Irish Damask, satin finish, ail round, single and double borders; variety of designs, leaves, sprays, floral, figures, etc,, also tabling by the yard, Table Naplr;inr--Pure bleached linen; with a large range of choice designs. Centerpieces—Hand embroidered and Plauen lace Centerpieces and Doylies, in dainty patterns. Tray ClotbS---Plauen lace, hand embroidered or drawn work, hemstitched edges --- all pure linen. Towels—A household necessity, always in demand. Carefully selected pure linen Huckaback Towels, hemstitched, plain and embroidered 'damask borders, guest and large sizes. Also bleached and unbleached Turkish Towels, with fancy stripe and all white, ' titotrelio ;s—Reliable Linen Towelings; values that are thoroughly dependable— Checked and striped glass toweling, heavy crash, plain linen huch and tea cloth. These materials are steadily advancing in price. Bed Siireads—Extra fine weaves, choicest designs in floral, spray and figured effects, good heavy qualities. Copse in and we will be pleased to show youoar stock d9 you Don't See What on Want Ask tor lt.e Agents for Friestly's Dress Goods. Women's Store Dry Goods and House Filrllisbiugs Phone 1:7 Agents for Bntterick Patterns Men's Store :Merchant Tailoring, and Peien's Furnishings Phone 103 t, OUR JOS• DEPART ENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON aceenixesstexasentsatzsgasaansicissuemsessesisaress. Just "A ,Minute Pudding" Try a package of our "Just a Minute Pudding" for, Dinner Dessert. Can be made in a minute by following' directions, Also makes an excellent pie -filler, Put up in the follow- ing flavors.—Chocolate, Tapioca, Leeson Custard and Vanilla Custard—loc per package or 3 for 25c. Try Roast Pork, Cooked Ham, New England IQaanat J'opnl:ar Prices HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND, EGGS. JOHNSON eee Phone 111 TUC STORE OF Qii,ALITY Successor to S, Barr. Phone orders promptly attended to Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light rn con struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,everydo, tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discrimrnatiug buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Nitro to buy all kinds of Furniture RAMIL r& AT INSQ N Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Bali 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 180 sommassommussigeses so, Midsummer Shoe Sale We have a number of pairs of shoes, broken in sizes, that we will clear out at a very low' price. They are Men's, Boys ` Women's and Misses.' A number of these shoes are priced at three and` four dollars. Care- fully note the sizes given below. Women's Patent and Kid Ox- fords 'sizes.21.1 3 31 4 5 6 7 Women's Pat and Kid Boots, sizes 2i 3 33 4 4 Men's Canvas Boots, 51 8 9 Boys Fine Boots, 4 41' 5 52; H. S. eflAPNIAN Phone 70 Clinton fa osocooeordisaa0000mos000seem Men and Events, cues eoralecoaceS4eacto @cOQ000 I��IR,cxA.i'iLAiKINr� Leader of fthe nen' Independent Liberal -Conservative party in :11tfanitoba, He was defeated i y 651 majority, in his own constit- uency not gaining ,a single sub- division. OUTSI.DE GUARD 35 YEARS. tWnt, 11lartin or ; Brussels was made the recipient of an address and pair of emblematic, cuff links by the memhers or the I•• O. O. P. lodge Re has -served the lodge as outside guard for the past 35 years MAKING IMPROVEMENTS, The „owners of the Clinton School of Commerce are making great improvements around Their premises. The high board' Vence On Jams street, which hes been used by; the hilt posters has re- ecived a coat of paint. ' LE-'FTJ RS NEST WEEK., litho New 'Era; waif publish It let- ter from Capt. Will Pingland, son of Reeve Piogland, 'of :Hallett W ritten from Sho.rneliffe' and will also commence a series' of letters Thos. E. Sedgwick, of London Bng land on "The War and migration ,to Canada.'+ A' PRISONER )N GERMAN'S', There were) other! Westerri On- tario names in'the Sunday list how ever one of these, being„ a.ntentber of 2nd BattL Lance, Corp; Wrn. O'Roul c, who wens previously re- ported missing, is now a prisoner at Giessen, PPOINTMENT MADE The Bishop of Huron has appoint cd. Rev. J. A. Robinson, Of Clarks burg, as rector. of St. Paul's Choreh Clinton and will; tako' charge of this parish on September 12th. The new, rector ;has hadt charge -at Nor n•ieh and Markdale and has-been at Clarksburg for the past, five years., Mrs. Robinso i n b d was a Mibe Luc as is a sisteit of Mrs. J. E.Hovey cf town. PRESS BROKE After we got nicely started with the New Era last Thursday, our press by ,t solce, exactlhe• same 1 place it did about) two years ago Mr. Witt of Toronto; a machinist, has been here this week getting iltJ let° running ordeal again. We got our editti!o.i last week on the News -Record press for which we are very grateful to Mrs Mitchelll 7£ anyone think( the Editor's job is abed of roses, why we would, like thein, to try, (the job (gar, e while., MINOR LOCALS. Phe Band gave ,their ,weekl'y band concert on Thursday,' even - 0.1g last week and will! play tonight weather permitting. 