HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1915-08-12, Page 5"d;l.ursdtay, A squat, 1. h 915, ede-es mestwai fajta... But sweetiules t;noli veal ehes. misbehave themselves because they can't help it. 'The4 often do not'get th ease they should. Dirt, accumulates -the watch gets erratic, perhaps stops altogether, Wctn. teen it watch like that into a useful timepiece again fee very little money. We would take it apart! clean it thoroughly, loft it together, and hand it back to yon as rood as nese. Repairs sent by snail will have one earliest attention. We will return it to you by mail postage pd'epaid by us. saniemmesseeteszessmassesseesennetesse W. 11. 11E1.1 VAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN EYES TESTED FREE Manitoba's Premier. Is est fn t the early, das and both became intei•esiIda in politics one in the school o' Rodgees and'Rob "lin and the other in the ranks of the.' Opposition, Opposition Leaders Helped. W hile the Perdue Commission re :pudiated C- P. Fullerton. K. 'C., and the forces behind him and at "tthc, same time vindicated ;Mr.Nor res, Mr. Fullerto'k and Sir James 'Aikins himself during the, election talnpaign• nersiste.l in imply ng that the Commissio.i had been partisan N character ,ancl that it 1 report had ort been Mir. Nothing, coald .have been mere helpful to Mr. 'Norris, especially in tlAe city of Winnipeg, where he is nota as well krowu 'as in the rural p u tsl of the lel adsn e boundsltof hisrerhvri partywitbe- ,^cause -he came to Winnipeg; for n or elath Stand :across body, far•• Icouple of days during the campaign auo� the head pass , yon [arms C+,and under rhe most( favorable ,aus around the waist untilwoutr ls:tnds meet over the let t,side, intel'-loeh- ing the fingers in order to grasp the stomach, between your palms. force out' the water' by rarsimedithe body from the middle tat the 001110e WWWWINWYVWVAMIlke In Tittles Of fence PF In Tunes of War frk Your Eyesight rA aeG "' {al rye, =CZ Failing Vision -an enemy ea to tendert and pletsuit -e.An ed bre nursed into normal unndi 'ac, s at tion l ha.. r - ses rl 1,t a•� r-. y>; i c X11 tr ae ately Advised, grouuu coil art CZ jested-uAeet githe, deessary 'ai� }elirements. FY' To be at war with your eyes is taking a dangerous. chance - I -a condition that„need not d exist, , Cs . Avoid all such follyy' by r weaving g,asses,Ithat well n stue happiness and oonteut mens, nt' 4 J. !Grigg .Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses h/ARRWARAPARARAmANW, ations have been demanding throughout the entire west. Turn Over Darlr Pages With the passing of Sir Rod - mond Roblin ani; tho eleeb!on to office of Ida Norris the darkest nagein the political history 'of Manitoba leas been attuned. over, idol' fifteen year I Manitoba!'has been controlled 'fy , an 10a,ganaz- ation Willett beeainp all lied with every institution whidi rep,re,• se.nitett selfish pine:lsgeand an Ludo cra'tie as opposed too really, rep - sen tat lye 'form of 'government. The drsas'trous end of Roblin rule was in itself an evidence of the character of Manitoba's 'p'olitical history since 1900. Manitoba now steps up beside Saskatchewuntatd, Alberta in the niattee, of- proposed legislation and the middle 'west- ern Provinces become' truly the ground of a new/ democracy. How to Resuscitate a Victim or Browning (From Conservation). 1, Lay 'the patient clown care- fully with face downward. Open mouth wile and if foul with mueus or foreign mattes clean with (hand dpiccs widened greatly his circle of r friends. in this city. A Bachelor anc'1-:it3'armer, Mr: Norris is 53 years old anile.