'Have you renewed your sub•• scription ye't? Wecould make • goticl neer of the money right now. A few went to Mitchell on Mas day to attend the baseball tourn• !nenne,: Green corn 'will soon be here,, See the fine stock, ort Wedding Stationary at the New ilra office It's Only a dollar, drub itmetns a good deal 'trot The New Era if hundreds are slow, in paying that en tit •ir subs :ripr1on. Next. Sunday anci half of Aug- ust is gone;; 4 always come fresh and set from its perfectly -ventilated oven. See the McClary dealer in your town. Sold by Bila r•Aalnd Bros. <n tar r1AAAAAAah.AAAAAA0k.aAAA©dr.AA,NALA aAAAAA®AAAA,amaideAmL,moiy.t „9: m ai1 N ws .m 4.4 B. ®tYVVVVvvvVvV17,YVVVVOr®evvvvwV+VVVV VVVVVVVVVIPvvvvvrAIr. OFF TO EXETER, The Bowlers left ;R'ednesdcy mot ping: to attead the - tournament at Exeter.; A list of games Will be: gi$en....m t week. GONE TO T'HE DARDANELLES Word Wee received, this work that the Medieal Corps of the Sec - and Contingent' has been moved, to the Darciri alles, Ptes. Doherty and Emmerson Mitchell of Clinton, are with 'chis company. ,DECORATED CORN, - ?12r. James Smith, Ontario Street has been showing his frit—Leis some corn leafs, that are certainly heart fel to look at. No two leaves lruve the same colors. Mr. Smith got the seed sent to hitt • from Salt Lake City, When he has •a hunch of 'them it, looks as if they had the rainbow heatt. MINOR LOCALS. And still it can re' n: The next public holiday will be Labor Day, Sept. 0th. four more months and, Christ - mac will be h are again. Do your Shopping early. The Summer visitor( still] con tinue to come and go. C. C. I T:EACHERSI The C.C. I Board hard • engaged two new teachers for that coming term. Mr, J.E. Adams, 111. A. Lon don, graduate or Queen's and spec ialist in Science and Agriculture and Miss .E V. Campbell, specialist in Art. The still will now he corn posed of Principal Treleaven, 1VIiss McDougall, Mr. C. W. Robb, Miss R. I. Kilty, Mr, Adams and Miss Campbell. School opens on Sept. i SISTER DI1+ADi 1 r The funeral, of Mrs. tFred Han- son, sister of Mrs, (Dr.) Axon of this town, who died from pneumon is at her hoarse, in Saskatoon, Sask last week, toner; plate from the home of her father in Mosley. Mon dry. Mrs. Ax in was trilled West -owing to tho serious illness of her sister, but her mission was a sad one as her} srsterr did not long survive her/ severe illness. LOST AT MITCHELL A baseball tournament provided the civic holiday attraction at Mitchell on Monday. The tournament was under the auspices- of the Citizens' Band, which rendered music throughout the proceeding. Pour teams competed, the prize being a handsome silver cup valued at $50. The Mitchell team won the cup. In the first game Fullerton defeated Stratford' bv 5 to 0, and in the second one, Mitchell heat Clinton by 3 to 2. The final game between Fullerton and Mitchell was a nine - inning affair, which Mitchell won by 8. to 2. A large crowd attended the games and the enthusiasm was intense The scores were- 1Jirst gate Fullerton- 0002030-5 Stratford -0000000-0 Batteries -Woodley and Haines;. Harvey and Varner- Second game Clinton -100 1000-2 Mitchell -070100x- 3 Batteries•McCaughey and 1•tawkins Mnrenz and McOamus. Third game- Mitchell- ame- Mitchell- 023000102-8 Fullerton -10000100-2 Batteries -Woodley and Raines; Den nis and McCamus. W. Legg. of London umpired all 3 games satisfactorily. This is the first time that Mitchell has beaten Fuller ton,seven games having vin been played la. ed between the teams. In the evening, the Citizen's Band gave an open air concert in the park and also a magnitl cent display of fireworks. A big crowd was present. The Clinton players were -Johnston cf, Forbes 3b, Mai•rs If, Hawkins c, Oluff lb, McCaughey p, Matheson ss, B. Johnson 25, Stickles rf Letters from Soldiers The New Era will, be pleased to to receive' letters from soldiers et the front for publication, IP re -r guested the letters will` be re- turned. iIAD A 000D DAY. ' Last 'Friday the Girl's Club of of Willis Church Beier an , enjoy- able lawn party` at. the home of Mrs. Whitehead, Victoria; Street. EVER THINK. Cil? IT If you buy outloftiawn, and we 1. ny out of town, and all our neigh bors buy out iof - 'gown, what in thunder will became of our town? Ever think about it? GETTING RE&DY FOR SCHOOL OPENING ,, The Clinton Model School is get-, Eng its suininer clean-up, to be ready fon'the opening of the Mod- el School, on August 1lth, The Public School will ,opera Sept. 7th. MANY ITEM LEFT OVER.,, , Owing to our press still being under 'rte "doctor's eri+e',wd are forced again to have itpunted tat the News ,Re trrd and we issue our paper on Wednfesday Evening of this week no al litf get itf cult, of tiro way, We hope 'ttif be able to issue the New Era on ,our own press by next week as the partil will be here front New Yorle by then. ' NEW .PROPOSAL FOR C. 