[ h, bachelor. He bought a farm near trnli pressing the hands together, I^ -Griswold, Manitoba, sifter 1esring • Knead inw'nradeed 'upward, under z, Peel County; in 1887, and for' 20 the ribs from the 1011 side towards .ynsrs Griswold has been his house tto centre. Press for four seconds e in 1896 he was elected to the Mani then relax endeavoring to grasp 'toba Legislature as representative mato of • the stomach pouch wailof his present' constituencyGreen- S. of water ceases flowing from,' the tI Lansdowne. When the Green mouth. wayGovernmentvvas defeated` he 2, place a pillow -like support I los'this seat for foan years. hut beneath the victim at the !stomach, was retw ned again to ',.'row up ul Turn his head to windward and •oppositilon to Roblin and. Rogers crook his arm on the side Apposite In 1907 Mr. Narrls was chosen lead tile( face and rest the bead in the era of the Liberu?, pearly in 'Mlani- bend of his, arm. II ttoha and he huts held( that place 3. lancet over the patient facing III in the 'face of them heaviest odds, the head With one icgt,on each side fighting against the machinations, bert of the body, Rest :your upon first of R. 1.., -"wins and dao bands on - his back thum.ba near Ropes and secondly 'ill', Sir Rude the spine at the height of victim's mond Roblin and the Noneeahle elbow, with fingers spread over Robert nRcaders, M. P. ''Ie was 0'01; t11(1 lower ribs. Throw ''yourself ambitious for office he is not;amhit ions with the Premiership. "My ebief desire during these past five years', he 'told The Globe, "has been to put; the' Roblin Govern trent ou't of business 10 'Manitoba' forward with, weight on your nem, and with steady, increasing pres- sure, force the foulAid from. ,the lungs. After four seconds straigh- ten up quicklyi releasing the.ri-bs, so that then will spring 'back into "And" he added, If. anybone place. ,Bend over again. immediate would take over this, job of mily'to':press for four seconds' snore, Ivuoulr1 give its ul),willingly. • People are on Trial. • To look at, the{ new/Premier is tar above tbe aVerpge 10 appear- sente.0L: He is ac big min, standing dignity feed and he has a quiet dt nity which lendsdistindtionl to `his presence on the . iilatifor'in. There is a denided firmness, about, r'the set of tire: straight' mouth, eche prominent chin, the cools blueish, grey eyes and well- formed aqull- -iee,nose. 'Ile spenks very fluently and presents his arguments dor- cibly and well. Mr. Norris, one Wontd: say, has any amount {a2 ply deal strength and ra mind of his neem. this speeches shove', a digin-' 0lination to ind'ulge' int persona rubbing tit r: limbs with ra 'id sttrolc- a'tt,,cke [arid road slinging, During es, first fvons the centre joints to-. 'the. campaign just ended his whole wards the heart land t.ditall, for? an improved 'h'' 1` nent was working clown in this manner to the extremities. a 6. Alter the massaging the pa- tient ullt hint .to bed and if nature] heat cloys not return promptly, clis•• tribute covered hot bier:l ter water bottles al, the soles of the 'feet, oxer the stomach and tinder the Use, armpits, then straighten. Continue this treatment until signs of life See - gin to appear. Make, from twelve to fifteen,' respiratory. acts to., the. minute. Do' not become discour- aged if your. efforts at resuscitate ion do not et first meet with 500 - cess, as often a patient will re- spond after all hopes': seems loisttc. Authentic. cases are on record of victims having been restored to' life alter hying under water 'for as muc'N as half an hours and it has at times token as long .as tour. hours to include natw'al respir- ation in the apparently Strowned. 4. As soon{ as natural breathing sets in strip the patient 'of all wet clothing, cover the upper body something warm and dry anal start' aLrndaud of citizenship. ["The d1tople of Manitoba ere on trial in this electioll,',tva.e his constant Iestatement. In the face oft het riling or questioning the Premier presents himself very favorably, ;,because in spite of a countenance rhich might be judgeel- as a' bit evere, be bile ,keen sense of umr and a kincllyl Pttitrd: todie. wi tth 11111, Who t fel,' ts pc eJ'n. he coulntr re - r tarticularly y 1. mien lamed 1 3s popular. '$e knows - the farmer well, and he believes 6. 