'Id. B. A, MEMBERS, • The cash surrender plan for mem bus of the C. M: 13. A. over 65, Who found it impossible tot meet bee 'gone schedule hs dl'1iith,ranceorii gill atte information received here ttoeally I says the Stratford Benson: By 1 this plan a' lump sum' world be i given the policy; holders who de-, 1 sired to withdduaw. What is now proposed is a paid tri, policy, for a e irtnin 'percentage or its face. value • OLD LANDMARK GIVES, WAY TO PROGRESS. Stratford eacon.-Th Qltold Toronto Rouse, on the corner of Nile and Guelph, streets,; will soon he no Mere.- It is being torn down today, utter having stood as a landmark since the seventies, Weather beaten, worn and shabby, the shaky structure .has seen many changes of ownership, since, it was first erected in the sixties; by ,lames Ellis, Nearly half a dozen Proprietors at different titles cat,- ered to the publics until about 25 y,ars ago, when, it tease/4'1W be a. hotel and became a dwelling house for numerous tenants, Its original proprietor, Mr. Ellis, soder out six yaars after he ,built) it`'to a pian tamed McCon,,ors, who J turn disposed of it to kiugl-i McPhee. Mr. McPhee conducted it for several years, finally turning it: (Wert to John Hurd, whoi oivned it till about 1865; whe'n/ it ceased to be l: is a Jtostelry, The old structure is clesely associated ated with' railroad :,ffeirs. Standing behind the old frame station, since gone, il'i, is also connected' with memories of the old stegge ling to ,Clinton be- fore the railway, connected( that -village with Strat old The pro- perty - perty is now owned by Mr. Prank Ryan, who ]las disposed of( the building to Mr. W J. el'lanniga.a, Church street; .through Mr. S. 13. Webb, who has beer} looking after it. It has been an eyesore for sorn'e time and! itst removal will make way lora a substantial,, mod- ern hulloing, TRY -- CONNER'S BUIIER=CRUST SMALL BREAD The Bread of , Quality Wrapped to be Clean and Sanitary Made in Clinton, Ontario 5e Loaf r omatrarimmatar m,..ar Thursday, August, 2th, 91:6, 0 '..fills pleasure givers by Hie, refined es- eellence of '.Copus £awn stationery is added `•'the satisfaction derived from The fact that it Le ",frlcrdc. ' iia eanada." Note Paper Envelopes lnvitn6onn Wnting Tni lot, Pauuterlea Correspondence Cords l nilinlled Stationery , Gentlemen's Club Note. aid Stnitou tv O'ft'en the eheenTst—n ways the Best 1,14. M 44.., a FMSdO,Me../ t,,tM?,, .• Peesiar White Pine and Sprucetalsai What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily re,ieve a cough. Try it— Dispensing Chen ist THE PENSLAi DRUG STORE Furniture, Rugs & • . inoleunis We can assist you iu selecting your Rurniture, if von are goip 'to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd. pieces. • You will find it to your advanta to inspect sur stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good cine of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction JAS. DUNFORD 'Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. INight and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store E OLEARS COUNT Let us give you a price an your Plumbing', or Furnace and see the' Dollars' we can save you. Agents for Recta Furnaces 1 The corner Store "Live and Let Live" I 11The Spite l ils me Pic ales ' 'Have yvobsevd that route piraciesoe aentier meat notes ]lave Jifferent flavors from .others? 1 The cause lies, in the Spine and Vinegar used, Our Mixed Pickling ,Spice • as well as our other Spices are se - 1 lceteci dWith tile.g utmost' care -Yost i can,liot go write,,• in using them. I allspice. 1. Cinnoort iV,hale en grettsd. Cloves,rnwho'and greltni7, Curry Powder, Mace, Tifitic-fio,•(° Celery Seed, Whole' Mixed Pickling Spica. All I.ir.cls of good qualify Vin, errors to select -front 1 1'1re )tare the' PE ti:7ECI` SEAT, Till .11aWkin and CROWN 'Brand Jams, 'Plumbing and floatingi 1E E' • H un nil ford Shop -over Rowlandl's Hard,' are • Phone 53 i PRONE 45. + + + TO FACTS OETTINg DOWN 4 We think our shoes take the topmost poop?, : A in every particular—. • For Style, Fit, Quality, Durability We believe our shoes are generally conceded even by our competitors, to be Shoes of Unusual Excellence The same careful attention is given to the style, fit and dependable quality of our $2,00, $2.50 and $3,00 shoes as is given to our shoes costing .$5.00 or $6.00, Getting down to facts -we believe your shoe money will do better work here than it will at any other store. Shoes for Men, for Women, for the School Boy and Girl, for Very Little ,People, and Infants FRED J2[eKSON