1f necessary, give patient whiskey brandy, or then stimu- tants diluted 10 (lot water. Ad- minister in teaspoon or tablespoon doses, every, ten or fifteen min- utes for the first hour, and' as S. strongly in the progressive rhea- often as ,seems 'expedient tller'e- { sures which the farmer's' organize,- after. . 6.9e0emeso•o•cepeseeeseeeseee••ee•e•e•eo•as•va••e••• s • • ▪ Toronto gar Ke� si ioton • 0.•.••••••••••••.••••eeee09eeeee•e•ee••ee•e••ee•eesse Wheat 1.15 Oats 64e t Sutter 26 to 26 Eggs. 25 8.90 Cattle Hogs 9,25' ;Sheep, $6 50 Lambe $10 25 Barley hoe Cheese 13 3-8 'Hogs $8 30 :Butter 22-26 ggs 20 t0' ILe W heist) $0.05. Cats 66e 'Buckwheat; - nc to 75c. Barley 60 to 65e. • iPeal! $i. FiO, a Shorts 30.00. Bran 28.110, Hay for 'owning .2.00 and 13.55 e.frlT ILINT'ON NEW ,ET1A, IST QCT NEWS 13ly th el quiet wedding ;tank place, in St„ Michaele 11 t,) vhn,els on .Sattr,•daw n beef Miss Annie "54'Innitrt,11 dem tai slaughter of bar, and Mts, i.AVIlee ROTI, 'Ole 011i 1(.0 to Iiar010 Idlleitn of Lon don. Rev, Felber 'I-Iogen officiating, � asf>nan The ratepayers of Anbtirp, will onAn ;uet I4th vote on a nyl d' to antis Drize the expeudd;ure or $2.500 in the' purchase of a gasoline engine for pumping water frere ,the River Mait l,tod, for fire ptofectioti, ttaid in laying •IS00 feet of water mains with hyd.'anl.e at proper interviste tend in supplying 201 feet of hese. said 1101100 to extend from River Maitland eiactward along the 11)0)0 street cit the village, a cies 10005 ot1780 feet, to..t pointy opposite the Presbyterian Obarch, with two' running south o{i! said line. Lieut.. A. P. Reid of the loin!.) branch of the Bank of C,immeree, hes enlisted with the Army Medical Corps and leaves to join the rumps ea Destine, Lieut. Reid some time age having taken his course qualifying him as an. mincer, ;Applied for' cumutissioil, but having far ed so far to receive 001, and 1 being earnest in his desire to serve his country, ne has enlisted as a nrivate, Mr, M. A. Pearson of the stall of the London branch of the Bank of Com pierce and formerly of Gnderieh will also join the A. 14L C. winks, Both yonng men ,are well known in Gode rich. - Brumfield Miss Jessie Grainger, trained nurse, who Lias been in Olintoo tor. several Weeks is home again. Mr. and airs. John Oulvert and young ebo, from IIderion, Carrie up on Saturday evening` to visit Mrs. Dui verde parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bowey, Mr. Culvert returned on Sunday evening by auto, hint Mrs, Culvert will remain until the end of the week. Mr Hugh Gilmour had a bee on Fri- day to draw dirt to fill the approach of his new barn. there Wcts a big turnout and everythiug went well. In the evening a big dance was held; to which all the countryside was invited, when a most enjoyable time was spent. The continued wet weather is hay ing a depressing influence on the fanners who are beginning to wonder whether it is ever going to clear alp. Mi and Mrs. Edgar Pattison indeed to Port Huron and Detroit last week. Rev. and Mrs Foote of Thedford I have been spending a coupe of weeks with Mr. Foote's father, brother end sister near here. Mr's. Nichol who is staying with her daughter, Mrs. David Beattie, still continues very poorly. 91)88 Annie Armstrong, with affiend spent Sunday at her home en the Goshen line. Hayfield At B.,ylield, Ont. on Wednesday last the inerriage of Miss Viola, Woods youngest daughter of Me. and Mrs. Woods, to Mr. Talmann L. Wolin, of %snitch took place quietly at the residence of Mr, Woods. The Rev A, McFn.rl,ne of St. Andrew's Church Bay deal, (,ablated. There were no at CendantS ti Mass Sadie Vuod play ed the wedding music. The bride wore a gown of ivory satin and pearl em broidery ,4,13(1 carried ti cluster of white carnations and wore a pearl necklace, the gift of the groom. Mr. Ve oods gave away his daughter. After de jeener Alr, and Mrs '1Vurrn left for Detriot, the going away dress being of may blue, and large black hat. Mr. and Mrs, Worrn will live in Zueiih Seaiortlh Special intercessory services in con nection with the anniversary of the declaration of war were held in St. Thomas Church on Wednesday after noun and in the Methodist charts in the evening. Beth services were well attended A number of entertainments have been given here during the past week in aid of the Red Cross Society. At the military eucher held at the Com nlercial Hotel the sum of $357 was realized for the good cause. The en tertainment in the opera house last evening in aid of the Red Cross was well patronized, The program was given by Local talent, assisted by Messrs Curtis and Belsar, of Buffalo. After the entertainment the young people enjoyed a dance, the proceeds of ccWeb being also given over to the Red cross Society The Seaforth Band succeeded 'in' taking first prize at the firemen's tour nament held at Thorold The wet weather last week has been very unfavori;b{efor harvesting opera Lions and has laid the oat crop in many places flat on the ground and will thus prevent it from maturing. The rain will insure good fall pastures About 40 member's of the. Seaforth Rebekah Dodge motored to tbe home of Mr, and Mrs. Glenn, on the ,London road, near Brucetield, ane presented O" " Mrs. Glenn, formerly Miss Maud Dick son with a'beautiful glass eadin re. •• a� Mrs. Glenn was a valuable member of • the Seatorth lodge while residing here : •' ugodcrioh iiownship I130, Il tl I tui knr'i, motor of •Ohtlst Church l,lstoa'ell, Dat. will eon duet the services and peeled) eso Mid- dltun ; Iinhne.vilie, and Summerhill Next Senility f±oly Communion W111 Ise t3dm utstererl to the three ample mend; Ree, ]1lnlrlton will e0ndnet seryl nee tAt Lutuwel "5'11e fureral. Scold Blare Tues- day afternoon nee -mother of'Ilut•on County's oldest settlers in the person of the late Joseph Mcness- aged 85, froth 'trice residence of -his son ill decalcrich'do.wn, hip. Bern, in Ireland ho came to tthi,q country v.lten Ile was 19 yeers sattled on the homestead on hich het li'n'ed -until just a free[ rwy,'des ago, when leo moved to Godcricli. Be Weis one of the ntosll'prosporous and best knower famed!. in _(ilio community.( Three daughters, Mrs. Melia len, Mrs, Davidson; of L:ungannon; Mrs. James` Bell, of Goclerich, and (three sons ,James home; Arthur tof Uuderich' slut William of Fla:yunun Islands, sur- e ise, 181,. 18fcClusky's death oras clue to 0 paralytic stroke, suffered a month :ego. Bay field John 111oLeod has returned to Bunts ville, Wm, Rnmbell and wife have return ed to their home 10 London The Clinton Kiltie Band entertained al Trinity garden party and were great ly appreciated The Anniversary, services will he preached in St. Andrew's Cbuteh on Sunday next when a preacher from Toronto will preach Our Highland toddies who were taken to Goderich to stand trial on the liquor charge Were quickly discharged under the evidence and they claim that excellent justice wits granted by P. M. Kelly, The witnesses oho are yet un' paid are threatening to sue the temp eranee people for fees and expenses Porters Hill Miss McManus of (Colborne is visiting with hes' friend, Jean L uk Mr, and Mrs, Jim Johnston of Collusions visited at 0. W'. Potter's on Sunday, 11Ir. and Mrs: Jack Hill and son from the :Weed visited at Les. Cox's on Monday . Gertie (Blair is visiting in Wing - ham - diff iK+•tii{r0'IB4fi 1VIen and ;Event.; •000000 000)600•00000000(..••• LORD NORTIHCLIFFR THE Prominent London 'newspaper owner formerly] 1 pessimist re - gaveling the war, now one 1T'L the greeteett of optimists fined $1 and costa fire' exposing his meat for sale in Clinton, But in The evidenced[ brough - forth it found that the meat 'evcis,amplycov et ed and exposed re scd Inc'as was ala lately nenessary in order ' d-0 st-1 it A Lazy Little Beast A lazy, good-for-nothing, little fel- low is the Australian koala, not Laurie good to himself and not much good to anybody else. He won't fight and lie won't run. So sportsmen pay no attention to hint, but the Australians make use of his wooly, ash -gray anat. I and they sometimes club hint to death as he swings lazily in the tree branch- es. This "wearywillie" of the animal family is a night rover; and he seeks his food -twigs and leaves -at night, and the best use he has for daylight is to spend it swinging by his "hands" or bore feet to the under side of a bough. Local News ��,���!!!'' WAMWVAIRMiltly HAVE THE NEW ERA FOLLOW YOU. Subscribers to the New Era many have their paper sent to then[ to their summer address without extra charge. PRINTING We are equipped to handle every kind of Printing -Cataloger, Publica tions, Office Forms, Commercial Sta tionery, Annual Reports, Satisfaction Alevays, at the New Era AS OTHERS SEE US, Exeter Advocate. -Six tin\ e of Exeter howlers motored to C. inton on Thursday afternaon end sub- mitted themselves to tho slaugh- ter which Clinton almost invari- ably hands out to their opponents on their OW11 green. Some! 'of, the scores were ulimentioneble others close, and others the visitors were up a, few points, but 00 the whole Clinton was considerably .ahead; MACHINE GUN The citizens of Clinton' are doh - scribing for a Machine Gun to be presented to the 33rd regiment as They 5000 ard expected: to go to the fronto The collectors' will be pleased 11 any of the eitizens'who have not beer canvassed, will call at McTaggart Bros Bank Major Shaw and Ike; Rnttenbury, who have the' lists,' and(' subscribe. The citizens are generously helping with the good work, t CASE APPEALED, In the appeal oase before Joseph Wheatley, informant and Thos} J, Potter, defendant, which camel bee for Judge, Holt ton July 6th. Jndge- men't was given in favor, of the de- fendant. In the early spring the defendant was browgg'h'tl before Police Magistrate Andrews, end Italy Loves Her Army The Italian soldier is not Only se. verely drilled, but he is also expected to perform a good many duties not us- ually regarded as falling within the requirements of military i 9 y ecru ce. Ifo is expected to render aid whenever and wherever {t may be needed for the protection of life and property, against crime, accident, or disaster; and when, ever a calamity befalls, the first move is always to send troops to assist the suffering. That is one reason why Italy regards her army with affection as her protector at home as well as her defender against toreign a sss• re g 81.011, Voter's List, Clinton, Court of Revision. Notice is hereby given that a court will he held, pursuant to The Ontario Voter's Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge otthe County Court of the -County of Huron, at the OOuncil Ohm her, Clinton, on the 20th day of Aug. 1915, at 0 a,m. to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voter's List of the Municipality of the Town of Clinton for 10.15. Dated at Clinton this llth day of Augast. 101.5 D. L. MAOPHERSON, Town Clerk Fall Fair Dates 1915. Bayfield Oct 5 and 6 Blyth Sept 28 and 20 Brussels Sept 30 and Oct 1 Dungannon Oct 7 and 9 Goderich Sept 28 to 30 Gerrie Oct and London (Western Fair) ,..Sept 10 to 18 Mitchell Sept 28 and 29 Toronto Aug 28 to Sept 13 Seafotth Sept 23 and 24 Winghsm Sept 23 and 24 Zurich Sept 22 and 23 ••••••••••e•••••eseessO••0 •••••••e••••••••••••••••••S •• • • Hulk tt • Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fear spent last Thersdaty with Beneuillee friends. • Mrs. Snell and daughter of Seatorth • spent Sunday with MISS Minnie Gray, it ;Mrs. Weir ane! soar who have It spent the pasta three' months with all Mr, and Mrs. Len.' Weir, returned • :tot, hair home inthq West. • • - •. 00000000000000000000000000 • • TO CORRESPONDENTS. • .i • • --- e e e O Welts on 'one side of the • O paper only. We will be 0 O pleased to supply you with • • all you want. • • O Avoid allitems reflecting l c'in g • e on personal character and do 0, • not send any items' which • • have a double Meaning. Send 0 • ALL the news that IS news. • • • 0 e 9 9 9 • 9 9 0 • e • 9 9 9 99 b.. • • IMPORTANT. •'0 • v e • C • We want a' correspondent- 0 • • in this district and wewould• • • O be pleased to communicate • 1 • For Sale" 66• • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • •• • ••• • A • • a • • • • •• • • • Advertisements, of £Every Kind Money makes Meaney Your money will work while you sloop, If at good Interest, , . 11 final s an sato and you ca a d satis- factory aelsfactory borrower's by ;placing a money-5e•lcatt ad: in our Classi- fied Want columns. A first mortgage Is' as sato as a hank coir 4115 Interest Is twice as big. hal br x J,lw addla Ids MAWS. dads e Bring Most Satisfactory Results from • venin an one wiehin to re. •' •' ^7 • resent ytheir locaht. A 1 • P y.,. i s i 'H % ERA • • supplies furnished. • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••� t•••00L•••a••••••••••••!•1/•d••009••906v6•••••••••S1' 9 !i We've 'bought largely and have had goods coming in freely all year, so our stock at the present is heavy -- in fact, more than we should carry at this season, and in order to reduce it as much as possible we will offer special prices for one month, commencing July 29th. Dress Goods for less than many lines could be bought for to -day. 1 lot of fancy color Crepes, worth 15c for soc Ladies Waists from 35c up House Dresses from 9oc to 1.50 40 pieces of Print atc while theylast 5 3o Children's Dresses to clear Men's Suits, Odd Pants and Odd Vests', Some lines in Boots and Shoes, onlyyf a few of each Come and See what we can ado for You Plu± steel Small Profits ('hone 25. logo kind m More Bnsitsess 0000000eseeee90e006•ee•0e000Se0ee0.0•••ee• Oseee0••e• 9 9 9 0 9 87 0 9 • O 0 9 9 0 0 These are two good reasons why you should select one of outs •• Schools, There are others. Our suggests catalogue g sooty of them, ® It will be mailed free on receipt of your requfo est for a copy. Write O • for it. Address W. II. SHAW, President, We Don't Dump You Into the Business Field half Trained and poorly equipped like many of whore rt leading Toronto business man recently said, "They are not worth a d-," We give you a thorough training, and as a graduate of one of our Schools we Icnow you can do things and do them well. We get right behind you with our recommendation and our Iiithployment Department and place you promptly in good positions, • • • • • • • • • • • 9•• • • • • ••• • • • • • Shaws BusinessSchools • •P Toronto. Head offices Yongc and Gerrard Streets • • e 9 • 0 ••00.0002000000000000000000000000000ee0e000000000e00 e• teeeesee•e••••• • ••06. ••e••••eeeebeeeee•• Local News • ei•9 •e 9 ♦ ♦ e o eee••4eeeeeeeeee•eeeeeeeee• ►•04••••9••••••s•e••eeee• PURCHASED PA[NCstamp on it, and this mild should die, Amos Oooper, of t, 'T Shomas, I, ilIVllriably be followed, has ;lurched a beautiful new Doherty TIIPROVR WIRING, Piano thrcugh T. J. McNeil 1 The council had a communica, BRICK•WORK COMMISNCED j tion from the chief engineer of The bricklayers are busy at the the Hydro EI'nfrio .Power Co,mnlis- don enclosing a copy of the am end ed Power •Countissi,on Act, and notifying them of the appointment of Mr, George .F, 'Heideman as dig trice inspector at Stratford' and advising them that he had been authorized to act I;t electrical en- gineer'for Clinton. A quotation from the letter says Titus contrary to the rules and regulattions of the Act to install any electric light service or covet• any, wiring, with- out a permit from! ;the inspector the strict observance: thereof will greatly improve wiring conditions in the district." house of Mrs, Gilchrist and if the weather keeps fine the brick work will soon he done Of1ANOFMFN GIVE AGUN. The. Orangemen of North 'Huron have decided to donate e m achiue gust to the 331-d. Overseas Batt!. in training at+L ondoe. SHAKESPEARE NEVER REPEATS But everybody can't he aSleakes neare. T 'herefore ,eve repeat - "May we supply your printil) .re- quirements". Call up the New Bra if your st)ck is running low. At BIG 0L, TER. , ' The New Fra, from now till Jan- uary 1.916 foe 35 cents Send it to your friends. Our aim will be to give you all the local news. If ,you know of a family, not getting the ••••••••••••••••eeeeeee•0• New Era do us a favor by sending us their name or showing them the, end is near at hand. Get'ti'ng your. own paper! and [pointing tout busy preparing' for another Winter thef 35 cent offeiS to them, ; campaign has a bad look about it. BOUGHT TFIE LAND. Cut let the close come when ,it may the Allied are bound to come out conquerors. Bolin Bull never does things ley hidve05. , --••-- As the good old Summer Rime be gins' to wane it Would be a good idea', to block rout the campaign for the coming 'Tall and. Winter las 11 may relate to, business school church, lodge, etc.., nod over looking the home. A' good plan well worked is feesuperior to halve ard me'thod's of guessing atter hop ing for accomplishments. By care ful study or situation' a11000om of action, is often obtained that,is entirely lacking where youhtaveto 'lump at conclusions, ttBe, sure you.re'eightand then tgofahead' is not bad logic. --•0 - -.. ,This is the season of the year when the member of the 'Municipal al Council who promised to "bring down the rate" often has to scratch hes head, and look: wise ]as: he, en deat' or do red earn( apaoonnise' he probably never Should have made...,. it is otent n u':1 >i easier to criticise from, the outside ;'than to, perform 'Whenyott are one, of the "insiders"' We can't belong to an Empire fat war though, without being called' upon to eon tribute our share ,to- ward helping secure the"sinews" Many aland will feel' the pinch for long years Ito come. •e•O•®•elee0e•••••••••6••• Editorial Notes The last piece Of land) (behind the stores of Cooper, land Co. Chapman's shoe- storey was' pur- chased by A. T. Cooper from Mr. Tisdale, of Toronto. Mr, Jas. Smith put tho ileac through 'Messrs ads, 'i!lyen, Geo. McLennan, A. T. Cooper, and the Ban(: now own the vacant lot, Which if sold_ to •irother party woalcl give some of them no outlet at alt. WILLIAM GRAHAM BURIED The funeral of William, youngest 8011 of the late Rev James Graham formerly pastor of Rattenbury Meths dist church took place Monday after noon at 2.30 o'clock from the borne of his brother, Rev. Dr. J. W. Graham. 17 Wells street Toronto, to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. The funeral was private. The services were in charge of Rev. Dr. Wm Briggs. The deceased is survived by his mother, Mrs Jas. Graham, a brother, Rev. J. W. Gra ham, and three sisters, Miss Jean Gra 11am of the Toronto Saturday night, Mrs, Walter Ardiel of Toronto, and Miss Faith Graham of Ottawa HYDRO A '�' COUNTING SYSTEM,. One of the features' of the Provincial Hydro exhibit at the Grenadian .NtiLiam' !Exhibition, To- ronto, this year, will be a ciemon stration cf the various laecount- ing systc ms t3secl by et311) Hydro town. Superintendent C'l'ank, of the Cli'•'ton 'Hy leo plant, has re added a circular letter requesting' that sample Dards be forwarded to the Provincial 1 Cu mtset on These systems will .,. be comae b y p3 d, by ,the l0 el Managers with a view to impro eipg ' their own accounting eysteml 11VITHOUT WAB STAMPS. Many complaints aro received that cliec ices are 110vo being issued'' t y 'busin'ess houses without war stamps' on: them` This id especial 11v the ease who'd cl they are sent to outside points, evidentiE with the idea that the person toiwhom they aro sent, will putt, up ,thetwo cents rattled daft a'eturh] tbe elaecic , The person issuing tate Cheque is supposed >to puti' the --00-- 5,000 women, :God,, bless them, had their hearts touched because General De Wet and agrandeo W of Kruger, of South African fame bed. been nabbed early in their insurrection bust+ inose and asked to pay the [penalty for (their disloyalty' by fines a,hc imprisonments. Those dear 54si ters asst that the triaitors he excused and granted their, liberty. Guess. theymad-beasked tocontinue where they are until Peace, is pito- claimed. Theymay thank, thcl r stars it was the British who were dealing with them or'they would, be taking their '"long" sleeps' be -i f.eke this Post contrition may be sincere beet 1± Would( weigh, betttet..-. Iit 11 dict not come', after inability ito Author dodge the enveloping; net : 1Ali